What is hap. What is hype and anti-hype in youth slang, translation from English, what does it mean to hype and hype? Giza - has a meaning similar to the word "vital"

Health 15.07.2020

The dream of passive income, when money flows into your pocket, and you don’t need to do anything for this, is common to many people. You are lying on a beach somewhere in the Maldives, and in the meantime, decent amounts are credited to your account. Beauty ... It's on this dream of “doing nothing”, but getting money, and scammers make money, offering you to invest your funds and receive solid dividends or interest from a deposit, contribution.

But only a month or two, and you will be left with empty hands and broken hopes for beautiful life. And all because instead of a real investment project, you invested in HYIP (HYIP) - a financial pyramid with elements of network marketing. The goal of the hype is the same - to attract "investors", collect as much money from them as possible and quickly disappear with them.

What is HYIP

HYIP (English HYIP - High yield investment programs) is a highly profitable investment tool, very unstable. The literal translation from English is "investment programs that bring high income."

Investments in HYIPs are associated with huge risks because these projects operate on the principle of a pyramid, when interest on the deposit is paid to investors through fresh injections from newly arrived investors. As soon as the influx of money starts to decrease or the admin of the HYIP decides that it is time to wrap up, the HYIP will close (cut off), and all investors will lose their money. When the hype closes, no one knows except its admin. Investing here is like playing in a casino.

Hyips work from several days to several years. For example, such high-profile projects as Delston Capital Group, Binario, Nano Technologies have worked for more than a year. However, such units. Most HYIPs exist for only 2-3 months. More than half of the projects are completely closed after 2-3 weeks.

Naturally, a hype will not claim to be a hype. After all, it is necessary to attract investors. They are also not fools to carry money to where it is immediately clear that the risks are incredible. It is much better to create a cover that the "company" really exists, is in business and is quite real and successful.

Therefore, as a rule, HYIP has a beautiful legend that explains how this company earns and provides dividend payments to its investors. Allegedly there is a business that brings good income. Anyone can become an investor and receive their profit. It is enough to invest only $10-50-100-1000, and you will already receive passive income.

The following legends are mainly used:

  • Forex earnings.
  • Earnings on stocks and bonds.
  • Earnings on sports betting.
  • Earnings at the casino (This may be the presence of a winning scheme that allows you to hide the jackpot in numerous casinos, and the organization of your own casinos).
  • Cryptocurrency mining.
  • Providing microloans.
  • Offline Business (chain of restaurants, processing of something, opening of production).
  • Development of deposits of oil, gold, etc.
  • Construction and rental of real estate.
  • Mutual Assistance Fund.

Sometimes there are completely funny legends when the promised profitability does not fit in with the type of business. For example, it turns out that you can earn 2-3% per day or 700-1000% per year on the delivery of flowers, fruits, car rental, coffee machines, investments in Chinese currency, the provision of services for preparing concert venues, repairing equipment and other nonsense. .

But in the business sector, it is believed that reaching the self-sufficiency of investments within 2 years is already a chic result. And here the “business” has been working for only a couple of weeks and is already offering a profit of 1000% per year. And why are all these businessmen crying that they earn little, if it turns out that it is possible to have a profit ten times higher than investments, and then increase their capital exponentially ...

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Sometimes you can come across a project without any legend, which immediately offers to give it money and hope for a profit right off the bat. Some HYIPs even immediately declare that they are HYIPs, preferring to work with risky people, rather than breeding fools.

According to the type of profitability, HYIPs are divided into low-income (up to 15% per month), medium-income (15-60% per month) and fast (more than 60% per month). As a rule, HYIPs offer several types of deposits with various conditions by investment period and percentage of profit. There are also perpetual plans, when an investor is offered to invest money and receive dividends for life. Yeah ... only the word "for life" actually means not the life of the depositor, but the life of the hype, which can even be just a couple of days.

Development of the HYIP industry

The appearance of the first hype is associated with the name of Charles Ponzi. There is even such a thing as a Ponzi pyramid or a Ponzi scheme, which means a fraudulent pseudo-investment scam when investors are attracted, and interest on deposits is paid to them due to the influx of new participants. The cunning Ponzi registered his Securities Exchange Company in 1919, which supposedly specialized in investing its depositors' money in postal transactions and promised investors a 100% profit in just 3 months. In 1920, the machinations of the company were revealed and its liquidation was announced. In just one year, Ponzi fooled 40 million people for more than $150 million.

It is believed that the first HYIP operating on the Internet was organized by the Japanese Miyamoto Ichikawa in 1996. He created "a new generation money-making program." In the first 4 months alone, he raised over $4 million.

In the West, the idea of ​​the Japanese was picked up, and hype began to appear actively. In the early 2000s, these were simple sites with no special design, protection, or even any legend. HYIPs developed poorly.

The peak of the development of the HYIP industry came in 2008-2010, when, due to the crisis, many people became interested in the question of how to make money and whether it is possible to make money on the Internet. It was at this time that the requirements for HYIPs were formed. Now these were not unpretentious sites, but interesting projects with a well-thought-out legend, bright design, script, security installed, articles translated into several languages, functional personal account, understandable tariff plans.

In 2016, a new trend appeared in the HYIP industry. Now projects that work through the Telegram messenger have become of great interest. Lara with me, Bots Family, Billy Bot, EVA are new generation HYIPs, whose faces are unique robots.

Every week, only in the CIS, several dozen HYIPs appear. Many go into this industry for easy money. Indeed, with good advertising and high persuasiveness, you can collect not only a couple of thousand dollars, but even several million. For example, the recent high-profile hype Lara with me closed after only 3 months, having collected almost $32 million from its unfortunate investors.

AT recent times there were even firms offering their clients to create a hype for them. Now you do not need to understand web development, scripts, come up with a legend, compose texts that will inspire confidence among investors. It is enough to have a couple of thousand dollars, and in a couple of weeks, you will become the owner of the hype.

It is precisely because of this accessibility, when one does not need to have big brains and knowledge, but it is enough to have a decent amount, various pseudo-investment projects have recently proliferated, which throw people at money and are instantly closed.

How to know the hype

If you are planning to invest money, and even seem to have already found where, do not rush. Everything needs to be thoroughly studied. Unfortunately, more than 90% of investment companies that accept deposits and promise to pay profits are HYIPs that will close at any moment. What is worth only the history of Webtransfer, a pseudo-investment company that makes money on loans.

So, the main signs of hype:

Calculating HYIP is not so difficult. You see that you are offered a high percentage of income (above 7%) per month, you should already be wary. In front of you is most likely a pyramid. Analyze the found investment project according to all of the above points and you will know for sure whether the hype is in front of you or not.

HYIPs are initially fraudulent projects that do not conduct any activity, but work on the principle of a pyramid. Nevertheless, they are indeed investment instruments, but very risky. More precisely, even the most risky. If you think that you will invest here and will make a profit for several years and not worry about anything, then you are deeply mistaken. Without knowledge in the field of investing in HYIPs, cold calculation, taking all risks, constant control, readiness for high risk you will only lose your money by investing in such projects.

Now you know how to calculate HYIP and how it can be distinguished from a real investment company. We sincerely hope that the information provided will help you not to invest in a pyramid in full confidence that you have an investment company in front of you, and not to risk thoughtlessly, hoping for high earnings. Be careful with investing on the Internet!

If you say “hype” and not “make a fuss”, chill instead of rest, aggro instead of angry, despise haters instead of enemies, you are definitely over thirty.

Although today on youth slang, most of which came from English words, are expressed not only by teenagers, show business stars and Instagram bloggers, but also by politicians like Vladislav Surkov.

We conduct educational program on the most fashion words this year - we figure out what “hype” is and 15+ more expressions in youth slang.

What is "hype" in youth slang?

This popular word translated from English literally means "overexcited" or "very intrusive advertising."

In the form of the verb hupe- "inflate", "unwind".

In simple words this is a hype or excitement around a person, event or phenomenon that causes mass discussion or heated discussion.

As a result, the semantic content is reduced, the external form of the message comes to the fore.

Hype is typical for a consumer society, whose taste preferences are formed due to the rapid flow of information.

In the capitalist countries in the years after World War II, this type of advertising was the main one and turned into a separate industry.

He came to us in 2017: the story of Diana Shurygina was called a hype.

Most modern slang words come to us from of English language

A little later, in almost every video, TV presenter Sergey Druzhko began to repeat the word on the youtube channel.

His account very quickly gathered millions of subscribers, and with light hand Sergei, the expression penetrated the masses "Hypanem a little" speaking Russian "Let's PR on something or at the expense of someone".

Although “promoting” is also not very Russian- the verb comes from the English phrase PR or public relations (public relations, public relations).

Today, "hype" is more often used in relation to some persons actively discussed in the media.

The verb “hype” was formed from it, that is, create a hype and aggressively promote.

For example, quite recently, Ksenia Sobchak raised an active hype, nominating her candidacy for the presidency of Russia.

The hype around Olga Buzova or Anastasia Volochkova either rises or subsides, but the excitement around catching Pokemon and hunting for the latest spinner models went to the graveyard of history rather quickly.

Hype came to our language from the Internet

Tip: "raise the hype" - launch a duck in the media and quickly unleash the hype. This technique is often used by black PR people.

What is hype in youth jargon- alternate meanings

Since the word actively made its way into, over time, its meaning in youth slang began to acquire new meanings.

"Hype", in addition to the hype around someone or something,- it is also a noisy party, a big fun party.

"Hype" -, - applicable to a thing; on topic- to a person.

For example, hype music- scandalous, popular, getting into the TOP.

Remember at least the video of the group "Mushrooms" for the song "Ice Melts". The clip was watched by 181 million people, and every first (okay, second) said that it sucks.

In addition, many words in English are pronounced the same but are spelled differently.

Hype is also a noisy party

In rare cases, "HYIP" means "High yield investment programs" (the abbreviation HYIP is read as "hype") and from the lips of an economist means literally "pyramid", that is, a risky way to get rich by investing all the money in a dubious enterprise.

Remember the story about MMM? So this is the biggest hype project of the nineties.

15+ buzzwords of 2018

And immediately the bad news: if you still say " Internet cafe", « ICQ" (ICQ application), " chika" (young woman), " CD" (CD) and " cool"(from English cool- cool), then you are stuck somewhere at the beginning of the 2000s.

All these expressions are obsolete for obvious reasons. The words 2018 reflect our realities of life, namely the connection with the computer and almost manic.

But psychologists believe that this is better than prison slang, the dominance of which could be observed a couple of decades ago.

Modern slang clearly demonstrates our dependence on the Internet.

Here's what we say:

Hater - foe, enemy

From English. to hate - to hate. Haters actively manifest themselves on the Internet, write malicious comments under photos of stars on Instagram, burst into bitter messages with or without reason.

Among the 12 million subscribers of the same Buzova, a good half are haters.

chill -rest, do nothing

From English. to chill- cool. In youth slang, the word means to relax, to spend time without benefit and semantic load.

Giza - has a meaning similar to the word "vital"

However, unlike the parent, giza emphasizes the dramatic nature of the moment.

Shazam - recognize the song

The word comes from the Shazam app, designed to identify the artist of the music currently playing.

Horror - a cross between "horror" and "tin"

If you need to exaggerate, "horror"- exactly what is needed.

The expression "shazam" comes from the name mobile application

Posirit - immediately clarify that the word was born from the name of the application Siri

Siri is a personal assistant and question-and-answer system whose software client is included with Apple's iOS, watchOS, macOS, and tvOS.

  1. Example:
  2. - I have been wanting to make delicious homemade pizza for a long time, but the dough always fails.
  3. - It is necessary to sit (equally search the Internet, google) decent recipes.

Crowdfunding - raising money through the Internet

From English. crowd - crowd and funding - funding.

With the help of crowdfunding, funds are collected to launch a public project, provide material support to victims of disasters, those in need of expensive medical care, homeless animals, etc.

Bingewatching - watching TV series avidly

Appeared from English. binge- hard drinking, watching - viewing. This is when I watched all the seasons of Game of Thrones over the course of one weekend.

Bingewatching: hang out in front of the TV on the weekend

Ababl - used as a disparaging characteristic of a man

Abubl was equally pissed off, became like a woman.

  1. For example:
  2. "Our Oleg abubl - his mood is constantly changing, he is offended by everything and hysterical over trifles.

The word is quite offensive, so it's better not to introduce it into the lexicon without a good reason.

Kirpidon - was born, of course, from a brick

Means a rude unreasonable phrase/action or outdated gadget (“My nokia brick is still working fine”).

Oleg - remember the hero of rhymes-pies, always getting into stupid situations?

Today "to be Oleg", may the bearers of this beautiful name forgive us,- means to get into awkward uncomfortable situations and make others laugh with this:

  1. The worst thing is when work
  2. Oleg will wrap himself in the night.
  3. Gently caresses the head
  4. And whispers: "Think of me!"

Foodies or gourmets on new way

Foodies are gourmets, the definition of which comes from the English. words food - food

It is they who, before having lunch, post photos of the soup on Instagram with the tag #notfotkalneate and the like.

Use - use

The verb was born from English to use- use. A few years ago, we sometimes used it in relation to various mobile devices.

Today, the word has become firmly established in everyday life and has become widely used in all spheres of life.

  1. For example:
  2. Let me use my camera for the evening.

Toxic - in the classic version poisoned, poisonous

In slang, the definition is used in relation to almost all negative phenomena in life or people and means something unhealthy, having a bad influence.

A toxic (unhealthy) atmosphere in the team, a toxic (bad, negatively inclined) person, a toxic (constantly pressing) boss, etc.

The word "toxic" sounds different.

Harassment is a complete analogue of English. harassment words

Used as a definition of sexual harassment at work.

The word burst into our lexicon after the scandal with sexual accusations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

  1. Example:
  2. In the life of every person, there have probably been precedents of harassment (sexual harassment in the workplace).

Zashkvar - he's a shame in decent Russian

Perhaps this is one of the few words in the vocabulary of modern youth that came from prison jargon.

Zashkvar - a thing that everyone is tired of has become unpopular or was originally so.

Well, where without bitcoin

Bitcoin from English. bit - bit and coin - coin

No other electronic payment system is comparable in popularity to .

Can you imagine how many parents in the past few years have heard the phrase from their children: “I I will mine crypto and fell into a stupor?

Mining - mine. Crypt- a cryptocurrency in which bitcoin is the payment unit.

They say that you can make good money on electronic money if you understand how the system works.

Do you use such words in your speech or try, tell us in the comments.

What is hype in youth slang and how it all began, see the video of Sergey Druzhko:

In youth slang, the word "hype" is often found. In this post, we will tell you in detail about the meaning of the term and the reasons for its popularity among teenagers and vloggers.

Meaning of the word

  • Hype means trendy, in the subject, fumbles what is happening in the fashion world.
  • Hype is what is fashionable now.
  • Hypeem means we hang out, have fun, light up.

Hype is hype, gossip or even hysteria around a person or event. Most often in teenage slang, this word is used with this meaning.

For example:

"Very soon the hype around the game "Pokemon Go" will die down!"

“There is such a terrible hype around Diana Shurygina that there are simply no words!”

What does it mean to hype and hype

The verb "hype" is synonymous with the words "PR" on something, or just be popular and collect fame.

This word is often used in their tracks and communication by rap artists. For example, the rapper Yanix has one of the tracks called “Hypeat”.

And the word "hype" means to have a hype (promote on something). It is very often used in areas related to PR or advertising. Based on a sudden flash of interest in some event, news, product or person.

You can’t hype on something boring or mundane. If suddenly there is a hype, it means that millions of people are already interested in some event!

Second meaning (less used)

But sometimes "HYIP" means "High yield investment programs" (abbreviation for HYIP). The term is used among financial speculators and is applied to investment decisions that promise huge returns but will soon collapse.

The Russian language, like a living organism, is constantly changing and replenishing. For several years now, the public “Dictionary of the Year” has been tracking neologisms. Its compilers record monthly the most interesting and meaningful words and expressions: both those that first appeared and those that received a new meaning. The portal site talked with the curator of the group, linguist Alexei Mikheev, about how the Russian language changed in 2017 and what events influenced word formation.

- With what expressions has our language been enriched this year? Were there more new words or borrowings?

Quite new words are usually borrowings and, as a rule, from the English language; this year was no exception. The most important thing is, of course, the word "hype"; it was previously known in youth slang, but was not widely used. However, after the rap battle between Oxxymirona and Purulent, which was watched by millions of Internet users in August, “hype” began to be heard everywhere. The expression “rap battle” itself can also be included in the list of words of the year, and rather in a truncated version - just “battle”: this is how any public disputes, fights and discussions have now begun to be called. These are probably the most notable borrowings.

- The word "hype" has many Russian synonyms: the same excitement, noise. The very English word hypenot at all new. Why did it fire right now?

I think it was the rap vocabulary that became the source, because the word “hype” is not new there. It is difficult to rationally assess why this or that word shoots, but we can name a few possible causes. Firstly, the word "hype" is short (shorter than "hype" or "hype"), and the tendency to save lexical means is obvious and constant: the shorter the word, the more chances it has to gain a foothold in the language. Secondly, this word is multi-valued and capacious; it can replace several others at once. And it's pretty good combination qualities.

- Even people who are far from rap culture have become actively interested in this phenomenon and discuss battles.

Yes, the word "hype" has not just entered the language, it immediately began to be used in marketing - one of the telephone companies has already managed to name its new tariff this way. By the way, in their famous commercial, the word "hype" is used together with another borrowing - already from criminal slang - the word "zashkvar".

In prison vocabulary, “zashkvar” has a completely different meaning than the one they put into this word now. "Getting pissed off" in criminal slang is, for example, talking to a downtrodden person.

Yes, the meaning of this word has expanded: now “zashkvar” is something unpopular, out of fashion, something that was fashionable quite recently, but already outdated. In the mentioned commercial, one person shows another spinner and asks: “Is this a hype?”, And he replies: “No, already zashkvar.” The word "spinner" in itself is also indicative. It appeared this year and, without even having time to get into the number of popular words, very quickly disappeared from use. The fashion for spinners six months ago was rampant, but subsided as quickly as it came.

At some point, the word "hype" was heard from every iron. It was used everywhere and so often that it became in some way bad form.

Yes, we can say that the hype itself is already becoming a scam. It is curious that one event (a specific rap battle) turned out to be a kind of lexical "Big Bang", thanks to which new words appeared that quickly became popular, but just as quickly began to lose their fashionable potential. Such things happen in language, although not very often.

Older people, who are usually not interested in such things, began to seriously analyze the battles, reflect on their impact on young people and whether it can be called poetry.

Yes, Purulent even managed to participate in Mikhail Shvydkoy's TV talk show "Agora" as one of the main experts on modern youth culture - this loud rap battle was the reason for this.

Have you become more attentive to the youth lexicon now? Can it be called the main supplier of new expressions and dictionary constructions?

I would not say that they began to follow right now. Youth slang has always been a source of vocabulary replenishment, this is a natural process. Previously, the dynamics of this interaction was no less active: many slang words constantly moved and continue to move into wide use.

- This year to English words Russian endings were often added.

This is a kind of special property of the Russian language - to master borrowings, that is, in literally make them yours. For example, the English noun "hype" in Russian can give rise to the verbs "hype" or "hype", that is, on the basis of a borrowed root, with the help of suffixes and endings, quite Russian words can potentially appear. Many believe that under the pressure of any "foreignness" the Russian language is littered and perishes, but if we analyze these processes without unnecessary emotions, then, on the contrary, it turns out that as the vocabulary is replenished, the conceptual sphere also becomes wider.

- Has the influence of memes on the language increased?

Perhaps the only notable meme of this year is waiting. This network character appeared at the very beginning of the year and had already become familiar by the middle of the year. At first, there was a whole wave of funny variations on the theme of the waiter, but after a while the sharpness of perception disappeared, and now posting the waiters is rather a bad form, if not to say “zashkvar”.

- Were there any new expressions this year that came from the social and political sphere?

Hardly ever. Especially compared to previous years, when new words reflected acute socio-political problems. This year the dictionary has given practically nothing. After the youth protest actions, the word “bulk” appeared. The word “renovation” was updated, which can be called the second, “offline” (as opposed to “online” hype) word of the year. Heated discussions arose around him: the renovation announced in Moscow promised someone good prospects moving to a new home, and someone, for example, has recently made expensive repairs and would not like to move. And in the heated disputes, the still sharp social conflict private and public interests.

- What have officials and politicians brought to our language? Was there any fresh and memorable statement?

Two curious euphemisms appeared, which Putin used in his various speeches to refer to one and the same, in fact, social group: "girls with reduced social responsibility" and "professional women's environment".

- Women's theme this year played in a new way, a lot was said about harassment and harassment.

The word "harassment" claims to become one of the main words of the year - as it reflects one of the new aspects of the problems of morality and relations between the sexes. In general, the gender theme has really become actual this year.

- Were there any new words from the field of culture?

The hype surrounding the film Matilda has spawned several new expressions. For example, members of the Dictionary of the Year Facebook group really liked the neologism verb "matild" - that is, constantly arguing about the admissibility or inadmissibility of demonstrating this picture. The word "offended" also appeared - meaning those whose feelings were hurt by this film.

- The British chose the phrase fake as the word of the yearnews. This is not a very common design for us.

The very word "fake" came into use with us for a long time. You can even say that the British are a little behind us here, because, according to the Dictionary of the Year group, it became the main word back in 2014: not “fake news”, but a short and capacious “fake”.

Many new words come from the field of economics, to be more precise - cryptocurrencies. Even people who are far from all this have heard about bitcoin, blockchain, agile and are trying to use them with or without reason.

I would add "mining" to those named. Indeed, these words can be found quite often. Although not everyone understands the essence of the processes and phenomena they describe. For many, this is an alternative to existing currencies, but there are also disturbing associations with the infamous financial pyramids like MMM.

- What events influenced word formation?

During the year, stories with different boys surfaced: just a month ago, an “Urengoy boy” appeared, in the summer there was a “drunk boy” in Balashikha, in the spring - a boy who read Shakespeare on the Arbat. Different “boys” throughout the year arose in different contexts (although, for example, an Urengoy schoolboy can only be called a boy with some stretch). And if we also remember the young “bully”, then it is the boys who can be recognized as the main characters of the year.

Now let's take a closer look at what is HYIP? And what is hype in youth slang. Let's reveal the meaning of the word hype, hype and hype in youth slang. Let's give a concept of what these words mean among teenagers, teenagers, video bloggers, SMM specialists. We will also give precise definition abbreviation HYIP. We'll show you how to hype earn, and most importantly, do not lose money in HYIP projects.

Hype what is it

Hype what is it in simple words in youth slang

In the Russian lexicon, the word HYIP came, as always, from the West and not so long ago, in connection with the development of the Internet. The word hype has several meanings, let's start with a literal translation:

  • - hype (hype) noun: - deceit, swindle, intrusive advertising, processing buyers (driving over the ears);
  • - hype (hype) verb: - ​​cheat, fool, inflate, loudly advertise, loudly praise;

Expression translation

In simple words, the word hype in youth slang got its meaning from a derivative translation of “loudly praise” and English synonyms meaning - PR, be in trend, fashionable, hype. That is the value this concept is defined as - to be fashionable, to be in a trend, known in certain circles, to dress fashionably, to wear stylish branded clothes. The second direction is PR and promotion, creating a buzz around something. Very often used by video bloggers, SMM specialists, advertisers. Roughly speaking, creating a hype around something or someone. As an example:

- Trump election: hype around a certain person.

- Spinner: trend, fashion item, etc.

All of this is hype! In the first case, the hype is around a certain person, and in the second, it is the hype around a fashionable, trendy item. Finding and catching Pokemon is also a clear example of hype.

HYIP - in simple terms, this is the abbreviation of "High Yield Investment Program". Translated as - Investment program with a high income. In fact, these are investment projects with exorbitant income based on 100% fraud. In simple words, HYIP is a pyramid scheme, a scam.

hype and hype what does it mean

The concept of hype means intense PR, advertising, creating a buzz around yourself or someone or something, in a word, to be in trend. For example, for teenagers at school, hype means being hype. Hang out in trendy clothes, have fancy gadgets, tell stories about hanging out in Europe and abroad (without saying that it was the parents who organized the trip and took the offspring with them). You can hype in social networks by spreading hype and hype, posting extravagant selfies, etc.

Hype means launching hype, PR, becoming hype. Get a part of someone else's hype, participate in the advertising hype and draw some attention to yourself or your product. Benefit, profit.

On the last Russian elections, a number of people gained a certain fame, that is, hypanuli, speaking in youth slang.

Making money with HYIP


Our free lessons have everything you need to start a super hype and make money on the Internet, so after reading the article to the end, do not forget to subscribe at the end. You'll get step by step instructions to create your website. Having your own website will increase your status and hype.

I will bring one hype money making example. At one of the master classes on Internet marketing, host and organizer Anton Petrochenkov ( CEO marketing agency Envelope Monster), told about one interesting and funny hype they launched in social networks immediately after Trump's victory in the elections.

I'm not lying to you watch 5 minute video from the webinar Monster Envelope: Hurry!

The hype was as follows:

- They published an announcement on the social network with something like this: - "The Trump administration is looking for an SMM specialist from Russia", some kind of Email White House. The news spread through the networks in a million copies. Leading Russian media they gave rebuttals, even the White House Administration reacted, somehow, since several thousand letters with resumes came to the current mail address.

The story really got a comic development. The news was spread by the media, Kommersant even contacted the White House to clarify the information on this announcement. And the White House administration suggested that these were intrigues Russian hackers and special services. Allegedly trying to attack and drop the White House server. Since the summary really came a lot.

You might be wondering if this is legal? I asked the same question personally to Anton, at one of the master classes, where he again told this comical story. He replied that this did not violate freedom of speech and they did not do anything illegal, and the agency is working and prospering! If you are interested in Internet marketing, then we recommend the courses "Monster Envelope"

Anton Petrochenkov

The result of such a viral hype was thousands of visits to the site page, with an offer to attend a free webinar on SMM marketing and, as a result, the sale of dozens of training courses in the school of monsters, and the course costs around 30,000 rubles.

Here is an example of hype with the help of a website and fantasy. See for yourself by launching a simple HYIP, you can pour traffic and make good money.

How not to lose money on hype

HYIP can be confused with HYIP, a pyramid scheme. The so-called investment financial project with a large reward, the abbreviation of which is HYIP.

The most obvious example in Russia is the pyramid from the 90s by Sergei Mavrodi called "MMM". As always, this type of business came to Russia from overseas. Back in the US, Charles Ponzi was one of the first to launch such a pyramid in 1920, it collapsed in the same year. Bringing Charles more than $7,000,000 and five years in prison, with confiscation and seizure of accounts.

HYIP financial pyramid

The scheme of such a business is primitive and simple. The acceptance of deposits with a very large increase in interest and increased payments is announced. For example, invest 1000 rubles today and get 1800 rubles in a month. The principle is simple, you take money today, and tomorrow you pay out yesterday (who has the payment deadline) from the money that you deposited today, etc. in a circle. Everything works until the money comes all at once. However, a well-established scheme can work for years, but is still doomed to failure.

In fact, such projects can make good money. The essence of earnings is to jump off in time, that is, to play at the start. At the start, such a project will pay you money, but whether to invest further is up to you.

Such investment HYIP projects are well visible in the network. They offer exorbitant payouts, hide information about their activities, often do not even have a law firm.

However, there are whole services for tracking and monitoring such HYIP projects. And since there are services, then there is also a demand for such projects, and there is also income there. With the development of the Internet, HYIP pyramids have received a second life, a second wind.

In order not to lose a lot of money on HYIP projects, allocate the amount that you are ready to lose in case the project collapses. Next, find a fresh, attractive, trending HYIP project, invest in it. Make a profit, get your money out, and run the profit further into this project or find another one. So you will rotate and grow capital with little or no investment. It is important to correctly select the starting HYIP project.

How to become hype and earn a lot of money

Summing up all that has been said, we note that hype is an expression in youth slang, meaning fashion trend, hype, intrusive advertising, viral marketing, PR for yourself. Focused on the ultimate goal - making money and financial well-being.

To be hype, to be hype means to be fashionable, to be in trend, on everyone's lips.

The word hype means deceit and is closely related to HYIP pyramid schemes. But even there you can not earn sour. HYIP projects are a whole niche for making money, a competent approach is the key to success.

To become a hype and grab a hype, it is enough to launch your website on the Internet. A link to a personal website in social networks will significantly increase your status in the eyes of friends, fellow students, colleagues, which means you will become more hype. By launching a “bullet” on the social network and pouring tons of traffic on desired pages site you can easily get rich. With ours FREE lessons You will launch the site in 1.5 hours

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