The owner of NL International Dmitry Khokhlov legalized relations with an old girlfriend. Methods of swindlers

Auto 21.08.2019

NL international is an international network company. The NL company was founded in 2000 in Novosibirsk, and in 2003 the French joined the project, marking the entry into the international market.

The company provides us with all the conditions and tools for successful business for free.

  1. The company officially operates on the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.
  2. The company officially operates on the territory of the Baltic States and European countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia, France, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada (Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick), Luxembourg, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland.
  3. All products of the company are certified.
  4. The company has a balanced marketing plan, which makes it possible to receive high income at all stages of a career.
  5. Personal account allows you to track the work of all managers of the structure
  6. The company provides an opportunity to make purchases in the online store and in more than 200 offices in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland.

Germany, Austria and France act in partnership with the company.

Partners are Alfa-Bank, MTS, Traveler's and other successful companies.

The company launched the first school of network entrepreneurship in Russia - Network Business School - an online educational platform for NL international partners, which helps to understand the product, business and become even more successful and self-confident.

The company and all NL international managers help charitable foundation « sunny city, giving hope for happy life thousands of children.

Video about NL international

Everything you want to know about NL fits into this three-minute video: products and business, goals and partners, philosophy and values.

Why you need to become a partner of NL int. right now

NL international is not only Energy Diet, as many people naively believe. The company has 14 trademarks, 23 product lines and more than 250 products.

On the this moment the company has 100 stores, 300 offices, the number of which is constantly growing.

The turnover of the company is increasing geometric progression, so for example, from 2004 to 2015, the sale of Energy Diet alone increased by 2600% and continues to grow. Therefore, if you think that there is no place for you in the company and everything has been seized for a long time, and the profits have been divided, then this is far from being the case. The business model of the NL company covered only 3% of the market, and, as you can see, there are incredibly many opportunities.

How and where Energy Diet and other NL International products are produced

The company's products are trusted by many famous people, including Natalya Shulga, Irina Khakamada, Rasul Mirzaev, Timur Rodriguez, Bone Tszyu, Ekaterina Usmanova, Larisa Dolina, Dmitry Dibrov, Sergey Agapkin and many others, successful and adequate people who do not look like sectarians.

Network companies are strongly associated with financial pyramids or sects. The Russian soul involuntarily smells a catch in the strained smile of an agent offering miracle dietary supplements that will cleanse the body of toxins and add a little happiness. Samizdat special correspondent Pyotr Manyakhin unwittingly got into the networks of the international company NL International and tried to figure out how the “network networks” are arranged and who works in them, without spending a single ruble, and he also got drunk on healing miracle cocktails.


Finally, I decided to answer Anton's call.
- Hi! Come to meet us! There will be a tasting of cocktails, - is heard from the tube.
- I got sick, I'll lie down, we'll see.
- Oh, let me bring you NL licorice tea.
- No, I'm afraid to infect you.
- I am confident in my immunity because I drink NL cocktails.

A couple of weeks later, in a minibus, Anton squeezes through to me with a girl with large tinkling packages in his hands:
- Hi! Where have you been? When will you start earning with the international company NL?
- There was a lot to do.
- Then watch another video from our prime leader Petr Chubarov, he will convince you, - says Anton, pokes at the tablet a couple of times - and a dark-haired man in a suit appears on the screen, telling why you need to do business with NL. At the same time, he waves his arms, becoming in oratorical poses, like a coach in public rhetoric.

It is clearly uncomfortable for Anton to stand with a tablet, bags in his hands and a backpack behind his back: he bends, holding his hand in weight. But all these sacrifices are justified by one goal: to attract a new manager to your team who will generate income.
- Well, you come to the meeting on Sunday! By the way, there are cosmetics for girls, - Anton winks at parting. An hour later, I receive from him a referral link for registration.

Ability to self-reproduce

A middle-aged woman with shady hair and charcoal eyebrows stands next to a flipchart, a drawing board, and talks to an audience of about thirty people about how she managed to overcome the "stickiness" of 50,000 rubles of income per month:
- You just need to keep working, despite what they say to you: you have already done well and achieved a lot!
- And tell me, how to communicate with people who have a negative attitude towards network marketing from the very beginning?
- Yes, just like with the usual ones. If they don't, then don't waste your energy. In general, regarding the alleged pyramids, I want to say that somehow we went to Thailand with a team of networkers. There is a gong in the temple, and it rings when people with pure karma touch it. All networkers rang.

Irina, by her own definition, is a mother on maternity leave. She has already reached an income of several hundred thousand rubles a month and received a free Mercedes from the company, provided by the automaker through an affiliate program. Now he tells beginners how to reach the same heights. The same rich networkers do at the annual Star Marathon offline event.

At the exit from the audience after the lecture, people are divided into two columns: some go to be photographed with Irina for their Instagram, the second go to the NL store located in the office to stock up for a week.

In addition to shop windows and a small lecture room, the NL office has a toilet (which smells very strange - it's strange, not unpleasant) and a large room with a bunch of small tables. Behind one of them, a married couple is trying to persuade a man in his thirties to join the NL. On the fourth chair is a carrier with a baby.
- No, well, can you explain to me like a human being how much I will receive? the newcomer asks.
“It all depends on you,” the woman replies.
- Yes, all of you say so, and then throw.
- So only suckers speak! What are you, lol? - the thieves' raspaltsovki of the second man intervene in the conversation.
- No, what are you.

Anton finally enters the room, greets him and offers to sit down at a table with two girls - Svetlana, his mentor, and Alena - the only member of Anton's team who has bought something over the past month.

My mentor, according to him, came to the NL almost by accident, seeing the sign of the office and considering it "youth". There he bought a bar and met Svetlana.
“There are a lot of young people now, because they don’t have these stereotypes from the nineties,” she says.
- Well, did you watch the video? Let's activate the contract, and I'll give you an Energy Smart bag with a new taste of cheese soup and a shaker, - suggests Anton. - You signed up already, right? Let me add you to our chats - there is the whole team of our common mentor Alena Goncharova and chats where they will answer questions about the product and teach you how to do personal volume.

The generosity of my mentor, in addition to trying to win over, is explained by the fact that in NL, unlike other chain stores, the main income is received not from direct sales of powders in banks, but through cashback from purchases and creating their own referral network. You invite a person, he registers using your link, starts buying cocktails and bars (for himself or for sale - it doesn’t matter), and you get a percentage of the conventional units accrued for the purchase of products - PV. Qualification also depends on them, the increase of which gives an increased cashback, a percentage of referrals and pretentious names like “master” or “diamond tutor”. Moreover, when receiving an asterisk or a diamond, it is taken into account how much PV the whole system received - you and those who are under you.

Increasing qualifications - like leveling up in online games - sometimes becomes an obsession even in the society of serious businessmen-nl-schikov. “Money wasn’t important to us, it was interesting for us to get qualifications,” spoke at the Star Marathon, Oleg Chernyakhovsky, who, together with his wife Anna, became a successful NL partner in five years and the owner of the most popular Instagram account in Novosibirsk. In the chats of ordinary managers, where Anton added me, by the end of the month, when certification is taking place, there is only talk about where to borrow money to buy products and how to get customers to place an order right now.

To do what Anton asked - to activate the contract - you need to collect 35 PV, that is, buy two packs of powders with cocktails for about 4,000 rubles. For this, you can get about 400 rubles of cashback, which, however, cannot be withdrawn from the system. The next milestone is 70 PV, where you will have access to the marketing plan, where they will tell you how to properly promote yourself, and will pay 800 rubles. They also cannot be withdrawn, but you can buy more cocktails. Or something else, but they will get less PV for them, because the company is currently promoting Energy Smart, which, unlike the nominally French Energy Diet, is made near Novosibirsk.

Increasing PV also gives you access to the NL Marketing Plan and School of Network Entrepreneurship, which teaches you about the product and how to build a personal brand. There, too, you need to increase the level and open new modules.

Real money can be withdrawn only from 200 PV and only through the mentor of his mentor of his mentor, registered as an individual entrepreneur. This number of conventional units is, let me remind you, a little more than 20,000 rubles. According to the calculations of the authors of the brochure “Model of Successful Entrepreneurship”, for this amount we get 4640 rubles a month and, of course, a bunch of delicious cocktails that can replace a full meal, cure all diseases and increase potency.

This income does not come from nowhere. The price of the company's products is too high compared to analogues, even managers admit this, although the company rests and says that it's all about the super-unique composition. This allows you to pay cashback to managers, says Svetlana. For example, a conventional plastic spray gun for detergents from NL costs 100 rubles.
- Yes, you can find cocktails cheaper. But here in NL I lose weight, improve my sports results and get income, - Svetlana explains.
- Well, it's time to taste the cocktail! - says Anton, seeing that I have registered on the site.

Russian cars on guard of death

A person who knows the Russian auto industry will cope with any challenge of life


Powder, go away

Interest club

Before starting to work with NL, Anton, by his own admission, tried a lot network companies and tried to work everywhere. Only before the meeting at the office, he, according to his stories, offered to try cocktails to a young couple in a minibus and two girls in McDonald's. In Akademgorodok, many people already know him, he constantly talks about NL in transport going here.
- My classmate and I were on the bus. he came up to us, asked some banal question, - says a student of journalism at Novosibirsk State University. - Then he got off with us at the same stop and decided to go to the store. I thought he liked his classmate and he was trying to improve his personal life. In the store, he did not lag behind us. He recommended some cheese, carefully watched how Nastya chose tights for herself, gave me a whole lecture on how harmful chips are and that girls shouldn’t eat them at all. We went out, said “bye” to him, and then it began: “Wait, what kind of cosmetics do you use?”. We stood at the entrance to the shopping center for about twenty-five minutes, listening to what his products are cool, useful, inexpensive, how you can make money on it.

When I ignored Anton, he did not despair, because he knew that this situation was normal and fixable.
- At first, we did not want to take the phone when the person who signed us called, - said top manager Oleg Chernyakhovsky at the Star Marathon. - Now for me, the person who does not believe in network marketing is the one who rides a horse when I ride a helix.

Are you sure you don't want to buy anything? - Anton asks, standing at the shop window. - Come on, buy at least a bar, they have a promotion now, and I'll give you cheese soup.
No, I need to think.

In parting, Anton, a subscriber of the “Orthodox Humor” public, asked if I would like to go to a youth meeting in the temple, sighed sadly after the refusal and added me to several chats on What’s App and Telegram. He introduced Pyotr Chubarov as the namesake of NL Prime Leader (this caused him special delight) and threw off a selfie where we strain our biceps against the backdrop of a shop window.

In addition to how best to present the product and gain volume for qualifying, chats discuss personal lives, upload photos from trips, which NL organizes a lot for its partners, and praise each other for success. During the day, in each of two or three large chats, where all those in the system of Alena Goncharova, almost the main person in Novosibirsk, are collected, at least a thousand messages and millions of emojis are typed. Not a single message passes without hearts, smiles, devils, incomprehensible hand-drawn gestures and crackers. However, for some reason, stickers are practically not used.

To more reliably hook a potential participant in the system, you need to include him in the life of NL. After all, this is a real club of interests, where, after seminars and meetings, young parents can discuss what to do if the child goes to kindergarten and is constantly sick, and motorists are faced with the problems of Japanese foreign cars. NL constantly organizes meetings and seminars: if you walk without missing anything, you can score all the evenings.

In addition, once a year a big offline event "Star Marathon" is held, where eminent NL players tell motivating stories and share their successes and life hacks. Especially for me, Anton got a ticket there, despite the fact that all of them were already sold, for only 1200 rubles or for free if I activate the contract. After the marathon, a party is planned in a cottage for forty people - whoever wants, throws off 850 rubles each. In the chat, where the party was discussed, the participants for some reason were preoccupied with how to get home, and were looking for a match - it’s not for businessmen to call a taxi.

Anton continued to bombard me with training videos, asking when I would place an order in the NL store, and saying that I should activate the contract by the end of the month. It's understandable: he wanted to qualify, and it's much easier to do it if someone from your team buys something.
- I have no money now, Anton.
- Not even 2,000 rubles for food until the end of the month? ..
- Well, until the end of 2,000 no (
- We can buy ED Smart for your ID :) Can you find 1,500? It is important to eat the product yourself in order to get great results, and then share it on a positive wave with others - it charges, you will be interested and create a client base for yourself)))

At the end of the month, Anton boasted in our team chat that he had received the start-manager qualification, gaining 500 group points, mainly through personal purchases. He also said that two managers dropped out of the team for inactivity, threw off a screenshot of his team and provided it with sad emoji. I sent claps, smiles and hell and found that the system marked me as the next candidate for elimination.
- Anton, I have to see you important question Q: How much do you earn from this? You're trying so hard, you're climbing out of your skin.
- My development expenses now exceed income. So for now, not at all.

Network companies are strongly associated with financial pyramids or sects. The Russian soul involuntarily smells a catch in the strained smile of an agent offering miracle dietary supplements that will cleanse the body of toxins and add a little happiness. NL International is also present in Ukraine, although it was formed in 2000 in Novosibirsk by a certain Dmitry Khokhlov with a group of comrades.

Samizdat special correspondent " My friend, you are a transformer" Pyotr Manyakhin unwittingly got into the networks of the international company NL International and tried to figure out how the “network networks” are arranged and who works in them, without spending a single ruble, and he also got drunk on healing miracle cocktails.


Eleven pm. The last minibus to Akademgorodok, located twenty kilometers from Novosibirsk, left fifteen minutes ago. At the bus stop, besides me, a middle-aged man in a gray coat and a guy with glasses on a ribbon and with two large bags in his hands.

- And you all in the Academy? - asks the latter and, having received an affirmative answer, continues. - Let's order a taxi for three!

A car arrives, a man sits next to the driver, and another fellow traveler and I sit in the back seat. After a couple of minutes, the neighbor takes out a ribbed tin can with the inscription Energy Diet from the bag, turns it in his hands, opens it and sniffs the contents.

“Mmm, smell how it smells!” he suggests.

There is a white powder inside, and I decide not to suck it too deep, just in case, because suddenly the man in the front seat hides a xiva under his coat. Therefore, as taught in chemistry lessons, I drive the smell of synthetic strawberries with my hand on myself.

- Well, how?

- Delicious, yes. Maybe.

“It’s basically a protein shake, but with natural strawberries. You can't buy this in a regular store.

- Mmm, cool.

- Listen, you can see what you need. healthy eating! he exclaims, looking at my belly, which has treacherously crumpled my coat. - Didn't think about it?

- How to say.

— Have you ever heard about the products of the international company NL International? he asks, and without waiting for an answer, he continues. - It was founded in France, and the main production is there. But we also have a plant in Russia now. They say the composition is the same, but I decided to try the French ones. Here, I bought it, - the fellow traveler points to packages with cans.

He takes out a tablet, looks for something in it for a long time and slips it to me:

“Here, look, this is a video about the production of NL International cocktails,” he says and, not sparing mobile traffic, turns on a twenty-minute video in FullHD.

A gray-haired caricature European appears on the screen, mimicry similar to a Protestant pastor. His name is Jean-Marie Blanche, the creator of NL cocktails. He greets and invites you on a tour of the NL production, located in Alsace, France. On a gleaming conveyor, gleaming manipulator arms shift shiny cans back and forth, then alpine flood meadows appear, then some farms. It is still little clear how this compares with the white powder in the jar, but the voice-over drives straight into the brain: everything is natural, non-GMO, imported, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, for your health, they have grown themselves. Slimming, cleansing the body, an international company, branches around the world, with a long history. At the end, the man says goodbye, of course, in broken Russian.

- Well, how do you like the video? Impressive?

— Do you want to earn money together with NL?!1

His face takes on a hypnotically naive expression: his eyes widen, the pupils constrict, his lips, framed by a neat reddish beard, part in a barely perceptible smile, exposing perfectly white upper incisors.

- Yes, I seem to have enough of my work.

— Who do you work for?

“I am a journalist, I study journalism,” I tell the truth, hoping that he will fall behind.

— Ah, cool! Are you doing an interview?

- Not only.

- And I'm a researcher, my name is Anton, by the way.

- Very nice! Let me show you one more video - about how to make money with the international company NL International? he asks with the same expression on his face. This, as it turns out later, is an attempt to make a sincere face - what neophyte managers are taught by top and prime leaders.

Anton never waits for an answer. He will show endless videos with success stories, talk about the benefits of products, ask, write, call - do everything so that you activate the contract and start earning with the international company NL. Anton is a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, completed his postgraduate studies at the Institute of Gene Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and now works at one of the scientific research institutes in the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. He was thirty, his girlfriend was barely eighteen. For her birthday, according to Anton's stories, she received cosmetics from NL International.

He generally likes to give gifts, but only from the NL store. Such generosity, judging by the training videos from the luminaries of the organization, attracts potential customers and managers who must register in the system using your referral link. In parting, Anton handed a bag of Energy Smart strawberry cocktail (an analogue of the original Russian-made Energy Diet) and asked for a phone number. This is how the month began, when the phone was constantly buzzing from calls, and in all messengers I received training videos and questions when I would buy something on the site.

In one of the videos that Anton sent during this time, he, like all NL speakers, standing at the flipchart, presents the company - in fact, he briefly retells the contents of the brochure "Model of Successful Entrepreneurship", which is sold in the office store. According to this book, NL International has "the ability to reproduce itself" and is built on the principle of network marketing. That is, each manager forms his own network of other managers and clients, and all of them are united by the first contract. MLM marketing originated in the United States in the 1950s. Then Richard Devos and Jay Van Andel founded Amway. It differed from traditional business models in that the product this case cosmetics - distributed by a large number of independent business partners. They bought products from the company and resold them to customers at a premium, thus making a profit. Amway saved on advertising and retail space.1

In 1975, the US Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint against Amway, accusing its creators of organizing an illegal pyramid structure. Officials saw a violation in the fact that in order to start a business, you need to make an entrance fee. The court dismissed this claim due to the fact that the representatives of the company proved that the contribution is returned upon exiting the business. Amway has survived several more lawsuits and, like other networks, continues to be criticized for having to invest something in order to even start talking to you.2

Since then, a huge number of chain structures have appeared, selling mainly cosmetics, dietary supplements and sports nutrition. Only in Russia there are more than a dozen, the most famous of which are Amway, Avon, Mary Kay, Herbalife, Faberlic and the primordially Russian Siberian Health. But their complaints remain the same. In the post-Soviet space, the situation was aggravated by the traumatic experience of the financial pyramids of the nineties, for example, MMM by Sergei Mavrodi. They came to the collapsing USSR almost simultaneously with the network structures.

Finally, I decided to answer Anton's call.

- Hi! Come to meet us! There will be a tasting of cocktails, - is heard from the tube.

- I'm sick, I'll lie down, we'll see.

— Oh, let me bring you NL licorice tea.

— No, I'm afraid to infect you.

- I am confident in my immunity, because I drink NL cocktails.

A couple of weeks later, in a minibus, Anton squeezes through to me with a girl with large tinkling packages in his hands:

- Hi! Where have you been? When will you start earning with the international company NL?

- There was a lot to do.

“Then watch another video from our prime leader Pyotr Chubarov, he will convince you,” Anton says, pokes his tablet a couple of times, and a dark-haired man in a suit appears on the screen, telling why you need to do business with NL. At the same time, he waves his arms, becoming in oratorical poses, like a coach in public rhetoric.

It is clearly uncomfortable for Anton to stand with a tablet, bags in his hands and a backpack behind his back: he bends, holding his hand in weight. But all these sacrifices are justified by one goal: to attract a new manager to your team who will generate income.

- Well, you come to the meeting on Sunday! By the way, there are cosmetics for girls, - Anton winks at parting. An hour later, I receive from him a referral link for registration.


A middle-aged woman with shady hair and charcoal eyebrows stands next to a flipchart, a drawing board, and talks to an audience of about thirty people about how she managed to overcome the "stickiness" of 50,000 rubles of income per month:

- Tell me, how to communicate with people who have a negative attitude towards network marketing from the very beginning?

Yes, just like the regular ones. If they don't, then don't waste your energy. In general, regarding the alleged pyramids, I want to say that somehow we went to Thailand with a team of networkers. There is a gong in the temple, and it rings when people with pure karma touch it. All networkers rang.

Irina, by her own definition, is a mother on maternity leave. She has already reached an income of several hundred thousand rubles a month and received a free Mercedes from the company, provided by the automaker through an affiliate program. Now he tells beginners how to reach the same heights. The same rich networkers do at the annual Star Marathon offline event.

At the exit from the audience after the lecture, people are divided into two columns: some go to take pictures with Irina for their Instagram, the second go to the NL store located in the office to stock up for a week.

In addition to shop windows and a small lecture room, the NL office has a toilet (which smells very strange - it's strange, not unpleasant) and a large room with a bunch of small tables. Behind one of them, a married couple is trying to persuade a man in his thirties to join the NL. On the fourth chair is a carrier with a baby.

- No, well, can you explain to me like a human being how much I will receive? the newbie asks.

“It all depends on you,” the woman replies.

- Yes, you all say that, and then throw it.

“Only fools talk like that!” What are you, lol? - the thieves' fingers of the second man intervene in the conversation.

- No, what are you.

Anton finally enters the room, greets him and offers to sit down at a table with two girls - Svetlana, his mentor, and Alena - the only member of Anton's team who has bought something over the past month.

My mentor, according to him, came to the NL almost by accident, seeing the sign of the office and considering it "youth". There he bought a bar and met Svetlana.

“There are a lot of young people now, because they don’t have these stereotypes from the nineties,” she says.

Well, did you watch the video? Let's activate the contract, and I'll give you an Energy Smart bag with a new flavor of cheese soup and a shaker,” Anton suggests. - You signed up already, right? Let me add you to our chats - there is the whole team of our common mentor Alena Goncharova and chats where they will answer questions about the product and teach you how to do personal volume.

The generosity of my mentor, in addition to trying to win over, is explained by the fact that in NL, unlike other chain stores, the main income is received not from direct sales of powders in banks, but through cashback from purchases and creating their own referral network. You invite a person, he registers using your link, starts buying cocktails and bars (it doesn’t matter for himself or for sale), and you get a percentage of the conventional units accrued for the purchase of products - PV. Qualification also depends on them, the increase of which gives an increased cashback, a percentage of referrals and pretentious names like “master” or “diamond tutor”. Moreover, when receiving an asterisk or a diamond, it is taken into account how much PV the whole system received - you and those who are under you.

Increasing qualifications - like leveling up in online games - sometimes becomes an obsession even in the society of serious businessmen-nl-schikov. “We didn’t care about money, we were interested in getting qualifications,” said Oleg Chernyakhovsky at the Star Marathon, who, together with his wife Anna, became a successful NL partner and owner of the most popular Instagram account in Novosibirsk in five years. In the chats of ordinary managers, where Anton added me, by the end of the month, when certification is taking place, there is only talk about where to borrow money to buy products and how to get customers to place an order right now.

To do what Anton asked - to activate the contract - you need to collect 35 PV, that is, buy two packs of powders with cocktails for about 4,000 rubles. For this, you can get about 400 rubles of cashback, which, however, cannot be withdrawn from the system. The next milestone is 70 PV, where you will have access to the marketing plan, where they will tell you how to properly promote yourself, and will pay 800 rubles. They also cannot be withdrawn, but you can buy more cocktails. Or something else, but they will get less PV for them, because the company is currently promoting Energy Smart, which, unlike the nominally French Energy Diet, is made near Novosibirsk.

Increasing PV also gives you access to the NL Marketing Plan and School of Network Entrepreneurship, which teaches you about the product and how to build a personal brand. There, too, you need to increase the level and open new modules.

Real money can be withdrawn only from 200 PV and only through the mentor of his mentor of his mentor, registered as an individual entrepreneur. This number of conventional units is, let me remind you, a little more than 20,000 rubles. According to the calculations of the authors of the brochure “Model of Successful Entrepreneurship”, for this amount we get 4640 rubles a month and, of course, a bunch of delicious cocktails that can replace a full meal, cure all diseases and increase potency.

This income does not come from nowhere. The price of the company's products is too high compared to analogues, even managers admit this, although the company rests and says that it's all about the super-unique composition. This allows you to pay cashback to managers, says Svetlana. For example, an ordinary plastic spray bottle for detergents from NL costs 100 rubles.

— Yes, you can find cocktails cheaper. But in NL, I lose weight, improve my athletic performance and get income,” Svetlana explains.

Well, it's time for a cocktail tasting! - Anton says, seeing that I have registered on the site.


The mentor pours white melon-flavored powder into a plastic shaker, fills it with milk bought from a store across the street and starts shaking it. The container cracked, so white drops fly from the shaker from the reciprocating movements of the hand, splashing the table, me and Svetlana. Anton pours the resulting liquid into plastic cups.

- Well, for a meeting! my mentor says toast.

We clink our protein shakes. A thick liquid pours into the throat, the smell of melon hits the nose, unmixed powder remains on the tongue. After a few seconds, it starts to stir up a little. Probably out of habit - toxins come out.

- What do you think? Anton asks.

“Unusual,” I swallow.

Next in line is a latte-flavored cocktail. His nl-schiki drink instead of "harmful" coffee. Again a ritual with a shaker and a toast "for the successful development of business." To taste - heavily drenched in milk, but still a latte. Judging by the inscription on the bag of powder, one serving of the cocktail contains 30% of the daily requirement of vitamins and two hundred and a few kilocalories. I need at least two thousand, and if I use only cocktails, I will get all 300% of vitamins.

- And if I eat only this, I will not have hypervitaminosis?

Do you have any prejudices against network marketing? Svetlana answers a question with a question. — What do you know about the network business? You tell us, we will explain everything to you.

The main and most constructive claims are made not to the system, but to the importunity of managers and to the NL cocktails themselves - to the discrepancy between the price of the product and its composition. According to official data, the basis of the cocktail is soy and pea protein, which do not have a complete amino acid composition, followed by milk protein and simple saccharides. According to non-professional estimates, a 400-gram jar of the French Energy Diet contains 166 grams of protein (mostly vegetable), almost 200 grams of carbohydrates (mostly fast), more than forty grams of fat and fiber. It is also indicated that one serving (120-150 rubles) is more expensive than a high-quality gainer, but has a poorer composition.

To combat criticism and recruit new managers, the NL has a whole propaganda machine set up. healthy lifestyle life, and at the same time the products of the company. Many are involved in this public people: Timur Rodriguez, Larisa Dolina, Irina Khakamada, Timur Bekmambetov. Their rave reviews are posted on the NL website, and some of them advertise cocktails on their social media. At Rossiya 2, Denis Semenikhin, a specialist in functional nutrition, indirectly advertised Energy Diet in the program “About the Most Important Thing”, the host of which Sergey Agapkin speaks at company events. In the TV show, Semenikhin handed the losing weight Anastasia a basket with four cans of cocktails, albeit with the NL logo taped over.

Sometimes this propaganda machine attacks those who stand in its way. In 2015, the Sportwiki encyclopedia received a letter from the company's management demanding to remove an article that criticized NL products. CEO Svetlana Semyonova considered: an indication that "managers use psychological tricks and do not have critical thinking", "the marketing campaign is aimed at an uneducated audience", and the comparison of Energy Diet with livestock feed tarnishes the company's business reputation. Sportwiki left the article and supplemented it with the text of this letter, "respecting the right to reply." Judging by the fact that no lawsuits from NL International against the encyclopedia were reported, the company's management arranged such a step.

Top manager Maria Azarenok releases videos where, like all NL speakers, she stands next to a flipchart and explains how to deal with trolling, negative reviews and “paid” product reviews. She says that “redneck trolls” have bred around the “hohlosrach” maltodexrin contained in cocktails and recommends “jiving” over disgruntled customers. Maria also rightly notes that often in negative reviews, the low quality of products is argued by how the NL system works and how zealously managers offer to join there, thereby replacing one claim with another.

In the next video, she debunks the notion that NL International is a pyramid scheme, a sect and a scam. She reads dictionary entries and concludes that NL is not a pyramid scheme, because there is a real turnover here, and not a sect, just because the participants do not try to isolate themselves from the world.

The only thing that, perhaps, unites the totalitarian sect and NL is the presence of secret knowledge, which only adherents interpret. The qualifications and income calculation system is not so simple if you read what is written on the site, but managers in training videos, at seminars and in personal meetings constantly explain and simplify, thus inspiring confidence.

- At first everything seems very complicated, but we will help you figure it out! - says Svetlana, my mentor's mentor.

But these are still just observations. Meanwhile, the fact that certain ideological shifts in the minds of networkers are taking place is recognized even by the participants in the system. To successfully sell a product, you need to believe in it yourself. Therefore, newcomers are advised to “change the store”, that is, to use NL products themselves and put relatives and friends on it. This can be done, given that the range of products sold by the company is huge: cocktails, bars, teas, household products

“I use it myself, I give it to my parents for the holidays, to friends, to a girlfriend,” says Anton, giving a tour of the NL store.

In NL, the cult of a healthy lifestyle triumphs, which confirms the positioning of the product and even the developed programs for weight loss and "cleansing the body", as well as ostentatious success. Managers who have achieved something boast of their income. Photos from resorts, posts about increasing earnings in social networks help not only increase self-esteem, but also attract new customers. Often, in small towns and regional centers, nl-schiki become almost the richest people. In our telegram chat “Great Team NL” (diamond partner of Alena Goncharova), where more than a thousand people constantly communicated, there were at least two of them.

In addition to being social media good tool promotion, they become a source of additional income for NL-schikov and other networkers. Many Instagram bloggers sell dietary supplements and sports nutrition, and many networkers, in turn, quickly gain subscriptions and likes. As an employee of one of the Novosibirsk companies, who decided to order advertising from nl-specialists, told "My friend", among newly minted businessmen there are often people who are not familiar with ethics business communication. So, according to the interlocutor of samizdat, in the process of compiling the assignment, it turned out that the NL partner could not put an active link in her account. She refused to return the advance payment and rudely asked not to write to her anymore, “otherwise you won’t get any money at all.”

There are no and cannot be any claims against the company itself, because the agreement with the managers says that they do not become NL employees, but remain independent entrepreneurs.

Despite the fact that NL managers do not hide their income (quite the contrary), it is impossible to understand how much money is spinning in the company due to the peculiarities of the structure. NL partners are not officially subordinate to anyone, often they are not registered, which means that they do not submit reports to the tax authorities. But you can guess how much brand owners earn. New Life was founded in 2000 by three businessmen from Novosibirsk: the current president of the company, Dmitry Khokhlov, and vice presidents, Yulia Goldort and Roman Tovstik. Three years later, the French Sylvan Bonnet joined the team, the company entered the international market and became NL International. According to information from the official website, the trademark owner in the CIS is NL Continent LLC. According to the database, a company with the same name and founders was registered only in 2008, its income for 2016 amounted to more than 13,000,000 rubles. It is noteworthy that entity is in a state of reorganization.

The co-founders of NL Continent, together with the adviser to the president of the company, Lyudmila Astafieva, own the recently registered as the successor of NL Technologies LLC Technologiya (according to certificates of conformity, it produces the DreinEffect drink from NL, which "removes fluid and reduces swelling"). They also own the “Healthy Products Factory”, which has been operating since 2015 and is engaged in food production. The three founders of Nl own Meridian LLC, which sells real estate, with an annual income of more than 2,300,000 rubles. Dmitry Khokhlov is also a co-owner of Vlasagro, one of the largest animal feed producers in Novosibirsk (RUB 3,900,000) that fulfills government contracts, and LLC Ariel, a real estate leasing company. Thus, the income of the founders of NL is estimated at several million a year, not counting the fact that each of them probably has their own team, which brings them money according to the rules of the structure.

The founders of the company also own charity organisations: Foundation for the Prevention of Social Orphanhood, Spasibo! and Sun City. The latter, judging by the publications in the media, is quite actively involved in the problems of orphans and disabled children. NL President Khokhlov also established the Vernost Animal Welfare Fund. The structure actively uses the image of a socially responsible company in response to accusations that NL is a financial pyramid.

There are also “regional” NL Continent South (1,700,000 rubles profit for 2016), NL Continet Volga Region, NL Continet Siberia (more than 40,000,000 rubles) with other founders, but almost all of them are based in Novosibirsk . In total, there are twenty-two such companies in the Card Index, and many of them are officially registered in the summer - autumn of 2017, therefore financial statements not provided yet. There is reason to believe that nl-schiks are constantly re-registered.


Before starting to work with NL, Anton, by his own admission, tried many network companies and tried to work actively everywhere. Only before the meeting at the office, he, according to his stories, offered to try cocktails to a young couple in a minibus and two girls in McDonald's. In Akademgorodok, many people already know him, he constantly talks about NL in transport going here.

“My classmate and I were on the bus. he came up to us, asked some banal question, - says a student of journalism at Novosibirsk State University. — Then he got off with us at the same stop and decided to go to the store. I thought he liked his classmate and he was trying to improve his personal life. In the store, he did not lag behind us. He recommended some cheese, carefully watched how Nastya chose tights for herself, gave me a whole lecture on how harmful chips are and that girls shouldn’t eat them at all. We went out, said “bye” to him, and then it began: “Wait, what kind of cosmetics do you use?”. We stood at the entrance to the shopping center for about twenty-five minutes, listening to what his products are cool, useful, inexpensive, how you can make money on it.

When I ignored Anton, he did not despair, because he knew that this situation was normal and fixable.

“At first we didn’t want to take the phone when the person who signed us called,” said top manager Oleg Chernyakhovsky at the Star Marathon. “Now for me, the person who doesn’t believe in network marketing is the one who rides a horse when I ride a helix.

Are you sure you don't want to buy anything? Anton asks, standing at the shop window. - Come on, buy at least a bar, they have a promotion now, and I will give you cheese soup.

No, I need to think.

In parting, Anton, a subscriber of the “Orthodox Humor” public, asked if I would like to go to a youth meeting in the temple, sighed sadly after the refusal and added me to several chats on What’s App and Telegram. He introduced Pyotr Chubarov as the namesake of NL Prime Leader (this caused him special delight) and threw off a selfie where we strain our biceps against the backdrop of a shop window.

In addition to how best to present the product and gain volume for qualifying, chats discuss personal lives, upload photos from trips, which NL organizes a lot for its partners, and praise each other for success. During the day, in each of two or three large chats, where all those who are in the system of Alena Goncharova, almost the main person in Novosibirsk, are collected, at least a thousand messages and millions of emojis are typed. Not a single message passes without hearts, smiles, devils, incomprehensible hand-drawn gestures and crackers. However, for some reason, stickers are practically not used.

To more reliably hook a potential participant in the system, you need to include him in the life of NL. After all, this is a real club of interests, where, after seminars and meetings, young parents can discuss what to do if the child goes to kindergarten and is constantly sick, and motorists have problems with Japanese foreign cars. NL constantly organizes meetings and seminars: if you walk without missing anything, you can score all the evenings.

In addition, once a year a big offline event "Star Marathon" is held, where eminent NL players tell motivating stories and share their successes and life hacks. Especially for me, Anton got a ticket there, despite the fact that all of them were already sold, for only 1200 rubles or for free if I activate the contract. After the marathon, a party is planned in a cottage for forty people - whoever wants, throws off 850 rubles each. In the chat where the party was discussed, the participants for some reason were preoccupied with how to get home, and were looking for a match - it’s not for businessmen to call a taxi.

Anton continued to bombard me with training videos, asking when I would place an order in the NL store, and saying that I should activate the contract by the end of the month. It's understandable: he wanted to qualify, and it's much easier to do it if someone from your team buys something.

— I have no money now, Anton.

- Not even 2,000 rubles for food until the end of the month? ..

- Well, until the end of 2,000 no (

- We can buy ED Smart for your ID :) Can you find 1,500? It is important to eat the product yourself in order to get great results, and then share it on a positive wave with others - it charges, you will be interested and create a client base for yourself)))

At the end of the month, Anton boasted in our team chat that he had received the start-manager qualification, gaining 500 group points, mainly through personal purchases. He also said that two managers dropped out of the team for inactivity, threw off a screenshot of his team and provided it with sad emoji. I sent claps, smiles and hell and found that the system marked me as the next candidate for elimination.

- Anton, I have an important question for you: how much do you earn on this? You're trying so hard, you're climbing out of your skin.

— My development expenses now exceed income. So for now, not at all.

President of NL International and a skilled businessman Dmitry Khokhlov hinted yesterday that an important event would take place in his life tomorrow.

"The Last Day of My Bachelor Life"

Dmitry wrote on Instagram the day before.

Today, February 7, 2018, Dmitry and Ekaterina legalized their relationship at the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow.

Khokhlov has 4 daughters. At the moment, Ekaterina is pregnant, this will be the 5th baby of the businessman.

“I know many fathers... Some, after the birth of a child, soared to the dizzying heights of absolute happiness, others fell like a stone into sorrows and divorce. Some found in children a source of strength and joy, while others turned into dreary whiners, exhausted, oppressed and crippled by unknown experience. In my picture, fatherhood simplifies the entire life process, filling it with poetry and special meaning. It doesn't give you a single chance to be selfish, show weakness or give up, it teaches you responsibility, keeping you balanced and not allowing you to do crazy things. In any case, until you yourself become a father, you are unlikely to understand everything that is behind these words ... "

Khokhlov told in his post on Instagram.

Dmitry actively replenishes his blog with quotes not only about business, but also about his beloved Ekaterina Pavlovna. More recently, Khokhlov wrote about how he met his future wife:

“Exactly four years ago, on our first date, I so wanted to take her hand ... But she did not rush things. Four years ago, I could not even imagine what it means to hold her hand in mine, but at the mere thought about this my heart skipped a beat even then. Our acquaintance began with instanram. And I could not even imagine that this story would have such a continuation. There is always a chance in life and a lot depends on how you manage it. For me everything that happened and what will happen to us is real magic.To walk beside her, hold her hand in mine, be desired in her world - I dreamed about it all my life... Someone up there, being in a great mood, gave me this story four years ago... A girl from another planet: sunlight, the silence of the moon, childish joy mixed with the wisdom of a woman, sincerity, purity, recklessness, thoughtful seriousness, water, fire, a weightless cloud, wild flowers ... Even after four years, I don’t know who she is, and I probably don’t want this know. Just holding her hand in yours is already happiness. Thanks for this".

The couple did not advertise this event, only posting one picture and a video, which can also be viewed below:

Today, NL is one of the most well-known organizations in Russia that are engaged in network sales. There are managers of the organization both in all cities of our country and abroad; hundreds of different goods can be bought there.

The organization has been registered in the year 2000 in the city of Novosibirsk, it was created by three young and ambitious men, one of them was Dmitry Khokhlov. At the moment, Dmitry is the president of this organization, in addition to this, he has a strong family, beautiful wife and four children they are all girls.

Dmitry was able not only to develop his business, but also to infect with this idea many people who now work as managers in NL, he has like-minded people both in Russia and abroad.

Dmitry is fairly public person, he often speaks at various conferences, and also conducts trainings for employees of his organization, in addition, he actively maintains an Instagram page where you can learn a lot about his life.

But there is almost no information about his childhood, besides, people are more interested in his achievements. All that is known about Dmitry’s childhood is that he was born in the city of Novosibirsk in 1968, the man himself says that his parents raised him in strictness, but he always felt parental love.

Dad taught little Dima to always be strong and never despair, even if it seems that everything in life is going awry. That is why Dmitry grew up open to everything new, it helps him find new partners.

In addition, the parents taught the boy from the very young age always take responsibility for actions which he commits and think through his actions two steps ahead. These life lessons helped Dmitry become a successful businessman, so he says he owes a lot to his parents.

Absolutely nothing is known about the man’s education, he does not distribute this information. It is only known that he managed to create his own business after the collapse Soviet Union, and the activities of the organization were quite successful, brought a lot of profit, but the crisis of 1998 changed everything.

This year, Dmitry lost everything he had, in fact, he left almost without money and without business, he urgently needed to find a job. He was invited to work in a company that was engaged in network sales, and Dmitry agreed.

He held meetings and even managed to earn enough Money for several years, but it was not the main thing. Dmitry is very interested in online sales, he suddenly realized that it was perfect option for business, therefore, using the example of the company in which he worked, he was able to examine this type of activity from the inside, and reveal all the secrets.

By 2000, Dmitry was financially strong enough, besides, he learned enough information about this business, so the man decided to open his own organization. Dmitry really wanted to create not just a company that would make a profit, he wanted to create a business that each participant would treat as his own. According to the man, this is what makes each team member go towards a common goal, which, in turn, helps to develop the business as a whole.

Over the years, NL has been able to develop very strongly, it is a great place for people who really want to make money, in the labor market it serious competitor. Dmitry himself treats his employees very well, for example, in total, the organization presented more than five hundred business class cars to its best managers.

Dmitry himself is a popular personality who is known all over the world, he is invited to conduct trainings in front of thousands of audiences, because he does it just fine, he always takes the hall emotionally, the audience either laughs, or sobs, or looks excitedly at Dmitry, and At the end of the lecture, everyone wants to start doing business.

As noted earlier, Dmitry maintains his page in social network Instagram, at the moment he has almost two hundred thousand subscribers. On his page, Dmitry uploads simply beautiful photos that show how he should live successful businessman, because these photos often contain his beautiful wife, happy children, cheerful friends, as well as simply beautiful landscapes of the places they visit.

But besides this, the man uploads photos under which he writes posts about life and how to start making big money and how to become successful. Dmitry's wife, Ekaterina, a young beauty, they met on the Internet, talked for four years, and in February 2018 they nevertheless decided to get married, the young family already there was a child, a boy.

However, in addition to this, the man has three daughters. In addition to business, Dmitry has several hobbies, he loves to travel with his family around different countries the world, as well as sports. His love of sports allows a man to look great, although he is no longer young, however, his body is perfectly athletic.

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