Water resources homework environmental 4. Lesson summary "Water wealth of our region" (Grade 4)

Career and finance 15.07.2019
Career and finance
  1. Using a map of the region and local history literature, make a list of rivers, lakes and other water bodies in your region.
  2. Based on your observations, as well as using a map and local history literature, make a description of the river, lake, sea (depending on what is in your area).

    As a guide, you can use the river description plan given in the textbook. If you prepare a description of another natural object make a plan on your own.

    River description plan

    1. Name.
    2. Where is the source of the river.
    3. What kind of flow: fast or slow.
    4. Tributaries.
    5. Where the river flows.
    6. How the river changes in different seasons.
    7. Plants and animals of the river.
    8. human use of the river.
    9. How do people affect the river.
    10. What do people do to protect the river.
  1. Discuss the results of your work in class. If necessary, make corrections and additions to the list and description you have compiled.

Importance of water resources and their protection

The importance of rivers, lakes, seas in human life is great. They decorate the Earth, delight us with their beauty. People rest on their shores. Ships travel on water and carry goods. From rivers and lakes, people take water, without which it is impossible to do either in everyday life or in production.

Rivers, lakes, seas must be clean! Unfortunately, not enough is being done to ensure that plants, factories and farms do not pollute them. But they are not the only ones to blame for the pollution.

Fertilizers and pesticides are used in agriculture. It happens that these substances are used more than required. Then rainwater will bring part of the fertilizers and pesticides into the river, lake or sea.

Now imagine that the driver washed his car in the river. Gasoline and machine oil got into the water. It is impossible to wash cars, motorcycles, mopeds and even bicycles in this way (some of their parts are also lubricated with machine oil).

Very often people throw garbage into the water. Under water are broken bottles, cans with sharp edges and much more. Imagine how dangerous this is for people who swim, especially those who dive. Never throw garbage into the water! Do not leave him on the shore, from where he can fall into the water!

Schoolchildren can help adults protect water resources: keep the water clean, clear springs and streams, protect plants and animals. You can also participate in this work.

Attention! Never dive in an unfamiliar place! There may be broken bottles and other objects with sharp, cutting edges at the bottom.

check yourself

  1. Tell us about the importance of water resources in people's lives.
  2. How should adults and schoolchildren protect rivers, lakes, seas? Do they do it in your area?
  3. Why should you be careful when swimming?

Homework assignments

  1. Come up with and make a model showing the importance of rivers, lakes, seas in people's lives.
  2. In the book "The Giant in the Clearing" read the story "Bottle Mail". Do you always take care of the water resources of your region?
  3. If students in your school are involved in water conservation, learn more about their work. Try to take part in it.

The pain of nature

"Treasure" at the bottom of the river

One day, scientists explored the bottom of the river. On a section of the bottom 5 kilometers long, they found: 14 reinforced concrete slabs, 34 pieces of rails, 112 sleds, 108 pots, teapots and pots, 36 frying pans, 2486 broken bottles, 814 broken glass jars, 2214 cans. Draw your own conclusions from this study.

In the next lesson

We learn about the most important minerals of our region, about the protection of underground resources. We will learn to distinguish and describe the minerals of our region.

Remember what minerals are. What minerals do you know? What minerals are mined in your region?

Water wealth of our region

1. Fill in the chart. Give examples of water bodies of each group.

2. Write down the importance of water bodies in people's lives.

The importance of rivers, lakes, seas in human life is great. They delight with beauty, people relax on their shores, travel by water, carry goods. From rivers and lakes, people take water, without which it is impossible to do either at home or at work.

3. Write down the causes of pollution of water bodies.

  • Water is polluted by factories, factories, farms.
  • Chemicals used as fertilizers in agriculture get into the water.
  • Cars, motorcycles, mopeds are washed on the shore of reservoirs, because of this, engine oil and gasoline can get into the water.
  • Very often people throw garbage

Swap notebooks with a classmate. Check each other's work.

4. Write the names of water bodies in the area where you live. Indicate in brackets: artificial or natural, this is a water body.

Oka (natural), Moscow Canal (artificial), Klyazma (natural), Mozhayskoye reservoir (artificial), Rublevskoye reservoir (artificial), Moscow river (natural).

What color is water on the map? Why is the planet Earth called "blue"?

Does water taste the same?

Now you have named the reservoirs. Let's divide the reservoirs into 2 groups according to their origin: natural reservoirs (created by nature) and artificial (created by man).

How do natural reservoirs "live"? What feeds rivers and lakes?

Water that falls from the clouds to the surface of the earth partially seeps into the ground, forming groundwater. Part of it flows down the surface of the earth, part evaporates. Underground water in places of exposure comes out, forming springs. From springs in the form of streams, water flows down the slope. Streams, connecting with each other, form ... rivers.

Other rivers flow into the river. These are its tributaries. They are usually shorter than the main river. The more tributaries, the more abundant the river. The place where a river flows into another river, sea, lake is called..... The length of the rivers is different - from tens of kilometers to several thousand.

The speed of the river depends on the area through which it flows. On the plains, the flow of the river is smooth, in the mountains it is stormy.

Water is constantly flowing into the river. During the summer, our rivers are fed by rain and groundwater. A lot of water flows into the river in spring from melting snow. At this time, rivers often overflow their banks, flood vast low places, and floods begin.

In winter, the rivers are fed by the release of groundwater.

Lakes, unlike rivers, have neither source nor mouth. These are natural depressions on the surface of the land filled with water. Some lakes have fresh water, while others are salty.

The lakes are also fed by groundwater and surface water. Rivers often flow into them. For example, in Ladoga lake Many rivers flow in, and only the Neva flows out, on which the city stands ....

In winter, our reservoirs are covered with ice. First, ice forms along the banks, and then covers the entire surface of a river or lake. However, many rivers for a long time there are areas not covered with ice ( full waters- polynyas). Be aware that these sections are very dangerous to cross. Don't go out on the ice. Don't rush to skate on thin ice.

In spring, the ice begins to melt, first along the coast, and then in the middle. Spring ice is very deceptive, it is porous, therefore fragile. Crossing water bodies spring ice extremely dangerous.

Be especially careful when swimming in the water in the summer. Swim only in designated areas under adult supervision. Remember good proverb: "Not knowing the ford, do not go into the water."

Working with the map Chelyabinsk region:

- What reservoirs are located on the territory of our region? Show them on the map.

Name natural water bodies.

- List the artificial reservoirs of our region.

On the bank of which river is our city located?

- Show the source and mouth of the river on which our city stands.

- On which bank (right or left) is our city located?

– How to find out?

Does this river have tributaries?

And now make a story-description of the Miass River according to the plan on p. 145 textbooks.

Complete assignments for group work.

1) Make a list of water bodies in your area.

There are up to 2,000 rivers and streams, of which 323 have a length of more than 10 km. The rivers of the Moscow region entirely belong to the Volga basin.

The largest rivers of the Moscow region are the Oka and the Moscow with their tributaries. Third major river Klyazma region.

Rivers: Moscow, Yauza, Klyazma, Setun, Skhodnya, Khimka.
Lakes: Beloe, Kosinsky lakes, Svyatoe (lake, Moscow), Trostenskoye, Nerskoye, Krugloye
Swamps: Black, Great, Holy, Oak

2) Fill in the tables.

Table 1. Description of the river.

Description plan Basic information
1. Name
Moscow - river
2. Where is the source of the river on the Smolensk - Moscow Upland in the Starkovsky swamp
3. What is the flow: fast or slow the flow is slow
4. Tributaries Gangway, Beggar, Khimka, Kotlovka, Chura, Tarakanovka
5. Where the river flows into the Oka River in the city of Kolomna
6. How the river changes in different seasons freezes in November - December, opens in March - April
7. Plants and animals of the river birches, meadow grasses, perch, roach, bream, bleak
8. Human use of the river for city water supply
9. How people affect the river the river is polluted by sewage and waste from factories
10. What do people do to protect the river there are treatment facilities, monitor the level of pollution

Table 2. Description of Moscow - the river

Description plan Basic information
1. Name
Moscow - river
2. General characteristics length 473 km, location - the middle river in Central Russia, in the Moscow region, Moscow and, for a short distance, in the Smolensk region, the left tributary of the Oka (Volga basin)
3. The nature of the channel, width winding, from 80 to 120 m
4. Coastal flora birch groves, forests, meadows
5. Fish resources 35 types of fish: roach, bream
6. Economic importance water supply, transport
7. Tourism and recreation walks, excursions, fishing
8. The beauty of the river your impression

Draw a chart using your textbook.

The importance of water resources in nature and human life

Using the diagram, talk about the importance of water resources.

Think about what environmental problems are expressed by these signs. Formulate and write down.

Water pollution industrial waste

Pollution of water resources with garbage and human waste products

Entry along with groundwater into rivers and lakes chemical substances, such as fertilizers and pesticides from the fields
Water pollution by gasoline and engine oil from car washing in rivers

Suggest conservation measures to help solve these problems for class discussion.

The Question Ant and the Wise Turtle ask you to write a letter to your peers from other cities and villages, urging you to take care of water resources. In your letter, try to prove that water resources in any corner of the country need to be protected.

Boys and girls! All water resources(rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, streams) - this is the most important wealth of our planet. Clean drinking water is essential for human, animal and plant life. Life is not possible without water! The water is home to many fish and other animals that participate in a variety of food chains. In addition, people have learned to use water resources in their economic activities. Protect water wealth: keep water clean, clear springs and streams, protect plants and animals. Save water!

Presentation on the world around 4th grade "WATER RICHES OF OUR LAND"


primary school teacher

MBOU Buturlinovskaya secondary school

Ustimenko Yulia Anatolievna

Map of the Voronezh region

Find your area on administrative - political map Voronezh region.

Our small Motherland - Buturlinovka

For Russia, our city is a particle, And for us it is the parental home. And we're glad we can be proud Small Motherland, where we live!

What types of reservoirs do you know?










What groups can water bodies be divided into?




Created by man

Created by nature

river, lake, sea, ocean,

swamp, stream

Pond, canal, reservoir

Parts of the river

Parts of the river.

Left Coast

right bank

On its way the river meets other rivers

and streams that flow into it and give

your water. They're called tributaries .

If you look towards the flow of the river,

then the right bank will be on the right,

and left is left.

channel is the recess through which

The place where the river flows into another

River flows.

river, lake or sea is called mouth .

The river has right and left banks .

How to define them?

What is the beginning of a river called?

What mouth rivers?

What channel rivers?

What is the importance of water bodies for nature and man?

for drinking and


For household

human needs

Animal house

and plants

For work

plants and factories


Map of Buturlinovka

  • Look at the map of Buturlinovka, find and show the water resources of our city.
  • What is the name of the river in our city?
  • What do you know about her?

Osered river in Buturlinovka

The Osered River is the left tributary of the Don. It flows from the northeast to the southwest along the Kalach Upland and flows into the Don in the city of Pavlovsk-on-Don. The river begins 4 kilometers east of the city of Buturlinovka in a swampy gully. The total length is 89 kilometers. To the left of the river In the middle to the south, the steppes spread, and to the right along the river, 10–12 kilometers wide, the Thorn forest stretches. It is predominantly dominated deciduous trees, mostly oaks.


Shipov forest is a natural monument; the most significant in the area of ​​35.6 thousand hectares is the island oak forest. Shipov forest has a great protective and water protection value - it is under protection.

The most noticeable tributaries on the left, the streams are Gavrilo and Danilo. Freeze from December to March. The river flows along the conditional border of the steppe and forest-steppe zones. The right bank is higher, reaching 187 meters.

medicinal plants Osered River







How do people affect the river

1. The general condition of the river is far from unfavorable. The cleanup of the river that began in 1984 has not been completed. The silt thrown onto the river bank is washed away with melt and precipitation waters back into the river, silting up the river. As a result of this, the river became shallow, the floodplain of the river became swampy, Osered was overgrown with sedge and reeds. The cleaning of the river carried out in 2007 somewhat improved the situation of the river. In some areas it has become deeper.

2. Negligent residents also have an adverse effect on the river, throwing household waste, scrap metal, manure on the river bank and directly into the river itself

3. Some motorists wash their cars on the banks of the Osered River. Because of what oil products get into the water, thereby polluting it.


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