The best ideas for holidays in Abkhazia: useful tips. The whole truth about what Abkhazia looks like Gagra vacation actually Where better to go: an overview of resort cities

Interesting 09.09.2019

... From the soul of the brother, soul to soul.
A normal guy gets high when he hits the bag
From the soul of the brother flies into the soul.
City life - there are only fences around,
And I was born where there are only open spaces.
I'll start the engine, lower the springs,
The higher the mountains, the lower the priors. Timati, the song "Lada Sedan - Eggplant."

When you hear rave reviews from tourists about a vacation in Gagra in the country of the soul, you want to pour a fly in the ointment into this sugary-sweet Abkhazian barrel of honey. It's a shame that we are kind of tourists already tempted by travel, who did not have any special illusions, as a result, we got a completely insane rest. Therefore, I open your eyes in a review of what a vacation in Abkhazia - Gagra looks like in reality.

  1. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - our first impressions
  2. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - cons
  3. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - pluses
  4. Conclusion

1. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - our first impressions

The first thing that shocks is the view of the railway station. Acquaintance with the city begins precisely from this hot spot, where the commuter train Adler - Gagra brings all tourists.

For people who first saw the railway station in the city of Gagra, it becomes incomprehensible: this is a working institution or scenery for a horror movie. Its shabby appearance and blackened walls evoke thoughts of a ghost town from Silent Hill.

After landing on the platform, we, as tourists who arrived here for the first time, stood in confusion and thought which way to go: there is no sign anywhere: the exit to the city and the parking of buses with drivers. After thinking a little, nevertheless decided to move towards the sea. I had to drag backpacks over the rails, because the rickety rusty bridge across railway does not inspire confidence. When you drag your suitcase along the sleepers, bypassing the cows grazing here and the cakes they left behind, the first depressing thought comes: what am I doing here anyway?

It was elementary to go out of need as it turned out at the station there is simply nowhere. Moreover, the conductors did not allow us to use the toilet in the train - it was not allowed according to some kind of instruction related to crossing the border. What is a tourist to do? Run into the bushes or leave your "greeting" right on the rails, like a local cattle?

Fortunately, we had bicycles, on which we rushed to the local market. As it turned out later, we were heading in the right direction - the resort recreation area or Old Gagra begins not far from the local bazaar. In general, I don’t advise renting a house near the railway station, it’s better to get to Avidzba and Abazgaa streets.

Railway station Gagra, Abkhazia

The Abkhaz city itself is conditionally divided into two districts: old and new Gagra. In the old ones there are sanatoriums and boarding houses, there are preserved sights - such as the colonnade and the park of the Prince of Oldenburg. And in the new Gagra, the local population lives, which rents square meters to vacationers. If you are not ready to pay 1,500 - 3,000 rubles for a day of stay in museum-type sanatoriums, more than a century has passed since the year of construction (and the level of service leaves much to be desired), then you are welcome to search for budget housing. In new Gagra, prices for a bed start at 300 rubles per day.

Common sense told us to settle near the local market in order to be able to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Therefore, having run around the local courtyards, we found housing that completely suited us: it was a 10-minute walk to the sea, there was a courtyard and our own kitchen with the ability to cook. What I didn't like was the concrete floors outside. It would be nice if these were narrow paths, among greenery and flowers. So the owners for some reason turned the yard into a bare area, without a single piece of land. And the garden was in the backyard, and it offered a wonderful view of the mountains.

The hospitality of the hosts slightly blocked the first unpleasant impressions of the city. But in consequence, nevertheless, we were overtaken by disappointments that will spoil the rest of any tourist here.

2. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - cons


This is rudeness that comes from the local population. Whether it is a passer-by or a trader in the market, they are all filled with some kind of dislike for tourists. Gagra, as it is known since Soviet times, is considered a resort town. Remember the movie and the phrase in the phone booth: “Hello, Anyuta? You can't imagine! I'm flying to Gagra now."

Tourism revenues in Abkhazia make up almost a third of the country's budget and a million tourists visit this place every year. I don’t know about the rest, but I am no longer drawn to return to Gagra, even if there is at least the cleanest sea in the world and the most healing mountain air.

Despite the fact that for the majority of the population, all earnings are what the tourist flow gave during the season on renting out housing, selling wines and cheeses (then the locals simply toil until the next season from unemployment and lack of money). Attitude towards a vacationer is just the height of rudeness and arrogance. I had a feeling that local men consider it their duty to yell at the opportunity or rudely pester a girl on vacation. We have not come across theft, but judging by the deplorable reviews on the forums, it also flourishes here.

Once, when we were riding a bicycle with a child, some passing aborigine was not too lazy to open his window on the “eggplant-colored seven” and swear after us like: why are you riding here, interfering with traffic. I didn’t understand at all how I could interfere with him if we were moving along the sidewalk. Naturally, I just pretended not to notice.

Another case occurred in the market when my sister was called a cow (although she weighs 50 kg). She tripped over the boxes that lay on the walkway. And such rudeness, for all the time of rest in Gagra, we met a lot more.

Moreover, here you begin to consider not only the local people, but also animals as aggressive. Dogs are what impressed me the most. We simply could not safely ride bicycles, because a rabid pack of dogs immediately rushed behind us, trying to poke our legs. Some simply barked at us to the point of frenzy, while frightening me and the child sitting behind my back, and these were not stray dogs, but plump yard dogs. The aggression and anger emanating from them forced me every time I saw even a small dog to take the bike by the arms and go on foot.

“If a child is nervous, it is necessary first of all to treat his parents.” Agniya Barto

At these moments, I sadly recalled our vacation in Thailand: kind dogs that looked like cubs. Which are friendly to tourists and allowed to play with them.

And I would like to give advice to all women and girls who go on vacation to this Caucasian resort. Citizens never walk alone in the night Gagra, it is not only fraught with adventures on the f...y, but also dangerous. We saw how a local tipsy man in a cafe climbed with his fists to fight a woman for refusing his "elephant" courtship.


Speaking of the local market. The prices here seem to have descended along with the clouds from the mountains - they are so sky-high. Traders from the market here ask for their vegetables and fruits two to three times more than in Russian stores and supermarkets. At home we ate much cheaper. Here, for the same tomatoes and cucumbers, you had to overpay twice. I'm not talking about milk, kefir and cottage cheese, which have become just a luxury during the holidays. If you are interested, I wrote about the prices of Abkhazia in Gagra for products in the previous one. Moreover, all goods are imported and not the first freshness. In Abkhazia itself, nothing is produced except wine. Sausages and cheeses in stores look like they have been on display for years. The ice cream is tasteless, and once we even got a dummy.

Be careful when buying local delicacies from merchants - churchkhella. Under the guise of fruits marinated in juice, they sold us a churchkhella, inside of which there was not a single nut at all and even a fruit slice! However, it turned out to be stale and it was impossible to bite off.

If you thought you could replenish your wardrobe in Abkhazia, then you will have to shell out a tidy sum. Traders in the market ask for 800-2000 rubles for a T-shirt, and what you want, they say, is Turkish quality. I don’t know for whom the sellers set these prices at the Gagra market in Abkhazia, but I definitely wasn’t going to buy clothes at that price.

Poor service

And God forbid you go to the local hairdresser. I've never seen such rude barbers anywhere. What was called a youth haircut in the price list looked like “a Ukrainian at a wedding” on her husband. It's good that he could wear a baseball cap as long as his hair didn't grow.

Divorce tourists

Perhaps the most impudent divorce of tourists that we met happened to us on an excursion to Gagra. The program was called horseback riding, and in addition to the trip along the winding paths on horseback, our guide suggested that the tour group look into. When we asked about the entrance fee, the guide smiled widely and said that everything is included in the price of the tour. Although the program did not indicate a visit to the zoo.

And at the exit, a surprise awaited us all, that you had to pay for the exit. The fee for visiting an additional excursion in the form of a zoo imposed by fraud was 500 rubles. from a person. And they literally did not let us go until they took the money for the ticket. They asked my sister for lack of money gold chain! Then, nevertheless, they persuaded the child to leave for free, and charged only for adults.

A similar divorce awaits you on an excursion to Gagra to the lake, when the guide will offer, in addition to the standard program, to drive to Stalin's dacha or climb higher into the mountains to see wonderful waterfalls. Naturally, you will have to fork out and most often this amount will be more than the cost of the excursion itself. We read about it on the forum and people said that you can refuse and then part of the group will go without you, and those who do not want to can stay and wait until they return.

But where to wait friends? The question of who goes to Stalin's dacha and waterfalls, and who stays, is asked by a guide in the mountains, where there is no specially designated place to sit or take a walk. There is not a soul there at all. And if you believe the locals, then in these places independent tourists were bitten by bears and wolves. And even if you do not believe these rumors, it often happens that tourists in Gagra are simply forgotten to be picked up. Everyone has to dutifully go with the whole group, because two or three people have expressed a great desire to visit Stalin's dacha. Yes, and somehow it is inconvenient for a Russian person to be indignant, otherwise they will think that you are a miser.

Ruins of former splendor

In addition to the fact that all the buildings here have not been restored for a long time and in some places, by a lucky chance, only cosmetic repairs were carried out, the city is full of houses destroyed during the war. You seem to be walking along the road leading to the sea, but you are walking through the ashes. The sight of blackened walls and broken glass on the frightening-looking houses, which for some reason no one demolishes, evokes only depression. Therefore, we tried to go to the very end of Gagra and went to the beach near the park. But fans of the post-apocalypse will definitely like it here)

The park of the Prince of Oldenburg itself can hardly be called a local attraction, and even more so a park. It is in disrepair: the ponds that are located in it have long been overgrown with mud and are more like a swamp with the smell of frog waste products. Walking along it is also not enough pleasure: the sidewalks and paths are collapsed and you need to constantly look under your feet so as not to screw up. Garbage, like in the city, lies here for years and no one cleans it up.

Path along the coastline near the park of the Prince of Oldenburg

Sea with jellyfish

I don’t know whether we were so “lucky”, or whether these are constant tropical cyclones, a feature of Gagra. But with sunny and hot summer days, it was quite tight here. Almost every day, the morning began with heavy rain, then by afternoon the sun began to warm up. While we happily hurried to the beach, the clouds again managed to thicken, and after the first entry into the cold sea and swimming, we found ourselves caught in a torrential downpour.

We freeze our ears on the beach in Gagra at the height of the summer season

Instead of sunbathing in the sun, we quickly ran home to dry and warm ourselves. Several times, bad weather caught us on excursions in the mountains, where the temperature is even lower, so I advise you not to go to the mountains in beach slippers - you risk catching pneumonia. When the husband returned from the tour all wet and frozen (as it turned out they were being driven in the pouring rain in the open back of a UAZ), he urgently ran to the hostess for chacha. It's good that there is local moonshine that saves from colds. Therefore, it is better to take a jacket and sneakers with you on vacation, otherwise the unpredictable weather of Abkhazia in the city of Gagra will add to your hassle with finding warm clothes.

Normally enjoy the sea still interfere with jellyfish. Although they do not sting, swimming among these jelly-like umbrellas is not a pleasant pleasure. In addition, the sea for almost the entire period of our vacation - the middle and end of June, was cold.

And once, with a strong gust of wind, a beach umbrella flew over us - an old and huge one with a rusty metal rod. Beach vendors rent them out and stick them in the pebbles next to vacationers, and then they are blown along the beach by the wind at the risk of injuring someone. If we talk about the infrastructure of public beaches, then there is nothing of the kind here. No showers and toilets, the beach line is littered with fittings. If you want a more or less decent beach, drive towards the park, opposite the Rusalka cafe.

3. Abkhazia Gagra vacation - pluses

It would be unfair to write only about the negative aspects, because nevertheless we brought our portion of good impressions from here.

healing air

You will not find such amber in any other country, the air in Abkhazia is thoroughly saturated with the smell of eucalyptus and relic pines. It seems to me that even our clothes smelled of them by the end of the holiday) He immediately hits the nose at the entrance to the city of Gagra and accompanies souls in every corner of the country. In fact, eucalyptus trees here are not quite common, and in comparison they do not go with their own relatives in neighboring Adler. As the guide explained to us, these trees have sex here, and male eucalyptus trees are much less common. Just like humans.)

In addition to unusual features, these trees are able to heal serious diseases, so if you have problems with respiratory system- allergies, bronchitis and so on, the doctor himself prescribed you to breathe in the healing Abkhazian air. Relic pines in Pitsunda and New Athos have the same healing properties.

Clean sea

It is really turquoise here, not dirty green, not bluish-blue. The fact is that we went to Abkhazia after Adler, and were surprised when the Black Sea seems to be the same everywhere, they are separated by only a few kilometers, and the color and transparency are different. In Abkhazia, the color of the sea is amazing, it is not even marine, it is some kind of ocean or something. Its turquoise fades into a cool shade and it turns out such a beautiful color, like from a picture of a tropical island. The water in the sea is clean and transparent, and the bottom can be seen for several meters.

The mountains

Mountains will accompany you everywhere, they are majestic and irresistible; My husband was especially delighted with the Abkhazian mountains, his heels itched to conquer them quickly, if you are a mountain lover in your heart, then you will definitely like it here.


If someone tells you that in Abkhazia the mountains are higher and the nature is more picturesque, in comparison with neighboring Adler and Sochi, they will be absolutely right. If you close your eyes to the lack of amenities and the lack of quality service, you can enjoy local views and natural landscapes. I would even say that Abkhazia is a paradise for an independent traveler, for those who are used to living in tents in the wild.

Abkhazia is like a box in which every traveler will find something valuable for himself. There are gorges, waterfalls, hot springs, trekking trails, caves and ruined cities. Tropical fruits grow in the gardens, which at home you are accustomed to seeing only on the windows in expensive supermarkets. If you are ready to abstract from all the above minuses, then welcome to the country of the soul, perhaps this place will resonate in your heart and stay there forever.

4. Conclusion

Perhaps my review of the rest in the city of Gagra - Abkhazia will seem too negative to someone, but believe me, it was so. I tried to describe everything thoroughly truthfully and you decide where to go to rest next summer. God only knows what will happen tomorrow, but we are not going to plan a second trip to Abkhazia.

With us you can go on vacation to Gagra (Abkhazia) without intermediaries. The private sector, guest houses, boarding houses and hotels are at your service - the prices of 2019 will pleasantly please you, but we offer places of rest that have been tested by tourists and time. You can completely relax from the bustle of the city and spend a long-awaited vacation in a city-subtropical park with many alleys, parks, ponds and, of course, small-pebble and sandy beaches.

How to organize an inexpensive vacation? There are 2 options. For smart people - make an earlier reservation, preferably before the end of April. If you didn’t have time, you remembered your vacation late, then contact the objects located on this page - accommodation conditions from the owners, some of them make promotions and you can stay on attractive terms even with bookings in season!

Most vacationers, including those from Russia, prefer to stay in the private sector. These are not only residential buildings in which the owners themselves live, but also many specialized mini-hotels. Perhaps this will be the most best option in terms of value for money. When determining the cost, the following factors should be considered:

  • Distance from the coast. On the first line are the most famous and expensive boarding houses and hotels. They also offer good service, full board. A frequent choice for holidays with children.
  • Location on a slope or gently sloping terrain. Walking uphill is always useful, in addition, even such a small distance significantly reduces the price of a room.
  • Availability of amenities in the room. There are objects with amenities on the floor, so check in advance. The latter are, of course, cheaper.
  • Availability of food or cafes nearby. Tourists looking for an affordable, inexpensive vacation in Gagra make a common mistake - they are located at a great distance from cafes and shops. As a result, they live without food and spend a lot of time looking for food and catering points. We have selected objects where there is a good infrastructure nearby. Full information can be obtained from the owner of the object, do not hesitate to ask questions.

Average prices for holidays in Gagra in 2019

Prices are per room per night without meals

How to get there

The city is located in the western part of Abkhazia. In this place, the spurs of the Greater Caucasus come closest to the sea coast. Thanks to this, warm sea air is retained over the city, forming a unique microclimate. Due to the sharp difference in altitude, constant ventilation of the air is carried out, so even in the heat there is a comfortable freshness. Nearby is a number of popular Abkhazian resorts - Tsandrypsh, Pitsunda, Gyachrypsh. The nearest Russian city is Adler.

To come to Gagra, it is best to go through Adler. It's close enough. Good transport links have been established between Russia and Abkhazia. A distance of 40 km can be traveled by regular bus, train or even a catamaran. It is better to take an internal rather than a foreign passport with you. The stamps of the border service of Abkhazia will not allow you to subsequently enter Georgia.

General information, history

Gagra or Gagra (as the city was called in the USSR) is a relatively small locality. About 12,500 people permanently live in it. This is a resort city in which there is no industry. January 9, 1903 is considered the official birthday of the city. Gagra was immediately conceived as a resort. The ideologist of its creation was the Prince of Oldenburg, who belonged to the royal dynasty of the Romanovs. It was he who decided to establish the "Russian Monte Carlo" here. And to some extent he succeeded. Before the arrival of the Russians in these territories there were settlements of the ancient Greeks, Genoese, Turks and other nationalities.

Rest in Gagra attracts with picturesque landscape, mild climate and warm sea. The resort is year-round. Even in winter period people come here to admire the local beauties, take air baths and visit many local attractions.

The attitude of the local population towards the Russians is very friendly. Despite the recent military conflict, the city is quite safe. The only thing that Gagra is still inferior to the same Sochi or Adler in terms of service level, but the region is developing.

Things to do

In the city itself, it is worth seeing its old (historical) part with the castle and the park of the Prince of Oldenburg. Also be sure to go to the Colonnade - the central embankment, which is already an architectural monument of the Soviet period. At the entrance to the city is the Abaata fortress, which is more than 15 centuries old. You can go to one of the most famous places of worship in Abkhazia - New Athos Monastery, although it is about 70 km. Also a must visit is Lake Ritsa. It is a little closer to the city, at a distance of 50 km.

The city has a lot of exotic vegetation. Here you can walk for hours, and still not be able to consider all the richness of the local flora. And finally, Abkhaz cuisine, which you can try in many local restaurants and cafes.


The climate of Gagra is subtropical and humid. The reason for this is high mountain ranges, which do not allow free movement of cold air masses from the continent. The water from the sea here is considered the warmest in the entire Caucasus. Peak season is from July to September. The temperature of air and water reaches 30 degrees. Winters are very warm, the temperature never drops below +10 degrees. Precipitation is fairly frequent, although not prolonged. The temperature pattern varies greatly with increasing altitude. Even on the hottest days, the mountains are cool and foggy. Rest in Gagra is considered useful for both children and the elderly.

Average monthly air temperature by months

Average monthly water temperature by month


All beaches of Gagra are pebbly and sandy. They stretch along the entire coast for 53 km, without interruption anywhere, with the exception of the bed of the Bzyb River, which flows here into the Black Sea. The width of the beaches in certain places reaches 100m. There is never a high density here, although there are quite a lot of vacationers. Most tourists are on the beaches of Novaya Gagra, which are covered with small pebbles with sandy stripes. In part of the old town, the pebbles are larger and the bottom is quite rocky. Most of the beaches are unequipped. In some places it is possible to rent beach equipment. Although the new development area even has its own water park, and the service structure is more developed.

Abkhazia is a hospitable sunny country on the southeastern coast of the Black Sea, bordering the Krasnodar Territory of Russia in the northwest. After reading our article on the Tour Calendar, you will find out why the end of May, June, beginning of July and September is the best time to relax in Abkhazian resorts.

Tourist season in Abkhazia

Most Russians remember Abkhazia as it was 20 years ago after the armed Abkhaz-Georgian conflict. Now a lot has changed here. It is too early to talk about obvious prosperity, but the fact that the Abkhazian government is actively engaged in the development of the tourism industry, building new sanatoriums, hotels, ennobling beaches, cannot but rejoice. After all, the natural gifts of Abkhazia are priceless, and now they are available to everyone! Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourists who come here from May to October prefer the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia to rest in Russian resorts.

High season

Summer is a small life. And I want to live it with pleasure for the soul and body. For both the first and the second, Abkhazia becomes an ideal choice; it is not for nothing that the name of the country in translation from the Abkhaz language sounds like “the country of the soul”. Genuine hospitality of the locals, cleaner than in Krasnodar Territory, sea, very low prices for vouchers, nature striking in its luxury with picturesque places known to the whole world, as well as a completely different culture and a different flavor. That is why about 400,000 Russians every summer seek to leave their homeland, going to the Black Sea coast to neighboring Abkhazia. In addition, it's no secret that one of the main reasons for a vacation away from home is the thirst for a change of scenery.

low season

Immediately after the end of the velvet season, the last tourists leave Abkhazia. Now for the whole 7 months the tourist industry is immersed in hibernation. And already from mid-April, active preparations for the meeting of long-awaited guests begin.

Beach season in Abkhazia

The official opening of the swimming season falls on the first days of June. However, already at the end of May, due to moderately hot weather, the sea warms up to +18 °С .. +20 °С, so at this time there are a sufficient number of tourists on the beaches. In July and August it gets quite hot, and at the same time there is a significant warming of the water - +23 °С..+25 °С. It is noteworthy that even in the midst of summer there are not as many people on the beaches as on the Russian Black Sea coast: there is no fuss and noisy polyphony, so the rest is quite measured. And this is a rarity during the holidays.

Velvet season in Abkhazia

With the onset of the first days of September, there is little to say that autumn is in the yard. On the contrary, she is in no hurry to enter into her rights. The weather bestows soft warmth, gentle rays of the sun and gentle sea - about +25 °С..+26 °С. The velvet season in Abkhazia, which lasts from September to mid-October, is the most best time rest in all respects.

The best time for excursions

The Abkhazian people, despite the difficult fate, managed to preserve their original culture. A huge number of historical monuments are concentrated on the territory of the country. Natural sights are no less impressive. To inspect all of them can take, without exaggeration, several years! It is not necessary to set such a grandiose goal, you can just visit the most popular of them. So, if the format of your trip to Abkhazia is purely excursion, then the trip should be planned for the end of April, May, September and October. But if you still want to take full advantage of visiting this amazing land, then the month of June will be a win-win option.

Wellness season

Favorable climate, healing mountain air, saturated with the smell of pine needles, rich Natural resources created all the conditions for the development of the sanatorium business. In Soviet times, privileged people came to Abkhazia for recovery, and today it is a popular health resort that welcomes everyone who expresses a desire to improve their health. Autumn and spring are the most favorable times for undergoing procedures, but winter should not be discounted.

religious season

A large number of Orthodox shrines are scattered throughout the territory of Abkhazia. Pilgrimage tours to the holy places of Abkhazia are especially popular among Russians on the eve of religious holidays. Tour operators usually offer organized trips around Christmas and Easter Eve.

Time for holidays and festivals

Like all Russians, Abkhazians celebrate Orthodox Christmas on January 7; on the night of January 13-14 - the day of the creation of the world "Azhyrnyhua"; April-May is the traditional Easter "Mshapy", coinciding in time with the Orthodox Easter; On May 9, they remember the events of the Second World War; September 30 - Independence Day of the Republic of Abkhazia; Another public holiday is celebrated on November 26 - the Day of the adoption of the Constitution. But the most important holiday of all Abkhaz Muslims is "Kurbannyhua" or "Kurban Bayram", which falls on a new date every year.

Climate in Abkhazia

Proximity to the sea, protection from the cold Caspian winds by the chains of the Caucasus Mountains, as well as constant southwestern winds, formed the climate of humid subtropics in the flat areas. Summers are hot here, and winters are warm and with little snow. The amount of precipitation is distributed almost evenly over all 4 seasons. The warmest weather characteristic of Gagra. In general, 300 sunny days a year are guaranteed for Abkhazia.

Abkhazia in spring

Spring in Abkhazia is early: already in March, the thermometer begins to gradually rise upwards. But it should be remembered that the mood of the weather tends to change instantly. On a sunny day, clouds can suddenly fly in, and after a couple of hours the weather clears up again. In April, warm weather sets in Abkhazia. The thermometer stays at +16 °С, but sometimes rises to +20 °С..+21 °С. This is a very beautiful time of the year. forest edges and city parks “dress up” in flowery outfits, the leaves of the trees blossom, and the air is filled with delicious aromas. In the last spring month, the weather allows sunbathing.

Temperature and weather in Abkhazia in spring

March weatherApril weatherMay weather
Gagra +10 +9 +15 +13 +17 +18
Pitsunda +9 +8 +14 +12 +16 +17
Sukhum +12 +9 +16 +13 +19 +18

Abkhazia in summer

Summer in Abkhazia is a generous bright sun and an abundance of the sweetest fruits and berries. Opens in June bathing season. The sun is already warming up well, but it’s impossible to call the weather really hot. This is a great time for those who are contraindicated to stay in the aggressive sun, as well as for heart patients and people suffering from vegetative-vascular disorders. In July and August, the thermometer can rise to +30 °С..+34 °С. Humidity slightly exacerbates the perception of summer heat, but cool sea breezes partially save the situation. At this time, the water in Abkhazia warms up to comfortable temperatures. High in the mountains it rains in the summer. Daytime air temperature is at the level of 1500-1700 m - from +16 ° С to + 18 ° C, at night it can freeze. Keep this in mind when going on excursions to mountainous areas.

Temperature and weather in Abkhazia in summer

June weatherJuly weatherAugust weather
Gagra +23 +20 +26 +22 +27 +24
Pitsunda +22 +20 +25 +21 +26 +23
Sukhum +23 +20 +25 +22 +26 +24

Abkhazia in autumn

Autumn in Abkhazia is a wonderful time of the year. For 1.5 months, the velvet season stably lasts. However, in the first week of September, the weather can deteriorate sharply: heavy rains, thunderstorms, gusty wind. As a rule, after a few days, heat returns again, and complete calm reigns on the sea. From mid-October it starts to get colder, the water temperature drops to +20 °С..+21 °С. In November, the amount of precipitation increases. This is the time of ripening persimmons and tangerines.

Temperature and weather in Abkhazia in autumn

September weatherOctober weatherNovember weather
Gagra +23 +26 +17 +21 +13 +18
Pitsunda +22 +25 +16 +21 +12 +18
Sukhum +23 +26 +19 +21 +15 +18

The weather in Abkhazia and the climatic features of the region, what should you expect from your vacation in summer and winter? When is it better to relax with children and family, elderly tourists? Let's look at holidays in Abkhazia from the side of natural conditions, learn how to dress and what to expect from the climate.

Like 20 years ago, the climate and nature of Abkhazia remained unchanged, although after the Abkhaz-Georgian conflict, popular resorts lost their former glory. Today, the government is actively equipping old sanatoriums, new hotels are being built and beaches are being ennobled.

Despite the traces of devastation still present, many Russians prefer to relax in Abkhazia than in popular resorts. Krasnodar Territory. This is due to the relative cheapness of housing, the beauty of nature, the presence of entertainment, fewer tourists and favorable weather conditions.

On the coast, the climate of Abkhazia is quite mild and belongs to the subtropical, tourists are here. Swimming season from May to October.

High in the mountains, palm trees and are replaced by snow and eternal glaciers. At an altitude of 2700 meters, snow lies all year round.

The main ridge of the Greater Caucasus closes the republic from cold winds, and southern winds bring warmth and moisture. coniferous forests saturate the air with useful substances that favorably affect the state of the body.

To enjoy the gifts of nature, the warm sea and interesting excursions to Abkhazia, you need to go in the summer. The maximum riot of colors, picturesque places, local color and culture will help you to disconnect from the daily affairs, and plunge into the rest in full.

Before you go, be sure to find out what the weather is like in Abkhazia in 2017.

Weather in Abkhazia in summer

Summer weather in Abkhazia is quite hot and humid. The hottest month is August, with an average temperature of + 27°C, sometimes jumping over +30°C and rising to +35°C. Most warm city on the Black Sea coast is considered.

Summer is not only hot, but also humid. About 230 mm of precipitation falls per month. At the same time, short rains do not cool the air much.

Such a factor as high humidity at elevated temperature air must be taken into account by the elderly, such a combination can adversely affect health.

For food, food, and other aspects of interest to tourists when preparing for vacation.

But for families with children, summer is the best time. There are a lot of fruits at an affordable price in the markets and shops; there is a summer water park in Gagra. In winter, many entertainment centers and amusement parks are closed, in summer they work.

The adoption of water procedures for children can not be limited, the sea warms up to + 27 ° С.

Even in the hottest summer months, the beaches are quite spacious, there is where to lie down and calmly relax. At the Russian sea resorts at this time there is nowhere to turn around.

The excursion program in the summer is extensive, after beach holiday time can be spent actively and informatively.

And all the detailed information where you can relax cheaper and better.

Autumn in Abkhazia

In September, the swimming season continues, nothing reminds of the onset of autumn, the sweltering heat subsides, and the air becomes warm and pleasant + 25- + 26 ° С.

Before swimming, you can safely, the sea at this time is still warm - + 21 ° С. From the middle of the month, autumn boldly reminds of itself. During the day the temperature is comfortable for walking. The nights are cool - + 10- + 12 ° С. When renting accommodation in October, check if there is an additional heater. From clothing, be sure to take a light jacket, it will come in handy on evening walks. You will also need a raincoat with an umbrella, in autumn there are long rains.

By the end of October, it gets colder, there is a storm at sea, and a strong wind on the coast.

If you want to see the country and plan to take many excursions, September and October are the best times to travel. Well, if you want to take the maximum from your vacation and combine excursions with sea relaxation, go to the resort in September, the sea is still warm, and the air no longer burns.

Resting in October, you will be taken to the harvest festival. This bright and cheerful action is held in the village of Lykhny. Here you will be able to taste national treats, participate in competitions and buy souvenirs at the fair.

In November, it is colder in the mountains, getting to waterfalls or lakes is much more difficult, because of the rains, the roads are partially washed out.

Food in the markets and food in cafes, fares and other financial issues are discussed in a separate article.

Weather in Abkhazia in winter

In December, the weather conditions are very changeable. Sometimes it rains and cold winds sunny days also please. Air temperature +10-+12°С, cooler at night +4-+5°С.

In general, the weather in December is damp and rainy, with about 200 mm of precipitation falling this month. Storms cover the coastal zones with waves, a damp and cold wind blows.

The tops of the mountains are covered with snow caps. Going to the mountains on an excursion, be sure to wear warm clothes and shoes, while the equipment should be comfortable.

The swimming season is of course closed in winter, the water temperature in the sea is +10 - +12 ° С.

In January, the winds and rains subside, the weather is quite mild. The air temperature drops below zero extremely rarely, most often it is + 3- + 6 ° С.

In January, you can see an amazing picture of green palm trees against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains.

The only month when it is not recommended to go to Abkhazia is February. Cold winds and rain wet snow interfere with sightseeing trips, walking on the street is rather unpleasant, even being in the house, excessive dampness is felt.

Most hotels and boarding houses are closed in winter, more active life is observed. Many cafes, restaurants, shops and hotels operate here.

Going to be sure to take warm clothes, a raincoat and an umbrella.

Spring in Abkhazia

Since March, real spring begins in Abkhazia, especially the sunny end of the month. The temperature during the day rises to + 10- + 13 ° С, the nights are still cool - + 4- + 5 ° С, a warm jacket will be needed especially in the evenings.

In early March, rainy weather is typical, precipitation is short-lived, after the rains the sun often peeks out.

It will not be possible to go to the mountains in March, excursions are not yet organized, but this is a great time for sightseeing in cities.

April is a great time to travel to Abkhazia. The air is heated up to +16°С. Traveling around the republic in April is very comfortable, acquaintance with its sights will leave a lot of pleasant impressions.

Not everyone dares to swim in April, the sea is still cold - +12.

But in May, the swimming season opens. Swimming for a long time is of course still cold, the water temperature is +18.

It is still too early for children to take water procedures in May, but it is very pleasant to walk and spend time on the beach.


Gagra - how much it means to the older generation who once lived in a great country called the USSR. Rest in Gagra was considered something out of the ordinary, only the elite of that society could afford this resort. They boasted about their vacation in Gagra, even the phrase from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” of the heroine: “You can’t imagine, I’m flying to Gagra now” is not pathos, but the realities of that forgotten, sometimes wonderful time.

Today Gagra is no longer the same, a distant fashionable party-elite resort, the war left its indelible imprint both on people and on the entire infrastructure of the wonderful city. Even in the central part, among all the natural splendor, the centers of recent hostilities are visible. Dilapidated, abandoned houses, abandoned, frozen constructions,

But again, it's not all that bad. The city is slowly coming to life and rebuilding, being restored (sometimes, it's a pity - only outside). What can not be taken away is chic roads, the CIS countries can only dream of such. At the entrance to the city (strange, as for a resort town) there is a local asphalt plant, on the territory of which there is a lot of road equipment. Probably because of this, the city has such gorgeous roads.

You can get to the city of Gagra without much difficulty, especially if you follow your own vehicle. The city is essentially in another country, but such an imaginary abroad is practically not felt. Gagra is located 25 km. from the Russian-Abkhaz border, if you go from Sochi. The mountainous terrain of the resort has a favorable effect on climatic conditions, the mountains themselves act as a kind of filter, holding back thunder and rain clouds. The roads in Abkhazia are simply amazing and the local reckless drivers enjoy the comfort of the tracks to the fullest, “drive” along them like crazy. This people’s car preference remained in the 90s, they prefer BMW and Mercedes, and older models, but I repeat, they are worn regardless of any rules traffic. As one taxi driver “joked” while driving us along the streets of the beautiful old Gagra, he said that “there is only one traffic light in Gagra and we respect it, otherwise we drive as we need.” So be careful when crossing the road, the rules here are not respected at all.

The city of Gagra is territorially divided into New and Old Gagra. But it is impossible to get lost in the city, just remember a few simple street names and you will easily get to your destination. Oddly enough, here all roads lead to the sea.

There are no problems with housing in the city. This is a resort. Here everyone lives at the expense of tourists and vacationers during the holiday season. Almost every house is ready to be housed, everything that can be rented, from comfortable rooms to utility rooms, is rented out. But do not forget that Gagra is still a mountain resort and most of the proposed private sector housing is located in the mountains, to which you will have to “stomp” from the sea coast. The higher in the mountains, of course, the cheaper it is - this is the law of the resort. Therefore, if you are not afraid of daily ups and downs in very hot weather (during the season, the air temperature in the open sun reaches + 35-40 degrees), then such housing costs "mere pennies" by Russian standards. By the way, the air is mountainous and almost crystal clear. The price policy of the resort of the housing stock ranges from 250 rubles. up to 500 rubles per day per person. For such money, you can safely demand a comfortable stay with the main types of services, sometimes there is even an air conditioner in the rented room. In addition to the private sector, the Kavkaz and Moskva boarding houses have been beautifully restored in Gagra.

But in these boarding houses the service remained at the level of Soviet times, practically nothing has changed in the rooms, there are some changes, but they are not significant, they are not visible to a budget vacationer. This is mainly with regards to luxury rooms and VIP vacationers.

Meals in Gagra, the issue is as easy to solve as you wish for yourself. Tellingly, a lot of small establishments with national cuisine, restaurants, it all depends on how much you are willing to "fork out". By personal experience, I want to advise, if you are staying in the private sector - agree with the owners. They will prepare for you, maybe not so much varied food as in restaurants, but at the same time it is no worse in quality and taste. Some rental properties offer the option of self-cooking. There's someone like it. Food prices are more expensive than in Russia per se (because they are imported from there, plus there is an extra charge), and during the holiday season, some groups of goods significantly “jump” in price (meat and dairy products). I want to say one thing, you can eat everywhere, in cafes, bars, pasties without fear of poisoning. locals in another, they will find a way to get extra money out of a vacationer without saving on food. This is not accepted here. This proud mountain people, with its age-old traditions of hospitality, will never deceive and treat you with stale and rotten products. If you eat on a budget, there are a lot of public canteens in the city, for 350 rubles you can eat here “to satiety”, and with the whole family.

All the same, you won’t eat a lot of fatty foods in “such thick heat”.

The coast of the resort is very long, you can stop anywhere and swim. The beaches are pebbly, adequately staffed.

There is no such wild, intrusive service as on the Crimean peninsula. Here, whoever wants, he takes a sunbed or an umbrella, the rest simply spread the covers, massaging their "worked" backs on the coastal pebbles. The sea is just wonderful. Magnificent purity sea ​​water in the hot sun it warms up incredibly quickly. I want to swim or just sit in the sea without getting out.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, but whoever was on the Crimean peninsula does not pay much attention to garbage along the central park and pieces of paper along the embankment. Yes, it's dirty, especially in the central park of Staraya Gagra. Half of it is the fault of the tourists themselves. And untidy lawns, overgrown alleys of the park are completely the fault of public utilities. The contrast is huge. Against the backdrop of magnificent nature, wonderful exotic plants - heaps of dirt and debris.

But despite all this "disgrace" - rest in Gagra is still wonderful.

Helpful answer?

It is worth going to Gagra even because it was one of the most famous and popular resorts in Soviet time and millions of people dreamed of visiting it. Of course, a lot has changed since then, but still Gagra attracts many tourists and many come there year after year. AT last years after the war ended, the resort began to be restored. And it's not just the locals who do it. Many Soviet-built sanatoriums, which were renamed, have been restored and renovated. And also many private hotels were built. Living conditions in them begin about budget option and a selection of deluxe rooms. The big advantage of Gagra compared to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory is the relatively inexpensive cost of living and the clear sea. In addition, it is always warmer in Gagra than in Adler, for example. After all, Gagra is surrounded by mountains and they protect the city from the wind. But, of course, there are also disadvantages in such a holiday. First of all, this applies to those tourists who choose the private sector for their stay there or rent apartments. All the houses there are of very old construction in the city with irregular water supply. Therefore, one must be prepared for the fact that the water in the apartment will be only twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. And it is very good if the apartment has a water heater. The situation is no better in the private sector. Many owners of rented rooms do not warn about not very comfortable conditions for relaxation. Many can take money up front for the entire stay. And if the tourist decides to leave earlier, then the money is unlikely to be returned to him. Not the most in the best way The same goes for security. So, the probability of street thefts is high, and even in broad daylight. Very often careless tourists are robbed right on the beach. Motorists who come to Gagra by car should definitely put their vehicle only in the parking lot. In Gagra, very often they simply break glass and pull out valuables. In addition, family ties are strong in Abkhazia, and if a tourist gets into an accident and he is not to blame, most likely everyone will make him guilty anyway. So, when driving in Gagra, you need to be especially careful. Another disadvantage of the holiday is Gagra catering. Despite the large number of restaurants and cafes in the city, they are unlikely to meet hygienic requirements. Very often in Gagra there are cases of poisoning. It is best to go to one cafe and it is better if it is at the hotel. There is at least some guarantee of purity. And if something happens, you can find out exactly where you got poisoned. But despite all these significant disadvantages, we can say that it is good to relax in Gagra with children. Conditions have been created for them, especially for this in recent years they have tried. First of all, Gagra has a water park and is quite large and well organized. There are several slides and pools, as well as showers, toilets and even a small cafe. The cost of visiting is lower than in Russian water parks. Gagra also has a lot of entertainment on the water, including children's. In the evenings, the cafe hosts many performances and concerts that will be of interest to children. Also, a lot of fruits are sold on the market in summer, from apples and pears to figs. By the way, figs are very cheap there. And if you are going to rest in September, then you can buy very tasty grapes and freshly squeezed grape juice there. In Gagra it is good to have a rest for everyone - both children and the elderly. For lovers of mud therapy, there is a whole hospital complex where you can undergo the procedures necessary for health. For girls, despite the hot Caucasian blood, it is safe there, subject to certain conditions. First of all, girls should not walk alone in the evenings, as well as respond to signs of attention from local men. After all, even a smile they perceive as an invitation. And also it is better not to wear too frank and defiant clothes. And then everything will be fine. It is necessary to bargain at the market, because for tourists everything is sold there much more expensive than for local residents. And for the rest you need a good mood, and good weather and the gentle sea in Gagra are already provided.

Helpful answer?

Gagra is an absolutely wonderful resort in Abkhazia. If you have not been here yet - be sure to come to rest in Gagra - the rest will be unforgettable.

This picturesque resort is located on the shores of a beautiful bay. Here the mountains are very close to the sea and create their own microclimate in Gagra - they retain warm air and prevent cold winds from getting here. Therefore, this is the warmest part of the Black Sea coast. In summer it is really hot and very sunny here, and the sea warms up to 30 degrees!

In Gagra there are groves of Pitsunda pine. The sea, pine trees - the air is very healthy and just smells wonderful. :)

There are many boarding houses and sanatoriums, there are small hotels, it is also easy to rent an apartment or a house in the private sector. There are many entertainment centers in Gagra, there is a water park.

And the sights in Gagra themselves and the surrounding area simply cannot be counted! These places are a must to visit: the Seaside Park, the Cave of St. Hypatia, the Castle of the Prince of Oldenburg, the Kruber-Voronya Cave - the deepest in the world (2140 m), the Observation Deck, the Mansions, the hydropathic and the water supply - all from the beginning of the 20th century. It's all within the city. And in its vicinity you can see Blue Lake, Waterfall Milk, Lake Ritsa, Bzybskaya fortress and the temple of the Virgin of the 10th century, Waterfall Men's Tears, Waterfall Maiden's Tears, two dachas of Stalin and much, much more, also very interesting and beautiful. In terms of the number of interesting and picturesque places, Gagra will outperform almost any other resort.

In Gagra, more than a third of the population is Russian. This is an amazing and beautiful resort, you will not find such a climate anywhere else on the Black Sea coast.

There is very tasty local food, which you can try in restaurants, of which there are a great many, as well as cafes and bars.

Of course, it’s good to relax in Gagra with children - healthy air, a very warm sea, small pebbles and sandy beaches- all the best for children! :) On the beaches you can rent water transport, go diving. You can go fishing or go horseback riding. Everyone will find something to their liking.

And although the rest in Gagra is quite expensive pleasure, it's worth it.

Helpful answer?

Abkhazia is located on the Black Sea coast and is famous for its very mild climate, long clean beaches, the Caucasus Mountains with waterfalls and high mountain lakes. The resort area of ​​Gagra compares favorably with the rest of the Black Sea coast. The proximity of the international airport in Adler, the ability to arrive by train to the station in the city center or by bus significantly reduce the cost of the entire holiday and make it more versatile. Unlike the other Black Sea coast, where vegetation is a rarity, here all the mountains are covered coniferous forest, and palm trees and other exotic plants grow on the territories of numerous hotels and resorts.

One of the advantages of hotels in this region: many are located on the first line from the sea, maximum on the second, since the mountain range comes very close to the coast.

In Gagra, you can feel all the charm of a holiday in a state that is very similar to Russia, everyone understands the Russian language, but the Abkhazian culture and cuisine give new sensations and emotions. The locals are very hospitable, ready to prompt and help.

Dozens of hotels organize exciting excursions, in Abkhazia there are many unique places created by nature. They are a must see for all travelers.

Almost all hotels have children's playrooms, and in Gagra there is a new water park where you can have fun with the whole family.

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