Who is Vitalina's girlfriend Mazur. Ex-girlfriend Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya revealed the secrets of her dark past: NTV exclusive

Technique and Internet 20.06.2019
Technique and Internet

Two girlfriends, it would seem, found each other, but did not calculate the degree of greed of each. And, maybe, the methods of achieving the goals were not taken into account. Vitalina, of course, is a very thoughtful person, but Elina Mazur skillfully veiled her deceit under later repentance. No one can predict what to expect from her in the future.


So who is she? Who is this mysterious person from the hinterland, who suddenly burst into the world of show business?

In the recent past, Elina Galkina from Rzhev, for some reason, carefully hides any information about her family, personal life, children and occupation. This does not really fit with her desire to become famous on high-profile case Dzhigarkhanyan and Romanovskaya-Tsimbalyuk.

Elina is the most enigmatic figure in the sensational story of the famous artist and his ex-wife. Even at the very beginning of the scandalous divorce proceedings, Elina deleted all her pages on social networks and all information about her biography and personal life is based on rumors and speculation.

Mazur hides his past

One of the first mysteries is the change of surname from Galkina to Mazur. Interestingly, in some Polish dialects, namely, this word came from Polish, rogues and swindlers were called Masurians. And after the Grunwald War, the word "mazur" in German began to mean "bandit" and "murderer", and in Russian "thief". Observing the behavior of a woman, the conclusion suggests itself that Elina's actions were not aimed at changing her surname, but rather at giving herself a nickname.

The true age of the woman is also unknown to anyone. According to some reports, she was born on June 6, 1965, according to others in 1976.

Mazur began her "career" with black magic. And, allegedly, therefore, they had to change their surname, since no one would go to Galkina. But apparently, the queue did not line up for Mazur either. And Elina decided to try her luck in Moscow. A specialist with an economic education, she easily got a job as a realtor.

As it turned out, Elina Mazur is a swindler with experience

On one of the talk shows, it became known that her real estate work was often associated with people from organized crime groups. On the program of D. Shepelev, it turned out that Mazur was engaged in taking away housing from lonely old people in Moscow.

Along the way, she organized Greenwood M LLC in 2014. The authorized capital of the enterprise was 10 million rubles, 90 percent of which belonged to Mazur herself. CEO she appointed her old friend Maria Nikolaevna Vatetina. Officially, the society was engaged in sports and recreational activities.

However, on the program "Actually" with Dmitry Shepelev, details of this organization surfaced. Girls who had previously worked in massage parlors in Mazur were invited to the studio. They confirmed on a lie detector that these establishments were real brothels and Mazur herself was selling girls for money.

The swindler was also engaged in the sale of girls

In addition, she blackmailed wealthy clients. There was a hidden video camera in every room of the salon, so Elina had enough compromising evidence.

Also, it turned out that Mazur has several companies, and the co-founder is a woman who has repeatedly been reported for immoral behavior. The entire further biography and personal life of Elina Mazur can only be traced through the numerous talk shows in which she actively participates, moving from one channel to another.

Acquaintance with Vitalina

Mazur met Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya through the journalist Elena Korneeva, whom Vitalina turned to for help. Elina immediately fell in love with the unfortunate girl and decided to help her from the bottom of her heart. True, for a good salary, which Vitalina assigned her from the first day of cooperation. And also the ex-wife of Dzhigarkhanyan gave her an official power of attorney to represent her interests.

Elina and Vitalina immediately realized that they could be useful to each other

But in the future, Vitalina changed her lawyer, which she did not even bother to tell her ex-girlfriend about. She no longer needed her. Thus, Mazur lost the big jackpot, which she hoped to grab. And not only lost the upcoming benefits, but may also find herself in the dock. Now, when it smells of fried food, Elina tells the whole truth about the scam she conceived together with Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in order to cash in on the artist's millions. And even decided to publicly ask for his forgiveness.

The role of Elina Mazur in the case of the ex-wife

The divorce of the scandalous couple went according to the scenario of Mazur. Vitalina, having achieved her goal, refused the services of Elina. According to the woman, she acted exclusively within the law. But as soon as the documents proving financial fraud fell into her hands and the truth began to be revealed, Elina immediately refused to participate in this, since leaving Armen Borisovich without any means simply contradicts her moral principles.

Mazur together with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and her parents

At the first hearing in the case of the artist, Mazur refused to testify against him. She believes that Vitalina is trying purposefully to label him as a crazy old man, and she disagrees with this, this is cruel.

Moreover, Elina claims that after her harsh refusal to correspondents to answer their questions, the latter began to deliberately push her and her family in the press and on television.

Personal life, children

Very little is known about the biography and personal life of Elina Mazur. Today, she is a woman of mystery to everyone. Elina herself refused to talk about her family because of too harsh attacks from journalists. Even the exact date of her birth is unknown. But in appearance she can be given 45-50 years. No more, no less. Nationality, too, no one could determine.

Mazur, sensing danger, decided to go over to the side of opponents

According to one version, her first husband died and at the moment she does not have a close friend. According to another, her husband is also Mazur, lives and is well, and is engaged in real estate.

It is known for certain that she has a daughter who has a higher legal education. By the way, the daughter was present at the first meeting with Vitalina and categorically refused to help her.

Here is a portrait of Elina Mazur obtained from those few facts about the biography and personal life that journalists managed to find out. What is true and what is false remains to be seen. But it seems that the future of a woman is already predetermined, and the words of the classic involuntarily come to mind: “Take care of the dress from the new, and honor from a young age.”


Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, judging by the entry documents, appeared in Russia in 2006 and at that time she was not familiar with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

Elina Mazur: “Having arrived in Moscow, she applies for a job search to several agencies and ultimately ends up in the role of a housekeeper for one enough famous woman, namely, the mother of Veronika Rafaelovna Irina-Kogan, president and rector of the classical academy. Maimonides".

Veronika Rafaelovna registered Vitalina as an intern at the Maimonides Academy. In addition, the eldest Kogan registered her in her apartment and contributed to obtaining Russian citizenship.

Elina Mazur: "The procedure for obtaining citizenship was not completed in a legal manner, which was established by the investigation."

Vitalina never spoke about the role of the Kogan family in her fate in any interview. Only once, already during the scandal with Dzhigarkhanyan, did she inadvertently reveal the secret of her past to Elina Mazur.

Elina Mazur: “She explained to me at the end what is“ insanely scary woman“Veronika Rafaelovna, who kept her practically in slavery, and there is an equally terrible brother (Emmanuil Kogan ed.) who sexually harassed her.”

Attached with " scary people”in Moscow, Vitalina set herself a new goal. Caring for the mother of Emmanuil and Veronika Rafaelovna, Vitalina learned the main thing: a quiet and modest nurse can beat out more from the hostess than just a fee. It seems that this is how Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya built her relationship with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

At the end of 2009, the compassionate Dzhigarkhanyan took Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to work as a pianist. But there was no office romance between her and the people's artist then.

Mazur found out: Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was helped by Natalya Korneeva, who worked at the theater as the head of the literary department. They turned intrigue after intrigue, and all the actors who began to suspect them of a conspiracy were overboard. The duet of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Korneeva acted until last autumn, when a scandal erupted.

But in the midst of the proceedings, Vitalina suddenly broke loose and disappeared somewhere. She showed up in Georgia, where she allegedly went to treat her nerves, but in fact she went there on a romantic date.

Elina Mazur: “Vitalina's Georgian vacation is an interesting thing, because Vitalina came with the firm intention of getting married immediately. Which she informed me about. At that time, she was in a state of divorce proceedings. But Vitalina categorically demanded that the divorce happen instantly, since she has a boyfriend with whom she is already in a serious relationship.

Elina claims that even before the official divorce, Vitalina secretly planned an engagement.

Elina Mazur: "For Catholic Christmas, she booked tickets to Paris, where the engagement with this man was to take place."

According to Elina Mazur, a trip to Paris was unexpectedly covered with a copper basin, that is, a written undertaking not to leave. Instead of the planned beautiful engagement story for gullible viewers, they urgently came up with a pianist's overseas contract.

Elina Mazur: “We began to say that she was going to France to sign a labor contract. It was sucked from the finger. The tickets burned down, as far as I know."

According to Mazur, the mysterious caller is not available on the phone. He replies to letters on the Internet that he is not familiar with Vitalina. His personal page on the Web makes it clear that he has been married for a long time and is happily married. This is the case when only two options are possible: either the “prince” really has nothing to do with it, or Vitalina tried to destroy another family.

And Vitalina knows how to breed, probably like no one else, and by proxy. According to Elina Mazur, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya divorced Dzhigarkhanyan from Tatyana Vlasova with the help of theater lawyer Irina Mosienko. Allegedly, among other papers, in the confusion, they slipped something to sign to Armen Borisovich, and he waved it without looking.

Elina Mazur: “She encourages Irina Mosienko to file for divorce on behalf of Armen Borisovich. On the eve of his birthday, he learns that he, it turns out, may be a divorced man. But in fact, neither Tatyana Sergeevna nor Armen Borisovich filed for divorce. By power of attorney received by Irina Mosienko, they are bred, and also by power of attorney, Irina Mosienko initiates the division of property.

On top of that, Vitalina could become the owner of a million dollars, which was due to Dzhigarkhanyan. On June 13, 2007, in the US state of Texas, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan lent a family friend Andy Malyan a whopping $500,000.

Andy Malyan had to return the entire amount, together with interest, to Dzhigarkhanyan in the summer of 2017. The receipt was issued for two Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Tatyana Vlasova, at that time his legal wife.

Elina Mazur: “Attempts were made to cash out this receipt of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Actually, that's how I got this receipt. She (Vitalina ed.) asked me to find out if it was possible to collect this money with this receipt. But to recover, if Aremen Borisovich was in a sober mind and memory, it would not have been possible for her. Therefore, from the very beginning, the idea arose to examine Armen Borisovich as incompetent.”

A million dollars, because of which so many nerves were spoiled, in the end did not go to anyone. Andy Malyan has filed for bankruptcy.

It seems that even in Vitalina's bright future, people from her dark past will appear from time to time and remind that everything in this life must be paid for.

The biography of Elina Mazur is interesting to many, because a woman is always in the spotlight. The public learned about its existence during the scandal that arose in the family of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. It is worth adding that Armen is the People's Artist of the USSR. The situation occurred around his quarrel with his ex-wife Vitalina. Today, the whole country knows about these events.

Pianist Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife, hired Elina to resolve legal issues and represent her officially. The biography and details from the life of Mazur were interested not only in the yellow press, but also in the devoted fans of the artist.

Little is known about the biography and personal life of Elina Mazur, who, instead of a lawyer and defender of the ex-wife of Armen, turned into her accuser. They say that even the name Mazur is nothing more than just a fiction. Users social networks claim that the woman's surname is Galkina. But there is no official information about this. Perhaps now she bears her husband's surname.

According to Elina, she was born in 1976. But on the Internet, users found completely different information. On the official website of the Russian Encyclopedia of Candidates, there is information that Elina was born on June 20, 1965. The information is on the site because the woman offered her candidacy in the parliamentary elections.

According to unofficial sources, Elina was born in Rzhev. It is also unknown about the parents and the family in which the activist grew up. In an interview, Mazur said that she has an older sister.


Elina Mazur has no pages either on Facebook or on Instagram. Users who previously followed her say that she deleted all photos and accounts during the Dzhigarkhanyan scandal.

Journalists managed to find out that Mazur has no legal education. By the way, she herself never claimed otherwise. Several times she really hinted at her education. But Elina never said in what year and what university she graduated from.

He speaks reluctantly and incomprehensibly about the field of activity. According to her, the woman worked as a realtor, and also helped artists and creative individuals to solve personal problems and problems with real estate.

She is also often referred to as a "professional family problem solver". Elina does not refuse such a title. She talks about how she met Armen's wife at the request of Natalya Korneeva, press secretary of the Moscow Drama Theatre. The meeting took place in October 2017. Interestingly, they say that Mazur is a co-owner of several Moscow commercial firms.

Ugly facts about the woman surfaced in the program "Actually", hosted by Dmitry Shepelev. Women who had previously worked with Elina came to the shooting. They spoke about a network of brothels operating under the guise of massage parlors. According to them, Elina owns these houses, acting as a pimp.

Employees also said that cameras were installed in the rooms. With the help of records, Mazur constantly blackmailed famous and wealthy clients. The polygraph confirmed that the girls were telling the truth. Elina denies the words of the girls, considering this the revenge of her ill-wishers.

Personal life

Elina practically does not talk about her husband and children. The journalists managed to find out only that she has a daughter. She is already at a fairly mature age. The girl is a lawyer by education, she works at the Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Vitalina's lawyer

It was with her daughter that Elina came to the first meeting with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk after she learned about the abduction of Armen. Hearing the story of the artist's ex-wife, the girl did not believe her and decided not to take part in solving the problem anymore.

Elina Mazur is an amazing person. Very little is known about her, apart from her nationality, date of birth, and information about her family. But there are others Interesting Facts associated with a woman:

  • a criminal case was opened against Mazur because she spoke about Lydia Tsymbalyuk's illness in a television program;

  • the plaintiff's family formalized the claim a year after the release of the program on the screens;
  • Lydia and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk - mother and daughter - are sure that Elina illegally collected information about their family;
  • today Mazur is under house arrest, but she can be imprisoned for up to two years.

Elina Mazur now

Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife allowed Elina to conduct business in the fall of 2017. Vitalina personally signed the power of attorney, and allowed Mazur to make statements on her behalf.

In December of the same year, the program "Actually" was aired, where Mazur shocked the public with a large-scale exposure. She said that for a long time she had been deceiving the whole country along with Vitalina.

Elina also stated that she did not want to slander the famous Armen. Interestingly, Mazur herself also turned out to be a victim of a liar.

According to Elina, ex-wife Dzhigarkhanyan said the phrase about her husband: "When will he die." Hearing her, Mazur realized that she was being deceived and used. She realized that she was unwittingly helping Vitalina to take possession of the property of Armen Borisovich.

The loud scandal around the divorce of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan showed that the 39-year-old pianist received three apartments from the marriage with a total value of 100 million rubles and several million rubles withdrawn from the theatrical figure's account. In addition to the names of the perpetrators of the scandal, everyone knows the name of Vitalina's lawyer - Elina Mazur, and everyone is wondering what role she played in all this disgrace? The program "Man and the Law" tried to understand this issue.

For the first time, we saw the representative of the ex-wife of Dzhigarkhanyan, Elina Mazur, on the air of one of the federal channels, when she was filmed near the car where Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was. At that time, Vitalina was hiding from journalists, diligently adhering to the role of her beloved wife, whose husband was "kidnapped" by unknown people.

And only a few days later, Dzhigarkhanyan announced to the whole country that his wife was “a thief, she stole from his pocket.”

Elina Mazur immediately defended her ward: “If he had said it just in the kitchen, one could somehow forgive. But the man said this to the whole country, that is, in fact, he accused her of being a criminal. But Armen Borisovich will not be able to prove the loss of at least a bottle of kefir, because he has not lost anything.

Regarding Armen Borisovich, Mazur promised that as a result of the divorce, he would not receive anything, that he would have to live in a hospice.

Further on the facts: on the air of the program “Man and the Law”, the doctor of the hospital where Armen Borisovich was lying spoke and stated that immediately after his hospitalization in early October, she contacted Vitalina, who hid this and preferred to declare that her husband was kidnapped. Mazur, on all channels, said - "we looked for him in all hospitals, and did not find him." And filed a police report! That was the first lie.

When Mazur is asked “who are you”, she answers - “ complex issue". It is known that the representative of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is not a lawyer, not a lawyer. "I don't know who I am, I'm a shadow!" - Laughing, Mazur answered the journalist of "Man and Law".

It turned out that Elina was still Galkina 18 years ago. But she changed her surname to a more sonorous one. Moreover, together with her husband and daughter.

As her friend, the fortuneteller Irina Khramenkova, told, Elina Mazur used to take people at home, was a healer, or, more simply, a witch. There were many financial conflicts between them.

“The whole story with Armen Borisovich has the imprints of black magic,” the woman is sure.

It also turned out that Elina Mazur is the founder of several companies at once, and among the co-founders with her is a former “prostitute”, who more than once got into the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for immoral behavior. Also, there is a sports and health center in Mazur, the “clients” of which are allegedly fugitives from Ukraine. Recall that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself is from Ukraine.

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