Pearl fish - sea or river? Goldfish - Pearl Homeland aquarium fish pearl.

Technique and Internet 18.09.2019
Technique and Internet

(goldfish pearlscale) - aquarium fishCarp family (Cyprinidae) .


gold fish pearl - selectively bred form Goldfish (CARASSIUS AURATUS).

Appearance and gender differences

Conditions of detention

Calm in nature, peaceful pearls get along well with the same quiet neighbors. Contain goldfish - pearls you need a volume of at least 50 liters per one fish, it is better if it is an aquarium of at least 100 liters, in which a couple of fish will be placed. With an increase in the size of the aquarium, the population density can be slightly increased, so 3-4 fish can be placed in a 150-liter aquarium, and 5-6 in a 200-liter aquarium, etc. But with an increase in population density, attention should be paid to good aeration of the water. These aquarium fish they love to dig in the ground, so it is better to use pebbles or coarse sand as it, then fish it won't be easy to throw it away. Myself aquarium desirable specific and spacious, in which you need to place large-leaved aquarium plants. However, pearls quickly spoil delicate plants, or the surface of the leaves is polluted by sedimentation of particles of garbage suspended in water. To avoid this, plant aquarium plants with strong root systems hard leaves. Plants such as capsule , vallisneria, sagittaria, or Elodea as the most durable. Goldfish - pearls contain in one aquarium along with calm types of aquarium fish. AT aquarium provide natural light and good filtration. All varieties of goldfish prefer good aeration. To the parameters of the water in the aquarium fish not particularly sensitive. Water hardness should be 8 - 25 °, with an acidity of 6-8. Part of the water in aquarium preferably replaced regularly. In general, the pearl is not very demanding in terms of content. However, there are a number of points that beginners may not be able to cope with when keeping this delicate fish. The pearl is prone to gill rot and intestinal diseases. Ammonia and nitrites must not be present in the aquarium water. In food pearls unpretentious, they eat everything and in large quantities. Their diet should contain both live and plant foods. Despite the gluttony goldfish they should not be overfed. The amount of food they consume daily should be approximately 3% of their weight. fish. Feed adults fish followed twice a day - the first time early in the morning, and the second - in the evening. The amount of feed is calculated for 10-20 minutes of feeding, then the remains of uneaten food from aquarium are removed. adults fish who receive proper nutrition, can endure a long week-long hunger strike without harm to their health.


All goldfish, including pearls can spawn in a capacity of 20 - 30 liters. It is necessary to place sandy soil in it and plant small-leaved plants. For spawning, it is customary to plant one female for two or three two-year-old males. Before spawning, they should be kept separate for 2-3 weeks. In spawning aquarium it is recommended to maintain the temperature at 24 - 26 °C. To stimulate spawning, it is necessary to gradually heat the water until its temperature rises by 5-10 °C. At the same time, males begin to quickly rush and chase females, who lose their eggs, scattering them around the entire perimeter. aquarium, mainly found on plants. In total, the female spawns about 10,000 eggs. As soon as spawning is over, producers must be removed from aquarium. The initial food for hatched fry will be " living dust". They can also be given special foods, which are now commercially available in abundance, designed to feed fry. goldfish eg Sera Mikron.

In the warm salty tropical waters of the world's oceans, such as the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian, among the lush thickets of emerald algae and numerous "motley" representatives of the fauna: jellyfish, molluscs, scorpions, crustaceans, live surprisingly beautiful fish entitled pearl.

Pearl fish are a special subspecies marine life, dexterous, nimble and insanely nimble, belonging to the family carapace.

According to one of the versions, it is believed that being enclosed in the shells of an oyster, the fish managed to turn into a silvery, mother-of-pearl shade, because of which the people had a false conclusion that the fish itself was naturally awarded the pearl color of the calf.

Characteristics of pearl fish

A special technology for extracting pearl pigment from fish scales was developed a very long time ago, namely, more than a hundred years ago, it was this substance that was actively used to make sparkling pearls.

As experts later found out, the highest concentration of the "pearl substance" was recorded in the scales of bleak (the fish we are considering in today's article), the quick, dexterous ubiquitous individual is a flock and is found everywhere, its distribution area covers southern reservoirs.

A small, crystal fish is not attracted by the depths of the sea, full of unshakable longing, it looks indifferently and sadly at the underwater rocks, and does not want to settle in the sand at all.

Safety and the ability to hide from the evil looks and frightening fangs of marine life are above all for bleak, and therefore this small pencil-thin fish likes to settle in those places wherever its so defenseless, fragile, delicate, delicate body is hurt.


A small creature, swimming in warm tropical waters with pleasure and using its modest size to the fullest, has an excellent appetite, gladly absorbs small insects and their larvae, fish eggs, and worms.

Pearl fish are drawn, like a magnet, to taste delicious plankton (small living and plant organisms), which, instead of attaching to the bottom of the sea, calmly drift in the water column.

The basis of the diet of pearl fish is daphnia, bloodworms, larvae, fry, which float in the water column by millions and become the "dinner" of marine life at a "rank" higher.

In search of food, fish go when it comes deep night- this is the best time for pearl fish to find a suitable tidbit for themselves.

Where is pearl fish found?

Under the auspices of the general idea of sea ​​creatures ah - pearl fish, scientists have given them a proud nickname - pearlfish - all over the world they are called that way, at least this is the most common name.

The distribution area of ​​tropical fish of the subspecies Carapace covers the basins of the following seas:

  • Indian;
  • Atlantic;
  • Quiet.

As soon as individuals hit five years, she gains additional kilograms and begins to breed. The catch of this fish in uncontrolled quantities was the result of the fact that this individual is now on the verge of extinction. Depending on the context, fishermen may mean three individuals with mother-of-pearl scales - bleak, carp and, of course, kutum.

Kutum is listed in the Red Book - but this does not help this species at the moment, because the fishermen are so merciless that they cannot be expressed in words.

Where warm sea ​​waters"warm" the dwellings of sea creatures, where small colorful fish behave like robbers, flashing in flocks from side to side, in unshakable sea ​​depth, reaching a couple of kilometers, settled their settlements of bleak, or as they are also called pearl fish.

Connoisseurs say that their typical dwellings are located in the zone of the ocean slope and a gently sloping bottom.

Small, tiny dimensions do not allow silver pearls to drift around the clock in the ocean thickness, because by nature, in these living creatures, the instinct of self-preservation is inherent, like in many other inhabitants, dexterous, nimble bleaks are terribly afraid to face "face to face" with their a potential predator, and all because they completely lack the means to repel aggression coming from outside.

And only with the onset of twilight, when it becomes dark around, the little fish sticks its nose out of the house in order to have dinner.

In the depths of the sea, knowing neither sleep, nor rest, nor rest, another famous fish rushes about, which evokes associations among fishermen associated with pearls, and its name is bleak.

This noble individual has a very interesting pretty color: from above, its scales are slightly silvery, metallic, while dark green accents are noticeable in the color scheme of its scales, a special depth of play of colors is achieved due to a shimmering iridescent sheen. The sides of the bleak have a steel-colored sheen.

In length, the body of an individual can reach one fifth of a meter, but the mass of one representative of the carapace family, according to standard estimates, is equal to 100 grams.

Silver bleak is also common in Russian reservoirs temperate zone, where it is most often caught by masters who know a lot about their business, namely bleak in flocks lives in:

  1. the Baltic Sea.
  2. Black Sea.
  3. Sea of ​​Azov.
  4. Where lakes and rivers flow into the sea.

The fish, radiating a warm amber luster, is practically not used in cooking because of its tiny mass and the lack of useful substances and trace elements in its composition.

However, cases have become more frequent in the world when bleak was swallowed along with the organism in which it successfully lived.

Fish - kutum from the carp family, in the jargon of fishermen is called the Black Sea roach and inhabits the waters of the Black, Caspian and Marmara seas. It is quite difficult to find a fish in the world that would have a record lifespan, namely 10 years or more, which is why kutum fish are called a long-liver.

The swift, ubiquitous fish has a silver scale color with a pearl nuance, in color scheme scales with a close look, you can catch a lot of shades: drip blue, dark greenish, etc.

The body of an adult, massive, large and flexible, can reach up to 70 cm in length and weigh up to 7 kg. Kutum fish have adapted to live in both fresh and salty water bodies - it is completely picky about the conditions in which it lives, this made it extremely tenacious, even among its relatives.

Representatives of this group have a fairly developed and powerful jaw apparatus, the teeth of such fish are very sharp, strong and developed, and therefore, having seen the prey on the horizon, it will not be difficult for the kutum to swim up to it and grab it sharply with jerky movements, and only then swallow.

Kutum fish, or as it is also called carp, prefers to feast on anything without hitting, almost everything that falls under the scope of its keen, predatory gaze immediately immediately ends up in the mouth of an inhabitant of the reservoirs.

Most of all, kutum fish prefers to feast on:

  • crustaceans;
  • invertebrates;
  • worms;
  • algae residues;
  • shellfish;
  • arthropods;
  • soft-bodied;
  • other small-caliber insects.

The female kutum begins to breed already in the fourth year of life, when her weight is close to around 2 kilos. Fish begin to spawn and lay their eggs in safe places, where a turbulent current prevails. The eggs, having passed through the maturation cycle, actively develop and eventually full-fledged fry hatch from them.

The initial diet of a young individual is plankton, then the fish will not mind eating traditional carp food.

Today, not everyone dares, or at least guesses to hang a fishing rod on his shoulder, take a bucket in his hand and go to get pearl fish, because it is listed in the Red Book.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Where is pearl fish caught?

Habitat of silver pearl fish - freshwater Russian reservoirs and salty waters of tropical seas, Pacific, Atlantic, Black, and therefore it will be useful for every fisherman to arm himself with this information, so that every firefighter knows where this little-studied fish is found.

Fishing for pearl fish today is practically suspended due to the rapid disappearance of this species, listed in the Red Book.

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes/carps/breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!

Name: Goldfish Pearl (4-5cm)

Vendor code: F347

Synonyms: Chinshurin, Cyprinus auratus, Carassius chinensis, Pearlscale, Chinshurin, Fancy goldfish, Goldfish, Gold crucian carp, Golden carp, Goldfisch

Area: breeding form, bred in China

Dimensions: up to 18 cm

Gender differences: During the spawning period, male goldfish are easier to identify. Males develop tubercles or white bumps, growths along the pectoral fins and gill covers. In addition, in the male, teeth-notches, the so-called “saw”, are formed on the paired front fins. Females become slightly asymmetrical especially in the abdomen. They look bloated.

Feeding: Fish in relation to food are unpretentious. They eat quite a lot and willingly, so remember that it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed. Adult fish are fed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Food is given as much as they can eat in about 3-5 minutes, and the remains of uneaten food should be removed. The diet should be included in large quantities of plant foods.

Content: These fish are not very demanding on the conditions of detention. Key to content proper feeding- inclusion in the diet of up to 70% of vegetable feed. The fish is susceptible intestinal diseases. To keep pearls you need a spacious aquarium with clean water- without the content of nitrogenous compounds. The neighbors of the pearl should not be active and even more aggressive fish - barbs, cichlids, gourami, etc. Comfortable water parameters: temperature 20-23 C, aquarium water hardness 6-18, pH 5.0-8.0. There must be good aeration and filtration. A feature of the fish is that it loves to dig in the ground. As a soil, it is better to use coarse sand or pebbles, which are not so easily scattered by fish. The aquarium itself should be spacious from 50 liters per individual.

Breeding: Reproduction begins at 2 years of age. Spawning occurs in early spring. Spawning is stimulated by a rise in water temperature by 3–5°C. Incubation period- 4 days. On the 4th day, the fry are already swimming. After a month and a half, they have the usual appearance of a pearl.

Compatibility: Compatible with all peaceful fish (zebrafish, thorns, speckled catfish, etc.), but it is better to keep them separately in a species aquarium.

Aquarium setup: These aquarium fish they love to dig in the ground, so it is better to use pebbles or coarse sand as it, then it will not be so easy for the fish to scatter it. The aquarium itself is desirable species and spacious, in which you need to place large-leaved aquarium plants. However, pearls quickly spoil delicate plants, or the surface of the leaves is polluted by sedimentation of particles of garbage suspended in water. To avoid this, plant plants with a strong root system and hard leaves in the aquarium. Plants such as vallisneria, sagittaria, or elodea, as the most hardy, are very well suited.

Pearl gourami (lat. Trichopodus leerii, and earlier Trichogaster leerii) is one of the most beautiful aquarium fish OK. Males are especially beautiful during spawning, when the colors become more saturated, and the red belly and throat glow in the water like a poppy.

This is a labyrinth fish, they differ from other fish in that they can breathe atmospheric oxygen. Although, like all fish, they absorb oxygen dissolved in water, due to the difficult conditions in which gourami live, nature has provided them with a labyrinth apparatus.

With it, gourami can breathe air from the surface and survive in very harsh environments. Another feature of labyrinths is that they build a foam nest where their fry grow.

Also, pearl gourami can make sounds, especially during spawning. But what this is connected with is still unclear.

They were first described by Bleeker in 1852. The homeland of the fish is in Asia, in Thailand, Malaysia and on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. Gradually spread to other regions, for example? to Singapore and Colombia.

Pearl gouramis are included in the Red Book as endangered. In some areas, especially in Thailand, the population has almost disappeared.

This is due to pollution. natural environment habitation and expansion of human activities.

Instances caught in nature are less and less common for sale, and the bulk are fish grown on farms.

In nature, they live in lowlands, in swamps and rivers, with acidic water and abundant vegetation. They feed on insects and their larvae.

An interesting feature of pearl gourami, as their relatives, is that they can prey on insects flying above the water.

They do it this way: the gourami freezes at the surface, looking for prey. As soon as the insect is within reach, it spits at it with a trickle of water, knocking it into the water.


The body is elongated, laterally compressed body. The dorsal and anal fins are elongated, especially in males.

The ventral fins are thread-like and extremely sensitive, with which the gourami feels everything around him.

The body color is reddish-brown or brown, with dots for which the fish got its name.

They can grow up to 12 cm, but in an aquarium it is usually less, about 8-10 cm. And life expectancy is from 6 to 8 years with good care.

Difficulty in content

Pearl gourami is very unpretentious and well suited for beginners. Undemanding, adapts well to different conditions lives long enough, about 8 years.

It eats any food, and in addition, it can also eat hydras that enter the aquarium with food.

This is a great fish that can live in a community tank with many species. These gourami can grow up to 12 cm, but usually less - 8-10 cm.

They live a long time, and even show some signs of intelligence, recognizing their master and breadwinner.

Despite the fact that pearl gouramis are quite large fish, they are very peaceful and calm. Good for community tanks but can be a little timid.


They are omnivorous and feed on insects, larvae and zooplankton in nature. In the aquarium, he eats all types of food - live, frozen, artificial.

The basis of nutrition can be made artificial feed - flakes, granules, etc. BUT additional food for gourami there will be live or frozen food - bloodworm, coretra, tubifex, brine shrimp.

They eat everything, the only thing is that the gourami has a small mouth, and they will not be able to swallow large feeds.

An interesting feature is that they can eat hydras. The hydra is a small, sessile coelenterate creature that has venomous tentacles.

In the aquarium, she can hunt fry and small fish. Naturally, such guests are undesirable and the gourami will help to cope with them.

Care and maintenance

Of all the types of gourami, it is the pearl that is the most whimsical. However, nothing special is needed for the content, just good conditions.

Spacious aquariums with subdued soft light are suitable. Fish prefer the middle and upper layers of water.

Juveniles can be grown in 50 liters, but adults already need a more spacious aquarium, preferably from 100 liters of volume.

It is important that the temperature of the air in the room and the water in the aquarium coincide as much as possible, since gouramis breathe atmospheric oxygen, then with a large difference they can damage the labyrinth apparatus.

A constant temperature is also important, residents warm countries do not tolerate cold water.

Filtration is desirable, but it is important that there is no strong current, pearl gouramis love calm water. The type of soil does not matter, but they look great against the background of dark soils.

It is desirable to plant more plants in the aquarium, and let floating plants on the surface. They do not like bright light and are a little timid on their own.

It is important that the water temperature is in the region of 24-28 C, they adapt to the rest. But it is better that the acidity is in the range of pH 6.5-8.5.


Pearl gouramis are very peaceful, even during spawning, which compares favorably with their relatives, for example. But at the same time they are timid and can hide until they settle down.

Also, they are not too lively when feeding, and it is important to ensure that they get food.

They can be good neighbors, despite some intraspecific pugnacity.

Get along well with, and other small fish.

Shrimps can be kept, but only with large enough ones, and neocardins will be considered as food.

Gourami will not eat a lot of shrimp, but if you value them, then it is better not to combine them.

Sex differences

It is quite easy to distinguish a male from a female in pearl gourami. The male is larger, more graceful, brighter colored, and has a pointed dorsal fin. In the female, it is rounded, she is fuller. In addition, it is easy to determine the sex during spawning, then the male's throat and belly become bright red.


Reproduction is quite simple. During spawning, males will appear before you in their best form, with a bright red throat and belly.

Also during spawning, males arrange fights with their opponents.

Outwardly, this resembles a battle at, when two fish grapple with each other in their mouths for a short moment, and then slowly swim in front of each other again.

Before spawning, the couple is abundantly fed with live food, usually the female, ready for spawning, noticeably gains weight. The couple is planted in a spacious, well-planted aquarium, with a wide water surface and elevated temperature.

The volume of the spawning ground is from 50 liters, preferably twice as much, since the water level in it needs to be seriously lowered, so that it is about 10-13 cm. The water parameters are pH about 7 and temperature 28C.

Floating plants, such as riccia, should be placed on the surface of the water so that the gouramis can use it as material for building a nest.

The male starts building the nest. As soon as it is ready, mating games begin. It is very important at this moment not to disturb or scare them, pearl gourami behave much softer than other types of gourami.

The male courts the female, inviting her to the nest. As soon as she swam up, the male hugs her with his body, squeezing out the eggs and immediately inseminating her. The game is lighter than water and floats, but the male catches it and places it in the nest.

For one spawning, the female can sweep away up to 2000 eggs. After spawning, the female can be left, since the male does not pursue her, but it is better to let her go, she did her job anyway.

The male will guard and fix the nest until the fry swim. The larva will hatch in two days, and after another three the fry will swim.

From this point on, the male can be removed, as he can damage the fry by trying to return him to the nest. The fry are fed with ciliates and microworms until they can eat brine shrimp nauplii.

All this time the water should be around 29C. In an aquarium with fry, you need to arrange a weak aeration of the water, until such time as it forms a labyrinth apparatus, and it begins to rise to the surface for air.

From this point on, the water level in the aquarium can be increased, and the aeration can be reduced or turned off. Malek grows quickly, but varies in size and needs to be sorted to avoid cannibalism.

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Goldfish - Pearl (goldfish pearlscale) - aquarium fish of the Cyprinidae family (Cyprinidae).


Goldfish Zhemchuzhinka is a selectively bred form of the Goldfish (CARASSIUS AURATUS).

Appearance and gender differences

Conditions of detention

Calm in nature, peaceful Pearls get along well with the same calm neighbors. You need to keep goldfish - pearls in an aquarium with a volume of at least 50 liters per one fish, it is better if it is an aquarium of at least 100 liters, in which a couple of fish will be placed. With an increase in the size of the aquarium, the population density can be slightly increased, so 3-4 fish can be placed in a 150-liter aquarium, and 5-6 in a 200-liter aquarium, etc. But with an increase in population density, attention should be paid to good aeration of the water. These aquarium fish love to dig in the ground, so it is better to use pebbles or coarse sand as it, then it will not be so easy for the fish to scatter it. The aquarium itself is desirable species and spacious, in which you need to place large-leaved aquarium plants. However, pearls quickly spoil delicate plants, or the surface of the leaves is polluted by sedimentation of waste particles suspended in the water. To avoid this, plant plants with a strong root system and hard leaves in the aquarium. Plants such as egg capsule, vallisneria, sagittaria, or elodea, as the most hardy, are very suitable. Goldfish - pearls are kept in the same aquarium along with calm species of aquarium fish. The aquarium needs natural light and good filtration. All varieties of goldfish prefer good aeration. The fish are not particularly sensitive to the parameters of the water in the aquarium. Water hardness should be 8 - 25 °, with an acidity of 6-8. It is advisable to change part of the water in the aquarium regularly. In general, the pearl is not very demanding in terms of maintenance. However, there are a number of points that beginners may not be able to cope with when keeping this delicate fish. The pearl is prone to gill rot and intestinal diseases. Ammonia and nitrites must not be present in the aquarium water. In food, pearls are unpretentious, they eat everything and a lot. Their diet should contain both live and plant foods. Despite the voracity of goldfish, they should not be overfed. The amount of food they consume daily should be approximately 3% of the weight of the fish. Adult fish should be fed twice a day - the first time in the early morning, and the second in the evening. The amount of food is calculated for 10-20 minutes of feeding, then the remains of uneaten food are removed from the aquarium. Adult fish that receive proper nutrition can endure a long week-long hunger strike without harm to their health.


All goldfish, including Pearls, can spawn in an aquarium with a capacity of 20 - 30 liters. It is necessary to place sandy soil in it and plant small-leaved plants. It is customary to plant one female for two or three two-year-old males for spawning. Before spawning, they should be kept separate for 2-3 weeks. In a spawning aquarium, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of 24 - 26 ° C. To stimulate spawning, it is necessary to gradually heat the water until its temperature rises by 5-10 °C. At the same time, males begin to quickly rush and chase females, which lose their eggs, scattering them around the entire perimeter of the aquarium, mostly on plants. In total, the female spawns about 10,000 eggs. As soon as spawning is over, the producers must be removed from the aquarium. The initial food for the hatched fry will be "live dust". They can also be given special foods, which are now commercially available in abundance, designed to feed goldfish fry, such as Sera Mikron.

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