Project work wind speed measurement. Research work “Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs? Wind geography report

Interesting 03.09.2019

Natalya Pankova
"Wind, wind, you are mighty!" Children's research project

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution

municipal formation city of Nyagan

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 4"Vesnyanka"

Wind, wind, you mighty!

research project


B. Yulia Vladimirovna

Z. Taisiya Alexandrovna

(senior group No. 7)


Pankova Natalya Alexandrovna



1. Introduction …3

2. Main body

2.1. From the history of windmills .... four

2.2. The influence of wind on human life .... 6

« Wind» …. 9

3. Conclusion…. ten

4. List of references…. …eleven

5. Application .... 12

1. Introduction

On a walk, the teacher told us about the wind and showed us a windmill, which is located on the territory of our kindergarten . Coming closer to her, we examined her. She seemed fabulous to us. We asked Natalia Alexandrovna: “Why do people need a windmill?” It turns out that it has been used by man since ancient times to grind wheat grains into flour. (2 slide)

Later we got acquainted with the fairy tale of H. H. Andersen "Windmill" and learned from the encyclopedia that for the operation of such mills you need wind. We became very interested and wanted to learn more about the wind.

Target research: the influence of wind on human life.

Tasks research:

Gather information where it comes from wind;

Find out how wind affects a person's life

Develop a memo .

Methods research:

observation in nature.

Reading educational literature.

Experimental activities.

Examining illustrations.

2. Main body (3slide)

2.1. From the history of windmills

We learned from history that a person uses everything that nature gives him, including wind. He has been doing this since ancient times, from there the first mention of windmills using the power of the wind comes from. Traces of such mills have been found in Egypt and China. Windmills were widespread in the middle lane and in the North of Russia. Large villages were surrounded by a ring of 20-30 mills, standing on high places open to the winds. Russian carpenters created many different and interesting options for mills. Windmills were used to grind grain into flour, groats.

From the literature, we have learned that wind is the movement of air. We became interested in how wind. To answer this question, we carried out the following experiments.

They attached thin strips of paper over the batteries and opened the window. The warm air from the battery rushed up, and the cold air from the window began to descend, and the strips of paper began to move.

We assumed that this is wind!

There is warm air in the room. He can fly, travel and climb. And the cold air is creeping in from the street. It is heavy, clumsy, therefore it remains near the ground and penetrates the room from below. It turns out that one air - warm, moves up, and towards it, from below, another cold one creeps. Where warm and cold air move and meet, wind.

In order to see how warm air rises, we made another experiment.

Cut out a snake from a piece of paper.

They lit a candle and began to hold our snake over it.

We saw how our snake began to spin and rise up.

Conclusion: The meeting of warm and cold air results in wind.

2.2. The influence of wind on human life

We became interested understand: wind - friend or foe? It is difficult to imagine life without wind, but when it is very strong, it can cause some inconvenience to a person.

We decided to find out and check what the force of the wind is and how it affects the height of the sea waves. To do this, we created an artificial sea in the group and launched boats in it.

We first played the part « breeze» . They blew on the water not much, like a weak light breeze, the wave was small, our ships sailed on the waves.

Then played the role "windfall". To do this, they took a lot of air into the lungs and blew it out with force into the water. The wave became big and the ships were shipwrecked.

Conclusion: the stronger wind on the sea the more dangerous swimming.

We learned that the wind can help, and interfere with all life on Earth.

Wind is a helper:

- wind disperses plant seeds;

- wind people use to generate electrical energy. They invented such installations - windmills;

You can play with the wind

(fly kites, play with turntables).

Wind is the destroyer(pest):

Destroys houses, overturns cars, uproots trees;

Spreads natural fires, carries burning materials in the direction of the wind;

Carries insects from their usual habitats (because they are often unable to fight the wind).

Conclusion: wind can be an assistant to people of animals, plants, and at the same time strong winds, hurricanes, may cause natural disasters.

2.3. Logical tasks on the topic « Wind»

We have learned to solve logical tasks on this topic « Wind» . Here are some of them:

Boy dressed to go to Kindergarten. Mom went to the closed window, looked out into the street and said: "What a strong wind! Dress warmer". How mom knew that the street is strong wind because the window was closed?

(answer options):

Mom saw that the trees were swaying strongly outside the window;

Mom noticed that there was a blizzard outside, a blizzard.

The boy woke up in the morning and saw a clear window in the window. blue sky and the sun. He ran to the window and exclaimed: "Oh, how strong the wind was at night. How did he know that the night was wind Did he sleep soundly at night?

He saw swept paths, broken tree branches.

3. Conclusion

We concluded:

- wind arises as a result of the movement of air, and a person uses it to his advantage from ancient times to the present;

- the wind is invisible, but felt by the breath, the movement of objects (trees sway, leaves fly, paper, etc.);

- wind contributes to the pollination of plants, the spread of seeds, the movement of sailing yachts;

- wind helps a person to endure extreme heat (blew breeze- it became easier to breathe);

For children, you can organize very Interesting games with the wind;

Very strong air movement dangerous: brings storms, hurricanes, which harms a person.

4. List of used literature

1. Andersen. G. X Fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians". - M.: "Education", 1994. - 30 p.

2. Korotkova N. A. Manual for educators kindergarten"Organization of cognitive research activities of older children preschool age. – M.: "Education" 2002. - 52 p.

3. Nishcheva N. V. Abstracts of classes on the formation of natural science ideas in preschoolers in different age groups. - St. Petersburg: LLC "Publishing house « Childhood - Press» , 2009. - 118 p.

4. Encyclopedia for children [T. 16]. Physics. Part 3. - M .: World of encyclopedias Avanta +, 2007. - 100s

5. Application

memo "Rules of conduct during a hurricane and a storm on the street"

2. Hide under the bridge, in the basement, cellar. Protect eyes, mouth and nose from sand and earth.

3. You can not climb onto the roof and hide in the attic.

4. If you are driving in a flat area, stop but do not leave the vehicle. Close its doors and windows more tightly.

5. If you are in public transport, leave it immediately and seek shelter

6. When the wind died down, do not immediately leave the shelter, as a squall may repeat in a few minutes.

7. Stay calm and don't panic, help the injured.

MOU "Chepkas - Nikolskaya basic comprehensive school"

Project work.

"Homemade anemometer"

Job done

Ilyin Evgeniy and

Vorobyov Mikhail


With. Chepkas - Nikolskoye - 2010


Build and test an instrument for measuring wind speed.

1. Wind is a source of energy.

2. History of the anemometer.

3. Types of anemometers.

5. Testing and measurement of wind speed.

6. Conclusions.

We are all familiar with such a natural phenomenon - the wind. The reason for its occurrence is also understandable: due to the difference in atmospheric pressure in different points Earth. From the area where the pressure is greater (and this is mainly due to the temperature difference in the atmosphere), air moves to where the pressure is lower. You can easily create the wind yourself. Blow up the balloon. There was more pressure inside him than around him. If you untie the ball, then the air will rush out, so there is a wind. How the wind behaves sometimes depends on human life. The most big disaster due to the fault of the wind occurred in 1970, when a hurricane killed almost the entire population on several islands in the Ganges Delta. The death toll is 1 million people. Tornado, tsunami, typhoon, hurricane, tornado - all this is the name of the winds that bring destruction and death to people. The speed of such winds is enormous: during a hurricane, the air mass overcomes a 30-meter distance every second, and in the center of the vortex, the speed is like that of a jet aircraft. The roofs of houses, trees, animals, people, if they find themselves in the zone of such a wind, are carried into the air like fluffs, and then are dropped from a great height to the ground. Knowing the harsh nature of the destructive winds, people have long sought to anticipate their visits in advance. As early as 900, in some European countries weathercocks appeared on churches and city towers, by which you can immediately find out where the wind is blowing from.

In 1667 Robert Hook invented an instrument for measuring wind speed - the anemometer. The word anemometer comes from the Greek word "avemos" - wind, and "meteo" - I measure.

Currently, several types of anemometers are known:

1. cup

2. paddle

3. thermal

The simplest is the cup anemometer, which consists of a cup vane mounted on an axle that is connected to a measuring mechanism. When an air flow occurs, the wind pushes the cups, which begin to spin around the axis." width="312" height="172 src=">

Thermal anemometer - the principle of operation is based on measuring the temperature difference on the "auxiliary wall". The magnitude of the temperature difference is proportional to the heat flux density. The temperature difference is measured using a tape thermocouple located inside the probe plate, which acts as an "auxiliary wall".

The industry also produces anemometers for school classrooms. Such devices should be in the classrooms of geography and physics. Unfortunately, our school (and a number of other schools in the area) did not have this device. Therefore, we asked ourselves the question: is it possible to make this device with our own hands from available parts. Looking through magazines, books and Internet pages, we found several descriptions of such a device.

One of them is the simplest, most reliable, battery-free, water-resistant anemometer made from:

A piece of thin fishing line 25 cm long;

Boards 12x12 cm with glued scale.

Of course - this is a primitive device, it has its drawbacks. Therefore, they did not limit themselves to manufacturing only such an anemometer, but tried to make a more advanced device. We called it the Easter anemometer, because as spinning cups we used an element from a souvenir - an Easter egg. Of course, more scientifically, this anemometer should be called electronic, because it uses the process of converting wind energy into electric current.

The schematic diagram of an electronic anemometer looks like this:

The device consists of a speed sensor made on a microelectric motor, a rectifier bridge, a sensor sensitivity regulator and an information display device - a milliammeter.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows. A small cup spinner is attached to the motor shaft. Under the action of the air flow, it is driven into rotation. In this case, an electric current appears in the motor winding. Its value is fixed by a milliammeter. Since the rotational speed of the propeller depends on the wind speed, and the magnitude of the current flowing in the measuring circuit of the device depends on the rotational speed of the rotor of the electric motor, the readings of the milliammeter can be converted from electrical quantities to the values ​​​​of air flow speeds (m / s). The diode bridge performs two functions in the device. Firstly, it allows electric motors of both direct and alternating current as a sensor, and secondly, when using a DC motor, there is no need to phase its outputs relative to the poles of the milliammeter tips.

Here, D 9 with any letter indices was used as diodes, a tuning resistor of the SDR-1 type with a resistance of 1-3 kOhm, an electric motor - any DC or AC micromotor, designed for an operating voltage of 3-10 V (from children's toys), a DC milliammeter with a measuring range of 0-1 mA. After preparing all the parts and assembling them, we tested the device in laboratory conditions, that is, in the physics room. With the help of an electric blower, an air flow was created, and an anemometer was installed along its path. By moving the anemometer away from the wind source, we noticed different milliammeter readings. This means that our device is working. It remains to calibrate the milliammeter scale. To do this, our device in calm weather was blown on a moving car.

First, we set the upper limit of the measured speeds; we have it corresponds to 20 m / s, i.e. the speed of the car should be 72 km / h, which was determined by the speedometer of the car. The car was driven by a physics teacher who followed the road and the speedometer reading, and we followed the milliammeter reading. At a speed of 72 km / h - by rotating the tuning resistor, we ensured that the milliammeter needle was opposite the extreme right division of the scale. Then, reducing the speed of the car to 54.36.18 km/h, the corresponding instrument readings were recorded. Then we made a new scale for the milliammeter on a sheet of paper according to our measurements, but already in (m / s). Already a milliammeter will show the wind speed. After checking, a second test was carried out on a moving car and at the same time the anemometer reading coincided with the speedometer reading of the car. So our device was ready for use.

The manufacture of this device requires very inexpensive parts (diodes, a milliammeter and an electric motor from an old or unnecessary toy), i.e., material costs are minimal. Even if you buy all the necessary parts in the store, you need 200-300 rubles. And if you buy a factory-made device, then this will require a significant amount of money (from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles). This means that our device is almost 20 times cheaper than the factory one !!!

This device can perform other functions:

1. Can be used to check the volume of the lungs (whoever blows harder has a larger lung capacity)

2. To show the transformation kinetic energy wind into electricity.

3. As a wind generator model.

If you don’t have an anemometer at school, make it yourself, we have literature and a little experience, we can help with this.


1. Khoroshavin - technical modeling. "Enlightenment" 1983

2. Shakhmaev experiment in high school. Enlightenment. 1991

3. Not a single lesson. Enlightenment 1991

4. Magazine " Young Technician» No. 4,7,9 for 1998

Application for work.

1. Table of measurement results.

“how does wind appear and can it be measured?”

Completed by: Derbina Daria,

4th grade student "b"

Head: Nomokonova I.G.,

teacher primary school

Novoorlovsk 2017


Relevance. I like to observe, ask questions and look for answers in encyclopedias, entertaining popular science television programs. I am interested in learning about the mysteries and secrets of some phenomena. That's why I enjoyed studying it amazing phenomenon nature is the wind.

The theme of the wind has always been and is relevant. People have always dreamed of taming the wind. And to make sure that he was not a destroyer, but worked for the benefit of people. When I first learned about the wind, I was interested in the question of how the wind appears and whether it can be measured. In my research, I tried to find answers to all these questions.

Target: learn about the natural phenomenon "wind", about the causes of its occurrence, and how to measure it.


    Having studied and analyzed the literature, get acquainted with the concept of "wind", establish the causes of its occurrence;

    Get acquainted with some types of winds, devices that allow you to measure wind speed and determine its direction;

    Conduct observations and experiments.

    Find out the role of the wind and the possibility of using it by man;

Object of study: wind.

Subject of study: wind speed and direction.

Hypothesis: wind is the movement of air.

The novelty of the study is that I found out in experiments the influence different temperatures on the movement of air, proved one of the causes of the occurrence of wind and in practice saw how a person uses the wind for his own purposes.

Work description

The research paper presents the main causes of wind. The paper considers various types of winds and their influence on human life, on living and non-living things. wildlife. The work contains observations and experiments proving the causes of wind.

    Theoretical part. What is wind.

The role of wind in nature and in our life

Wind is a stream of air moving relative to the earth's surface at a speed of over 0.6 m/s. This is a predominantly horizontal movement of air from an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure to an area of ​​low atmospheric pressure.

Wind is the movement of air caused by uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the Sun. And everything that moves has energy. Wind energy has played an important role in human development. Since ancient times, people have used wind energy for both peaceful and military purposes. 5,000 years before the birth of Christ, the ancient Egyptians used the wind to sail across the Nile in a boat. Thus the sailing ship was invented. It was thanks to sailing ships that all the great geographical discoveries were made. Thanks to sailing ships that sailed due to the wind, for the first time it became possible to travel long distances across the seas and oceans.

Hot air balloons, also propelled by the wind, were the first to allow air travel, and modern aircraft use the wind to increase lift and save fuel.

Winds can also influence the formation of landforms, causing deposits that form various types of soils or erosion. They can carry sand and dust from deserts over long distances. The winds disperse plant seeds and aid the movement of flying animals, which lead to the expansion of species into new territory. Wind-related phenomena affect wildlife in a variety of ways. Great aesthetic value of the wind. Feeling the gentle, gentle, light, summer breeze on a hot day is a pleasure.

The wind made the windmills work. There is an opinion that even before our era, a windmill was invented in China. But confirmed information about the use of wind energy for domestic purposes came to us from Persia. The Persians used the wind and windmills to grind grain around 200 BC.

However, winds can also be unsafe, as wind gradients can cause loss of aircraft control, fast winds, as well as the large waves caused by them, on large bodies of water often lead to the destruction of piece buildings, and in some cases the winds can increase the scale of the fire.

Wind Meaning

1. The wind drives clouds and clouds (otherwise, rain and snow would only be above the water surface).

2. Cleans the air (takes away from our planet exhaust car gases, smoke from factories).

3. Generates electricity (for a long time people have built windmills. Polar explorers, for example, use wind turbines to generate heat and light).

4. Participates in the formation of relief.

5. Carries plant seeds over a long distance.

How does the wind

There are several reasons for the appearance of wind:

1. Pressure drops. Without the sun, there would be no wind. The sun heats up the air. Hot air rises. Because of this, in that region of the Earth where the air is warmed up, atmospheric pressure decreases. Arisescyclone . Rising into the upper atmosphere, the air cools and begins to descend, creating an area of ​​high pressure. Such areas are calledanticyclones . From the center of the anticyclone, the air spreads to the outskirts and moves to the area of ​​low pressure -cyclone .

2. Coriolis force. Discovered by the French scientist Gustav Coriolis, the force is generated by the rotation of the Earth. When we are in the Northern Hemisphere, the Earth spins counterclockwise under our feet. The Earth itself rotates faster than the atmosphere around it. Therefore, when the Earth moves in the Northern Hemisphere, the wind deviates to the right. And in the Southern Hemisphere - on the contrary, to the left.

3. Heat and cold. Another reason why winds occur is a periodic change in temperature in any place.

When I was at sea, I was worried about the question: why does the water feel cool during the day, and in the evening, when a light fresh breeze begins to blow, does the water in the sea remain warm? On this occasion, I turned to my mother. She explained to me that this phenomenon is called a breeze.

I read in the encyclopedia that there are daytime and nighttime breezes. During the day, when the sun is shining, the land heats up faster, and the body of water slower. Warm air that forms over land rises. An area of ​​low pressure is created. Above the surface of the water, the air is heavier and colder. That is why in the summer it blows coolness from the side of the water. Here area high pressure, Cold air from the sea rushes to the land: from the area of ​​high pressure to the area of ​​low pressure. A wind is formed, which is called the day breeze.

At night it's the other way around. Land cools faster than water. Cold air condenses and forms an area of ​​high pressure. The water surface heated during the day cools down more slowly. This is where a low pressure area forms. Air will move from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure, i.e. from land to water. There is a night breeze.

A breeze is considered a gentle wind. The sea breeze begins to blow around 10 am. And coastal - after sunset.

4. Eternal wind. The earth is constantly blown by the so-called prevailing winds. At the equator, the air heats up and rises. It spreads towards the tropics. This creates an anti-trade wind. Cooling down, the air returns to the equator. Such a wind is called a trade wind. Winds also occur at the poles of the Earth. Cold air moves from them to the equator. And then rises and returns to the poles. Monsoon is a wind that changes its direction twice a year according to the seasons: in summer it blows from ocean to land, and in winter it blows from land to ocean.

In addition, the prevailing winds occur in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. They are called jet streams. These winds blow in winter. They arise due to a strong temperature difference between the hot equatorial and cold polar regions of the Earth.

Wind characteristic

What can the wind do? Make noise, shake trees, rustle leaves, howl, whistle, raise dust, etc.

But the wind can be strong, destructive, evil - it's a hurricane, a tornado storm. Such winds cause enormous damage: they uproot trees, destroy houses, knock down power line masts, overturn cars. Not without human sacrifice.

This means that wind is the movement of air, which is characterized by speed. To determine it, sailors use the Beaufort scale, consisting of 12 points, where zero means completely calm, and 12 points is a hurricane (see. Fig.).

Wind is characterized by strength (speed) and direction. The direction of the wind in meteorology is determined by the side of the horizon from which it blows. There are usually eight wind directions. Four cardinal points: north, south, west, east. And four intermediate wind directions: northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast.

In addition to direction, another characteristic of the wind is its speed. It shows how many meters a layer of air moves in 1 second. The greater the difference in atmospheric pressure between different areas, the faster the air moves.

The strength of the wind (in other words, speed) depends on the height at which the wind blows and on atmospheric pressure. The greater the temperature difference between air masses, the stronger the wind. Wind speed is measured in meters per second, kilometers per hour or points (1 point equals 2 m/s). So at wind speeds up to 1 m/s, it is considered that there is no wind. The average long-term wind speed near the earth's surface is 4-9 m/s. Wind speed of 5-8 m/s is consideredmoderate, above 14 m/s – strong, above 20-25 m/s – storm, above 30-35 m/s – hurricane .

Winds bring air to a certain area that is different in temperature and humidity, therefore, they affect the change in weather in the region.

The wind can be both a friend and an enemy of man. This natural phenomenon is being studied so that the power of the wind can be used for useful deeds and warn people of impending danger.

    Practical part.

Instruments that determine the direction and strength of the wind

The wind speed is highly variable: it changes not only over a long time, but also over short periods of time (within an hour, minute, and even a second) by a large amount.

Wind speed and direction are measured using special meteorological instruments - a weather vane and an anemometer.

The simplest device for determining the direction of the wind is a weather vane, but modern meteorologists use a wind indicator device - an anemometer, popularly called a "sorcerer", which is a cone made of fabric. It is used to determine the strength and direction of the wind, for example, at airports. And it is called scientifically "windsock". Such a vitality of this simple device is due to the fact that all the necessary data can be determined from it at a glance. Where the cone points is where the wind blows. And how much the fabric sags shows the approximate wind speed.

You can also navigate by the angle of the cone relative to the ground.

The first strip rises horizontally with a breeze of 3 knots (5.6 km/h, 3.5 mph). With such a minimum wind speed, the sorcerer begins to show its direction

Second lane - 6 knots (11km/h, 6.9 mph)

Third bar - 9 knots (16.7 km/h, 10.4 mph)

Fourth bar - 12 knots (22.2 km/h, 13.8 km/h)

Last strip - 15 knots (28 km/h, 17 mph) or more

In addition, it is very simple to build such a meteorological instrument.

On the Internet, I found instructions and drawings on how to make my own hands

In order to make a windsock, you need, firstly, a long narrow fabric pipe. For this purpose, we used polyethylene, or rather, garbage bags, in which we simply cut the bottom and glued them into a long sausage one after another using adhesive tape. The total length turned out to be about two meters. Then we fixed it on a wire frame. And in order to know exactly the direction of the wind, we made a wind rose - on a computer disk we drew with a marker all the cardinal directions and arranged them in accordance with the cardinal points. To make the pointer rotate easily, dad attached a small bearing to the disk. We installed this entire structure on a plastic tube and tied it to the balcony railing. My home weather station is ready!

I recorded all the data in the observation diary using the rule:The meteorological direction of the wind is the direction opposite to that indicated by the wind indicator. . That is, in the observation diary it is necessary to note not WHERE the wind blows, but FROM.

Conclusion: wind speeds observed over short periods of time from a few seconds to 5 minutes are calledinstant or actual . Wind speeds obtained as arithmetic averages from instantaneous speeds are called average wind speeds. If you add up the measured wind speeds during the day and divide by the number of measurements, you getaverage daily wind speed .

If we add up the average daily wind speeds for the entire month and divide this amount by the number of days of the month, we getaverage monthly wind speed . Adding the average monthly rates and dividing the sum by twelve months, we getaverage annual wind speed .(Attachment 1)

I learned how to determine the direction of the wind with the help of a self-made windsock. But there are many more signs by which you can determine the strength and direction of the wind, for example, by the direction of smoke from a chimney, by the movement of branches on trees. If there is no wind, the smoke from the chimney rises straight up, the branches of the trees are motionless. In a strong wind, not only branches sway, but also the tops of trees, trunks, and the smoke deviates sharply to the side

General conclusion

In the course of studying the causes of the appearance of wind and the very concept of wind in found out that:

    Wind is a predominantly horizontal movement of air from an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure to an area of ​​low atmospheric pressure at a speed of over 0.6 m/s.

    The wind disperses clouds and clouds (otherwise rain and snow would only be above the water surface) and thus affects the change in the weather.

    The wind is characterized by strength, direction and speed, so it can bring not only benefits, but can also become a formidable destroyer.

    I learned how to determine the direction of the wind with the help of a self-made windsock. But there are many more indications nature which can be used to determine the strength and direction of the wind.


In the course of my research work, I learned a lot about such a magical natural phenomenon as the wind. I learned where it comes from, what types it happens, how you can determine its strength, direction and speed.

Thus, having studied all the positive and negative aspects of the wind, I came to the conclusion that the wind has a huge impact on humans and wildlife. It is also the most important factor in shaping the climate on planet Earth. If there were no wind, the Earth would look completely different, the locations would be different. climatic zones people would live differently.

References, Internet sources:

    Likum A. Everything about everything. Popular encyclopedia for children. Moscow: Slovo, 1993.

    Kalashnikov V.I. Miracles of nature. On the ground and in the air. Moscow: White City, 2005.

    Galileo. Science through experience. Moscow: De Agostini, 2011

    Planet Earth. Encyclopedia. Moscow: Rosmen, 2010

    Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language.

Attachment 1

B about fort scale , conditional scale for visual evaluation strength (speed) of the wind in points according to its action on ground objects or on waves at sea. It was developed by the English admiral F. Beaufort in 1806 and at first was used only by him. In 1874 the Standing Committee of the First Meteorological Congress accepted B. sh. for use in international synoptic practice. In subsequent years, B. sh. changed and refined. In 1963, the World Meteorological Organization adopted the B. sh., shown in the table. B. sh. widely used in maritime navigation.

Wind strength near the earth's surface on the Beaufort scale (at a standard height of 10m over an open flat surface)

Beauffort points

Verbal definition of wind strength

Wind speed, m/s

wind action

on the land

on the sea



Calm. Smoke rises vertically

Mirror-smooth sea



The direction of the wind is noticeable by the drift of the smoke, but not by the weather vane

Ripples, no foam on the ridges



The movement of the wind is felt by the face, the leaves rustle, the weather vane is set in motion

Short waves, crests do not tip over and appear glassy



Leaves and thin branches of trees are constantly swaying, the wind is waving the top flags

Short, well defined waves. Combs, tipping over, form a vitreous foam, occasionally small white lambs are formed



The wind raises dust and pieces of paper, sets in motion the thin branches of trees.

The waves are elongated, white lambs are visible in many places



Thin tree trunks sway, waves with crests appear on the water

Well developed in length, but not very large waves, white lambs are visible everywhere (splashes form in some cases)



Thick tree branches sway, telegraph wires hum

Large waves begin to form. White frothy ridges occupy large areas (splatter is likely)



Tree trunks sway, it's hard to go against the wind

Waves pile up, crests break, foam falls in stripes in the wind

Very strong


The wind breaks the branches of trees, it is very difficult to go against the wind

Moderately high long waves. On the edges of the ridges, spray begins to take off. Stripes of foam lie in rows in the direction of the wind



Minor damage; the wind rips off the smoke caps and roof tiles

high waves. Foam in wide dense stripes lays down in the wind. The crests of the waves begin to capsize and crumble into spray that impair visibility.

Heavy storm


Significant destruction of buildings, trees uprooted. Rarely on land

Very high waves with long downward curved crests. The resulting foam is blown away by the wind big flakes in the form of thick white stripes. The surface of the sea is white with foam. The strong roar of the waves is like blows. Visibility is poor

Violent storm


Large destruction over a large area. Very rare on land

Exceptionally high waves. Small to medium sized boats are sometimes out of sight. The sea is all covered with long white flakes of foam, which are located in the wind. The edges of the waves are everywhere blown into foam. Visibility is poor


32.7 and more

The air is filled with foam and spray. The sea is covered with strips of foam. Very poor visibility

I really like educational television programs about our planet and life on Earth. I love to observe, ask questions and look for answers. From early childhood, my family introduced me to encyclopedias, which reveal exciting questions. I like to reveal the mysteries and secrets of some phenomena. That is why I gladly undertook the study of this topic. I want to do research and understand this amazing natural phenomenon - the wind.
The theme of the wind has always been and is relevant. People have always dreamed of taming the wind. And make sure that it works for the benefit of people. When I first learned about the wind, I was interested in the question of how the wind appears and whether it can be tamed. In my research, I have made efforts to answer all these questions.

Target: learn about the natural phenomenon "wind", about the causes of its occurrence, the impact on human life and the world around.

To get acquainted with the concept of "Wind", to establish the causes of its occurrence;
Get acquainted with some types of winds, devices that allow you to measure wind speed and determine its direction;
Find out the role of the wind and the possibility of using it by man;
study and analyze the literature on the topic.
make observations and experiments.

Object of study: wind.

Hypothesis: wind is the movement of air.
The novelty of the study is that I have experimentally established the influence of various temperatures on the movement of air, proved one of the causes of the occurrence of wind and in practice saw how a person uses the wind for his own purposes.

Work description:
The research paper presents the main causes of wind. The paper considers various types of winds and their influence on human life, living and inanimate nature. The work contains observations and experiments proving the causes of wind.

What is wind. The role of wind in nature and in our life
Wind is a stream of air moving relative to the earth's surface at a speed of over 0.6 m/s. This is a predominantly horizontal movement of air from an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure to an area of ​​low atmospheric pressure.
Wind is the movement of air, and everything that moves has energy. Wind energy has played an important role in human development. Since ancient times, people have used wind energy for both peaceful and military purposes. 5,000 years before the birth of Christ, the ancient Egyptians used the wind to sail across the Nile in a boat. Thus the sailing ship was invented. It was thanks to sailing ships that all the great geographical discoveries were made. special role in history, but no longer in peaceful purposes, played the Scandinavian version of the use of wind. In the 9th century AD, the Vikings crossed the North Sea in light sailing ships and terrorized Western Europe. It was difficult for the local population to resist them. The appearance of light and fast boats horrified everyone.
Thanks to sailing ships that sailed due to the wind, for the first time it became possible to travel long distances across the seas and oceans. Hot air balloons, also propelled by the wind, were the first to allow air travel, and modern aircraft use the wind to increase lift and save fuel.
Winds can also influence the formation of landforms, causing eolian deposits that form various types of soils (for example, loess) or erosion. They can carry sand and dust from deserts over long distances. The winds disperse plant seeds and aid the movement of flying animals, which lead to the expansion of species into new territory. Wind-related phenomena affect wildlife in a variety of ways. Great aesthetic value of the wind. Feeling the gentle, gentle, light, summer breeze on a hot day is a pleasure.
The wind made the windmills work. There is an opinion that even before our era, a windmill was invented in China. But confirmed information about the use of wind energy for domestic purposes came to us from Persia. The Persians used the wind and windmills to grind grain around 200 BC.
The development of technologies for the use of wind energy leads to the fact that many countries have moved from single installations of wind "mills" to the formation of multi-hectare "wind fields" on which hundreds of wind turbines are installed at a close distance from each other. This is how the so-called wind farms are created.
The situation with wind energy in our country, which is so rich in winds and fields, leaves much to be desired. And if until the 60s there were good results in the exploitation of wind energy, then after that the emphasis was placed on the construction of a hydroelectric power station (hydroelectric power station), thermal power station (thermal power plant) and nuclear power plant (nuclear power plant). And only after a series of problems and accidents at large nuclear power plants, already in the 90s, scientists were able to reach out to the government with proposals for the introduction of safe energy production from renewable sources. But the economic crisis of the 90s did not give an opportunity for the development of this industry in our country. A few years later, all developments in this area were completely forgotten. In order to continue the introduction of wind turbines now, you will have to start all over from the very beginning or borrow already working technologies from more developed countries.
However, winds can also be unsafe, as wind gradients can cause loss of control over the aircraft, fast winds, as well as large waves caused by them, often lead to the destruction of piece buildings on large bodies of water, and in some cases, winds can increase the scale of a fire.

How does the wind
There are several reasons for the appearance of wind:
1. Pressure drops. Without the sun, there would be no wind. The sun heats up the air. Hot air rises. Because of this, in that region of the Earth where the air is warmed up, atmospheric pressure decreases. There is a cyclone. Rising into the upper atmosphere, the air cools and begins to descend, creating an area of ​​high pressure. Such areas are called anticyclones. From the center of the anticyclone, the air spreads to the outskirts and moves to the area of ​​low pressure - the cyclone.

2. Coriolis force. Discovered by the French scientist Gustav Coriolis, the force is generated by the rotation of the Earth. When we are in the Northern Hemisphere, the Earth spins counterclockwise under our feet. The Earth itself rotates faster than the atmosphere around it. Therefore, when the Earth moves in the Northern Hemisphere, the wind deviates to the right. And in the Southern Hemisphere - on the contrary, to the left.

3. Heat and cold. Another reason why winds occur is a periodic change in temperature in any place. For example, during the day the soil heats up faster than the sea. There is a pressure difference, and the wind starts blowing towards the land: this is the sea breeze. After sunset, the land cools quickly. Therefore, the wind blows from the shore. The sea breeze begins to blow around 10 am. And coastal - after sunset.

4. Eternal wind. The earth is constantly blown by the so-called prevailing winds. At the equator, the air heats up and rises. It spreads towards the tropics. This creates an anti-trade wind. Cooling down, the air returns to the equator. Such a wind is called a trade wind. Winds also occur at the poles of the Earth. Cold air moves from them to the equator. And then rises and returns to the poles. In addition, the prevailing winds occur in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. They are called jet streams. These winds blow in winter. They arise due to a strong temperature difference between the hot equatorial and cold polar regions of the Earth.

Wind characteristic
Wind is characterized by strength (speed) and direction. The direction of air movement is determined by the interaction of several forces. These are the Coriolis force (taking into account the influence of the Earth's rotation on moving air), gravity, gradient force, pressure force and centrifugal force. The direction of the wind in meteorology is determined by the side of the horizon from which it blows.
The strength of the wind (in other words, speed) depends on the height at which the wind blows and on atmospheric pressure. The greater the temperature difference between air masses, the stronger the wind. Wind speed is measured in meters per second, kilometers per hour or points (1 point equals 2 m/s). The average long-term wind speed near the earth's surface is 4-9 m/s. Wind with a speed of 5-8 m/s is considered moderate, above 14 m/s - strong, above 20-25 m/s - a storm, above 30-35 m/s - a hurricane.
The wind speed is highly variable: it changes not only over a long time, but also over short periods of time (within an hour, minute, and even a second) by a large amount.
Wind speeds observed over short periods of time from a few seconds to 5 minutes are called instantaneous or real. Wind speeds obtained as arithmetic averages from instantaneous speeds are called average wind speeds. If you add up the measured wind speeds during the day and divide by the number of measurements, you get the average daily wind speed. If we add up the average daily wind speeds for the entire month and divide this amount by the number of days of the month, we get the average monthly wind speed. Adding the average monthly speeds and dividing the sum by twelve months, we get the average annual wind speed.

Devices for determining the direction and strength of the wind
Wind speeds are measured using instruments called anemometers. Anemometer - a device for measuring the speed of wind and gas flows by the number of revolutions, rotating under the action of the wind of the turntable.
The simplest anemometer that allows you to determine the instantaneous wind speeds and is called the simplest weather vane-anemometer.
It consists of a metal board swinging about a horizontal axis a, fixed on a vertical stand b. On the side of the board, on the same axis, a, a sector is fixed, with eight pins. On the rack b below the sector, a weather vane d is fixed, which all the time sets the board with the plane facing the wind. Under the action of the latter, the board deviates and passes by the pins, each of which indicates a certain wind speed. Rack b with a weather vane d rotates along the sleeve d, in which 4 long rods are fixed in a horizontal plane, indicating the main countries of the world: north, south, east and west, and between them 4 short ones, pointing to the northeast, northwest, south -east and southwest. Thus, with the help of a weather vane-anemometer, it is possible to simultaneously determine both the speed and direction of the wind.
It is convenient to determine the average wind speeds for short and long periods of time with an anemometer from the Metrpribor plant. It consists of a cross with hemispheres, put on an axis, which is engaged with a gear, placed in a box with a dial.
The axes of the gears are displayed on the dial and have arrows at their ends showing on the scale the path traveled by the wind for a given period of time. By dividing the number shown by the hands on the dial by the number of seconds the anemometer rotated, we get the wind speed per second for the observed period.

Types of winds
Winds are classified primarily by their strength, duration and direction. Thus, gusts are considered to be short-term (several seconds) and strong movements of air. Strong winds of medium duration (about 1 minute) are called squalls. The names of longer winds depend on the strength, for example, such names are breeze, storm, storm, hurricane, typhoon.
Wind duration also varies greatly: some thunderstorms can last several minutes, breezes that depend on the difference in heating features of the relief throughout the day last several hours, global winds caused by seasonal temperature changes - monsoons - last several months, while global winds, caused by temperature difference in different latitudes and the Coriolis force, they blow constantly and are called the trade winds. Monsoons and trade winds are the winds that make up the general and local circulation of the atmosphere.
A hurricane is a wind of destructive force (more than 30 m/s) and of considerable duration, typical for tropical latitudes.
A storm is a type of hurricane. The wind speed during a storm is not much less than the speed of a hurricane (up to 25-30 m/s). Losses and destruction from storms are significantly less than from hurricanes. Sometimes strong storm called a storm.
A typhoon is a type of tropical cyclone that is typical of the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
Flurry - a short-term strong gusty wind with a speed of up to 20-30 m / s, often with a thunderstorm and a downpour. The wind is not homogeneous in its structure. It can be jet (laminar), when air layers move without mixing, i.e. their particles do not pass from layer to layer. This movement of air usually occurs in light winds. If the wind speed exceeds 4 m / s, then the air particles begin to move randomly, its layers are mixed and the air movement becomes turbulent. The higher the wind speed, the greater the turbulence, the greater the speed jumps at individual points of the air flow and the more gusty the wind becomes, squalls occur.
A squally wind is characterized not only by frequent and sharp fluctuations in speed, but also by strong individual gusts lasting up to several minutes. A wind that sharply increases its speed for a very short period of time against a background of light wind or calm is called a squall. Most often, squalls occur during the passage of powerful cumulonimbus clouds and are often accompanied by thunderstorms and showers.
The main cause of a squall is the interaction of the ascending air flow in the front of the cumulonimbus cloud and the descending air, cooled by heavy rain, in its rear part, resulting in a characteristic swirling shaft with a vortex under it, reinforced by the vortices of neighboring air layers.
Vertical eddies in a thundercloud can form tornadoes. When the speed of such a vortex reaches 100 m/s, the lower part of the cloud in the form of a funnel descends to the underlying surface (ground or water), towards the rising dust or water column. A meeting with a tornado is dangerous: having great destructive power and rotating in a spiral, it can lift up everything that is in its path. The height of the tornado reaches more than 1000 meters, the horizontal speed is 30-40 km/h. Therefore, when you see a tornado, you need to determine the direction of its movement and immediately go to the side. Sometimes a tornado can form without thunderclouds. In this case, it does not originate from a cloud, but on the surface of the earth or sea, often with a cloudless sky. These are "good weather" tornadoes. They break down quickly and are almost harmless. Often, their existence can be more quickly noticed by the characteristic whistling sound that is heard when it moves than seen.
Air, air masses are in constant motion, which constantly changes both its speed and direction. But on a global, planetary scale, this movement has a clearly defined pattern, which is determined by the general circulation of the atmosphere, which depends on the distribution of atmospheric pressure in vast areas the globe- from the tropics to the polar zones.

Prevailing winds (Permanent winds)
Constant winds are caused by the Coriolis force and always blow in the same direction.
The trade winds are the first in the category of prevailing winds, i.e. constantly blowing in certain areas for a certain period of time. The speed and direction of the prevailing winds is determined from long-term observations for each sea or sea area.
In the equatorial zone, the warm air of the tropics rises, which leads to the formation of a wind at the border of the troposphere, called the antitrade wind. The anti-trade wind spreads in the direction of the poles, respectively, to the north and south.
The cooled air masses of the antitrade winds settle on the surface of the earth, creating in the subtropics high blood pressure and the wind, called the trade wind, which rushes into the equatorial zone.
Under the influence of the Coriolis force, the trade winds northern hemisphere receive a northeasterly direction, and the southern hemisphere (except for the northern part of the Indian Ocean, where seasonal monsoon winds blow) - a southeasterly direction. The speed of the trade winds is also constant and reaches 5-10 m/s.
In the equatorial zone, the trade winds weaken and turn east. Therefore, between the trade winds of both hemispheres, a calm zone arises (in the Atlantic "horse latitudes"), characterized by low pressure, thunderstorms and showers, calm. In latitudes 40-60° of both hemispheres, winds of the western quarter prevail. They are less stable (from NW to SE), but much stronger (10-15 m/s or 6-7 points). In the southern hemisphere, where the westerly winds go around the entire oceans, lay the main routes for sailing ships to sail from Europe to Australia and back to Europe around the Cape of Good Hope and the meat of the Horn. For their strength, frequency (up to 50%) and frequent storms, these winds were nicknamed "brave west", and latitudes - "thundering forties" and "roaring sixties".
In the subpolar regions of both hemispheres, where the cold air masses of the upper layers of the troposphere settle, forming the so-called polar maxima, southeasterly and easterly winds prevail.
The following winds also belong to the prevailing winds: breezes, foehn, simum.
Breezes are formed under the influence of uneven heating of land and sea. Breeze - During the day it blows from the sea to the coast, and at night it blows from the coast to the sea.
The area essential for the formation of breezes is located in the coastal strip of the seas (about 30-40 km). At night, the wind blows from the coast to the sea (coastal breeze), and during the day, on the contrary, from the sea to land. The sea breeze begins around 10 am, and the coastal breeze - after sunset. The breeze belongs to the winds of vertical development and at a height of several hundred meters it blows in reverse side. The intensity of the breeze depends on the weather. On hot summer days, the sea breeze has a moderate strength of up to 4 points (4-7 m/s), the coastal breeze is much weaker.
On land, breezes can also be observed. At night, near the surface of the earth, there is a draft of air from the field to the forest, and at the height of the crowns of trees - from the forest to the field.
Hairdryer - warm strong wind blowing from high mountains into the valleys. It is observed near the coast of Crimea and the Caucasus mainly in spring.
Samum is a sultry wind in the desert.

local winds
Another category of winds is local, blowing only in this place or several places on the globe, arise when thermal conditions change for some time or under the influence of the terrain (the nature of the underlying surface). Representative of the second type local winds it is necessary to name, first of all, boron, Baku Nord, sirocco.
Bora is a very strong wind that blows down the mountainside in areas where the mountain range borders on the warm sea.
Cold air rushes down to the sea at high speed, sometimes reaching the strength of a hurricane. AT winter time, at low temperatures causes icing. It is observed in the Novorossiysk region, off the coast of Dalmatia (Adriatic Sea) and on Novaya Zemlya. In some mountainous regions, for example, in the Caucasus in the region of Leninakan, or in the Andes, such a phenomenon is observed daily when, after sunset from mountain peaks surrounding the valley, masses of cold air rush down. Gusts of wind reach such force that it blows off tents, and a sharp and strong drop in temperature can lead to hypothermia.
Baku north - a cold north wind in the Baku zone, blowing in summer and winter, reaches storm, and often hurricane force (20-40 m / s), bringing clouds of sand and dust from the coast.
Sirocco is a very warm and humid wind that originates in Africa and blows in the Central part mediterranean sea accompanied by cloudiness and precipitation.

seasonal winds
Monsoon - steady winds that periodically change their direction; in summer they blow from the ocean, in winter from land; characteristic of tropical regions and some coastal countries temperate zone (Far East).
Monsoons are continental in nature and arise due to the difference in atmospheric pressure during uneven heating of land and sea in summer and winter. (Annex 17).
Under the influence of the Coriolis force in the northern hemisphere, the summer monsoons of the Pacific Ocean off the east coast of Asia deviate to the southeast, and in the Indian Ocean - to the southwest. These monsoons bring cloudy weather from the ocean to the Far East, with frequent rains, drizzle and fogs. Long and heavy rains fall on the southern coast of Asia at this time, which leads to frequent floods.
Winter monsoons reverse their direction. AT pacific ocean they blow from the northwest, and in Indian - from the northeast towards the ocean. Wind speed during monsoons is uneven. Winter northeast monsoons coincide with the trade winds of the northern hemisphere, but their speed does not exceed 10 m/s. But the summer monsoons of the Indian Ocean reach storm strength. Change of monsoons - occurs in April-May and October-November.

Research project "Mysterious wind"

Gainetdinova Olesya Kamilevna, educator Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten No. 21, Tuymazy Republic of Bashkortostan, Tuymazy city

Relevance: what is wind? Science gives the following explanation: this is the horizontal movement of layers of air from a zone of high atmospheric pressure into the low zone, accompanied by a certain speed. But how to explain this to a child who, from all of the above, will understand only a word "layer" , and then only because, due to her age, she has a sweet tooth and loves cakes. This is what prompted me to undertake this research paper on how accessible "language" explain to children what wind is.

The purpose of the project: to get acquainted with one of the most mysterious phenomena nature - by the wind in a simple and accessible form, and together with the children to see and understand its basic properties.


  1. familiarity with the concept "wind" ;
  2. build classes in such a way that it is clear to children why the wind arises, what properties it has and how it affects the lives of people and nature as a whole;
  3. teach children to define the wind in different ways;
  4. activate vocabulary, exercising children in the selection of adjectives, verbs for the word "wind" ;
  5. introduce children to a wide variety fiction, riddles, nursery rhymes, proverbs, signs and songs about the wind;
  6. arouse interest and curiosity while observing real natural objects and to experiment with them;
  7. teach them to think and do independently;
  8. to prepare visual-developing aids on this topic together with parents;
  9. to instill in children an interest in the nature around us.

Methods of organizing experimental - experimental activities

  1. Verbal - reading poems, stories, sayings and proverbs, signs, memorizing poems, guessing riddles, talking on the topic: "Wind" .
  2. Visual - observations during walks, looking at pictures and photographs, showing educational cartoons about the wind.
  3. Practical - games - experiments, making turntables, weather vanes, a guide to determining the wind for the calendar of nature, acquaintance with outdoor and board games on the topic "Wind" .

Object of study: wind.

Product of work: a weather vane at the kindergarten site, turntables made of waste material, a guide to determining the wind for the nature calendar, games "Breathing Trainers" .

Research hypothesis: with the help of simple and accessible experiments, children learn that wind is the movement of air; the vocabulary of children is replenished with such words as wind, turntable, weather vane, mill, etc .; continue to learn to solve riddles about the wind; get a brighter and more complete picture of the wind while getting acquainted with proverbs, signs, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poems and songs.

Stages of project activity

STAGE 1 - preparatory.

Determine the goal, objectives, available techniques and methods, study the necessary literature, draw up an activity plan.

STAGE 2 - project implementation.

Our first close encounter with the wind happened at an organized educational activities during the Republican Conference. After this activity, the children often asked a question about the wind. So we decided to dedicate some time to watching the wind.

Children already knew that the wind is the movement of air and it is invisible. We only watch how he moves things. In autumn we watched him "plays" with leaves, and in winter with snowflakes. Sometimes, for the purpose of the experiment, the children and I hung ribbons on the branches of trees and with their help we could determine the presence and direction of the wind. We also watched the clouds in the sky, how under the influence of the wind they float across the sky and change their shape.

In the group, we had conversations about what kind of wind is: light, warm, cold, frosty, etc. In order to show children how to create wind by hand, we made paper fans. Children fanned themselves with them, and the wind turned out.

With children, we listened to audio recordings of the wind at sea, in fields, forests, got acquainted with the characteristics of the wind - strong and weak.

We got acquainted with the variety of fiction devoted to the wind. Here and fairy tales "Wind and Flower" , "Sun and wind" K.D. Ushinsky, "How the wind was looking for a friend" Iris Revue, Latvian fairy tale "Sun, frost and wind" .

Now there are a large number of poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, signs about the wind, which we get acquainted with weekly. Children learn to invent riddles themselves, including those about the wind.

Together with their parents, the children made turntables with which we go for a walk. Cognitive in this toy was that at different ends of the site it was spinning either faster or slower, but somewhere it was motionless. Thus, we showed the children that the wind does not blow everywhere with the same force and you can hide from it.

In our kindergarten we use TRIZ methods and techniques, we took some of them as an introduction to the wind. One of these methods is the game "Good bad" . The teacher with the children highlight the positive and negative aspects of the wind: positive - carries seeds, helps sailing ships, brings rain, makes the windmill work, you can play with the wind - fly kites, play with turntables, etc .; negative - destroys houses, overturns everything in its path, breaks trees. All this is accompanied real stories from life, for example, how in 1970 in Bangladesh the wind killed 1,000,000 people, or how in Mexico City, on the contrary, the wind saved 20 million people. human. I also used the TRIZ game "What would happen if there was no wind?" and "If I were the wind, then..." .

In the library we were told that more than 100 years ago we also had a mill in Tuymazy, which was called "Batyrshina" .

At organized educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development, children drew "Wind in the Forest" , one of the children drew trees with flying leaves in the air, others drew trees with inclined trunks, and one girl drew a hare that hid behind a tree from the wind!

I made a game “Who, who lives in the little house?” . The essence of the game is that animals live in the little house, and who exactly we can find out if the window opens. And here is a riddle for children: "How to open a window without touching it with your hands?" . Of course, just blow on the window. And then the children joyfully shout out the inhabitants of their houses. For a change, you can then beat this game further, for example, let all the domestic animals gather next to the house, and the wild ones next to the tree, or each one will tell about his resident: name the cub, what he eats, ...

We learned poems about the wind with the children, we are learning to tell it with expression and intonation.

The grass is leaning.
Leaves rustle all day.
And the trees themselves
Move branches.

Our colorful kite
Became more agile, more fun -
He flies and jumps -
What does all of this mean?

Adults and children know:
It means - now the wind!

Kisileva T.

He flies from afar
Chasing clouds in the sky
Drives waves in the ocean
Spinning around in a hurricane.

Can gently blow
May be quiet and sleepy.
In every corner of the world
Very different wind blowing!

Shemyakina N.

At the OOD for physical activity got to know the mobile game "North and South Wind" . While we are not familiar with the north and south winds, we have changed them to blue and red. Purpose of the game: northern cold wind (baby with blue ribbon) trying "to freeze" as many children as possible, and the southern warm wind (child with red ribbon) touching them "defrosts" .

Other mobile game How does wind help plants? In this game, the child depicts how the wind helps the plants spread their seeds.

Made with children board games: Aerofootball , the purpose of which is to score the ball into the goal with the help of the wind. Similar games "Feed me" , "Funny koloboks" , "Snowfall" and "Leaf fall" , "Who quickly?" .

In the handicraft class, the children made the boats that we used in our experiment. "I am the captain" . Children are divided into pairs, in front of each of them is placed a container of water. Children lower their boats into the water and blow on them so that they float to the opposite edge. During the game, we explain to the children that if you blow harder, then the speed of the ship will increase and vice versa.

Using the interactive whiteboard, the children watched a presentation about the wind, in which it was revealed big variety its types.

We also invited an employee meteorological service Tuymazy, who spoke about her work, about the weather observations that they make. She introduced the children to the instruments they use in their work. And she told me what winds blow in our city.

3. STAGE - final.

At the end of our themed week, parents made a weather vane for us, which will help children determine the direction of the wind on their own. And they made it clear - a stand - a poster "Power of the Wind" in which children will note the strength of the wind during a walk.


In the course of the work done, we introduced children to one of the most unique natural phenomena- wind. We tried to explain and show the mechanism of its action, how it originates, and how it affects different areas surrounding life. Analyzed its positive and negative sides. We tried to convey all this in a playful, understandable way for preschool children.

In our study, in addition to children, parents also took an active part. They made visual aids, one of the most significant of which was installed on the site of the kindergarten. This weather vane, we hope, will be the foundation on which we will continue to observe and study the wind.

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