Lenin's state farm when the new school opens. New school at the State Farm

Family and relationships 05.08.2020
Family and relationships

The engineering building of school No. 548 in the Lenin state farm near Moscow opened its doors to students for the first time on September 1 last year. According to UNESCO, this school is the best in Europe. These have not yet been built either in Great Britain, or in France, or in Germany, or in other countries with developed educational traditions. And in the state farm named after Lenin, which has been headed by Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin for 23 years, they managed to do it. Moreover, it was decided to make the main emphasis on preparing children for mastering engineering and technical specialties, robotics, and programming when construction was just beginning.

As the director of the school, a well-known Moscow teacher Efim Lazarevich Rachevsky, told the special correspondent of the Red Line TV channel Andrei Druzhinin, several years ago, the trends in the labor market changed. Many parents wanted to see their children not as lawyers and financiers, as in the 1990s, but as engineers and programmers.

Fathers and mothers came to me and asked: “Can you give my child good mathematics, physics, robotics, programming?” - recalls Efim Lazarevich. - You see, today many smart employers are not even looking for graduates of prestigious universities, but yesterday's schoolchildren. The main thing is to have a decent education and practical skills. They look at what school a guy or girl graduated from, what kind of reputation this school has, what it teaches.

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The fact that the construction of the engineering building cost the state farm named after Lenin almost two billion rubles, the central media have already written. They really do not spare money for children in this household. Such are the traditions and principles here, preserved since Soviet times: to spend income on the development of production and, of course, on the social sphere. By the way, the state farm also has one of the best kindergartens in the Moscow region. It stands like a fairytale castle, pleases the eye. And in the local children's town with a park, parents bring their children even from the capital. And after all, everything was built at our own expense, without the slightest help from the state. The director of the economy, Pavel Grudinin, is convinced that the same beauty can be created in any district of the Moscow region - you just need to spend money correctly, not stuff bosses' pockets with it, and not take it offshore.

What is the main thing in the new school? The first thing that catches your eye is the principle of openness in education. There are no barriers even in the design of the premises. Almost all the walls in the engineering building are transparent. You can always see who is doing what. And hence the interest, the desire to join, notes the teacher primary school Olga Deeva. A teacher with twenty years of experience says that ten years ago one could only dream of such freedom in working with the youngest schoolchildren. Alone elementary grades- real game rooms. Others are more serious, stuffed with electronics. The guys are only eight years old, and they already have robotics in their mandatory program.

We started from the simplest, learned to turn on the computer, run the software environment, - says robotics teacher Valery Kudryavtsev. - Now the guys' problems are much more complicated: for example, you need to type some parameter into the block. While not everyone succeeds.

In the next class, first-graders are studying the world. They conduct an experiment with water, lower various objects into the vessels. As a result, new knowledge is obtained.

First-graders are the most inquisitive and open children, - primary school teacher Tatyana Solodkaya is sure. She admits that, communicating with her wards, she herself is learning something all the time. Her work is truly amazing.

The director of the school, Efim Lazarevich Rachevsky, is a great enthusiast of just such an approach to the educational process.

There is an illusion, it goes back to the time of Aristotle, that the teacher knows everything, and the student knows nothing, - explains Efim Lazarevich. - It used to be like that, but nowadays the student sometimes knows more than the teacher. Therefore, a constant exchange of information is needed. To do this, we made the school space open. Everyone sees everything, they can come up, join - this is very important.

Rachevsky's deputy, Nadezhda Vladimirovna Garnish, has her own philosophy of open space.

We made transparent walls and open space at the school so that children would have more trust in each other, and especially in adults, - says Nadezhda Vladimirovna. - Look, we don't have the director's office, the head teacher's office here. We all work in one big space.

Indeed, the teachers' room in the engineering building is separated from the lobby only by a glass partition. This is what the teachers wanted.

There is architectural design, and there is pedagogical design, explains Efim Lazarevich. - We matched them. And all because the teaching staff took part in the discussion of the architectural project. Therefore, pedagogical design determined architectural design, and not vice versa. And this is also very important.

Architecture, as well as construction, is studied in detail by students of the engineering corps in the studio of additional education "Arka". Drawing, then drawing, paper layout, and then three-dimensional computer modeling - everything that can be useful to future architects and designers is taught here. And not only them.

Maria Vitalievna Mikhailova is responsible for the architectural direction at the school. She is a professional architect, project manager for the reconstruction and restoration of the Moscow Kremlin: the bell towers of Ivan the Great, Arkhangelsk, Annunciation, Assumption Cathedrals, the Armory, many objects cultural heritage capital Cities. Superspecialist, and nothing more. And most importantly, what it seeks to teach children is the ability to think creatively and creatively, not to be afraid of difficulties and experiments.

Such skills will help children in any other professions, not necessarily related to architecture, - Maria Vitalievna is sure.

Eighth graders made several art projects out of foam board. Sketches and layouts are like scenery for a science fiction film. But the guys are sure that this is how the urban space should look like in the future.

Society is always striving for something new, unusual, - Anton Bizyaev, a seventh-grader, believes. - Me and my friends will definitely like living in such a city.

The traditional social sciences at this school are taught from a special angle. Especially history.

First of all, we pay attention to technical discoveries, - explains Artyom Murzabulatov, a history teacher.

And this is understandable. It's still an engineering corps.

Labor education is highly valued here. On the ground floor there are workshops: sewing, metalwork, carpentry, separately - a cookery. Here they will teach you how to cut clothes and explain how to use an ordinary kitchen frying pan. Everything you need in Everyday life, what you can do with your own hands.

The principal of the school dreams of finding a good physics teacher.

All my dreams are specific, - he smiles. - And their execution is scheduled from Monday to Monday.

... In the Lenin state farm near Moscow, dreams and cherished desires most often come true. Life in the engineering building of school No. 548 is the fulfillment of such desires in an educational space without borders and barriers. Monday to Monday...

Watch the special report “Education without Barriers” on the website of the Red Line TV channel at .

If your child does not want to go to school at all, sleeps in class and counts crows, send him to one in which he will awaken an interest in knowledge. Doubt that there are, then get acquainted with our article.

Engineering building of school No. 548, State Farm. Lenin

Opening year: 2017
Address: Lenin State Farm, 21 (Moscow)

Official site: https://www.techno548.com/

Many people call this educational institution the school of the future, and for good reason. Firstly, the school building itself is clearly out of the range of typical “incubator” buildings that are familiar to the eye. It has unusual shape and seems completely glassy due to the large modern windows from ceiling to floor. All classrooms are also located behind glass partitions. Therefore, the school is often called transparent. The design of this educational institution was developed by a well-known architectural bureau, taking into account the technical and creative wishes of teachers, the administration and the investor, which was the Lenin State Farm.

No less interesting is internal structure schools. For the convenience of students, the building was functionally divided into two educational wings - for junior and senior classes, and between them the central part with a dining room, a library and an assembly hall was organically located. Each wing contains classrooms, atriums, and gyms. In the recreations - a lot of ottomans, sofas, bookshelves and even a TV. They also have a 12-meter climbing wall with seven slopes of varying difficulty, where you can train during breaks.

For primary school students there is a place for outdoor games, on the territory there is a soft volcano and a tube-slide, unexpected for the usual rigor of the educational interior, in order to quickly descend from the second floor to the first.

High school students have just a multifunctional center, consisting not only of classrooms, but also of various workshops. Usually in schools they are called labor rooms, but here they are full-fledged professional workshops, like in factories and factories: neat sewing and carpentry workshops, a paint shop, a culinary class, rooms for robotics and metalworking.

For creative natures, the school has an architectural and art workshop, a television studio and a sound recording studio, as well as a natural science laboratory for future scientists.

It is worth noting that the school is state-owned and education in it is free.

New school on Mosfilmovskaya

Opening year: 2017
Address: Moscow, Mosfilmovskaya st., 88, building 5
Tuition fee: 50 thousand rubles. per month
Official website: http://n.school/o-shkole/

New private school, created charitable foundation"Dar", opened its doors in September this year. This is another unique educational institution where the child is helped to fully reveal his abilities, to make a choice future profession. The lessons here are fun. The educational process at the school is built according to the personal profile of the student, his interests, abilities and aspirations.

Thematic weeks are held regularly at the New School. For example, a week dedicated to ecology, when children are vaccinated careful attitude to nature. Teachers talk about this in every lesson. For example, in computer science, a teacher gives a lecture on the topic “How the development of technology affects nature”, and in a physical education lesson they demonstrate modern models of sneakers made from recycled materials. In addition, they arrange film screenings, performances and eco-lessons with specially invited guests.

Another feature of the school is the interior, thought out to the smallest detail. At first glance, it seems that it is very comfortable here. Still - in addition to architectural solutions great value is given to the environment itself, as close as possible to home. And if you look closely, you can feel the unique, thoughtful atmosphere of restlessness, which, on the one hand, does not allow the child to stop, on the other hand, allows him to constantly develop himself. During the breaks, he will not just sit in the recreation on the windowsills, because here you can do much more interesting things.

On the territory of the school there is a large transformable sports hall, game room for younger students gym, climbing wall. One of the favorite places for schoolchildren is the black wall on the ground floor, where students leave messages to each other, write announcements, announcements with chalk and draw funny pictures. A riot of fantasy, energy over the edge, emotions cannot be stopped? Write, draw! In addition, a whole floor in the school is given over to various workshops, and the other floor is dedicated to laboratories.

In addition to the compulsory lessons in the afternoon, students of the New School have a large selection of additional classes in a variety of areas. These are pottery and culinary workshops, programming, football, public speaking, development of creative thinking, engineering, bioart, financial literacy, oratory, sculpture, Moscow studies, electrochemistry and other courses. The school does not impose on the new generation the framework of momentary "trends", but follows those that are really interesting to students. In October, the school, together with the Moscow theater "Pyotr Fomenko's Workshop", launches a theater studio for students in grades 5-6 and 7-8.

Khoroshevskaya gymnasium ("Khoroshkola")

Opening year: 2016
Address: Moscow, st. Marshal Tukhachevsky, 45, building 2
Tuition: from 74 thousand rubles.
Official website: https://horoshkola.ru/progymnasia

Khoroshevskaya school is at the same time a kindergarten, elementary and basic school. As an educational program for children, experts use a truly innovative idea for Russia to develop three basic human abilities in the process of learning: IQ (intelligence quotient), EQ (emotional intelligence) and VQ (vital energy quotient).

"Khoroshkola" was developed by highly professional Norwegian architects together with teachers and psychologists. As a result of the cooperation of masters of their craft, the building has become a tool that additionally and quite tangibly contributes to improving the quality of education. This educational institution resembles a modern business center both inside and out: stained glass windows, six-meter stained-glass windows, open spaces, fiberglass staircases, wide corridors and multi-tiered atriums.

Instead of the usual classes, children study in multifunctional classrooms equipped with the most advanced equipment and modern technology. For example, the blackboard in the classroom is electronic, so the question never arises of who will go to wash it from chalk or where to get this very chalk.

School management great attention pays security, so the building of this institution is equipped with smart home technology and is fully controlled by a video surveillance system with motion sensors.

The school has a 25-meter swimming pool, a gym, a media center for interactive learning, a painting studio, a living corner for elementary grades and winter Garden open air.

To conduct various experiments and experiments, a scientific and engineering campus was created in Khoroshkole. In addition to all this, at school, children are taught to play chess, robotics and the basics of programming, the most bread profession in the 21st century.

School No. 1392 im. D. V. Ryabinkina in Vatutinki

Opening year: 2017
Address: 2nd Novovatutinskaya st., 2
Tuition fee: free
Official site: http://schtn1392.mskobr.ru/

A modern school, convenient in every sense for its students. Starting from the entrance to the building and ending with school furniture. The school was built on the principle of a barrier-free environment - the entrance to the building does not have a porch and is on the same level as the sidewalk. The school itself is divided into four main blocks: educational, sports, nutrition and leisure. For primary school students there is a separate entrance where they can go with their parents and undress in peace. Instead of the usual wardrobe with attendants and queues, there are spacious rooms with individual shoe lockers and racks with hooks.

All classrooms are equipped with transformer furniture, so it grows with the student. Instead of a classic blackboard on the wall, there is a magnetic whiteboard and an interactive multimedia panel with a diagonal of more than two meters. Therefore, even those who sit in the “gallery” can easily see what is written. But the classrooms of chemistry, physics and biology are more like laboratories in research centers. They have the same chemical-resistant plastic furniture and special equipment for experiments and experiments. In addition, the school has various workshops: machine tools, robotics, sewing and cooking, as well as a whole carpentry workshop.

Another feature of this educational institution— two own weather stations. Classical and modern electronic. It is impossible not to pay attention to the sports block of the school, which includes five halls at once: four sports halls with gymnastic and sports equipment and one hall for choreography.

The school library deserves a separate description. On the territory of 900 sq. meters, in addition to bookshelves and an “electronic library” with 40 computers, there is a center with a separate conference area. For the convenience of students, the library is equipped with a large number of poufs, sofas and tables.

Boarding school “Letovo”

Address: Zimyonkovskaya street, Sosenskoye settlement
Opening year: 2018
Tuition fee: from 110 thousand rubles per month
Official site: https://letovo.ru/

Letovo is a separate scientific town, where it is planned to prepare students for admission to the best universities in the world. On the territory of 60 hectares of the Sosenskoye settlement there are educational buildings, 10 residential buildings for students and teachers, an orchard, sports grounds, bicycle paths and recreation areas.

The Letovo school building includes 40 classrooms, including modern scientific laboratories, rooms for computer science, and linguistic classes. The building will have five library halls, a theater and a winter garden. Also, the school building will house rooms for individual music lessons, a recording studio, art workshops, and a robotics studio. The sports center has a hall for team sports, martial arts, a swimming pool, a choreography room, an indoor running track, and a fitness room.

The school will open its doors in September 2018, and is currently accepting applications from students in grades 7-11 from all over Russia. As indicated on the organization's website, all candidates recommended by the selection committee are enrolled in the school, regardless of the financial situation of their families. If for some reason parents are not able to fully pay for the child's education on their own, the family has the opportunity to apply to the School Scholarship Fund.

The cost of education in this school according to the standard system will cost parents 110 thousand rubles a month, the cost of a week board will be 125 thousand, and full board - 140 thousand rubles a month.

It is worth noting that in order for your child to enter this school, he must have a great interest in knowledge and, of course, the ability to speak two languages: Russian and English.

According to Yefim Rachevsky, the new, ultra-modern building will truly become a school "when they get the first five here."

School No. 548 "Tsaritsyno" is comprehensive school, in which, along with the general one, you can get a variety of additional education, vocational training, as well as improve their skills in various areas. The center is located in several buildings. Recently, the school was ranked among the best educational organizations general education in two rankings.

During the line, the head of the rural settlement of the State Farm named after Lenin Elena Dobrenkova, a teacher in the past, spoke. “I came to work as a teacher 26 years ago and took the 548th as a basis. I heard a lot about it then,” Elena Ivanovna said. “Today I am glad that the 548th came to us. A new school year begins. , parents - patience, the teaching staff - to master all the technologies and innovations that are in the school."

Knowledge Day is a holiday, and a holiday is not complete without gifts. According to Pavel Grudinin, a member of the Board of Trustees of the school, all first-graders will be presented with tablets.

“Dear parents, did you say goodbye to your children? We will return them to you exactly in 11 years…”, the head of the school Efim Rachevsky addressed the adults in the final of the line.

The first lesson in the building of the School's Engineering Competition was held by Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. He also noted the fact that school No. 548 wins prizes in various competitions, high positions in the ratings. "This is the result of well-coordinated work of the entire team," said the head of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.

""The only way to understand the future is to invent it" is the motto of school 548. And the theme of our open lesson intersects with her. We will talk about the development of Russian industry," Denis Manturov began the first lesson at the new school.

Read more about the new school in the next issue of Teacher's Newspaper.

Photo by Anna Danilina

A separate official website of the new school under construction at the Lenin State Farm has been launched. For the first time, entrance conditions for classes of elementary, basic and intermediate levels have been published.

In the primary classes of the new school at the State Farm. Lenin (from 1 to 4) will be enrolled children living in the village of the state farm. Lenin, without competitive procedures. The planned interviews are focused on identifying the characteristics of the child's development in order to individualize pedagogical approaches in his education, to diagnose the level basic knowledge and skills elementary school those who are already in school.

For children in grades 5-8 and 10 of the new school, entrance examinations are organized at the Lenin State Farm, since the general education programs of the school for children of this age are focused on specialized training with in-depth study of subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology). The main and senior levels (grades 5-11) are planned as an "Engineering School", with an appropriate professional orientation.

Registration is open for participation in pre-registration for completing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8 and 10 classes of a school under construction in the village of the State Farm named after Lenin for the 2016-2017 academic year. For pre-registration, you must fill out the questionnaires in the section "Wishing to study with us".

For students wishing to study in the 1st grade, an interview with the child and parents is provided.

For students wishing to study in grades 2-4 - an interview, which includes the identification of the level of knowledge of mathematics, the Russian language.

For students who want to study in grades 5-8 - an interview and identification of the level of knowledge of mathematics, Russian, foreign languages.

For students who want to study in the 10th grade - entrance tests in the Russian language, mathematics, and an interview in specialized subjects of the natural and mathematical direction. (physics, chemistry, biology, IT).

If parents have chosen a socio-economic, humanitarian or medical direction for their child, it is recommended to enroll to continue education in grades 8.9 and 10 of the Education Center No. 548 "Tsaritsyno" (Moscow, Domodedovskaya st., 35 k.2). For those wishing to study at specialized schools of the Tsaritsyno Education Center No. 548 “Chinese Language School” or “Art School”, registration is open from the 5th grade on the website http://www.mhs548.ru/. On this site you will find programs, contacts and other information.


That in the village of the State Farm named after Lenin, the construction of a new school is in full swing, which will be a branch of the Moscow education center No. 548 "Tsaritsyno". The director of "Tsaritsyno" Efim Rachevsky, answering questions from parents, said earlier that the first admission to the new school "under all favorable circumstances will be from the spring of 2016", and its official opening is scheduled for September 2016. Education Center No. 548 "Tsaritsyno" in 2015 took 16th place in the ranking of the best schools in Moscow.

Alla Soboleva, video: Evgenia Naumova

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On May 25, 2017, a delegation of communists headed by the chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov took part in the acceptance of a new school and kindergarten, the opening of which is scheduled for September 1 at the state farm near Moscow. Lenin.

The progress of the work was closely watched by all the inhabitants of the village. And I must say, the result exceeded all expectations. In just two and a half years, at the expense of the State Farm. Lenin, without attracting budget allocations, from scratch, using the most modern technologies, a school that has no analogues in the Moscow region was built. The four-story building, designed for 550 students, housed bright and spacious classrooms, specialized methodological rooms, physical education and assembly halls, rooms for after-school groups, a library with a conference room and a demonstration area, medical block, cloakroom and dining room. In addition, the school is equipped with specialized recording and television studios, art, music and theater studios, as well as a twelve-meter climbing wall.

On the adjacent territory there is a sports core with treadmills, a football field, tables for table tennis, badminton and mini-football courts. And of course, rest areas, lawns, flower beds and walking paths will delight the eyes of students and their parents.

"Sovkhoz im. Lenin is a prime example social development villages, - says the Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues Vladimir Kashin.- It is easy for us to speak from the stands of the State Duma, having such examples. We have several dozen successful farms in Russia. But the flagship in matters of social development is undoubtedly the state farm named after. Lenin. And we once again thank you for the fact that the ideas of your specialists, supported by the entire staff of the state farm and embodied by the director, are primarily aimed at the benefit of people.

Not every school can boast of such technical equipment. Here, every child will love mathematics, physics and chemistry, be friends with information technology, will be able to realize himself to the fullest, develop his Creative skills, as this school has everything to achieve high results both in sciences and in sports and creativity.

You are great! Good luck and good harvest!”.

During the visit, the communist delegation examined the new building, talked with the builders.

“I have seen more than one hundred schools, but I have not seen anything like it yet,” said the leader of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov, - Here is collected all the best that is in the Russian and Soviet schools, in modern information technology. It perfectly combines advanced equipment with extracurricular activities. Here everything is done with big love, soul and imagination.

The director of your state farm, Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin, has always been distinguished not only by his ability to work for an excellent result, but also by his artistic taste, as well as his amazing Russian modesty. He does his job quietly, unobtrusively. But when such an object is born, it immediately becomes pleasant and festive in the soul. And I even wanted to go to such a school a second time.”

In turn, the director of the state farm Pavel Grudinin emphasized that: “The best state farm should have best school. We are seriously concerned that education is becoming paid. The head of our administration, Elena Ivanovna Dobrenkova, believes that the territory of the village should be a territory of social optimism. So we did not save on this school. Because the best in Russia, in the Soviet Union, was always given to children.”

Then the communists got acquainted with the new kindergarten. This is already the second fabulous castle with pointed turrets, built on the territory of the state farm. Lenin. The previous one opened in 2013. The new kindergarten, designed for 180 pupils, was designed by the individual order of the administration of the rural settlement and the Council of Deputies. The fabulous structure will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults. On one of the turrets of the castle there is a stunning musical clock with moving figures of Russian characters. folk tales that attract the attention of both residents and guests of the village.

The building of the kindergarten has spacious music and sports halls, playrooms, cozy bedrooms, and on the territory there are large playgrounds with bright and varied houses and slides. In a word, educators and teachers will have the opportunity to work here in the most best conditions, and the kids in comfort and coziness will prepare for school.

At the end of the tour, Gennady Zyuganov shared his impression of what he saw: “It is known that the family must teach the child to work and pass on the best traditions. School is to form a citizen and a patriot. And culture is to make the morals of people more humane, more spiritual.

This school is a qualitatively new model, where everything is connected, and an excellent educational process, and the best equipment, and best ideas Russian-Soviet school, and what recent times appeared in the world in terms of teaching methods and training of excellent specialists. I like that this school has everything for the development of the child.

Notice today last call. And today the school is being rented out so that the teaching staff has three months to prepare for September 1st. And I'm sure that by September 1, everything will shine here.

Opposite is kindergarten. And nearby is a magnificent park based on Pushkin's fairy tales. There is also a wonderful sports stadium here. Pay attention to what kind of residential quarter is built. All this was done by the workers of the state farm named after Lenin. So we must thank Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin for this.

In order for the country to be literate, promising, and to fulfill social guarantees, it is necessary to spend at least seven percent of the expenditure side of the budget on education. Approximately the same amount goes to science and healthcare. Here, in this economy, they spend twice as much. And they get huge returns from it. We need to learn from them before it's too late. I invite everyone to get acquainted with this unique educational complex and our amazing state farm named after Lenin!

Secretary of the Moscow Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Committee on Local Self-Government of the Moscow Regional Duma Alexander Naumov after visiting a new school, he indicated that such unique educational institutions across the country can be counted on one hand: “And in the Moscow region there are no more schools of this level. It has absorbed all the newest and best scientific achievements. Here, on the territory of the Lenin State Farm, everything has been created for a comfortable stay for every resident. It is necessary to strive to ensure that there are such schools in all municipalities, not only in the Moscow region, but also in the country as a whole. I am sure that the children who will come to this wonderful school on September 1 will grow up to be real citizens, patriots of their country.

The Lenin State Farm is a territory of social optimism. Anyone who comes here for the first time sees smiling faces of people, developed infrastructure, excellent social conditions for living. There are wonderful ponds here, where people come to fish from Moscow and other cities of the Moscow region. It is no coincidence that such wonderful kindergartens and a school were built at the Lenin State Farm. There is a highly developed enterprise here, headed by Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin, and, despite the wild market conditions, it is developing and supplying many cities in the Moscow region and Russia with environmentally friendly products. Strawberries are grown here, which is not only a symbol of the state farm, but also the best in quality in the country. There are also farms, gardens, vegetables are grown, which provide the population of Moscow and the Moscow region. I myself very often come here to buy whole, natural milk.”

"Sovkhoz im. Lenin is a unique territory, - stressed the leader of the Communists near Moscow, the head of the Communist Party faction in the Moscow Regional Duma Nikolai Vasiliev. - Every time you come here, you understand that the main thing here is taking care of people, their comfortable living. Comfortable houses, a modern outpatient clinic, the House of Culture, cozy recreation areas, a church, a wonderful children's park built based on Pushkin's fairy tales. And today we are present at the acceptance of a new modern school and fabulous kindergarten. Everything is here to make the childhood of the children truly happy!

Probably in every district, region there are places known to every inhabitant. In the Moscow region, such a place is the Lenin State Farm. His fame spread throughout metropolitan area. Whole families come here, not only for strawberries, which are undoubtedly very tasty, but also just to take a walk with the children. After all, the playgrounds here impress not only children, but also adults who, looking at fabulous buildings, want to return to their childhood and, along with their children, jump on a trampoline, ride slides, and just climb into a fabulous house.

And of course, it is not surprising that almost everyone who comes here, at least once, thinks about changing their place of residence. After all, every parent wants the best for their children. And at the state farm. Lenin collected all the best!

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