Where does sturgeon fish live and how many years does it live. How long do fish live in an aquarium How long do freshwater fish live

the beauty 07.07.2019
the beauty

It is impossible to compare the duration of fish existence even on average - among these creatures there are centenarians who survive centuries and individuals whose life is limited to a few months - cinolebias belongs to such fish.

No more than 3 months - that's how long the cinolebias fish lives in vivo, has time to grow up, lay eggs, and only after that fall asleep. But the life expectancy of a pike can be more than 100 years - fishermen say that they caught specimens and older, but radiographic studies of bone tissue indicate precisely a century-long existence.

Another long-liver can compete with pike - beluga fish, belonging to the sturgeon family: the caviar of such a fish is worth its weight in gold in literally. In the “Research on the state of fisheries in Russia”, there were cases of catching monsters, weighing 1.5 tons in 1861 and 926 kg in 1936. Biologists estimated their age at 120-140 years - otherwise the fish would not have had time to work up such a mass.

At present, such specimens cannot be found, and the beluga is grown mainly artificially - in fishing farms, which is not natural conditions.

There is a theory according to which it is believed that the larger the fish, the longer it will live - in most cases, the theory fully justifies itself. The basis of the theory lies in the peculiarities of the development of the organism of fish - these living creatures grow all their lives, unlike warm-blooded animals: their increase after the onset of puberty does not stop.

In addition, there are features of growth - an increase in the weight and size of these organisms - they can be classified into fast-growing and slowly developing. Fast-growing fish swim much faster, they have to exert considerable effort in pursuit of prey, and therefore their life cycle is accelerated.

Less live are fish that developed in poor conditions - they received less food in the childhood stage. In the future - even when they get into favorable conditions - they differ from their relatives, do not catch up with them in terms of physiological development and die earlier.

In many ways, the life expectancy of fish depends on the external conditions of existence. For example, eels in open space do not live longer than 25-30 years - they come to spawn in the Sargasso Sea and, after spawning, fall asleep.

In Sweden, in a well, a 100-year-old eel was caught, which went there through an underground river and for some reason could not find its way back.

Life cycle of the Australian coral goby among vertebrate inhabitants sea ​​depths, is considered the shortest - only 3.5 weeks, during which this rare fish manages to grow up to 4-8 cm, grow up and spawn for procreation.

To know, how long do fish live in natural conditions, you need to at least approximately imagine how you can evaluate a caught or purchased individual in relation to age.

The age of a fish and the conditions of its existence are estimated by circles on the scales in the same way that lumberjacks and biologists learn the age of a tree from the annual rings of a sawn trunk. Counting the number of rings and estimating their width - rings that appeared in prosperous years are wide and do not have notches - it is necessary to take into account geographical area and the ecological conditions in which the fish developed.

The age of beluga and pike can reach 100 years, and information about specimens caught at this age has been described more than once - for example, an Atlantic sturgeon was caught, which was already 150 years old - it is not known how long it would have managed to exist if it had not been for a meeting with a fisherman .

But not representatives of these large breeds fish, and a female mirror carp, which was even entered into the Guinness Book of Records: 228 years is no joke.

Representatives of the species of sea bass were repeatedly caught in Kamchatka - their average age in natural conditions is estimated at 50 years, but there are also individuals whose age is more than a century.

Also, other northern marine fish and species living in coastal waters:

  • taimen;
  • acne;
  • carp;

Equally long life in natural conditions and in special aquariums live lungfish, which include sharks - 60-70 years.

Valuable pink salmon fish, which has enough large sizes, lives only from 1.5 to 7 years - as soon as these fish spawn and fertilize it, they lie down on the water and fall asleep. Scientists still do not understand what determines the life cycle of these fish - some of them return to spawn in the very first years, others "recover" after 5-6 years.

The Black Sea anchovy fish does not live long, and not because it is hunted not only natural enemies, but also people - its life cycle is limited to 3 years. But river carp fish- roach, bream, carp, chub - despite the increased interest of fishermen, live in nature up to 12-15 years.

The growth of a fish, and therefore its life cycle, stops when the body is completely worn out, and its functions begin to fade.

The life expectancy of a pike caught in Germany was estimated at 267 years, its size was amazing. Only recently, scientists digressed from the inscription on the ring and counted the vertebrae of the skeleton - it turned out that the stuffed fish was faked, as, most likely, the ring itself.

Of all the classes of complex living creatures found on earth, the class of fish is the most diverse and the most variable - among the representatives of this species there are short-cycle individuals and centenarians, whose age is measured in centuries.

Compatibility horoscope: how many years the zodiac sign of fish lives - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Tip: Not all Pisces love water. Be careful when using it, and when taking water procedures

how long do pisces zodiac signs live

About what is in accordance with the sign of the zodiac, each person is prone to various diseases many people already know. Knowing your predisposition to a particular disease according to the horoscope, you can prevent diseases in advance and protect your body from dangerous diseases. But even more interesting statistics were recently published by employees of the US Center for Astrological Studies, who studied the dependence of a person's life expectancy and his belonging to the zodiac sign. They collected and listed by date of birth and death more than 60,000 people who lived in different ends peace.

Information they took from house and church books, encyclopedias and even from tombstones. What was their surprise when the computer, after checking 5000 first dates, gave a clear relationship between life expectancy and date of birth. Further studies only confirmed the findings. And now astrologers have no doubts that Taurus live the longest, and among Scorpios there are practically no centenarians.

Health and duration life depends on the zodiac sign you were born under. Here's how long they live and how the representatives of the zodiac sign get sick:

1. Aries. Aries women live on average up to 78 years, men - up to 79. All Aries are emotionally vulnerable due to the nervous type of character, which leads to the development of frequent headaches, insomnia, osteochondrosis and heart disease. Gray hair and a bald head are a characteristic sign of Aries of mature age.

2. Taurus. The average life expectancy of a Taurus woman is 79.5 years, while Taurus men live an average of 81.5 years. Most of all, Taurus are committed to diseases of the throat and thyroid gland, although often they also suffer from kidney disease? liver and reproductive organs. Obesity, a hoarse voice and sore joints will give Taurus of mature age among other signs of the Zodiac.

3. Twins. Life expectancy for Gemini men is 7 years shorter than for women. They live on average up to 78 years, and Gemini women up to 85 years. Typical diseases of Gemini develop from boredom and a monotonous life. Most often they suffer from bronchitis, pneumonia and diseases of the hands. Gemini can be distinguished from other zodiac signs by slim figure, which they manage to keep for the rest of their lives without adhering to strict diets.

4. Crayfish. Cancer women on average live up to 73 years, men - up to 68. Cancers are very suspicious and hard to worry if a doctor points out to them some kind of disease. During illness, they hate everyone and are only occupied with their condition. Most often they suffer from varicose veins, hemorrhoids, gastritis, myopia and metabolic disorders. Cancers don't like to stick around healthy eating and lifestyle, so they often suffer from overeating and poisoning. All Cancers need to take action to prevent cancer.

5. a lion. Both female and male Leos live an average of 74 years. Lions never complain about their health and endure the disease with dignity, without complaining and not recognizing its presence. Relatives learn about Leo's malaise only when his illness is very serious. For example, if he can no longer move due to back pain or a heart attack. Lviv suffers most often from back pain, diseases of the heart, blood vessels and lungs. It is easy to distinguish a Leo in a crowd by a proud posture and a beautiful smile.

6. Virgo. The life expectancy of a Virgo woman is 81 years, and that of a man is 77 years. Despite the fact that Virgos suffer from various digestive disorders throughout their lives, they can reasonably be called the healthiest centenarians. After all, absolutely healthy people not in the world, and Virgo-specific diseases such as constipation, diarrhea and colic cannot be called life-threatening.

7. Scales. Libra women live on average up to 77 years, and men up to 73. The external beauty of Libra is often deceptive, they have very weak immunity. Diseases of the kidneys and lower back are their constant companions. Foot fungus, psoriasis and other skin conditions also accompany many Libras throughout their lives.

8. Scorpion. Although Scorpios are not able to “sting” themselves, they live relatively shortly. The average life expectancy of Scorpio men is 63 years, women up to 62 years. Apparently, this is due to the fact that it is very difficult for Scorpions to get treated and take medicine. Scorpios are most prone to diseases genitourinary system and throat. Scorpions should pay special attention to the prevention of hepatitis and influenza.

9. Sagittarius. Sagittarius women live on average up to 73 years, and men up to 69. Sagittarius vulnerabilities are capillaries and the spine, so they all suffer from osteochondrosis, rheumatism and sciatica. In adulthood, Sagittarius suffer from heart and vascular diseases, and men of this sign should take measures to prevent prostatitis and impotence. Sagittarius should pay more attention to the care of hair, skin and nails, they quickly lose their attractive appearance due to beriberi.

10. Capricorn. The average life expectancy of Capricorn women is 80 years, men - 77. Capricorns, if they get sick, then thoroughly. They simply do not pay attention to small sores. This zodiac sign can easily get sick with almost any disease, ranging from anemia to severe injury leading to disability. Capricorns are lucky for injuries and accidents, so they should be extra careful while driving. In adulthood, Capricorns are threatened by deafness, joint diseases, cholelithiasis and indigestion. A serious Capricorn can be distinguished from other signs of the zodiac by a solid and smart look.

11. Aquarius. The life expectancy of Aquarians of both sexes is on average the same - 71.5 years. Aquarians are prone to depression, cataracts, hemorrhoids, diarrhea and varicose veins. An unpredictable Aquarius can get pneumonia in hot weather and walk outside for a long time without a hat on a frosty day, without any health consequences. Representatives of this sign remain attractive even in old age.

12. Fish. Pisces women live on average up to 75 years, men up to 71. Pisces is the most painful sign. Since childhood, they often suffer from colds, allergies, flu and dermatitis. Adult Pisces are prone to diseases of the joints, lungs and skin. Shortness of breath, nail fungus, lichen, arthrosis and anemia are the most common diseases among representatives of this sign.

Which zodiac signs are long-lived

Astrologers managed to find out the connection between a person's belonging to the Sign of the Zodiac and the duration of his life, and to determine the Signs of the Zodiac that live longer than everyone else.

As a result of research, it turned out that longevity is guaranteed to people born under the constellation Taurus. But the least of all, as it turned out, live scorpions.

The results of the study differ by gender. For example, among men long-livers are Taurus (81.5 years old), In second place - Aries (79 years old), then go Gemini (78 years old), Capricorn (77.5 years old), Virgo (76.5 years old), Leo (74 years old), Libra (73 years old), Aquarius and Pisces (71 years old). Less than 70 years are released to men born under the Zodiac Signs Cancer, Sagittarius and Scorpio.

As for women, a slightly different picture emerges. As you know, women live longer than men, and if the Zodiac Sign is also favorable, then the age can exceed one hundred! Long-livers among women are Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn. Representatives of these Zodiac Signs, according to statistics, usually live to be 90 years old or more. But the ladies of the other constellations live an average of 70-80 years. Fate averts a little, again, to Scorpios - only 63 years old.

What is the rule here? Why does the zodiac sign dictate the lifespan? And astrologers have found the answer to this question. Each Sign of the Zodiac has its own characteristics of the body and a predisposition to certain diseases. Knowing your weak points, you can significantly extend your life and maintain health.

Weaknesses of the Zodiac Signs

  • Aries - the danger is fraught with stress and physical activity.
  • Taurus - the danger is obesity, diseases of the reproductive system, liver and kidneys.

It should be noted that all these statistics are not taken from the ceiling, but in the course of careful research by specialists from the Center for Astrology. Experts had to analyze the lives of more than 60 thousand people from different countries peace. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Astrological publications and consultation of an astrologer

As for women, things are somewhat different with them. They generally live longer. Life shorter than 70 years is predicted only by unfortunate Scorpios (63.5 years), but long-lived Gemini, under fortunate circumstances, can exceed 80 for five years. Virgos and Capricorns are also potential money changers of the ninth decade, and ladies born under other signs Zodiac, will have a long life in the range of 70 to 80 years.

How many years do different zodiac signs live: who is a long-liver and who will die young

Photo gallery: How many years do they live different signs Zodiac: who is long-lived and who will die young

American scientists conducted a series of astrological studies and confirmed the guesses of the ancients about the influence of heavenly bodies on the health and life expectancy of people, establishing a clear pattern between the date of birth of a person and his long life. The reliability of the results was made possible by analyzing the dates of birth and death of more than sixty thousand people from all over the world. The objects of study were both modern inhabitants of the planet and people who lived on Earth several centuries ago.

It became possible to talk about a clearly traceable relationship between the sign of the zodiac under which a person was born and the duration of his life became possible after analyzing the first five thousand dates. Finishing scientific work scientists have come to the conclusion that Taurus can be safely called centenarians, but the stars assign the shortest life to Scorpio. The sign of the zodiac also affects the health of its “ward”, which largely determines the period of a person’s earthly life. How many years of life are "programmed" in each zodiac sign, and what diseases can significantly reduce them?

The zodiac constellation did not stint on long life for both women and men. Women can expect at least 78 years of life, men - 79 years. The main scourge of Aries' health is stress, which leads to insomnia, migraines, and heart disease.

Tip: Treat life philosophically! This will save your head from heavy thoughts, gray hair and prolong your life.

Long-playing life is promised by the stars to all Taurus. Women have every chance to celebrate their 80th anniversary, and men, having overcome this milestone, will pass away closer to 82 years. However, the tendency of Taurus to obesity, diseases of the genitourinary system and joints, can significantly shorten the years allotted by heaven.

Tip: Pay attention vulnerabilities your health, and it is quite possible that it will serve you faithfully for up to 100 years!

The average life expectancy for men is 78 years, for women - 85. Geminis are prone to seeking meaning in their lives and thinking about its frailty. They are often overcome by boredom and despondency, turning into depression. As a result, problems may arise with respiratory system, weight and diseases of the limbs.

Tip: Watch your diet carefully and avoid any debilitating diets. Your body is especially prone to exhaustion.

The period of life of women reaches 73 years, men - 68. Early "meet God" those representatives of the sign who ignore the rules healthy lifestyle life and do not visit doctors. It's all to blame for their suspiciousness and fixation on illnesses, and not on recovery. Cancers often suffer vascular diseases, myopia and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tip: The stars indicate an increased susceptibility to oncopathologies, so do not forget to take mandatory preventive measures.

Most women and men of this sign manage to live up to 74 years if they sound the alarm in time in case of serious illnesses. Their peculiarity is to hide all the problems in themselves and not complain, often becomes the cause of a neglected disease. Poor health can provoke a weak cardiovascular system, back and eyes.

Tip: Let your family and friends take care of you and your health!

Stars are measured for women life path length up to 81 years, for men - up to 77 years. Virgos are not deprived of health, although most of them have a vulnerable digestive system and suffer from work-related disorders. But, even despite this, astrologers call Virgos the most healthy centenarians.

Tip: Settle your stomach often fasting days, eat only healthy food and never overeat. In this scenario, the stars are ready to give you a few more years of life.

Libra is not the longest living representatives of the zodiac circle (women up to 77 years old, men up to 73 years old). However, they have the opportunity to argue with stubborn astronomical statistics and win a few extra years of life if they take care of their weak immunity. The high protective properties of the body will help Libra avoid other potential risks - diseases of the skin, lower back and kidneys.

Tip: Keep your health in a dry and warm place, as the stars advise you to avoid cold and high humidity.

Scorpions live a relatively short life - women on average up to 62 years old, men up to 63 years old. Astrologers explain this by the fact that Scorpios are difficult to treat. They prefer to complete their life path before reaching a ripe old age, if only to get rid of any medical intrusion into their lives.

Tip: Life will be longer without doctors if you pay enough attention to the prevention of diseases of the throat and genitourinary system.

Poor health of Sagittarians affects their life expectancy. The musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems with a full bouquet of chronic diseases literally shorten the life of Sagittarius. Women rarely cross the 73-year-old threshold, and men rarely cross the 69-year-old threshold.

Tip: Sagittarius women should pay Special attention hair, nails and skin, Sagittarius men - the prostate.

Capricorns are very hardy. They courageously endure numerous diseases that relentlessly pursue them until old age. Not only do some of them have to endure more than a dozen illnesses in their lifetime, they are also prone to high injuries. The incessant attack on health does not allow Capricorn women to live longer than 80 years, and men - 77.

Tip: In adulthood, the threat to the joints, hearing, biliary tract and digestive system is high.

On average, all Aquarians live up to 72 years. The health of both men and women Aquarius is difficult to explain with medical logic. In the heat, Aquarians can easily catch pneumonia, and in the cold of winter, they won’t even sneeze from hours of walking without a hat.

Tip: Beware of diseases associated with blood circulation, vision, gastrointestinal disorders and stress.

Pisces women manage to live up to 75 years, and men - up to 71 years. Astrologers have recognized them as the most painful sign of the zodiac. They can see old age only if they overcome numerous diseases of the lungs (shortness of breath), joints (arthrosis), skin (lichen, nail fungus).

Tip: Not all Pisces love water. Be careful when using it, and when taking water procedures.

How many years will you live according to your zodiac sign

American scientists have confirmed the theory of ancient astrologers that the heavenly bodies affect the health and life expectancy of people. As a result of scientific research, a clear pattern has been established between the date of birth of a person and the duration of his life.

Experts analyzed the dates of birth and death of more than 60,000 people from around the world. Moreover, the objects of their research were not only the modern inhabitants of the planet, but also those who lived on Earth several centuries ago.

Already after analyzing the first 5 thousand dates, scientists came to the unequivocal conclusion that the relationship between the zodiac sign under which a person was born and the duration of his life really exists. In addition, it turned out that the zodiac sign in a certain way affects the health of its “ward”, which also largely determines the period of his life on Earth.

Let's find out how many years of life are "programmed" for representatives of each sign of the Zodiac, as well as what diseases can significantly reduce them.

This zodiac constellation has not stinted on a long life for its representatives. Women can expect at least 78 years of life, and men - 79 years. The main problem for Aries is stress, which leads to migraines, insomnia and heart disease.

Advice of astrologers: live positive! This will save you from heavy thoughts and allow you to live for many years.

Taurus are the real centenarians of the zodiacal circle. Women have every chance to celebrate their 80th anniversary, and men of this sign pass away closer to 82 years. However, the tendency of Taurus to obesity, as well as to diseases of the genitourinary system and joints, can significantly reduce the years lowered by the sky.

Advice of astrologers: pay close attention to the vulnerabilities of your body, and then your body will faithfully serve you for up to a hundred years!

Gemini men live an average of 78 years, and women born under this constellation may well celebrate their 85th birthday. the main problem Twins lies in the fact that they are often overcome by boredom and despondency, turning into depression. Because of this, representatives of this zodiac sign earn themselves problems with the respiratory system, weight and diseases of the limbs.

Advice of astrologers: watch your diet carefully, but avoid any debilitating diets. Remember that your body is subject to both nervous and physical exhaustion!

The life expectancy of women of this sign reaches 73 years, and men - 68. Those Cancers who ignore the rules of a healthy lifestyle, and also avoid doctors, die early. Their health is also strongly affected by suspiciousness and obsession with diseases. Most often, Cancers suffer from myopia, cardiovascular diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Advice of astrologers: stars indicate an increased tendency of this sign to oncopathologies, so do not neglect preventive examinations.

Most Lions and Lionesses manage to live up to 74 years, as they usually sound the alarm in time in case of serious illnesses. However, their peculiarity to carry all their problems in themselves often becomes the cause of heart disease. Poor health can also provoke a weak back and vision problems.

Advice of astrologers: let your family take care of you and your health!

For Virgo women, the stars measured out a life path of 81 years, and for men - up to 77 years. Representatives of this sign usually do not complain about health, although most of them have a rather vulnerable digestive system. But, despite the gastrointestinal disorders, astrologers consider Virgos to be the healthiest centenarians.

Advice of astrologers: periodically arrange fasting days for the stomach, eat only healthy food and try not to overeat. In this case, the stars will give you a few more years.

Libra cannot be called centenarians of the zodiac circle, since women on average live up to 77, and men up to 73 years. However, you can try to argue with stubborn statistics and win a few extra years of life if you take care of your weak immunity in time. The high protective properties of the body will help you avoid other potential risks - diseases of the skin, kidneys and lower back.

Scorpios live the shortest lives of all the zodiac signs. Both men and women on average live up to 62-63 years. Astrologers explain this by the fact that Scorpios do not like to be treated and are constantly trying to get rid of any medical invasion in their body.

Advice of astrologers: pay sufficient attention to the prevention of diseases of the throat and genitourinary system.

The life expectancy of Sagittarius is affected by their poor health. Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems literally shorten their lives. Women rarely cross the age of 73, and men live even less - up to 69 years.

Council of Astrologers: women of this sign should pay special attention to hair, nails and skin, and Sagittarius men to the prostate.

Capricorns are so hardy that they courageously overcome numerous diseases. In addition, representatives of this sign are prone to high injuries. Incessant attacks on health do not allow Capricorn women to live longer than 80 years, and men to overcome the bar of 77 years of age.

Advice of astrologers: in adulthood, pay special attention to the joints, hearing organs, biliary tract and digestive system.

Aquarians live up to 72 years on average. The health of representatives of this zodiac sign is quite difficult to explain with medical logic. Although Aquarians can easily catch pneumonia in the heat, in the cold of winter they will not even sneeze after many hours of walking without a hat.

Advice of astrologers: Beware of diseases associated with blood circulation, vision, gastrointestinal disorders and stress.

Astrologers call Pisces the most painful sign of the Zodiac. However, Pisces women manage to live up to 75 years, and men - up to 71 years. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to see old age only if they learn to cope with numerous diseases of the lungs, joints and skin.

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Detailed knowledge of how long fish live allows biologists to judge their growth rate, sexual maturity and maximum age. Parameters are used to build models for estimating both geographical subsets of populations and state general reserves, which serve as the basis for effective production management water resources. This largely affects the fishing limits.

Determining the age of fish

There are several ways in which scientists determine the lifespan of fish. Which one is used depends on the species and environment. Some change colors or patterns as they grow older.

The age of the fish is determined by counting the growth rings in calcified or bone structures:

  • scales;
  • otoliths;
  • gill cover;
  • vertebrae;
  • fin;
  • chest spikes.

For many years, scales were considered the standard. Because in warm months the fish grows much faster than in the cold, because of this seasonal unevenness, clear rings form. However, this method often leads to an underestimation of the age of adults, since after reaching maturity the scales become compact and growth slows down. The difficulty lies in the fact that fish generate lost bone plates, and the reproduced scale reflects only the age at which its growth began.

A more accurate method for determining life cycle adult fish is counting growth rings in otoliths - calcified organs of the hearing aid bony fish functioning for hearing, balance and speed. Metabolically inert, they record information about seasonal growth patterns and about the entire life of animals. In temperate climates, fish grow in warm time years faster, and patterns in samples with alternating wide "summer zones" and narrow "winter" clearly show how much she full years. This is less noticeable for species living in polar oceans and tropical waters, where seasonal effects on environment(and hence growth) are minimal.

The latest methods are also used to check the periodicity of the otolith growth zones for some species. Oxytetracycline (an antibiotic) deposited in the bones during injection leaves a layer that is visible under ultraviolet light. If the number of dark areas formed outside the fluorescent band is the same as the number of years after injection, this indicates the annual formation of zones.

Often several different bone structures are compared to determine the most accurate method.

Age Analysis

Life expectancy of fish can be short, medium and long. While the lowest range (1-2 years) is found in some species of lampreys and teleosts, there are katrans, sturgeons, paddlefish, groupers, eels with a high rate (70-150 years).

It depends on a number of genetic factors:

  • physical size (and gender - males grow significantly more slowly than females);
  • the efficiency of the heart;
  • metabolism;
  • age of reproductive maturity;
  • duration of reproduction.

They also play a big role environmental factors, including biological stocks, diseases.

Fish size often correlates with age. If small and large species the same number of heartbeats in the corresponding periods of their existence, the difference in the expected duration is determined by the metabolic rate. The life of a large animal is more efficient and longer due to the slow metabolism.

To determine the age of fish that do not have scales, like sharks, scientists catch several young specimens and tag them. Then, on a regular basis for decades, they return to the same place, catch them again and thus determine the approximate life span. Most species live 20 to 30 years, but the longest age of the whale and spotted spiny shark is more than 100 years, while the age of the Greenland shark, as shown by a recent study of a sample measuring 5.02 meters, is 272 years (392 ± 120).

Famous Old Timers

Among centenarians - sea bass. Their habitat, depending on the species, varies from the intertidal zone to almost 3000 meters in depth. Some species live over 100 years. The maximum known age was 205 years for the Aleutian sea bass. He was caught off the coast of Alaska.

It's hard to imagine, but he was born long before Alaska became a US state. During all these years, the fish swam quietly, not paying attention to the national and personal dramas that played out nearby. In fact, this is an unusually old copy. Most sea bass do not live to be 200 years old, but this fish had a certain genetic reserve, did not get sick, and, most importantly, it was not caught and not eaten.

Ole, as he was called (from ål, Swedish for "eel"), lived in the well of a private house in the town of Brantevik in southern Sweden for almost 155 years. According to the owner of an unusual pet, one Swedish boy threw him there back in 1859. This was a common practice for water filtration. Hungry eels were released into wells and fed on flies and other insects. Ole died in 2014 and his frozen remains are currently at a freshwater fish research center in Sweden to analyze the otoliths and confirm the creature's true age.

Most of life cycle of acne shrouded in mystery. AT wild nature they die after spawning. Generally, males are expected to live up to 15 years, females up to 20 years. Since Ole never left his cool well with enough food to reproduce, it is theoretically possible that his age was so long.

The most famous koi (Japanese carp) named Hanako has changed several owners in his life. As a study of growth rings in 1977 showed, he was 225 years old.

Thanks to the advanced methods used to obtain information about the age and height of fish, it has become known that many species may be at least twice as old as previously thought. In the early 1980s, the Atlantic bighead fishery reached alarming proportions. It was believed that the species lives for about 30 years. But by the end of the 1990s, it became apparent that it had a very low level of productivity and its life expectancy reached 100 years.

Of course, more efforts are needed to test the methods used and find new analyzes of age data as fish populations continue to decline due to overexploitation.

Most people know that dogs live 8 to 12 years, cats live about 12 to 14 years. But how long do aquarium fish live? When hobbyists decide to have a fish in their home, they are rarely interested in the issue of life expectancy, and then wonder why the pet suddenly died. Although the lifespan of wild fish has not been fully explored, what can we say about aquarium species. With proper care, many pets live from 2 to 20 years or more, depending on size, personal endurance and feeding. Even fish with a short lifespan will live longer than expected if you create a "paradise" corner in the aquarium.

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freshwater species

Many freshwater fish species live from 1 to 6 years. The most popular small fish, characterized by a short lifespan: swordtails, mollies, irises, catfish corridors, some cichlids, rasboras, carnegiells, tiger barbs. There are also several species of fish that live more than 5-6 years with proper care and feeding. Among them: kissing gourami, zebrafish, beta, Jack Dempsey fish.

If you're looking for fish that have a lifespan of 10 years or more, look no further than blue neons, angelfish, oscars, or plecostomuses. Famous aquarium centenarian - gold fish. Properly fed, clean and healthy aquatic environment live up to 15 years. The oldest aquarium goldfish lived to be 30 years old, the only officially recorded case.

Look at a 25 year old goldfish.

Species that live in salt water

How long do aquarium fish live that they prefer salt water? Despite the narrow distribution in home nurseries and the complexity of the content, some fanciers still try to provide them with all possible living conditions. A balanced level of salt in water can prolong life, proper nutrition and the corresponding volume of the aquarium. Most marine fish live in public aquariums where they live in best conditions. Many sea ​​fish succumb to disease early in life due to poor care.

Some brackish water species live 2 to 4 years. Among them: butterfly fish, mandarin duck, Moorish idol, gobies, blennies, Napoleon, monodactylus (swallow fish), triggerfish, surgeon fish, degu. Most small tropical seahorses live in aquariums for 3-4 years. Larger seahorses may live longer but are rarely available for the home aquarium.

More hardy marine species can live in captivity for 10 years or more: these are lionfish, clownfish, eels and groupers. There are many varieties of angelfish that live long in brackish water. sea ​​fish angels can live for over 20 years, and grow to impressive sizes.

Admire marine aquarium fish species.

Families of fish, life expectancy in years of some representatives

Large aquarium fish live longer than small ones, some are able to outlive the person himself. Because fish are cold-blooded animals, their body temperature matches the temperature of the water. With its increase, the processes in the body are accelerated, as a result of which the body wears out and ages. Improper feeding or overfeeding also shortens the life of pets. Aquarium cichlids have a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, and in the event of an incorrect dose or the addition of live larvae, they can easily get sick. The purity of the water is also important - species without scales are sensitive to impurities of chlorine, nitrites, nitrates and organics. Fish of the genus Polypterus and Labyrinths need access to atmospheric oxygen.

Representatives of the Kharatsin family live an average of 5-10 years: tetras, congos, neons, minors, piranhas, metinnis, pacu.

The life expectancy of the Karpovs is from 5 to 30 years: zebrafish, morulius, parsing, barbs, labeo, cardinals (5-10); goldfish, shark ball (10-30).

Cichlids live from 5 to 18 years: discus, frontosa, African and South American cichlids, nimbochromis, astronotus, severum, labidochromis, apistogramma.

Members of the carp family, viviparous fish live 3-15 years: swordsmen, platies, mollies, guppies and others.

Representatives of the Loach family live 10-15 years: common loach, botsia.

Types of fish of the Catfish family live from 5 to 15: glass catfish, otocinclus, plecostomus, pimelodus, synodontis, mistus, banjo, sturizoma, tarakatum.

Other aquarium fish, representatives of different families: atheosimions (1 year old); tetraodons, archer fishes, wedge-bellies, irisfishes, leporines (5); panaki (10).

Only a few fish reach their age limit in nature. A fisherman who has caught a large fish often asks himself how many years she lived and how long, in general, this fish can live.

Back in the 18th century. scientists have determined that on fish scales, as on a cut of a tree trunk, one can see annual rings. It is known that in 1716 the age of a fish was first determined by the type of its scales: the life expectancy of a carp 108 cm long was determined as 40 years.

Fish do not grow as uniformly as our domestic animals, their growth and development depends on external conditions, i.e. water body, food quality, temperature, fish population density, and so on. The most famous example is eels, which, under favorable conditions in fresh water already in the first year they grow by 25 cm, and in "hungry" reservoirs they barely reach 10 cm.

Concerning greatest age, then go fairy tales about huge carps and old, moss-covered catfish. Many books mention the pike, which, according to the chronicle, was marked and released by Kaiser Friedrich II on October 5, 1230. Approximately in 1497, that is, after 267 years, this fish was caught again, and then it was already 6 m long and weighed 350 pounds (158.76 kg). There is also evidence of another pike marked with a ring - it was caught in 1610 on the Meuse River. Judging by the label of this fish, it was 162 years old.
But how true these data are, of course, one can doubt.

Real evidence of the age reached by the fish is hard to come by. To do this, it would be necessary to grow the studied fish in stakes or aquariums, but all the same, questions would arise whether such a way of life of fish can be compared with the natural one.

But in nature, only a few fish reach their natural age limit. In the majority, they are either caught, and, as for small fish, it becomes the prey of birds and predatory fish. Then they just disappear without a trace. Dead fish, such as we sometimes find on the shore, die from various diseases or from pollution of the water, from lack of oxygen in summer and freezing of the reservoir in winter.

Birds and factory chimneys can cripple fish so much that they then die. Sometimes only the remains of large specimens that died by their own death are found. The smallest species of fish by nature do not have a long lifespan. Pike, carp and catfish live the longest, as well as eel, if it lives in a closed reservoir.

Maximum lifespan of fish. The numbers were determined based on studies of individual fish in confined waters or the scales of wild-caught fish.
Amur - 18 years old.
Bull - 6 years old.
Eel - 10-15 years, and in a closed reservoir - 55 years.
Chub - 22 years old.
Yorsh - 11 years old.
Karas - 30 years old.
Stickleback - 2-4 years.
Rudd - 19 years old.
Lin - 30 years old.
Salmon - 6-10 years.
Bream - 20 years old.
Perch - 15 years.
Podust - 20 years.
Roach - 12 years old.
Rainbow trout - 7-11 years old.
Catfish - 100 years.
Sterlet - 46 years old.
Sudak - 14 years old.
Pike - 70-80 years.
Yelets - 16 years old.

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