Party kings: how different zodiac signs dance. Musical horoscope - a game on the New Year's holiday Musical signs of the zodiac

Fashion & Style 20.07.2020
Fashion & Style
Aries. The music of Aries is like an approaching thunderstorm or the sounds of a waterfall. It is something unexplored and pristine, wild and disturbing. Temperamental representatives of the sign listen to music that reflects their essence - there must be strength, passion and energy in the melody. Aries are not averse to listening to modern rhythms and even dancing to pop music, but they are unlikely to be able to open up to the end. The temperament of the fiery signs requires a way out, and Aries find meaning in the music in which a piece of the soul, suffering and pain of the composer and his attitude to life are embedded.
Taurus. Taurus are versatile personalities, and can listen to a variety of melodies - from classics to chanson. They have certain preferences, but Taurus are hostages of their mood and will enjoy listening to a melody that reflects their experiences in a particular period of life. Representatives of the sign themselves can become good musicians and composers - they know how to convey feelings through notes and somehow miraculously guess the desires of their future listeners. The melody of Taurus includes not only thoughts and feelings, but also pain, anxiety and experiences hidden deep inside.
Twins. Gemini will enjoy listening to any tune. But they capture the essence of music, and the simplest composition can be taught in such a way that no one even remembers the original version of the performance. It is thanks to Gemini that works are born that can convey the thoughts, feelings and experiences of several generations - the music of Gemini is music for centuries. Gemini perceive life differently than others, and convey their worldview through a melody - musical works are filled with power, new meaning and a completely different sound.
Crayfish. Cancers are only seemingly so calm and serene - inside their souls a real whirlwind of emotions rages, at the same time consisting of tenderness and sensuality and of anxieties and unrest. That is why Cancers prefer to listen to a soothing melody - it helps to achieve harmony, restore peace of mind and restrain internal "demons" that are trying to break free. Cancers can become brilliant composers or performers - they feel this world like no one else, and the melodies created by them will be filled with power and passion, and will not leave anyone indifferent.
A lion. The Lions do not have any particular musical preferences. Music for representatives of this sign is a kind of means to achieve a specific goal. Well, Lviv has one goal - to achieve success and apply their Creative skills and talents. Perhaps that is why the composers born under the constellation Leo can be counted on the fingers. But there are a great many popular pop stars among the Lions - Lions come into the world to burn and share their flame with the rest. And stubbornness plus perseverance help the Lions become talented performers.
Virgo. Virgos will not get pleasure from listening to a simple melody - there should be a meaning in music, only then the representatives of this sign will be able to really get carried away with it. Virgo music can include both dramatic and funny stories - everything that Virgos have ever experienced themselves or would like to experience. Virgos will enjoy both musicals based on classical works and modern novelties - for example, a rock opera. Some Virgos are not averse to listening to singers performing rap - the main thing is that the text is interesting and not banal and contains a mystery and some kind of intrigue.
Scales. Many people think that Libra prefers the classics. This applies to manners and clothing style, and, of course, musical tastes. Indeed, among the composers of the past there are many who were born under the constellation Libra. But even among modern musical performers you can meet representatives of this sign. However, Libra does not just perform a piece of music - along with the melody, they convey everything they feel, everything they think, and everything that excites them. It may be an idea that needs to be conveyed to people - Libra uses music to communicate something important.
Scorpion. Energetic, active, impetuous and passionate - these qualities are inherent in most Scorpios, and their music should be the same. Scorpios love huge halls with crowds of fans who have come to see their idol. But Scorpios do not have any particular preferences, and a lot depends on their mood. Today they enjoy the incendiary melodies of the past, and tomorrow they enjoy modern hard rock. But if Scorpio has become a fan of some musical artist, then there is no doubt that he will be devoted to his idol for a long time.
Sagittarius. Sagittarians keep up with life, and the music of Sagittarians is exactly the same as they are - cheerful, daring and incendiary. Sagittarius composers and Sagittarius performers are the favorites of the public. They will not bring heavy music to the masses with explanations that this is a melody for the elite. Music for Sagittarians is life, it is cheerfulness, it is love, and they try to share their mood with others. No, Sagittarians can sing or listen to sad songs. But why spoil the mood, if you can turn on the "peppy", turn up the sound in the speakers and hit the membranes - not to annoy someone, but so that the whole world hears and feels how great it is to live and listen to cheerful music.
Capricorn. Most Capricorns are born leaders, so why not take advantage of this quality and share your musical tastes with people?! Capricorns will not enjoy the melody alone, and the whole world will hear it. The music that was listened to and loved in the last century was brought to the masses by composers and performers born under the constellation Capricorn. And nowadays, modern compositions created by Capricorns are heard from the receivers - many people like this music, regardless of age, profession and nationality.
Aquarius. One gets the impression that Aquarians took a musical instrument in their hands before they learned to walk. Even if Aquarius has neither hearing nor voice, he will play at the behest of the soul - and you will listen with delight to dashing drumming and gentle guitar overflows. Aquarius themselves prefer something light - this music can be called music for friendly gatherings. You can dance to the melody of Aquarius or just relax and unwind. Aquarians feel the mood of people and will gladly "make" the necessary musical accompaniment.
Fish. Pisces do not follow fashion and will not listen to music just because their friends, colleagues or acquaintances like it. The music of Pisces is lightness, smoothness, melody and harmony. Pisces do not tolerate falsehood and are unlikely to enjoy listening to pop music - it is unrealistic to meet Pisces enjoying a meaningless set of sounds. Representatives of this sign prefer to listen musical compositions, which help to relax and calmly be "on the right wave" - ​​it can be both the classics of the past years and modern serious music

This fun and cool music and song game - a comic horoscope can be played on new year holiday for adults, having previously added this game moment to New Year's scenarios.

Musical horoscope - a game on the New Year's holiday

Leading: I want to please all our guests. The horoscope claims that this year will be successful for all signs. I will introduce you to this year's forecast. This is not an ordinary astrological forecast, but a musical one. In order for you to be lucky, each sign must sing its song-horoscope in unison.


This year will be successful for all people who have signs of an animal in their character, symbolizing the year that is already on the threshold. And for those who believe in happiness, there is a special happy horoscope by year of birth for 2015.

So, lucky everyone who:




Your character traits may not always please others, but they will bring you confidence, prosperity and happiness in the coming New Year.


In the coming year, Aries will again be overburdened at work and service, and will come to grips with issues of climbing the career ladder. The only thing you need to always remember Aries: do not butt your immediate superior and the promotion that you are waiting for is guaranteed to you.

The motto of the year is the lyrics of Alla Pugacheva's song:

Cause - time, yes-yes-yes-yes,

And fun is an hour.

All guests who were born under the sign of Aries sing this excerpt from the song.


They will be involved in various love and adventurous situations. It is recommended, in order not to get into an unpleasant situation, to remember the words from the songs of Alla Pugacheva:

Oh what a man!

Ah, what a woman,

I would like this!

All guests who were born under the sign of Taurus sing this excerpt from the song. Women sing the first option. and men - the second.


This year is not conducive to action in a career. So, do your homework better.

Gemini's motto for this year is

Grandma is next to Grandpa.

Oh, in vain, aunt, you are drinking medicine,

Your husband is a faithful family man.

All guests who were born under the sign of Gemini sing these song excerpts.


The best time for training or advanced training. In this case, be stubborn and your career is guaranteed. The motto of the crayfish - the words of the song:

We are blacksmiths, and our spirit is young.

We forge the keys to happiness.

All guests who were born under the sign of Cancer sing this excerpt from the song.


It is worth avoiding senseless cash spending scattering money right and left. But in their personal lives, Lions are waiting for new romantic meetings. Motto of the year:

The knot will tie

the knot will untie...

All guests who were born under the sign of Leo sing this excerpt from the song.


Many virgins will succeed in business. But be careful with new offers. Many are expecting a pay raise. The motto of the year is the words from A. Buinov's song:

My finances sing romances.

All guests who were born under the sign of Virgo sing this excerpt from the song.


You should be careful about your health. This year, things are going to get better. At the end of the year, luck itself will sail into your hands. Motto of the year - lyrics from the song:

Get fit if you want to be healthy.

All guests who were born under the sign of Libra sing this excerpt from the song.


Some of the Scorpios will meet their love at the beginning of the year. Some people are better off lying low. You should not enter into large contracts, because they can burn out. Motto of the year:

The most important thing is the weather in the house.

All guests who were born under the sign of Scorpio sing this excerpt from the song.


In order to achieve success in all matters, one must act carefully, combining will and perseverance with restraint and prudence. Control your every step and you will succeed. Motto of the year:

Wait, who's coming?

Wait, who's coming?

And the enemy will not slip

And the enemy will not pass.

All guests who were born under the sign of Sagittarius sing this excerpt from the song.


This year is favorable for traveling abroad and establishing contacts with representatives of other states. Personal life will have to be postponed for a while, because during this period you will not be up to love. Motto of the year - lyrics from the song:

Let me go to the Himalayas.

All guests who were born under the sign of Capricorn sing this excerpt from the song.


This is the time of reckoning on karmic debts and financial obligations. At the end of the year there will be relief in financial matters. You can go to interesting trip. Motto of the year - lyrics:

tablecloth, tablecloth

The long way creeps.

All guests who were born under the sign of Aquarius sing this excerpt from the song.


In terms of partnership, the year promises to be very promising. Businessmen, doctors, teachers will do especially well. But there will be new financial problems. Tie the belt tighter until October, then you can relax. Partnerships can end in marriage civil marriage. Motto of the year - lyrics:

Wedding ring....

not just a decoration.

All guests who were born under the sign of Pisces sing this excerpt from the song.

Leading: A horoscope is a horoscope, but each person is the master of his own destiny. So let's drink to the fact that everyone can firmly hold their fate in their hands and she does not make unexpected turns!

May the New Year on an ice tray

An angel will bring you a crystal glass,

Will throw fluffy snowflakes on the bottom,

And from above - sparkling happiness will pour.

And let in a golden radiant cocktail

Everything is mixed: snowfall, starfall ...

So that you don’t forget its taste for a whole year,

To remember its aroma for a long time!

Once upon a time, people did not even know about the existence of horoscopes. I first heard about them in the early 90s, when I studied at the school at the choreography department. I remember well how my girlfriend's mother went to study astrology courses. From this began the craze for our entire course with horoscopes.

Irka came to the school and told a lot of interesting things, brought books. And we binge read our horoscopes during breaks in the locker room. Then Irka's mother made astrological charts for some of our girls.

Since then, I have been very well versed in the signs of the zodiac by years and months and can roughly determine the character of a person by these components.

Adherents of the classics. Passionate about traditional ballroom dancing and classical ballet. Capricorns love chamber music. Favorite dances are mamba, rumba and foxtrot.

They are good with Charleston, quickstep, tap and break, as well as reggae and rap. But most of all, Aquarians like light experiments, like New Age.

Crazy about temple dances. Music prefer nostalgic: Spanish, Italian and French. It is believed that fish often dream of tango and salsa.

Aries (sheep) are easily influenced by rock and roll, jazz, heavy metal and marching music. Most of all, heavy music suits Aries, besides, they have a special sense of rhythm.

Taurus' preferences are polka, belly dancing, love dancing. In general, their musical interests are extremely broad. Taurus have a good understanding of musical folklore and classical music.

They love cha-cha-cha, foxtrot and twist. Folk tunes suit the twins best, and opera and light music will also please.

They love sad music, blues and slow dancing. Probably, hence their fiery love for romantic Italian songs, which they are able to impose even on their partner.

Typical lion music is samba, rumba, belly dance, disco and flamenco. Soul and Afro music can also plunge a lion into ecstasy.

Quickstep, foxtrot and waltz are the dances of the maiden. Easily and willingly learn to dance. Of the musical instruments, medieval ones are preferred.

They are zealous about any dance, but most of all they love the spectacular minuet and cancan. They willingly dance to light classics and French chanson.

Able to expressively and passionately perform strp-dance and flamenco. At the same time, they can't resist heavy metal music.

The dance of this zodiac sign is the Viennese waltz. Archers also love church music and Bach's triumphal marches.

And more interesting data, however, already from a different source. This information is more likely for balnikov.

I agree with the analysis of astrologers, if the difference in years in a couple is odd, then the couple dances Latin better, if even - the standard. Well, if the difference in the pair is zero, i.e. partners are the same age, then the couple will not achieve much success in both programs.

Here are the predictions!

Interestingly, representatives of which zodiac sign prevail in our profession?

I'll start with myself. My horoscope is Capricorn. And you?

It turns out that belonging to one or another zodiac sign can manifest itself in dance skills or their complete absence. Astrologers have even prepared a list of favorite movements of each sign. invites readers to check whether the opinion of astrologers coincides with reality.


Twerk, twerk and twerk again!

In this case, Aries may well become a champion, and this is not surprising, given their bright and daring nature. This zodiac sign loves to be the center of attention and make people laugh. This is his calling card. If your party needs someone who can light up 100% and create the right atmosphere, you know who to turn to for help.


Cool and unflappable

Taurus - big fan light, unobtrusive, but deep sound, soul, and at the same time it has an amazing sense of rhythm. He loves to move to the beat of the music and does it quite successfully, but he remains composed and serene even when he shows off his best tricks on the dance floor.


mad worm

Without a doubt, this is one of the funniest signs of the zodiac. He is not afraid to appear ridiculous from the outside. You can be sure that Gemini is always ready to entertain others. People are captivated by the recklessness of this sign.


Let's face it. Cancer is not a very good dancer, and his friends are well aware of how difficult it is to get him on the dance floor. This sign is a true introvert and prefers to watch people dance than to take part in the general dance frenzy.


Leo is one of the most artistic signs of the zodiac. He loves to arrange performances, so much so that people then discuss and admire his talents for a long time. Leos live to be the center of attention. It gives him power, makes him feel special. Oh yes! And on the dance floor, he's just a god!


Well, something like this

Virgo does not like to dance in public. Here at home in front of the mirror - yes! But if you dragged her to a party, then do not expect anything more than two stomps, three slams, or light swaying to the music. She may have perfect pitch and a sense of rhythm, but you probably won't know about it. She will demonstrate her dancing talents only under the threat of death.



Libras are full of brightness and enthusiasm. They already know a lot about fun and entertainment. It will not be difficult for them to set others on the right wave with their dance. This sign is a lighter with which a good party should begin. He will never refuse to participate in even the most chaotic and embarrassing group dance.


Headbanging or Headbanging

Scorpio tries to appear rock and roll in any situation. On the dance floor, this zodiac sign is ready to swim against the current and move in their own style, without fear of the opinions of others.



Despite the cheerful disposition, Scorpio has something to brag about in terms of sensuality and sexuality. Once in the center of attention, he does not feel embarrassed. On the contrary, he is ready to completely dissolve in the music and enjoy it, which is very noticeable.


Not a dancer

He does not like to dance, and only sometimes can perform a couple of simple steps through force. He is too concerned about what others think of him, and is afraid to seem ridiculous.



Unlike the rest of the signs of the Zodiac, he absolutely does not recognize the boundaries, prohibitions and suppression of natural emotions. This explains his passion for breathtaking dances. He is an amazing dancer with a bunch of cool old school moves in his arsenal.


King of dance battles

This sign of the Zodiac is one of the best dancers in the horoscope, and confirmation of this, most likely, will be a whole shelf of trophies for victories in various dance competitions. Pisces feel confident on the dance floor. Nothing can stop them when their favorite tune is playing!

December 11, the birthday of the Argentine singer and film actor, the famous "King of the Tango" Carlos Gardel (December 11, 1887 (or 1890) - June 24, 1935), is International Tango Day.
By the way, the word "tango" appeared much earlier than the dance itself.
Initially, this word was used in one of the Canary Islands to mean "gatherings of blacks for dancing, for playing drums", by the way, these drums were also called "tango".
I certainly don't believe that there are people who don't like tango.
Well, who else loves, let's see.

Dance horoscope

This is an unusual horoscope.
He will tell you how representatives of different zodiac signs behave in dance and about which dances each sign of the zodiac prefers.
Do you recognize yourself?

Impulsive and fickle, Aries is always on the lookout for new sensations.
A brave pioneer, he enters the dance circle first, igniting everyone else.
And, if you do not support the passionate desire of Aries to dance, he will find another partner for himself.
So should you miss your chance?
Aries is tired of monotony, so he is prone to improvisation. The Aries man is also a true leader in dance.
But the lady should not forget that she is simply obliged not to get bored with him.

Aries can easily start dancing when they hear rock and roll, heavy metal, jazz, and even marching music.
Aries most suit heavy music, besides, they have a special sense of rhythm.

Taurus - as a true connoisseur of the beauty of forms and a notorious sensory - is able to enjoy dancing to the fullest.
And not just as a spectator. Having taken care of all the components of the dance in advance: appropriate music, comfortable shoes and clothes, a pleasant atmosphere in the hall, Taurus will also enjoy his own movement to the music.
The Taurus man may not even worry that he is heavy and not so fast in the dance.
His partner will be grateful to him already for the fact that he supported her desire to dance.

Taurus' preferences are polka, belly dancing, love dancing. In general, their musical interests are extremely broad.
Taurus have a good understanding of musical folklore and classical music.

Easy-going Geminis can dance anytime, anywhere, as soon as they hear the music.
The limit of their dreams is music that sounds always and everywhere.
For Gemini, dance can be as much a means of communication as speech.
The choice of a partner is not a problem for Gemini, their credo in this case is: “We don't know each other? So let's get to know each other! „
Restless Gemini easily gives the initiative to a partner and follows his style.
A lady dancing with such a partner should make allowances for the "Twin" wind, and be prepared for unexpected turns.

Geminis love cha-cha-cha, foxtrot and twist.
Folk melodies suit Gemini best, and opera and light music will also please.

If the sensual Cancer crawled out of its shell onto the dance floor, then it will dance from the heart, not noticing anything around.
This is how you should dance for yourself. Light, music, and the partner himself belong only to him.
The somewhat capricious approach of Cancer to the choice of costume is compensated by his increased attention to the partner - undisguised pleasure, smile, look into the eyes, and not under the feet. Respond to him in the same way and do not forget to thank and praise him at the end of the dance.
Especially the Cancer man, because then he will want to dance with you more often, and he will get better and better.

Cancers love sad music, blues and slow dancing.
Probably, hence their fiery love for romantic Italian songs, which they are able to impose even on their partner.

a lion
Become and the nobility of the Lion are manifested, of course, in the dance.
And even in a hall filled with people, Leo feels like on a stage, and involuntarily grabs admiring glances from the crowd.
And, being in the spotlight, the dancing lion simply has to be the best.
And, indeed, the eye is pleasing to the eye with the plastic and precise movements of the Lion in the dance, whether it is fast or slow.
The Leo man is inimitable in dance, but it is recommended that his partner express her undivided admiration to him, even if he takes his very first dance lesson.

Typical Lviv music is samba, rumba, belly dance, disco and flamenco.
Soul and Afro music can also plunge Leo into ecstasy.

Virgo always knows exactly what she wants to dance.
However, she will not condescend to a whim and will follow the will of her partner, if he really knows what he wants.
Virgo may be upset by poor mastery of any element of the dance, and she is more likely to refuse styling, and will follow those movements that are given easily and freely. But the dance lesson Virgo uses to its fullest, working out the feint that she liked.
The Virgo man is indispensable as a partner in the dance - he will not allow himself to make mistakes, keeps the rhythm well, and the lady can curl around him as she pleases.

Quickstep, foxtrot and waltz are the dances of the Virgin. Easily and willingly learn to dance.
Of the musical instruments, medieval ones are preferred.

Well-known connoisseurs of beauty, Libra does not ignore dancing.
When dancing with Libra, do not try to catch their eye, it is better to enjoy their grace and grace. Libra will be grateful for your choice of dance and invitation.
However, Libra is just the case when the dancer is self-sufficient and may not even be upset if there is suddenly no free partner. The Libra man can allow the lady to take the initiative in the dance, but this is the business of partners, and others may not even suspect anything.

Libra is jealous of any dance, but most of all they love the spectacular minuet and cancan.
They willingly dance to light classics and French chanson.

The temperamental Scorpio is revealed in the dance: his passion is visible both in his eyes and in his movements.
Even a new and not yet mastered dance performed by Scorpio excites the audience.
Being purposeful and demanding of himself and others, Scorpio will hone the slightest wave of the hand until he achieves the desired effect.
An inexperienced partner, however, should not be upset by this approach - he can always rely on the indulgence of Scorpio.
Remember: you are dancing for yourself, not for others. Scorpio men in dance fascinate their partner to a complete detachment from reality.
Isn't that wonderful?!

Scorpios are ways to expressively and passionately perform strip dance and flamenco.
At the same time, they can't resist heavy metal music.

Sagittarians are less likely to experience embarrassment on the dance floor than other zodiac signs.
Therefore, they dance more freely, and they get more pleasure.
Sagittarians willingly watch other dancers and learn new tricks from them on the go.
If you are not sure how to perform any element of the dance - ask Sagittarius - you will not find a more patient and optimistic dance teacher.
You will not have to persuade the Sagittarius man to dance with you for a long time.
He readily responds and, even without preparation, behaves like a true gentleman.

The dance of this zodiac sign is the Viennese waltz.
Sagittarians also love church music and Bach's triumphal marches.

The Capricorn Dance is a perfect, polished, classic show.
Improvisation is not characteristic of him, and the path to it opens only through great experience.
The movements of an untrained Capricorn may seem sketchy and angular to you, but do not forget that it is not the result that is important in the dance, but participation.
The value of the feelings of a dancing Capricorn can be much higher than his skill.
If "men don't dance", then this is about Capricorns. The lady can only decorate such a dance with her benevolence, charm and smile.

Capricorns are adherents of the classics. Delighted with traditional ballroom dancing and classical ballet.
Capricorns love chamber music. Favorite dances are mamba, rumba and foxtrot.

Aquarius is an esthete both in life and in dance.
He does not care what others think about him, only his own state of "I like" or "I don't like" is significant.
Since Aquarius just likes to dance, your comments and suggestions on this matter may remain unclaimed.
Do not waste your time and energy, watch Aquarius and share his dancing mood with him.
Aquarius will not only skillfully apply styling in a well-known dance, but also ... can invent a completely new dance.
The Aquarius man will even surprise you with his almost acrobatic elements in the dance, so - wider circle!

Aquarians are good with Charleston, quickstep, tap and break, as well as reggae and rap.
But most of all, Aquarians like light experiments, like new age.

The final sign of the zodiac circle rightfully incorporates the qualities of all previous signs.
Therefore, in the dance, Pisces are so changeable. Pisces are very partial to music, and therefore to any activity related to music.
She (music) also forms the mood of Pisces.
This is how we get a dancer capable of performing passionate tango, overtly erotic bachata, and a noble waltz (the list goes on...)
And do not think that the Pisces man is a weak-willed and pliable partner.
He is a great member of a small dance team consisting of two PARTNERS.

Pisces are crazy about temple dances.
Music prefer nostalgic: Spanish, Italian and French.
It is believed that Pisces often dream of tango and salsa.

Test: What kind of dance are you?

Test results

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