Chloe Moretz spoke about the quarrel with Kim Kardashian. Chloe Moretz commented on the quarrel with Kim Kardashian: "Such people are not worthy of my attention" Chloe Moretz and Kim Kardashian's quarrel

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Pregnancy and children
0 September 6, 2016, 08:42

Chloe Moretz, Kim Kardashian

Chloe Moretz gave an interview to The Hollywood Reporter, in which she spoke about her plans for the future, with advice from Hillary Clinton. In a conversation with a journalist of the publication, the 19-year-old actress admitted that she plans to leave acting for the time being to start producing.

Chloe also commented on her complicated relationship with Kim Kardashian: in March, the actress quarreled with socialite after criticizing her. Moretz then wrote:

Kim Kardashian, I sincerely hope that you understand how important it is for a young woman to realize that she can achieve her goal without showing her body. There is a huge difference when you give yourself a reason to be respected as a celebrity and when you give yourself a reason to shame yourself for slutty photos.

Kim replied rather sharply:

Say hello to Chloe Grace Moretz, who no one knew until now.

On this occasion, Moretz said the following in an interview:

I think I paid attention to people who are not worthy of my attention. In a way, I regret that I reacted to this photo, although I do not regret what I wrote at all.

The actress also noted that such a skirmish is not The best way discuss important issues.

I realized that being the noisiest person is not always effective. I learned this from Hillary Clinton. She once told me: "It's great to be so active, but sometimes the wisest way to influence people is to be the quietest person. Let others throw words, and you be a hushed voice that is listened to,"

Chloe remembered advice from Hillary Clinton at the end of the interview.

Source Entertainment weekly


In a recent interview, she talked about her plans for the future and a quarrel with Kim Kardashian (Kim Kardashian). The 19-year-old beauty admitted that she plans to leave acting to become a producer.

Khloe also commented on her rocky relationship with Kim Kardashian. Recall that in March, the stars quarreled after the actress criticized Kim's nude selfie. Chloe then wrote: “Kim Kardashian, I sincerely hope that you understand how important it is for a young woman to realize that she can achieve her goal without showing her body. There is a huge difference when you give yourself a reason to be respected as a celebrity and when you give yourself a reason to shame yourself for slutty photos.

Kim didn't have to wait long for an answer. "Say hello to Chloe Grace Moretz, whom no one knew until now".

Chloe commented on this situation in her interview: “I think I paid attention to people who are not worthy of my attention. In a way, I regret that I reacted to this photo, although I do not regret what I wrote at all.

The actress also noted that such a skirmish is not the best way to discuss important issues.

“I realized that being the noisiest person is not always effective. I learned this from Hillary Clinton. She once told me: “It’s great to be so active, but sometimes the wisest way to influence people is to be the quietest person. Let others throw words, and you be a hushed voice that is listened to” ”, - said Chloe Moretz.

A year ago, an unpleasant incident occurred between Chloe Moretz and Kim Kardashian. The actress criticized Kim for. For which she received a not very pleasant response from the reality star: “Let's welcome Chloe Grace Moretz, whom no one knew until this moment.”


Then even Kim's sisters allowed themselves unpleasant remarks about Chloe. Although the actress herself did not want to get involved in the conflict. And now, after so much time, journalists from Variety asked Chloe about the quarrel with Kim.

“It is sad that she can afford such a dialogue with a young girl. She has so much hatred for women,” Moretz replied.

Continuing the theme of hatred and negativity, the actress also spoke about a case of body shaming: when she was 15 years old, one of the actors criticized her figure.

He was the only actor who brought me to tears on set.

He could just refuse, but apparently he needed to humiliate a teenage girl and hurt her.

Chloe Moretz with Brooklyn Beckham

Recently, the name of the young actress Chloe Moretz has been on everyone's lips. At first, the public was talking about her scandal with telediva Kim Kardashian, and the other day everyone was discussing her breakup with Brooklyn Beckham, the son of Victoria and David Beckham. Today, Moretz again reminded of herself, giving a short interview for The Hollywood Reporter gloss.

Kim Kardashian doesn't deserve Khloe's attention

In her interview, the young actress decided to touch on many aspects of her life. And she began the story by commenting on her words regarding criticism towards Kim Karadashian:

“Once I had the imprudence to write to social network Not very flattering words about Kim's nude selfie. I remember how I wrote then that it is very important to understand why you are being discussed: for naked body, exhibited for public viewing, or for deeds that you can be proud of. Of course, Kardashian didn't like it, and she answered me. Almost six months have already passed since that moment, and if you ask me if I would do the same, I would say: “Yes.” I don't regret what I wrote. Just now I began to understand that Kim Kardashian is not worthy of my attention. Or rather, all people, people like her. I won't deal with them again. It's just a waste of time."
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Hillary Clinton is a role model

After that, Moretz spoke about a man whose meeting she had made an indelible impression on her. It turned out to be politician Hillary Clinton. It was she who explained to Chloe that it is not always necessary to shout loudly. Moretz recalls Hillary's words:

“When I met Clinton, I was very worried. And she looked at me, smiled and said: “You are very active. This is great. But you know, sometimes you have to be the quietest person. Let the rest shout and throw loud phrases, and you make your voice muffled. But everyone, when you speak, will be silent and listen to hear what you say to them. And you know, a lot has changed in my life since then. This advice helps me a lot in some cases. In general, I think that Hillary Clinton is an example to follow.”

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