How much does the tank weigh. How much does a tank weigh Armed conflict in southeastern Ukraine

Helpful Hints 22.09.2019
Helpful Hints

Tank T-72 - reliable, unpretentious and efficient fighting machine. In terms of prevalence, it is second only to the legendary T-55. But today, machines serving in different parts of the world are outdated both morally and physically. In addition, one should not lose sight of the fact that the T-72 was originally created as a single machine for use in a variety of climatic conditions - from the Arctic to the tropics. And, from the point of view of common sense, it is difficult to understand why the tires of road wheels are frost-resistant rubber (by the way - very expensive), but there is no air conditioning on the machines sent to Africa.

The need for air conditioning is a requirement that affects the combat capability of the vehicle to a much higher extent than is commonly believed. For example, according to an Indian military report, the French-made Catherine thermal imaging system installed in the tank was not able to “work adequately” in tropical conditions and gave numerous failures. During the tests, it was found that when the temperature inside the tank reached + 50 ... 55 ° C, a “blurring” of the image in the sight was noted. Moreover, this can often lead to irreversible damage to the equipment: on the Russian T-90S delivered to India, due to the lack of an air conditioner, about 80 thermal imagers failed and became unusable during four years of operation. The lack of an effective air conditioning system causes an increase in the temperature inside the tank to +60°C and above, which not only leads to failure of the electronic components of the equipment, but also makes it physiologically impossible for the crew to work.

Forty years have passed since the creation of the T-72, the requirements for the dynamics of a modern tank, and, consequently, for its power supply, have significantly increased. In addition, as a result of a series of upgrades, the weight of the vehicle has increased significantly - from 40 tons on the T-72 Ural (object 172M of the 1975 model of the year) to 48 tons on the Czech T-72M4CZ. Moreover, the process of increasing the mass of the tank continues. Given these factors, the continued use of the B-46-6 engine, which is on most of the exported T-72s, seems to be an anachronism - while maintaining the existing power plant, achieving the required dynamic characteristics of the machine is impossible.

The already limited motor resource of a tank engine is often spent to power the electrical systems and electrical consumers of the tank, in conditions when it is not in motion. Moreover, at the same time, a significant part of the transportable fuel supply is produced. In the modern world “tank fashion”, this problem was solved by using an auxiliary power unit (APU) with a power significantly less than the power of a tank engine, but quite sufficient to power the main consumers of electricity. However, in the MTO of the serial "seventy-two" there is simply no place to install the aforementioned unit.

Having comprehended the above, it is necessary to conclude that the modern modification of the T-72 tank should have an engine greater than 780 hp. power, but, at the same time, quite compact and providing the possibility of placing the APU machine and part of the air conditioner units in the reserved space.

The specialists of the State Enterprise "Kharkov Armored Repair Plant" in cooperation with KhKBD implemented a project to modernize the chassis of the T-72B tank (object 184) by creating a new engine-transmission compartment and equipping it with the necessary equipment. R & D was carried out, the sample was modernized.

The experimental machine is undergoing life tests. As a replacement for the "old man" B-46-6, the well-known 5TDF engine was proposed, or rather, its new modification, 5TDFMA-1, developed by the HKBD. The power of the new version of the engine is 1050 hp.

Scheme for upgrading the engine compartment of the T-72 tank by installing a 5TDFMA-1 engine with a fan cooling system (the power unit is shown in brown, the air conditioner unit in purple).

The "highlight" of the engines of the 5TDF/6TD family is their ability to maintain power when the ambient temperature rises to +55°C. Moreover, for engines of this type, work at high temperatures- This is the default mode. For example, the recommended operating temperature of the coolant (coolant) for 5TDF is 80-90 ° C, the permissible temperature is up to + 115 ° C, for a short time (no more than 1 hour) the permissible temperature is up to + 125 ° C.

For example: the performance of the modified engine cooling system is increased by 37% with a decrease in energy costs (power losses) per fan by 24%. Achieved 6% fuel economy.

The created design of the MTO is more compact and allows you to place in the engine compartment part of the air conditioner components and the auxiliary power unit EA-10 with a capacity of 10 kW.

In addition, an increase in the specific power of the machine made it possible to increase its security by installing a built-in dynamic protection of the tower, similar to that used in the Bulat BM.

T-72 tank with 5TDFMA-1 engine: main differences from the serial T-72B tank

1050 hp engine

Cumulative dynamic defense of the Knife-type turret

Fighting compartment air conditioner

Auxiliary power unit

Transmission with increased efficiency.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the T-72B tank (object 184) with the 5TDFMA-1 engine

No. p / p



Combat weight, t.

Crew, man

Dimensions L x W x H, mm

9530 x 3460 x 2226

Clearance, mm

Engine, horsepower

Five-cylinder two-stroke turbocharged boxer 5TDFMA-1, 1050 hp with PTO for fan drive


Mechanical with hydraulic control. Coaxial onboard gearboxes, planetary, four-row, seven-speed with friction engagement using boosters. Permanent drive to coaxial single-row final drives

Maximum speed, km/h.

Fuel range, km

Equivalent armor protection of the tower, mm

550 + DZ "Knife"

Equivalent armor protection of the hull, mm

450 + DZ "Contact"

Gun, caliber mm

Smooth-bore 2A46M - PU ATGM, 125 mm, with an ejector and a thermal protective cover

Rate of fire using an automatic loader, rds / min.

Ammunition, shots

39, of which 22 in the automatic loader

Types of projectiles used

BOPS, OFS, KS, ATGM 9M119M "Reflex-M" (AT-11 "Sniper-B" according to NATO classification)

Guided missile weapon system

9K120 "Svir"

The principle of operation of the missile guidance system

Semi-automatic control system with missile teleorientation in the laser beam

Coaxial machine gun, type, caliber, ammunition load

PKT, 7.62 mm, 2000 rounds

Anti-aircraft machine gun, type, caliber, ammunition load

NSVT "Cliff", 12.7 mm, 300 rounds

The system for setting smoke screens, the number and caliber of mortars, the grenades used.

System "Tucha-902B", 8 mortars 82 mm, grenades 3D6 and 3D17

Gunner's sighting system

1A40-1, with a stabilized field of view, built-in laser rangefinder and tank ballistic computer (TBV)

ballistic computer

1B528 microprocessor based

Sight-guidance device

1K13-49, for dubbing 1A40-1 and providing guided projectile firing

Turret slewing mechanism

Hydraulic with manual override


2E42-2 "Jasmine"

Combined (day / night). commander's surveillance device

TKN-3V, electron-optical, periscopic, binocular

Night observation device for the driver

TVNE-4B, electron-optical, periscopic, binocular


Caterpillar. 6 rollers per board


Metal with rubber-metal hinge, fine-pitched with lantern gearing

drive wheel

Rear mounted, with removable rims and track derailment device

track roller

Dual-slope with external rubber tires, forged aluminum alloy rims. Front rollers with additional bearing

Guide wheel

Dual-slope alloy wheels

support roller

Single bandage with internal depreciation. Bolted to body


Individual torsion misaligned

hydraulic shock absorber

Hydraulic bladed on 1, 2 and 6 suspension units, connected to the balancer by a link and two hinges

radio station

tank intercom

Air conditioner

KS-4.5. Cooling capacity 3500 W, air capacity not less than 500 m3/h, temperature range from 18 to 30°С

Auxiliary power unit, brand, kW power, continuous operation time

EA-10, 10 kW. 24 hours

Weapon protection system mass destruction

Filtering unit, radiation and chemical reconnaissance device GO-27

Self-digging equipment

Self-digging device "Element"

Underwater tank driving equipment

OPVT system and Brod system

Structural changes of the T-72B tank (object 184) with the 5TDFMA-1 engine

During the implementation of the project to modernize the chassis of the T-72 tank, by creating a new engine compartment, the aft armor plate of the hull was slightly altered, the air intake path in the MTO roof was changed, exhaust gases were removed to the port side, new engine mounts were made, the design of the air cleaner and flue, the fan drive is provided by a direct drive from the engine. The use of a new scheme of the power plant and transmission made it possible to abandon the step-up gearbox - the guitar, thereby reducing the mass of the tank, simplifying the kinematic scheme, and, as a result, increasing the efficiency power unit(motor-transmission installation) as a whole. A set of design measures made it possible to increase the performance of the modified engine cooling system by 37% while reducing energy costs (power losses) per fan by 24%, while achieving 6% fuel savings.

The proposed design of the MTO is more compact and allows you to place in the engine compartment part of the components of the air conditioner and the auxiliary power unit EA-10 with a capacity of 10 kW.

An increase in the specific power of the machine made it possible to increase its security by installing a built-in dynamic protection of the tower, similar to that used in the Bulat BM.

The main Soviet tank T-72, which appeared in the early 70s of the last century, became one of the most massive vehicles in the world - Uralvagonzavod assembled at least 30 thousand copies of the tank. In addition, a number of states had licenses for the production of vehicles, which were at least several thousand tanks.

Soviet-made equipment was supplied to many states and took part in all more or less significant armed conflicts. Tanks T-72 proved to be excellent in these battles. For example, during the battles of 1982 in the Bekaa Valley, not a single case of penetrating the frontal armor of a Soviet tank was recorded.

A bit of history

The reason for the creation of the T-72 was the protracted introduction of the T-64, the new main tank of the Soviet Army. The car was equipped with the original 5TDF diesel engine with oncoming piston movement, for the assembly of which a special production facility was launched in Kharkov. However, the potential of the plant ensured the production of cars only in peacetime, any increase in the production of cars led to a shortage of power plants.

As an alternative, a version of the tank with a simpler B-45 diesel engine, which was mastered by industry, began to be considered. The tank was supposed to be produced at a plant in Nizhny Tagil.

The first developments of the Morozov Design Bureau for equipping the T-64 tanks with the V-45 diesel engine date back to 1961. As a result, by 1967, three machines were built under the designation "object 436", which underwent a complex of intensive tests. After that, the engine and transmission were put on a modernized T-64A tank.

So the "object 438" was born, which was tested in 1967-68. On the basis of the Order of the Minister of Defense Industry, a batch of “object 439” machines was assembled, which were slightly different from their predecessors. Tests have shown the identity of the characteristics of vehicles with V-45 and 5TDF diesel engines.

But for a number of reasons, "object 439" did not go into production in Nizhny Tagil.

One of the reasons is called competition between tank builders from different design bureaus. In the Urals, they decided to create new car, based on the nodes of its own "object 167", supplemented by an automatic loader. But some of the solutions for the hull and turret were borrowed from the T-64, although the parts were not interchangeable. The resulting machine received the designation "object 172M", which became the T-72, which received the prefix "Ural".

In 1973, Uralvagonzavod assembled the first production batch of 30 tanks, and full-fledged production began the following year. The launch of the T-72 series became possible thanks to Marshal Grechko, who actively lobbied for the interest of Uralvagonzavod. The parallel production of the T-64A and T-72, machines of the same level and purpose, which had an extremely low degree of unification, is nonsense for Soviet military equipment.

Modifications and experimental versions

On the basis of the T-72 machine, several dozen experimental and serial modifications were created. Immediately after the start of serial production, projects appeared to re-equip the tank with another gun. In the first half of the 70s, a single tank "object 172MN" was created, distinguished by the installation of a rifled 130-mm gun model 2A50. At the same time, experiments were underway to install a smoothbore 125 mm gun 2A49. These cars were not included in the series.

An interesting experiment was the “object 186”, equipped with a 16-cylinder diesel engine with an X-shaped arrangement of cylinders. The motor developed power up to 1200 hp, but turned out to be extremely unreliable.

For the commanders of tank formations, the commander's version of the vehicle with the designation T-72K, equipped with a set of navigation equipment and radio stations, was intended. To work from the spot, the station used an additional antenna 10 m high, which provided communication at a distance of 300 km. The installation of energy-intensive equipment has led to a reduction in the number of stacks and the transportable ammunition load is 31 rounds.

In 1979, the T-72A tank went into production, which differed from its predecessor in improved sights, a modernized gun, a launcher, a modified diesel engine and other components. On the basis of the upgraded version, the T-72AK command vehicle was built with an ammunition load reduced to 36 rounds. For the operation of the extended electronic complex, an autonomous generator set driven by a small engine was used.

For export, the T-72M variant was offered, which differed in the turret protection scheme and ammunition load. A little later, in 1982, it was replaced by the T-72M1, equipped with an additional 16 mm thick sheet mounted on the front of the hull. The combined turret armor also received sand-filled internal bars.

Since 1985, T-72AV tanks with hinged dynamic protection containers began to enter the domestic market, and a little later, the production of T-72B began. The machine is distinguished by a modernized cannon adapted for launching anti-tank guided missiles, as well as an 840-horsepower V-84-1 diesel engine. Due to the change in the protection scheme, the shape of the tower became more rounded. The commander's version of the machine became known as the T-72BK.

In the early 90s, tanks began to install built-in dynamic protection, borrowed from.

A new version received the designation T-72B of the 1989 model, there is an unofficial index - T-72BM. The export version of the T-72B began to be designated as T-72S (or T-72M1M).

Subsequently, modernization programs were developed to the T-72B2 standard, and then B3. The main emphasis in the improvement is made on the use of modern electronic and sighting equipment, as well as the installation of systems active protection.

In addition to battle tanks, a number of auxiliary and engineering vehicles were built on the basis of the T-72. Among them are the BREM-1 evacuation tractor, the MTU-72 bridge laying machine. The T-72 chassis served as the basis for self-propelled unit MSTA-S.


The hull of the T-72 tank is made by welding from rolled and cut-to-size sheets of armor steel. The upper frontal hull sheet has a combined protection scheme. The thickness of the sheet is 200 mm, which corresponds to 550-600 mm of conventional armor (located at the same angle to the normal). The sheet includes outer and inner steel layers, between which fiberglass is placed. The bottom sheet is made of ordinary armored steel with a thickness of 85 mm.

The side armor of the T-72 is installed vertically, has a thickness of 80 mm in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe habitable compartments and 70 mm in the area of ​​​​the engine compartment. Inner part Armor in habitable compartments has a coating that protects against damage by neutron radiation. A bulldozer blade is installed under the lower frontal sheet, which allows you to dig a protective trench for installing a tank. Depending on the hardness of the soil, excavation takes 20-25 minutes.

For additional protection, four flat shields made of light alloy based on aluminum are installed on the sides of the T-72.

Before the start of hostilities, the shields are retracted forward at an angle of 60⁰, protecting the side armor of the tank from being hit by cumulative ammunition. This design was later abandoned in favor of a solid screen made of fabric-reinforced rubber.

Starting with the version of the T-72AV tank, which went into production in 1985, additional dynamic protection from separate containers began to be installed on the frontal part of the hull and turret. Also, an additional 20 mm armor sheet was installed, laid on the upper main hull sheet.

The T-72 tank has a cast turret with variable wall thickness. Armor protection of the usual type, the frontal part has a thickness of up to 280 mm. Later, with the start of production of the T-72A version, combined armor with the installation of sand rods began to be used. The use of such armor improved resistance to projectile hits. At the same time, there was a change in the shape of the front of the tower, where ledges (“cheekbones”) appeared.

The crew of the T-72 tank includes three people. Workplace the driver is located in the center of the hull in the bow. Above the mechanic there is a separate hatch made in the top plate of the hull. The seat is lowered almost to the very floor, which ensures the sitting position of the mechanic.

On many foreign designs the driver is placed in a reclining combat position, which negatively affects the comfort of work.

Three internal fuel tanks are located on the sides of the driver's workplace. The tank is controlled by two levers and pedals.

The T-72 turret houses two crew members of the tank, with the gunner on the left and the commander on the right. On the roof of the tower there is a rotary commander's cupola, equipped with a pair of observation devices. Outside the combat situation, the commander sits on the turret of the vehicle, covered with a removable shield. To ensure communication there is a VHF radio station. There is a narrow passage between the tower and the control compartment.

Theoretically, a person can go there, but in fact, this requires some training. The experience of the combat use of the T-72 tank showed that it was impossible to pull out a wounded driver through this passage. Evacuation is carried out through a standard sunroof.

In the aft part of the machine body there is a power compartment, with a transversely mounted engine. As a power unit on the T-72 tanks, a 780-horsepower V-shaped 12-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine V-46-6 is used, equipped with a centrifugal air blower driven by a crankshaft. The motor has forced liquid cooling. Structurally, the diesel engine is a development of the V-2 tank engine, which was tested on the T-34 and BT-7.

In the course of subsequent upgrades, the V92S2 diesel engine was used, built on the same cylinder block, but equipped with a turbocharger. The power plant power has grown to 1000 hp. The engine compartment of the T-72 tanks allows you to seal the joints and overcome water barriers up to 5 m deep along the bottom. Additional equipment is pre-installed on the machine.

Various grades of diesel fuel, aviation kerosene, low-octane grade A-72 gasoline, as well as mixtures of these grades of fuel can be used as fuel.

Inside the T-72 tank are fuel tanks that can hold 705 liters of fuel. Outside, four barrels with a capacity of 200 or 275 liters can be mounted.

The engine of the machine is started using an electric starter, which, when the engine is running, acts as a generator. When the starter is operating, a voltage of 48V is used, in the remaining circuits a voltage of 22-29V is considered the norm. Four batteries are used to power the starter.

The transmission of the T-72 tank includes a guitar that transmits torque to two onboard gearboxes. On the output shafts of the boxes of the machine, final drives are installed that transmit rotation to the drive wheels. The tank guitar is a single-speed step-up gearbox equipped with places for installing a compressor, generator and cooling fan radiators.

Onboard gearboxes T-72 are built on the basis of planetary gears, provide seven forward speeds and one reverse speed. Gear shifting control is hydraulic, the box includes a side clutch. The use of spaced boxes allows you to control the rotation of the tank by turning on a low gear in a lagging track. This provides seven different turning radii for the machine.

An additional final drive is also built according to the planetary scheme, it serves to reduce the speed of the drive wheel. Despite the identity of the transmission scheme, the nodes of the T-64 and T-72 tanks are not interchangeable.

The chassis of the T-72 tank is equipped with individual torsion bars, supplemented by hydraulic vane shock absorbers on the first two front and last rear rollers. The torsion bar is located across the tank throughout the entire width of the hull. On the torsion bars of the machine, balancers are installed with two-disk road wheels with external shock absorption in the form of a rubber bandage.

To limit the travel of the T-72 suspension, there are bumpers against which the balancers rest.

Rollers have a paired scheme, made of aluminum alloy. Each side of the machine has six road wheels. The drive wheels are located at the rear, equipped with interchangeable gear rims. At the front, cast idlers are used, equipped with a crank to provide track preload. The caterpillar belt of the lantern gearing is made up of 97 links having a width of 580 mm.

There is a variant of the caterpillar with an open joint or with a rubber-metal assembly (RMSh). Due to the different design of the tracks, the gear rims of the drive wheels differ. The upper branch of the caterpillar rests on three rollers equipped with an internal shock absorber.

The main armament of the T-72 tank is the 125 mm D-81TM cannon (later the 2A46 model began to be used), equipped with a barrel with a smooth inner channel. The gun has a built-in two-axis electro-hydraulic stabilizer, which allows aimed fire on the move. The vehicle's ammunition load (44 shots, on early models - 39) includes various shells, as well as missiles. The upgraded 2A46M-5 gun, which uses more effective ammunition, was used on the T-72B modification.

The electromechanical automatic loader installed on the tank allows firing at a frequency of up to 8 rounds per minute. Shells and charges are located separately in two tiers on a horizontal tray, the loading angle is constant.

The sleeve has a design that partially burns out when fired - only the bottom remains of it, which is thrown out. Due to the ejection of the remnants of the sleeve, it was possible to reduce the gas contamination of the internal volume of the T-72 tank during firing. 22 shells and charges are stacked on the trays of the automatic loader. The rest of the machine's ammunition is placed in stacks mounted in the turret and hull. As the shells are spent, the crew puts the ammunition in the trays of the machine.

When switching to manual loading, the firing rate is reduced to 2 rounds per minute. A stabilized sight with a built-in rangefinder (a conventional optical one was used on early machines) allows you to fire in the daytime at a distance of 4000 ... 5000 m. The firing range at night is up to 2000 m.

An infrared searchlight is used to illuminate targets at night.

On the early T-72 vehicles, it was installed on the front of the turret to the left of the gun, but then it was moved to a point located above the coaxial machine gun embrasure. The modernization was carried out in order to increase the safety of the driver, as there were cases of fatal injuries caused by a searchlight. When using additional sighting equipment, the T-72 gun allows firing high-explosive fragmentation projectiles at a distance of 9 ... 10 km.

In one installation with a gun, a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun with belt feed is installed. One tape includes 250 cartridges. In total, eight tapes are stored in the T-72 tank. The machine gun allows you to fire at a distance of up to 1800 m (using a rangefinder sight). To protect against attacks from the air, there is a 12.7 mm Utes machine gun mounted in a special installation on the commander's cupola of the vehicle. The installation has a sight that allows firing at ground targets.

The machine gun has a belt feed, in one tape there are 60 rounds. Carried ammunition includes five tapes. Inside the tank, one 5.45 mm AKMS assault rifle was fortified, as well as a signal 26 mm rocket pistol. For close defense there are 10 fragmentation grenades F-1. To clear roads from mines, a KMT-5 or 6 trawl is used.


Comparison specifications with the British Challenger 1 tank shows that the Soviet vehicle had a weight of 20 tons less. In addition, the "Englishman" used a rifled gun with a caliber of 120 mm, incapable of launching missiles. And the prevalence of the Challenger (only 420 vehicles were built) cannot be compared with the T-72.

T-72Challenger 1M1 Abrams
Case length, mm6670 - 7925
Overall length (with turret deployed forward), mm9530 11500 9766
Width across screens, mm3460 3520 3653
Height, mm2190 2490 2400
Combat weight, kg41000 62000 54400
Maximum speed on the highway, km/h50 56 72
Range on the highway, km700 400 480
Height of the overcome wall, m0,85 0,9 1,24
Width of the overcome ditch, m2,8 2,8 2,74

The American Abrams, equipped with a gas turbine engine, noticeably surpasses the domestic car in terms of speed, yielding in range. On the M1 version, a 105 mm rifled gun was used, which was inferior in performance to the Soviet smoothbore. Later, a 120 mm smoothbore gun was installed, equalizing the chances of rivals. A big plus of American vehicles is the air conditioning system in the fighting compartments, which reduces crew fatigue on marches.

Despite its venerable age, the T-72 Ural tank remains in demand.

This is facilitated by numerous modernization programs that allow you to improve the performance of the machine. Moreover, there are modified versions of the tank offered for export to NATO countries.

An example is the Ukrainian T-72-120 tank equipped with a 120 mm KBM-2 smoothbore gun. And this development is far from unique. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the T-72 will last in combat formation for more than a dozen years.


Even before it started mass production T-62 tanks, the chief designer of the Ural Carriage Works L. N. Kartsev proposed to improve the model by installing a new engine, more powerful and more promising. That is how the T-72 tank appeared. The characteristics of the vehicle marked it as a large armored vehicle.

A bit of history

In the summer of 1961, the first two copies of the tank were built, and they were tested in an accelerated mode - first at the factory, then at the test site. The object was modernized, but, despite all its advantages, the plant did not receive official permission to produce a new tank. Year after year, certain changes were made to the model:

  1. First, the crew of the T-72 tank was thought out, which consisted of three people - the commander, gunner and driver.
  2. The tank was equipped with a cannon with an automatic loader and armor protection based on the scheme of the Research Institute of Steel.
  3. The undercarriage of the model was planned to weigh no more than 40 tons.

But these changes were not accepted, only two onboard gearboxes were left.

Tank layout features

The T-72 is a tank that features a classic design, when the power compartment is located at the stern. Management is concentrated in the bow of the vehicle, here are the fuel tank, tank rack, driver's control instrument panel, and electrical equipment.

The control compartment consists of a mechanic's seat, which controls the T-72 tank. There is a sunroof above the driver's seat. A device was installed in the armor plate shaft to monitor the situation. The driver sits while driving, which is ensured by the well-thought-out design of the seat itself in the bottom of the tank.

fighting compartment

The fighting compartment in the tank has a place in the middle part of the hull and the turret, which is separated from the power compartment by a special partition. The thoughtfulness of the design ensures convenient movement of crew members from compartments to compartments. Convenience and ergonomics are the main differences that the T-72 tank can boast of. Its characterization as a warship is also impressive:

  1. The tank is equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun in the turret, an automatic loader and fire control devices.
  2. To the right of the gun is a commander's seat, and to the left is a gunner.
  3. On the right side of the cannon there is a PKT machine gun, and above it, on special mounts, the base tube of the rangefinder sight is held.
  4. The commander's workplace is attractively equipped: it consists of an electric gun stopper, a vertical guidance tank, a radio station, a special device through which the landing socket is connected from the outside, and a cardan drive of the commander's tower.
  5. The commander's tower is covered with a lid with a plate torsion bar.
  6. The commander's cupola is equipped with two TNP-160 observation devices and a TKN-3 commander's device.

The fighting compartment is also equipped with devices and mechanisms that provide ease of use of the tank.

Force branch

The aft part has a power compartment. The engine of the T-72 tank is located on the left side, and between it and the partition for the engine there is a cooling system, an oil filter, an expansion tank valve. The air purifier is installed on the right side. The hull has a stern sheet where the cooling system is located. Also, the power compartment is equipped with additional and main oil tanks, which contribute to engine lubrication. The power compartment is closed with a lid. The fuel consumption of the T-72 tank per 100 km is as follows:

  • when driving on the ground - 260-450 l;
  • on a paved road - 240 liters.

Case features

One of the most popular Soviet tanks- T-72 tank. Its characterization as a combat one would be incomplete if one does not describe the features of the hull. The body of this model is a rigid box, which is welded from armor plates. Here are the bow, sides, stern, bottom, ventilation and motor partitions, as well as the roof of the power compartment.

The frontal sheet is a multilayer combined barrier made of steel and fiberglass, the thickness of which provides a wear-resistant coating. The sides of the hull are reinforced with vertical armor plates, supplemented with protective strips in the middle part. Their purpose is to increase the internal volume of the hull and install a tower on them. Along the entire perimeter of the sides, brackets are welded on which the guide wheels are attached.

T-72 is a popular tank of the USSR, which inspired respect throughout the world. The stern of his hull is a stern armor plate. A fan baffle is installed as protection. It is a spiral casing equipped with removable front and side sheets. There is a cooling fan in the casing, and the main purpose of the baffle is to organize the air flow. The sides of the tank are supplemented with side screens having a thickness of 3 mm and made of aluminum alloy. To maintain the condition of the tank while moving through difficult terrain, the screens can be put in the stowed position - press them against the side dust shields. When the T-72 is in combat, the dust shields can be deployed forward at an angle of 60 degrees.

How is the tower set up?

To create it, a shaped casting of armored steel was used, a roof was welded to it on top, as well as heads that protect the base tube of the rangefinder sight. The tower is characterized by a monolithic structure, the wall thickness of which varies. The front part is equipped with an embrasure where the cannon is installed, the side surfaces are equipped with arc cheeks, which play an important role in armoring the hull walls.

To the right of the gun, there is a loophole where a coaxial machine gun is located. To the left of the gun there is a bracket where a night sight illuminator is attached in combination with a tube through which an electric drive is supplied to the gun. The left half of the roof has a hatch base where the gunner is located. hydraulic and manual mechanism. All this distinguishes the T-72 tank, the characteristics of which allow us to draw a conclusion about the combat qualities of the armored vehicle.

Tank armament

The turret of the tank is equipped with a D-81TM smoothbore gun, another machine gun is paired with it, and they are stabilized in two guidance planes. The gun barrel is a pipe that connects to the casing, clutch, breech and blowing mechanism. It, in turn, consists of six nozzles. The shutter of the gun has a semi-automatic mode of operation. T-72 is the following:

  • when firing armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative projectiles, the range is 4000 m;
  • when using high-explosive fragmentation shells, its value reaches 5000 m;
  • when shooting at night, it is 800 m;
  • if the projectiles are fired sideways using high-explosive fragmentation projectiles, the firing range can reach 9400 m.

It should be noted that with automatic loading, the gun has a combat rate of up to 8 rounds per minute, with manual loading - 1-2 rounds per minute.

The T-72 is equipped with a monocular stereoscopic rangefinder sight equipped with additional independent stabilization of the field of view. With the help of the sight, the target range is measured in the range of 1000-4000 m with an accuracy of 3-5 percent. If shooting is carried out at night, a special night sight with an illuminator based on an IR filter is used.

The commander's tower is equipped with an anti-aircraft mount, which allows you to shoot at air and ground targets. In the case of the T-72 TTX of the tank the following: firing at distant air targets is carried out at a distance of up to 1500 m, at ground targets - up to 2000 m. The anti-aircraft installation of the tank consists of:

  • machine gun NSV 12.7 mm;
  • cradles with anti-recoil device;
  • anti-aircraft sight;
  • a handle that allows you to aim the gun horizontally and vertically;
  • magazine for shells;
  • balancing mechanism.

Main projectiles

One of the most powerful combat armored vehicles in Russia of all time is the T-72. The armament of the tank assumes the presence of the following shells:

  • AKMS assault rifle 7.62 mm;
  • signal pistol;
  • 10 hand grenades.

The tank has a two-plane electro-hydraulic armament stabilizer, which is combined with an optical rangefinder sight. The main tasks of this complex are the following:

  1. Automatically hold the cannon and machine gun in a certain position when the tank is moving.
  2. Aim the stabilized cannon and machine gun by smoothly adjusting the pointing speed.
  3. Aim an unstabilized gun in a horizontal plane.
  4. Create target designation from the tank commander to the gunner.
  5. Emergency turn the tower from the driver.

With the help of the stabilizer, angular velocities are provided, on the basis of which the gun is guided vertically in automatic mode. With the composition of the tank ammunition - 39 rounds for the cannon, 2000 rounds for the PKT machine gun, 300 rounds for the machine gun, 12 rounds for the signal pistol and 300 rounds for the anti-aircraft machine gun.

Charging Features

The T-72 tank has an electromechanical complex that automatically charges the gun. It consists of a rotating conveyor, a cassette lifting mechanism, a pallet removal mechanism, a rammer, an electric gun stopper, a memory device and a control panel.

The battle tank of the USSR is equipped with a rotating conveyor, which is mounted on the body of the vehicle and includes a frame, an electromechanical drive, a deck, a mechanism for closing the dispensing window with shutters, a stopper and a manual drive. The frame accommodates 22 cassettes, it is a one-piece welded structure. The cassette is a welded two pipes and is needed to accommodate a shot of different types.

Features of the power plant

The device of the T-72 tank assumes the presence of a modified power plant. It is a 780 hp diesel engine, which is complemented by a liquid cooling system and a driven centrifugal supercharger. The mass of the engine is 980 kg, it is installed in the power compartment. The multi-fuel engine can run on diesel of different brands, gasoline and kerosene. But the main type of fuel is diesel. The tank engine power supply system consists of 4 internal and 5 external fuel tanks.

To ensure the purification of the air that enters the engine cylinders, the tank is additionally equipped with a two-stage air cleaner that removes dust from the dust collector. Cleaning is performed in several cycles, after which 99.8 percent clean air enters the engine.

The device of the T-72 tank assumes the presence of a lubrication and cooling system. The lubrication system is circulating and combined, and the cooling system is liquid and closed, it is supplemented by forced circulation. A special heating system warms up the engine and maintains its systems before starting.

The T-72 tank is equipped with a hydraulically controlled mechanical transmission, which includes a guitar and two gearboxes. A guitar is a gear reducer that transmits torque to gearboxes.

Chassis and equipment

The combat weight of the T-72 tank is 44.5 tons, while the undercarriage is six dual-slope rubber-coated road wheels and three single-slope rollers, a rear drive wheel, a steering wheel with a crank mechanism. The tank has an individual which is enhanced by hydraulic shock absorbers and six road wheels. The caterpillars have small links with the number of tracks in them 97.

Of the additional devices on the tank, one can note a radio station and designed for four subscribers. The radio works as a transceiver and telephone, providing a communication range of up to 20 km. The radio station operates on the 1261 operating frequency, while the signal is received and transmitted on a common frequency.

Protective systems

Despite the fact that the weight of the T-72 tank was impressive, it was equipped with additional systems that protected the armored vehicle from weapons of mass destruction. The systems are able to protect the tank and its internal equipment from shock waves, radiation during nuclear explosion, ensuring the safety of the crew when exposed to poisonous substances or biological weapons.

Protection against the shock wave is carried out by thoughtful armor, as well as high-quality sealing. Inside the tank, a special reliable material is used, while the fighting compartment and control compartments are reliably sealed. The protection system acts as a light and sound alarm, controls the level of radiation and excess pressure inside the tank and the presence of toxic substances outside it.

The fire-fighting system consists of three two-liter cylinders filled with fire extinguishing composition, as well as three pipelines that connect the cylinders and compartments, and nine thermal sensors. A special multi-action system serves as a reliable smoke protection. It runs on diesel fuel.

From additional equipment T-72 tanks include a system for underwater driving, which allows you to overcome water obstacles at a depth of 5 m and a width of up to 1000 m. This equipment also includes life jackets, gas masks designed for all crew members.

Modifications of the T-72 tank

In total, over the years of production, the tank was presented in eight main modifications: and their varieties. In addition, it was actively sold abroad to countries such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, the GDR, Hungary and Bulgaria. As of 2007, these armored vehicles were in service with a number of countries - Azerbaijan, Algeria, Vietnam, Libya, Macedonia, Kyrgyzstan and many others. The T-72 tank was actively used in many countries as the basis of a large number of engineering, special and combat vehicles.

T-72 is a Ural tank, which for a long time was considered one of the most powerful and reliable not only in the USSR, but also in the world. Modernized versions are still being produced in many countries, while control systems and power equipment are constantly being improved.

Main combat t a n k T 72 photo
The most massive and famous tank of the second generation in the world. It is in service with Russia and 30 other countries of the world.
Created on the basis tank T-64A . It was developed in the Design Bureau of Uralvagonzavod from 1967 to 1972 as "object 172", after modernization "object 172M". Since November factory tests. In 1972, an initial batch of 15 vehicles, together with the T-64A and T-80 tanks, passed many months of military tests. According to their results, it was recommended for adoption under the designation T-72 "Ural".

tank T-72 photo of all modifications about 30 thousand were produced in 25 years

The tank was mass-produced at UVZ from 1974 to 1992, from 1978 to 1990 at ChTZ.
The total number of produced T-72s is estimated at 20,000-25,000 pieces. The car was also produced in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, India, Iran and without a license in China.

The T-72 in the photo had nuclear, biological and chemical protection systems

The tank has a classic layout.

t 72 characteristics

The crew consists of three people.

The automatic loader replaced one of the crew members, the rate of fire was 8 rounds per minute

The T-72 hull is a box-shaped structure made of sheets and plates of rolled homogeneous and combined armor.
Basic tank T-72A photo. Early 1980s

T-72 on parade in East Berlin 1984

Combined body armor consists of 80 mm steel outer, 105 mm fiberglass and 20 mm steel inner layers. For the T-72A tank, it has been changed to 60+100+50 mm thick layers and reinforced by welding a 30 mm armor plate. For the T-72B, the front armor of the hull was additionally increased by the addition of a 20 mm armor plate. Later, the T-72B hull received hinged dynamic protection "Contact", then "Relic".

photo tank T-72, 41.5 tons of steel and composite armor

The engine compartment is separated from the combat compartment by an armored partition. But the ammunition is still in combat, the Achilles heel of all tanks of the Soviet, and now Russian-built. The combat weight of the T-72A tank is 41.5 tons.

T-72 is relatively short, there is little space inside the tank, as a result, a very low profile, 125mm D-81TM, smoothbore gun, a pipe above the turret allows you to ford rivers

Towers of the first series are made of cast, complex design. In 1979, the T-72A tank with combined turret armor was put into service. Its front part had a thickness of 280 mm.

view of the place of the commander of the T-72AG tank

In the control compartment, to the right of the driver's seat, there is a fuel tank and a tank rack, to the left is a fuel tank, a control panel and batteries.

torsion bar suspension provides the machine with excellent ride smoothness t 72

Above his seat there is an inspection hatch, and in the bottom of the hull, behind the seat, there is an emergency exit hatch. In the upper inclined sheet of the hull, the observation device for the driver TNPO-168V is strengthened.
in the tower tank t 72 photo , a 125-mm D-81TM smoothbore gun was installed. The tank's ammunition load includes 44 separate-loading shots with armor-piercing sub-caliber, cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation shells. The tank uses an electromechanical automatic loader. 22 artillery rounds from the ammunition load are placed in cassettes of a rotating ammunition rack.

Tank T-72 lower front plate, self-digging equipment (which, when folded, is additional armor protection)

To aim the gun at the target, a daytime stereoscopic sight-rangefinder is installed. The T-72 commander's cupola contains two TNP-160 observation devices, a TKN-3 commander observation device and a night sight. The illuminator "Moon" is used as a source of infrared light. With cannon sparep 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. On an open turret installation, the NSVT-12.7 Utyos machine gun with a collimator sight and manual aiming is used as an anti-aircraft gun. Smoke grenade launchers are placed on the tower. Their number depends on the modification of the machine.

the number of smoke grenade launchers depends on the modification of the T 72 machine

The tank is equipped with a 12-cylinder multi-fuel V-46 diesel engine with a transmission and a driven centrifugal supercharger with an HP 780 power. Since 1984, the T-72A has been equipped with a V-84 diesel engine with a power of 840 hp. The engine is installed in the engine compartment across the axis of the tank.

bram 1 was created on the basis of the chassis of the main tank T-72 photo, adopted in 1975

Suspension rollers independent torsion bar with hydraulic shock absorbers. The undercarriage consists of six rubber-coated support rollers, three supporting rollers on board, guides and drive wheels with removable rims.

tank T-72 weak security of the side projection of this tank, the sides are protected by rubber screens, except perhaps from flying dirt, but not from enemy shells

Caterpillars with rubber-metal hinges. The track rollers are made of aluminum alloy, the rest are made of steel. The speed of the car on the highway is up to 60 km / h. Power reserve 500 km.

Parameter T-72B T-72 modernized
Combat weight, t 44,5 no more than 46
Gun, brand 2A46M 2A46M-5
Caliber, mm 125 125
Anti-aircraft gun mount open type closed type with remote control
Modular remote control "Contact-V" "Relic"
Automated Curtain Setting System No there is
electromagnetic system
No there is
day sight Sighting system 1А40-1 Sosna-U multi-channel gunner's sight with reticle and TPV channels, laser rangefinder and laser missile control channel
night sight PPN 1K13-49 electro-optical monocular periscope
Range of detection and recognition of a tank-type target at night, m 1300 at least 3300
Duplicated weapon control mode from the commander's seat No there is
Double sight No rangefinder sight
ballistic computer No electronic digital with a set of sensors
Target tracking machine No electronic digital with video image processing from the TPV channel of the Sosna-U sight
Missile control information channel is part of PPN 1K13-49 part of the multi-channel gunner's sight "Sosna-U"
Maximum firing range of a guided missile, m up to 4000
(in the afternoon, from a place)
up to 5000
(day and night, from a place and
on the move)
Radio station, brand R-173 R-168-25UE-2
Availability of pre-prepared frequencies 4 64
Technical mode
No there is
Frequency hopping mode (software tuning of the operating frequency) No there is
Speed ​​of transmission and reception of digital information, bit/s no digital communication channel up to 16000
Navigation equipment, type No combined (GPS and odometric)
Intercom and switching equipment, brand R-174 R-168 AVSK-B
Verbal intelligibility, % 90 94
Maximum number of subscribers connected to the intercom network 6 10
Engine brand B-84-1 V-92S2
Power, hp 840 1000
Specific power, hp/t 18,9 not less than 21.8
Max Speed
on the highway, km/h
60 65

T-72С, in order to maintain superiority on the battlefield, a more advanced model was created, it retains all the positive features of the base tank, despite the presence of dynamic protection, the side projection is still vulnerable

The tank was equipped with a R-123M radio station, an intercom, an anti-nuclear defense system, an automatic fire extinguishing system, underwater driving equipment, and a self-digging device.

T-72M1M export modernization tank T-72M1

On part of the tanks, you can install rutted knife mine trawls.

The T-72S, the world's first cannon-missile tank supplied to the market, surpasses the T-72M1 tank in terms of firepower, mobility protection, differs from its ancestors by installing fundamentally new units

"Seventy-second" was produced in a large number of modifications. To date, its production has been completed.

During operation and combat use, the extreme explosiveness of the T-72 was revealed, it seems that this is becoming the hallmark of the entire series, the T-90 was created on the basis of the same seventy-second, has the same problems with ammunition, is located in the fighting compartment

As of 2010, 2,000 T-72 vehicles were in operation in Russia and 7,000 were in reserve. Despite the modernization, the tank has several fundamental vulnerabilities. Weak side projection protection, the ammunition rack is combined with the fighting compartment crew (detonation leads to the complete destruction of the tank, along with the crew), low starting speed, acceleration 0-32 km / h in 12 seconds, French, Abrams 7.2 seconds, well, in 10 seconds.

The Syrians are strengthening the protection of the sides of the T-72 tank by installing gratings

The militia from Donetsk and Luhansk also strengthens the protection of the sides of their tanks with bars, the improvised hinged protection of the T-72 tank is still not very effective against the cumulative charge as it was during the Second World War

Tank T-72B3 after shelling with old RPGs near Illovaysk, the torn off turret seems to be becoming a hallmark of tank building

Upgraded tank T-72B "White Eagle" from OAO Oboronservis, all the same design flaws, poor protection of the side projection, the sides are protected by rubber screens and dynamic protection modules up to the middle of the side of the tank, the division of ammunition cannot be solved by modernization

T 72 moment of shot photo

Such a large release, most of them are still in operation, serve as objects for injections into the modernization of the tank. This is done both by our enterprises and by Belarusian, Ukrainian, various concerns from France, the USA, Canada and, of course, China.

The domestic T-72B3 tank is an improved modification of the seventy-second model, which successfully proved itself in Afghanistan. The new combat vehicle was put into service in two thousand and twelve. The main difference from its predecessor is increased mobility, a more powerful power plant, reinforced firepower and upgrading the loading system to allow the use of the most modern ammunition. Also, a powerful combat unit is equipped with modern radio transmitters that provide high-quality broadcasting of classified and direct communications.

Purpose and protection system

T-72B3 is designed to perform various combat operations. Among them:

  • elimination of enemy armored vehicles;
  • destruction of enemy personnel;
  • destruction of various types of fortifications and firing points;
  • escort and support of ground forces during the offensive and in defense.

The vehicle can perform the assigned combat mission at any time of the day, regardless of weather conditions.

The type of armor of the modification in question provides reliable protection for the crew. The hull and turret are made of complex rolled steel, able to withstand most armor-piercing and sub-caliber projectiles, as well as any type of armor-piercing bullets.

The tank is protected from cumulative damage by a special complex "Contact-5". The tower has eight Tucha grenade launchers, and the Shtora system can also be mounted, which protects against laser-guided anti-tank missiles.

Chassis and engine T-72B3

The model under consideration had tracked tracks replaced. Compared to its predecessor, new tank received running elements with a parallel hinge, which serves to improve performance and increase the resource of movement. The transmission unit remained identical to the T-72 model.

The updated version is equipped with a more powerful multi-fuel power unit. Its power reaches 1130 horsepower. The motor allows the car to reach speeds of up to sixty kilometers per hour over rough terrain, 70 km / h on the highway. Full refueling of fuel tanks is enough to overcome the path of five hundred kilometers. The tank is quite capable of water barriers up to 2.8 meters.

Combat module device

The T-72B3 is equipped with a modernized 2A45 M5 gun, which is an improved modification of the D-81M barrel. The gun has increased structural rigidity and better accuracy.

Clips trunnion type now have a wedge-shaped mount. The support for retractable devices is located in the rear of the cradle with an enlarged neck by one hundred and sixty millimeters. This element has also become an order of magnitude more rigid, and its guides are made in the form of a prism. This decision made it possible to reduce the dispersion factor when fired by fifteen percent. The spread of shells when firing on the move has decreased by half. As a result, the T-72B3 tank became much more accurate and faster at hitting targets.

The combat vehicle is equipped with a reflector lock that allows you to calculate the angle of the barrel bend. Information is transmitted to the gunner's panel in digital format. This additionally improves accuracy by filtering out the consequences of all kinds of interference that periodically occurs during the combat operation of the tank. All information goes to the ballistics numerator, which greatly simplifies the work of the gunner, allowing you to quickly aim the gun at the intended target.

T-72B3: weapons

The main weapon of the tank in question is a cannon launcher 2A-46M5, with a caliber of one hundred and twenty-five millimeters, the ammunition load of which can hold four dozen shells. The gun aggregates with modern armor-piercing, cumulative and sub-caliber, fragmentation and high-explosive shells. The maximum distance of defeat reaches four kilometers.

In addition, the T-72B3 combat vehicle is equipped with the following types of weapons:

  • anti-tank guided missiles of the ZVBM-22/23 type;
  • machine gun brand PKTM, firing bullets of 7.62 mm caliber;
  • anti-aircraft machine gun to combat aircraft (brand - NSV, caliber - 12.7 mm).

The total stock of machine gun cartridges is 2750 pieces.

The main battle tank can fire several types of specially designed, increased in length projectiles, such as "Lead", with both variations available. This increases not only the maximum distance to hit the target, but also the degree of armor penetration, regardless of the distance. The accuracy of loading new ammunition is provided by a modified and improved automatic device.

Technical plan parameters

The T-72B3 combat vehicle, whose characteristics are superior in many aspects to its predecessor, has the following main indicators:

  • crew composition - three people (commander, mechanic and gunner);
  • weight in combat condition - forty-six tons;
  • main gun (caliber / brand) - 125 mm / 2A45-6M5;
  • power plant capacity is 840 horsepower;
  • hull length (with and without a gun) - 9.53 / 6.86 m;
  • power reserve - at least five hundred kilometers;
  • machine height - 2.22 m;
  • ground clearance - 49 centimeters.

It is also worth noting that the T-72B3 unit, whose maximum speed is up to seventy kilometers per hour, is equipped latest systems aiming, radio communications and fire fighting.

Communication system

In this area, the main battle tank under the 72B3 brand is in many ways superior to its predecessor and many world analogues. The package includes a radio station on ultrashort waves, the Aqueduct system, as well as independent channels for transporting information.

Thanks to this equipment, the tank can perform sessions in three modes, namely:

  • hidden;
  • open;
  • secret.

A standard combat vehicle is equipped with a pair of independent transmitters.

Separately, it is worth noting the possibility of encrypted communication. The system was developed in Ryazan, includes a remote control for data collection, although it does not always please with stability.

Tangent elements with an individual volume control have proven themselves not from the very better side. This is due to their fragility and unreliability. Tankers testing vehicles say that the old elements withstood significant mechanical loads, and new samples, even after falling from a short distance, can fail.

Optics and scope

To the question: "T-72B3 combat tank - what kind of animal is this?" - can be answered in different ways. He also has weak spots. For example, the developers equipped the car with an antediluvian combined periscope sight, which has not changed since 1991. Its characteristics leave much to be desired.

This is evidenced by the fact that already in the first field tests, eye injuries were recorded among the crew members. This is due to the fact that if the head is not removed from the sight in time during the shot, then a short-term shell shock to the gunner is provided, since the system has a large return. The advantages of TKN-ZMK include the ability to rebuild automatically, depending on the position of the tower. At the same time, the “commander” indicator lights up, which indicates that the aiming is under the control of a senior crew member.

Here again a dilemma arises. If at night the gunner observes the target at a distance of up to three and a half kilometers, then the commander will be able to coordinate actions only at five hundred meters. In terms of guidance and visibility, especially at night, the modernized T-72B3 is not the best example to follow.

Additional equipment

TTX T-72b3 include additional systems, namely:

  1. Upgraded device for extinguishing fires "Hoarfrost". It allows you to automatically identify and extinguish areas of fire in the combat and motor parts of the vehicle. The system has a double action, includes four refrigerant tanks, detects fires using optical and thermal indicators.
  2. The possibility of armament with improved shells, as well as an anti-aircraft gun, which is devoid of remote control.
  3. The driver's window is closed with an armored curtain, which can only be opened from the outside. In combat, this is a big disadvantage.

About the disadvantages

The sight and aiming system immediately begs for criticism. In addition to the fact that the node used was outdated for a long time, it also received an addition in the form of a French thermal imager. In the current political light, such a decision is, to put it mildly, strange. To this it must be added that by improving the guidance system, the developers tried to save as much as possible. This is evidenced by the following:

  1. Installation of a well-established sight in the nineties, but outdated at that time.
  2. Installation of the "Pine" and "Whirlwind" systems (not particularly relevant).
  3. Manual drive for an anti-aircraft machine gun.
  4. Unfinished viewing video device.

As a result, the line of sight of the barrel bore has shifted significantly in relation to the sight itself, which in real combat conditions significantly complicates aiming the gun at the target.

The tankers themselves say that it has become more difficult for the gunner to use the sight. In order to bring the "Pine" to a normal position, you have to bend to the left, excessively straining the spinal section. The video device is placed extremely unsuccessfully. When landing the crew, it is often smashed with a foot. The external optical unit is not just closed with a lid, but also screwed with four bolts. In the field, this is a real threat to the entire crew of the T-72B3 tank.

Positive points

For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting the advantages of the combat vehicle in question:

  1. In the general configuration, the TPD-K1 sight remained, which was equipped with protection against laser attacks. This allows, in case of damage to one inducing node, to use its analogue.
  2. Behind the gunner's place, extremely necessary devices were mounted (temperature sensors, wind direction, air flow speed).
  3. The ability to install additional weapons, including the most modern shells.
  4. More powerful power unit.

The main battle tank T-72 loses to the modernized "brother" in many respects, however, the updated copy did not show itself in the best light.

Practical tests

Domestic modern tank T-72B3 took an active part in the recent tank biathlon competitions in Alabino. The attention of specialists was focused on the operational and combat capabilities of the vehicle. It is worth noting that during these tests, this modification was first presented to the general public.

Sadly, but the novelty did not cause much excitement among eyewitnesses. First, by appearance it is difficult to distinguish between the upgraded model and its predecessor. Secondly, many were interested in the T-90A prototype, which is supposed to be the next model in service with the Russian army.

In practice, the combat vehicle in question showed good results. However, it cannot be said that it fully met the expectations of specialists. This is largely due to the structural elements in terms of aiming and aiming. As for traction and maneuvers, there are practically no questions here.

The domestically produced tank T-72B3, the characteristics of which are indicated above, was created as a budget, but modernized version of the T-72B. No wonder they have a lot in common. The cost of improving the predecessor was about fifty-two million rubles per unit. Approximately half of them go to the overhaul of the machine, and the second part - to the purchase and installation of new equipment.

During the overhaul and modernization, the serial tank of the T-72B model receives a number of new devices. The main ones include:

  1. Multi-level sight with optical and thermal imaging guidance "Sosna-U".
  2. The ability to use a laser rangefinder and a control system for armor-piercing missiles.
  3. The versatility of the gunner's operations.
  4. Improved powertrain.

Unfortunately, when implementing the T-72B3 project, tank builders applied an ambiguous technical solution. The outer parts of the Sosna-U sight are located inside a lightly armored casing that protects them from bullets and shrapnel. In the stowed position, the front window of the casing is closed with a lid and fixed with bolts, which provides for the mechanic to leave the cab before the battle and unscrew the mount manually. It is worth noting that there are several variations that allow you to discard the cover without leaving the working compartment. They are actively used both throughout the world and in Russia. Why the developers chose an impractical option is anyone's guess.

Comparative characteristics

Let's draw an analogy between the base tank and the T-72B3 combat vehicle. The crew also consists of three people, driving performance remained at the same level, there is a built-in dynamic protection of the Contact-5 format.

The running elements have undergone changes (the caterpillars were equipped with a hinged parallel element). The range and accuracy of the shot, although not drastically, has increased. Overcoming water obstacles increased to 2.8 meters, subject to the use of special devices. However, the overall level of protection of the T-72B3 tank has become a little better. Unlike its predecessor, which used a searchlight and an active-passive sight, in the model under consideration, the place of the light element was taken by a night vision device with a thermal imager. The part of the frontal hull where the searchlight was located is covered with an additional armored module, which increases frontal protection.

The weapon system of the T-72B3 combat vehicle has been partially changed. A new autoloader has appeared, aggregating with new types of shells. The outline of the main gun remained the same, as did the anti-aircraft machine gun. There is also a turret with a large-caliber NSV gun. It was also affected by savings, since the machine gun is not remotely controlled, which further reduces the safety of crew members.

What did the modernization give?

The conversion of serial T-72B tanks into an upgraded version of the T-72B3 made it possible to increase the combat potential of the vehicle. However, this decision causes a lot of controversy and reasoning. On the one hand, overhaul and partial improvement allows you to strengthen the army at minimal cost. Another point of view is based on the fact that it is inefficient and impractical to combine illogical things, including a bolted optics cover and an open machine gun platform.

As a result, shortcomings can nullify all objective advantages. It seems that the developers were just trying to meet a certain estimate, which is why they left so many “black holes”. In the meantime, all that remains is to wait and believe that the designers will take into account all the mistakes and be able to level them in subsequent projects.

In conclusion

The question of how many T-72B3 tanks Russia has is difficult to answer, since military secrets are rarely fully revealed. It can be assumed that there are not very many such machines. This is due to the original purpose of the machine in the form of an experimental innovation. Judging by the specifics of production and taking into account the opinion of experts, the modification in question serves rather as a transitional model between obsolete samples and future developments. This is necessary in order to strengthen the armored power of the armed forces, while not wasting financial resources.

I would like to believe that the release of a new modification is not far off. If it is equipped with all the innovative developments, of which there are many in Russia, and also absorbs all the best from its predecessors, then it will certainly become one of the most combat-ready in the world. Unfortunately, the financial side, as often happens, plays a predominant role. Despite this, domestic military equipment every year it gets better. Russian tanks are not much inferior, and in many ways they are superior to their foreign counterparts. Still, it is not for nothing that domestic weapons are one of the most formidable in the world.

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