Accurate horoscope for April Gemini. Work and business

Helpful Hints 29.06.2020
Helpful Hints

April 2018 will be a significant period in the life of the Gemini, but for this you will have to work hard and give it your all. The horoscope for April 2018 for Gemini will be a salvation. Under the influence of planetary aspects, Gemini will always be in limbo, because fate will continually put at a fork in the road, where they themselves will have to make a choice in which direction to go, and the future will depend on this decision. Basically nothing out of the ordinary. Our whole life consists of such decisions and choices, but now, more than ever, it will take a lot of strength and energy to make the only right decision and not make a mistake with the choice. As a rule, regardless of what it will be, there will be two options: to stay where you are familiar and comfortable, or move from your place and start living in a new way, with new perspectives, opportunities, new environment and in other conditions. For those who decide to change, a happy and bright future awaits, where there will be no uncertainty, betrayal and disappointment. Let's take a look at the Gemini years next. Everything will be simple and clear.

Horoscope for April 2018 for Gemini women

The fair sex should not forget about the rest, which should be active, lying on the couch will only take away the last strength. But the time spent with friends in the sauna, dancing or going out into nature will charge you with optimism. Going to a beauty salon and spa will also be very useful not only for the body, but also for the soul. It is better to go there in a pleasant company. All these measures will allow women to maintain such a high rhythm of life they are accustomed to and get rid of fatigue, which otherwise threatens to grow to incredible proportions. Once you find the inspiration and strength to keep going, you can reach great heights - or lay a solid foundation to do so. In addition, this way the body will not resist undertakings, reminding of itself with bad sleep and constant colds. It is important not to forget about loved ones, trying not to break down on them and not to sort things out, which is fraught with major quarrels and conflicts, which will then have to spend a lot of resources to resolve. A reasonable combination of work and rest, as well as a truly feminine approach to business, will bring positive results.

Horoscope for April 2018 for Gemini - work and business

In April 2018, Mercury will be in Gemini in the 11th house, but it is turning retrograde. Such a movement of the planet can lead to contacts with not very reliable and even outright vicious people. According to the horoscope of Gemini, April 2018 is the time when you will need to manifest great attention and prudence, in order not to become a victim of deception on their part. Be especially picky when signing any important documents. The horoscope says that in the second half of the month you will be able to start implementing some large and promising project. But we should not forget about the usual daily work. And try to come to work on time to avoid possible conflicts with management. In April 2018, everything will be calm and stable in business affairs. Pleasant communication with colleagues and interesting work tasks will not let you get bored at your workplace. Your enthusiasm and ease with which you easily carry out your duties will certainly be noticed by management. If you yourself are the boss, now your authority is gaining new strength.

In April 2018, Gemini may find themselves heavily dependent on some people from your environment. In one case, it will be one of the friends, and in the other, a rather demanding superior person. Perhaps we will talk about disagreements related to common affairs or serious material claims, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to ignore all this. Do not be nervous and fussy: be prepared to look for workarounds, make diversions, as well as be diplomatic and prone to compromise. Then fate will reward you for your efforts, and you will be able to achieve what you want. In extreme cases, it can be an honorable retreat. In April 2018, by delving into any details and paying attention to minor details, Gemini will be able to avoid mistakes during the retrograde movement of Mercury (until the 15th). Finish the things you started earlier, and in the second half of the month, gather your strength and, together with those who work on projects, actively get involved in the implementation of your plans. You will enjoy the process of working and collaborating with colleagues. Much of what you have planned and dreamed about for a long time will come true.

Horoscope April 2018 - money

At the beginning of the month, the financial situation of the representatives of this sign can be quite deplorable. To fix it, in April 2018 you will have to turn on the austerity mode and even, perhaps, try to find some additional income. However, already in the second half of the month, everything will begin to return to normal, moreover, closer to its end, it is possible to receive some unplanned and rather pleasant amount. Maybe it will be a lottery win. Therefore, the horoscope advises you to buy a lottery ticket. During April 2018, Venus will be with Gemini in the 12th house. It might bring them some secret romance. Or Gemini will fall in love with someone, but prefer to hide their feelings not only from others, but also from the subject of their passion. The horoscope recommends that lonely representatives of the sign show responsibility and not give vain hopes to a person for whom they do not have true feelings. As predicted by the horoscope for April 2018, Gemini should try to smooth the situation as much as possible and, if possible, part as friends. As for family Gemini, the horoscope does not promise them any cardinal changes in life. Of course, small conflicts are possible here, but they will be resolved quite peacefully, through the usual agreements.

Auspicious days according to the horoscope for April 2018 Gemini

Horoscope for April 2018, Gemini In April, there will be a feeling that without drama, Gemini is simply bored to live. You'll complain about problems, notice your own bad luck or sickness, and, frankly, feel great seeing sympathetic faces. Well, such a move is not so bad, but only on the condition that at the same time you do not prove to someone that you are worth something. It will not be possible to play a double game, something will definitely appear somewhere, and at the most inopportune moment. In general, you will tend to choose the time incorrectly, so it is better to consult with someone on this issue - and, for example, they will tell you that such and such a store is not working, and the lunch break has been shifted in the office. In April, the Gemini may collide with their doppelgänger. A person remarkably similar to you in appearance or mannerisms or life history. The meeting will be a real view from the outside, and you will have something to take on board. Auspicious days - 1, 4, 7, 9, 22, 25, 30. bad days – 8, 12, 18, 21, 23, 27.

Horoscope for April 2018 for Gemini men

During this period, it is worth paying attention to work, it will require no small effort. If you decide to declare your ambitions to your superiors, your courage will be rewarded - they can give under your command, albeit a complex one, but having good prospects a project worth taking on with great enthusiasm. This month, rest is no less important for men. It is best to spend time with a friend, walking in the park and talking about life, or go out into nature in the company of loved ones and just relax. After that, work will be much more fruitful. It is better to save the “home-work” mode for a more suitable period for this, now the rest should be associated with outdoor walks and communication. Which, by the way, will give a lot of ideas and provide support in your endeavors. Do not be afraid of the new, whether it be a woman or a job - most likely, this is the very chance for happiness that you have been waiting for so long. You need to think it over well, but at the same time try not to miss it, it can affect your life for at least a few years to come. And one more piece of advice - rejoice in all the pleasant little things that you meet, this will help you survive difficulties.

Horoscope for April 2018 Gemini - health

In April 2018, chronic diseases may worsen in Gemini. It is better to foresee such an opportunity in advance and stock up on all the necessary medicines. The main problems of this month, according to the horoscope, will be related to gastrointestinal tract, however. they will turn out to be quite light, most likely it will be a slight upset due to the wrong diet. It is also possible that you will gain a few extra pounds due to the habit of eating at night. Finding Mars in the 9th house of your horoscope in April 2018 also recommends not neglecting physical activity. Moreover, the weather is extremely conducive to walks in the fresh air. In this period you are healthy, energetic, but somewhat nervous, restless. The stars advise you to use your energy exclusively in peaceful purposes and more to be in nature - it always has a calming effect. April 2018 for Gemini is a favorable time for wellness procedures, including those aimed at preventing exacerbation of chronic diseases. Spend more time outdoors, do breathing exercises - it is proper breathing that will make a good contribution to your cheerful state of health. In cosmetic terms, firming and toning procedures for the care of hands and feet, including those that have an anti-cellulite and tightening effect on the skin, will be effective.

Horoscope for April 2018 - love

According to the Gemini horoscope in April 2018, the stars promise you a lot of emotions and pleasant experiences, even if you have been married for a long time, there are still such nuances that will touch your heart. The middle of spring is a good occasion for walks and joint entertainment, family vacation in the park, etc. Most: the last decade of the month will be successful and romantic. Possible romantic meetings in nature in April 2018 for Gemini will be secret. You can love your chosen one very much and trust him, experiencing a sense of peace and reliability in his presence. He is yours true friend and a partner with whom you are ready to share the most intimate, without fear of being misunderstood. After the 10th, because of your busyness, scenes of jealousy are not excluded, but this will not lead to a violation of harmony between you. Despite the warmth of your relationship, you are not yet ready to introduce your partner to friends or family. These relationships can play a fatal role in your life, because they can radically change it. In April 2018, conflicts related to finances or questions about the future of children are likely in Gemini families. In any case, remember that most of April is not suitable for making final decisions, and just wait it out. Toward the end of the month, the planets will calm down, and you will be able to think sensibly and act adequately. By the end of April 2018, your love of life and charm will increase. You will become the soul of any company, because your natural wit and charm can inspire everyone. When meeting with friends, you will tell them about your plans for the future and brag about your successes. The talent of Gemini to be a friend and not to divulge other people's secrets will help you find out what your child feels and thinks, your advice will be close and understood to him.

For Gemini, April 2017 portends many pleasant events. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign will be very impressionable about everything that happens to them. Therefore, the month promises to be bright.

This may be due to events such as unexpected popularity, dizzying career success, participation in famous events. However, do not stop there, otherwise you will not be able to get all the fruits from your efforts and hard work. You have been striving for success for a long time, and it did not come as a surprise. Pay more attention to further development. The stars this month advise you to be active, especially for creative individuals.

In April 2017 Gemini expect new achievements and serious prospects.

But only if they themselves will not turn away from change. No need to be afraid of them, you should go towards everything that happens to you.

Finally, you feel that you are achieving everything that you have been striving for. And the stagnation that occurred in your life before this should not become a cause of passivity and fear.

Traveling and visiting new places will bring you benefits associated with new acquaintances, self-development, and an increase in your own potential. Do not stand still, you should move forward in your accomplishments.

Family life and personal relationships of Gemini in April 2017

For Gemini in April 2017, the opinion of others will be extremely important. This applies to the representatives of the zodiac sign themselves, as well as their partners. Perhaps you will opt for a more beautiful or lucky soulmate just to impress your surroundings.

Think about whether it really matters to you what people will say about you. Don't sacrifice personal relationships and happiness for short-term success.

Romances on the side can be decisive in your life. But before you commit rash acts, rushing into the pool with your head, you should once again carefully consider everything and soberly assess the situation. Perhaps you do not need such drastic changes, because you are a calm person by nature, and home comfort plays an important role in your life.

You should definitely diversify. long relationship with a partner. Impose more positive emotions and impressions into them, spend time as you would like both of you. Otherwise, routine and dullness can bury your love, which you previously treasured so much.

The first half of the month is more suitable for new and fruitful acquaintances. You will even be surprised how active and vibrant your personal life can be.

Gemini in April 2017 may suffer from their own distraction and frivolity at work.

You can achieve great success. But only if you put a lot of effort into it.

You should constantly remember this, otherwise you will stop for a long time in one place, and you can only dream of climbing the career ladder.

You may encounter problems like this:

  • you are investing in a business more than it pays for itself;
  • more effort is expended than is required;
  • any oversight can lead to serious consequences;
  • luck and success will turn your head;
  • colleagues can weave intrigues against you;
  • you will not always feel the reality of what is happening, this can play a cruel joke on you;
  • dubious projects and the desire to get rich quick will cause trouble.

Caution, self-discipline and constant development are the three pillars on which your well-being will stand.

April for Gemini good period associated with the acquisition of a new thing. It can be a fairly large purchase, such as a car or real estate. However, you should carefully plan your expenses, as they can significantly exceed the profit not only for this, but also for the next months.

Gemini Health April 2017

The increased activity of Gemini promises them a serious overstrain, as a result - a breakdown and depression. You should take more time to rest. He may be active. The main thing is that you get moral satisfaction from the process and be distracted from everyday problems.

It is worth doing strengthening the body and taking care of yourself. Going to a beauty salon or spa will not hurt you.

Vulnerable this month may be the pancreas. Refuse to take questionable drugs, even if you have used them before. In April, immunity to some medicines and allergic reactions to foods. Possible poisoning: pay serious attention to your diet.

Horoscope for April 2017 Gemini will read with delight, because he has prepared a rich and varied life, full of various impressions and events. The stars recommend that the representatives of the sign not limit their emotions and confidently and boldly move towards fate.

The month is favorable for representatives of creative professions. Gemini April 2017 will be full of activity. New wonderful ideas will constantly be born in the minds of Gemini, they can achieve incredible popularity. Now is also the time to develop your talents and skills, to take all kinds of courses.

April will give the Gemini a lot of interesting acquaintances and bright events, the main thing is not to avoid or dodge.


The horoscope for Gemini for April 2017 recommends a series of tempering procedures. The health of your spine and respiratory system should be under your scrutiny. It will not be superfluous to undergo a medical examination.

Be careful, try not to get hurt. Light morning run, exercise and moderate exercise stress help you stay in shape. A favorable sport to maintain energy for April for Gemini will be swimming.


The career horoscope for April 2017 promises Gemini a lot of work. If you want to make a career and increase your finances, you will have to stock up on responsibility and hard work.

The start of the month can easily be a head start for creative Gemini. Don't limit yourself, let your ideas come out. This is a very busy period when you have to work hard to achieve your goals, and you have more than enough motivation. Your successes and achievements will kindle an unprecedented excitement in you, but try to maintain your sanity, not get involved in adventures and dubious projects.

The middle of the month will be marked by zeal in work matters. Now you are on a horse, do not be afraid to take the initiative, share your ideas with your superiors, but do not forget to be attentive and scrupulous about things.

The end of the month will go smoothly and smoothly, there will be nothing to worry about.


Having opened financial horoscope as of April 2017, Gemini will be satisfied. Your hard work and ambition in April will not be in vain. Your diligence and creativity will be noticed and rewarded. There are simply a lot of options to improve your financial well-being, the main thing is not to miss the moments.

In the wake of your success, try not to succumb to excitement, not to invest in dubious projects.

By the end of the month, the Gemini will be very satisfied with their financial situation and will even be able to afford pleasant expenses that will bring a lot of pleasure. For example, a romantic trip and a variety of entertainment.


Love horoscope for April 2017 Gemini will also read with pleasure. The whole month will be permeated with passion and sensuality. You must definitely improve relations in the family, and the romantic atmosphere of the month will help you with this. Get rid of criticism and moralizing, nothing will show your feelings better than a confidential conversation in a friendly tone.

Family Gemini can be drawn to variety. In that case, bring it into the family. For example, organize a romantic picnic in nature.

Pheromones of love will hover around the lonely representatives of the Gemini sign. There will be so many romantic dates that you can even forget about work. The stars are advised to somewhat restrain their jealousy, so as not to spoil the charm of the relationship. And keep yourself in control, you should not rush into love, as if into a pool with your head.

Man - Gemini

Horoscope for April 2017 Gemini - a man should take as advice to listen more to his soul mate, respect her feelings and needs, and surround her with tenderness and care. And then you will definitely notice the return. Free representatives are more than ever ready for exciting romantic adventures.

Try to relax more after a busy working day. Take care of your health, injury is likely. Command active species sport is not for you now, you already give all your best at work. But light jogging and moderate exercise in gym- exactly what is needed.

Your mind and erudition make you enjoy success at work. You are energetic and creative in business, this is the month of your success, go for it!

Woman - Gemini

After reading the horoscope for April 2017, Gemini - a woman may be somewhat afraid of a change in relations with her husband and want new experiences. The horoscope recommends that Gemini women do not look for a reason to quarrel with a partner, and in general it is easier to look at relationships. Free representatives of the sign will also soar in romantic dreams and exude an aura of attraction.

Pay attention to health and appearance, care procedures, massage.

Your thoughts now may also be occupied with options for improving housing conditions. The horoscope recommends that you correctly plan your expenses for the month.

Flying on the wings of love, you should also not forget about self-improvement. Taking language courses or courses related to your specialty will help you achieve more.

According to the horoscope for April 2018, Gemini will have to work hard and give their all. But the month will become very fruitful and even significant in their lives. Representatives of the sign will now and then find themselves at a crossroads, and the future life will depend on the chosen direction. Now you will need all your concentration and intuition to determine the right course. Most often, you will have to choose between the familiar comfort zone and new opportunities that go hand in hand with new risks. But do not be afraid to take risks, perhaps by taking a risk, you will become truly happy.

The beginning of the month will be associated with significant expenses. Whether it will be large acquisitions, or investments in a business, in any case, spending will be profitable. But only if you think it over and do not throw money away on spontaneous purchases.

The main goal of April for Gemini should not be the desire for enrichment, but the desire to improve and expand their lives, make it more interesting, develop and improve. Take care of your inner wealth, it will make you much more successful than the pursuit of money. Focus on learning and education.

Gemini will be respected among colleagues and acquaintances due to their willingness to help and support in a difficult situation. Many Geminis will even become the inspiration for a group of people. Good deeds will bring you truly deep moral satisfaction and make this world a little better.

Avoid getting involved in adventures, achieve success with honest and hard work.

Favorable days: 3, 7, 17, 24, 25, 29

Unfavorable days: 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 23, 30


Gemini April 2018 will be in good health. Representatives of the sign will be active and energetic, but some nervousness may make itself felt. Direct your energy in a peaceful direction.

The month is favorable for wellness procedures, preventive measures. Spend more time in nature, do breathing exercises. This will help you calm down and feel in harmony with yourself.

Cosmetic procedures will be useful.


The Gemini horoscope for April 2018 promises the representatives of the sign a pleasant and interesting development of the labor process. You enthusiastically take on new tasks, which easily gains the authority of your superiors.

But here, too, there are some difficulties. Disagreements in the team or difficulties of a material nature are likely, which cannot be ignored. But do not rush to get nervous, you can always find a way out of the most difficult situation. Learn to be diplomatic and compromise. Sometimes even retreating is the smarter move.

Be attentive to details, errors in trifles are probable. Bring to its logical conclusion the previously started cases and rejoice at the results.


The financial situation in April will not be stable. The first half of the month will be associated with high costs, and there is also a possibility financial loss. Particular attention should be paid to financially responsible persons and everyone whose activities are directly related to finances.

Avoid unnecessary, unreasonable spending. Invest in what you really need and buy wisely.

Don't lend money to anyone, not even friends.


As the horoscope for April 2018 promises, Gemini will experience a wide variety of pleasant experiences, even if you have been married for a long time and the routine has already managed to absorb you. The month is favorable for family holidays, walks and outdoor activities. The third decade of the month will be especially romantic.

But family conflicts related to financial matters or future children. Do not rush to swear and make final decisions. Toward the end of April, you will calm down and be able to adequately look at what is happening.

Free Gemini are waiting for secret dates. It turns out that you are not yet ready to tell your loved ones about your romantic hobby. Strong feelings and outbursts of jealousy will take over you.

Man - Gemini

As the horoscope for April 2018 portends, Gemini - a man will face fuss and difficulties in business. Work will become a big part of your life. Probably even a secret office romance. The end of the month will bring outbreaks of jealousy and quarrels on this basis.

Try to walk more in the fresh air, go in for sports, but beware of injuries.

Men - Gemini will be puzzled by questions of additional earnings. There will be a desire to take risks in an unfamiliar area, but do not give in to excitement. Act according to a carefully calibrated plan, avoid surprises.

Woman - Gemini

As the horoscope for April 2018 portends, Gemini - a woman will change her priorities. The emphasis will move from career to communication. Your friends will need your support and help.

AT love relationships emotions and quarrels will be strong, the search for right and wrong. Hold back your sharp tongue.

With the onset of warm spring, many representatives of the sign will want to change outwardly. Go in for sports, update your wardrobe, go for beauty treatments. The only thing that is contraindicated for you now is extreme sports.

Thanks to your responsibility and professional qualities, you will be in good standing with your superiors. Use your charm and communication skills to build business relationships. But approach things with a cool head, emotions can interfere with the work process.

People born under the constellation Gemini in April 2017 can be safely called the real minions of Fortune. Why be surprised if the most powerful planets decide to take the side of the representatives of this sign! Yes, dear Gemini, the Sun, and Mercury, and Pluto will volunteer to help you (although you will feel its support only occasionally, and therefore we will not dwell on this heavenly leader).

But the Sun will fully reward you with everything you need for large-scale success in life! The solar energy you received from this planet will help you to work, work and work again without experiencing fatigue and pessimism. Needless to say, a person showing such workaholism will not go unnoticed!

The sun will give you the opportunity to work tirelessly, and Mercury will quietly push you to where your work can bring the most noticeable results. Thanks to the support of this heavenly leader, the period of lack of money will be left behind for you, and you will open the doors to a comfortable existence in front of you. True, the skepticism that has been present in your character throughout April will not allow you to experience the delight of what is happening.

Isn't it time to find out who and why will "equip" your character with this notorious "skepticism"? The reason that you will not be able to fully enjoy your cloudless existence will be Venus. The planet that patronizes the interpersonal sphere, in general, in the middle of this spring will not be too loyal to humanity. Venus will send just such a test to the share of the representatives of your sign - the inability to rejoice, the inability to love, the unwillingness to relax.

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