Fortune telling on coffee the meaning of the old man. How to guess on coffee grounds? The correct interpretation of symbols when divining on coffee grounds - in pictures

Helpful Hints 09.10.2020
Helpful Hints

Many believe that fortune-telling on coffee grounds arose at the beginning of the 14th century. Scientists put forward assumptions: before going hunting, the Peruvian Indians guessed for coffee. Fortune telling on coffee grounds with its interpretations and symbols of modernity and antiquity somewhat does not coincide. But, in principle, this is not so important, since coffee is already popular all over the world, a huge number of people simply cannot imagine their day without this drink, which invigorates, has a strength and an unsurpassed aroma. Thanks to the spread of grains, divination on coffee grounds has also become famous. Due to its invigorating and tonic effects on the body, legends began to circulate about coffee that it has some kind of magical power.

If you want to tell fortunes on coffee grounds, then you should drink a cup of this drink without sugar, you should not rush, enjoy every sip, immerse yourself in peace, relax, it’s worth falling into a trance a little, it will help you understand what the symbols mean.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - speed is not appropriate here, first tune in, and then start looking at the contents of the coffee cup.

Before proceeding to fortune-telling, one must concentrate and clearly formulate the question, the answer to which is the meaning of the moment being experienced. Then in left hand a cup is taken, only clockwise, and nothing else, make several movements in a circle, shaking a little, what is in the cup. Then place the cup on the saucer, moving away from you so that one edge is on the bottom and the other on the edge. It turns out that the cup is oblique. Thus, everything superfluous drains from it, and a pattern is formed on the walls. Fortune telling on coffee grounds and will decipher it. The cup should stand for about a minute, after that, turn it over with your left hand, then proceed to divination.

It is clear that a drawing that is clear, you are unlikely to be able to see. Fortune telling on coffee grounds attracts many precisely because, with a special mood, the subconscious will always find something familiar in the inscriptions, many associations will emerge, objects and figures of people will become complete, all this will give a single picture of the interpretation of fortune telling. Here are some interpretations, meanings for divination on coffee grounds:

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation of symbols

What does what you see on the coffee grounds mean:

Oval - your personality is whole. If its edges are interrupted, then this means illness, or the person has lost his harmony.

semicircle - indicates your non-permanent character.

Crewe G- it concentrates all the problems that you have in yourself. What you see in the circle is the basis of coffee divination.

One or more lines - if the line is straight, then it speaks of the length of your life, if it rises at the edge of the cup, then this indicates career growth, or professionalism.

dashed line - shows the blows of fate, they will be obstacles in your life path.

The pattern is woven into a human silhouette - for lovers, fortune-telling on coffee grounds has a date in store, if you are guessing for loss, then know that the thing is irretrievably lost.

It seems to you that the pattern has the outline of lands, plants or trees - these are the messengers of quarrels, barriers, a break in love, business failures, travel to distant countries, sadness and longing.

Shadow of a bird or animal - the news is sad, you will have to worry about your loved ones and yourself, there will be an obstacle along the way, because of envious people there will be failures and slander.

See the shadow of the building - for the rich, this means a lot of additional wealth, the poor, on the contrary, will lose what they have, the one who is generous - get rich unexpectedly.

The interpretation of fortune-telling on coffee grounds is not limited to the above, this art comes only through experience. The interpretation of drawings, their alternation, merging with each other must be treated individually. Before you decide to arrange fortune-telling on coffee grounds, remember that a clear, pre-formulated question in your head should be simple and specific, then the answer will be quite definite.

People and their figures

You can often see human figures in a coffee cup. Here are the meanings of these images:

Human head that has no body - a certain young friend influences your fate very beneficially.

human head looking up - ready to help you a certain defender, very strong.

human head looking down - expect a little danger.

If you see a pair of faces looking at each other - fortune-telling on coffee grounds says that you are loved and you love.

If you see a couple of faces in a circle - expect marriage and very soon.

If you see a pair of faces that a line separates - betrayal, divorce.

face profile - Protection is very strong.

There is a face in the circle - someone loves you.

Girl - quivering, tender love.

People - someone wants to help you.

young guy - separation.

woman old - a love relationship is reliable and strong.

man with animal - Someone is bothering you.

The mouth that sits on top of the bowl - very good friends. If it is in the middle, divination on coffee grounds takes on the meaning of joyful news.

Mouth - diligence, modesty.

Eyes - life changes.

Hand means disappointment.

shadow of a man - Nice date.

Animals and their figures in the midst

Here are some other inhabitants. coffee grounds, which can be seen quite often. These are animals. Fortune telling on coffee grounds interprets these symbols as follows:

Animals - joy, fun, your desires will come true, good luck will come.

horned animal - fast track.

Buffalo - to suffering.

Butterfly - a love letter.

A bull stands on top - work with good earnings, profit.

The bull is at the bottom - good health.

Crow - in the house of misfortune.

Camel - this ship of the desert portends wealth.

Pigeon - the soul is pure and innocent.

Hare - fortune-telling on coffee grounds indicates cowardice and myopia. Cow - expect happiness.

Cow - expect happiness.

Snake - treason, intrigues, cold.

a lion - nobility, power.

Cat - Poverty, poverty, ruin.

Chicken - a service for a stranger.

Swan - unexpected money.

Fox - deceit, cunning.

A fox seen in full length - They want to offend you, but someone does not succeed.

Frog - luck, happiness, news full of joy, great love.

Frog near the road - the one who came from afar will be useful to you.

Bear - danger, life, which is very difficult, but all this can be eliminated.

bear at the top - fortune-telling tells - be afraid of failures.

Bear below - great happiness.

Fly - inheritance, untold wealth.

Ant - hassle, anxiety.

Eagle - persevere in the fight, get the victory.

Deer - pure reason, honesty.

Spider - an unexpected gift.

Fish - travel or good news.

Rooster - well-being, harmony in the family, new news.

At the bottom of the cock cup They are trying to harm you.

Top of the cock cup - The news is very good.

Rooster on the hill - marriage, happiness.

Dog - a devoted friend.

Elephant - state and strength.

Owl - death, the disease is very serious.

Tiger - malice.

Duckling - your other half, regardless of gender, is faithful to you.

Lizard - surprise.

Predator - poverty, anger.

Plants in a bowl

Now let's look at the drawings. different plants, appearing in the bowl and their meanings, which are used by divination on coffee grounds.

Trees There will be an obstacle along the way.

Willow - tears, sadness, melancholy.

Oak - Enemies will be defeated.

Bush - failure awaits you in business.

Forest - a mistake on the way of life.

dense forest - quarrels that you did not expect with your loved ones.

Clover - you solve your problems, they end in luck.

Rose - wedding, betrothal, engagement.

Lily - friendship, constancy.

Lily at the bottom of the bowl - to a quarrel.

Chrysanthemum - late love.

Violet - wedding with a rich man.

Items for divination

The material world is often at the bottom of the cup, along with plants and animals. The interpretation of these symbols is not always unambiguous, so it is important to turn on intuition during fortune-telling on coffee grounds.

Diamond - happy love.

Automobile - trip, road, journey.

Angel - unexpected joy, good news.

Tower - a very good sign.

Mitten - old love.

Fork - luxurious life, wealth.

Bike - the journey is difficult.

Gates - fortune-telling on coffee grounds says that guests will come to you or a friend will return.

Small house - tightness, need.

Lock - trouble.

Star - freedom.

Dagger - loss, enmity.

Wheel - a symbol of adventure.

box - success, joy.

black cross - death, or a message that is full of sadness.

white cross - happiness in family life.

Key All doors will open for you.

Ring - wedding, engagement, union is very important.

Top of cup spade You will gain what you have lost.

Woman with a shovel in her hands - inheritance.

The shovel is near a square or cross - you will be notified of the loss of the person you love.

Mill - in the relationship of loved ones insincerity, falsehood.

Knife - damage, sacrifice, sacrifice.

A hammer - make mistakes, and try again, so you will come to success.

Scissors - luck.

The window that has the cross - to the fire.

Window - theft, theft.

Shoes - danger, meeting.

Weapon - scandal, quarrel, but also well-being.

Folder containing papers - good, good plan.

The loop - an unfavorable sign, portends serious problems.

Glove - Old feelings will awaken.

Tableware - a meeting that will happen suddenly.

Horseshoe - luck, a good sign, good luck.

birdie - the news is good.

Chair - success, moving forward.

Candle - dream.

Flag - don't rush, attack.

Hat - a huge honor.

Anchor clearly visible - success.

Anchor is not clearly visible - Difficulties in personal affairs.

Lines of coffee grounds

Having dealt with those figures that are most often found, it should be noted that fortune-telling on coffee grounds often has lines that can also be deciphered.

Long or short straight line - life without worries in happiness.

Lots of straight lines - long summers, health. If a straight line breaks or zigzags, then all this indicates adventure.

The line is curved, arcuate - be afraid of the ill-wisher.

Lots of curved lines Enemies surround you, they harm you.

The line is curved and oblique - disease.

Lots of oblique lines - carefully! You are not all right, everything can end badly.

Lots of broken lines - material difficulties are very serious.

The bottom of the cup is crossed by a separate line - fortune-telling on coffee grounds says that the journey is quite pleasant very close.

Lines like waves - cruise.

Straight line crossed by broken or curved lines - in matters of love problems, an insult was received from a woman.

The cross has an image of the letter X - to marriage.

dashed line - uncertainty, illness, indecision, sometimes loss.

Lots of broken lines - difficulties of the material plan.

Square - the best sign that divination has on coffee grounds. In every field of activity, success awaits you, life is full of happiness, expect a considerable profit, a stable financial situation.

The dots are small - receipt of a large amount of money. Longevity is indicated by three points.

Short dashes or dots - luck is close.

dashes - you will change your activity or job.

A pair of triangles that touch each other - unstable position.

Circle - good relations with others, it is pleasant, general mutual understanding.

Oval - marriage.

Lots of oval hills - In business, luck accompanies.

Triangle - luck, unexpected luck. The triple of triangles intersected - fortune-telling on coffee grounds suggests that this means success with the weaker sex, love and good luck in it.

quadrilateral - success, luck in love is very unexpected.

Divination numbers on coffee grounds

Sometimes, doing fortune telling in the thick, you can see letters and numbers.

There is a good number magic system, if you wish, you can familiarize yourself with it. Also, on its basis, you can make your own interpretations.

0 - your birth passed under the star of happiness.

1 - someone is in love with you.

2 - illness, failure.

3 - The trade deal is very successful.

4 - hope for good luck.

5 - talk, talk on trifles, gossip.

6 - wedding.

7 - love, happiness in the family, success.

8 - conflict with a loved one.

9 - meeting new people.

10 - luck, luck.

100 - life happiness.

Over 100 - long summers.


Since the interpretation of letters is subjective and relative, we will not write about the decoding of the entire alphabet. Rely on your intuition, it will help you more. We will give only a small fraction of the interpretations that are used in divination on coffee grounds.

BUT - enemies are defeated.

B - power.

AT - trouble.

D - loss, loss.

H - anxiety, anxiety.

P - False.

FROM - acquaintance.

X - wedding.

YU - fears, anxiety.

I - positive changes.

We have analyzed the meanings of the drawings, such a basic minimum will be enough for you to carry out fortune-telling on coffee grounds on your own. Gradually, gaining experience, you will decide for yourself what to delete from this list, what to add to it, what interpretations to change. Do not forget the fact that for each person the symbols mean something different. In this matter, imagination and psychology play a dominant role. human brain It is arranged in such a way that someone looks at a picturesque image in his cup, while the other person will immediately see only symbols and the simplest ones. Fortune telling on coffee grounds concludes the truth between these contradictions exactly in the middle. If a person is inherent in noticing, then in general terms he will consider his future. You can also distort fortune-telling on coffee grounds by adding too much personal.

Use this advice - read the symbols coherently, but you should not think out and simplify them.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds will predict you more exact fate if you take a holistic view of the contents of a coffee cup.

Since ancient times, people have tried to look into the future with the help of various kinds of divination. Indeed, sometimes it is so tempting to slightly open the “door” of fate! Among the most popular and "delicious" methods is fortune-telling on coffee grounds - the definition of symbols (pictures) that form at the bottom of the cup and their exact interpretation. So, today we will find out what the coffee drawings from the thick left over from the drunk favorite invigorating drink mean - letters, numbers, figures of animals and humans. In addition, we will take a closer look at how to guess correctly in the thick, as well as brew coffee for this “magic” ritual. So, let's get down to the most interesting fortune-telling!

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - symbols, their meaning and interpretation with a photo

The history of fortune-telling on coffee grounds originates in Italy of the 18th century - there was also compiled a list of the main symbols by which you need to "decipher" the past and future. In general, this method of divination appeared immediately after the invention of coffee - the Middle East is considered the birthplace of this divine drink. So, even Turkish sultans and Russian tsars listened to the predictions of their court "magicians" on the thick left after drinking aromatic coffee. In our country, coffee gained popularity under Peter the Great and was considered a drink of the nobility, but over time it became available to other segments of the population. So, at many secular receptions, it has become fashionable to invite fortune-tellers (“coffee houses”) to entertain guests - by interpreting the meanings of the symbols left in the cups.

How to guess on coffee grounds? First of all, you need to take high-quality ground coffee, a porcelain cup and a white saucer. The surface of the selected dishes should be smooth, without recesses and bulges, as well as color patterns. To achieve the desired consistency, mix two tablespoons of coarse coffee and the same amount of fine grinding. When the drink is ready, let it cool, and drink it - at the bottom of the cup there should be about a tablespoon of thick. Now the fortuneteller takes the cup with his left hand and thinks intently about the question of interest to him, while performing three circular movements clockwise. This is necessary so that the thick is distributed on the walls of the vessel. Then quickly turn the cup over on the saucer and, counting to seven, remove it. Everything, you can start fortune telling! Before you start unraveling the symbols and their meaning, you should remember that the past shows the thick left on the saucer, and the coffee drawings in the cup “talk” about the future. At the same time, we study the signs in a certain order: from left to right and vice versa, at the bottom of the dishes, from the edge of the walls towards the center. Let's explore the meaning of the most important symbols and figures that appear on the walls of the cup.

The list of symbols (figures) of coffee grounds during divination - what they mean and how to interpret:

  • Dragon - the appearance of this “fierce” symbol at the bottom of the cup promises a fortuneteller positive changes in life, and is also a warning about the presence of envious people in the immediate environment.

  • Horse - if the coffee stain resembles this noble animal in outline, then you will meet your loved one or receive news from him. The horse's head is interpreted as a "portrait" of a loved one. Half a horse means that your wish will only partially come true.

  • Heart - this beautiful symbol promises the fortuneteller love, the birth of new feelings. The size of the coffee heart determines the strength and duration of love - the more, the stronger.

  • Duck - is considered a symbol of changes regarding the domestic sphere, namely relations with a loved one and relatives. If the figure of a duck is surrounded by positive symbols, then this combination can be interpreted as stability, resilience and wisdom.

  • Dolphin - the image of a dolphin from coffee grounds is a good sign, since the fortuneteller expects well-being, prosperity and new life prospects.

  • Fish - means the ability to adapt to the surrounding society in order to achieve your goals. The appearance of this symbol at the bottom of the cup is associated with events in a person's social life - work, career, relationships with partners and colleagues. If the fish "floated" closer to the edge of the cup, then you need to pay attention to relationships with parents, children and loved ones.

  • Giraffe - is a warning that the fortuneteller needs to reconsider his attitude to life, and also share just dreams and real goals.

  • Bird - symbolizes positive changes in life, the end of one stage and the beginning of the next. Perhaps you are expected to move up the career ladder, increase your salary, or successfully incarnate your creative ideas. If the drawing on the edge of the cup resembles a flock of birds, soon you will have a successful start of a new business or project - and well-deserved fame!

The correct interpretation of symbols when divining on coffee grounds - in pictures

Fortune telling on coffee grounds has long been considered one of the most popular ways to find out the future, as well as correctly interpret events from the past. Indeed, for this you do not need to turn to a fortuneteller or soothsayer at all - everyone can easily master this fascinating science. And if earlier during divination it was customary to read various magic spells, then today the ceremony has become as simple as possible - but no less interesting than a hundred or two hundred years ago. So, the coffee is drunk, and the cup and saucer are covered with bizarre patterns and spots - we begin the interpretation of the symbols.

looking at the figures, Special attention we turn to clearer pictures, since they give the most accurate and correct information. The location of the symbols also matters for their interpretation - we start from the handle and go clockwise. So, if the figures are placed towards the handle, then they can be interpreted as some kind of phenomenon that will soon enter a person's life. As an option - the head of a man, woman or animal, the blade of a knife. On the contrary, with the direction of the symbols from the handle of the cup, one can hardly expect important life changes. When unraveling the drawings on the cup, it is important to study the closest of them to the handle - such signs usually relate to the most personal (relations with relatives, family, life). The location of less significant characters falls on the opposite side of the handle.

The figures on the left will tell about upcoming events that are a continuation and consequence of certain deeds of the past. On the right side there are signs for the interpretation of the future, which is in no way connected with the past of the fortuneteller. In addition, depending on the location of the symbol between the rim and the bottom of the cup, you can determine the time of the event. If the sign is located near the rim itself, the predicted will come true within 1 - 1.5 months, in the "equatorial" part - within 2 - 4 months, near the bottom - to completion life path. What signs can be "read" on coffee grounds?

Among the most common symbols are figures of people and animals, letters, numbers, lines, geometric patterns. To obtain the most accurate prediction, it is necessary to interpret not a single symbol, but taking into account all those who are on the same “time line” with it. For example, a sign in the form of a suitcase in itself means a journey. But with the figure of a person located nearby, specifics are added to the prophecy - most likely, a visit from guests from afar is planned. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the interpretation of some common symbols of coffee grounds in pictures, which are often formed during fortune telling.

How to correctly interpret the symbols of coffee grounds when divining - meanings and pictures:

  • Cat - symbolizes poverty and cunning. If the cat is located near the edge of the cup, your enemies are "on the alert", involving you in their dishonest games. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at your own environment, stopping such actions. Is the animal at the bottom of the cup? Expect a serious quarrel with relatives.
  • Mouse - like the previous symbol, it is considered a negative sign. The appearance on the coffee cup of the image of this cute little animal warns of impending losses incurred by the fortuneteller through the fault of people close to him.
  • A dog is a good positive omen, meaning friendly support in Hard time. If a sick person is engaged in fortune-telling, then the figure of a dog on coffee grounds can be interpreted as help that will lead to recovery. However, it happens that the dog has a clearly visible grin - in this case, the symbol is interpreted as a possible betrayal of the best friend.

  • Bear - warns the fortuneteller about the danger, which can only be avoided by committing right choice. If there is a sign next to the bear that resembles the outlines of an eagle, a dangerous situation will not affect you. Moreover, you will get the laurels of the winner! If there is a line that looks like a snake near the bear, this promises big trouble.

  • Tree - there are many interpretations of this sign of coffee grounds. So, tall tree with a straight trunk and a lush crown symbolizes the appearance in the future of profitable job offers, new business partners. In personal life, great opportunities also open up - several interesting acquaintances can happen at the same time. It is even better if the tree is strewn with fruits, because this sign promises to receive a large amount of money or inheritance. A tree with a crooked crooked trunk prophesies an unsuccessful outcome of new beginnings and inevitable losses.

  • Child - this symbol means the experiences and resentments of the past, as well as the inability to overcome obstacles. The appearance of a child’s figurine near the edge of the cup symbolizes personal grievances and complexes that can interfere with the growth of well-being or creative development. If the child is located at the bottom of the cup, then this indicates the presence of resentment and other negative emotions that stand in the way of building harmonious relationships in the present.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - the meaning of symbols and signs

Strong aromatic coffee is one of the most popular drinks, without which many people cannot imagine breakfast or lunch. In addition, with the help of a cup of coffee, you can find out your future by correctly deciphering the meaning of the remaining characters in the thick. So, completely different patterns can appear on the bottom or walls of the cup - lines, numbers, letters, human and animal figures. In our list you will find an interpretation of the main symbols that are most often formed on coffee grounds as a result of fortune telling.

What do the symbols-parts of the human body on the coffee grounds mean - a list of interpretations:

  • Head - your life will soon change thanks to a familiar young man
  • Eyes - a sign promises life changes in the field of relationships, study or work
  • Lips - wait for the good news
  • Woman - the appearance of this symbol portends a fortuneteller a pleasant love affair or a quick marriage
  • Hand - symbolizes the collapse of expectations and hopes

Geometric shapes - how to decipher their appearance on coffee grounds:

  • Quadrangle - to good luck in love affairs, a new acquaintance or a favorable development of relations with a man
  • Small dashes - expect a promotion or salary increase
  • Triangle - if this one appeared on the coffee grounds geometric figure, you have a fateful meeting ahead of you
  • Oval - a young girl predicts a wedding, and a married woman promises a happy family life
  • Cross - the appearance of this symbol prophesies a wedding, happiness in personal life, a calm and harmonious marriage
  • Square - the drawing can be interpreted as a prosperous life in the future
  • Stars - all problems will be left behind

Guessing on coffee grounds - interpretation of numbers:

  • 1 - a symbol of happiness
  • 2 - to unexpected problems and troubles
  • 3 - fate prophesies you good luck in matters of finance
  • 4 - all your undertakings are "doomed" to success
  • 5 - the appearance of a number indicates gossip and slander around you
  • 6 - promises a happy marriage
  • 7 - predicts reciprocity in feelings and harmony
  • 8 - to disagreements and quarrels
  • 9 - expects to meet new people
  • 0 - your wishes and dreams will come true

Letters - meaning on coffee grounds:

  • A - to victory, luck and luck
  • B - any of your undertakings will be promising
  • B - prophesies fun, celebration and good mood
  • G - to trouble at work
  • D - get the help of a good friend in solving problems
  • E - listen with intuition and everything will work out
  • F - to the good news
  • Z - longing and boredom will take over you
  • And - quick changes in life
  • Y - fate warns of possible troubles
  • K - problems with relatives are likely
  • L - a loved one can betray and change
  • M - happiness awaits you in the future
  • N - to mutual understanding and harmony
  • Oh - a friend needs your help
  • P - there are expenses associated with relatives and friends
  • R - to good luck in material matters
  • C - wait for news from the past
  • T - your future is in your hands, do not look back at the past
  • U - luckily
  • F - find love in the face of a friend
  • C - you will soon receive a large bag of money
  • H - you will receive help from a man
  • Sh - unexpected problems are possible
  • U - the fortuneteller will need patience
  • B - by showing perseverance and determination, you will achieve a lot
  • Y - fate will give you love and happiness
  • B - your friend needs help
  • E - a loved one needs support
  • Yu - caution in making an important decision will lead to victory
  • Me - be smart

What do the drawings mean - interpretation of fortune-telling on coffee grounds, video

Fortune telling on coffee grounds allows you to get answers to many important issues enjoying the taste and aroma of your favorite drink. The main thing is to stock up on good brewed coffee, as well as correctly interpret the symbols that appear. In the video you will find the most exact interpretation signs of coffee grounds, which are most often formed during divination.

Video with the interpretation of the meanings of symbols when divining for coffee:

So, fortune telling on coffee grounds is a popular way to find out the future in a comfortable home environment, accessible to every person. What do the symbols mean when divining for coffee? With the help of our selection of pictures (photos) and videos, you can determine the most accurate meaning and correctly interpret the drawings on the coffee grounds. Good luck to you fortune-telling and positive emotions!

Have fortune tellers come true for you?

We have already told you about how to guess on coffee grounds. If you have read about the process of preparing for divination, and about history, then two conclusions can be drawn here. Firstly, fortune-telling on coffee grounds was not originally Russian fortune-telling, say, for some holidays. Russian peasants simply simply didn’t have coffee, except perhaps some kind of drink made from chicory roots, but this is not at all that. So, secondly, despite the fact that this type of fortune-telling is quite young for Russia, and came to us from Europe, it also requires a certain environment. It should be soothing, but not detached. We talked about divination methods. And now, when you have already learned a little about divination on coffee grounds itself, you can also turn to the meaning of fortune-telling results, that is, to the very symbols, shapes, blurs and coffee residues that you can observe after drinking a cup of coffee. In fact, this is what our article will be devoted to.

The meaning of symbols, shapes on a coffee mug for divination and their influence on chronology

First, it must be said that the resulting symbols on the circle, depending on the location, also have their own chronology of implementation.

1. near future or present
2. distant future
3. unfortunate omens
4. the one who asks
5. this is what will pass away
6. something that will soon become part of your life

The meaning of symbols - people and body parts when divining on coffee grounds

Eyes - there are changes ahead in your life.
The head is a familiar young man who has a favorable influence on you
Head in profile - you are well protected
Woman head - love
The head of a man - parting with a loved one
Head thrown up - you have a patron
Head down - danger ahead
Lips - if the image is located at the bottom, good news awaits you; if the image is in top edge- friends support
Circle, and in the center two heads - the wedding is coming
Two heads facing each other mutual love.
A line and two heads separated by it - betrayal is expected ahead, or a major quarrel, or even a divorce
Several goals - friends will help you
Elderly woman - durable family life
Hand - the collapse of illusions, chagrin
Man with an animal - one of your friends is ready to take care of you
Insects, animals, birds
Butterfly - a letter on a love theme
Bull - danger ahead
Bull on the hill - financial situation will improve
Bull in the lowland - you do not complain about health
Camel - ahead of prosperity and wealth
Raven - family grief awaits you
Dove - you have a friend with a pure soul
Hare - a manifestation of cowardice
The snake is a person who wishes you harm
Cow - happiness and luck awaits you
Cat - you will lose all the money
Chicken - they are waiting for help from you
Swan - a cash surprise awaits you
Leo - kindness, strength
Fox - lie, deceit
Frog - they are waiting for you Good times
Bear - trouble ahead
Ant - vanity
Fly - an inheritance awaits you
Deer - never lies and always gives advice
Eagle - a fight awaits you in which you will win
Spider - surprise
Rooster - someone will make you happy; at the bottom of the cup - intrigues are plotting against you
Fish - good news awaits you, a pleasant journey
Elephant - influence, strength, wealth
Dog - loyalty and devotion
Owl - a very strong chagrin
Tiger - never kind
Lizard - surprise ahead

The meaning of symbols - Flora when divining on coffee grounds

Oak - victory
Willow - sadness, depression, tears
Clover - soon troubles and problems will be solved
Bush - the work begun will turn into a crash
Forest - you made a big mistake
Lily - devotion, constancy in love; quarrel (if at the bottom of the cup)
Rosa - engagement, and then wedding chores
Violet - a wedding with a wealthy man
Chrysanthemum - love at the end of life
Car - visiting other places ahead
Diamond - mutual happiness
Angel - unexpected joy, good news,
Fork - prosperity, wealth, luxury
Coffin - grief, misfortune
Coffin with a cross - loss loved one
The coffin next to the bed is an incurable disease
Door - success awaits you
House - success, well-being
Dagger - malice, enmity
Key - you will be successful in all matters
Wheel - an unforeseen event awaits you
Ring - a profitable union, wedding
Hammer - the case will end happily
Knife - big expenses
Scissors - good luck, prosperity
Shoes - a surprise
Weapon - scandal awaits you
Folder - the case will end successfully
Loop - big trouble or death
Glove - the return of the old affection
Horseshoe - a joyful event
Dishes - the unknown awaits you ahead
Candle - dreams
Chair - you will become a wealthy person
Flag - trouble ahead
Hat - joy, reverence
Anchor - pleasant surprises - if the picture is clear; problems with a loved one - if the picture is blurry

The meaning of symbols - geometric figures when divining on coffee grounds

Arc - you have an enemy who wishes you harm
Star - some kind of trouble will pass you by
Square - life without problems
St. Andrew's Cross - a very pleasant event
Cross - bad news
Circle - a vicious circle means that you are a sociable person; The broken circle speaks of a new acquaintance.
The line is an adventure if a zigzag; resentment, problems in personal life, if the line intersects with other lines; a happy and carefree life, if a straight and long line; illness, loss, indecision, uncertainty if broken line
Oblique lines - warn of something unpleasant for you
Broken lines - money problems
Oval - very pleasant chores
Dots or strokes - carefree life
Triangle - good luck if a closed triangle; you will be protected if the open triangle
Dash - big changes are coming
Quadrilateral - you will be lucky in love

The meaning of symbols - numbers when fortune telling on coffee grounds

1 - you are loved or you are in love (love figure);
2 - unpleasant chores, problems (minor problems)
3 - financial success is on your side (favorable environment for earning or investing)
4 - you will be lucky (unexpected luck)
5 - empty chores (possible manifestation of unrelated fuss)
6 - Fortune is on your side (make a choice, it will be successful)
7 - happiness with a loved one (your union with your loved one will delight the two of you)
8 - trouble (problems associated with waste and emotional distress)
9 - new friend(here we are talking primarily about a new acquaintance, will this person become your friend, this is the second question)
10-100 - luck, success. (lucky little things)
101 and more - long life.

It is important to note here that the numbers can be considered both Arabic and Roman. In addition, you need to associatively imagine how the number is tied to your fortune-telling, what it can affect and how to manifest itself.

For each person, symbols are often their own, personal. This happens after a long experience of divination. Here the main role is played by psychology and your imagination. Read the symbols to the end, consider them as a whole, and not separately, do not try to succumb to what you want, find an independent truth. But nevertheless, in the end, the personal in divination plays a major role.

The fish symbolizes the water element and, accordingly, represents the dark sides of our subconscious, reflects the influence of reality on the human psyche, personifies the manifestation of natural instincts and demonstrates difficulties in personal relationships.

It is no coincidence that there is a saying: "Like a fish in water." In this case, the symbol is treated as an effective adaptation to environment. Considering the personal qualities of a person, we can talk about a successful manipulator, negotiator, diplomat who will always derive personal benefit even from negative events.

The meaning of fish in a dream

Seeing fish in a dream for women can mean an unplanned pregnancy. Cleaning fish in a dream or cutting it - to an exacerbation of chronic diseases, a protracted illness, psychological distress and prolonged depression. And to cook fish in a dream - that there will be conflicts with relatives, old ones will come up family secrets and resentment. All this can lead to long-term psychological stress. Catching fish in a dream - to problems in personal relationships, jealousy and domestic quarrels. And releasing the fish means that you will be able to easily overcome difficulties, get rid of negative consequences and evade retribution for the wrong deeds you have committed.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: fish

Fish in fortune-telling on coffee grounds symbolizes defenselessness before society, and in order to survive and achieve your goal, you will have to become like the people around you and their base qualities. If you do not know how to adapt, flatter, lie, fawn and fawn, then for you this symbol takes on a problematic meaning. Against the background of psycho-somatic reactions, a person can get sick, lose interest in favorite things and become discouraged from disappointment in people. If you can flexibly behave in a situation where you are between two fires, are able to obey for your own benefit, neglect some moral values, then this symbol will indicate a close victory by discrediting rivals. The symbol of the fish that appeared at the bottom of the cup tells about the events social character: work, career, partnerships, social activity. The fish at the edge of the cup correlates with sensual experiences, relationships between parents and children, family ties and love ups and downs.

Fortune telling on wax: fish

Fish in fortune-telling on wax means that you will be tested for strength of character and stability in stressful situations. The fish that appeared at the beginning of divination on wax means that a person close to you has the intention to break off relations, provoke a conflict in order to find out your true attitude towards him. And the fish at the end of fortune-telling on coffee grounds can symbolize pregnancy in combination with other favorable symbols, or a protracted illness surrounded by negative symbols.

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750 rub In addition, the symbol of the fish in divination on wax means spiritual quests, experiences that a person needs to go through for a successful transformation. When you see a fish on wax, you need to think about your life priorities, remember all your mistakes and wrong actions, so that after analyzing them, draw the appropriate conclusions and change your behavior. So, faced with the symbol of fish in divinatory practices, you need to look inside yourself in order to realize the cause of the circumstances. Spiritual quest, change of moral values, rejection of habitual stereotypes, personal development and work with spiritual practices will help you cope with any obstacles that arise in life, overcoming which you will receive emancipation and awareness.

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