Mantras and spells. Magic Mantras: Practice and Classification Mantra against black magic

Fashion & Style 14.04.2021
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Supernatural abilities of people Lukovkina Aurika

Mantras - like magic formulas

Mantras - like magic formulas

Probably, many have heard about the verbal healing formulas of Tibetan lamas, sometimes perceived as something like a spell. Let's try to understand this issue. According to Eastern philosophy, mantras are indeed akin to magic spells that should bring a person to a state of rest and peace. Their healing magical effect is based on the influence of sound, sound vibrations on a person. Through the head chakra Sahasrara, mantras contribute to the connection of any person with the Cosmos, thereby helping to cleanse oneself of diseases and evil. And although mantras are a combination of word and sound, the dominant position in this union belongs to sound. It is not for nothing that llamas consider very important point voice vibration. After all, mantras were originally sung, and not pronounced. And singing in those days was considered a reflection of pure joy. It has been proven that the reproduction of vowel sounds affects the state of the tonsils and glands, stimulating them to cleanse the body of various kinds of waste. Thus, mantras are a special scale of vowel sounds, selected in order to cause an oscillatory effect, as in human body as a whole, and in its individual parts (brain, endocrine glands or in nervous system). Breathing is also an important factor in chanting a mantra. It should be full and energetic, helping to energize the entire body.

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Everyone has it modern man there are desires that he would like to realize. These desires concern not only monetary and material aspects, but also health, love, favor from the boss, and so on.

To materialize our desires, we sometimes need to expend a lot of effort, but not all of them lead to positive results. Buddhist monks recommend regularly using mantras, which help to quickly achieve the intended goal.

Magic mantras are not only a set of special words, symbols and sounds. It is in these Buddhist prayers that a special magical power and strength is embedded.

Many people assume that once he says a magical prayer, he will immediately succeed, but this is not entirely true. In fact, it is necessary to regularly say magical prayers for a certain time, and in no case hope for an instant result. Faith in this matter is especially necessary, without it one should not hope for success.

How to practice the mantra

For beginners, it is recommended to practice only one mantra. You need to feel it, understand how it works, achieve a result, and only after that you can put the following prayer into practice. When reading a prayer, you need to merge with it together. This result is very difficult to achieve, but this result is worth it.

It may take a long time for the mantra to take effect and the first result to be visible (at least a hundred classes, or maybe more). People who regularly practice magical prayers claim that by applying the mantra for several years in a row, you can achieve an excellent result.

Mantras that have magical properties, have the ability to fulfill cherished desires. They protect and protect a person if he is in danger. Their main difficulty is the language in which they must be pronounced - Sanskrit. This is the so-called magic formula, which has tremendous power and carries a fairly powerful charge of energy. Such energy is concentrated with the help of sound vibrations that come from a person practicing the magical text.

In order to pronounce correctly, first, you need to learn one main and basic rule. The most important thing in pronouncing a mantra is not knowing the literal translation of magic words, but its correct pronunciation in compliance with the required frequency.

The main classification of magic mantras

All that exist on this moment mantras are divided into three so-called categories:

  • Male mantras of the sun.
  • Women's mantras of the moon.
  • Neutral (having no gender).

To determine which category a particular mantra belongs to, you need to pay attention to its ending.

Prayers of the feminine (lunar) gender have the ending "tham" or "matchmaker". The male mantras of the sun are mind and phat. Neutrals end in "pamah", "namah".

If a person has a lack of his vital energy, he should use neutral prayers. In this case, they will be the most effective.

The mantra must be repeated as many times as a multiple of three. Reading the magical text exactly one hundred and eight times in a row has the best effect. In Buddhism, this figure is considered sacred, and symbolizes the Deity and the Highest Energy. At the same time, the eight is a symbol of infinity, and zero is perfection.

In order not to lose count and read the mantra enough times, Buddhists recommend using special rosaries for this purpose. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they must be made only from natural natural material (stone, wood, glass, and so on). In no case do not use plastic rosaries that are stuffed with various chemicals.

Happiness mantra

The ceremony must be carried out for one week, every day in a row. Be sure to fast not only during the day, but also at night. Before going to bed, perform a ritual of meditation, and in the morning chant the following spell melodiously:


When pronouncing magical sounds, think about pleasant things, in no case about negative things. Within a week, you will notice the first results from the pronunciation of the mantra.

Mantra of love

This rite is performed three nights in a row. You need to tune in to what you love and are ready to love. Magic words will not work at the same hour, so you need to apply the ritual for a month (at least). It is best to perform the ceremony on full moon. The following words are pronounced:


health mantra

If you feel that your health is losing strength, use this mantra. It must be repeated ten days in a row, every morning these words:


Throughout the entire period, you need to conduct a rite of meditation, and be sure to fast. Already by the eleventh day you will feel the rush vitality, energy, your health will noticeably improve.

money prayer

The magical money mantra is a one-day ritual. It is necessary to fast and meditate throughout the day. There should be such thoughts in your head, for example, how did you get rich and where, for what good purposes you will direct your finances, to whom you can help in a difficult situation. Exactly at twelve o'clock at night, you need to raise your hands to the sky and say:


So you need to do three months in a row, every week. It is necessary to pronounce the magic text with the vibration of the voice in vowels. You will definitely feel the result soon.

healing mantra

This is one of the most famous universal (neutral) protective prayers. By repeating it regularly, a person can become less vulnerable to various troubles and hardships. It is pronounced like this:


Success Mantra

This is a woman's prayer. It is unique in its kind. Only this prayer can be repeated twice a month, but no more. To achieve the desired success in your business, you need to work with magic words once a month.


If you hum the text of the prayer at the reception medicines, then they "come to life" and enhance their magical effect.

Magical mantras are created by Buddhists on a subconscious level. They seem to come from the soul, and do not come from logical thinking. Therefore, in order to achieve unity with prayer, it is necessary to feel it with your whole soul and feel it with your body. Only in this case will you be able to achieve complete harmony with magical prayer, and achieve one hundred percent success in your affairs.

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Galdrs and formulas When Odin hangs on the world tree, he receives songs of power. They are called "galdrs" and are an important part of the Nordic magical tradition. The word "galdr" is related to the words "gala" (croak) and "galen" (mad). Galdrs are supposed to be able to heal wounds,

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[The meaning of the formula of the Teaching "love Me"] You write that there are people who are outraged by the statement found in the first book - "love Me", and consider it some kind of imposition. I will answer this - probably the hearts of such people have turned to stone, and they do not know what burning is.

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From the book Prosperity and the Magic of Money author Penzak Christopher

Mantras are like magical formulas Probably, many have heard about the verbal healing formulas of Tibetan lamas, sometimes perceived as something like a spell. Let's try to understand this issue. According to the ideas of Eastern philosophy, mantras are indeed akin to magical

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Chapter 7. Spells and Formulas for Prosperity Now that you have an understanding of the principles of prosperity, such as place, time, divine and natural forces, you are ready for the appropriate magic. Prosperity requires hard work. Even when your focus is not on money,

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Magic Formulas The creation, activation and use of one's own mantras is an age-old tradition of Western magic. Aleister Crowley, for example, discovered the Word of Aeon - Abrahadabra (note the spelling: in this version, the letter “X” is in the middle, since Had, according to Crowley, is the name

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To Chapter 8. Mantras: Power Formulas Choose a mantra. Let it sound during the day as long as possible somewhere in the background of your consciousness. See if it helps you maintain a certain state of consciousness. The results may surprise you: for example, as you cleanse

From the author's book

Runic formulas There are formulas made up of runes. They help in achieving various goals and are endowed with more energy and magical power than individual runes. Rune formulas can be drawn on various items related to money, carried with you,

There is great power in the sounds of mantras. But it would be wrong to hope that after repeating them just a few times, a person will get everything he wants. Mantras will certainly work, but this will not happen without effort.

What are mantras

Mantra in Sanskrit means "verse" or "spell". The main difficulty in working with this system is that you need to turn to this complex and ancient language.

The reading of mantras can be compared with the pronunciation of conspiracies, prayer, etc. All these interpretations are justified in a sense, since these verbal formulas are essentially magic spells that have incredible power.

Initially, in ancient times, mantras were sounds, combinations of sounds, phrases from the texts of the Vedas, which had a sacred-cleansing or inspiring effect. Somewhat later, the Hindu and Buddhist traditions began to call mantras any sounds that were endowed with special properties. Through the magical power of sound, communication with the supernatural, with higher beings and forces took place.

Hinduism and Buddhism know a huge number of various mantras. All of them have their own special functions and sound. The most common verbal formulas for meditation.

An example of such a mantra is the common Hindu sacred syllable AUM (om). His pronunciation, according to tradition, cleanses the soul for sacred reflection, strengthens the clarity of consciousness, calls for help from benevolent gods, and gives protection higher powers etc.

The most common Buddhist mantra is OM MA NI PAD ME HUM. It has actually become a standard and everyday prayer for both laymen and monks.

Mantras are part cultural heritage Hinduism and Buddhism in general, but they have a special meaning in the esoteric offshoots of these religions. So, a synonym for the occult current of Buddhism, Tantrism, is the term "secret mantra". The point is to hasten the attainment of Buddhahood by believers.

In modern India, it is customary to write appropriate mantric phrases on pieces of parchment or lay them out in mosaics in front of the entrance to the house.


All mantras can be divided into three main categories:

  • men's,
  • women,
  • neuter.

Men's are otherwise called solar. They are easy to distinguish by the endings "um", "phat".

Women's are often called lunar. Their endings are “tham”, “matchmaker”.

The neuter are essentially neutral, which is why they are often called that. Such mantras are especially good to use with a lack of vital energy in a person of any gender.

Mantras can also be classified according to the nature of the impact:

  • magical,
  • spiritual.

Magical - these are combinations of sounds that are able to cause changes outside of a person, in the world around him.

Spiritual - these are verbal formulas, the impact of which extends only to the speaker: his consciousness and inner world.

When the consequences appear

Mantras have the ability to fulfill deep desires. They can help a person in case of difficulties, they can protect from dangers.

The secret of the power of these verbal formulas lies in the fact that their sound vibration carries powerful charge energy. The magnitude of this force is incomparable to anything, since it belongs to the Universe.

The strength of the mantra is determined by the efforts of the practitioner. The more correct the technique of their implementation, the more pronounced the result will be. Sometimes, in order for the mantra to “sound” and begin to act, you need 100-200 or more repetitions.

The effects of the utterance of magical and spiritual mantras appear at different times. Changes from magic formulas in the surrounding world can occur quite quickly. With regard to spiritual mantras, the waiting period for the result increases, since consciousness cannot be transformed immediately. Before the change comes, there must be a process of purification and preparation for the acceptance of the new.

Where can I say mantras

Ideally, the place for pronouncing sacred magical formulas should be quiet, and its atmosphere should bring peace with it. The main thing is that the place should be pleasant, and no one could interfere there.

It does not matter where exactly it will be located: in the house or in nature. If possible, before pronouncing magical phrases, it is better to light a candle, incense stick or other incense.

Before starting the ritual, you need to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a stream of dazzling white and pure light. You can take deep breaths and exhale, imagining how shining light and grace penetrate inside through the lungs. After that, the problem is mentally spoken out, or an intention or request is expressed. And only after that you should proceed to the direct pronunciation of the mantra.

In general, the question of where to pronounce their special words is up to the practitioner to decide. The choice of options is huge: sitting, lying, standing, with eyes open or closed, alone or in company, in the morning or in the evening, etc. Usually, an understanding of the appropriateness and correctness of performing a ritual comes to a person intuitively - some time after the start of classes he just stops thinking and does what he feels is right.

With the development of abilities come the ability to repeat mantras unconsciously, doing other things or even in a dream. For someone the best option can become initiation to the mantric system by using modern technology. It is not forbidden to include audio recordings with mantras and synchronously pronounce or sing along.

How to chant mantras

The choice of how to pronounce the mantra is extremely important. It depends on getting the desired result.

If the words are spoken in a whisper, then the effect will be exerted on the etheric body.

When mantras are not pronounced aloud, but mentally, they are directed to the consciousness of the person himself - his mental body.

With regard to mantras, a simple rule should apply: the performer should not think hard about the meaning of the words, or try to understand what they mean in translation. It will be correct to simply detachedly and exactly repeat these combinations of sounds.

In the skill of repeating mantras, levels can be distinguished:

  • the first is concentration only on the sound,
  • the second is the realization of deep meaning,
  • the third is the transformation of the mantra into a general background, a constant presence in the mind.

Increasing the level of mantra practice allows you to achieve more serious spiritual transformations. This is achieved by regular meditation and entering into a trance state. The goal is to achieve a state of impersonality. At the same time, the practitioner ceases to be aware of himself and merges with the idea of ​​the mantra.

It is not recommended to repeat several different mantras at once. It is better to choose one or two that the best way suitable for problem solving. When positive changes are achieved and the issue is closed, you can start mantras of the next direction. When there are problems in all areas of life - health, love, wealth, etc. are required, it makes sense to turn to mantras of a universal orientation.

The number of repetitions of mantras

There is no single rule for how many times one or another mantra will need to be pronounced. The practitioner should focus on his inner voice. But one thing always works important rule repetition of mantras: whatever the total number of pronunciations, it must always be a multiple of three.

The minimum number of times it takes to get a result is three. Mantras can also be recited 6, 9, 15, etc. times. The greatest effect will be achieved if repeated 108 times (or more).

The number "108" is sacred. Its decryption:

"1" - Higher energy, Deity.

"0" - Perfection.

"8" - Eternity and Infinity.

Some mantras, in order for them to manifest themselves, “come to life”, must be repeated thousands of times, without being distracted by eating and drinking.

Concentrating on the sound of a mantra and at the same time counting the number of repetitions at the same time is very difficult. Therefore, practitioners usually take a rosary with 108 beads with them to meditation. When pronouncing, they make counting easier, and later, after some time, they become an excellent individual talisman, because their beads are charged with powerful energy during rituals.

It is important to remember that the sounds of the mantra contain incredible magical power and power. However, one should not assume that after the magic mantras have been uttered, manna from heaven will fall and life will go into a fabulous channel. Of course, the mantras will definitely work, but they will not work immediately.

Sounds are the essence

In order for magic mantras to give the desired result, it is important to learn them. correct pronunciation. It is strictly contraindicated to try to master all the mantras at the same time. Of course, you want love, wealth, health, the location of your superiors, and much more, but mantras should be practiced gradually.

How to practice mantras


It is advisable to learn to practice at least one mantra. It is necessary to learn how to work with it so that it sounds. In the process of reading the mantra, a person should merge with it into one whole. Only then can the magic mantra act in full force. It should be clarified that this is a rather difficult path.

In order for the mantra to sound, it is necessary to go through from one hundred to one hundred and fifty classes. Sometimes this amount is not enough to merge with the magic mantra together. However, according to people who have been practicing magic mantras for several years, it is worth it.

Magical mantras have the ability to fulfill cherished desires. They can help a person Hard time, protect and protect in case of danger. The difficulty of learning to pronounce magic mantras lies in the fact that they are all written in one of the oldest languages ​​on the planet - Sanskrit. Some compare reading a mantra with a magical conspiracy, prayer, or even a mystical combination of symbols. However, it is more accurate to compare magic mantras with some kind of magic formula that has incredible power.

Magical mantras carry a powerful charge of Energy. This is the Energy of the Universe, which is completely concentrated in sound vibration. Energy carries a special spiritual power and a special code. This code implies the Higher Knowledge of Truth. It is hard not to believe that magic mantras are endowed with a special power, a power that is incomparable to anything.

Mantra practice


Before practicing the pronunciation of the mantra, you need to learn the main rule. You should never try to think about the meaning of the phrases and sounds of the mantra or try to translate it literally. You just need to repeat it correctly with the necessary frequency.

Mantra classification


All practiced mantras currently in use fall into three main categories. These are masculine or solar, feminine or lunar. There is a third type of mantras - these are neutral mantras, which are also commonly called neuter mantras.

All mantras that exist and are practiced by masters can be easily identified by their ending. Women's mantras or lunar mantras end in "svaha" or "tham". Mantras for men or solar have the ending "phat" or "mind". For mantras that are neutral or neuter, the ending sounds like “pamah” or “namah”. If a person lacks the required amount of vital energy, the most effective are mantras of the middle gender or neutral magic mantras.

Magical mantras can be repeated a convenient number of times, but it is important that the number of repetitions be equal to a multiple of 3. Magical mantras can be repeated three, six, nine, twelve or more times. It is worth noting that mantras can give the greatest effect when they are read exactly one hundred and eight times.

The fact is that the number 108 was not chosen in vain, since eight is considered a sacred number, One in this figure denotes the Highest Energy and Deity. Zero is considered the perfection of Divine creation, and the number eight is a symbol of infinity and eternity.

When reading a mantra, it is rather problematic to keep an accurate account. For this reason, when reciting the mantra, it is recommended to use a rosary that is made only from natural materials without plastic or other materials that contain chemicals.

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