Happy birthday tiger - International Tiger Day. International Tiger Day When is Tiger Day

Career and finance 12.06.2019
Career and finance

International Tiger Day is celebrated on July 29 on July 29 of the year. The purpose of the holiday is to draw public attention to the problem of the disappearance of the population of striped predators and to inform people about the ways to protect these animals.

Every year on the last Sunday of September, Russia celebrates an alternative event - Tiger Day in the Far East.

History and traditions

International Tiger Day was founded by the participants of the "Tiger Summit", which took place in November 2010 in St. Petersburg. Then they drew up a program to restore the population of wild cats for the next 12 years.

On this day, exhibitions are held on the topic "Problems of extinction of tigers", charity concerts, excursions in zoos, educational events, thematic radio and television programs are broadcast. Zoos prepare original treats and gifts for predators.

Reasons for the extinction of striped predators: loss of natural habitat due to urban expansion and agriculture; competition between humans and wildlife for space; changing of the climate.

The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

In China for murder Amur tiger provided for the death penalty.

Over the past 100 years, the number of striped predators in the world has decreased by 25 times. The only country that can boast of maintaining and increasing their numbers is Russia. 95% of the Amur tiger population (400-500 individuals) lives there.

Since 2013, the Russian Federation has criminalized the murder or sale of representatives rare species feline.

It is traditionally celebrated on the last Sunday of September. In 2014, it falls on September 28th.

The idea of ​​holding this ecological holiday originated in 2000. It was initiated by the well-known hunting writer Vladimir Troinin and the international charitable foundation"Phoenix" with the support of Russian and international environmental organizations.

In 2001, by a decree of the head of the administration of the city of Vladivostok, Tiger Day was given the status of an annual official city holiday.

Amur tiger, property of RussiaOn the fourth Sunday of September, Tiger Day is celebrated in Vladivostok. Amur, Far Eastern, Ussuri - all these names refer to the subspecies of the tiger found in the Primorsky Territory in the basins of the Amur and Ussuri rivers. The graceful and beautiful Amur tiger has the right to claim the honorary title of the king of animals along with the lion.

The goal of Tiger Day was to draw the attention of the inhabitants of the Far East, and the inhabitants of the entire planet, to the problem of preserving on Earth such a rare representative of the feline family as the Amur tiger.

The Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is the northernmost subspecies of the tiger, the largest and once widespread member of the cat family (Felidae) in Asia. Most other subspecies of the tiger are on the verge of extinction. Thanks to the measures taken in the second half of the 20th century and especially in 1993-2003, the Amur tiger is no longer in danger of rapid extinction. However, human-caused continued destruction of habitats, poaching and illegal trade in tigers, parts of its body and derivatives raise serious concerns for the fate of the subspecies. In the Far East - in the Primorsky Territory and the southern part of the Khabarovsk Territory, 95% of the entire population of the Amur tiger currently lives.

That through the joint efforts of state and public environmental organizations managed to stabilize the number of tigers at a level of more than 450 individuals. The next tiger count in the Far East will take place in 2015.

The need to preserve the population of the Amur tiger in the south of the Far East is enshrined in legislative and other regulatory legal acts. The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, the Amur Tiger Research Program in the Russian Far East was launched, developed by Russian Academy Sciences.

The goal of the program is to develop the scientific basis for the conservation of this predator. To study the Amur tiger, the most modern research methods are used - tracking the movements of tigers using satellite transmitters, their photo-identification using camera traps, non-invasive molecular genetic and hormonal studies, veterinary examination of animals, etc.

In Russia, a national strategy for the conservation of the Amur tiger has been approved.

St. Petersburg hosted the International Forum on Problems Related to the Conservation of the Tiger on Earth, which was attended by representatives of 13 countries of the tiger range. During the forum, a global program for the restoration of the number of tigers was approved and a declaration on the conservation of the tiger was adopted.

In the summer of 2013, the Russian Geographical Society, on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, created the Amur Tiger Center.

Specialists have developed recommendations for improving the regulatory framework in the field of animal conservation and flora; technical support and re-equipment of hunting supervision services is being carried out; support for specially protected natural areas and hunting users; activities are carried out for environmental education of the population.

Tiger Day in the Far East is not only a mass holiday, but at the same time a large-scale environmental action. By tradition, the holiday begins with a carnival procession. The holiday program also includes various contests, competitions and much more.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

On the fourth Sunday of September, residents of the Far East celebrate Tiger Day, the goal of which, according to the idea of ​​its organizers - the famous writer-hunter Vladimir Troinin and the international charitable foundation "Phoenix" with the support of Russian and international environmental organizations - was the desire to force local residents, as well as the inhabitants of the entire planet, to think about the need to preserve on Earth such a rare representative of the cat family as Amur tiger, (also known as Ussuri, Siberian and East Siberian tiger).

The range of the Amur tiger covers almost the entire Far East south and China, but only the northeast of the country. The permanent habitat of the Amur tiger on Russian territory is the southern and central parts of the Sikhote-Alin. In general, all habitats of the predator are quite specific: the tiger does not like to live high, it mostly stays in low mountains, preferring to live between ridges, on wide river valleys, and in forests dominated by oak and cedar.

A hundred years ago, the population of the Amur tiger was numerous in the Far East. At the end of the 19th century, up to 100 animals were harvested annually, and in 1912 - about 60 individuals. But in the twentieth century, by the end of the thirties, the Amur tiger was on the verge of complete extinction: in 1940, only 30-40 individuals were supposedly left. The hunting taboo for predator hunting was established in 1947. But only 10 years later, a law was introduced prohibiting the uncontrolled capture of small Amur tiger cubs. Since that time, the northern tiger has been listed in the Red Book.

The measures taken in the future made it possible to preserve the population of the Amur tiger. In 1958-1959, about 100 individuals were counted (65 in Primorsky and 35 in the Khabarovsk Territory), in 1964 - 120, in 1968 - 140, in 1970 - 150, in 1978-200, of which 8-10 individuals in in the Sikhote-Alin Reserve and about 15 adult tigers in the Lazovsky Reserve, by the 1980s the number of tigers increased to about 200 individuals. In 1996, there were about 415-476 individuals in Russia.
confiscated hide
However, after the collapse Soviet Union In 1991, poachers, spurred to action by the exorbitant demand for traditional Chinese medicine, began to persecute Siberian tigers so actively that within a few years the animals were on the verge of extinction. The Amur tiger is killed not only for the sake of a beautiful skin, but also for the sake of bones and internal organs.

The Chinese use almost every part of the tiger, from the whiskers to the tail and even the eyes, to make traditional Chinese medicines. Drugs and tinctures made from them, according to mythical ideas, firmly entrenched in the traditional Chinese medicine, give a person special strength and help with a variety of ailments - from rheumatism to impotence.

The first "Strategy for the Conservation of the Amur Tiger in Russia" was approved by the Minister of Protection environment and natural resources Russian Federation June 24, 1996. The goal was to summarize half a century of experience in the protection and study of the Amur tiger in Russia, to outline a comprehensive system of measures for its conservation. As a result, in 1997-2008, it was possible to achieve stabilization in the number of animals with its gradual increase and expansion of the range of the predator. In April 2007, experts from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) announced that the Amur tiger population had reached its 100-year high and that the tiger was no longer on the brink of extinction.

In 2008-2009, a complex expedition of IPEE RAS staff took place within the framework of the Amur Tiger Program on the territory of the Ussuri Nature Reserve Far Eastern Branch RAS in the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Far East. It was possible to find out that six individuals of the Amur tigers live in this territory. With the help of satellite collars, scientists monitor their routes, and for the first tagged female tiger, 1222 locations were obtained during the year. According to published studies, the animal uses an area of ​​​​almost 900 km² - despite the fact that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reserve is only 400 km². This means that tigers go far beyond the protected area, being exposed to increased danger. These data, according to the publication, give reason to talk about the need to create a buffer zone of the reserve and regulate human activities outside it. By the way, in China, where about 10% (30 individuals) of the Amur tiger population (in Manchuria) lives, the death penalty is provided for killing it.

The idea of ​​holding this ecological holiday arose in 2000. The first Tiger Day in Vladivostok was marked by an organized festive procession. Several dozen enthusiasts, dressed in homemade tiger costumes, marched through the streets of the city with posters calling on the inhabitants of the Far East to learn to live in harmony with the "big wild cat". The procession ended with a cheerful children's holiday on the main square of the city.

A year later, in 2001, by a decree of the head of the administration of the city of Vladivostok, Tiger Day was given the status of an official city holiday. By the way, it is the tiger that is depicted on the coats of arms of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai and many regions of Primorye. In subsequent years, not only residents of Primorye and the Khabarovsk Territory, but also residents of other cities in Russia and even Europe joined the celebration of the Day of the Tiger. Campaign "Save the tiger!" was held in 30 Russian and European zoos. And since then, many educational, charitable and mass actions and events have been prepared for this Day.

The Amur tiger is the northernmost subspecies of the tiger. In addition to Russia, it lives in 14 other countries of the world, but the total number of individuals is catastrophically small. Russia is perhaps the only country on this list that has managed to slightly increase the number of Amur tigers since the middle of the last century: today, about 450–500 of these animals live in the forests of Primorye and in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory, and in recent times annually up to two or three tigers began to be found in the Jewish Autonomous and Amur regions.

Amur tigers also breed well in zoos. In captivity, by the beginning of the twentieth century, there were over 650 animals, and this, mind you, is more than usual for these animals, natural environment a habitat. On February 20, 2007, more than 450 tigers were kept in zoos around the world, while on January 1, 1979, there were 844 individuals.

Unlike many mammals, Ussuri tigers are solitary. Puberty occurs from 4-5 years. The mating period is not confined to a particular season. Only in the Ussuri region, the rut can often occur in the first three calendar months, from January to March. The female during estrus leaves marks of urine and scratches on the bark of trees. Since the possessions of tigers are very large, the female often goes in search of a partner herself. She is ready to mate on the third to seventh day of estrus. Mating in tigers is multiple, during this time the animals stay together. Then the male leaves the female and goes in search of a new partner, in general, polygamy is observed among the Amur tigers - 1 male can have 3 females, and with each of them he can enter into marriage relations in turn. But never before has a female left her cub alone. Tigresses give birth in niches, under a canopy of stone slabs or fallen trees. After 95-112 days, 2-4 blind and helpless cubs are born, weighing within a kilogram. In 38-39% of cases, the litter consists of one tiger cub, in 54-56% - of two. There are only 5-7% triplets and very rarely 4-5 “kittens” are born. The mother feeds them with milk. The cubs' eyes open after about 9 days (according to other sources - two weeks), after 12–15 days they hear well and learn to crawl around the den. At two weeks of age, they begin to grow teeth. Tiger cubs leave the sanctuary for the first time at the age of two months. By the age of three months, baby teeth are formed in tiger cubs, and they begin to partake of fresh meat. The mother brings them meat, although she continues to feed them with milk for another 5-6 months. From the age of six months, tiger cubs accompany their mother during the hunt. The female teaches the cubs to hunt. Such preparation for an independent hunting life lasts for many months.

Tiger cubs play a lot, which also helps them learn the skills necessary for hunting. The female tries not to leave small tiger cubs for a long time, but it all depends on the abundance of food in the immediate vicinity. In winter, with scarce food resources, she is forced to go far, and it happens that when she returns, she finds her children frozen. From the age of four months, tiger cubs move with the tigress from prey to prey, while near the next victim they can expect a female for up to 7–10 days. When food runs out, they starve, and if the hunger strike drags on, they often go in search of their mother and often die at the hands of poachers on the roads, from exhaustion, colds. At 11-12 months, growing predators can leave their mother for a long time. At the age of one year, the cubs go on an independent hunt for the first time. At the age of 15-16, the young animals gradually move to an independent life and at 18-19 months they finally lose their mother's care, and by the age of two they are already able to overcome big booty. However, the cubs stay with their mother for the first few years of their lives. The tigress hunts with the young tigers until they reach sexual maturity. Young females mature faster than their male peers, although they are inferior to them in body weight. In the third year of life, individual males weigh 150 kg and sometimes exceed the size of a tigress. Male tigers do not participate in the upbringing of cubs.

Rajah. (Monologue Ussuri tiger)
Vladimir Milov

I will not lie to you with a single word -
It's like a rebellious demon sits in me,
I sleep - and I see how to escape to the taiga,
Urine, signing on the arena.
At night I have dreams about the will,
And the heart aches in joyful excitement:
I'm in the frost, in the gold of the moon
I slowly make my way around my property.
I see a deer trail in the snow
Pink salmon in the river looking out for backs,
And here they offer me for lunch
In the shafts of dead horse meat.
These thoughts give me a fever:
So why am I dying in a circus routine?
I am the formidable Ussuri tiger Raja.
What fool gave me that name?
I was given a princely title from birth,
And I made the whole circus remember holy,
That I'm a hundred kilograms bigger
Bengal frail fellow.
God knows why I climb on the rampage
And I spit on royal manes for lions,
In them, the animal temper has long been pacified -
Like poodles, they are decorative.
I sharpen my claws on the oak floor
And I grin, pressing my ears to my neck,
I made a lot of cripples
People who dared to enter me with a whip.
A groan flies through the rows of onlookers,
I sow fear and confusion in the arena.
I would have been sold to the zoo a long time ago
But he does not collect the currency.
With me in the circus is eternal fuss,
There is even a directive from the minister:
To the one who can tame me
Give the title of People's Artist.
Hey careerists! Where are you? Ay!
Anyone, preferably childless!
I will secure the title for him
Although, I'm afraid, most likely posthumously.
Well, finally, there was an idiot.
Oh no, he himself did not aim at the heroes of the day -
He was taken over by his superiors
Threatening article thirty-third for drunkenness.
That weirdo performed with lapdogs,
The parrot told me about his life.
I, like goodbye, was waiting for our meeting,
He even refused lunch.
That evening I was frankly angry,
Haughtily snorted: "They haven't seen such people!"
I fixed my claws on the oak floor,
Giving them the sharpness of Damascus steel.
So who did he want to prove
Opening the bolt of my iron door?
But strangely, I looked into his eyes,
And in them is the longing of a hunted beast.
How is he alone? Holy simplicity,
At least I would take seconds from the cleaners,
In a shirt, in jeans, even without a whip
And without the priests of the insidious hydrant.
Yes, he cuts me without a knife!
I took it with simplicity, without any impudence.
"Give me a paw for luck, tiger Raja" -
And for some reason I gave him a paw.
Even though I hate people
And let the slave's diet be meager,
Raja - Indian feudal prince,
Familiar more or less with etiquette.
He, emboldened, squatted down
And he spoke indistinctly for a long time.
It's good that I didn't eat it -
I would now be tortured by heartburn.
I will translate this nonsense into Russian,
To be worthy of understanding.
In short, once upon a time there was one poet,
And he was born, it seems, from Ryazan.
Night freshness and odor of words,
What magic power is hidden in them!
I have a sweet consonance of verses,
Like the sound of trees, the soul stirred.
Having pacified the anger, I gave up on passions
After all, he is in disgrace, he is a slave of honor,
We are both in opposition to the authorities,
We, as friends, stick together better.
Who could have predicted something like this:
I am touched by passion for my home,
The trainer has become like a brother to me -
I'll cut anyone's throat for him.
We are blood relatives with him.
Moscow has never seen such a diva:
He led me out on a collar,
We were drinking salmon in the park with beer,
In the capital, there are still bastard people,
Cop soon dusted the UAZ,
I jumped onto the hood like a curbstone,
And the crew huddled in the "monkey".
If they started shooting, it would be trouble,
But someone above thought otherwise:
I'm worth more than all ROVDE
With a shabby UAZ to boot.
I heard the conversation on the radio
Some sage resolved everything in one fell swoop:
“We have had too much with the cops for a long time,
And there are fewer tigers in the world than monarchs.”
I wanted to repeat the jump for an encore,
But there were no more people in the park,
And I growled: "Long live Greenpeace -
Faithful Companion of Mother Nature.
The porter did not let us into the night tavern,
My friend did not let me stop his mockery.
I don't remember who dragged whom back,
But we woke up on sawdust in a cage.
Premiere! The friend is freaking out.
I thought: if they don’t give a title,
Break into the executive box
And there to cheer up people who have swum in fat.
Like a skunk, nasty, like a ferret, agile
In a concert tailcoat, as long as a coat,
Every now and then a carpeted one came running to us,
Sniffed out, dog, like what.
He tortured us with questions with a friend,
Everyone was waiting, scoundrel, when I flare up,
He was an administration scout -
And I hate spies since childhood.
Begone, filthy creature,
Not that I will arrange a "promenade"!
Like never before, I listen with attention
Pre-launch, last briefing.
Arena. Light. I'm deaf from the timpani
Catching me addressed signs
And in a circle I roll a heavy ball.
Macaques jump on my back.
Even yesterday they would not have taken their heads off,
But now I forgive all liberties,
I take a barrier of three standing lions,
Why are there lions - I fly over an elephant.
A burning hoop is tryn-grass,
The main thing here is to gather your courage.
I'm not from evil, rather from mischief,
I give the puma a slap in the face.
Don't sleep on the nightstand! Up! Ale! Aport!
Do not allow delays in the program!
Some smoking-room reporter
He will write a note about us in forty lines.
And we will live in colored posters,
We will cover all financial gaps.
I, the prince of the taiga, have now become the king
A playpen littered with cats.

Little tiger cubs are smart and playful, they are perfectly tamed from the first days, they are excellently trainable. Therefore, Amur tigers, more often than other animals, can be seen in a mobile zoo and circus.

The conservation of the Amur tiger population in Russia is carried out in accordance with the “Strategy for the Conservation of the Amur Tiger in the Russian Federation” adopted in July 2010. The celebration of the Day of the Tiger provides an excellent opportunity to implement some aspects of this strategy not only at the state, but also at the universal level.

In November 2010, St. Petersburg hosted the International Forum on Problems Related to the Conservation of the Tiger on Earth, which was attended by representatives of 13 countries of the tiger range (Russia, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar and Nepal). During the forum, a global program for the restoration of the number of tigers was approved and a declaration on the conservation of the tiger was adopted. In the summer of 2013, the Russian Geographical Society, on the initiative of the President of Russia V.V. Putin created a special Fund - "Center" Amur Tiger ".

Amur tigers are very beautiful animals, their skin has a red background, there are black transverse stripes on the sides and on the back. In nature, there are no two identical Amur tigers, the "drawing" that is on the skin of a tiger is unique in its own way.

This shows a rusty yellow coloration, along with bright black stripes, which is great for camouflaging the animal when it needs to be.

The color of the tiger helps him hide even in late autumn, as he is not noticeable against the background of yellowed leaves and at a fairly close distance.

When a cat, slowly, among the naked bushes, moves along winter taiga, the colors merge and the tiger is hard to distinguish. The Amur tiger, which has an enviable thick, warm, winter fur, adapts even to severe frosts. The Amur tiger overcomes deep snow very easily.

Each adult Amur tiger has its own specific habitat. On average, 250-450 square meters fall on one female, while the male has a much larger habitat area - up to 2000 square meters. Animal habitats practically do not overlap, and if they overlap, which happens very rarely, then partially. Basically, this applies to males, as a rule, males can live with females, and even several.

The Amur tiger mainly keeps to places where there is a lot of food, mainly near dense thickets of bushes. In the Ussuri taiga, almost all medium and large mammals. Most often, he preys on ungulates - wild boars, red deer, spotted and red deer, roe deer and musk deer.

On occasion, it hunts brown and white-breasted bears, badgers, raccoon dogs and hares. But his preferred food is wild boars, mainly gilts and piglets. If there is enough food in their habitat, and people's households are very close, he does not touch domestic animals. Only very strong hunger and a long absence of food, especially harsh winter, when it is very difficult to find natural food on the spot, it forces the predator to approach human habitation.

Contrary to the fact that initially in relation to the Amur tiger, many people have a preconceived notion that this predator is very dangerous for humans (it is widely believed that these mammals are real cannibals), by their nature, the Amur tiger still prefers to hunt red deer, roe deer , wild boars and deer, not on people. The daily norm of a tiger is 9-10 kg of meat. In order to fully eat, the Amur striped handsome man needs about 50-70 ungulates per year.

Despite the fact that the Amur tiger is a strong predator with great strength and well-developed sense organs, when hunting its prey, it often misses. Just judge, out of 10 attacks on an animal, only one can serve as food for the tiger, while the rest quickly run away. If the attempt fails, then the tiger moves away from the potential victim, since it rarely attacks again. Therefore, the predator most of his time, reluctantly, is forced to spend more not only to find food, but also to use it. The Amur tiger is very cautious, it silently creeps up to its prey. The predator moves along the ground, its hind legs resting on the ground itself and arching its back. If a tiger comes across a small animal, it immediately gnaws its neck. With a large victim, this number will not work, the tiger first needs to fill it up, and only then bite its throat.

The tiger usually drags the killed prey to the water, and before going to bed hides the remnants of the meal. He often has to drive away competitors. The tiger eats only lying down, holding its prey with its paws.

If the tiger does not have enough food, he will find a way where and what to profit from. When a tiger is hungry, he does not disdain even fish, frogs, birds, mice, and even fruits from trees. If the tiger is lucky, and there is enough food in his habitat, then the animal gets fat very quickly. In an adult male, the thickness of subcutaneous fat can reach six centimeters. Due to its obesity, the tiger can last a whole week without food. And in winter period, on a completely new, unexplored territory, he can easily make long transitions, for days, without food. However, in severe winters, tigers are very hungry, and, most often, they die from exhaustion.

This is the only subspecies of the tiger, whose representatives have a five-centimeter layer of fat on their belly, which protects from the chilling wind during extreme weather. low temperatures. The body is elongated, flexible, the head is rounded, the paws are not long, the tail is long. The ears are very short, as it lives in cold areas. The Amur tiger distinguishes colors. At night, he sees five times better than a human.

Amur tigers live 15 years. They can live up to 50 years, but they usually die much earlier. However, the life limit of the Amur tiger in captivity was noted by R. Jones and estimated at 26 years.

It is rare when a beast attacks human dwellings. So, since the beginning of the 50s of the twentieth century, in the territory of the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, only 10 cases of tiger attacks on people have been recorded, and even then these were only attempts.

Even the numerous hunters who pursue these Amur cats are attacked very, very rarely. Experienced taiga dwellers who have lived next to a tiger for more than one year say that when meeting a person, he is guided most of all by self-esteem and curiosity, and not by aggressiveness. The tiger follows in the footsteps of hunters and lumberjacks, visits hunting lodges. This predator does not like to rush, he gently, easily walks along snow-covered roads to find something, and to find out in what "order" of his possession.
Nevertheless, you need to respectfully (even with caution) treat the tiger, because this is not a domestic cat. In April 2016, at the Lesnaya Skazka zoo in Barnaul, a tiger attacked a 13-year-old girl who, being drunk, climbed over the fence near the cage with a predator, and injured her leg. The girl was hospitalized, there is no threat to her life. Read more in video.

Encounters with the Ussuri tiger are repeatedly described in the books of V. K. Arseniev: “Across the Ussuri Territory”, “Dersu Uzala”, “Life and Adventures in the Taiga” and others; as well as in the films Dersu Uzala, created on the basis of the books “On the Ussuri Territory” and “Dersu Uzala”, the first of which was released in 1961, the second, Soviet-Japanese, in 1975.

If we take into account a bunch of numerous tales about this "bloodthirsty" predator, then you can find as many stories about the good nature and even "humanity" of this animal, to which people turned for help in especially difficult moments. And it is true. A predator can attack only when he is ill, sick, injured, or caught and cornered.

In the languages ​​of the Tungus-Manchu language family, i.e. peoples of the Amur region, instead of its direct definition "Taskhu" (tiger), the tiger is often called "Amba" (great, big, huge), with respect and reverence, so as not to invite trouble. The same word means evil spirit. derivative word amban the Manchus called the Mongol governor, other important officials or generals.

As the Nanais say: tigers are the masters of the taiga. Everyone knows this - especially a hunter who goes after prey. And even more so, you can’t step on tiger trails - having done this, you need to drop your weapon, bow and say: “Hey, Mafa! hunting. Give me something to eat, send the beast to shoot." "Old man" is a respectful, respectful address.

But if you killed a tiger, then whatever you do, and at night in a dream a gray-bearded, richly dressed old man will come to you and ask sternly – “Why did you kill my son? " The old man will come for a long time, and the hunter must listen and be silent, and all that can be done is to go to the people of Aktenok and ask for redemption.
Then the elder gathers everyone from the clan and appoints a punishment, that is, a sacrifice. Meat, drinks and other food. And then at the common feast, the elder says a prayer - "Here, father, eat, drink with us, forgive the hunter, he did not do it on purpose, next time he will be more careful, forget the old!"

Who are the genus Aktenka? This is a genus of Nanais descended from a tiger. According to legend, one day hunters came to the parking lot and saw a tiger. The tiger ran away, and the girl, whom they took with them to cook food, says - do not be afraid, he often comes. And then it turned out that the girl from this tiger was pregnant. A boy was born, they named him Aktenka (which means born from a tiger). It was from this boy that the people of Aktenok went. And the representatives of this genus themselves say - "We are not afraid of the tiger, he even helps us." Yes, and there are many such legends in the Far East, next to tigers.
The fairy tale by Yuri Koval and the cartoon by Leonid Nosyrev "Tiger Cub on a Sunflower" (1981) are dedicated to the Ussuri tiger.

By the way, it is the tiger that is depicted on the coats of arms of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai and many regions of Primorye.

On April 28, 1880, by the highest command of Emperor Alexander II, Vladivostok was elevated to the rank of a city with the annexation of the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula and the Russian Island to it. The first coat of arms of the city of Vladivostok was designed by the architect Yu. E. Rego in 1881 according to the system of a prominent specialist of that time in this area, Baron Bernhard Kene, who headed the Armorial Department Russian Empire. The author placed in the heraldic, so-called "French" shield, the image of a tiger facing to the right. The description of the coat of arms said: “In the green shield is a golden tiger climbing a silver rock, with scarlet eyes and a tongue; in the free part on the left is the coat of arms of the Primorsky Region. The shield is decorated with a golden tower crown with three prongs; behind the shield are two golden anchors, crosswise laid and connected by the Alexander ribbon. And two years later, on March 28 (March 16 according to the old style), 1883, it was presented to the city by Alexander III.

A tower crown with three prongs meant that Vladivostok had the status of a county town. The red Alexander ribbon and golden anchors indicated that this was a seaside town. And the “golden tiger with scarlet eyes and tongue”, that is, with ajar mouth and red eyes, according to the laws of heraldry, meant that the city was armed and under the protection and guard of a predator. In addition, the tiger on the coat of arms also indicates geographical position Vladivostok, because these unique animals are found only in these parts.

Coat of arms of the Soviet period
An amazing thing: even after the establishment of Soviet power, the coat of arms of Vladivostok survived. Only in 1971, the executive committee of the city council approved a new version that generally resembles the previous one, in particular, a sickle and a hammer were inscribed in the teeth of the tower crown. In the upper part of the shield there is an image of the standard-bearer - the main figure of the monument "Fighters for the Power of the Soviets in the Far East". The anchors are interlaced with guards tape.

In the early 90s, when the USSR had sunk into oblivion, the deputies of the city council decided to return to their roots, cultural and historical traditions. On June 24, 1992, by decision No. 290 of the Vladivostok City Council of People's Deputies (Small Council), the sample approved by Alexander III was restored, but two changes were made to it: the coat of arms of the Primorsky Region, which no longer existed, was excluded, and the tiger became more like a real one .

After 10 years, the new deputies of the 2001 conscription suddenly became preoccupied with city symbols and set about "improving" the historical coat of arms of Vladivostok. They were helped in this by the St. Petersburg heraldists, who recommended leaving only the "shield" (without decorative elements) from the former "great coat of arms". The deputies of Vladivostok did not resist and removed the golden anchors, the ribbon of St. Alexander Nevsky, and the three-pronged crown from the historical coat of arms of Vladivostok. As a result, on the main business card of the city, a tiger, frozen on a pile of stones, remained alone, adopted by the decision of the City Council of Vladivostok No. 42 of November 1, 2001

But even this was not enough for the people's representatives, and they decided to deal with the remaining orphan tiger. The muzzle of the predator was "ennobled", making it "more humane and tolerant" (as the deputies themselves put it). This emblem is registered in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation, certificate No. 984.

Coat of arms, banned by the prosecutor's office in 2008,
still replicated in the urban environment
However, the changed city government in 2008, despite the adopted coat of arms, still used the "royal" symbol. The prosecutor's office, in turn, demanded to stop using the coat of arms with a crown and anchors, since in official documents the approved coat of arms did not have external decorations. Then the city authorities decided to legalize the historical coat of arms. “On March 16, 2008, the coat of arms of Vladivostok turned 125 years old. We believe that the coat of arms of the city approved by the decision of the Duma of the city of Vladivostok dated November 1, 2001 No. 42, its heraldic description does not fully reflect the historical, cultural and other local traditions,” wrote the head of the city Igor Pushkarev to the Chairman of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation G.V. Vilinbakhov. In response, the State King of Arms Georgy Vilinbakhov said that "the introduction of the surrounding shield into the coat of arms of Vladivostok additional elements quite appropriate and justified." He also noted that the framing must be done according to strict rules, and the historical coat of arms is unsuccessful.

In 2009, the Moscow Union of Russian Heraldists even proposed their own vision of the symbol of Vladivostok. They created a coat of arms that, in their opinion, retains its historical appearance, but at the same time added symbols that meet the rules of heraldry and the requirements of the council. To preserve the anchors (now as a foot), it was decided to introduce the figures of shield holders (which historically were not) - honorary elements of the coat of arms, complementing its symbolism. Saint Apostle Andrew the First-Called, considered the patron saint of sailors and fishermen, as well as the patron saint of Russia - since the 18th century Navy walks under the St. Andrew's flag, and the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, considered the heavenly patron of Vladivostok, whose icon is in St. Nicholas Cathedral, stand directly at anchors (the expression "anchor" takes on a new meaning), placed under the shield and intertwined no longer red ribbon, but the ribbons of the orders of Lenin and the October Revolution, which Vladivostok was awarded (eclecticism, but also - "connection of times"). In the tower crown above the emblem there are not three, but five teeth, as it should be for a city of the rank of Vladivostok (Vladivostok has the status of an urban district). The Heraldic Council strongly recommended that the crown be decorated with a laurel wreath, which indicates that the city is the capital of Primorye. In the same place, at the top behind the crown, there are two crossed swords, indicating the status of the "City of Military Glory" assigned to Vladivostok. This option complies with all the rules, but it is not the only one possible, says Konstantin Mochenov, director of the Union of Russian Heraldists: “Any other figures can act as shield holders. Tigers, sailors, a seagull, a port worker - come up with whatever you want. But the anchors should still be at the bottom ".

Also, the Union of Russian Heraldists presented versions of the so-called middle coat of arms. But their use is possible only if the deputies of Vladivostok approve full version. An image of the crowned shield of the coat of arms can be seen on commemorative coin. And this is a very strange move by Moscow - to use the coat of arms, which is not approved anywhere, but was only recommended by the council.

On August 29, 2012, the Vladivostok Duma approved a new flag and coat of arms. The Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation refused to register the flag and the coat of arms was excluded from the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation.

Despite the recommendations of the Heraldic Council, as well as the proposed variants of symbols, on September 12, 2012, the coat of arms of the city of Vladivostok was returned to its almost historical appearance. However, the crown has become five prongs, and the mountain on which the majestic tiger climbs has become brown (in the appendix to the municipal legal act - it is depicted as brown). At the initiative of the administration of Vladivostok and the decision of the City Duma, the municipal legal act No. 390-MPA was adopted, according to which the coat of arms can be depicted with additional elements of status and city symbols. The document made the following addition to the "Regulations on the emblem of the municipality of the city of Vladivostok":

It is allowed to reproduce the coat of arms with additional elements of status and city symbols. The description of additional elements reads: "A gold tower crown with five teeth is located above the shield. Two gold anchors, laid crosswise and connected by an Alexander ribbon, are placed behind the shield.

On December 26, 2012, at a meeting of the Heraldic Council, this coat of arms was excluded from the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation due to illegal amendments made by deputies to the design of the coat of arms (anchors and a sash). And this means that at the federal level it is recognized as illegal and deprived of legal protection.

In 2013, the Gersovet again sends a letter to Mayor Igor Pushkarev, where he writes that "the best possible decision on the coat of arms of Vladivostok has long been made - the coat of arms of Vladivostok was previously approved in the form of a single shield and no decision can surpass it in heraldic quality."

Coat of arms of Primorsky Krai (in the center)

According to the artist, ex-head of the urban environment design department of the Vladivostok administration (2011-2014) Pavel Shugurov, who also took part in the development of the coat of arms during his work as an official, there is only one way to get out of the dead-end dialogue between the mayor's office and the Gersoviet - to return to the 2001 version of the year as an administrative one (replacing the color of the rock in the graphic application with historical white (silver), limiting its scope, by means of a municipal legal act, to administrative documents, giving the right to widely use the "historical" version as decorative.

- That is, to use the "naked" coat of arms for official documents and for replication in official sources, and broadcast the historical one, for example, at city holidays. The existing coat of arms of Primorsky Krai operates on the same principle - officially registered and used in document circulation only in the form of a shield, and on festive occasions "overgrown" with an unauthorized wreath of oak leaves and a crown, Pavel Shugurov noted.

On December 25, 2014, by the municipal legal act of Vladivostok No. 160-MPA, changes were made to the image of the coat of arms. The heraldic description of the coat of arms of the municipality of Vladivostok reads: "In the green field of the shield, a golden tiger with scarlet (red) eyes and tongue, walking along a rocky silver slope to the right, raising its front right paw." But the deputies forgot to add to the description that the tiger's tail drags along the ground with the last edit. According to the deputies, predators raise their tail only when they relieve themselves. However, there are many facts and photographs showing that the Far Eastern cat with a raised tail is in the game, on the hunt, and in many other situations. So, after more than 130 years, the shield was empty, and the tiger was left with a drooping tail.

The Ussuri tiger is also located on the coat of arms of the Jewish Autonomous Region, approved by the Government of the region by law No. 18-OZ of July 31, 1996. The author of the drawing of the coat of arms is Yulia Borisovna Bardysh-Kosvintseva.

The coat of arms is a heraldic French shield (the ratio of width to height is 8:9) of aquamarine color, in the upper and lower parts of which there are narrow horizontal stripes consisting of white, blue and white stripes, equal in width to each other, constituting 1/50 of the height of the coat of arms and symbolizing the Bira and Bijan rivers. In the center of the emblem there is a golden Ussuri tiger with black stripes according to its natural color. The figure of the tiger is turned to the right of the viewer. The aquamarine background embodies the color of the endless Far Eastern taiga, hills, and meadows of the region. And the depicted Ussuri tiger indicates an unusual history and a peculiar way of development of the region. Reproduction of the coat of arms of the Jewish Autonomous Region is allowed without the heraldic French shield (in the form of the main figure of the coat of arms - the Ussuri tiger).

In 2009, the Central Bank of Russia issued 10 million ten-ruble coins dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Jewish Autonomous Region. On the reverse on the disk there is the coat of arms of the Jewish Autonomous Region, on the ring there are inscriptions around the circumference: in the upper part - “ Russian Federation”, at the bottom - “Jewish Autonomous Region”.

Also, the Amur tiger is depicted on the coat of arms of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Khabarovsk District and the city of Khabarovsk.

For the first time, the Ussuri tiger on the coat of arms of Khabarovsk was depicted in 1990 in the newspaper "Pacific Star", which published a draft coat of arms prepared by the Khabarovsk architect I. A. Shostak. "In a red shield (a symbol of courage, courage and fearlessness) a blue inverted forked cross (preserved from the old coats of arms of Khabarovsk, symbolizes the location of the city at the confluence of two powerful Far Eastern rivers), accompanied by ginseng below (typical for growing in this area, a symbol of longevity), on the right a brown bear ("master of the taiga"), on the left, a natural-colored Ussuri tiger. The bear and tiger support a cartouche with the city's founding year - 1858".

After Khabarovsk was recognized as a "city of military glory", a version of the coat of arms was developed with two swords behind the crown assigned to the city of military glory. There is information that this option was approved in 2014. In general, the coat of arms repeats the version of 1912, but has shield holders, a crown, and a ribbon of the Order of the October Revolution. According to K.F. Mochenov's chum in the coat of arms is replaced by a sturgeon, the forked cross is somewhat lowered down. A new version coat of arms was approved by the Decision of the Khabarovsk City Duma No. 33 dated November 18, 2014 with the following description: In a golden field, an azure inverted forked cross, accompanied at the tip by a scarlet fish. The shield is surmounted by the municipal crown of the established pattern and the sign of the City of Military Glory (two crossed naked silver swords with golden handles). Shield holders - black with silver chest and claws, scarlet eyes and tongue of a bear and gold in black stripes with silver chest and claws, scarlet eyes and tongue of a tiger. In December 2014, the coat of arms of Khabarovsk was entered into the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 9952.

It is this version of the coat of arms of Khabarovsk that is depicted on a commemorative coin from the series "Cities of Military Glory".

However, on the stele installed in each of the cities of military glory, the coat of arms is depicted in the old way ...

However, in April 2016, a new version of the coat of arms was developed in the Khabarovsk Territory. On behalf of the Governor of the Territory, a draft amendment to the regional law "On the flag and coat of arms of the Khabarovsk Territory" was submitted for consideration by the deputies of the Legislative Duma. According to Viktor Martsenko, Deputy Chairman of the Krai Government for Domestic Policy, the changes are dictated by the requirements of federal legislation, according to which the flag and coat of arms of the Krai, as well as relevant regulatory legal acts, must undergo a mandatory heraldic examination and be included in the State Heraldic Register. “Without this procedure, the coat of arms and the flag cannot be considered official symbols, and, therefore, cannot act as protected objects of civil rights. This can lead to negative economic and legal consequences. So, it will be impossible to bring to administrative responsibility for violation of the procedure for using the official symbols of the region,” he explained. And, as can be seen from the figure, the tiger will "leave" the coat of arms.

Previously, the tiger was also depicted on the coat of arms of Irkutsk. The coat of arms was granted to Irkutsk on February 18, 1690. Initially, it depicted a running tiger, which has a natural color, holding a scarlet sable in its mouth. The shield of the coat of arms was framed with golden oak leaves connected by an azure St. Andrew's ribbon, and the imperial crown crowned it on top. The coat of arms of Irkutsk, officially approved by the Empress of All Russia Catherine the Second on October 26, 1790, depicts a tiger with a sable in its teeth with the following description (literally): “In the silver field of the shield is a running tiger, and in his company is a sable (this coat of arms is old).” The words in brackets meant that this symbol was created on the basis of the previously existing Irkutsk city seal of 1696.

It should be noted that the design of the emblem from the very beginning was contrary to the rules of European heraldry: the animals depicted on the emblems had to move to the right. But in heraldry, the side of the shield is determined from the point of view of the observer standing behind the shield; thus, the right "heraldic" side for an observer standing in front of the shield is actually the left. However, on the Irkutsk coat of arms, the babr moves exactly to the “usual” right side. By the way, there was a similar mistake on the coat of arms of Moscow - the rider on it also looked in the “wrong” direction.

The appearance of these two animals on the governor's coat of arms is not accidental. But if the sable reflected the fauna of a vast region and symbolized the successful crafts and trade of the Siberians, then far from everything is clear with the babr. Witnesses of those years described Babr as follows: “Babr is the rarest of all animals in the Irkutsk region and surpasses them with his strength and courage. It has a white-yellowish coat with blackish transverse stripes irregularly located; growth does not exceed big wolf". How true this image is, we do not know, but the very described beast resembles a tiger. In the notes of the Moscow merchant Fyodor Kotov, who traveled to Persia, there is a similar description of the babr. And if you open the Russian-Persian dictionary, then in it the word tiger corresponds to the Persian word babr. Probably, Russian explorers brought this word to the Baikal region and the Daurian lands before the spread of the word tiger, which is of German origin (Tiger). There is evidence of those years, telling that this beast from the Chinese possessions came to the Irkutsk province and the trappers met him even not far from Yakutsk. And here is how this fact is interpreted by the historian N.N. Eastern Siberia and in the Far East, for the first time met with an unfamiliar animal - a tiger. Of course, a strong, beautiful beast made a great impression on them. Then, probably, it was decided to elect him as the main figure in the press. But the word tiger was not yet known ...

But the word "babr", on the contrary, was not known in the capital. With the next approval of the coats of arms of the provinces, already by Emperor Alexander II, the description of the coat of arms of the Irkutsk province with the Siberian word "babr" (the old Russian designation for panther, tiger, jaguar, borrowed through the Turkic languages ​​from Farsi, in Yakut language, this word (baabyr) means the Amur tiger) instead of "tiger", which "in the Siberian dialect" is exactly the same. An unknown official of the heraldry in the description “corrected the mistake”, replacing “a” with “o”, and it turned out “a beaver carrying a sable in its teeth”. As such, the coat of arms of the province was approved by the Highest on July 5, 1878. Nobody noticed the inaccuracy, since the day the coat of arms was approved - July 5, 1878 - was unique in Russian heraldry: the tsar in Tsarskoye Selo simultaneously approved 46 coats of arms of the territories of the Russian Empire (35 provincial and 11 regional), that is, more than half of the coats of arms of all those that existed at that time provinces (83rd).

Perhaps, for an explanation of the incomprehensible designation, they turned to " to the full assembly laws of the Russian Empire”, published in 1738 the report of Chief Jägermeister A.P. Volynsky “On catching animals and birds in Russia and Persia and sending them to Russia”. And in it, by chance, in the register "Beasts that are in Russia and where they are found ..." a mistake was made. The word "babr" was listed through "O". In addition, the head of the Stamp Department of the Department of Heraldry at that time was Baron B.V. light hand which changes were made to the coats of arms of many ancient cities, which caused not only public protests, but also confusion in official documents. The chain of accidents was completed by the fact that the artists in the Stamp Department were mostly foreigners who did not see the difference between a beaver and a babr. But to the credit of the artists, not a single image of the Irkutsk coat of arms with a beaver gnawing a sable was painted. However, since the decree remained a decree, a large beaver tail and webbed hind legs were added to the coat of arms, creating a new, mythical animal. It moved in strict accordance with the rules of European heraldry, to the right of the observer located behind the shield. The Kene reform also brought new rules for decorating coats of arms. In addition to the image of a beaver, the Irkutsk coat of arms received an addition in the form of golden oak leaves connected by the St. Andrew's ribbon, and was topped with a crown.

It should be noted that, despite the fact that the description now read “a beaver carrying a sable in its teeth”, that is, the beaver had to be in the role of a predator, the artists never drew a single image of the Irkutsk coat of arms with a beaver. Instead, a large, beaver-like tail and webbed hind legs were added to the coat of arms, creating a new mythical animal that can be loosely called the "heraldic babr". This image is preserved on the modern emblems of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region, despite the fact that the error in the description has already been corrected.

The October Revolution of 1917 removed the crown, St. Andrew's ribbon from the coat of arms of Irkutsk and oak leaves. Nevertheless, the emblem itself was repeatedly reproduced on postcards, on radiograms produced by the Irkutsk Radio Plant, in books about the present and the past of the region, during festive and sporting events, and in 1960-1980 - on the slope of the hill overlooking the Angara, between the railway station and bridge.

Many years after its appearance, the beast depicted on the coat of arms of the Irkutsk region became the subject of fierce debate. Someone, calling it a symbol of the region, spoke of a little-known, almost mythical beast, which nevertheless lived in Eastern Siberia. So Professor V.N. Skalon, who devoted many years to the study of Siberian beavers, considered the presence of a beaver in the coat of arms of the city of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region to be natural. Another researcher A. Sukhodolov believes that the coat of arms of the Irkutsk region is nothing but a chimera. Be that as it may, the historical incident that happened to the coat of arms makes it even more unique. It is no coincidence that stamps with geographical or historical errors are valued by philatelists much more than ordinary ones.

Siberians, for the most part, are used to a strange beast. They do not consider it a chimera at all and, without going into historical details, treat it as a symbol of the city and region. The dispute about who this babr is has been going on for more than two centuries. Although it is time to come to terms with the historical reality and not try to redraw, correct what was left to us by our ancestors.

An error of one letter in the description of the coat of arms was corrected only when it was approved in 1997, that is, it lasted 119 years. But at the same time, to this day, the babr on the official emblems of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region is a black beast that looks like a marten with red eyes, and not a tiger at all. This circumstance is distinctive feature symbols of the city and the region and a special local landmark that makes Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region unique in the history of heraldry. Also interesting is the description of the city coat of arms in 2011: black symbolizes "humility, prudence and modesty", and red - "courage, courage and fearlessness". The deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the region, E. Rulkov, proposed to change the description of the babr flowers (but not the colors themselves), because according to the description, it turns out that a modest black babr holds a brave red sable in his teeth.

Dashi Namdakov (who in 2007 provided the art design for the film "Mongol") has long proposed to erect a monument to the babr in the city. But more than 10 years have passed, during this time the sculptor has erected many monuments around the world, and only the “case of the babr” has not moved forward. In the spring of 2009, he even brought to the city a model of the monument reduced tenfold and cast in bronze. Then they looked for a place, but did not find it. In February 2011, the City Council of Irkutsk decided to install the sculpture "Babr" at the exit from the old Angarsk bridge, on the site of the monumental composition "Kirov District of Irkutsk". The monument was supposed to be erected for the 350th anniversary of the city, celebrated in 2011. The sculpture was supposed to be the work of Dashi Namdakov, but the deputies did not like his project. The opening of the monument was postponed to 2012. Its estimated cost is 8 million rubles. On October 5, 2012, the “Babra” figure was installed in Irkutsk at the intersection of Sedov, July 3, Lenin streets in the 130th quarter of Irkutsk.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl
BABR m. sib. a beast equal in ferocity and strength to a lion; tiger, striped, royal, royal tiger, fierce on the Amur, fierce, Felis Tigris; he rarely appears in southern Siberia, in the Kaisatsky steppe, in Transcaucasia. Scientists mistakenly called one of the leopards, Felis Uncia, a babr, and geographers even, in the Irkutsk coat of arms, renamed and rewrote it as a beaver. Babr skins are used for flooring, bedding, for signboards in fur shops, etc.

The Amur tiger is also chosen as an emblem:
  • The Association of Initiative Citizens of Russia (TIGR) is a public movement of Russian citizens that arose as a result of mass protests in the Primorsky Territory and spread through the Internet to some cities of the country.
  • The youth wing of the Motherland party, called TIGER, which stands for Traditions, Empire, State, Motherland.
  • "Fair Russia" was also going to choose its symbol of the Ussuri tiger. As an anonymous interlocutor of the Kommersant publication explained, "the tiger is more powerful than bears, they are afraid of him." The bear is a symbol of the main rival of the right-wingers - United Russia.

"Amur Tigers"- a youth ice hockey team from the city of Khabarovsk, composed in 2010, mainly from the pupils of the Amur hockey club to participate in the Youth Hockey League championship. In June 2013, Khabarovsk held the Asian Challenge Cup among youth teams. 3 teams took part in the tournament: the youth teams of Japan and South Korea and the Red Stars team representing the Youth Hockey League. The Red Stars were made up entirely of Amur Tigers players, they beat the Koreans and lost to the Japanese, thus taking second place.

However, Amur tigers are popular not only in Russia. Talisman XXIV Olympic Games(Seoul, 1988) became the hero of Korean legends - the Amur tiger. To level negative sides a predatory beast, he was portrayed as a small tiger cub, kind and harmless. The Amur tiger, stylized by Kim Hyun, represents the friendliness and hospitality traditions of the Korean people. The name for the mascot was chosen by popular vote from 2295 proposed options received from all over the world. The winning name Hodori (Korean: 호돌이) can be translated from Korean as Tiger Boy (“Ho” means “tiger” and “dori” means “boy”).

The main attribute of the Korean talisman is a small black hat worn over his ear. This is an element of the national costume; in such hats in the old days, peasants performed dances during folk festivals. For Hodori, a girlfriend was originally invented - Tigress Hosuni, but she did not receive such popularity as the official mascot, and she was quickly forgotten.

At the beginning of the 21st century, researchers from the University of Oxford, National Institute The United States of Cancer and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem collected tissue samples from the remains of 23 Turanian tigers, which are kept in museums throughout Eurasia. Scientists have sequenced at least one segment of five mitochondrial genes (ND5, ND6, CytB, ND2, and COI (1257 bp)) - there is low mitochondrial DNA variability in the Turanian tiger compared to other subspecies. When evaluating phylogenetic relationships, there is a remarkable similarity between the Turanian and Amur tiger subspecies, indicating that the Amur tiger population is genetically close to the Turanian tigers and the historically recent common origin of these two taxa. Based on phylogeographic analysis, it has been suggested that the ancestor of the Turanian and Amur tigers colonized Central Asia via the Gansu Silk Road region of eastern China less than 10,000 years ago, and subsequently crossed Siberia eastward to form the Amur tiger population in the Russian Far East. Human actions may be a decisive factor in isolating the ranges of the Turanian and Amur tiger populations from each other, which probably historically had a contiguous range. The authors of the study also indicate that both subspecies, apparently, should be brought together into one. At the same time, they emphasize that there is controversy regarding the possibility of diagnosing subspecies based on mtDNA. Nuclear DNA data could be helpful in resolving this issue. The final reduction of subspecies into one is possible if nuclear microsatellite markers are found that differ in early subspecies of the tiger. Although nuclear markers are more difficult to recover from ancient DNA. In addition, if historical specimens of Amur tigers carrying Caspian tiger haplotypes are found, this would also indicate that there is no difference between the two subspecies. However, since the Turanian tiger was exterminated and several intact specimens are now in museum collections, it is difficult to revise the initial morphological estimates of the differences between the two subspecies.

Kazakhstan is discussing a program for the reintroduction of the Turanian tiger in the area of ​​Lake Balkhash. To this end, it is planned to create the Ili-Balkhash state natural reserve in the Almaty region by 2017. At the moment, the issue of allocating land to the reserve with a total area of ​​​​437 thousand hectares is being decided, but scientists call the figure of one million hectares as an ideal option for the full restoration of the species in wild nature. At the moment, as a priority, it is planned to create a food base for tigers in the next 5-7 years, for which it is necessary to bring about 50-60 Bukhara deer to the territory of future reintroduction annually.

As you know, in Islam there is a ban on the image of living beings, which largely determines the peculiarity of the art of the countries in which Islam was spread. However, it was for tigers in Sufism, one of the branches of Islam widespread in Central Asia, that a peculiar exception was made, and the image of a tiger is found on carpets and fabrics, as well as on the facades of mosques and madrasahs in the city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan, including one of the madrasahs. the famous madrasah complex on Registan Square.

Since the tiger is the most formidable predator that lived in the vastness of Central Asia, many legends and legends are associated with it, circulating among the peoples who inhabited this region, since its ability to disguise itself, suddenly disappear and appear created him the glory of a super-being, a werewolf. One of these legends is associated with the name of Alexander the Great, or as he is called in the East - Iskander Zulkarnayn (“two-horned” - according to the two ram horns on the helmet = the symbol of the god Amon, whose son Alexander was called by the priests of Egypt). Allegedly, after the conquest of Central Asia and the construction of the city of Alexandria eskhata (Khujand) on the banks of the Syr Darya, he went deep into the sparsely populated lands in the north beyond the Syr Darya and, in the vicinity of modern Tashkent, hunted tigers with darts.

The Transcaucasian tiger was pretty large sizes, yielding only to the Bengal and Amur subspecies. This subspecies was also distributed in the humid subtropical forests of Northern Iran and in the river valleys in Afghanistan. As a rule, Transcaucasian tigers arranged their rookeries in impassable places, but always not far from water sources. In Central Asia, the tiger was called "dzhulbars", "dzholbars", "yulbars". In the Turkic dialects "jol", "dzhul", "yul" means "way", so this word can be translated as "wandering leopard" or (striped leopard from the word "yul-yul" - striped). The etymology of the word is associated with the behavioral characteristics of the predator - it was able to travel hundreds and thousands of kilometers from its original place of residence, and this tiger could travel up to a hundred kilometers in a day. There is a known case when, on February 27, 1883, the chief of staff of the troops of the Turkestan military district, at the request of local residents, ordered a round-up of tigers that appeared between Tashkent and Chinaz and exterminated dangerous predators, for which regular military units (12th Turkestan battalion) were used. In Uzbekistan, in the vicinity of Tashkent, the last tiger (whose stuffed animal adorned one of the halls of the Tashkent Museum of Nature until the mid-1960s, until a fire destroyed the exposition) was killed by Prince Golitsyn in 1906. In the thirties of the 20th century, tigers were found on the banks of the Amu Darya in the Tigrovaya Balka Nature Reserve in Tajikistan, near the border with Afghanistan. The last documented cases of the appearance of tigers in the territory of Soviet Central Asia were recorded in the late forties - early 1950s. The last tiger to appear on Soviet territory - on the border with Iran, in Kopetdag (Turkmenistan) (January 10, 1954) came here from the northern regions of Iran. The last time the Transcaucasian tiger was seen in the Amudarya delta was in 1957, and it was recognized as extinct 13 years later, in 1970.

Tamara Dulneva

Holiday« tiger day»

Age: senior preschool.

Target. To create conditions under which children will be able to show the knowledge gained from previous knowledge about one of the representatives of the cat family - the Amur tiger. To draw the attention of children to the importance of measures to protect the Amur tiger.

materials: cap masks for children (tiger cubs and adult tigers) ;

stands with illustrations tiger in natural environment a habitat;

presentation "Save tiger»

Scenario holiday

Leading. What kind holidays you know? (Children answer.)

Guys guess the riddle:

He growls, a thunderstorm of animals,

You don't play games with him.

Guess who is he

Well, of course it is... (tiger) (slide number 1)

Leading. Do you know that there is a special day of the year dedicated to the Amur tiger? That's what it's called « tiger day» . This holiday was born here in Vladivostok quite recently, in 2000. And it is celebrated on the last Sunday of September. And I came up with this holiday writer and hunter Vladimir Ilyich Troinin, who lived in Vladivostok. He walked a lot in the Ussuri taiga, studied tiger and even wrote a book about him. He understood that this majestic predator is a symbol of the beauty and wealth of the Far Eastern nature, what about tiger not only adults, but also children should know.


Striped, formidable tiger

Doesn't like games

He studies the menu

To eat five times a day.

For breakfast - a wolf or a boar,

For lunch - steppe sheep,

And for afternoon snacks, for dinner

The tramp needs a wild bull!

Refreshed and calm

He is very peaceful.

He purrs a little -

The tiger is a big cat.

T. Lavrova


Even small tiger cub

Although he is not handsome,

It's not a kitten at all.

You don't touch it with your hand.

He can bite hard.

You won't be able to escape.

Though tiger cub is still a baby,

But don't play with it.

S. A. Antonyuk

Leading. Man from time immemorial believed tiger An unusual, wise animal, he was worshiped by the indigenous peoples of our region. On the divine Ambu (that's what they called tiger) they never hunted, but when they met them in the taiga, they fell on their knees and prayed. Time passed, and man declared war on the king of beasts. hunted for tigers because of the beautiful skins and valuable bones that were used for medical purposes.

Tigers got smaller and smaller. The man thought and adopted a law on protection tiger.

Life at tiger went well. were born tiger cubs, amount tigers in taiga

gradually increased.

But life tiger cubs in the taiga. Let's remember what dangers await them.

Five children appear « tiger cubs» .

The first tiger cub. I live in the taiga and decided to tell you about my hard life.

Second tiger cub. Since childhood, I can lose my mother. Without it, I will not survive, I can be torn to pieces by a wild boar. During a typhoon, I might be swept downstream by the current.

Third tiger cub. I can be left without a paw if I fall into a trap. A bear might attack me. I can be bitten by a snake muzzle.

Fourth tiger cub. Adult tiger can attack me. A poacher might kill me.

Fifth tiger cub. And people with equipment will come, start cutting down the forest, scare away all the prey, and I will be left hungry.

Leading. Yes, it's hard for you, kids. But don't be sad. There is

people who care about fate tigers and there are more and more of them.

So let's not get discouraged. We hope that each of you will survive and turn into a beautiful strong beast. Now let's play a little

Fizminutka: « tiger cubs»

Target: To develop the motor activity of children, the ability to act in concert.

came running to us cubs

And everyone started playing.

Here came a terrible roar - (audio recording)

Jumped on the lawn tiger.

Animals make obeisances

The king of beasts has appeared.

They sit down quickly.

And now everything is together, together,

We start running in place.

Tiger cubs shake their heads,

We start swinging the leg:

Left, right.

One, two, one, two

Here the game is over.

All tiger cubs in places!

Leading. Guys, what do you know about adults tigers?

Four children in adult masks come out tigers.

First child. Tiger- one of the most beautiful animals in the world.

Second child. Tiger- can walk softly and silently, knows how to retract claws.

Third child. Tiger- a strong and hardy animal.

Fourth child. Tiger is a clever hunter.

Leading: You were right about tiger. Look at the clearing, little ones came running to us tiger cubs.

Leading. Now we will have fun tiger competition dedicated to the Amur tiger and prove, what tigers are agile, fast, wise.

The leader conducts the competition.

Stage 1. Strength tiger. Who will quickly pull the cord located under the chair to their side. The whole team is involved.

Stage 2. Endurance tiger. Move and don't drop "booty" (10 small balls) on "bumps"(bundles of five leatherette pillows stuffed with large fruit seeds) from one "shores" another (from one line to another).

The whole team participates, the children take turns overcoming the obstacle.

Stage 3. Agility tiger. Pushing off with both feet, jump from hoop to hoop, trying do not go beyond the boundaries of the hoop. 3-5 hoops lie at such a distance that the child can make these jumps. The whole team participates, the children take turns overcoming the obstacle

Stage 4. « tiger trail» Children must go through « tiger trail» (this is a small part of the floor 2-3 meters long and 40-50 cm wide, on which branches are scattered so that you can walk between them without stepping on them). Demonstrating a soft, crouching gait, the children take turns walking along this path. The task is to pass so that not a single branch crunches. If someone makes a noise, his hunt is considered unsuccessful.

Child: Tiger is a symbol of Primorsky Krai. His image is on the flag and coat of arms of Vladivostok

Child: There is a street in the city Brindle. In the early years of the life of the young city of Vladivostok, living people were often seen on this street. tigers.

Child: On this street stands an orange-striped tiger - monument.

Child: In 1992, a bronze monument was erected on the embankment of Vladivostok tiger

Child: Small sculptures tiger stand on four more streets.

Leading. I suggest playing a mobile game « Tigers on the hunt» to understand that the taiga has its own laws that cannot be violated. But first, answer the question.

What does he eat tiger for lunch?

He eats meat like always

Am I right guys? (Yes)

Catching fish from the river

To cook your own soup? (No)

To your favorite birthday

Drinking tea with raspberry jam? (No)

He takes with him to school

Chips, Fanta, Coke? (No)

He will catch in two jumps

And eat a deer, a badger? (Yes)

Maybe tiger even eat frogs? (Yes)

How about apples and pears for lunch? (No)

The game « Tigers on the hunt»

Preparing for the game.

A subgroup of children receive cards with the image of forest animals

(hare, boar, Brown bear, white-breasted bear, badger, squirrel, tiger, wild

Amur cat, lynx, leopard, spotted deer, wild boar).

The playground is made out with the help of 4 chairs (turned with their backs inward and spaced from each other at a distance of about two meters, so that a square is formed) and a rope stretched between the chairs behind the backs. Inside the square are imaginary thickets shrubs among which are hidden tigers, and around - a forest where different animals live.

Game progress. At first they only play "adults tigers» from each

participating teams. On the leader's signal « Tigers on the hunt» tigers crawl under the cord and catch forest animals. The one who is caught is taken inside the square (in the bush shrubs) and they stay there. During one round of the game each tiger can only catch one animal.

At the command of the leader « The tigers are tired» tigers stop hunting and return inside the square. The host himself determines the end time of the hunt.

The game is repeated several times, each time the composition of the participants - « tigers» is changing: play 5 first "adults tigers» , after « tiger cubs» .Children - "forest animals"- can change cards from game to game, each time getting used to new roles.

After the game is over, invite all participants to shake each other

hands and thank you for participating in the game.

Child: The tiger is brought into"Red Book".

Child A: It is under state protection.

Child: The taiga needs a tiger.

Child: We humans must do everything to save tiger on our planet!

Don't tell everyone.

They live according to their own laws

But their people need to know

In order not to harm animals,

And guard everywhere.

Show video clip tiger cub"

Used literature and the Internet - resources:

2. Poem « Tiger» , author T. Lavrova, Volgograd. http://stranamasterov.ru/node/123956

3. Taiga near the ocean. Through the pages of the Red Book of Primorye. - Vladivostok: Almanac "Russian Island", 1999 – 2000.

4. Man is a leaf. Ecological games, contests, quizzes, trainings, tests / ed. - comp. G. Gagarin, S. Novikov - Khabarovsk, 1998.

Russia, "Bit of Life!" - Dmitry Zherebtsov.

On the fourth Sunday of September, residents of the Far East celebrate Tiger Day. The idea of ​​holding this ecological holiday arose in 2000. It was initiated by the well-known hunting writer Vladimir Troynin and the Phoenix International Charitable Foundation with the support of Russian and international environmental organizations.

The purpose of the Day of the Tiger, according to the idea of ​​its organizers, was the desire to make the inhabitants of the Far East, as well as the inhabitants of the entire planet, think about the need to preserve on Earth such a rare representative of the feline family as the Amur tiger.

The first Tiger Day in Vladivostok was marked by an organized festive procession. Several dozen enthusiasts, dressed in homemade tiger costumes, marched through the streets of the city with posters calling on the inhabitants of the Far East to learn to live in harmony with the "big wild cat". The procession ended with a cheerful children's holiday on the main square of the city. A year later, in 2001, by a decree of the head of the administration of the city of Vladivostok, Tiger Day was given the status of an official city holiday. By the way, it is the tiger that is depicted on the coats of arms of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai and many regions of Primorye. In subsequent years, not only residents of Primorye and the Khabarovsk Territory, but also residents of other cities in Russia and even Europe joined the celebration of the Day of the Tiger. Campaign "Save the tiger!" was held in 30 Russian and European zoos. And since then, many educational, charitable and mass actions and events have been prepared for this Day.

The Amur tiger is the northernmost subspecies of the tiger. In addition to Russia, it lives in 14 other countries of the world, but the total number of individuals is catastrophically small. Russia is perhaps the only country on this list that has managed to slightly increase the number of Amur tigers since the middle of the last century: today, about 450–500 of these animals live in the forests of Primorye and in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory, and recently up to two or three tigers have increased annually. meet in the Jewish Autonomous and Amur regions.

The conservation of the Amur tiger population in our country is carried out in accordance with the new edition of the "Strategy for the Conservation of the Amur Tiger in the Russian Federation" adopted in 2010. The celebration of the Day of the Tiger provides an excellent opportunity to implement some aspects of this strategy not only at the state, but also at the universal level.

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