Beautiful words about heavenly stars and professions. New Year's poems for children about Asterisk

the beauty 19.06.2019
the beauty

Near the Christmas tree revived
snowflake stars,
In white packs spun
Ksyusha and Marina.

Stars have fallen from the sky
To the top of the tree
Glittered, sparkled
Silver needles
The snow flakes have turned
In colored balls
And the icicles instantly poured out
Golden candles.

Poems about the Asterisk for children 2-3 years old

Hiding behind a cloud
Little star.
Dozed off in the sky
Weak light.
Didn't sleep, probably
Mischievous by day.

We are two evenings in a row
Watched a starfall.
The stars fell from the sky
Into the snow-covered forest
And they went out in the snowdrifts -
So we sincerely believed!
But today we Cyril,
He explained with an air of importance:
That every starfall
For a forest animal - a treasure!
Animals have adapted
Set up star traps
Divide the stars among themselves
And they carry home as soon as possible:
Who is in the den, who is in the hollow,
Let there be light!
And then the mother wolf
Can count the kids.
Hedgehogs won't prick
O sister or brother,
And the fireflies will charge
Bright beacon light.
If the stars burn out
Starfall starts again!
Their traps again
There will be animals to collect.
That's why from heaven
The stars are falling into our forest!

Poems about the Asterisk for children 3-4 years old

Star of the Nativity
Let it mark the New Year.
Good News from the Father
Let good blossom in the house.
Let evil forget the way to hearts
Disappear like empty weeds.
And faith in the Supreme Creator
Let him protect the spiritual temple.

In the evenings the earth is covered with haze,
The night in the blue sky lit a star.
Tiny star! Bright beams!
Light the way for the traveler in the night.

Poems about the Asterisk for children 4-5 years old

Christmas tree-baby
Cleaned it up in the morning
In a white coat.

From snowflakes-stars
white coat,
From snowflakes-stars,
Little Christmas tree.

covered with a blue shawl
Evening spruce-baby,
Decorated with lace
White coat.

From snowflakes-stars
white coat,
From snowflakes-stars,
Little Christmas tree.

And when the moon rose
For that wonderful coat
She gave me silver
Christmas tree-baby

From snowflakes-stars
In a white coat
From snowflakes-stars,
Little Christmas tree.

Look, my friend, from the window,
Christmas tree-baby
So beautiful and gentle
In a New Year's coat.

From snowflakes-stars
white coat,
From snowflakes-stars
Christmas tree-baby.

Winter night near the Christmas tree
Dreams of miracles.
They will be awakened by a ringing song
Our voices.

Buds of balls will bloom
Under colored rain
Bell with a wondrous ringing,
Suddenly fill the house:

Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
Holiday at the gate!
Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
New Years is soon!

Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
He brought us a story
Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
Good Santa Claus.

Winter night near the Christmas tree
Miracles are dancing
Sing along with a ringing song
Our voices.

Dancing wonderful gifts
Under that wondrous ringing.
Bears, dolls, ball and bunnies...
Even the gray elephant.

Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
Holiday at the gate!
Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
New Years is soon!

Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
He brought us a story
Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
Good Santa Claus.

Sleighs are flying above the ground
Star Call…
Santa Claus on a magical holiday
Transforms sleep.

Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
Holiday at the gate!
Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
New Years is soon!

Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
He brought us a story
Ding ding dong, ding ding dong
Good Santa Claus.

Poems about the Asterisk for children 5-6 years old

Suddenly flew to the tree
A flock of bullfinches
The tree turned red immediately
From living fires.

On her hairy branches,
Instead of tinsel
Hoarfrost will shave off the net,
Snow globes.

And the crown - the star shines,
Miracle of miracles!
Christmas, friends, meets
Primordial forest.

If you still decide
New Year in the forest you meet,
Hurry up, run up
to the festive tree, everyone, children ...

This tree is fabulous
no longer a tree
Magic forest, wonder of the world,
where the bird, the beast are courteous.
Peace reigns in the forest, consent,
there is no enmity there, trust me.
New Year brings happiness
opening the door to a fairy tale.
Field mouse, hedgehog,
bunny with red fox
Even the wolf with the lamb too
dance together under the moon.
Silver rain, snowflakes
decorate the wonder forest,
Asterisks, ice garlands,
pouring moonlight from heaven.
Sparrows, swifts, tits
having fun with the owl
Squirrel nimble with marten
the ball is chasing gold.
Crystal ringing does not stop
from icicles, flies into the distance ...
White snow lies, does not melt,
creaks under the skids.
Santa Claus rides on a troika
bear - a remote coachman,
And in the bag are the gifts,
goodies for everyone...

Let the song sound loud
welcome guests!
All in the lights the Christmas tree shines ...
Santa Claus is at the door.

Children's funny and beautiful poems about an asterisk:

Sergey Yesenin.

The stars are clear, the stars are high!
What do you keep in yourself, what do you hide?
Stars, concealing deep thoughts,
By what power do you captivate the soul?

Frequent stars, tight stars!
What is beautiful in you, what is powerful in you?
What do you carry, heavenly stars,
The power of the great burning knowledge?

And why is it that when you shine
Beckon to the sky, into wide arms?
Look so gently, caress your heart,
Heavenly stars, distant stars!

T. Goethe

Behind the grove, a Star fell into the river.
I ran straight there!
She didn't break, she lay at the bottom!
Or maybe it was me?

Riddles about the stars

And next to the Star! And to the left there are five of them!
Yes, who came up with the idea to bathe the Stars here?
And here's the culprit - it's the moon!
She started it all, Just her!
The mischievous girl is tired of hanging in the sky,
Decided to cool off in cold water
And with the moon behind the star, the star
In the river to splash down here!

Happinessvirus. Asterisk quatrain.

In the evenings the earth is covered with haze,
The night in the blue sky lit a star.
Tiny star! Bright beams!
Light the way for the traveler in the night.

M. Petrov

Hiding behind a cloud
Little star.
Dozed off in the sky
Weak light.
Didn't sleep, probably
Mischievous by day.

V. Fedorov

I sat by the window at night.
A light breeze blew from the sea.
And then, suddenly, one star
Fell from top to bottom!
I ran out into the yard
After all, it's still dark! -
At night can a thief
Steal my good!
I was looking for her for an hour,
Until dawn.
And the stars all went out at once -
They must have gone to sleep.
Now she can't see the eye
Forever lost.
Didn't save another star
Slutty man!
Just imagine: "aground",
One, all alone!
No brothers, no sisters, in the dust
and, the eye is not visible

T. Efimova

We are two evenings in a row
Watched a starfall.
The stars fell from the sky
Into the snow-covered forest
And they went out in the snowdrifts -
So we sincerely believed!
But today we Cyril,
He explained with an air of importance:
That every starfall
For a forest animal - a treasure!
Animals have adapted
Set up star traps
Divide the stars among themselves
And they carry home as soon as possible:
Who is in the den, who is in the hollow,
Let there be light!
And then the mother wolf
Can count the kids.
Hedgehogs won't prick
O sister or brother,
And the fireflies will charge
Bright beacon light.
If the stars burn out
Starfall starts again!
Their traps again
There will be animals to collect.
That's why from heaven
The stars are falling into our forest!

A. Alferova

In the evening sky, the stars were shining,
descended along the moonlit path to the lake.
One star looked into the water,
plunged into the lake to the very bottom.
And at the bottom of the lake, catfish worked in a hole.
He saw a star - he was very surprised:
- How did you get here? bright Star?
He moved his mustache - he stopped swimming.
The guest is beautiful both in the sky and in the water.
She looked into the mink - she asked the catfish:
- How can I find a way from the bottom to heaven?
After all, I can’t become a star of the lake.
AT blue blue sky flashes shone -
weaved golden nets of rays.
Retrieving captives from deep waters,
on the waves rocked a star dance.

I. Ashomko

How beautiful is the sky!
The stars lead a round dance.
My teacher is an astrologer -
keeps a strict account of them.
I'm just a student.
Starry I keep a diary.
Each star's route
I write here.
Secrets star trek
not always easy to find.
I try as best I can.
I keep the secrets of the stars.
There is a favorite star.
Every day I look there
where she is all alone.
How I need her!
How beautiful is the light of the star!
I would like magical gardens
wanted to plant on it,
to keep her alive!
I'm growing up a little.
And I will fulfill my dream!
I'll fly to my star
with a caravan of ships.
There is no better one in the world!
The brightest of the planets
will be a lovely star
How do I get there!
And now I'm going to sleep
to become strong, to become an adult.
I'll grow up a little in my dreams
I will meet my star.

Yuri Gagarin
V. Stepanov

In a space rocket
Named "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Singing songs about it
Spring drops:
Forever will be together
Gagarin and April!

Children's poems about planets

All the planets in order
Arkady Khait

All the planets in order
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
called Pluto.

Andrey Usachev

An astrologer lived on the moon
He kept a record of the planets:
MERCURY - time,
VENUS - two-s,
Three - EARTH,
Four - MARS,
Seven - Uranus,
Eight - NEPTUNE,
Nine - the farthest PLUTO,
Who does not see - get out!

Rimma Aldonina

Every planet has something different
What makes her stand out the most.

You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
It is surrounded by a large ring.

It is not continuous, from different bands.
Here is how the scientists solved the problem:

Once upon a time, the water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.

Children's poems about stars

Milky Way
Rimma Aldonina

black velvet sky
Embroidered with stars.
light path
Runs across the sky.
Edge to edge
Creeps easily
Like someone spilled
Milk across the sky.
But no, of course, in the sky
No milk, no juice
We are a star system
We see ours from the side.
This is how we see galaxies
Native distant light -
space for astronautics
For many thousands of years.

Rimma Aldonina

What are stars?
If they ask you -
Answer boldly:
Hot gas.
And also add
What is always
Nuclear reactor -
Every star!

G. Kruzhkov

There is one star in the sky
Which one, I won't say
But every evening from the window
I look at her.

She shimmers so bright!
And somewhere in the sea
Now, probably a sailor
It guides the way.

Children's poems about constellations

Y. Sinitsyn

Stars, stars, for a long time
you chained forever
Man's greedy gaze.

And sitting in an animal skin
By the red fire
Inseparable in the blue dome
He could watch until the morning.

And looked in silence for a long time
Man in the expanse of the night -
That with fear
That with delight
That with a vague dream.

And then with a dream together
The tale is ripe on the lips:
About mysterious constellations
About unknown worlds.

Since then, they live in heaven,
As in the night land of miracles, -
Sagittarius and Swan
Lion, Pegasus and Hercules.

Space Tale (fragment)
Vasily Lepilov

Painted space black
Because there is no atmosphere
There is no night, no day.
There is no earthly blueness here,
Here the views are strange and wonderful:
And the stars are all visible at once,
Both the Sun and the Moon.

A star is visible in the north
And she's called
Polar star.
She is a reliable friend of people
And two Bears with her
Among the cosmic fires
Everything is running in sequence.

Not far away, the Dragon fell silent.
He squints at the Bears,
Chews the ends of the mustache.
And the Eagle watched for a long time,
Like a skinny wolf wandering somewhere
And bypassed
Constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs.

The heavenly lion slept peacefully,
Opening your terrible snapdragon
(Don't mess with lions!)
The whale swam up to Andromeda,
Pegasus galloped fast
And proudly the swan flew
Along the Milky Way.

Hydra guarded someone
After all, the Hydra was a Hydra
Forever, friends!
Through the giant sky
She crawls mysteriously.
Who is Hydra guarding?
It is impossible to say yet.

And near the Milky Way,
Where neither to pass nor pass,
Lies a huge Cancer.
Lies in space dust
Lightly wiggles claws
And all for the Hydra is watching.
(Cancer, apparently, is not a fool!)

Here the raven waved its wings,
Phoenix rose from the ashes
Tail fluffed peacock,
Here the snake writhed,
Chanterelles ran, frolicking,
And the Lynx sat, hiding,
The singer was saved by Dolphin.

The giraffe walked like a god
Here is the Hare, here is the Unicorn,
Crane, Chameleon.
And the Dove with the Lizard is...
No, apparently, I can't count
All these fabulous creatures
Who inhabited space.

Quoted from the edition:
V.P. Lepilov "Space Tale"
Astrakhan: "Volga", 1992, pp. 34-35


Arkady Khait
From "Baby Monitor"

Over the Earth late at night,
Just reach out your hand
You'll grab onto the stars
They seem to be nearby.
You can take a peacock feather,
Touch the hands on the clock
Ride a Dolphin
Ride on the Scales.
Over the Earth late at night,
If you look into the sky,
You will see, like clusters,
The constellations are there.
Over the Earth late at night,
Just reach out your hand
You'll grab onto the stars
They seem to be nearby.

Here is the Big Bear
Starry porridge interferes
big bucket
In a large cauldron.

And next to it dimly glows
Ursa Minor.
small ladle
Collects crumbs.

G. Sapgir

We heard: two bears
Glow in the sky at night.
At night we looked up
We saw two pots.

Leonid Tkachuk

Here is the edge of the handle, where our ladle is
Benetnash is marked with a star.
You will cast a glance in the neighborhood -
You will see Mizar and Alcor.
And here is the turn of the handle
Aliot leads to the star.
Well, then we finally
We will see the edge of the bowl - Megrets.
And we will go through the bottom just like that,
Seeing Fekda and Merak.
And above shines as always
Nam Dubhe is a bright star.

Big Dipper
Y. Sinitsyn

At the Big Dipper
It hurts the pen is good!
Three stars - and everything,
Like diamonds, they burn!

Among the stars, big and bright,
One more is visible:
In the middle of the handle
She took shelter.

You take a better look
You see
Two stars merged?

The one that is bigger
It's called the Horse.
And the baby next to her -
Riding on it.

wonderful rider,
This star prince Alcor,
And carries him to the constellations
Horse Mizar at full speed.

The gold-maned horse trembles
Gilded knot.
Silent rider rules
To the North Star.

Rimma Aldonina

All night the constellations are shining
Do not slow down the round dance
Around one star standing
As if in the center of the sky.

The axis of the earth leaned towards her,
We named it Polar.
Where is the north, we will know from it
And she is grateful for that.

Natalia Tennova

Not afraid of winter and cold,
girded tighter,
Equipped for hunting
Orion speaking.
Two stars from the big leagues
In Orion - this is Rigel
In the lower right corner
Like a bow on a shoe.
And on the left epaulette -
Betelgeuse shines brightly.
Three stars obliquely
Decorate the belt.
This belt is like a clue.
He is a heavenly guide.
If you go to the left
You will find Miracle Sirius.
And from the right end -
Path to the constellation Taurus.
He points straight
In the red eye of Aldebaran.

belt of the zodiac
A. G. Novak

January snow on the road
The sun shines in Capricorn.

In February the day is longer
The sun shines in ... (Aquarius).

In March there are a lot of snow blocks,
The sun is somewhere among ... (Pisces).

And in April from ... (Aries)
The sun is already warming up.

In May, the sun is in ... (Taurus) -
Expect freckles on your face.

In June, the Sun is in ... (Gemini),
Fanta children drink in the bushes.

In July, the sun rolls to ... (Cancer),
Music lover - in the garden to the poppy.

August opens schools
... (Lion) runs away for the sun.

Outside the window "september",
... (Virgo) The sun will shelter.

In October, according to owls,
The sun shines from ... (Libra).

November in the sky
The Sun shines in ... (Scorpio).

In December, like a tomboy,
He will hide behind the Sun ... (Sagittarius).

Children's poems about space, astronomy, the moon and the earth

Rimma Aldonina

Everything, - I said firmly at home, -
I will only be an astronomer!
Universe around the Earth!

T. Sobakin

How tempting
Become an astronomer
Closely familiar with the Universe!

That wouldn't be bad at all:
Watch the orbit of Saturn
Admire the constellation Lyra
Detect black holes
And be sure to compose a treatise -
"Study the depths of the Universe!"

Ya Akim

There is one garden planet
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling birds of passage,

Only on it one bloom
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise ...

Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other like it!

If the month is the letter "C",
So, the old month;
If the stick in dovez
You attach to it
And get the letter "R"
So it's growing
So, soon, believe it or not,
He will become fat.

Rimma Aldonina

Faithful companion, decoration of nights,
Additional lighting.
Of course, we must confess:
It would be boring for the Earth without the Moon!

Y. Yakovlev

What kind of relative of the moon is there,
Nephew or granddaughter
Flickers between the clouds?
- Yes, it's a satellite!
- Here are those times!
- He is the companion of each of us
And in general - the whole Earth.
The satellite was created by hands,
And then on a rocket
Delivered to these.

Evening meditation on the majesty of God at the occasion of the great northern lights
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

The day hides its face;
The fields were covered with gloomy night;
A black shadow ascended the mountains;
The rays from us leaned away;
The abyss of stars has opened up full;
The stars have no number, the abyss of the bottom.

A grain of sand, like in the waves of the sea,
How small is the spark in the eternal ice,
Like fine dust in a strong whirlwind,
In fire as fierce as a feather,
So I, deepened in this abyss,
I'm lost, I'm tired of thoughts!

The lips of the wise say to us:
There are many different kinds of lights;
Countless suns burn there,
The peoples there and the circle of centuries:
For the common glory of the deity
There is equal force of nature.

But where, nature, is your law?
Dawn rises from midnight countries!
Doesn't the sun set its throne there?
Do not the ice-folk stir up the fire of the sea?
This cold flame covered us!
Behold, the day has entered the night on earth!

O you, whom the swift eye
Pierces into the book of eternal rights,
Which small things sign
Is the charter of nature,
You know the path of all the planets, -
Tell me what's bothering us so much?

What does the ray of clear night vibrate?
What thin flame strikes into the firmament?
Like lightning without menacing clouds
Strives from the earth to the zenith?
How can it be that the frozen steam
Fire in the middle of winter?

There argues oily haze with water;
Or the rays of the sun shine,
Leaning through the thick air towards us;
Or the tops of fat mountains are burning;
Or the marshmallow stopped blowing into the sea,
And smooth waves beat into the air.

Your answer is full of doubt
About what is around nearby places.
Tell me, how vast is the light?
And what about the smallest distant stars?
The ignorant creatures are the end of you?
Tell me, how great is the Creator?


Children's poems about comets

Rimma Aldonina

What a luxurious wonder!
Almost occupying half the world
Mysterious, very beautiful
A comet hovers over the Earth.

And I want to think:
- Where
Did a miracle come to us?
And I want to cry when
It will fly away without a trace.

And they tell us:
- It's ice!
And her tail is dust and water!
It doesn't matter, a miracle is coming to us,
A miracle is always great!

G. Sapgir

Spreading its fiery tail,
The comet rushes between the stars.
- Listen, constellations,
Last news,
wonderful news,
Heavenly news!

Rushing at wild speeds
I was visiting the Sun.
I saw the earth in the distance
And new satellites of the Earth.
I flew away from the earth
Ships flew after me!

Children's funny and beautiful poems about an asterisk:

T. Goethe

Behind the grove fell into the river Star.
I ran straight there!
She didn't break, she lay at the bottom!
Or maybe it was me?

And next to the Star! And to the left there are five of them!
Yes, who came up with the idea to bathe the Stars here?
And here's the culprit - it's the moon!
She started it all, Just her!
The mischievous girl is tired of hanging in the sky,
Decided to cool off in cold water
And with the moon behind the star, the star
In the river to splash down here!

Happinessvirus. Asterisk quatrain.

Night on the blue sky asterisk lit.

M. Petrov

Hiding behind a cloud
Small star.
Dozed off in the sky
Weak light.
Didn't sleep, probably
Mischievous by day.


In the evenings the earth is covered with haze,
Night on the blue sky asterisk lit.
Tiny star! Bright beams!
Light the way for the traveler in the night.

V. Fedorov

I sat by the window at night.
A light breeze blew from the sea.
And then, suddenly, star one
Fell from top to bottom!
I ran out into the yard
After all, it's still dark! -
At night can a thief
Steal my good!
I was looking for her for an hour,
Until dawn.
And the stars all went out at once -
They must have gone to sleep.
Now she can't see the eye
Forever lost.
Didn't save another star
Slutty man!
Just imagine: "aground",
One, all alone!
No brothers, no sisters, in the dust
and, the eye is not visible

T. Efimova

We are two evenings in a row
Watched starfall.
The stars fell from the sky
Into the snow-covered forest
And they went out in the snowdrifts -
So we sincerely believed!
But today we Cyril,
He explained with an air of importance:
That every starfall
For a forest animal - a treasure!
Animals have adapted
Set up star traps
Divide the stars among themselves
And they carry home as soon as possible:
Who is in the den, who is in the hollow,
Let there be light!
And then the mother wolf
Can count the kids.
Hedgehogs won't prick
O sister or brother,
And the fireflies will charge
Bright beacon light.
If the stars burn out
Starfall starts again!
Their traps again
There will be animals to collect.
That's why from heaven
The stars are falling into our forest!

A. Alferova

In the evening sky stars played out
descended along the moonlit path to the lake.
One star looked into the water,
plunged into the lake to the very bottom.
And at the bottom of the lake, catfish worked in a hole.
He saw a star - he was very surprised:
- How did you get here, bright star?
He moved his mustache - he stopped swimming.
The guest is beautiful both in the sky and in the water.
She looked into the mink - she asked the catfish:
- How can I find a way from the bottom to heaven?
After all, I can’t become a star of the lake.
Flashes shone in the blue-blue sky -
weaved golden nets of rays.
Retrieving captives from deep waters,
on the waves rocked a star dance.

I. Ashomko

How beautiful is the sky!
Stars lead a round dance.
My teacher is an astrologer -
keeps a strict account of them.
I'm just a student.
Starry I keep a diary.
Each star's route
I write here.
Secrets of the Star Trek
not always easy to find.
I try as best I can.
I keep the secrets of the stars.
There is a favorite star.
Every day I look there
where she is all alone.
How I need her!
How beautiful is the light of the star!
I would like magical gardens
wanted to plant on it,
to keep her alive!
I'm growing up a little.
And I will fulfill my dream!
I'll fly to my star
with a caravan of ships.
There is no better one in the world!
The brightest of the planets
will be a lovely star
How do I get there!
And now I'm going to sleep
to become strong, to become an adult.
I'll grow up a little in my dreams
I will meet my star.

I was upset in the morning
Asterisks can not see.
So they got lost overnight
That's what makes me sad.
The night is cold, dark,
They're scared in heaven
Who let them out alone
Walk bravely?
I'm in my fourth year
So I'm big
But even then I sleep at night,
Eyes not opening.
Decided how to get dark
I won't go to bed!
I sit quietly by the window
Not a step away from him.
I will, I will follow
To not get lost
So that the stars never
The sky didn't end.
Here one rolls
Grab her in a basket!
No matter how you burn your nose
Drowsy cat...
From a basket a cat - scat!
Lie down here on the mat.
I woke up in the morning
I'm in bed on a pillow
Cats twitch ears...
Where are the stars, ay?
I don't understand anything.
The cat looked mischievously
Says: "Don't be afraid, baby,
Look into the cat's eyes
That's where your stars are!"

G. Dyadina

Star invisible in the daytime sky.
And at night?
And at night everyone is busy sleeping.
A teardrop star rolled down from heaven,
No name, no number even...
Waking up, the elephant wanted water,
He stood up and saw the fall of a star.
The elephant failed to make a wish,
But he managed to give the name to the nameless.
This star swelled with pride:
“I am an ELEPHANT!
I am a red elephant!

Z. Berezina

Heaven in stars- beauty!
Nothing to count!
There are probably a thousand of them here,
And maybe as many as five!
I was told that bears
Lions and tigers live there
Scarpions, crayfish, swan...
Just where everything - I do not understand.
Mom to me: - Look here! -
Points a finger at the sky.
-Here, above us is the Milky Way,
Here is the Dragon, there is the Swan.
I can't see, for the life of me!
Some stars are...
No animals, no swans,
No road!
These adults do not understand
It's embarrassing to the point of tears!
Is it possible to show
What is not visible?
The sky in the stars is beauty
Directly unearthly!
I'll grow up soon, then -
I know everything myself!

O. Karelin

Great, mighty, and kind, and cheerful,
Not the sky the giant hung
Glittering clusters of pearls.
Or maybe - in the firmament damp
Silver nails driven in
So that our earthly world will live forever?
Look how they shine in the sky stars.

G. Kruzhkov

Is in the sky star one,
What, I won't say
But every evening from the window
I look at her.
She shimmers so bright!
And somewhere in the sea
Now, probably a sailor
It guides the way
She rises over the hill
Where the shepherds don't sleep
Astronomer at the telescope
Looks at her
And not looking at her now
Nomad among the steppes
And a curly-haired papuan
From my hut
And Lenka, what to write off yesterday
Didn't give me a task
And Gleb Semenych, what's in the notebook
I rolled a deuce
He must be ashamed
Repentance gnaws
He looks at my star
And sheds bitter tears...

Y. Kamysheva

On the edge of the pier
At the edge of the universe
Where the waves are breaking
Where the sea is so foamy
I sit, waiting for a flying star
Unable to take my eyes off the water,
From the edge where sky and sea meet.
I'm waiting and star will appear there shortly.
I see - I'll make a wish in an instant.
And it will come true - I believe!
And it will come true - I know!

"Star", "Star", answer, "Star" -
My call sign is "Romashka" field...
"Star", come back to me "Star" -
My soul is in anguish and pain.

You are behind the no-man's land,
You are wearing camouflage protection.
"Star", "Star", live far away,
And then we will crush the bastard!

Answer the call sign, where are you?
We are all waiting here, at least for a word...
Be careful out there, "Star",
Get back "Star" without a fight.

Well, finally, I hear you -
Clearly you are on the air!
Quite bad, you know, things ...

Star of my love shine!
Burn and never go out.
You lit up my night
The path through troubles and misfortunes,
You melted with kindness
Hearts frozen in pain...

Star of my love, alas,
Yesterday I fell like a stone into the sea.

And again I stand in the night
Darkness and cold around me
And I scream to the star: "Burn!
I need your light more than ever."

And the star of love shines on me
From the depths of the cold abyss
And gives a golden ray
All-conquering hope.

A star lit up in the sky.
Maybe it's a love star?
Or maybe I was born under it?
Or maybe it's my destiny?

She often shines through my window!
But maybe he will suddenly look at you?
And you will understand that life is beautiful!
And with this feeling you will fall asleep!

The star will gently open the way for us,
May we always be together!
How I wish I could believe it
But it's a pity, she's just a star!

star in the sky
star on earth
The touch of your lips
You can only feel in a dream!
The warmth of your body
It comes from the heart
Perhaps boldly
Warm you and mine!
Stars don't age
Love never gets old...
They don't know how
You will be loved again and again!
I whisper to you with my eyes...
How good are you...
You give me lips...
Happiness, thoughts and warmth!!!
I trust the sky, the stars...
I will say that you are a star
You will shine brighter
I will shine too!

Star at its zenith, gives heat
Crimson face, illuminating:
Devastation, hunger, pestilence, fire
Ares is in charge here!

And I'm sitting, smoking, dreaming
Look, I want to help you
But you get up and notice -
What all! End! The night has fallen!

And you are alone, your soul
Fell down, reached the bottom!
Arms outstretched, frozen
Full of earthly hysteria!

Spring will quickly open the door
I will ask: "Fly with me!"
And only the ringing of the night drop
We will be heard over Ulba!

Star of Russia, Russian to the point of pain,
I love you more and more,
I don't need another such vale -
I'll give everything to be with her...

I'm happy that I loved you...

I'm happy that I loved you
And you didn't answer
Like a ghost I'm driven by the wind
Let's start over again...

We encrypt love again
She is the only one in the whole universe
I will love you again
And for me it is incorruptible ...

love you...

I still want to love you...

The stars told me everything
About how you love me.
Learned a lot about
How much I love you.

How often do I remember you
On a frosty winter night.
I look at the sky and dream
That next to me now you.

But the stars disappeared with the dawn
Night dreams did not come true.
Now not with me, but with someone,
You meet the sunrise of the dawn.

miles separate us
Mine are all last year.
I became an adult a long time ago
And you are still so young.

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