What do the indigenous people of mixed forests do. Human influence on the nature of mixed forests

Interesting 11.08.2019

Natural zone of mixed and deciduous forests occupies a smaller area than coniferous forests. However, this complex, formed in a fairly warm and humid climate, is distinguished by a great diversity of flora and fauna.

Characteristics of the natural zone Mixed forests

Mixed forests are a transitional link between taiga zone and deciduous forests. The name of the natural zone speaks for itself: both coniferous and deciduous trees grow here. Mixed forests are found on the territory of Russia and the European region, South and North America, New Zealand.

The climate of this natural complex is quite mild. In winter, the temperature drops to -15 degrees Celsius, and in summer it fluctuates between + 17-24.

Compared to the taiga, summer is warmer and longer. Number of annual precipitation exceeds evaporation, which was the impetus for the emergence of deciduous trees.

A distinctive feature of mixed forests is a well-developed grass cover growing on soddy-podzolic soils.

Rice. 1. The grass cover is very developed in the zone of mixed forests.

This natural zone is characterized by a pronounced layering - a change in the type of vegetation depending on the height:

  • the highest tier of coniferous-deciduous forests is made up of mighty oaks, pines and spruces;
  • below are lindens, birches, wild apple trees and pears;
  • further grow the lowest trees: viburnum, mountain ash;
  • below are raspberry, hawthorn, wild rose bushes;
  • the layering of mixed forests is completed by a variety of grasses, mosses and lichens.

Animal world mixed forests are also diverse. Here live large herbivores (moose, wild boars, deer and roe deer), rodents (beavers, mice, ferrets, squirrels), predators (foxes, wolves, lynxes).

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Rice. 2. Lynx is a typical representative of forest predators.

Description of the broadleaf forest zone

When moving to the south of the mainland, climatic conditions change, which leads to a change from mixed forests to broad-leaved ones. As a result, coniferous trees become much smaller, and dominance completely passes to deciduous species.

Broad-leaved forests are characterized by a fairly warm climate with mild winters and long warm summer. The amount of annual atmospheric precipitation slightly exceeds evaporation, due to which waterlogged soils are a rarity for these territories.

Typical tree species for this zone are maple, linden, oak, beech, ash.

In dense thickets of broad-leaved forests, dense crowns of trees do not allow the grass cover to fully develop. The ground in such areas is covered with a layer of fallen leaves. Decaying, it contributes to the formation of humus and the enrichment of gray and brown forest soils.

Rice. 3. In the zone of deciduous forests coniferous trees- a rarity.

The fauna of deciduous forests is no different from the zone of mixed forests. However, as a result vigorous activity The number of wild animals has significantly decreased, and now they live only in nature reserves or in remote areas.

A mixed forest is a territory in which deciduous and coniferous trees harmoniously coexist. If impurity tree species accounts for more than 5% of the total volume of flora, we can already speak of a mixed type of forest.

The mixed forest forms a zone of coniferous-deciduous forests, and this is already a whole natural zone, characteristic of forests in temperate zone. There are also coniferous-small-leaved forests that are formed in the taiga as a result of the restoration of previously cut down pines or spruces, which begin to displace different types birch and aspen.

Main characteristic

(Typical mixed forest)

Mixed forests almost always coexist with broad-leaved forests in the south. In the northern hemisphere, they also border the taiga.

There are the following types of mixed forests in the temperate zone:

  • coniferous-broad-leaved;
  • secondary small-leaved with the addition of coniferous and broad-leaved species;
  • mixed, which is a combination of deciduous and evergreen species.

Subtropical mixed fox is distinguished by a combination of laurel and conifers. Any mixed forest is distinguished by a pronounced layering, as well as the presence of areas without a forest: the so-called opolye and woodlands.

Location of zones

Mixed forests as a combination of coniferous and broad-leaved species are found in the East European and West Siberian plains, as well as in the Carpathians, the Caucasus and the Far East.

In general, both mixed and broad-leaved forests occupy a smaller share of the forest area. Russian Federation like coniferous taiga. The fact is that such ecosystems do not take root in Siberia. They are traditional only for the European and Far Eastern regions and at the same time they are growing. dashed lines. Pure mixed forests are found south of the taiga, as well as beyond the Urals to the Amur region.


Forest plantations of mixed type are characterized by cold, but not very long winters and hot summers. Climatic conditions are such that precipitation does not exceed 700 mm per year. The moisture coefficient is increased, but may change during the summer. In our country, mixed forests stand on soddy-podzolic soil, and in the west - on brown forest soil. As a rule, winter temperatures do not fall below -10˚C.

Broad-leaved forest plantations are distinguished by a humid and moderately humid climate, where precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year. At the same time, temperatures are quite high, and even in January it is never colder than -8˚C. high humidity and abundant heat stimulate the work of bacteria and fungi, due to which the leaves quickly decompose, and the soil retains maximum fertility.

Features of the plant world

Features of biochemical and biological processes cause the density of species diversity as you move towards broad-leaved species. European mixed forests are distinguished by the obligatory presence of pine, spruce, maple, oak, linden, ash, elm, and viburnum, hazel, honeysuckle are in the lead among shrubs. Ferns are very common as herbs. Caucasian mixed forests in large volumes contain beech, fir, and Far Eastern - birch, walnut, hornbeam, larch. These same forests are distinguished by a variety of lianas.

Fauna representatives

Mixed forests are inhabited by those animals and birds that are generally considered typical for forest conditions. These are moose, foxes, wolves, bears, wild boars, hedgehogs, hares, badgers. If we talk about individual broad-leaved forests, then here the species diversity of birds, rodents and ungulates is especially striking. Roe deer, fallow deer, deer, beavers, muskrats and nutrias are found in such forests.

Economic activity

The temperate natural zone, including mixed forests, has long been mastered local residents and densely populated. An impressive part of the forest plantations was cut down several centuries ago, because of which the composition of the forest has changed and the proportion of small-leaved species has increased. In place of many forests, agricultural territories and settlements appeared.

Broad-leaved forests can generally be considered rare forest ecosystems. After the 17th century, they were cut down on a large scale, largely because wood was needed for the sailing fleet. Broad-leaved forests were also actively cut down for arable land and meadows. Oak plantations have been especially hard hit by such human activities, and it is unlikely that they will ever be restored.

1. The natural zone, which is located between the forest-tundra and mixed forests a) tundra b) steppe c) Arctic d) taiga 2. The taiga is dominated by trees a) coniferous species b) broad-leaved species c) herbaceous plants 3. A coniferous tree that sheds needles in autumn a) pine b) cedar c) spruce d) larch 4. Birds that breed chicks in winter a) sparrows b) magpies c) crossbills d) cuckoos 5. The main distribution areas of the dark coniferous taiga are concentrated a ) in the north of the European part b) in the south of Western Siberia c) c) Central Siberia d) in the Far East 6. An animal with a striped back that stores for the winter a) roe deer b) chipmunk c) deer d) wolf 7. An animal that looks like a badger and a small bear at the same time a) squirrel b) elk c) sable d ) wolverine 8. Forests of a) larch and pine b) pine and spruce c) spruce and fir d) fir and pine are considered dark coniferous taiga 9. long beards hanging from the trunks and branches of trees a) creepers b) lichens c) cabbage butterflies

Moderately continental type of climate WM t° in winter t° in summer Precipitation East European Plain MAW MW The climate is formed under the influence of air masses transported westward from the Atlantic Ocean. They make the climate milder and warmer. Winter temperatures vary from west to east from -4° to -20°. Prolonged thaws are possible with temperatures around 0° and even higher. -8° -12° -16° +12° +20° +24° In the north, the summer is cool from +12°, in the southeast t° to +24°. Sunny weather is sometimes interrupted by showers. On the southeast there are dry winds Humidification of the climate changes from the northwest to the southeast. Atlantic VMs, moving deep into the mainland, are transformed into continental ones.

Continental type of climate ВМ t° in winter t° in summer Precipitation Western Siberia kAV kU V -16° -20° -24° +12° +20° +24° The climate is formed under the influence of kUV, which move from west to east. AB freely penetrate from the north, increasing the severity of the climate. In winter prevails high pressure, which is intensified by the Siberian anticyclone. The weather is often clear and frosty. Average t° from -18° to -28°. In the north summer is cool, in the south it is warm, even sultry. Average temperatures in July are from +15° to +26°. The weather is usually clear and hot. The great distance from the Atlantic, the moderating influence of the Ural Mountains, reduces the annual amount of precipitation. Humidity decreases from north to south.

Monsoon type of climate WM t° in winter t° in summer and vice versa in summer. air masses vary greatly in temperature and moisture content. Sometimes typhoons even form. Winters in the Far East are cold and have little snow, as the KUV dominates from the mainland. Low t° combined with strong winds. Summers are cool and humid. It often rains due to the dominance of MW. The temperature varies from +8° in the north to +24° in Primorsky Krai. Precipitation falls more in summer and in fairly large numbers. Humidification throughout this area climate zone redundant.

Character traits of the natural zone Provisions Your opinion “Are your statements correct” 1. Mixed forests are found only in the European territory 2. The zone of mixed forests is located south of the taiga 3. Selective farming in mixed forests 4 Moraine relief is a consequence of the influence of a glacier 5. The climate of mixed forests is influenced Atlantic and Pacific Oceans 6. Moisture in the zone of mixed forests is insufficient 7. Soils are podzolic 8. In this zone there are marten, ermine, arctic fox, reindeer, musk ox, walrus 9. Ussuri taiga is a mixed forest 10. This is a densely populated territory of the country

Components of the natural zone Russian Plain Primorye 1. Geographical position Central part of the East European Plain South Far East 2. Climate Moderate continental; cf. January t from -4 o ... - 16 o., July ... +20 0 C .; K uvl. > 1 (enough.) Monsoonal; cf. January t - 20 o ... -24 o., July + 16 o ... + 18 o C. Precipitation in summer, little snow. K uvl. > 1 (enough.) 3. Water The area is rich in surface and groundwater. Less swampy. There is no permafrost. 4. Soils Soddy-podzolic, Gray forest. Brown forest 5. Flora Spruce, pine, beech, oak, linden, hazel, birch, maple, etc. Ginseng, Amur velvet, Manchurian walnut, lemongrass, Korean creepers, cedar, etc. 6. Fauna Fur-bearing animals (fox, squirrel, marten, ermine, forest polecat), bison, elk, wild boar, wolf, muskrat, etc.; from birds oriole, grosbeak, green and middle woodpeckers, many songbirds. Amur tiger, sika deer, bear, raccoon dog and etc. 7. Development of the zone by man Dense network of urban and rural settlements. Selective agricultural development (rye, barley, wheat, sugar beets, potatoes, forage grasses, berries). Meat and dairy animal husbandry and pig breeding, poultry farming, beekeeping. Suburban type with / x. The timber industry is less developed. Forestry, vegetable growing, animal husbandry 1 (up to "\u003e 1 (enough.) Monsoon; Wed January t - 20 o ... -24 o., July + 16 o ... + 18 o C. Precipitation in summer, little snow. K uvl. > 1 (enough.) 3. Waters The zone is rich in surface and groundwater Less swampy No permafrost 4. Soils Soddy-podzolic, Gray forest, Brown forest 5. Flora Spruce, pine, beech, oak, linden, hazel, birch, maple, etc. Ginseng, Amur velvet, Manchurian walnut, lemongrass, Korean creepers, cedar, etc. 6. Fauna Fur animals (fox, squirrel, marten, ermine, forest polecat), bison, elk, wild boar, wolf, muskrat and other birds, oriole, grosbeak, green and middle woodpeckers, many songbirds Amur tiger, spotted deer, bear, raccoon dog, etc. 7. Development of the zone by humans Dense network of urban and rural settlements. Selective agricultural development ( rye, barley, wheat, sugar beets, potatoes, forage grasses, berries). The new economy is less developed. Forestry, vegetable growing, animal husbandry"> 1 (before" title="(!LANG: Components of the natural zone Russian Plain Primorye 1. Geographical location Central part of the East European Plain South of the Far East 2. Climate Moderate continental; cf. January t from -4 o ... - 16 o., July +16 0 ... +20 0 C.; K o ... - 1 (up to"> title="Components of the natural zone Russian Plain Primorye 1. Geographical position Central part of the East European Plain South of the Far East 2. Climate Moderate continental; cf. January t from -4 o ... - 16 o., July +16 0 ... +20 0 C .; K uvl. > 1 (up to"> !}

“Draw happiness” Charm, admiration, pride, solidarity, comfort, a sense of heroic strength, a sense of warmth and light, appeasement Charm, admiration, pride, solidarity, comfort, a sense of heroic strength, a sense of warmth and light, peace.

Forests make up slightly more than 45% of the area of ​​Russia, and almost a quarter of the total forest area of ​​the world. In the European part of the country, there are much fewer of them than in the Asian. The most common forest-forming tree species are spruce, larch, pine, cedar, oak, maple and hornbeam. Many berry bushes, mushrooms, valuable herbs grow in the forests, and countless species also live. leads to the reduction of forests and the threat of extinction of many animals. In the 21st century, it is very important to be able to reproduce, which play one of the main roles in regulating the climate on the planet.

Forest cover map of Russia in %

Russia is the largest strange world, and for this reason, on its territory there are many in which various types of trees grow. The forests of Russia, depending on the predominance of certain tree species, are divided into four main types: 1) coniferous forests; 2) deciduous forests; 3) mixed forests; 4) small-leaved forests. We'll look at each of these forest types in more detail below.

Characteristics of coniferous forests in Russia

Coniferous forests are located on the territory, and occupy about 70% of the total forest area of ​​the country. This area is known for low temperatures and humid air. Coniferous forests stretch from the western borders of Russia to the Verkhoyansk Range. The main forest-forming species are spruce, pine, fir and larch.

In conditions harsh winter most often you can find mixed forests: dark coniferous and light coniferous. Evergreen tree species thrive well. they begin in the spring with the onset of favorable weather conditions. Undergrowth is practically absent in the taiga. There is podzolic soil and many swamps. Conifers shed needles, which, when decomposed, release compounds toxic to many plants into the ground. The ground is covered, as a rule, by mosses and lichens. Shrubs and flowers mainly grow along the banks of the rivers, there are very few of them in the dark places of the forest. There is lingonberry, juniper, mountain ash, blueberry and curly lily.

Exactly weather define . In the zone coniferous forests temperate continental climate prevails. Winters are dry and cold, lasting an average of six months. Short summers are warm and humid, with numerous cyclones. For autumn and spring, as a rule, only one month is allotted. Conifers are not demanding on temperature extremes.

Representatives of the animal world feed on moss, lichens, bark and cones. The high forest crown protects the animals from the winds, and the branches make it possible to build nests. Typical representatives of the fauna of coniferous forests are vole, hare, Siberian weasel, chipmunk. Of the large ones, one can note the Siberian tiger, brown bear, lynx and elk, and reindeer comes from the forest-tundra zone to coniferous forests. Eagles and vultures soar in the sky.

Coniferous wood is considered one of the most valuable. Its approximate reserve is 5.8 billion cubic meters. In addition to logging, oil, gold and gas production is carried out in the taiga. The coniferous forests of Russia are a huge forest area. It suffers from and uncontrolled logging. Due to negative human activities, rare animals die. There are many nature reserves, but for the full restoration of forests, it is necessary to properly organize protection and rationally use it.

Characteristics of broad-leaved forests in Russia

Broadleaf forest/Wikipedia

The territory of deciduous forests extends from the western border of Russia to the Ural Mountains. The main tree species are beech, oak, elm, linden, maple and hornbeam. Tiered scaffolding: upper tier replace the canopy and undergrowth, which, in turn, are herbaceous plants and forest litter. The soil is covered with mosses. There are areas in which lush crowns completely exclude undergrowth. Foliage, falling off, decomposes and forms humus. The soil in the undergrowth is rich in organomineral compounds.

Forests are located in the temperate continental zone. The weather here is much warmer than in the neighboring taiga. Summer lasts four months average temperature per season is +10°С. This contributes to the growth of broad-leaved tree species. The climate is humid and there is a lot of precipitation. Average monthly temperature in January it drops to -16ºС. The maximum precipitation falls in summer, there is no deep snow cover.

The leaves cannot survive the cold period of the year, and fall off in mid-autumn. A dense cover of foliage, twigs, and bark protects the ground from excessive evaporation. The soil is rich in trace elements, it provides the trees with everything they need. The foliage that has fallen for the winter covers the root system, protects it from the cold and stimulates the roots to further growth.

The composition of the animal world in the European part is somewhat different from the Far Eastern forests. Asian lands are covered with thickets of fern, ilmen and linden. Elk lives in dense thickets, Himalayan bear and Ussurian tiger. Cotton muzzle, viper and Amur snake are common reptiles. European broadleaf forests have become home to wild boar, elk, deer, wolf, weasel, beaver, muskrat and nutria. Mice, lizards, snakes, moles and hedgehogs also live there. Birds are represented by black grouse, owls, owls, starlings, swallows and larks.

The zone of deciduous forests has long been mastered by man, especially in the west of Russia. People had to significantly reduce the green area for the sake of grazing, crop production and building cities. Trees are the main raw material for the logging industry. Processing of secondary raw materials has been established. The bowels are rich, and in major rivers there is potential for hydropower development.

The forest area is significantly reduced, while forests are cut down on the same scale. Due to anthropogenic influence, Red Book plants and animals are dying out. Unscrupulous entrepreneurs cut down huge areas of forests. To save natural complexes several reserves and national parks have been created, but this is not enough. Broad-leaved tree species grow relatively quickly. It is necessary to organize the planting of seedlings on the territory of cut forests, as well as carefully use the remaining forest areas.

Characteristics of mixed forests in Russia

Mixed forests are located in the Russian Plain, West Siberian Plain, Amur and Primorye. A variety of tree species are found in this zone. These forests are characterized by pronounced layering. Poplars, pines and firs stretch towards the light. Below them rise maples, elms, lindens and oaks. The tier of shrubs is represented by hawthorn, wild rose, raspberry and blackberry. The soil is covered with lichens, mosses and low grasses.

Trees of mixed forests are easier to tolerate the severity of the climate than in neighboring broad-leaved ones. The vegetation withstands frosts down to -30ºС. The amount of precipitation depends on the region. There is more snow in European forests than in the Far East. The maximum amount of precipitation falls on the warm season. Summers are mild and humid. The climate changes from maritime to continental, from west to east.

The continuous renewal of green mass contributes to the nourishment of trees and the cleansing of the earth from unnecessary substances. The inhabitants of the forest use the resources of all tiers as a food base. Coniferous seeds attract birds, rodents eat nuts, larvae under the bark are food for insectivorous birds.

Numerous once animals were exterminated as a result of uncontrolled hunting. You can also meet roe deer and wild boar. Bison and Noble deer preserved only in reserves. known predator mixed forest is red fox. The badger lives in the European part. Squirrel, mink, dormouse, marten, forest cat, Brown bear are considered common representatives of the mixed forest fauna. The world of birds is also diverse, especially a lot of woodpeckers, capercaillie, wild pigeons, finches and robins.

Stocks of valuable timber are located in the Asian part. Manchurian walnut, Korean cedar, whole-leaved fir are famous for their strength and resistance to decay. Eleutherococcus and lemongrass are used for medical purposes. On the territory of Europe, logging activities are carried out.

Mixed forests have suffered more than others at the hands of man. This has led to a number of environmental problems. The need for agricultural land has led to the deforestation of a significant part of the territories. Due to the drainage of swamps, it has changed. Growth settlements, especially in the west, led to a 30% reduction in forest cover.

The foliage of trees perfectly processes carbon dioxide. Deforestation, which has reached gigantic proportions, has destroyed millions of hectares. Because of this, they accumulate in the atmosphere, creating. Hundreds of animal species and flora disappears from the face of the earth. Occurs through the fault of people Forest fires drastically changing the ecosystem. Rare animal species are hunted illegally. Resources are almost depleted, only the interaction of the state and citizens can stop the process of destruction of the country's mixed forests.

Characteristics of small-leaved forests in Russia

The zone of small-leaved forests extends from the East European Plain to the Far East. Forests stretch in a narrow strip, sometimes replacing broad-leaved ones. small-leaved trees play the role of a second forest, replacing broad-leaved and coniferous species.

The main forest-forming species are birch, alder and aspen. Their foliage is distinguished by a narrow leaf plate. Trees are undemanding to climate and soil quality. Birch forests are the most widespread.

Often trees grow on the site of fires or felling. Alder reproduces by shoots, and aspen - by root offspring. Where there were no forests, trees grow by seed. An amazing feature is the ability to accumulate moisture. Thickets of alder and birch block the way to fire, do not allow spreading to noble species.

The animal world is formed under the influence of indigenous trees. A lot of birds. Of the mammals, there are hares, lynxes, moose and squirrels. Strips of small-leaved forests alternating with economic lands are favorite places for raccoon dogs.

Secondary forests contribute to the restoration of green areas, although it takes about 180 years for full rehabilitation. They act as a fire buffer. It remains to be hoped that small-leaved forests will contribute to the reorganization of the country's forest resources.

Mixed and broad-leaved forests, located between the steppes and taiga, occupy approximately 28% of the area of ​​the whole of Russia.

They include trees such as pine, spruce, larch, maple, oak. These forests are distinguished by a large number of fauna: predatory, herbivorous animals, birds.

The mild climate, which is typical for this area, contributes to the prosperity of various vegetation, so the forests are rich in berry bushes, mushrooms, and medicinal herbs.

What are mixed and broadleaf forests

Mixed forests are natural area conifers and deciduous trees with an admixture of about 7% of plants of another type.

Broad-leaved forests are deciduous (summer green) trees with wide leaf blades.

Characteristics of mixed forests

There is a scheme of varieties of mixed forests:

It is characteristic that the description of the composition of the forest includes tiers of trees and shrubs of various heights:

Location of the zone of mixed and broadleaf forests

Mixed and broad-leaved forests of Russia have the following geographical position- originate at the western borders and extend to the Ural Mountains.

Due to the openness of the zone to large full-flowing rivers - the Oka, the Volga, the Dnieper, moisture is felt in the forests. Deposits in these zones of clay, sand contribute to the development of lakes, swampy areas. The location of forests near the Atlantic Ocean, which has an impact on climate, is also important.


Mixed forests are most comfortable growing in a mild, humid, temperate continental climate with a clear alternation of seasons ( heat in summer and low in winter). The southern and western parts account for about 700-800 mm of precipitation. It is this balanced climate that contributes to the cultivation of various crops here: wheat, flax, sugar beets, potatoes.

In broad-leaved forests, the climate changes from temperate continental to temperate, winters become warmer, and summers cooler, but average annual precipitation increases. This atmosphere allows the favorable growth of coniferous and broadleaf trees together.

Animal world

World forest dwellers rich and varied. Deer, moose, hares, hedgehogs live here. The most common predators of the mixed forest are the fox, the wolf, the marten, the forest cat, the lynx, and the brown bear.

Mixed Forest Animals

Rodents live in the forests: mice, squirrels, rats. And in the European part of the forest, such rare inhabitants as the badger and lynx settled.

The forest floor and soil are inhabited by invertebrates that process the layer of fallen leaves. Leaf-eating insects live in the canopy of trees.

Birds of the mixed forest

This type of forest is perfect for birds: woodpeckers, capercaillie, tits that feed on caterpillars, and owls that are not averse to eating mice.

Plants of mixed forests

The temperate continental climate allows birch, alder, poplar, mountain ash, spruce, and pine to grow in mixed forests.

Willow feels very comfortable here due to sufficient humidity. The pride of this type of forest is oak, in mixed forests it grows tall, powerful and large, so it stands apart from other trees.

Mixed forests largely consist of shrubs: elderberry, wild raspberry, hazel, viburnum, which also loves moisture very much.

In addition to trees and shrubs, mixed forests are rich in various herbs, mosses and flowers. AT mixed forest you can see vegetation such as fern, nettle, sedge, clover, horsetail, St. John's wort and many others. Flowers will delight the eye: chamomile, lilies of the valley, buttercups, bluebells, lungwort.

Dominant Soils

There are a lot of fallen leaves and needles in the forests, which, decomposing, form humus. In conditions of moderate humidity, mineral and organic substances accumulate in the upper soil layer.

Humus with organic matter are the main constituents of soddy-podzolic soil. From above, the soil is covered with vegetation, various herbs, mosses. The relief and properties of surface rocks can have a significant impact on the internal structure of the vegetation cover.

Environmental problems

In our time, one of the main environmental problems has become the problem of heterogeneous forests, which is exacerbated by selective felling of trees by humans.

Although broadleaf trees differs from others in rapid growth, the forest area has greatly decreased. Entrepreneurs are engaged in cutting down trees on a huge scale, which leads to other environmental issues- the accumulation of harmful gases in the atmosphere of our planet.

Over the past 7 years, forest fires have become more frequent, due to human negligence, entire hectares are burning.

On forest dwellers rare species poachers hunt illegally.

Reserves of mixed and broad-leaved forests of Russia

Russia is filled with more and more nature reserves.

The most famous largest reserve is Bolshekhekhtsirsky (Khabarovsk Territory), which is protected by the state. It grows trees (more than 800 species), shrubs and herbaceous plants.

The specialists of this reserve carried out large-scale work to restore the population of bison, beaver, elk, and deer.

Another well-known large nature reserve is Kedrovaya Pad (Primorsky Territory). Only coniferous trees were supposed to grow here, but later representatives of a broad-leaved forest appeared: linden, maple, birch, oak.

Human economic activity

Forests have long been mastered by people.

The most popular economic activity person:

Features of mixed and broad-leaved forests:

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