We have something to be proud of ecological travel. ecological journey

Design and interior 05.07.2019
Design and interior

Irina Shevchenko
Lesson on ecology "Journey around the planet Earth"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Alenka"

Synopsis of directly educational activities on ecological development in the senior speech therapy group

Topic: « Journey around planet Earth»

Group teacher number 7 "Sun"

Shevchenko I.P.

Zimovniki village 2015

Target: Summarize the knowledge, skills of children in ecology through travel game.


Consolidate knowledge about planet earth.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the seasons, seasonal changes in nature.

Systematize knowledge about living and inanimate nature, be able to name features- breathes, grows, feeds, reproduces.

Clarify and generalize knowledge about animals, birds, plants.

Systematize knowledge about wintering and migratory birds

To consolidate children's ideas that most of our the planet is covered with water.


Develop logical thinking, speech.


Cultivate the ability to work together.

Cultivate love for one's own earth.

Material: globe, signal cards red, yellow, green, white. two hoops, silhouettes of birds, insects, animals, fish, magnets, a magnetic board, a video clip of living and inanimate nature, Sound recording of the voice of the forest.

Literature: O. A. Voronkevich "Welcome to ecology»

E. V. Solovieva "Children planet Earth» LLC Publishing House AST2011

Guys today we will go to travel around our planet. For centuries, people have sought to travel. They did it in different ways, some on horseback, some on camels, some just on foot.

And on what transport would you like to fulfill our dream? (children's answers).

And so we go to travel by plane. As in any travel we will have several stops.

Guys, tell me the name of our planet? (Earth) .

What is the name of our country? (Russia)

Pay attention to this item, what is it?

Standing on one leg

Turns, turns his head

Shows us countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans. (The globe)

What is a globe? (the layout of our Earth.)

Look closely at the globe, say what color it is. Multicolored.

Blue on the globe is water, and everything else is land (mountains, deserts, forests)

Guys, tell me how long it will take our planet to make a complete orbit around the sun. One year. How many seasons are there in a year, name them. What season is it now? name spring months, And for spring will come summer, name summer months. Let's mark the seasons as signal cards: red, yellow, green, white. Children explain why winter is white, autumn is yellow, summer is red, and spring is green.

Didactic game: "It happens, it doesn't happen"

Leaf fall in June?

Does winter come after spring?

Does it snow in winter?

After summer will come autumn?

Drops happen in August?

Well guys, we talked about the seasons. Now let's go to travel.

Is on huge house on the ground

Under a blue roof

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream,

You live in that bright house

And all your friends

Wherever the roads lead, you will always be in it.

native nature land called this house.

First stop "Living and inanimate nature"

View video.

All nature land can be divided into two large peace: the world of inanimate nature and the world of living nature. Guys, you've watched the video. Name what kind of nature you saw.

Why alive? - breathes, eats, grows, multiplies. These are flowers, trees, animals, birds, insects.

Why not alive? Doesn't breathe, doesn't grow, doesn't reproduce. This is the moon, stones, sand.

Guys, is the chair, table, car, house is nature? No, these items are man made. Guys, what do you need for everything to grow and develop.

Heat + food + water + air.

Second stop "Water"

Guys, what color is more on our planet look at the globe - blue.

Why, what does it mean? Water takes up more space than land.

Where does water live? Water is streams, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

Can you name any sea? The Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the White Sea In the seas, what does the water taste like - salty.

And what are these blue spots on land, these are lakes.

And what are these blue strings stretched across the land? Rivers.

What water in the rivers tastes fresh, has no taste. And what kind of fish are found in freshwater rivers.

Didactic game: "Fish swim in the river"

Children released into the river freshwater fish. They are called catfish, crucian carp, bream, perch, pike. And here is one more fish left, we can release it into the river. No, this is a predatory shark that lives only in the seas and oceans in salt water.

Third stop: "Forest"

The phonogram sounds of the forest. What did you hear. The children's answers are the noise of foliage, the singing of birds, the buzzing of insects. Children go to the magnetic board. Look at the trees and name them.

The game: What tree did the leaves and seeds fall from?

Singing, what kind of birds did you hear. What are birds: wintering and migratory, why they are called that. Why do migratory birds fly to warm countries? What do winter birds eat? Which birds are the last to fly to warm countries? Why? Name the birds that arrive first warm countries it's rooks.

Previously, people looked at the arrival of birds and determined what spring would be like.

Early arrival of rooks in early spring.

Rooks on the mountain, spring in the yard.

Which birds arrive last? Swallows.

Why? They are insectivorous, arriving when it becomes very warm and there are many insects.

Didactic game: "Wintering and Migratory Birds".

Guys where, birds fly in the sky in the air. Why do you think birds need air to breathe, helps to fly. Can you see air? The air is transparent, invisible, but you can feel it by blowing on your palm. And what is wind is the movement of air.

Riddles about insects;

Above the flower flutters, dances,

Waving a patterned fan. Butterfly.

It squeaks when it flies

And his bite hurts

With a proboscis, although not an elephant

Who say together he is. Mosquito

Butterfly, mosquito, dragonfly who is this? What do insects have in common and how do they differ? How do insects help plants? They carry pollen, which ensures the birth of new plants. Is a spider an insect or not?

Little red wings

black polka dots

Who is this walking on my palm.


Why does she have that color? Do birds eat these beetles?

The game: "Who is superfluous"

Butterfly, sparrow, mosquito, beetle.

Ladybug, grasshopper, spider, bee.

Animals in the forest.

Populate our forest with wild animals. Name the habitats of wild animals.

A squirrel lives in a hollow, a bear in a den, a fox in a hole, a wolf in a den. What animals hibernate in winter? Guys, look here are some more animals giraffe, elephant, zebra, let's put them in the forest. Do you think these animals will be able to survive the winter in our forests? So we settled our forest with birds, insects, animals, there were many trees in the forest. Let's remind the rules of behavior in the forest.

Don't scream, don't scare the animals.

Don't pick flowers.

Don't break trees

Don't destroy the nests.

Don't litter in the forest. Pick up your trash.

Here comes the end of our travel. Did you like it travel. What task did you find easy? Which one is difficult? I liked the way you guys did it. You have been active. Do you know a lot about our planet.

ecological journey. “We are the crew of the ship “Priroda”.

Author: Krivosheina Olga Alexandrovna, teacher of MBDOU No. 130 "Child Development Center - Kindergarten", Kemerovo.
This methodical development can be used during the Day of Ecological Knowledge as part of the campaign "Days of protection from environmental hazards". The materials are intended for children of senior preschool age.

Target: formation of ecological culture of children of senior preschool age.
1. Systematize knowledge on ecology. To form a holistic view of animate and inanimate nature. Teach preschoolers how to explore the world around them.
2. Develop coherent speech and active vocabulary. Activate attention, memory. To develop the ability to analyze the content of questions and riddles and give a complete meaningful answer to them.
3. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, to develop a sense of responsibility to their team. To improve the ability to work in a team, to follow the rules of the game. Bring up careful attitude to nature.
Preparatory work: vocabulary expansion.
Bay- a small part of the sea, bay, lake, reservoir, isolated from open waters by parts of the land (protrusions of the coast, rocks and nearby islands) and protected by them from waves and wind.
cape- a piece of land jutting out at an acute angle into the sea, lake, river.
Island- a land area (usually of natural origin) in the ocean, sea or river, surrounded on all sides by water and constantly rising above the water even during the period of the highest tide.
jetty- a specially equipped place near the shore for mooring a ship or boats for the purpose of cargo, passenger, repair and other operations, as well as for the purpose of waiting safely from bad weather.
jetty- a specially equipped place for mooring (parking) of river vessels near the shore on inland waterways. Designed for embarkation and disembarkation of passengers and reloading operations during the navigation period.

Event progress.

Hello guys! Hello dear adults! We are pleased to invite you to take an Ecological Journey with us.
All people living on Earth are the crew of the ship "Nature". The more we take care of our ship, the longer our exciting journey will last.
The journey will not be easy, we will hold a competition of two crews.
Let's welcome the members of these crews.

Team members enter the hall to the music.

Crews ready for the competition?!
The judges of our competitions will be...

Presentation of the members of the jury.

Crews will receive lifebuoys for winning each of the contests. At the end of the journey, we will count the number life buoys and determine the winners.
Team greetings.

Team "Rodnichok"
There is a glorious rule:
Water is the most important thing in life!
For the purity of streams and rivers,
To be healthy!
Team "Luchiki"
How much is the sun
bright rays,
We have so many things
And ideas.

So, we are going on a journey.

Stop No. 1. Pure Waters Bay

Now each crew in turn will be asked riddles about reservoirs and water in nature. If the crew fails, the opportunity to give an answer goes to the opponents. The crew with the most correct answers wins.

In calm weather - we are nowhere,
And the wind blows - we run on the water.
Flowing, flowing - will not flow out,
Runs, runs - does not run out.
I am cloud and fog
And the stream and the ocean
And I fly and I run
And I can be glass!

There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking.
Slightly shaking in the breeze
Ribbon in space.
The narrow tip is in the spring,
And wide - in the sea.
Who runs on the mountain slopes,
Chattering with himself
And in the thick green grass
Hiding a blue ponytail?
Young mountain ash look at him,
Colored their trying on scarves.
Young birch trees look at him,
Straightening her hair in front of him.
And the moon and the stars -
It reflects everything...
What is this mirror called?
(Pond, lake)

Everyone bypasses this place:
Here the earth is like dough,
Here sedge, tussocks, mosses -
No leg support.
Autumn rain walked around the city,
The rain has lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow - it will tremble.

Stop number 2. Cape "Zoological".

The game "The Fourth Extra".
The task of participants from four animals is to choose the odd one and explain their choice.
- How can we help in the conservation of the animal world of planet Earth?

Dynamic pause.
"Flies, swims, runs"

The teacher shows or names an object of wildlife to the children. Children should depict the way this object moves. For example: at the word “bunny”, children begin to run (or jump) in place; at the word "crucian" - they imitate a swimming fish; at the word "sparrow" - depict the flight of a bird.

"Recognize birds by their voice"
Children listen to a recording of birds singing in the forest and determine the name of the bird (audio recording).

Stop No. 4. Berth "Rare".

Reports on animals and birds listed in the Red Book of the Kemerovo region.

Stop No. 5. Pier "Ecological Signs".

The task of the participants is to determine the name of the ecological sign.
And now the crew members need to come up with and draw signs by name.
Do not listen to loud music in nature.
Don't trample poisonous mushrooms.
Let's listen to a poem about the rules of behavior in the forest.
forest rules
If you came to the forest for a walk,
Breathe fresh air
Run, jump and play
Just, mind you, don't forget
What you can't make noise in the forest:
Even sing very loudly.
Animals get scared
Run away from the forest edge.
Do not break oak branches.
Never forget
Clean up trash from the grass.
In vain do not tear the flowers!
From a slingshot - do not shoot:
You didn't come to kill!
Let the butterflies fly
Well, who are they bothering?
There is no need to catch everyone here,
Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.
You are just a guest in the forest.
Here the owner is oak and elk.
Save their peace
After all, they are not our enemies!
Help the forest animals
Prepare feeders for them.
And then any animal -
Whether it's a weasel or a ferret,
forest hedgehog, River fish
He will say: “You are my friend!
Thank you!"
While the jury members are summing up the results of the whole trip, and determining the winners, I suggest playing a little.

"Learn by Ads"

Purpose: To continue to acquaint with the features of animals and birds ( appearance, behavior, habitat)
Develop logical thinking.
Game actions:
The teacher invites the children to play. Explains the rules of the game, you need to carefully listen to the announcement and guess who it is (animal or bird) is said in the announcement. The one who guessed correctly receives a chip and at the end of the game the result is summed up.
1. Come visit me! I don't have an address. I always carry my house with me.
2. Friends! Who needs needles, contact me.
3. Tired of crawling! I want to take off. Who will lend the wings?
4. Will I help everyone whose alarm clock is broken?
5. Please wake me up in the spring. Come with honey.
6. I want to make a nest. Lend, donate fluff and feathers.
7. It became very boring to howl at the moon alone. Who will keep me company?
8. To the one who finds my tail! Leave it as a memento. I am successfully growing a new one!
9. I have been waiting for a friend for 150 years! The character is positive. There is only one drawback - slowness.
10. Everyone, everyone, everyone! Who has a need for horns. Contact me once a year.
11. I teach all sciences! From chicks over a short time I make birds. Please note that classes are held at night.
12. I can help kind, but lonely birds to find family happiness! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and never will. I wish you happiness in your personal life. Ku-ku!
13. I am the most charming and attractive! Whoever you want to deceive, I will circle around your finger. Given all this, I urge you to call me by my first name and patronymic. Do not call Patrikeevna any more!
Summing up the whole journey. Team awards.

Presentation on the topic: Ecological journey in kindergarten

Municipal state educational institution

« Primary School- Kindergarten No. 2 "

resort city of Kislovodsk

ecological journey

extracurricular activity

to the Day of Reserves and National Parks

Prepared by:

Sidorenko S.I.

2014-2015 academic year


    To form an understanding of the essence of environmental problems facing humanity.

    form ecological culture behavior in environment, civil responsibility for its preservation.

    Cultivate love for native nature, her beauty. Provide patriotic education.

ecological journey

Teacher: Today in the lesson we will go to travel to the temple of nature.
The student reads the poem.

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science, and there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding pulling hands
Against the sun and winds
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open for us in the heat and chill,
Come in here, be a sensitive heart,
Don't desecrate his shrines.

Nature is diverse and unpredictable. She is the way an affectionate mother cherishes and caresses, the way an evil stepmother is strict and impregnable. The gentle sun is often obscured by clouds, and streams of rain fall on the ground.

The first stop of our journey is called - "Live Page" .

You need to solve riddles and set the sequence of events.

A colored yoke hung over the forest (Rainbow)

Not a pedestrian, but walking

Wet people at the gate.

The janitor catches him in a tub,

Highly difficult riddle. (Rain)

Here is a horse racing across the sky

Fire is flying from under your feet.

The horse beats mighty with its hoof

And breaks the clouds.

So he runs hard

That the earth is trembling below. (Thunder)

Next stop - "Environmental Dictionary" .

What words will be included in ecological dictionary?

    ECOLOGY. This word comes from the Greek words "oikos" - house and "logos" - teaching.Ecology is the science of habitat, of the environment.

    RED BOOK. Many plants and animals that were often seen are now rare. They are listed in the Red Book. This book is called so because red is a danger signal.
    At the initiative of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Red Book was issued in 1962. Red is a danger signal that is understandable to the whole world. It includes animals and plants that are under threat of destruction or have become rare.

    RESERVES. Reserves are created in order to protect nature and study it. In the reserve, it is forbidden to cut down the forest, plow the land, mow grass, hunt, fish, i.e. any human activity is prohibited.

    RESERVATIONS. It comes from the word order. Not all nature is protected, but only part of it. For example, rare plants and animals, swamp, lake. Human activity is not completely prohibited, but only limited.

    NATIONAL PARKS. These are large protected areas. They differ in that the reserves are closed to tourists, and National parks visitors are always welcome. Rest, you can watch the animals, but you can’t touch anything with your hands. But there are places in the park where visitors are not allowed. They are necessary to maintain natural balance.

The next stop is called - "Ecological problem" .

Listen to the poems of the guys who will tell you what can happen to nature if you treat it badly.

- In ancient times, when there were much fewer people, and machines had not yet been invented, the expression “struggle with nature” came into use. In our age, the correlation of forces "man - nature" has become different. What is needed is not a struggle, but protection. And nature asks us for help. Caring for the land, forests, rivers, clean air, flora and fauna - the main thing. Our Motherland must become ecologically clean.

Consider some environmental problems:

    water pollution;


    air pollution;

    land degradation.

Nature is our home, a treasury of wealth, a supplier of raw materials and energy on Earth. But its riches are exhaustible and often irreplaceable, therefore it is so necessary to protect and protect them.

With the help of a crossword puzzle, let's find out which animals and plants are listed in the Red Book.

Next stop - "Environmental Challenge" .

Do you think people always do the right thing when they want to save nature?Hordes of caterpillars attacked the forest, ate leaves, ate flowers. People began to treat the forest. Rescued by various poisonous powders and mists. All caterpillars were poisoned. What mistake did people make?

- What commandments of nature conservation do you know?

    Never climb trees - they are alive!

    Don't destroy the nest!

    In winter, do not forget to clean the snow from the feeders, add food, but in such a way as not to frighten away the birds.

    Do not harm any animals!

    Do not deprive the earth of beauty!

Teacher: Guys, do you know. That the paper you throw away will lie for more than two years, cans for more than 30 years, a plastic bag for more than 200 years, glass for 1000 years?

Next stop - "Environmental proverb" .

Communicating with nature, people have long observed her. This is how ecological proverbs and sayings appeared.

Exercise: pick up the second part of the saying and explain its meaning.

Lots of snow, lots of bread.

The forest and the plant are the salvation of the beast.

Forest and water - the beauty of nature.

The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest.

Next stop - "Environmental Date" .

- Guys, you know that there are public and religious holidays, but there are also environmental dates on the calendar.

Why do people come up with environmental dates?

What should we do to help nature?
“This is where our journey ended. Let's love and protect nature!

Objectives of the lesson: to give children an idea of ​​the diversity of nature, list the reasons for the extinction of some animals, form ecological consciousness. Cause concern for the ecological state of the planet and the desire to creatively interact with nature. Develop an interest in caring attitude and love for the world around. Give information about the Red Book.

Materials and equipment: attributes, illustrations, decoration (cave, underwater and surface world, forest). Layout of the Red Book <Рисунок 1> , musical accompaniment, costumes of heroes (photo from the lesson) ( Attachment 1)

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

II. Psycho-gymnastics: "It's time to get up." (Presentation 1)

The sun has risen in the morning!
It's time for us to wake up.
Is everyone awake?
Stretched, smiled.

Children: Hello!

Educator: And now say hello to our guests.

Teacher: Now let's get to the lesson. Are you ready for it?

Children (in chorus):

Every day, always, everywhere
In the classroom, in the game
Loud, clearly speaking
And we sit quietly.

III. Main part

Educator: Earth! Earth! Do you hear us? Are you talking to us?

Earth: I always hear you, but you also listen to me. I'm in trouble. I am unable to correct all the evil that man does. I am not able to save the dying animals and birds, clean the air from dust and burning ... I can not cope with all the garbage that people have scattered over the Earth.

Educator: Earth, because you are so beautiful, blue, blooming! Can you really die?

Earth: Yes, I have many flowers, forests, rivers, but they are becoming less and less... You still have time to save me and yourself! Only you can do it.

Educator: How? (silence in response)

Guys, the Earth did not have time to say how to help her, which means that we ourselves must find a way to save her.

Music sounds. Enter Trash Queen and Trash Monster. ( Attachment 1)

I am the Queen of Garbage, I came out of the garbage,
I see: rubbish and dirt everywhere,
I love you for this!
Look people at me
It was you who invented me
In gratitude for this
I will always live on the planet.

Garbage Monster:

Lying in the trash can
It just didn't come from anywhere.
And now I'm walking here
I look at the creators
And I want to tell you people:
“Long live trash!
And may it always be!”

Educator: It's scary if such Monsters live on our planet.

Guys, let's turn this garbage into useful and beautiful things.

Music sounds. The monsters disappear and a table of junk material appears.

Educator: No wonder they say: "Beauty will save the world."

Guys, let's see what is happening on Earth. We need a time machine. Now close your eyes so you don't get dizzy. (music plays).

And so, guys, we ended up in the distant, distant past. Look - this is a cave of an ancient man. Our planet used to look different than it does now. Different trees grew here and different animals lived.

(Presentation 1) (Showing children illustrations of the ancient forest)

- What animals do you know that do not live on Earth now? Dinosaurs, mammoths

Why did they die out?

Children's answers.

Educator: Mammoths became extinct because the ancient man ruthlessly exterminated them. Using skins as clothing, home insulation; meat for eating; made weapons from tusks.

We have landed on the ocean floor. Look who is it? ( Attachment 1)

Kit (child) stands and coughs. Child (manatee).

Educator: What happened to you, did you get sick?

Whale. Yesterday, two large tankers collided in the ocean and some black spots remained on the surface of the water. I swam there and now I feel very bad. Lots of marine life died because of this stain.

Educator: Guys, this is a manatee or it is also called a sea cow.

A child (manatee) reads a poem:
We live, but not everywhere,
The only place for us is in the water.
Pisces pure water
Like you need air.
And waste pollution -
This is our extermination.
Take strict action
For the poachers to disappear.
We want to live in the seas and rivers
We are for the good of man.

Educator: Whales and manatees are endangered animals and they are listed in the Red Book.

It's good that we brought my bag with us.

Take milk, it's a very good medicine. And we pop up and see what's going on there.

close your eyes . (music plays)

Educator: Hello, who are you? ( Attachment 1)

I am a relic seagull

Seagull (child) Be careful not to swim up to that oil slick, you can die. This is horror, this is trouble, this is an ecological catastrophe. Look what happened to the beach. (illustration display). (Presentation 1)

Educator: Guys, how to prevent this trouble?

Children's answers: Avoid accidents when transporting oil. Do not pollute water bodies and beaches.

Educator: Now let's take a walk to the river.

IV. Fizminutka

: "Walked past the river."

And where did we get? Some stumps, but I used to be here beautiful forest and very beautiful trees grew. And in that clearing grew beautiful tulips and lilies of the valley.


Educator: Hello! What happened here?

Woodpecker: Trees have been cut down in our forest for a long time, and recently there was a big fire and the whole forest burned down. Many animals, birds, insects and plants perished. (showing illustrations deforestation, fire in the forest). (Presentation 1)

A child (woodpecker) reads a poem:

Above the earth we soar in the sky
And sing our songs in the woods
But we also live in danger
And we are afraid of people with a gun
And the cruel games guys?
Only slingshots hide evil.
And we don't need to destroy our nests
Birds are made to fly!

Educator: We have a gift for you - a birdhouse.

Child (wolf wound on hand) ( Attachment 1)

Educator: And what happened to the clearing by the river. Is there so much garbage?

Wolf: People arrived, made a fire, tore flowers, threw garbage around, broke bottles, shot at animals. And when they left, they left all the garbage here. I ran away from poachers, and cut my paw on a fragment of a bottle.

We animals are looking for your understanding,
Fairness and respect.
We are helpful and nice
They don't call us nurses for nothing.
But sometimes we also have trouble with people.
Our skins and fur are highly valued
The poachers are aiming at us.
We turn to you for help.

Educator: The guys need to help him, let's bandage his paw. (2 children bandage the wolf's paw).

Guys, let's go swimming!

Otter (the child sits and cries). ( Attachment 1)

You can’t swim here, look how dirty the water is!

Educator: And what happened to the river?

Otter: They built a factory there and dump dirty water into the river, from this look how many fish died. And black smoke is coming out of his chimneys. From him all the flowers turned black and many plants died. (illustration display). (Presentation)

Educator: Guys, how to prevent this disaster, what should people not do?

Children's answers: Do not cut down forests, do not break trees, do not kindle fires, clean up garbage, do not break bottles, do not pick flowers. Do not wash cars in water bodies, do not dump waste from plants and factories into water bodies. Don't kill animals.

It's time for us to warm up and I suggest taking a walk.


Dark forest, lush meadow
We walk one after another.
So as not to crush the flowers,
Legs must be raised!
We run along the paths
We don't interfere, we don't make noise!
Butterflies have fun flying in the meadow.
Jumping frogs on the edge of the forest.
To keep the branches from breaking
We will walk quietly.
We live together with the forest,
We sing songs to him.
Have a rest! Breathe! And they reached the group.

Educator: Guys, everyone we met today: whale, manatee, wolf, seagull, woodpecker, otter. All of them are endangered species. And they are listed in the Red Book.

Who knows what the Red Book is?

Let us also replenish our Red Book in order to always remember and protect these endangered species. <Рисунок 1 > .

Do you think people can live without animals, plants, birds, insects? (children's answers)

Can animals live without people? (children's answers).

Educator: Guys, look how the artist depicted our planet. Do you agree with this or do you want to change something?

Work with a picture (at the blackboard) ( Attachment 1)

The sounds of the forest are heard.

V. Summary of the lesson:

Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world!
Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her!
We will take care of birds, insects, animals,
This will only make us better!
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers,
We need such a planet!

We recommend reading
