The most mysterious and unusual natural phenomena (photo). Folk omens of December Forest fires in California

Auto 05.08.2019

A rare phenomenon - a small parade of planets - can be observed these days by residents of Russia. Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are now in the same sector of the starry sky and are visible in clear weather even with the naked eye. According to astronomers, the most favorable moment for observing the luminaries was on October 18. The parade will last until the 20th, so armed with binoculars and telescopes, you can still try to distinguish four planets in the starry sky that are in close proximity to each other.

the site has compiled a calendar of events that may be of interest to astronomy lovers in 2016.

solar eclipses

A total solar eclipse will be visible on Earth on March 9th. According to experts, this will be the 52nd total solar eclipse on 130 Saros.

Saros or draconian period - a period averaging approximately 6585.3213 days, after which the eclipses of the Moon and the Sun approximately repeat in the same order.

A similar phenomenon occurred on February 26, 1998. Anyone who cannot see it in 2016 will have to wait until March 20, 2034.

The eclipse will be able to observe in the east of the Indian Ocean, in the northern and central parts Pacific Ocean. Partial phases will be visible from Asia and Australia. So, for example, the edge of the eclipse will touch the Russian Far East and Kamchatka.

The most lucky residents of the Caroline Islands. They will be able to see the maximum of the eclipse. The eclipse itself will last about 6 hours, but the total phase will be 4 minutes 9 seconds.

The eclipse lasts several hours. Photo: AiF-Tula / Dmitry Cherba

On the territory of Russia, an annular solar eclipse cannot be seen on the first day of autumn. To do this, you have to go to the countries Central Africa, Madagascar or in the area of ​​the waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans.

The phenomenon got its name - "ring" - due to the fact that the shadow of the month is not able to completely cover the Sun. As a result, a glow of the ring is observed around the Moon.

According to astronomers, the maximum duration of the annular phase will reach 3 minutes 6 seconds.

Lunar eclipses

Eclipses, when the Moon enters the cone of the shadow cast by the Earth, will be observed twice in 2016 - on March 23 and September 16.

Penumbral lunar eclipse will be able to observe in Kamchatka and Chukotka, on Sakhalin and Kuril Islands, as well as on Far East. Abroad, the eclipse will be witnessed by residents of Australia, New Zealand, and western North America.

Its maximum phase will be 0.8 when the Moon passes through northern part earth's penumbra.

A penumbral lunar eclipse will be visible on all continents except America. Well, it will be visible to the Russians.

Moon eclipse. Phases Photo:


an astronomical phenomenon full moon closest to the Earth, will occur, according to preliminary estimates, on November 14, 2016. The approach of the Moon and the Earth will be 356511 kilometers. At such a close distance, the planets will approach only in November 2034. Then the distance between them will be 356447 kilometers.

The last supermoon coincided with a total lunar eclipse. It could be observed on the night of September 27-28, 2015.

Note that experts ask astronomy lovers not to confuse a supermoon with a lunar illusion, when the moon's disk hangs low above the horizon and visually seems larger than usual.

The supermoon should not be confused with the lunar illusion. Photo:

Perseids and Draconids

August 2016

Once every 135 years, a comet approaches the Earth, through the “tail” of which our planet then passes every year. Small particles of the "tail", getting into the Earth's atmosphere, burn out. Flashes from Earth look like meteor showers.

This is best seen in the northern hemisphere. Since the stream appears annually from the side of the constellation Perseus, from here it got the name - Perseids.

This phenomenon has been observed since ancient times. There is a mention of him in the Chinese chronicle dating back to 36 AD. e. In Europe, the August meteor shower was often called the "Tears of St. Lawrence." This was due to the fact that the most active "rain" was on August 10 - the day when the festival of St. Lawrence is held in Italy.

In 2016, Russians will also be able to watch as the night sky is illuminated by flashes of burning comet particles.

Another meteor shower, which the inhabitants of the Earth can observe annually, will take place in October. It is associated with comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. Since it is visible in the region of the constellation Draco, it is often referred to as the Draconids.

Experts point out that in different years flow activity changed. If in 1946 there was a real stellar "shower", when the sky was lit up by flashes of several thousand meteors per hour, then in 2011 the activity of the stream was ZHR=300.

Anna Yakovleva
Observations of natural phenomena in the month of December (older age)

Observations of natural phenomena

in December(older age)

1. Introduce children to new month - december and a new season - winter. Read the poem i. Surikov:

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow

The field is white

Like a veil

All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Strongly, imperceptibly.

God's days are short

The sun shines a little, -

Here come the frosts -

And winter has come.

2. Continue talking with children about December. Introduce new proverb « December- hat of Russian winter ". Explain the meaning of this proverb month long nights and the first hard frosts, midnight of the year.

3. Draw the attention of children to the snow - it is white, fluffy, light.

Make a riddle "What kind of stars are carved

On a coat and on a scarf.

through, notched,

And you take it - water in your hand!

Offer to touch the snow with your hands, it is cold and quickly melts on a warm palm.

4. On a clear sunny day, note that the sun is shining but not warm. And from sun rays the snow glitters and shimmers with different lights. You can admire the beauty of fresh winter snow.

5. Ask the children a question: where snowing? Together with the children, find the answer by paying attention to the snow clouds. Consider them, note that they are low, very heavy. Watch the snow fall.

6. Continue to introduce children to the properties of snow. AT warm weather the snow is soft, sticky, you can roll snowballs out of it, make buildings. And on a frosty day, it is crumbly and you can’t blind or build anything from such snow.

7. Consider snowdrifts after a snowfall. Measure the depth of the snow with a stick in different places. Note that the most snow is near the fence, near the house, near the trees. And there is less snow in open places. Ask why?

8. In frosty weather, walk in the snow, listen to how it creaks under your feet. To tell that fragile little snowflakes break under our feet, so we hear the creak. Read a poem by N. Aseev Such a frost!

"It's so cold!

Takes by the nose, tears up!

Such a crackling frost

Sticky, sticky, bored.

Such frost! Such frost!

Cover your nose - to the eyebrows has grown.

Such frost! Healthy,

Goes - crunches the road "

Ask children questions: Is it really that cold?

Why is he pinching his nose?

Why does the snow crunch?

9. Introduce a new riddle “I twist, hum, I don’t want to know anything” (WINTER STORM). Watch the blizzard What's going on outside on days like this? Read a poem by S. Marshak "Winter storm"

Snow blizzard, blizzard,

Spin us yarn

Whip the fluffy snows

Like swan fluff.

You nimble weavers -

Whirlwinds and blizzards

Give rainbow brocade

For shaggy firs.

Take care, blacksmith-frost,

Tell us today

birch necklace

By New Year's Eve!

10. Pay attention to the trees. They seemed to be asleep. The branches are covered with fluffy frost. Tell the children about the origin of frost.

11. How does the grass winter? Carefully unearth fluffy snow in the place where the grass grew in summer. Check it out under the snow. Tell that snow saves the grass from frost. Say a proverb "Thanks to the frost that caused the snow"

12. watch behind the trees in different weather: in warm, frosty, windy, when it snows. Learn to use figurative expressions in speech (beautiful, like in a fairy tale; snow kingdom, etc.)

13. Spend bird watching who arrive at the site (sparrows, tits, bullfinches, pigeons). Ask how birds are similar and how they differ from each other? Remind the children that birds need to be fed in the winter. Why?

Remember A. Yashin's poem "Feed the Birds in Winter"

Feed the birds in winter!

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is poor.

Need a handful of grain

One handful - and not terrible

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring!

14. Introduce children to folk signs:

- "Winter is frosty - summer is hot"

- "The sun warms in summer, freezes in winter"

15. At the end months to sum up observations, note the number of frosty and warm days.

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The night sky is full of secrets and indescribable beauty. One of the phenomena that can be observed with the naked eye is the shower of stars. December is the time of the Geminid meteor shower.

Everyone knows that you can make a wish on a shooting star. There will be a lot of such stars in December. Thousands of wishes will not come true, but you can try to make one, the most intimate. The Universe will surely hear you and contribute to the realization of your dream. Thoughts are material, do not forget about it.

Astronomical characteristics of the Geminids

Geminids usually begin on December 4-5, and end on December 17-18. The maximum of meteors falls on about the 14th. On December 14, 2016, the number of meteors per hour can reach 120-130 per hour. That's a lot, almost two per minute. This is a level close to the August Perseids. In other words, if the sky is clear, then by December 14 you can see a lot of interesting things.

In some cities of Russia and in many cities around the world, telescopes are being installed to observe such space phenomena. As for the origin of the particles that will break into the Earth's atmosphere and burn in it, they are associated with the Phaeton asteroid.

Astrological forecast for the Geminid period

Since ancient times, people have been afraid of everything inexplicable, therefore they interpreted certain natural phenomena in their own way. But meteor showers have always been well received. Psychics and seers report that the Geminids are the last chance for people to cleanse their energy of negativity before the onset of the New Year of the Fire Rooster 2017. Since ancient times, magicians and witches have said that evil spirits are afraid of flashes from meteors. Star rain is the most best time for conspiracies for love and money.

Astrologers say that each stream has its own character and energy. Geminids are powerful, so they affect the mood of people in a rather noticeable way. The most important is where the debris from the asteroid comes from. The stream's radiant, that is, the source of the Geminids, is the constellation Gemini. Thus, in the period from December 4 to December 17-18, luck will await people who are used to making decisions alone. You can rest during this period, but not in the sense that you need to lie on the couch and do nothing. Take up your favorite hobby, buy gifts for your loved ones, or just have a good time reading a book after work.

Geminids come from Gemini, so you should beware of laziness and bad habits. If in this moment you have given up smoking and alcohol or are on a diet, that is, there is a chance to break loose. If you conquer your desires during this period, then in the future it will become much easier to deal with illness and bad habits.

So, in December we are waiting for an impressive shower of meteors, which can be called the second most impressive this year. It is this phenomenon that will end last month outgoing 2016. Don't forget to make a wish. Let it come true, because each of us deserves his little happiness. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Every year the world suffers from various devastating natural disasters. But the scale of disasters in 2016 cannot even be compared with the number of natural disasters in the outgoing year.

In 2017, the Earth was rocked by a series of devastating earthquakes and hurricanes that claimed thousands of lives. Some regions suffered from fires that burned even cities, in other regions people froze to death from abnormal cold. According to scientists, this is how nature reacts to global warming.

It’s time for the inhabitants of the planet to think about the negative consequences of human activities, so let’s remember how nature took revenge on humanity for its indifference to the environment in 2017.

Natural disasters that shook the world in 2017

Abnormal frosts

When: January 2017
Where: European countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Ukraine and others), Balkans, Turkey, RF
Victims: at least 61 people

This year, in January, most Europeans experienced abnormally low temperatures for countries in winter. Cold weather came from Scandinavia - about -42 degrees of frost was recorded on the border between Sweden and Finland.

Abnormal frosts in Europe: Bucharest covered with snow

arctic air mass covered a significant part of Europe, the Balkans, Turkey and Russia. In European countries, the air temperature dropped to -14...-20 degrees below zero, in German Bavaria the bars recorded -26.7 degrees, in Russia in some places the thermometer showed -30...-40 degrees below zero.

Due to blizzards and strong winds, air flights and some services were stopped, and there were problems with power supply. For the first time in 60 years, the Danube River froze, in Bulgaria the shores of the Black Sea were covered with ice - also for the first time in the last 63 years.

Black Sea frozen in Bulgaria for the first time in 63 years

More than 60 people died from hypothermia, most of the victims of frost in Poland and Italy. Most of the dead were homeless or migrants.

Series of earthquakes in Italy

When: January 2017
Where: Montereale, Central Italy
Victims: 34 people
Victims: 11 people

Central Italy (between Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria) was rocked by 4 earthquakes ranging from 5.2 to 5.7 on the Richter scale. They all happened in less than 5 hours. The epicenter of the earthquake lay at a depth of 9-10 kilometers. Scientists note that a series of earthquakes is a new unusual phenomenon, since this has not been observed before.

According to experts, it is likely that these earthquakes triggered an avalanche that covered a hotel in Farindoli, killing 29 people. In addition, earthquakes took 5 more lives. Eleven people were injured.

Forest fires in Canada

When: July 2017
Where: Provinces of British Columbia, Canada
Evacuated: over 45 thousand people

In July, the province of British Columbia declared a state of emergency for the first time in 14 years, with more than 1 million hectares of forest burning. The massive fire caused $127 million in damage. The fire destroyed more than 300 houses.

Nearly 1 million hectares of forest burned in British Columbia

Large-scale fires were provoked by lightning and human factor. Over 45,000 people and about 30,000 heads of livestock were evacuated due to the fire.

Large-scale forest fires in Canada in July 2017 - video

Floods in Asia

When: July-September 2017
Where: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan
Victims: 1288 dead
Victims: more than 45 million people, of which 16 million are children

Serious flooding swept the countries of South Asia due to the monsoons. Citizens of India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan suffered.

Monsoons are steady winds of the lower troposphere that reverse direction twice a year. And for Asian countries - this is a common occurrence, every year they last from June to September. However, the monsoons in 2017 were somewhat different - the rainy season was much stronger than usual. Due to heavy rains, the regions suffered from floods and landslides.

India hit by massive floods - video

Floods in South Asia were the worst in recent years, researchers say recent decades. They are convinced that severe floods have arisen due to the inevitable climate change.

Floods caused the most trouble in India More than 1,000 people were killed, more than 31 million people were injured, and more than 800,000 homes were damaged or destroyed.

Floods in India claimed more than a thousand lives - video

AT Bangladesh about 140 people died, more than 6 million were injured. Here, the elements destroyed or damaged almost 700 thousand houses, 4.8 million hectares of farmland were flooded, floods destroyed thousands of kilometers of roads.

AT Nepal 143 people became victims of bad weather, 1.7 million were injured. The floods flooded more than 34,000 houses and another thousand were destroyed. AT Pakistan 23 people died.

Shift in Sierra Leone

When: August 2017
Where: Freetown, Sierra Leone
Victims: according to official data - 499 dead, according to unofficial - 1050 victims
Victims: more than 3 thousand people

Landslide and floods as a result heavy rain covered the capital of Sierra Leone, Freetown. The natural disaster destroyed the houses of more than 3 thousand residents of the city.

Because of the mass graves, the city authorities resorted to emergency measures to prevent cholera - in the city of 1.2 million people, more than 500 thousand people were vaccinated.

Sierra Leone shift claims more than 500 lives

In addition to heavy rainfall, several other factors also caused the disaster. In particular, due to flooding, drainage systems are often blocked by waste, and forests, which are massively cut down here, kept the slopes from crumbling. In addition, the city of Freetown is densely populated and lies at or below sea level.

Shift in Sierra Leone in August 2017 – video

Agung eruptions

When: August 2017 and still ongoing
Where: Bali island, Indonesia
Evacuated: more than 120 thousand people in September, over 40 thousand people in November

The first eruptions of Mount Agung in 2017 occurred on August 13. Further, the volcano made itself felt in September and November. In September, due to seismic activity around the volcano, about 122.5 thousand people were evacuated, the Indonesian government announced a 12-kilometer exclusion zone around the volcano.

Due to the activity of Agung, air flights were stopped in November, as a result of which 59,000 passengers were stuck at airports. More than 40,000 people had to be evacuated from 22 villages near the volcano.

Volcanic eruption in Bali - video

Hurricane Harvey

When: August 17 - September 3, 2017
Where: Guyana, Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize, Cayman Islands, Yucatan Peninsula, USA - most in Louisiana, Texas
Victims: 91 people
Evacuated: over 32 thousand people

The first major tropical cyclone of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season reached Category 4 at speeds of up to 215 kilometers per hour. Once on land, it caused catastrophic floods in Louisiana, Texas, which flooded hundreds of thousands of homes.

In the state capital of Texas, Houston, due to cases of looting, a curfew was even introduced. In addition, Washington has declared a state of emergency in the disaster area.

Due to flooding in Texas on two chemical plants there were serious explosions. Hurricane Harvey caused nearly $200 billion in damage to America.

Hurricane Harvey hits Louisiana, Texas

Hurricane Irma

When: August 30 - September 16, 2017
Where: Cape Verde, St. Maarten, Virgin Islands, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, USA - especially the state of Florida
Victims: 134 people

Hurricane Irma, which originated near Capo Ferde, reached the 5th category, wind gusts reached up to 295 kilometers per hour. The devastating disaster caused losses of almost 67 billion dollars and claimed almost 150 lives. The size of a tropical cyclone reached almost the area of ​​France, which is more than 600 square kilometers.

Hurricane Irma makes landfall in Florida

The hurricane caused catastrophic damage in Barbuda, St. Barthelemy, St. Maarten, Anguilla and the Virgin Islands, residents of these regions survived the Category 5 hurricane.

Damage from Hurricane Irma in Road Town, Tortola

Earthquakes in Mexico

When: September 8 and 19, 2017
Where: Chiapas and Mexico City, Mexico
Victims: September 8 - 98 dead, September 19 - 370 dead
Victims: September 8 - about 1.5 million people, of which more than 300 were wounded, September 19 - 6011 wounded

As you know, Mexico is one of the most seismically active regions of the world, as it is located on several intersecting tectonic plates.

On September 8, the most powerful earthquake of 2017 hit Tehuantepec Bay near the state of Chiapas - 8.2 points out of 10 possible. Due to the earthquake, a tsunami was formed, up to 2 meters high. For Mexico, this earthquake was the strongest in the last century.

More than 41,000 homes were damaged in the state, and about 1.5 million people were affected by the earthquake.

8.2 earthquake in Mexico

On September 19, another earthquake shook Mexico, weaker than the previous one, but much more deadly - a natural disaster of 7.1 points claimed 370 lives, another 6 thousand were injured. Major cities such as Mexico City, Morelos and Puebla were affected.

Earthquake in Mexico claimed 370 lives - video

Wildfires in California

When: October, December 2017
Where: California, USA
Victims: 44 people died in October, 1 person died in December
Injured: in October - 192, in December - 17 people

In October, Northern California was swept by large-scale fires - nearly 100,000 hectares burned. The fire completely burned out several towns, in general, 8900 houses were destroyed.

The earth's atmosphere is a source of amazing and amazing phenomena. In ancient times, atmospheric phenomena were considered a manifestation of God's will, today someone takes them for alien aliens. Nowadays, scientists have revealed many secrets of nature, including optical phenomena.

In this article, we will tell you about amazing natural phenomena, some of them are very beautiful, others are deadly, but they are all an integral part of our planet.

atmospheric phenomena

1. Lunar rainbow

The lunar rainbow, also known as the night rainbow, is a phenomenon generated by the moon. Always located on the opposite side of the sky from the moon. For a lunar rainbow to appear, the sky must be dark and rain must fall on the opposite side of the moon (except for those rainbows caused by a waterfall). Best of all, such a rainbow is seen when the phase of the moon is close to the full moon. The lunar rainbow is paler and thinner than the usual solar one. But this is also a rarer occurrence.

2. Bishop's ring

Bishop's Ring is a brown-red circle around the Sun that occurs during and after volcanic eruptions. Light is refracted by volcanic gases and dust. The sky inside the ring becomes light with a blue tint. This atmospheric phenomenon was discovered by Edward Bishop in 1883, after the famous eruption of the Krakatoa volcano.

3. Halo

A halo is an optical phenomenon, a glowing ring around a light source, usually the Sun and Moon. There are many types of halo and they are caused mainly by ice crystals in cirrus clouds at an altitude of 5-10 km in the upper atmosphere. Sometimes the light is refracted through them so strangely that the so-called false suns appear, in ancient times, considered a bad omen.

4. Belt of Venus

Belt of Venus - Atmospheric optical phenomenon. Appears as a strip of pink to orange between the dark night sky below and the blue above. Appears before sunrise or after sunset and runs parallel to the horizon on the opposite side of the Sun.

5. Noctilucent clouds

Noctilucent clouds are the highest clouds in the atmosphere and a rare natural phenomenon. They are formed at an altitude of 70-95 km. Noctilucent clouds can only be seen in summer months. In the northern hemisphere in June-July, in the southern hemisphere in late December - early January. The time for the appearance of such clouds is evening and evening twilight.

6. Northern lights

Aurora borealis (Aurora Borealis) is the sudden appearance of colored lights in the night sky, usually green. Caused by the interaction of charged particles arriving from space and interacting with the atoms and molecules of air in the upper layers earth's atmosphere. Auroras are observed predominantly at high latitudes of both hemispheres in oval zones - belts surrounding the Earth's magnetic belts.

7. Colored Moon

The moon itself does not emit light. What we see is only the reflection of the sun's rays from its surface. Due to changes in the composition of the atmosphere, the moon changes its usual color to red, orange, green or blue. The rarest color of the moon is blue. It is usually caused by ash in the atmosphere.

8 Mammatus Clouds

Clouds Mammatus - one of the varieties cumulus clouds having a cellular structure. They are rare, mainly in tropical latitudes, and are associated with the formation of tropical cyclones. Mammatus are located under the main cluster of powerful cumulus clouds. Their color is usually gray-blue, but due to the direct rays of the Sun or the illumination of other clouds, they may appear golden or reddish.

9. Fire rainbow

A fiery rainbow is a type of halo, which is the appearance of a horizontal rainbow against the background of light, high-lying clouds. This rare weather phenomenon occurs when light passes through Spindrift clouds refracted through flat ice crystals. The rays enter through the vertical side wall of the hexagonal crystal, exiting from the lower horizontal side. The rarity of the phenomenon is explained by the fact that the ice crystals in the cloud must be oriented horizontally in order to refract the sun's rays.

10. Diamond dust

Diamond dust is solid precipitation in the form of tiny ice crystals floating in the air, formed in frosty weather. Diamond dust usually forms under clear or near clear skies and resembles fog. However, unlike fog, it does not consist of water droplets, but of ice crystals and in rare cases slightly reduces visibility. Most often this phenomenon can be observed in the Arctic and Antarctic, but can be anywhere at an air temperature of -10, -15.

11. Zodiacal Light

Zodiacal light - a faint glow of the sky, visible in the tropics at any time of the year, extending along the ecliptic, i.e. in the realm of the zodiac. This is the result of scattering sunlight in dust accumulations in the region of rotation of the Earth around the Sun. It can be observed either in the evening over the western part of the horizon, or in the morning over the eastern. It has the form of a cone, narrowing with distance from the horizon, gradually losing its brightness and turning into the zodiacal band.

12. Solar pillars

Sometimes during sunset or sunrise, you can see a vertical band of light stretching from the sun. Solar pillars are formed as a result of the reflection of sunlight from flat ice crystals in the Earth's atmosphere. Usually pillars are formed due to the sun, but the moon and artificial light sources can become a source of light.

Dangerous natural phenomena

13. Firestorm

A fire tornado or tornado is a rare natural phenomenon. For its formation, several large fires are necessary, as well as strong wind. Further, these several fires are combined and a huge fire is obtained. The speed of rotation of the air inside the tornado is over 400 km / h, and the temperature reaches 1000 degrees Celsius. The main danger of such a fire is that it will not stop until it burns everything in its path.

14. Mirage

A mirage is a natural phenomenon that results in imaginary images various items. This happens due to the refraction of light streams at the boundary between layers of air that are sharply different in density and temperature. Mirages are divided into upper - visible above the object, lower - visible under the object, and side.

A rare complex optical phenomenon, consisting of several forms of mirages, in which distant objects are seen repeatedly and with various distortions, is called Fata Morgana. Often the victims of mirages are travelers in the El-er-Rawi desert. In front of people, in the vicinity, oases appear, which are actually 700 km away.

15. Fires of St. Elmo

One of the most beautiful and amazing natural phenomena is the fires of St. Elmo, which can be observed on the tops of pointed objects (towers, spiers, lonely trees, etc.). They are formed at moments when the electric field strength in the atmosphere near the tip reaches 500 V/m and above. Most often occur during a thunderstorm or when it approaches, and in winter during snowstorms. They can look different: like dancing flames, a steady flickering glow, or like fireworks.

Atmospheric phenomena are visible manifestations of complex physical and chemical processes occurring in the air shell of the Earth - the atmosphere. Sometimes nature spoils us with completely unusual atmospheric phenomena, many of which surprise us, frighten us, but still delight with their beauty and uniqueness.

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