Summaries of classes about the world of nature. Scenario of the extra-curricular event "Journey to the world of nature" Extra-curricular event in biology "Journey to the world of nature

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Scenario of the extra-curricular event "Journey to the world of nature extracurricular activity- page №1/1

Scenario of an extracurricular event "Journey into the world of nature
Extra-curricular event in biology "Journey to the world of nature" for students in grades 5-6 in the form of a game-travel

aim This lesson is the formation of a value attitude to nature.
The lesson is organized in the form of a game-journey with elements of competition, which contributes to the activation of the cognitive interest of students.
Entertaining quizzes and competitions contribute to the development creativity and thinking of students. During the game, decisions are made collectively, which forms communicative qualities and contributes to the education of a culture of communication among schoolchildren.
Musical accompaniment contributes to the creation of a comfortable psycho-emotional climate in the classroom.

Journey into the world of nature ( Journey game)

Purpose of the lesson- the formation of a value attitude towards nature in students.
- to form a stable system of views of the value attitude towards nature among students;
- expand students' understanding of nature native land;
- to promote the development of thinking, creative abilities of students;
- to activate cognitive interest in the study of biology.

Form of organization of the event: game-journey

Equipment: illustrated material for the design of stations, photographs depicting plants of the Kemerovo region, dry medicinal herbs, posters and newspapers about the nature of their native land, children's crafts made from natural materials, a tape recorder, audio recordings.

Preparatory work: homework: selection in each class of the team and support group; preparation of greetings and introductions; publishing posters and newspapers about the nature of the native land, making handicrafts from natural materials.

Leaders: Lesovik, Path, Tsar Berendey, 2 students reading poetry. Jury: high school students.

Lesson progress

Tsar Berendey:
- Well done boys! You have successfully completed this task!
(Picks up the next flower)
- Are you well acquainted with the nature of your native land? Let's check.
Competition "Who is the first?"
One person from each class is called, the leader asks questions, whoever answers first brings 1 point to his team.

Which plant gives the most best honey? (Linden)
The name of which plant is associated with ringing? (Bell)
Which plant juice removes warts? (Celandine)
No one scares, but she trembles. (Aspen)
Predatory plant. (Sundew)
A plant called the eye of an animal. (Crow's eye)
The name of which flower consists of a particle, a preposition and a sentry box. (forget-me-not)
The eyes are on the horns, and the house is on the back. (Snail)
Does the tree grow in winter? (Not)
Which snow melts faster: clean or dirty? (Filthy)
What grows down? (Icicle)
When does lilac bloom? (Spring)
Sleeps on the ground, disappears in the morning. (Dew)
What is the herb that the blind recognize? (Nettle)
What scary animal eats raspberries? (Bear)
How many wings does a beetle have? (four)
What tree does a crow sit on in the rain? (on wet)
Who will be born twice? (Bird)
- What smart and quick-witted guys have gathered in our forest today. But after all, in the journey there may be difficulties that can only be overcome together.
- How should you behave in order to cope with obstacles?
(children's answers)
- Correctly. The main thing in a difficult situation is friendship, support and mutual assistance!
- Do you know how to help each other?
(picks up the next flower)
- The following competitions will help us to check it.
Guess the crossword
2 people from each class are called. Guessing for speed. The first get 4 points, the second - 3 points, the third - 2 points, the fourth - 1 point. (Annex 3)

"Name the plants"
2 participants are called. It is necessary to name 3 plants whose names contain notes, for example: lilac, bean, peach, hemp, buckwheat, cornflower, almond,
(The path removes the last flower)
Tsar Berendey Our guys are not only smart, but also friendly. And in the forest you still need to be able to apply ingenuity and ingenuity.
- Guys, do you agree to test your ingenuity? Then I propose to guess "entertaining riddles."
"Entertaining riddles"
Each correct answer brings an additional point to the team.
The path posts the correct answers on the board.
(Annex 4)

If you give me a soft sign in place of “a”, immediately turn the weed into a bird. (Swan-swan)
You have long appreciated me for the aroma, everywhere I am proud of my beauty, but if you change “r” to “k”, then horns and a beard will grow. (Rose-goat)
To guess - have patience. With "l" - part of the face, and with "b" - a plant. (Lob-bob)
The first is a personal pronoun. The second is the singing of the frog. Everything is a plant whose fruit is a berry. (Pumpkin)
A hissing letter, a vowel, a note, an annoying two-winged insect, everything is a tree with fragrant snow-white flowers and astringent fruits. (Che-re-fly)
First, the song spring drops, the second is the mouth. Everything is a plant about which riddles are composed. (Cabbage)
With the first letter, I look like grass, but they don’t mow me down; without it, the patient often pronounces me. (Moss - oh)
Tsar Berendey:
- Well done boys! You successfully completed all the competitions and helped your teams. Here they are returning from their trip. Let's meet them!
(music "Forest March" sounds)
The results of the game are summed up. According to the route lists and additional points, the jury selects the winners in various nominations.

Student 1
I look at the globe, the globe of the earth
And suddenly he sighed as if alive.
And the continents whisper to me:
"You take care of us, take care!"
Student 2
In the anxiety of groves and forests,
Dew on the grass like a tear
And the springs softly whisper:
"You take care of us, take care!"
Student 1
The deep river is sad
Losing their shores.
And I hear the voice of that river:
"You take care of us, take care!"
Student 2
The deer stopped his run,
Be a man, man!
We believe in you - do not lie:
"You take care of us, take care!"
Student 1
I look at the globe, the globe of the earth,
So beautiful and dear
And lips whisper - I won't lie:
"I will save you, I will save you!"
The results of the game are announced and the teams are awarded.
3. Summing up
Our journey into the natural world has come to an end. What made the biggest impression on you?
- What new discoveries did you make today?
- Will the knowledge gained on this journey be useful to you later in life?
- I say goodbye to you. I wish you happiness and success, Have a good mood. But most importantly, you must always remain as friendly and resourceful as you are today! See you soon!


The extra-curricular event for grades 5-6 "Journey to the world of nature" according to the proposed outline was aimed at forming a value attitude towards nature among students.
During the lesson were successfully implemented various forms organization of activities, which contributed to the manifestation of initiative and creative self-expression of students.
In the course of completing the tasks of various competitions, the work of teams at the “stations”, the knowledge of students about the nature of their native land expanded.
The game form of the event contributed to the activation of cognitive interest in the study of biology and supported the efficiency of students.
Cooperation between students, friendly attitude, musical accompaniment contributed to the creation of a comfortable psychological atmosphere, which had a positive effect on the emotional state of students during the classes.


1. Anashkina, E.N. Crosswords for schoolchildren. Biology [Text] / E.N. Anashkina. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997. - 128s.
2. Anashkina, E.N. Cheerful botany, quizzes, puzzles, crossword puzzles [Text] / E.N. Anashkina. Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1998. - 192p.
3. Borzova, Z.V. Didactic materials in biology: methodical manual [Text] / Z.V. Borzova, A.M. Dagaev.
- M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 400s.
4. Kastkina, N.A. Extracurricular work in biology. 3 - 8 classes. [Text] /Aut. - comp.: N.A. Kastkin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004. - 160s.
5. Lerner, G.I. Biology lessons. Plants, bacteria, fungi, lichens. 6th grade. Tests, questions, tasks: tutorial[Text] / G.I. Lerner. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 240s.

Annex 1 Route sheets

Station name Rating Signature


"Green friend"

"Forest Pharmacy"

"Protection of Nature"

"Little Secrets of Nature"

Appendix 2 forest clearing

Annex 3 Crossword

1. Danilka is small,
small, remote,
Passed through the earth
Found the red hat
He took off his hat and put the children to bed.
2. Egor lies under the boundary covered with a green veil.
3. Round, not a ball, with a tail, not a mouse, yellow as honey, but the taste is not the same.
4. Yermoshka sits on one leg, he has a hundred clothes on him and all without fasteners.
5. Without arms, without legs, crawling on a batog.
6. The yellow chicken pouts under the tyn.
7. There is a freak in the middle of the garden, evil to everyone, but sweet to everyone.

Annex 4 Responses to "fun riddles"

swan - swan
Rose - goat
Forehead - bob
Moss - oh

state budgetary general educational institution Samara region main comprehensive school No. 15 of the city of Novokuibyshevsk, urban district of Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region, structural unit "Kindergarten" Cheburashka "

lesson summary

Prepared and hosted:

Educator Zhukova O.V.

g.o. Novokuibyshevsk, 2014

Integration of educational areas:“Artistic and aesthetic development”, “ cognitive development», « Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Physical development”.


  • child awareness emotional states others;
  • The ability to understand and accept the world of wildlife;
  • Introduction to elementary generally accepted norms and rules of conduct.


  • Development of emotional responsiveness;
  • Overcoming negative attitude;
  • Reducing communication barriers;
  • Awareness of the skill of positive interaction;
  • Awareness of the child's own uniqueness.

Necessary materials:

  • Recording of classical music;
  • A computer;
  • Presentation "Journey into the world of wildlife";
  • Drawing paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons.

Lesson progress:

1. Greeting. Creating an emotional state.

Educator. "Hello guys! I'm glad to see you all! Let us greet each other as follows: Everyone stand in a circle and hold hands. The psychologist says: “Imagine that we are one big kind animal. Let's breathe together. Inhale - take a step forward, exhale - step back. The children follow the instructions, the psychologist continues: “This is how the animal breathes and it beats just as smoothly and clearly. a big heart. A knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back. Let's breathe and listen to the beat of the heart of a kind animal." Thank you! Well done!

Tell me, please, do you want to travel in the new world? To open it, we need to activate all our forces, cheer up and say kind words to each other. Let's try to do this.

The teacher offers the children a massage of the auricles: first massage the earlobes, then the entire auricle. At the end of the exercise, rub your ears with your hands. For example, the psychologist starts first.

Game "Good Words"

Children take turns calling pantomimically kind words, for example: love, gift, holiday, fun, etc.

2. The main part of the lesson.

Educator. “Today we will go on a journey, to a new fairy-tale world - to the magical world of wildlife. And to help you imagine them, they gave you a slide film of the inhabitants of their world.”

Presentation "Journey to the World of Wildlife"

Children watch a slide film and choose photos depicting various animals, animals, flowers, birds, natural phenomena followed by musical composition. Direct viewing of the slide - film takes 10-15 minutes. Each child talks about his choice: why he was interested in this particular flower or animal, compares it with some state, trait of his character, etc. For example, the educational psychologist starts first. After each monologue, he offers to support the participant's answer with applause.

Exercise "Draw the world of wildlife"

The teacher invites the children to draw what they liked the most when watching a slide film. Soft music recording starts. After the work is completed, the psychologist offers to demonstrate their drawings and discuss the image individually.

What is shown here?

What name would you give your creation?

What did you feel when you created the image of wildlife?

A group discussion is held during which the children share their impressions.

3. Final stage. Summarizing.

Children are invited to talk about what they liked and did not like in the lesson, and express their wishes for the future lesson.

“Guys, our journey is coming to an end. Let's give the residents of the fabulous living world a common photograph (fixing the visual image) as a keepsake. We have visited different magical worlds, met amazing inhabitants. Now let's smile, thank each other and say goodbye until the next time."

Journey into the world of nature "Forest and its inhabitants". Summary of classes for grades 5-6

Author: Valentina Valentinovna Rodionova, teacher.
Place of employment: BEI VO "Gryazovets boarding school for students with visual impairments"

Material Description: I offer you a summary of the cognitive trip "Forest and its inhabitants." This material was compiled for students of the 6th grade and is aimed at forming their holistic view of the world. The proposed material will be useful to educators and class teachers 5th and 6th grades in terms of environmental education children.

Journey into the world of nature "Forest and its inhabitants".
Target: expansion of students' ideas about the relationships between the various inhabitants of the forest kingdom.
1. to deepen students' understanding of the relationship in nature, the role of birds, hedgehogs, ants in the regulation of the number of forest pests;
2. learn to compare the proposed objects.
1. form a responsible attitude to their actions;
2. develop the ability to see the beauty and understand the uniqueness of nature.
1. develop emotional sphere, figurative thinking, memory;
2. enrich vocabulary children, their outlook.

Course progress.
1. Organizing time. Goal setting.
Good afternoon guys!
Please listen to the poem and think about what will be discussed today in class.
Mushrooms scattered
Along the forest slope.
Stopped to heal
Smart woodpecker birch.
playful stream
Something quickly babbles.
On my palm desperately
The grasshopper jumped.
Confer quietly
About something grass.
Ant as a scout
Studying boots.
And clapped happily
Leaves in hand:
- A man came to us,
And not evil, but good.

What is the poem about? (children's answers)
It fits the theme of our lesson.
- Who can name the topic? (children's answers)
This poem is called "Visiting the Forest"
Today we will visit with you the inhabitants of the forest kingdom. But not always good people are in the forest, sometimes evil ones appear. Now listen ecological fairy tale"Sad story".
2. Reading the fairy tale "Sad Story" using presentations, drawings, photographs.
Ecological fairy tale "Sad story".
Once, on one of the cold rainy summer days, on the outskirts of the forest, little hedgehog, gray cuckoo and tiny ant. They met under the branches of an old spruce, where they climbed in search of shelter from the rain.
- Well, the weather today! Like a shower! I only ran out of the anthill for five minutes, and here you are, all the paths around were flooded with water, there was no way to return home, - said the little ant, shivering from the cold.
“Yes, if only today,” the cuckoo supported him. - The third day is already watering! From the rain, everyone huddled in the cracks and burrows, not a single living soul around! No food to be found! One more rainy day like this and I'll starve to death!
- I wish this rain would end, I would immediately run home, into an anthill - it’s warm and dry there now! - the ant continued the conversation.
“Yes, and it’s time for me to dry my wet feathers,” said the cuckoo.
- That you all got it wrong: the weather is bad, it's wet for you, you're hungry! Everything happens in life. Bad weather is no reason to whine. It's still not the worst thing. Be patient a little - the weather will improve soon, - the little hedgehog reasoned with his friends in misfortune.
- Much worse, - the ant continued to grumble. - It's worse for me. bad weather there is nothing in the world!
“But I really like to eat, and there is nothing worse than hunger for me,” the cuckoo continued to grumble in tone with the ant.
- Oh, you! They fixed one thing: cold, hungry! If you want to know, I had something worse than you, but I don’t say anything, I don’t complain, ”the hedgehog said bitterly in his voice.
- What happened to you? - the curious cuckoo immediately asked.
- Tell me, what kind of trouble happened to you, maybe we can help you? - the ant supported the cuckoo.
- Yes, how can you help! Offended me, so offended! I don't even want to live! Listen to what happened to me. Once I was walking on my hedgehog business through the forest. I was looking for something to profit from: May beetles, gypsy moth caterpillars or some other pests of the forest. I hear people walking along the path, like mushroom pickers. They go and talk to each other: “Something, they say, there are no more mushrooms in the forest. We've been walking since morning, but we didn't find anything. And there are mushroom places here, last year they collected a whole basket here in an hour. And now there is nothing. And where did all the mushrooms go? Then I accidentally rustled with old leaves and caught their eye. “So that’s where the mushrooms have gone! This is a nasty hedgehog, he probably ate all the mushrooms, ”one of the mushroom pickers shouted and waved his stick at me. At this point, I quickly curled up in a ball and rolled away from this place. And I felt so bitter and offended that I decided to leave the forest altogether. That's how the rain will end, I'll go from here wherever my eyes look, - the hedgehog completed his sad story with such sad words.
“Yes, people offended you greatly,” the cuckoo said sympathetically. - It's the worst thing when you are made guilty without guilt. These unfortunate mushroom pickers are just some ignoramuses! After all, even children know that hedgehogs belong to the order of insectivores, they eat insects, that means. Well, it happens sometimes - they can finally eat a mouse, a frog, a snake. And that hedgehogs eat mushrooms - this is more in fairy tales and cartoons. Unless, with great hunger, hedgehogs can eat one or two mushrooms. But so that there would be no more mushrooms in the forest because of hedgehogs, they turned it down! And we, cuckoos, are undeservedly offended by people. They say only one thing about us, that we throw our children to the upbringing of strange birds. Here, they say, what a bad mother. And they will not remember that most types of cuckoos are tender and caring parents. They themselves build nests, and hatch eggs, and feed the chicks. It is only a few species of cuckoos that toss their eggs into other people's nests. Moreover, people remember the cuckoo when they hear my modest song in the forest. They will hear, and let's ask stupid questions: "Cuckoo, cuckoo, how long do I have left to live?" And how do I know?! My song is not meant for that at all. It is a pity that not all people know why birds sing songs. So males attract the attention of females, care, that means. We cuckoos are also offended that people only say bad things about us. And how much good we do for the forest, and they do not remember. But every cuckoo eats thousands and thousands of forest pests in one summer! You, hedgehog, are telling the truth, people undeservedly offend us. Maybe, really, we should leave this forest somewhere far away, where there are no people nearby?
- What do you think, little ant? - He was silent, the ant was silent for a little and says:
- I do not know what to advise you. But since you shared your troubles with me, I will also reveal the truth to you. The need for rainy weather drove me out of the anthill. After all, I ran for building material - we urgently need to repair our anthill. Listen to my sad story. Just before the rains, a boy of about ten wandered into our forest. As soon as he entered the forest, he immediately began to behave outrageously. Wherever he sees a fly agaric, he will knock him down with a stick, where a branch gets on the way, he will break it. And then he saw an old abandoned tin can and let's knock and strum on it, as if he doesn't know that you can't make noise in the forest, otherwise you will scare away all the birds. Yes, that's what! Further, it was even worse - he decided to make a fire under the old oak tree. He already took out matches from his pocket, and raked up dry branches in a heap, as soon as we managed to stop him. If he kindled a fire, here and before forest fire it could work! But we were not afraid of this young arsonist and entered into battle with him. Mosquitoes flew at him from above, and we, ants, crawled under his shirt and into his pants and let's bite him! He began to fight us off, he was not up to matches, he completely forgot about the fire. This battle has begun! He beat and crushed many of our brothers, but we still did not retreat, we continued to bite and sting him. They bit until he ran away from the forest and rushed. When he was running away, he stepped on our anthill and destroyed part of our roof. Now it needs to be repaired. Such is sad story. Well, nothing, ants are hard-working people. All in at its best restore. The main thing is that such outrageous people should no longer come to our forest. And I'm not going to leave the forest. Here I was born and raised. This is where my home, my friends and family live. Where will I go from here? And if some kind of trouble happens, so it is necessary to help each other in trouble, then the trouble is not terrible. We ants have this: do not spare your life, but help a friend! And you think, who will feel better if you leave the forest - you or maybe your own forest? You can't leave the forest unprotected! If we leave, pests will immediately breed in it and destroy our forest. You do what you want, but I will never leave!
The hedgehog and the cuckoo became thoughtful, fell silent. While our friends were thinking, the rain stopped, the wind subsided, and the long-awaited sun peeked out from behind the clouds. The hearts of the animals immediately became more cheerful.
- We will not go anywhere from our forest! - decisively said the cuckoo. - The forest is our home, we need to take care of it and protect it!
- And thank you, ant, - the little hedgehog picked up the words of the cuckoo. You are the most wise and thoughtful among us. Even though you are small, you are brave and courageous. And a reliable comrade - in Hard time don't leave in trouble. We will be like that too! And next time we meet, let's tell funny stories to each other.
- And you, Christmas tree, thank you, - continued the ant. - You sheltered us from the rain. Live longer! And we will take care of you and other trees in the forest!

After reading the tale, it is recommended to discuss it full content with the guys. Suggested questions for discussion:
- What else have you learned about the life of the forest?
- What danger to the forest do people pose?
- How to behave in the forest?
What role do ants play in forests?
- Who do you think forest dwellers was more right in his behavior?
- Come up with some kind, affectionate sayings about hedgehogs, ants and cuckoos.
What animals did you read about in the fairy tale? Who are hedgehogs? (Beasts) Cuckoos? (Birds) Ants? (Insects)
1) Game-competition "Yozhekuki".
The guys are divided into two teams "Hedgehogs" and "Cuckoos".
Each team is invited to discuss and name the signs by which hedgehogs and cuckoos 1) are similar and 2) differ from each other.
For example:
1) Hedgehogs and cuckoos are animals.
2) They live in the forest.
3) They feed on insects harmful to the forest.
4) They have a grayish-white variegated color ...
1) Hedgehogs live on the surface of the earth, and cuckoos live in the crowns of trees.
2) The cuckoo is a bird, and the hedgehog is a mammal (animals).
3) The hedgehog has needles on its body, and the cuckoo has feathers.
4) The cuckoo flies, and the hedgehog runs on the ground...
In order for the children to be able to highlight more signs, you can invite them to additionally read information about hedgehogs and cuckoos in books and play this game again in the next lesson.
The team with the most names wins.

2) Competition " Favorite treat hedgehog"
Choose from the cards those that name the food of hedgehogs (worms, mushrooms, lizards, mice, apples, grass, snakes, frogs, roots, bugs). Answer: the hedgehog does not eat any mushrooms, or apples, or grass, or roots.
3) Competition of cheerful artists.
Each team pulls out a task (draw a hedgehog, an ant, a cuckoo, a cloud and place them in one common picture under the spruce).
Think of some kind, endearing things about hedgehogs, ants, and cuckoos.

4. And now we will find out how well you know the inhabitants of the forest. To do this, we will quiz game "Primer of nature"
Game conditions: the teacher distributes cards with the numbers 1,2,3 to all the players and explains that after he pronounces the text of the riddle or question, an answer with three options will be presented. They must choose the correct answer and, at the signal of the teacher, raise the corresponding card. After that, the number of correct answers is counted. The one with the most points (tokens) wins.
I round. Riddles about plants
The guys have a green friend.
Cheerful friend, good.
He will stretch out hundreds of hands to them
And thousands of hands.
1. Nettle. 2. Anthill. 3. Forest.

In the heat of the stumps
Lots of thin stems.
Each thin stem
Holds a scarlet light.
Unfolding the stems
Collecting lights.
1. Blueberries. 2. Strawberries. 3. Raspberry.

I was walking along the path,
I saw the sun on a blade of grass
But not hot at all.
The sun's white rays.
1. Chamomile. 2. Dandelion. 3. Astra.

Whoever touches
It clings to it.
Affectionate and prickly,
Needles stick out all around.
1. Rosehip. 2. Quinoa. 3. Burdock.

Alena costs:
green scarf,
thin mill,
White sundress.
1. Birch. 2. Willow. 3. Aspen.

Planted a seed
Raised the sun.
We'll tear this sun -
We will collect a lot of grains.
We will fry them - we will gnaw them.
And the guests will come
We'll give them a handful.
1. Pear. 2. Sunflower. 3. Raspberry

In haymaking - bitter,
And in the cold - sweet,
What is a berry?
1. Kalina. 2. Cranberry. 3. Rowan.

Just touch -
Retract your hand:
Burning the grass
Like fire.
1. Belena. 2. Nettle. 3. Thistle.

Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower:
Bright blue and fluffy
It's just a shame it's not fragrant!
1. Bell. 2. Clover. 3. Cornflower.

II round. Questions about animals and birds
Which bird is considered the smartest?
1. Eagle. 2. Raven. 3. Parrot
What is the best delicacy for moose, deer, roe deer?
1. Grass. 2. Mushrooms. 3. Salt.

What is the length of the tunnel that a mole can dig in one night?
1. 10 m. 2. 60 m. 3.40 m.

How does a woodpecker extract insects from cracks in the bark of trees?
1. Language. 2. Beak. 3. Paw.

What animal can fly?
1. Flying squirrel. 2. Lynx. 3. Bat.

Which of these birds are migratory?
1. Sparrow. 2. Robin. 3. Nightingale.

Which of these animals hibernate for the winter?
1. Badger. 2. Hedgehog 3. Bear.

How many flies for insects per day can birds make during the feeding of chicks?
1. 400. 2. 200. 3. 100.

What is the name of a beaver's home?
1. Nora. 2. Lair. 3. Hut.

Which bird, thanks to its crossed beak, can get seeds from pine cones?
1. Remez. 2. Crossbill. 3. Finch.

III round. What is this insect?
Thick reddish butterfly with bright black transverse stripes, narrow transparent wings, able to buzz.
1. Glass case. 2. Lemongrass. 3. Machaon.

A small flying insect whose females feed on blood. It has a long thin sting. Its flight is accompanied by a high-pitched ringing sound.
1. Fly. 2. Tick. 3. Mosquito.

Small non-flying black or red insects that live large groups, whose housing in the forest resembles a mound. Their hard work is noted in fairy tales and fables.
1. Bees. 2. Ants. 3. Cockroaches.

A green insect with strong jaws and three pairs of legs, the rear pair being longer than the rest, as it is used for jumping. It has two pairs of wings: thin and rigid. Males, rubbing hard wings against each other, make chirring sounds.
1. Grasshopper. 2. Flea. 3. Weevil.

A flying insect that has a "tiger" color - yellow and black stripes, brings great benefits to humans. People use almost all the products produced by this insect: honey, wax, etc. In addition, collecting nectar from flowers, these insects pollinate plants.
1. Wasp. 2. Butterfly. 3. Bee.

A little wild duck, the whistling teal, finally decided to transfer her ducklings from the forest, bypassing the village, into the lake, to freedom. In the spring, this lake overflowed far, and a solid place for a nest could be found only three miles away, on a hummock, in a swamp forest. And when the water subsided, I had to travel all three miles to the lake.
1. Prishvin M.M. 2. Tolstoy L.N. 3. Marshak S.Ya.

The old man crept up from behind the Christmas tree and sees: on the edge of a tree broken by a thunderstorm, long chips stick out of it. And a bear sits under a tree, grabbed one chip with its paw. The bear pulled the chip towards him and let it go. The sliver straightened, trembled, and in the air there was: “Zenn! ..” - like a string sang.
1. Dragunsky V.Yu. 2. Bianchi V.V. 3. Tokmakova I.P.

The boy got offended and ran out of the house. He looks - and a jackdaw flies over the roof and something glitters under her beak. I looked closer - yes, these are glasses! The boy hid behind a tree and began to look. And the jackdaw sat on the roof, looked around to see if anyone could see, and began to push glasses on the roof with her beak into the crack.
1. Zakhoder V.V. 2. Oseeva V.A. 3. Zhitkov B.S.

I'm off my feet today
My puppy is missing.
Called him for two hours
Waited two hours for him
Didn't sit down for lessons
And I couldn't have lunch.
1. Moshkovskaya E.E. 2. Sladkov N.I. 3. Mikhalkov S.V.

5. Summing up. Reflection.
- Who felt comfortable during the lesson? Who is not very? Who didn't like working?
- What did you like the most?
- What did you learn in class?
What conclusion can be drawn from what you heard in class?
I think that our meeting today will not be in vain, you will become real defenders of nature.
Animal burrows, bird's nest
We will never destroy.
Let the chicks and small animals
It's good to live next to us.

1. Grekhova L.I. In union with nature.
2. I go to class at primary school: Natural history. The book for the teacher. - M .: Publishing house "First of September", 1999.
3. Organization of environmental research activities of younger students. Journey into the world of nature. / ed.-comp. N.I. Astashina - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.

Lidia Buzlanova
Summary of the lesson "Journey into the world of nature"


MO "Saratov city"

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 106"

Leninsky district of Saratov

Abstract educational activities on educational field "Cognitive Development" in preparatory group №12

Topic: « Journey into the world of nature…»


Buzlanova Lidia Petrovna

G. Saratov 2017-2018 academic year.

Target: to form an emotional positive attitude towards the world around and nature.

Developing. Stimulate the desire to independently draw conclusions and put forward hypotheses, develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation, logical thinking, imagination, attention, speech, and also develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, respect the opinion of a partner, as well as defend one's opinion.

Educational. To systematize children's knowledge about the polar bear and its lifestyle through a slide presentation and during experimental activities. Systematize and clarify ideas about behavior in nature, about the properties of fat, the method of water purification.

Educational. lay the foundations ecological culture, teach children correct behavior in natural environment.

Preliminary work. Reading, looking at, learning poetry, observing, talking.

Vocabulary work. Activation and enrichment of the vocabulary of children, acquaintance with the concept "habitat".

Equipment. Containers with cereals, conditional measure, sunflower oil ====, sheet of paper, plastic bottles, cotton pads, funnel, sieve, bird head cards, environmental signs - cards, globe, slide presentation.

Organizing time. Children enter the hall, stop. They sit on the carpet. In the hall there are tables on which there is equipment for experiments.

Lesson progress

caregiver: Good afternoon, dear children, dear guests! Today we will talk about our planet Earth…. I'll tell you a little legend "Earth, sky, people and gods".

“At the beginning of time, Earth and Sky were one. The gods and people were surrounded by darkness, and they asked the Forest to rest their heads against the Sky, and their feet against the Earth - and press .... So the Earth and the Sky were forever separated. There was a light, and people went to distant travels to see and learn as much as possible about the planet they live on. And learned that the earth has no

No beginning, no end

No back of the head, no face.

Everyone knows - both young and old,

That she's a big ball.

(demonstrates a model of the earth - a globe)

Children: The globe

caregiver: What is a globe? (children's answers)

caregiver: An image of our planet Earth. Globe - a model of the Earth, reduced by tens of millions of times. And also, to depict a large territory - a country or the whole Earth - they make a map.

(map image appears)

The dimensions on the map are reduced hundreds of thousands of times. The map can show oceans and mountains, seas and rivers, plains and lakes. All of them have their own color.

caregiver: What color do you think is shown on the map?

(Children's answers. Children look for colors on the map and name the objects that correspond to them).

(there is a noise of an approaching car and a knock)

Educator. I received a letter from Professor ZNAIKIN. What is written in it is very interesting!

(opens envelope, reads).

"Hello children. You correctly showed glaciers on the map - in white, mountains - brown, deserts - yellow, seas, rivers, oceans - blue color, the woods - in green. Do you know what is nature?

(children's answers)

caregiver: Yes, these are rivers, forests, fields, sky, sun, animals; that is, everything that is not made by human hands. And man is also a part nature. And the smallest bug is also a part nature. Nature feeds man, clothes, teaches, gives everything necessary for life.

Remember the poem « Nature» (children read a poem).

We are taught at any time of the year by the wise nature.

Birds learn to sing. Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden teach us to work

And besides, everything is fair in their work.

The reflection in the water teaches us truthfulness.

The snow teaches us purity, the sun teaches kindness

And with all the immensity teaches modesty.

Educator. Where do you live? (Houses). And where do insects, animals, fish, birds live? (in the forest, in the water, in the field, in the mountains). What is the name of the place where animals live? (habitat).

Educator. We can say that the forest, field, water, mountains, their home is the world. nature. I suggest going out into the world nature. Who will we be in their house? (Guests.) When the guests behave badly, everything around is quiet, silent. Nature seems to take offense. We will show our respect and love for everyone we meet on the way. I will tell you a riddle, you will tell me a riddle.

I bear the harvest, I sow the fields again.

I send birds to the south, I undress the trees,

But I do not touch the pines and fir trees.

I - …. (autumn).

Educator. It's autumn. Travel in the natural world a magic flower will help us.

You are our magic flower

Here is your yellow petal.

Take us there quickly

Where suddenly trouble happened.

Motor workout.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 don't be lazy and spin

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hold hands together

And smile at each other. (sit down)

Educator. It's autumn. We were in the field.

(a picture showing the field appears)

See how brightly the sun shines, filling the grasses with its warmth and light, warming insects and animals living in tall, juicy and dense grass. They all live together without interfering with each other. Scientists call this community of animals - natural community . Let's repeat together: « natural community» .

What do you think, do animals stock up for the winter or not? (children's answers).

(two mice run out, in the hands of containers of different volumes with cereals, quarrel)

Educator. What happened, why did the quarrel arise? (mouse explanations)

Educator. I will help. I have the same measurements. Pour the cereal and compare.

EXPERIENCE #1 "Measurement of bulk materials using a measure".

Equipment. Two identical measurements, cereals, containers of different volumes, two trays.

Description of experience. There are two identical measurements on the tables. Children pour cereals of their containers of different volumes. And they compare.

Conclusion. The same amount of cereal occupies a large area in a large volume and a smaller area in a small volume.

Educator. You have equal grains, make peace, hug and run about your business.

(Mice run away

You are our magic flower

Here is your green petal.

Take us there quickly

Where suddenly trouble happened.

Motor warm-up "At the edge of the forest in a row"

On the edge of the forest in a row

The animals are exercising.

The hare turns its head

Stretches the muscles of the neck.

Makes every movement diligently -

He likes this exercise very much.

Teddy bear sits down

Heels off the floor.

Keeps the back straight

As his mother taught him.

Well, squirrels are like balls

Jumping together like bunnies (sit on chairs)

Educator. Here we are in the forest. What are the animals doing in the autumn forest?

(Children tell from the picture how animals prepare for winter)

Educator. The animals are getting ready for winter. Each in their own way. I have in my hands a letter from Professor ZNAIKIN.

(opens envelope, reads)

“Dear children, I have sent you a task. Can you handle it? The teacher will read the tasks.

(tasks are completed on a magnetic board)

Didactic game number 1. "Find the sign?".

Game progress. The rule of conduct in the forest is read. And the children find the right sign.

Equipment. Cards - signs, cards with rules.

Didactic game number 2. "Name the bird by the image of the head".

Game progress. Bird head cards. Children pick up a card and name the bird.

Equipment. Bird head cards.

Educator. Well done. I think that Professor ZNAIKIN was satisfied with the answers. Let's go further.

You are our magic flower

Here is your blue petal.

Take us there quickly

Where suddenly trouble happened.

(The sound of water is heard, images of pictures with reservoirs appear)

We got to the reservoir. How beautifully the trees are reflected in the transparent and clean water. What beautiful beaches.

(Images of a picture with polluted reservoirs appear)

What happened to the pond in this picture?

What is shown in the other image?

What is the person in this picture doing?

(children's answers)

We saw how life-threatening a reservoir can become if it is clogged, dirty water is drained. Can water be purified? (children's answers).

Educator. Try to purify the water yourself.

EXPERIENCE #2 "Water purification from pollution".

Equipment. A container with dirty water, the container is empty, cotton pads, a sieve.

Description of experience. A funnel is inserted into an empty container, into which a cotton pad is inserted, and a sieve is placed on top. A container of dirty water is taken and gradually poured into the funnel.

Conclusion. The sieve traps particles of debris, and the cotton pad traps particles of the dissolved substance.

(Children express their conclusions)

Educator. If people remember the rules of conduct in nature, build purification facilities, then the habitat of living beings on Earth will be safe. Remember the poem "Our planet".

Our planet is a common home.

And we have lived in it for many years.

But, as everyone knows,

We must protect this house.

Educator. It's time to go.

You are our magic flower

Here is your white petal.

Take us there quickly

Where suddenly trouble happened.

(the sound of the wind is heard, we leave to warm ourselves on the chairs)

Motor workout.

It's freezing outside. Children slap their hands on their shoulders and

So that the nose does not freeze, they stomp their feet

Gotta stomp your feet

And clap your hands.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky, Children raise their hands above their heads and make

Like a fairytale picture. grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes.

Let's catch them with our hands

And show mom at home.

And all around are snowdrifts, Sipping - hands to the sides.

Snow covered the roads.

Do not get stuck in the field so that Walking in place with a high raising of the stake

Raise your legs higher.

We go, we go, we go Walking in place.

And we come to our house. The children take their seats.

(images appear: wolf, fox, wild boar, brown bear, polar bear.)

Educator. Guess who's out of place here? Why?

(children's answers)

(A picture of a polar bear appears)

Educator. - Who do you see in the picture? - Where does he live polar bear? - What does it eat?

(children's answers)

Educator. - Who can tell me why the bear's fur does not get wet?

(children's answers)

Do you want to check it yourself?

EXPERIENCE #3 "Why doesn't the bear's fur get wet?".

Equipment. Funnel - 2 pcs., Plastic bottle - 2 pcs, 2 sheets of paper, container with sunflower oil, container with water.

Description of experience. The child inserts a dry sheet of paper into one funnel and an oiled sheet of paper into the other funnel. Then, in turn, pours water into them.

Conclusion: oil prevents water from entering the container. Therefore, the bear's hair also does not get wet, because it is greasy and repels water.

Educator. The last petal remains. It's time for us to head back to kindergarten and you're in for a surprise.

You are our magic flower

Here is your red petal.

Take us back to kindergarten.

Here we are in kindergarten. I'll tell you a story about a little penguin LOLO.

A short story of the teacher and a small excerpt from the cartoon.

(shows an excerpt from the cartoon)


And you guys always protect nature,

After all, she is defenseless,

Always clean everything around

Fill up the reserves of the world!

"Thanks" the earth will tell you.

I am sure that you will always behave correctly on nature, and be sure to teach this to all your friends and acquaintances. Our class is over.

State educational institution of the Omsk region

for orphans and children left without parental care,

"Peter and Paul Orphanage"

Extracurricular event on ecology

"To the natural world"


Kuzmina Natalia Nikolaevna


Muromtsevo, 2014

Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about the nature of their native land and careful attitude To her.


    To deepen information about the nature around us.

    To promote the development of creative and cognitive activity of pupils.

    Cultivate a caring and responsible attitude towards nature.

Equipment: Book exhibition (encyclopedias about animals, plants, insects, birds), task cards, pictures of trees, projector, screen, tokens, recording of birds singing.

Course progress.

Introductory part:

Guys, today we will go on a journey to remember, consolidate and learn new things about nature. And our journey will be called "Into the world of nature."

Main part:

I want to start our journey with a poem by R. Rozhdestvensky

When you enter the forest

Fragrant and cool

Among the sunspots

And strict silence

Meets your chest

So happy, so hungry

Breath of wet herbs

And pine scent.

Hello, haven of freedom and peace,

Unpretentious forest of the native country!

You are full of freshness

And everything in you is alive

And how many mysteries and miracles you have!

— As you already know, the forest is the “lungs” of our planet. And every year the forest is getting smaller and smaller. And the reason for this is illegal logging, fires, sawing for the needs of the population.

- What trees and shrubs grow in our area?

(Children's answers: pine, spruce, birch, aspen, larch, viburnum, raspberry, currant, willow, bird cherry, etc.)

- Who will tell me how larch differs from other conifers?

(children's answers: she sheds her foliage every year).

- Tell me, what kind of wood are matches made of?

(children's answers: from pine)

- Now there is not much from history, what do you think about which tree Aristotle wrote: “If the winter is moderate, there will be a lot of resin and good, if the winter is severe, there is less resin and it is worse. The best and purest resin is obtained from places flooded with the sun; resin from shady places is dark and bitter.

(children's answers: pine)

- Well done, you know a lot of trees and shrubs. Now on the slides you will be presented with trees that do not grow in our area (Appendix 1).

1 slide: Guys, maybe someone knows what this tree is called.

(children's answers)

- That's right, it's oak. Oak barrels are made from this tree.

Slide 2: Who knows what this tree is called?

(children's answers)

This tree is called the elm. He is an excellent “vacuum cleaner”, absorbs dust and soot. Therefore, it can be found on the street, and in the forest, and in the park. In Russia, you can see the smooth elm. You can’t cut it with an ax, as it gets stuck in the wood.

3 slide: guys, this tree is called - yew berry, and in backgammon "mahogany, because its wood is red. It is very strong, heavy, does not rot, and mahogany furniture can stand for centuries. Yew grows very slowly, only 2-3 centimeters per year. The highest yew is located in Transcaucasia, in Adjara. Its height is 32.5 meters. He is at least 4000 years old. Young yew shoots, bark, leaves and seeds contain substances that are poisonous to humans and also to horses and cows. We have in Russia Far East, on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin grows yew spiky.

- Except for the trees that grow here in Russia. I want to introduce you to trees that grow in hot countries.

4 slide: And this tree, you probably recognized?

(children's answers)

Yes, it's a coconut tree. It is one of the ten most important trees in the world. The coconut palm grows in the tropics, on the shores of the oceans, seas and islands. Their height reaches 25-30 meters, and the trunks are usually inclined towards the sea. Coconuts take a long time to ripen whole year. If the nut is unripe, then in its cavity there is about half a liter of a clear liquid rich in sugar and vitamins. In hot weather, this is a great drink. In the tropics, the palm tree is called the "tree of life." Ropes, mats, brushes are made from durable and elastic fibers, excellent dishes, buttons, and jewelry are made from hard bones. Wood is used to build houses and furniture.

5 slide: This is a mammoth tree, it can be up to 100 meters high with a trunk diameter of up to 10 m. It grows in Central America, now there are only 500 of them left. They are protected and given names, for example, "Father of the Forests", "General Grant". The wood of the tree is red in color and does not rot and therefore this is one of the reasons for the destruction of these trees. It is known that thirty people fit freely on one stump of a mammoth tree. And in one of the parks of America, a tunnel was punched through its trunk, through which cars pass freely. Like these ones interesting trees grow on our planet.

We continue our journey. In addition to trees and shrubs, other plants can be found in the forest. The world of wild plants is rich and diverse. Vegetation is also represented by medicinal flora, which combines big number plants. Medicinal plants include plants that are used to treat and prevent diseases in humans and animals, to obtain drugs used in medicine and veterinary medicine. And what are these plants? Now let's guess.

There is a curl in the forest - a white shirt,

Golden in the middle. Who is she?

(children's answers: chamomile)

It burns, not fire;

Evil, but heals people. Who is it?

(children's answers: nettle)

There is one such flower

Do not fit it into a wreath,

Blow on it a little

There was a flower, and there is no flower.

(children's answers: dandelion)

A thin stalk by the path,

At the end of his earring

Leaves are on the ground

small vanes

He is like a good friend to us

Heals wounds of the legs and hands.

(children's answers: plantain).

What other medicinal plants do you know?

(children's answers: burdock, St. John's wort, valerian, yarrow, etc.)

What medicinal properties do they have?

(Children's answers: burdock for joint pain, etc.)

- Many named plants and their beneficial features. But we continue the journey. And what else can be found in the forest besides plants?

(children's answers: animals, birds, insects, mushrooms, etc.)

- That's right, life in the forest is diverse. And now we will play the game "Third extra". I will name a number of words. And you will have to remove the extra word from this series and explain why it is superfluous.

1. Bear, fox, hedgehog. (Fox)

2. Sparrow, starling, magpie. (starling)

3. Mosquito, wasp, bee. (mosquito)

4. Cuckoo, owl, woodpecker. (cuckoo)

5. Dragonfly, Colorado potato beetle, locust. (dragonfly)

- Well done with the task.

Now you need to independently find the answer to the question that is on your card within 5 minutes in the encyclopedias that are presented at the exhibition.

Independent work is performed to the singing of birds.

Questions for the assignment:

Cobra is ... (the most poisonous snake).

Chipmunk is ... (striped earthen squirrel)

Arctic fox is ... (polar fox)

Beaver - an animal ... (building dams on rivers)

A hamster is ... (a large rodent of the mouse family)

A mosquito is ... (a blood-sucking two-winged insect whose larvae develop in water).

Guys, time is running out. And let's read what answers you found to the questions.

(Answers of children).

Well done, everyone did a great job. And our journey comes to an end.

Final part:

Guys today our trip took place mainly in the forest. But as we know that nature is not only the forest and its inhabitants. And being in the forest, one must always remember that it must be protected and protected, because every plant, animal and insect is beneficial.

What did you learn about yourself in this lesson?

What do you remember and like the most?

What knowledge gained in the classroom can be useful to you in life?

- Guys, you have tokens on your tables (one token is cheerful, the other is sad) and I ask you to evaluate our lesson. If you liked it, raise a cheerful token, if not, a sad one. Thank you all for your work.


    Balandin B. 3000 tricky questions and answers. M.: RIPOL classic, 2006

    Teremov A., Rokhlov V. Entertaining zoology. M.: AST-Press, 1999

    I know the world: Plants: Det.entsikl./ Auth.-comp. L.A. Bagrova; artistic A.V. Kardashuk, O.M. Voitenko. - M .: LLC "Publishing house AST", 2002.-510 p.: ill.

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