Good deeds of celebrities. The most kind beauties of Hollywood

Fashion & Style 19.06.2020
Fashion & Style

We are used to admiring the fame, influence and fees of world-famous stars, but we hardly believe that they are capable of humane, noble and, most importantly, selfless deeds. But among celebrities there are always those who donate part of their fees to good deeds, and it is very pleasant that there are more and more such stars every year. Today we will focus on celebrities whose noble deeds have conquered the whole world.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey has long been known not only as the star of the most popular talk show in the United States, but also as a philanthropist. For several years now, she has topped the list of the most generous stars. By 2012, the amount that Oprah Winfrey had spent alone on the education of children and women from the developing world amounted to $400 million. She spends less on health care. Oprah also founded a school for gifted girls from poor South African families.

This is only a small part of what the star does: she has participated in annual marathons, clothing sales and other charity events. The celebrity donates the funds collected in this way to the cancer fund, and part goes to help African children.

Charlize Theron

Recently, the fragile American actress was given the title of UN Ambassador to Combat Violence Against Women. Charlize Theron knows about this problem better than anyone else. The tyrant father was cruel to her and her mother, and when she was 15 years old, he died from the bullet of his wife, who thus protected her daughter from his encroachments.

In 2004, at the Oscars, the actress received a statuette for her role in the film Monster, where she played a victim of violence. For this role, she had to change a lot in appearance. Also, Charlize, together with actress Salma Hayek, participated in fundraising for a large charitable organization Virgin Unite, which helps oppressed women from Morocco.


The pop diva of the American stage does not like to brag about her good deeds, so they often remain a secret, but some of them are still well known. For example, during a tour in Moscow, the singer not only gave a long-awaited concert to Russian fans, but also made a contribution to the development of one of the capital's boarding schools. The amount that Madonna donated to the improvement of the school, the star asked not to be named.

In 2016, with the money of the singer, a new school for African children in Malawi. The cost of all work related to the construction and arrangement of the institution exceeded $15 million. The singer regularly holds charity concerts, and donates the proceeds to victims of the tsunami, earthquakes and other natural disasters in Asia. One of Madonna's last noble acts was that she transferred 250 thousand dollars to the account of the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

Jennifer Hudson

To the decision to open charitable foundation Jennifer came after an unidentified man broke into her house and shot her mother, brother and 7-year-old nephew. This happened in 2008, when the actress's career was just beginning to gain momentum. Then Jennifer barely recovered from what happened, and a month later she founded her own foundation called the Hudson-King Foundation, which helps people whose relatives were killed. The foundation provides food and hygiene products, clothes, and the specialists working there provide professional psychological assistance.

Angelina Jolie

The Hollywood star is well known to the world for her good deeds. And, as the site wants to note, she does them not for the sake of PR or additional popularity, but at the call of her heart. The actress has seen with her own eyes many times the conditions under which ordinary people live in third world countries - for example, several scenes of the film "Lara Croft" were filmed in Cambodia. After filming, Angelina Jolie visited refugee camps in Sierra Leone, Pakistan and Tanzania with humanitarian aid in the form of food and medicine. She not only sponsored the purchases, but also took care of the living expenses of the UN staff traveling with her. These actions did not go unnoticed - in 2001, Jolie was awarded the honorary title of UN Goodwill Ambassador.

Over the next 17 years, she visited more than thirty countries and donated tens of millions of dollars to help those in need. Even military operations do not interfere with this strong woman: She visited camps in Libya and Iraq even during turbulent periods. By personal example, Angelina encourages donating funds for the benefit of refugees and actively promotes charity in the world media. A few years ago, she released an autobiographical travel book, and then made a film where she vividly showed the conditions of life of people who constantly need help.

Keanu Reeves

Not all stars like increased attention and fuss around them. Keanu Reeves belongs to the category of celebrities who prefer to lead humble life without mansions and expensive cars. 90% of the fee from the cult film "The Matrix" (and this, for a minute, more than $ 10 million for the first part alone) the actor distributed to make-up artists, special effects specialists and other workers on the set. In addition, Keanu gave away his 12 motorcycles to the stuntmen who worked on the tape.

The actor's sister, who has leukemia, encouraged him to open a charity to help cancer patients. Keanu does not suffer from vanity, which is why this organization never got the name of a celebrity. The actor also fights for animal rights and supports initiatives related to environmental protection.

And he is completely devoid of star fever

He can often be seen on the street next to the homeless - he buys them food, clothes, talks to them. Keanu believes that to help those in need, it is not necessary to go to third world countries, because everyone can look around and see a person who needs help.

Konstantin Khabensky

People's lives often change after grief comes to their family, and the stars are no exception. On the first day of winter 2008, Konstantin Khabensky lost his beloved wife Anastasia, and this event plunged him into a state of deep depression. whole year before that, the actor fought for the life of his beloved to the last, selling property, agreeing to any roles and getting into debt.

In memory of his deceased wife, he founded the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation. Now Khabensky lives in a modest apartment, and donates most of the money he earns to a charitable foundation. The actor does his best to help those who have a chance to live: money, housing, finding the best doctors. He often travels to orphanages: gives gifts to pupils and plays with them.

For the first time on charity issues, he received a call a few years ago: doctors gave Khabensky's number to a woman who lacked 200 thousand rubles for her son's treatment. Konstantin personally brought money for the operation and asked the doctors to call him if anyone else needed help. In the 10 years that have passed since the death of Anastasia Khabenskaya, the number of children whom the actor saved from cancer has exceeded one and a half hundred people.
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Life of the Stars


29.05.15 10:36

Not all stars cope with their fame. Many of them rush into the pool of entertainment and forbidden pleasures, and someone even dies in pursuit of the cherished "relaxing". But there is famous people directing their energy in a completely different direction. By donating large sums to those in need, going to poor countries, helping people, they are trying to make our world a better place and inspire a new generation.

From the heart

Matt Damon is very successful. After him and his to the best friend Ben Affleck managed to win an Oscar for the screenplay for the drama Good Will Hunting, Matt's career went uphill. To date, he has earned over $75 million. Damon decided to use money and power to do something good. He is known for his charitable work, one of the projects in which the artist participates is "" (a non-profit organization dedicated to providing clean drinking water to places suffering from a shortage of such water). Another campaign that Matt is involved in is fighting poverty and AIDS in the Third World.

Popular comedian Amy Poehler is known for her appearances on Saturday Night at live», main role in the show "Parks and Recreation". She organized a community that offers young women an alternative to bad habits. Actress calls modern girl do not follow the “herd mentality”, but be yourself. Poehler dreams of proving to everyone that any woman can change the world, whether she is famous or not.

Started at the age of 15 acting career Leonardo DiCaprio, today everyone knows his name: he is one of the most influential performers and producers of our day. The artist's net worth is about $220 million. But he has a place to invest his money: he is a UN representative and a well-known environmentalist fighting the effects of climate change. After the earthquake in Haiti, DiCaprio made a generous donation of $1 million.

UN good fairies

Charming and talented Colombian Shakira started making music at the age of 13, and by the age of 17 she already had two albums. It wasn't long before the singer founded the Pies Descalzos Foundation, a non-profit organization that aims to make education accessible in Haiti, South Africa and Colombia. Shakira has repeatedly taken part in charity concerts, and she is also a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

In the 1990s, Australian actress Nicole Kidman rose to stardom. The Oscar winner owns $130 million, she has fame and many fans. Over the past few years, she has been doing a lot to make life easier for children from disadvantaged families from all over the world, and she opposes domestic violence. Kidman is also a Goodwill Ambassador, she has the UN Citizen of the World award.

Charlize Theron is from South Africa and grew up there. Therefore, the actress never forgets her homeland. In 2007, she founded a non-profit organization to help African youth and protect them from AIDS. In 2008, Charlize became the United Nations Messenger of Peace, in addition, Theron is an active animal advocate (member of PETA) and participates in several societies that defend women's rights.

Talent + Entrepreneurship = Charity

A cultural icon and a very talented person, Jackie Chan also began acting very early, now his filmography includes more than 150 works, and a net worth of $140 million. He can afford a personal luxury jet for 30 million, but he remains one of the most notable celebrity benefactors. Chan owns a large network of businesses, ranging from restaurants and cafes, ending with his own clothing line and gyms. The actor sends a percentage of the profit from them to good causes. In addition, Jackie bequeathed half of his assets to charitable foundations.

More than 600 million dollars - not every musician can boast of such capital, but Bono, the frontman of the U2 group, not only owns this amount, but also knows how to manage it, investing profitably. But his charitable work is now even more famous than his musical and business careers. Bono is constantly striving to improve the lives of people in third world countries, fighting the spread of AIDS and other dangerous ailments in Africa.

The most powerful women in show business

Angelina Jolie's humanitarian work will also soon outweigh her acting career, she devotes so much effort, time and money to charity. Some kind of turning point in the mind of the actress occurred when she saw the living conditions of the Cambodians. It happened in 2001, on the set of a picture about Lara Croft. Since then, Jolie has been a frequent visitor to refugee camps, educational and medical institutions for children in underdeveloped countries, she donates millions to various foundations, and Angelina also fights for women's rights. She found herself a wonderful ally and helper - husband Brad Pitt shares all the worries and aspirations of his wife.

With a net worth of $3 billion, Oprah Winfrey has enormous financial power to do whatever she wants. Her talk shows have always been aimed at improving the lives of those in need, she is a respected philanthropist and major philanthropist. She has thousands of student scholarships to her credit, a boarding school for girls in South Africa, millions of dollars invested in other good causes. The world has definitely become a brighter place thanks to Oprah!

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Doing good does not require any special abilities or grandiose opportunities. All this is the work of the hands of the most ordinary people. Which means that everyone can do it.

website invites you to learn about the brightest deeds from around the world committed this year. Let's do good together!

Boxing champion builds 1,000 houses for poor Filipinos

Once upon a time, Manny Pacquiao was an ordinary Filipino boy from a poor family, but now he is the only boxer in the world to win the world championship in 8 weight categories. For the first large fee, he built houses for the inhabitants of his native village of Tango. Today, a thousand houses have already been built with his money.

Syrian stays in abandoned Aleppo to take care of cats

Alaa Jaleel from Aleppo risked his life every day to provide food and shelter for those in need. And when people left the city, he stayed behind to take care of their pets. He has over a hundred cats, including a kitten that a little girl left for him when she left. “I said I would take care of him until she came back,” says Ala.

The teacher organized a "Gentlemen's Club" for boys from single-parent families

Raymond Nelson is a teacher at a high school in South Carolina. He could not manage to cope with the bullies from his class. And then he bought jackets and ties and created the "Gentlemen's Club", where the boys once a week learn what fathers usually tell their sons: how to tie ties, how to address elders, and how to be courteous to mother, grandmother or sister. The strict dress code invented by Nelson serves a purpose, because a person dressed in a tuxedo will not fight. “I understand that they behave badly not because they are bad, but because they simply do not have enough attention and love,” the teacher says.

Danish woman saves 2-year-old Nigerian boy abandoned by parents

Almost a year has passed since Dane Anja Ringgren Loven found an emaciated two-year-old on the street. She named him Hope (Hope - hope). His own parents kicked the boy out of the house, considering him a "sorcerer." Then he was a little over a year old, and he survived only thanks to handouts from passers-by. Anya took him to her orphanage, which she maintains with her husband, David Emmanuel Umem. 35 rescued children from one to 14 years old live in it.

When Anya posted a photo with Hope on Facebook, users from all over the world began to transfer money to her. In total, $ 1 million was collected. Anya and her husband are planning a large orphanage and a clinic for children. And Hope now does not at all resemble a “skeleton on legs”. This is a cheerful kid who, according to the foster mother, "enjoys life with might and main."

The runner donated a future medal to help an injured rival

At the Olympics, in the 5,000 meters race, New Zealand runner Nikki Humbley collided with American Abby D'Agostino. Nikki helped her rival to her feet and they ran together, supporting each other. Both athletes not only made it to the finals, but were also awarded the Pierre de Coubertin medal for displaying nobility and the true spirit of sport during the Olympic Games.

Thousands of people supported the girl whose birthday no one came

None of the invitees came to the birthday of 18-year-old Halle Sorenson (Hallee Sorenson). Then her cousin Rebecca asked netizens to support Halle with a postcard with a couple of kind words. And an amazing thing happened - the post office in Maine was flooded with letters and postcards. In total, the girl received 10 thousand cards and gifts.

Schoolchildren repeated the graduation ceremony for their classmate who was in a car accident

Scott Dunn was in a severe car accident just before graduation. After coming out of his coma, Scott was terribly upset that he had missed such an important day. But as soon as the young man was on the mend, his parents received a call from the principal of the school and said: "We want to do something special for your son." It turned out that Scott's classmates prepared a personal graduation for him. The holiday was repeated, and congratulatory speeches, and the outfits of graduates, but this time only one diploma was awarded. Scott was amazed to the core: “I have no words. It's incredible to realize how many people, it turns out, care about me.

A homeless Thai man received a house and a job in gratitude for his honest deed

A 44-year-old homeless Thai named Waralop found a wallet in a subway station. Despite the fact that he had no money at all, and there were 20 thousand baht ($ 580) and credit cards in his wallet, he did not spend them on his own needs, but took the find to the police. The owner of the wallet turned out to be 30-year-old factory owner Niity Pongkriangyos, who was struck by the honesty of the homeless man. He admitted that if he himself was in such a position, he would hardly have returned the wallet. In gratitude, Niichi provided Varalop with a service apartment and a job in his factory. Now the former homeless man earns 11,000 baht ($317) a month and no longer sleeps on the subway.

In Altai, a fisherman rescued a drowning elk from a hole

Ivan Drachev, a resident of Barnaul, was returning from fishing and noticed an elk that had fallen through the ice. Ivan, on the third attempt, threw a rope lasso on his hoof and pulled the animal out. The elk was very cold and trembling, I had to rub it. “It was funny when I sat down next to him, he put his face on my knee and sniffed. It seems like a cow, but it understands everything, ”Ivan wrote on his blog.

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Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova

The couple has been helping children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism for several years now. Three years ago, they opened their own charitable foundation "I am!" Egor and Ksenia are trying to make the life of their charges brighter and more colorful, for this they arrange various holidays, exhibitions and concerts. They also try to create for such children all the conditions for a healthy adaptation in adulthood.

Orlando Bloom

The famous actor has been a Goodwill Ambassador since 2009 Children's Fund United Nations Organization (UNICEF). For several years, Bloom managed to visit many countries as part of charitable projects. Including he visited with humanitarian missions in Ethiopia, Jordan, Syria and Macedonia.

Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun

In 2006, friends and actresses jointly established the Gift of Life Foundation, which has since helped children with severe oncological and hematological diseases. Today in Russia more and more children with such terrible diagnoses get a chance for recovery and happy life This is largely due to the assistance of the Khamatova Foundation.

Keanu Reeves

This Hollywood actor has long been famous for his - in a positive sense - eccentricity. Quite often, Keanu gave almost the entire fee for the film to the needs charities. Reeves knows firsthand about serious illnesses - his sister has been fighting cancer for 10 years, so the actor does not spare money to support cancer funds.

Natalya Vodyanova

The beautiful Russian woman Natalya Vodianova became famous all over the world not only as a super-successful model, but also as a philanthropist. The actress has been actively involved in charity work for many years. Vodianova's younger sister has been suffering from a severe form of autism since birth, and Vodianova knows from her own experience that children with such diseases need special care and attention. Natalia heads the Naked Heart Foundation, annually holds charity concerts, marathons and auctions - all the money from such events goes to help children in need.

Oprah Winfrey

The legendary American TV presenter, producer and actress Oprah Winfrey has been actively involved in charity work for many years. In addition to the financial support of many foundations, Winfrey is the founder of a special school for girls in South Africa. In a country where violence and killings are a daily reality, it is almost impossible for girls to finish school. Through the efforts of Oprah, several hundred graduates of this school already have diplomas from prestigious American universities.

Maria Mironova, Igor Vernik and Evgeny Mironov

In 2008, the actors jointly established the Artist Charitable Foundation, designed to help elderly artists. In addition to providing all kinds of material assistance to veterans of the theater and cinema, the foundation's volunteers also provide moral support: they go to visit their wards, give gifts for the holidays, arrange impromptu concerts.

Brad Pitt

A few years ago, the famous actor founded the Make It Right charity foundation to help New Orleans residents affected by the devastating Hurricane Katrina. In less than 10 years, Pitt and his organization managed to build more than 109 houses. The best architects and engineers were invited to work on the project. The actor personally supervised the work of volunteers and controlled the construction process at all stages.

Konstantin Khabensky

Famous and famous people often look unapproachable, as if they live in a completely different dimension. But it is not always the case. Many stars do charity work, and not always do it for self-promotion, but out of a sincere desire to help. There are those who, from the bottom of their hearts, are ready to lend a helping hand to their neighbor, whoever they are.

The editors of the site have collected the most touching examples kindness and compassion that celebrities have shown us.


Before conquering Hollywood, Steve was a professional firefighter. When the terrorist attack occurred on September 11, the actor returned to work with the New York Fire Department and worked alongside other firefighters 12 hours a day for a week. At the same time, he refused to give interviews to journalists and take photos, saying that he was not doing this work for PR.


This guy is literally ready to give away his last shirt. In Philadelphia, on the set of My Boyfriend is Crazy, Bradley Cooper was concerned about the fate of homeless people who are freezing on the street, and bought several hundred warm coats for them. The actor handed out clothes with his own hands, and when one of the homeless people complimented the actor's coat, he took it off and gave it to the man.


Keanu Reeves prefers to live modestly and spends the lion's share of his fees on charity. He does not like anything superfluous and does not consider it shameful to ride public transport. And he gave about $ 80 million to his colleagues in the film "The Matrix" - lighting, sound engineers and costume designers, because he considered that they deserved it, and their fee was greatly underestimated. 12 stuntmen who performed the most difficult stunts in this film received an expensive motorcycle as a gift from him.


When the actor was in Toronto filming The Recruit, the city radio host announced that he would give $1,000 to anyone who could bring Colin Farrell to the studio. The actor did not like this statement, as he considered it a direct interference in his personal life. And yet, Colin agreed to go to the studio with a homeless man named Dave, who actually got paid for it.

When the actor arrived in Toronto some time later, he sought out Dave. As it turned out, what happened to him ultimately completely changed the man's life for the better and helped him get back on his feet.


One of the heroines of the Harry Potter book got her name in honor of the girl with cancer, Natalie MacDonald, who wrote a letter to JK Rowling. The girl was afraid that she would not have time to find out what would happen in the book "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and asked the writer to tell her the continuation. Joan wrote back to the girl, but she, unfortunately, had died the day before. The writer gave the name Natalie Macdonald to the heroine of her book and went to her parents to give them an autographed book.


Despite the frightening image and the title of "prince of darkness", the musician has a good heart. For example, some time ago he visited a dying cancer boy at his home. They fought video games, read comics and played the guitar. Merlin gave him many memorable gifts. When the child died 3 weeks later, he was wearing a T-shirt that the musician gave him.


In 1996, the actor witnessed a terrible incident. The driver hit the girl on the road and left the scene. Cruz called an ambulance, stayed with the victim until she arrived, and even went with her to the hospital. And when it turned out that the girl had no insurance, he paid the medical bill for $ 7,000.


Before Zach Galifianakis became famous, he worked at the Fox Laundromat in Santa Monica, where he became friends with 87-year-old Elizabeth "Mimi" Heist, who lived in the laundromat and helped patrons for alms. After his success with The Hangover, Zach stopped going to the laundry.

Soon he learned that his friend was expelled from there, and she became homeless. Zach rented her an apartment and still pays all her bills to this day. He also invited Elizabeth to the premieres of all his subsequent films: "The Hangover 2: From Vegas to Bangkok", "Dirty Campaign for Fair Elections" and "The Hangover: Part III".


In 2014, the football player received a letter in which the parents of a 10-month-old child with cancer asked him to sign a jersey and sneakers for them so that they could auction them off and save their baby's life. The athlete complied with their request, and in addition sent a check for $83,000.


When in 2009 the musicians of the rock band heard about Margaret, an 85-year-old woman who claimed that their music helped her in the fight against cancer, they invited the woman to their concert, called backstage and paid attention to her. And during the show, frontman James Hetfield dedicated the song "Nothing Else Matters" to Margaret.

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