Why dream of little hedgehogs or a family according to the dream book. Why is the hedgehog dreaming

Health 19.10.2019

An incredulous and prickly creature lives in the forest, but curious - no save! That's why it's so fun to watch him in a dream. The way a hedgehog behaves is interpreted by dream books from the point of view of interaction with a person, and far from always a sentimental scene prophesies joy, and a cruel scene predicts trouble. Why is a funny baby dreaming? The dream book has no secrets from you!

Hedgehog: interpretation of the Enigma dream book

Studies have shown that the appearance of a hedgehog in a dream personifies the self-perception of a sleeping person. Based on my own unfortunate experience with former friends, he concluded that openness responds with betrayal - and closed in on himself. What are his chances of success, are the worries really justified?


Being once deceived and refusing to communicate is not The best way find happiness. The dream calls for at least thinking about it. Even such classic signs of danger as a bite or a barb should not always be interpreted literally: perhaps they came from a world of illusions, and do not reflect the real situation.

If you dreamed of an animal curled up in a ball, look for a way out of loneliness. Naive kindness is vulnerable, self-isolation is meaningless, aggression is unusual for you - it remains to look for a middle ground.

Ready to fight back

The hedgehog symbolizes promptness and inaccessibility - now it is time to apply these qualities to your own benefit. Dream Interpretations believe that the time has come to be cunning, brave, hardy, so as not to leave the enemy the slightest chance.

The one who dreamed of a tiny hedgehog is not decisive enough, but meanwhile, he will soon have to confront the enemy.

Miller: why dream of stroking thorns

Trying to touch the needles can be reckless - there is a risk of pricking or being bitten. Suppose that in a dream the animal has forgiven familiarity and even squints pretty. What omen is seen in such stories?

Gustav Miller explains the difference between what it means to stroke a domestic animal in a dream or pick up a wild one. If the home allows you to stroke, prosperity will come to the house. A wild relative meeting in the forest inspires hope for change, and picked up on a city street predicts a forced move.

If the tamed tramp strove to run away, the acquisitions will have to be postponed, bitten - the dream book warns of treason or scandal. We saw how the dreamer was bitten by a wild hedgehog - a deception will happen.

Did you see a pet in a dream? Make plans!

Why dream of saving a hedgehog, taking him into the family, playing, pampering? All these cute moments have interpretations that are useful for understanding the future, and most dream books give positive interpretations. For example, if in a dream he was picked up and taken home, this means the assistance of an official. So what is to be done in the near future?

  • To breed animals, to take birth - to achieve independence.
  • Feed the hungry - be smart, avoid danger.
  • Bathe in water - help your neighbor, ease your conscience.
  • Stepping on a prickly ball - urgently reconsider the principles.
  • It turned out that the needles are soft - to expose the hypocrite.
  • Sleeping on the bed - to solve intimate problems.
  • A whole family of hedgehogs has taken root - to get out of trouble.
  • A fun game with a hedgehog - conceive a risky operation.

What does a dream mean for a man

The compilers of the dream books found out: men often dream of hunting scenes. Let's say right away that the plot is not connected with sadistic inclinations, but reflects mobilization, readiness for resistance in real conditions.

Why dream of killing a hedgehog? Dream Interpretations suggest that it will be possible to successfully overcome the lurking dangers. Seeing another man killed - difficulties will pass you by.

To search or catch up with the escaping - you will need to show not so much determination as patience. To find already dead means to get rid of the enemy.

To save an animal in a dream that has fallen into trouble is to make a former enemy an ally. Salvation initially means some kind of preferences, but in the case of the hedgehog we are talking it is about the "re-recruitment" of the enemy - such an interpretation is given by dream books.

I dreamed of toys - what does this mean?

Why do many characters dream? Each of them enriches the predictions, makes them more accurate. Sometimes characters grouped in a stable company: animals, heroes of fairy tales often coexist with a hedgehog. If in a dream they appear in the form of toys, then the dreamer, a guy or a girl, lives in the power of illusions - and it's time to grow up.

  • A rubber hedgehog that looks like a bald one - defenselessness.
  • The talking bear cub is a deceit covered with flattery.
  • A plush hare is the hope for a complaisant assistant.
  • Fox - you can become a victim of manipulation.
  • Dwarf - petty meanness from the lamb.
  • Green hedgehog - fear and hope.

How to see problems and become happy

So, we saw a hedgehog in a dream. Why does he dream of a completely socialized subject, far from the problems of loneliness? Freud's dream book analyzes the intimate component of the image.

An insecure woman suspects manipulation in any sign of attention, and a notorious guy regards even a clear interest as insincere. In sex, such a person is always the driven side. Believe me, the partner feels coldness and inevitably looks around in search of the best couple.

The problems are explained, most likely, by an unsuccessful first experience, and there is only one way to personal happiness: to be liberated, to take the initiative, to experiment. Where would you only gain courage, and how to learn to trust a partner? A dream is an occasion to think about consulting a good sex therapist.

The dream suggests that it is best to finish the work that has been started.
See - despite the dangerous connections, you will find great success in life;
pick up - communication with a bad person, a family quarrel is possible;
hold the hedgehog in your hands and feel that it is not pricked - you have the wrong opinion about your new acquaintance;
the hedgehog pricks - in your close circle there is a person who plots against you;
curled up - you will try to get away from the problems that have piled up.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of sleep Hedgehog

A dream about a hedgehog (hedgehogs) warns you against the machinations of enemies. Sometimes such a dream warns that you should not envy others. Feeding a hedgehog in a dream means that you will be able to see through the plans of the ill-wisher. To give him milk to drink is a sign of material loss due to his own gullibility. Holding it in your hands means that you are not afraid of your enemies. To see in a dream how others hold a hedgehog in their hands means that you will literally be held in tight rein.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What in a dream predicts Hedgehog

If a hedgehog is killed in a dream, the impending unpleasant story will end happily. If the hedgehog is walking towards you, the dream portends a rest in the company of close relatives or an important conversation. If the hedgehog is hiding from you, - - you will need patience and special care in business. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday - diligence and patience are simply necessary for you in this situation, beware of gossip. At the same time, you may receive a lucrative offer that it would be foolish to refuse.

By the way, in Madagascar, soldiers were not allowed to eat hedgehogs, since it was believed that the habit of this animal, defending itself, curling up into a ball, hiding, could be transferred to the one who eats the hedgehog.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

What does it mean to see a hedgehog in a dream

You will find great success in the type of activity that you will do in the near future. If you hold a hedgehog in your hands, but it does not prick, you are mistaken in a new acquaintance. Take a closer look, suddenly everything is not as good as you think. Prickly hedgehog - You will be upset by gossip at your expense, but do not worry, they will not harm you. Hedgehog, milk drinker from your plate or cup, you have to communicate with an unpleasant person. Hedgehog lapping wine from a glass - be careful at the banquet. Hangovers are a tough thing.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Men

Interpretation of sleep Hedgehog

This forest dweller symbolizes caution, impregnability, unexpected pain, protection. In folk tales, the hedgehog personifies independence, thriftiness. He is smart and quick, with the help of his needles, the fairy-tale heroine sewed a magic flying carpet.

The hedgehog is ready to fight back any enemy. He is brave, hardy, cunning. About an evil and cruel person who received a worthy rebuff, they say: "I was looking for a knife, but I ran into a hedgehog."

The dream in which you find a hedgehog in the forest means that you can count on the protection of a strong and influential person.

Seeing a small hedgehog in a dream is a sign that you must be careful, your ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to prevent the implementation of your plans.

If in a dream you breed hedgehogs, it means that in reality you strive for independence and do not want to obey anyone.

A dream in which a hedgehog pricked you with its needles means that the person with whom you want to establish a relationship is unlikely to want to maintain friendship with you.

Seeing in a dream a house in which there are a lot of hedgehogs is a sign that you will fall into a very unpleasant story and it will be quite difficult for you to get out of it.

To dream about how you feed a hedgehog from your hands is a symbol that your courage and endurance will help you avoid many troubles.

If you saw in a dream a hedgehog without thorns - in reality you will have to prove that you are not as helpless as it seems.

A dream in which you see a hedgehog fighting a snake means that someone close to you will come to your aid in difficult times.

A hedgehog eating a mouse symbolizes your state of mind. In reality, you are trying to deal with your weaknesses and shortcomings.

If in a dream you stepped on a hedgehog and felt severe pain, this means that in reality you need to reconsider your life views and try to change something.

See in a dream dead hedgehog is a sign that you need help.

The dream in which you saw how hedgehog thorns grew on your body indicates that you know how to stand up for yourself and can always repulse the offender. They say about such people: "He is overgrown with hedgehog bristles."

To dream of a hedgehog with soft spines means that you are surrounded by insincere people who are using you.

Seeing in a dream how a hedgehog attacks you is a bad sign. This dream means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation for you and there will not be a person next to you who would extend a helping hand to you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

The meaning of the dream Hedgehog

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream portends a meeting with a deceitful and insidious person. A hedgehog running away from you is a sign of an upcoming and inevitable quarrel and abuse. Taking a hedgehog in your arms means waking up to get involved in a dubious business, in case of failure of which you will have to answer before the law. A hedgehog drinking milk from a saucer and running around the house portends a meeting with an old friend. A hedgehog curled up in a ball and bristling with thorns indicates that someone is constantly gnawed by black envy about your successes.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Why is Hedgehog dreaming

An hedgehog in a dream symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension. Why do you always suspect the worst and expose the thorns? Apparently, once you had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety. Intimately, you are timid and insecure.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does sleep hedgehog mean

To see a hedgehog in a dream - in reality to meet a caustic person, a cunning enemy.

Holding a hedgehog in your hands - to some kind of trickery, intrigue, someone's envy.

But if the hedgehog's thorns do not hurt you, if the hedgehog does not curl up into a ball, perhaps a meeting awaits you.

with a friend, and your negative opinion about someone is wrong.

Interpretation of dreams from

The hedgehog is a pretty and kind creature, sometimes visiting our dreams. If a woman dreams of him, then there are certain reasons for which we have to figure it out.

A cute animal can act both as a positive symbol and a negative one. So what does the dream in which a woman dreams of a hedgehog mean?

This is a symbol of prosperity. To the woman who saw in her dream a hedgehog with soft needles, good luck in business, but there is a risk of contacting dangerous people. The animal curled up into a ball, exposing soft needles - there is an attempt to avoid problematic issues. Feel free to face them and overcome your fears, then making a decision will not be a tragedy for you.

If you pet a hedgehog and feel how soft and cute he is, then a new era in the development of relationships awaits you. For a lonely woman, such a dream portends meeting a good person, and the one who already has a chosen one - adding zest to heart affairs. You will be able to be more frank with your partner, the relationship will become more trusting and warm.

For a legally married woman, a dream about a hedgehog means that she needs male attention and support, but cannot let anyone get too close to him, is afraid to trust people or be deceived in them. Don't focus on past bad experiences, enjoy what you can get right now.

If the animal is in a hurry to run away from you, you you are completely safe, but you try to constantly be in isolation so as not to come into contact with things and phenomena unknown to you. Try to gradually expand your horizons and not be afraid to go beyond what is permitted.

The hedgehog goes towards you, but puffs menacingly - perhaps a quarrel is coming or family conflict. It is advisable to clarify controversial points immediately, and not accumulate resentment and anger in yourself.

Hold the animal in your arms

For a woman to see in a dream how she holds a hedgehog in her arms means:

  • a conversation with an unpleasant person or a stormy family scandal;
  • if its thorns do not prick you, you develop wrong attitude towards friend;
  • you feel a slight pain from an injection with hedgehog thorns - in your close circle there is a person who actually dislikes you;
  • you yourself took him in your arms - this to bad intentions against you, try to be more careful in dealing with people;
  • hold the animal in your arms and remove the gifts of the forest from its thorns -, fruits or - for profit;
  • let go of the hedgehog that was sitting on your lap - to show independence in business and personal matters.

Seeing a hedgehog with offspring in a dream is not always a favorable symbol:

  • if you find him with kids in a forest area - in your life soon will be an influential patron;
  • the hedgehog was with one hedgehog - you should be careful, envious people strive to slander you;
  • breed hedgehogs - trying to be independent and do not want anyone to command you;
  • hedgehogs and their offspring filled your house - an unpleasant event may occur that will adversely affect your reputation;
  • take from a hedgehog - to breed enemies around him and conflict provocations with them;
  • children play with hedgehogs - they will need your support and valuable advice;
  • feed hedgehogs in a dream - to a triumph over everyday difficulties.

A woman dreams of a white hedgehog - she will have to devote time to her spiritual development. The animal, which does not have needles, visits dreams in order to show the dreamer that she is actually stronger and able to cope with any task, even the most difficult. You has an inner core, not letting you lose heart or give up under the pressure of circumstances.

Black bristling hedgehog - a symbol of your fears and indecision. If he hisses at you and tries to attack, you are trying to hide your unwillingness to make adult decisions behind infantilism.

animal bright color- to an attempt to wishful thinking, it is easy to deceive you, because you too often live in a world of dreams and pay little attention to reality.

Whatever the plot of the dream, correct interpretation brings clarity to it and allows you to orient yourself in reality.

According to the dream book of the great soothsayer, a hedgehog curled up in a ball dreams of an attempt to dodge difficult cases and solve problematic issues. Try to complete the lesson that you have already started.

If the animal pricks you with its needles while it is in your arms, be prepared to betrayal from relatives. The needles of the hedgehog will not hurt you - you are too biased towards your other half or idealize your chosen one.

The hedgehog runs after you - you need solitude and time to indulge in thoughts about life. The animal settled in your house - get to know an extraordinary person. If he caught they will try to use you, be frank with proxies and don't be too naive. Kill a hedgehog - to defeat an old enemy.

Although this animal is familiar to everyone since childhood from fairy tales, cartoons and encounters in nature, it is not often necessary to look for what a hedgehog is dreaming of. On the one hand, this animal is friendly towards people, on the other hand, it is a predator. This is a rather rare guest of dreams, and interpretations differ in various sources. For a correct interpretation, it is desirable to take into account all the nuances: to whom, where and in what form a cute animal appeared.

Dream interpretation: to see a hedgehog in a dream

Miller's dream book interprets the hedgehog as previously unresolved problems. Things should be brought to the end.

According to Vanga's dream book when interpreting what the hedgehog is dreaming of, it is necessary to take into account how it happened to contact him. Stepping on and pricking is a difficult conversation with loved ones. Feed - expose envious people. To see how a hedgehog fought a snake is a strong competition.

Russian dream book interprets hedgehogs as a call for caution. Perhaps unexpected disappointment.

Modern dream book suggests that when a hedgehog dreams of biting or pricking with needles, the enemies have already prepared to act against the sleeping person.

Peace-loving hedgehogs predict prosperity and successful business for a man.

According to Ukrainian source hedgehogs mean slander. Unpleasant waking conversations, rumors.

Family dream book interprets a hedgehog approaching a sleeping hedgehog as a vacation with like-minded people and relatives. The animal is hiding - a call to be careful and foresight. Killed hedgehog - an unpleasant situation will end favorably.

Why does a woman dream of a hedgehog

Hedgehog married woman portends an unpleasant conversation and quarrel. To hold the animal in your hands is to find out the secret plans of ill-wishers. If the hedgehog bites the dreamer, the plot symbolizes a family quarrel. This is a warning to a girl in love: she is wasting time communicating with an unworthy person. It's time to notice its shortcomings.

Hedgehog lonely woman reflects her need for the attention of the opposite sex. To solve the problem, it is desirable to reconsider your own behavior, and become less "prickly".

hedgehogs pregnant woman serve as a warning about the need to restrain emotions in order to avoid quarrels. You should also beware of the vile deeds of hat acquaintances.

When dreaming hedgehog girl She needs to be more careful when dating. A person can intrigue with his originality, but not have serious intentions.

Interpretation of sleep by appearance

“Look at your friends,” advises white hedgehog. A self-serving friend seeks to manipulate the sleeper for profit.

Hedgehog small can be interpreted both as the dreamer's internal state and the situation around him. On the one hand, this is dissatisfaction with oneself, a feeling of powerlessness and guilt. On the other hand, minor problems in the service, misunderstanding in communication with loved ones.

Too much big a hedgehog in a dream symbolizes the onset of a period filled with troubles. To pass this vital obstacle course, you will need to mobilize all forces.

For entrepreneurs a lot of hedgehogs means a meeting with representatives of regulatory authorities, inspections or lawsuits. After such a dream, it is advisable for women to check the condition of the genitourinary system with a doctor.

hedgehogs small and big mean the desire for independence, unwillingness to listen to the instructions of other people. It is also a sign of unpleasant conversations and gossip.

Hedgehog with hedgehogs symbolizes profit and a good financial situation. One "prickly child" calls to pay attention to the younger generation. According to the Bulgarian prophetess Vanga, a brood of prickly animals means pregnancy for women.

Hedgehog with needles it is considered to be a symbol of a certain mystery that the sleeper cannot unravel. The presence of obstacles in the implementation of cases. The personification of an attempt to get away from problems by ignoring them, this is what a hedgehog curled up in a ball dreams about. This tactic is rarely successful.

Not a very pleasant meaning when a hedgehog dreamed without needles. In reality, it will be difficult for the dreamer to deal with the prevailing circumstances.

When the hedgehog dreams with soft needles, this is a reflection of the insincerity of others. Someone is trying to deceive imaginary friendliness.

Soft a hedgehog in a dream also portends success in business area. However, the honesty of partners will have to be monitored.

A sign of personal growth is dead hedgehog. All obstacles will be successfully overcome. Career development.

Beautiful fairy hedgehog is a great sign. Thanks to ingenuity and a cheerful disposition, it will be possible to neutralize the machinations of all ill-wishers.

Speaking hedgehog means that you should not tell others about all the events in your life. Overconfidence can be harmful.

The sea urchin is a symbol of sudden discovery. A person who has always been disliked will turn out to be pleasant and will help with advice.

Where did the hedgehog dream in a dream

Dreaming hedgehog in the house means unwillingness to obey someone. Many animals - a warning. There will be a situation, a way out of which will not be easy to find. If the hedgehog is located on the bed, this symbolizes a complex in intimate relationships. To achieve harmony, you need to deal with excessive internal prohibitions.

Need for protection means hedgehog in the yard. The dreamer needs the support of friends and relatives.

When the hedgehog dreams under the apple tree with fruits, the plot predicts the onset of a not too favorable period. It is advisable to stock up.

cute hedgehog in the forest, hurrying about his business and not paying attention to the sleeper - a good symbol. In the near future, no dangers threaten.

Hedgehog in the park also treated favorably. success in society.

standing hedgehog on the road means obstacles in business. If he crosses the dreamer's path, it is worth taking a closer look at the environment. Someone wants to literally "cross the road."

Actions with a hedgehog in a dream

Meet hedgehog on a city street - an acquaintance is ahead. New person will have a significant role in fate, help with a career.

Interpreting the plot of a dream in which it happened catch hedgehog, you need to consider the details. To prick at the same time - communication with a dangerous person capable of causing harm. There were no wounds, and the selected animal was sheltered at home - a meeting with an eccentric, but interesting and creative person.

Pick up hedgehog - warning sign. It is undesirable to trust unfamiliar people. If he is peaceful and calm - a deceptive impression of communication, which will soon change.

Feed hedgehog - reconciliation with the enemy. For young girls, such a plot is a reflection of their naivety and inexperience in the field of love affairs. An unprincipled man nearby wants to take advantage of gullibility.

A cute hedgehog in a dream is often a warning symbol calling for caution. By taking this into account, you can avoid the traps of dishonest people.

You perceive attention to your person with distrust and apprehension, always suspecting the worst, and therefore you always expose thorns, defending yourself. And the fault is that once you had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety. Intimately, you are timid and insecure, afraid to once again take the initiative and always close up if a person claims something immeasurably greater or unusual. In general, sex with you is unlikely to please your partner, and you yourself.

Aesop's dream book

Hedgehog- symbolizes caution, impregnability, unexpected pain, protection. In folk tales, the hedgehog personifies independence, thriftiness. He is smart and quick, with the help of his needles, the fairy-tale heroine sewed a magic flying carpet. The hedgehog is ready to fight back any enemy. He is brave, hardy, cunning. About an evil and cruel person who received a worthy rebuff, they say: "I was looking for a knife, but I ran into a hedgehog."

A dream in which you find a hedgehog in the forest- means that you can count on the patronage of a strong and influential person.

To dream of a little hedgehog- a sign that you must be careful, your ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to prevent the implementation of your plans.

If in a dream you breed hedgehogs- this means that in reality you strive for independence and do not want to obey anyone.

A dream in which a hedgehog pricked you with its needles- means that the person with whom you want to establish a relationship is unlikely to want to maintain friendship with you.

To dream of a house with a lot of hedgehogs- a sign that you will fall into a very unpleasant story and it will be quite difficult for you to get out of it.

To dream about how you feed a hedgehog from your hands- a symbol that your courage and endurance will help you avoid many troubles.

If you saw in a dream a hedgehog without thorns- in reality you will have to prove that you are not as helpless as it seems.

A dream in which you see a hedgehog fighting a snake- means that someone close to you will come to your aid in difficult times.

Hedgehog eating a mouse- symbolizes your state of mind. In reality, you are trying to deal with your weaknesses and shortcomings.

If in a dream you stepped on a hedgehog and felt severe pain- this means that in reality you need to reconsider your life views and try to change something.

Seeing a dead hedgehog in a dream is a sign that you need help.

A dream in which you saw hedgehog thorns grow on your body- indicates that you know how to stand up for yourself and can always repulse the offender. They say about such people: "He is overgrown with hedgehog bristles."

To dream of a hedgehog with soft spines- means that you are surrounded by insincere people who are using you.

To dream about how a hedgehog attacks you- bad sign . This dream means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation for you and there will not be a person next to you who would lend you a helping hand.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Hedgehog- an envious friend.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If a hedgehog is killed in a dream- the impending unpleasant story will end happily.

If the hedgehog is walking towards you- a dream portends a vacation in the company of close relatives or an important conversation.

If the hedgehog is hiding from you- You will need patience and special care in business.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday- diligence and patience are simply necessary for you in this situation, beware of gossip. At the same time, you may receive a lucrative offer that it would be foolish to refuse.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Hedgehog- an unexpected joyful meeting with an old friend.

Modern combined dream book

Dreaming hedgehog- means your naivety. You trust people too much, if you continue to look at the world through rose-colored glasses, a certain envious person who is part of the circle of your close friends will make you meanness, make you suffer greatly.

Kill a hedgehog in a dream- means that you will get rid of an old enemy.

If you tried to touch a hedgehog and pricked yourself- they will slander you, slander you.

A dream in which you saw a hedgehog catch a mouse- says that a certain mercenary person will try to use you for his own purposes.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Hedgehog- to an unpleasant interlocutor, from whom it will be very problematic to get rid of.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Hedgehog- a reflection of a distorted perception based on outdated stereotypes.

Feeding the hedgehog or he eats- The need to get things done.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Hedgehog with hedgehogs- to pregnancy.

Seeing a snorting hedgehog in a dream- means that someone is very angry with you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Hedgehog with hedgehogs- to a scandal with neighbors because of children.

Hedgehog- to a conversation with a sarcastic person.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Hedgehog- constant envy.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream- portends a meeting with a deceitful and insidious person.

Hedgehog running away from you- a sign of the upcoming and inevitable quarrel and abuse.

Pick up a hedgehog- means in reality to get involved in a dubious business, in case of failure of which you will have to answer before the law.

Hedgehog drinking milk from a saucer and running around the house- portends a meeting with an old friend.

Hedgehog curled up in a ball and bristling with thorns- says that someone is constantly gnawed by black envy about your success.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Hedgehog- constant envy; meeting with an old friend.

Women's dream book

The appearance of a hedgehog in a dream- warns the dreamer against a cunning, insidious ill-wisher.

General dream book

If you dreamed of a hedgehog- it means that in the near future one of your friends will tell you a bunch of nasty things and barbs.

If you fed a hedgehog- it means that soon you yourself will tell someone from your acquaintances as many nasty things and barbs.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Hedgehog seen from a dream- a symbol of trouble, envy, cunning.

Hold it in your hands- to a meeting with a cunning and insidious enemy.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Hedgehog- symbolizes your attitude to life. Most likely you are a distrustful person, and you are not used to trusting people. You always try to establish a distance between yourself and those around you and practically do not open up to anyone. This behavior can be explained by the dishonorable behavior of a person whom you trusted or loved, but he deceived you. This betrayal left its mark on your entire personal life. Intimately, you are insecure and constantly afraid that you will be deceived. You never take the initiative, so sex with you does not bring pleasure to your partner.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Hedgehog- symbolizes caution, impregnability, unexpected pain.

Lunar dream book

Hedgehog- to trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

hedgehog see- trouble.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

Hedgehog seen in a dream- portends a crafty person and a cunning enemy.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Hedgehog- nuisance, slander.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see a hedgehog in a dream- a quarrel / serious damage or even a slight injury / doubt about the correctness of the plans or the doctrine that you adhere to, a meeting with someone else's wisdom that you do not know, great anxiety from small reasons.

Hold in hands- someone's tricks.

prick with a hedgehog- quarrel with someone / make sure that your path, your plans are correct.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Hedgehog- news / danger, cunning enemy, dispute, trouble; pick up - unnecessary chores.

Esoteric dream book

Hedgehog- to injections from relatives.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream of a hedgehog- there will be sharp, hedgehog conversations from someone - a dispute.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Hedgehog- trouble.

Collection of dream books

Hedgehog- Acquaintance with an unusual person.

Hedgehog- to a meeting with a crafty person.

Seeing this family in a dream- to barbs at you.

Catch a hedgehog in a dream and prick on his needles- to deal with a dangerous person.

see hedgehog- to a fight, troubles, difficulties.
Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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