Youth Council. Youth Ministry

Auto 30.05.2019

What is Oracle Siebel CRM? Who are Siebel consultants, what do they do, and how are they different from developers? What kind of training does Jet provide for students and young professionals? What are their career prospects? For these and others important questions Jet specialists answer Konstantin Goncharenko(Head of the Design Department of the Business Systems Implementation Center), and Alexander Bubentsov(architect Siebel).

First of all, tell us what is Oracle Siebel CRM?

K.G: Any business, be it a bank or a chain of stores, has customers who bring it profit. To maximize profits, customers need to be managed: attract, retain, analyze needs, make profitable and interesting offers. That's what CRM systems are for. Customer Relationship Management is customer relationship management.
Oracle Siebel CRM is one of the leading solutions in this class. This is an expensive system for big business, you can’t pull it with a shawarma stall (and there’s no need to). Basically, Siebel is bought by banks and large retailers (retail chains).

Our training program is a great chance to quickly get the necessary "base" and immediately get involved in real projects.

A.B: The three pillars of CRM are marketing, sales and service. First - finding suitable customers and creating profitable personalized offers. Then - the sale of the product and the provision of all possible "buns" to the buyer. And, finally, sales support - processing and accounting of payment documents, contracts, etc. The Oracle Siebel CRM system is responsible for all this.

K.G: I'll explain with an example. A few years ago, we implemented a project to implement Oracle Siebel in RIVE GAUCHE. There, the CRM system is responsible for several areas at once, including for supporting the loyalty program. What exactly is she doing? First, it segments customers in order to generate and send them individual offers. For example, before February 23, women receive something like “Buy Hugo Boss products in the amount of 3,000 rubles. and get 2 times more bonuses on the card. All these offers are entered into Siebel, the system “calculates” transactions at the checkout, checks whether the buyer has fulfilled the conditions of the promotion, and accrues the promised bonuses. The list of further tasks for Siebel includes the analysis of check data for generating reports (how well certain offers “shot”, etc.).

What then do Siebel consultants do?

A.B: Initially, Oracle Siebel CRM comes in a "vanilla" configuration ( vanilla , by the way, the official term J) without any modifications and, in fact, is a blank for a future solution. Consultants adapt it to the needs of specific companies: they refine interfaces and business processes, and integrate with other systems.

K.G: Many people think that a Siebel consultant is a developer. This is fundamentally wrong. Development most often involves the creation of a unique product for some special purpose. And our customers are similar in many ways, so it makes sense to take the "basic" system and refine it as needed. Still, Oracle Siebel CRM has been developing for many years, and many of the problems that the creators of a similar product will inevitably face are solved in it. So people working with Siebel are not engaged in development (we also write code, but rarely), but in adapting and developing the system to the needs of the business.

We do not just teach people for money, but prepare future colleagues. Therefore, we are interested in their being as motivated as possible, possessing the best qualifications and knowledge.

What qualities should a person who plans to work in this field have?

K.G.: Here it is rather a matter of a certain baggage of knowledge. As part of the training program, we are looking for people with a higher technical education or senior students of technical universities. You will need: understanding of the basics of programming; basic knowledge DBMS, SQL; technical English; Experience in programming in Jscript/Java/C# and development/design of information systems.

A.B: At least minimal experience in banking and retail is highly welcome. So that a person visits the "other side of the bar" and roughly understands how everything works. Roughly speaking, you worked as a call center specialist, and now you understand how this activity can be automated.

Let me emphasize: we are looking not just for techies, but for those who want to work at the intersection of business and IT. If you're into hardware or just writing code, this is not the job for you.

What about prospects?

K.G: There are many areas for growth. If we talk about Jet, the most logical path is from junior consultant to senior consultant as you grow in skill and gain real experience. Then you can become an architect and design solutions yourself. This is a highly demanded and highly paid position. You will work in a large team of experts: in our department, only about 40 people are responsible for finalizing CRM. As for projects, Jet has a lot of them and each one is interesting in its own way.

Not so much certificates are valued, but real experience, even if minimal. We will just give it to you.

A.B: A CRM system never exists on its own. It is always built into the IT landscape of the company, becomes part of business processes. Accordingly, it is necessary to understand how the company as a whole works. As a result, you will understand how the business works in different areas of the market. And as a bonus, get skills in related technical areas: analytical and ETL systems, databases, etc.

How is Siebel developing now? Could the position of a consultant become unclaimed due to low demand for the Oracle system?

K.G: 80% of TOP Russian banks, operators and retailers use Oracle Siebel in their business. Even Sberbank (moreover, they have record figures in terms of the number of users). Everyone else will have to install it in the near future in order to withstand the competition.

A.B: Oracle has a clear system development plan until 2030. Oracle strictly follows the chosen strategy, improves the solution and introduces new technologies. Already now it is possible to operate the system in the cloud, and in the future it is planned to use elements of artificial intelligence and machine learning. So in the foreseeable future, there is no need to worry about the demand for Siebel specialists, because the implemented system needs to be improved because it adapts to the business, and the business changes and develops.

We are looking for not just techies, but those who want to work at the intersection of business and IT.

And the last question, why do students and young professionals go to Jet courses?

A.B: Requirements for the knowledge and experience of specialists for last years have grown significantly, so it is quite difficult to enter the profession from scratch. And our training program is a great chance to quickly get the necessary “base” and immediately get involved in real projects.

We developed our course based on the Oracle program: we removed the part about abstract and high matters and added more practice. While explaining how Siebel works, we will show real examples of how all this knowledge can be applied (including developments from Jet projects). Our goal is to clearly explain to trainees how solutions based on Oracle Siebel CRM are built and look in general.

K.G: I note that we teach for free, and a similar course at Oracle costs about 10,000 euros. At the same time, its passage does not guarantee further employment. Not so much certificates are valued, but real experience, even if minimal. We will just give it to you. So our course is for people who want to do real things. After all, we do not just teach people for money, but prepare future colleagues. Therefore, we are interested in their being as motivated as possible, possessing the best qualifications and knowledge.

Oracle Siebel CRM- a customer relationship management system that allows you to build a comprehensive corporate information system that automates both front office operations: sales, service, marketing and relationship management with partners; and back office: analytics, order and personnel management, employee compensation calculation, etc., as well as integration with any client's IT systems.

In marketing, Oracle Siebel CRM evaluates cost effectiveness. Allowing you to analyze not only the initial response from various stocks, but also the final profitability, even if the actual conclusion of the contract takes several months. In addition, Oracle Siebel CRM provides tools for generating target audience, customer acquisition management from telemarketing to running a full-blown advertising campaign and referencing identified leads to the sales team.

Oracle Siebel CRM allows you to organize a systematic sales management - the distribution of potential customers, the development and preparation of contracts, the management of employee motivation.

Oracle Siebel CRM service modules will provide awareness and increase the professionalism of employees, control the timing and responsibility for each client request.

Transparency and controllability of the processes implemented in Oracle Siebel CRM allows you to quickly and accurately adapt the company to new conditions, competition and development.

Siebel CRM Administration and Support Responsibilities

There are such categories of specialists who will be involved in supporting Oracle Siebel CRM:

  • DataBaseAdministrator - database administrator

This category of specialists is needed to support any industrial system. Due to its three-tier structure and a large number of standard auxiliary tools, the scope of tasks for maintaining the Oracle Siebel CRM database for DBA is insignificant. Therefore, the DataBase Administrator can maintain the database of several systems in parallel. As a rule, his area of ​​responsibility will include ensuring high performance of servers, administering users, creating backups, as well as restoring the system. Specific tasks include assistance with data-level integration, but there is an excellent tool to facilitate these tasks - Siebel EIM.

  • Systems administrator (IT administrator)

As before, the scope of tasks of an IT administrator is not much different from others industrial systems. This is the maintenance of the CRM system in normal mode and user administration. To administer Oracle Siebel CRM, a qualified administrator does not need specialized skills, and in some cases, technical documentation may be sufficient. For new specialists of our clients, we have a developed Oracle Siebel CRM training program that allows you to minimize risks.

If the CRM system covers a large number of business processes and a large number of users work in it, then we recommend introducing a separate Siebel administration, but it is not uncommon for IT administrators to combine work with several systems.

To determine the amount of labor costs and qualifications of these specialists, it is necessary to understand at what level Oracle Siebel CRM will be used in the company. If the functionality of the CRM system was initially introduced, which fully satisfies the management and it is only necessary to maintain the system without development, then two specialists (DBA and IT administrator) can successfully cope with this. At the same time, as mentioned earlier, they can simultaneously perform administration tasks for other systems. But the reality is often somewhat different. You get used to good things quickly, but you always want to improve something, so quite often companies have a Siebel developer who, in addition to fields and attributes, can also perform the functions of a Siebel administrator.


  • Siebel On Line Display Stand
  • Russian-language resource Oracle Siebel CRM 8th version

Oracle Siebel CRM- a customer relationship management system that allows you to build a comprehensive corporate information system that automates both front office operations: sales, service, marketing and relationship management with partners; and back office: analytics, order and personnel management, employee compensation calculation, etc., as well as integration with any client's IT systems.

In marketing, Oracle Siebel CRM evaluates cost effectiveness. Allowing you to analyze not only the initial response from various stocks, but also the final profitability, even if the actual conclusion of the contract takes several months. In addition, Oracle Siebel CRM provides tools for building a target audience, managing customer acquisition from telemarketing to running a full-scale advertising campaign and transferring identified leads to the sales department.

Oracle Siebel CRM allows you to organize a systematic sales management - the distribution of potential customers, the development and preparation of contracts, the management of employee motivation.

Oracle Siebel CRM service modules will provide awareness and increase the professionalism of employees, control the timing and responsibility for each client request.

Transparency and controllability of the processes implemented in Oracle Siebel CRM allows you to quickly and accurately adapt the company to new conditions, competition and development.

Siebel CRM Administration and Support Responsibilities

It is possible to single out such categories of specialists who will be involved in supporting Oracle Siebel CRM:

  • DataBaseAdministrator - database administrator

This category of specialists is needed to support any industrial system. Due to its three-tier structure and a large number of standard auxiliary tools, the scope of tasks for maintaining the Oracle Siebel CRM database for DBA is insignificant. Therefore, the DataBase Administrator can maintain the database of several systems in parallel. As a rule, his area of ​​responsibility will include ensuring high performance of servers, administering users, creating backups, as well as restoring the system. Specific tasks include assistance with data-level integration, but there is an excellent tool to facilitate these tasks - Siebel EIM.

  • Systems administrator (IT administrator)

As before, the scope of tasks for an IT administrator is no different from other industrial systems. It's the maintenance of work CRM systems in normal mode and user administration. To administer Oracle Siebel CRM, a qualified administrator does not need specialized skills, and in some cases, technical documentation may be sufficient. For new specialists of our clients, we have a developed Oracle Siebel CRM training program that allows you to minimize risks.

If the CRM system covers a large number of business processes and a large number of users work in it, then we recommend introducing a separate Siebel administration, but it is not uncommon for IT administrators to combine work with several systems.

To determine the amount of labor costs and qualifications of these specialists, it is necessary to understand at what level Oracle Siebel CRM will be used in the company. If the functionality of the CRM system was initially introduced, which fully satisfies the management and it is only necessary to maintain the system without development, then two specialists (DBA and IT administrator) can successfully cope with this. At the same time, as mentioned earlier, they can simultaneously perform administration tasks for other systems. But the reality is often somewhat different. You get used to good things quickly, but you always want to improve something, so quite often companies have a Siebel developer who, in addition to fields and attributes, can also perform the functions of a Siebel administrator.


  • Siebel On Line Display Stand
  • Russian-language resource Oracle Siebel CRM 8th version

The introduction of CRM systems allows you to improve the quality of interaction with customers and improve the functioning own business. The Oracle Siebel CRM system is in great demand on the Russian market.


The system is designed for data collection, marketing, and other business processes. A number of advantages allow it to remain one of the most popular in world practice:

  1. Wide functionality has become possible thanks to experience since 1993.
  2. Flexibility and adaptability due to the features of the architecture allow you to adapt to the needs of any enterprise.
  3. The presence of modules and standard objects enable rapid phased implementation.
  4. Ready-made industry solutions will reduce the cost, using previous work experience.

The combination of a wide range of solutions and fast implementation capabilities make Siebel CRM a convenient and reliable control element.


The CRM system allows you to solve functional tasks for automating individual sections, as well as to implement vertical solutions due to the characteristics of a particular industry:

  • basic CRM applications ( Call Center , Sales , Service ) are designed for sales, service, marketing. They automate the collection and processing of customer data;
  • applications for buyers (e-customer) support the functioning of a business on the Internet, in particular, an electronic store;
  • partner applications (e-Channel) allow you to adjust collaboration;
  • e-Campaigns , Siebel e-Mail Response applications are designed to manage marketing promotions.

Represents several screens with information in the form of lists, graphs, diagrams. Data is displayed visually even without redesign.

Developed applications for mobile devices under iOS , Android , Windows Mobile .

New business opportunities

Software products in 2017 are being improved in all areas:

  • accelerated adaptation to business;
  • ease of implementation;
  • testing;
  • use of technological innovations.

Oracle guarantees the regularity of releases, the simplicity and security of updates through the browser from almost any device. Use is possible both locally and in the developer's cloud services.

There are flexible configuration tools for different users and devices. Siebel Composer has been created for quick configuration. New testing capabilities become available with the release of Innovation Pack 2017. On the technical side, an important innovation is an improved architecture.

Implementation of Oracle Siebel CRM system

The most complete set of tools was introduced for Gazpromneft-Corporate Sales clients. All stages of working with clients are fully automated, including storing information about them, working with contracts, personal accounts, fuel cards, tariffs, access to personal accounts.

Work in the system is carried out by about 200 managers in real time. The scale of use is approximately 1.5 thousand gas stations throughout Russia.

The solution is unique because it contains a complete set of business processes. This is an example of how the speed and quality of information processing form a significant competitive advantage.

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