Who married the wife of a leaf. “She is a terrible person!”: How does the widow of Vlad Listyev live? How is everything known

Design and interior 18.07.2019
Design and interior

At the funeral, the ladies mourned him three together

20 years ago, the most famous Russian TV journalist and producer Vladislav LISTEV was killed: on March 1, 1995, he was shot dead in the entrance after returning from the air of the author's program "Rush Hour". Former Vzglyadovets Evgeny DODOLEV (author of the books Vlad Listyev. A Biased Requiem and Vlad Listyev. A Field of Wonders in the Land of Fools) is filming an unusual documentary about his legendary colleague. This is our conversation.

What is the point in the next film about Vlad, is there any new information about the customer of the crime?
- The customer has been known for a long time, but it is better to keep such a case in the status of “undersolved”, since at any moment you can turn another character into a crime. This is convenient, especially since there were many people interested in eliminating Listyev, including almost the entire television elite (with the exception of Ernst, Ugolnikov and others who worked with him on the same team). After all, many people applied for the high post that Vladislav took: Anatoly Malkin, Irena Lesnevskaya, and Andrey Razbash was the candidate from VID. For them, the appointment of Listyev came as a surprise. And most of the oligarchs who were in competitive relations with Berezovsky were unhappy with the situation - Vlad was his creature.
- And Boris Abramovich himself?
Well, he was the client...
- Why, you have already talked about this version on the pages of Express Newspaper!
- Indeed, that publication was seen even in London and across the ocean. The fact is that Berezovsky and Badri Patarkatsishvili did not expect that the TV presenter would be so actively involved in financial flows, and decided to push him away: they planned to just scare him, but the performers overdid it. The day before the murder, Listyev and his wife were in the reception room of LogoVAZ, Berezovsky's headquarters, five minutes from their house, where the assassination attempt took place. Vlad did not want Boris Abramovich to solve his problems on his behalf and behind his back. However, the movie that we conceived with Larisa Krivtsova is not about that. We want to give the floor to people who, due to various circumstances, were not involved in numerous video memoirs, but at the same time remained close people: his surviving relatives, friends and comrades-in-arms.
- And why did Krivtsova, known as the discoverer of Andrey Malakhov's talents, take on such a job?
- For any professional television broadcaster, Leaves is a significant figure. Not to mention the fact that in the late 80s Eduard Sagalaev planned to involve young Krivtsova in the so-called Tuesday broadcasts of Vzglyad.
All these years, the monopoly on family memories belonged to the widow, Albina Nazimova, who, of course, played the role of Pygmalion: “general director Vlad Listyev” became her personal project. Without her, Vladislav Nikolaevich really would not have become the head of Channel One.

Alimony of discord

Albina also influenced personnel policy. Vitaly Wolf, for example, is her creature. Nazimova, and after Listyev was killed, communicated both with Wulf himself and with his common-law spouse, the head of the New Drama Theater Boris Lvov-Anokhin. BUT new husband Albina - Andrey Razbash personally attended the funeral of Boris in April 2000.
- People with a wild imagination meaningfully recall Vlad's close friendship with the lawyer Andrei Makarov, about whom Alexander Nevzorov wrote about as a sex man named "Tatiana", because of his orientation.
- Makarov was also Albina's choice. In general, she was attracted to extravagant characters. I remember that she introduced me to Valentin Gneushev; the circus director seemed to her a kind of "new Viktyuk". As for Vlad himself, he somehow received a note from the audience at a meeting with the audience with the question: “How do you feel about homosexuals?” And he replied: “We are not one of them.” This caused such a storm of laughter that Listyev kept the note and practiced this number from time to time. To the dismay of the fans who came back for his performances.

Oral editions during the "Vzglyadov" period were the main source of income for Listyev and his partners. Then, when the advertisement appeared, the alignment changed rapidly. Vlad became a millionaire by the mid-90s, but he never focused on money.
- But he refused to even pay alimony to his daughter ...
- When it was? During my student years. I met Valeria Vladislavovna Listyeva on the set of the issue of the Battle of Psychics, dedicated to the death of her father. Acquaintance determined the concept of our film with Krivtsova. I realized that even if Vlad's children know so little, the new generations do not understand at all what kind of person the TV idol of the 90s was.
That's about alimony, for example. After all, he did not refuse to pay his ex-wife Lena Esina, he simply tried to reduce the amount: he, a journalism student, had to raise money for new family. Tatyana Lyalina bore him two sons: Vladik (who was disabled) and Sasha. At the same time, two boys also had a brother - Kolya Lyalin, only a year older than Vlad Jr. Obviously it was hard.

Appearance doesn't matter

Was Vlad generous?
- When he had money, he littered it right and left. But not only this liked women. Producer Rimma Shulgina, who was just a friend to him, recalled: “When we went somewhere together, I felt like his woman.” Sometimes he could run into his employees, offend, even humiliate. But everything was forgiven him: an ocean of charm. The director of "Vzglyad" Tanya Dmitrakova, the co-author of "Theme" Maya Lavrova, again Shulgina - they all remember Listyev with nostalgia.
Rimma and after the death of Vlad took part in his fate. It was she (through acquaintances from Petrovka) who organized farewell to Vlad to his last lover, Vera Ogryzkova: an investigation was underway, and no one was allowed into the morgue. I first voiced her last name, you still won't find her in in social networks. After the murder of Vlad, Vera was convincingly “explained” what would happen if she began to “shine”. The official widow was Nazimova, this was not discussed. But Vera still secretly came to the funeral.
- That is, Nazimova knew about this novel?
- Of course. Once Albina even arrived at the airport, knowing that her husband would fly from a romantic business trip with a passion. She just went up to Vlad, ignoring Vera, and took her home.

She knew about many of her husband's hobbies. Despite the fact that for Vladislav these were not some kind of intrigues, he really fell in love and fell in love with himself. He made women happy, and himself sometimes unhappy. Although, of course, like any bohemian character (and Vlad was such, unlike, for example, his colleagues in Vzglyad, Dima Zakharov or Sasha Politkovsky), he regularly had one-time “oversleeps”. There was a period when Listyev often hung out in the studio of Nikas Safronov on Gruzinskaya. So the owner of the workshop was constantly besieged by girls in love with Vlad, asking him to give his phone number ...

With Vera, who was assigned the code name "Veranda", he met on the basis of his passion for tennis. And they met at a party where Vlad came with another of his passions - VGIK graduate Marina Penkina.
- Where did Penkina come from?
- I first saw her Leaves at the Kinotavr. Mark Rudinshtein invited Listyev to lead the opening ceremony of the festival together with Tatyana Dogileva. And after the festival, Marina came under the wing of Vlad, worked in the VID company even after his death. She was engaged in the talk show "Theme" together with Maya Lavrova, a pupil of Andrei Razbash. She also attended the funeral.
- Did all the women of Listyev have something in common?
- It's like looking. Albina is a miniature woman, and Vera, on the contrary, is large. Nazimova is brunette, Penkina is fair-haired. Vlad himself liked to repeat that the appearance of a woman does not matter to him, the “zest” is important to him. But these ladies had something in common. You won't guess anything. Imagine - Vera Ogryzkova - "Veranda" was the gynecologist of her friends: both Marina Penkina and Albina Nazimova!

"Night" - Albina

It's strong! But, I think, Vlad chose his girlfriends according to other criteria.
- Undoubtedly! He and his companion should not be bored. And, of course, she must be like-minded. I think that's why Listyev broke up with his first wife, Elena. Still, it was a youthful passion, "on the hormone", there were no common interests.
By the way, the first-born from the second wife, Tatyana Lyalina, was born on May 12, 1982, when she was not even a wife. The divorce from Lena took place almost six months after that - on October 14. Let me remind you that Vlad Jr., at the age of three months, became blind and deaf due to the negligence of doctors, and six years later the child died ... By an evil irony of fate, on the night when Vlad slept after a report from the children's hospital, which he filmed for Vzglyad .
- Did he really love Tatyana Lyalina?
- Yes, it was a long and lasting relationship. Because of them, Vlad was almost expelled from the university: while working at the 1980 Olympics, a couple were caught in a room in one of the Olympic hotels. The official wife, Lena Esina, and mother-in-law were called to the department - that was another scandal. After that, Listyev was closed for an internship in Cuba. Instead, he went to work in Belarus, to a meeting of veterans. On July 30, 1980, the young people celebrated their anniversary, on March 18, 1981, their daughter Lera was born. And the fruit of the love of Vlad and Tatyana - Vladislav Jr. - saw the light of day the next year. It may seem to some that Vlad was dishonest, but the fact is that he did not hide his throwing from women, the stars just aligned. And who is without sin?
- That is, it was always about love at first sight?
- Hardly ... When the music editor of "Vzglyad" introduced Vlad to Nazimova, they did not like each other, only later an affair began. It seems to me that Albina loved him, but as a pet, to which the mistress is attached. She is cold, not without reason she was called Nochka in the youth team. And in some matters she held the leash tightly. The same Shulgina recalls how, during a joint vacation in Hawaii, Listyev happily said: “Alya got burned, she will be in the room all evening, so you can drink a couple of cocktails at dinner!”
Albina does not tolerate drunkards, which is why Vlad was "reformatted". Of course, had he not met Nazimova, he would not have become the head of ORT at the end of 1994. Maybe he would have survived, or maybe he would have drunk himself. It was a time of stress and movement. Time for bold challenges. She herself recalled how at night after the appointment she found her husband awake and asked: “Well, donkey, is it scary?” Then they laughed and fell asleep. It was their favorite family anecdote.
- Which one?
- A donkey wound up in the forest, who fucked everyone indiscriminately. The animals went to bow to the Serpent Gorynych, complained about the big-eared one. The owner of the forest found a donkey, blew a flame from his nostrils and asked: “Well, is it scary?” Donkey, trembling with fear: “It's scary. For the first time now, such a terrible ... I will. That is, these two, even if “love passed - the tomatoes wilted”, remained friends and partners.

The fate of the children

Are Listyev's children friends?
- No, unlike the five children of Razbash (who, by the way, was a much bigger heartthrob than his illustrious colleague), son Alexander and daughter Valeria, alas, do not communicate. And the grandchildren of Listyev, respectively, too. Both Lera and Sasha have two children.
Valeria relatively recently gave birth to a son, I thought she would name her in honor famous father, but the parents chose the name Bogdan. This is her second marriage, the first was not the most successful: the betrothed turned out to be an avid player.
Well, Alexander Vladislavovich told me that he intended to divorce Yana Shandruk (they have been married for four years) and move to Kyiv: his new betrothed was the daughter of a famous Ukrainian politician. He, in my opinion, looked after work there on TV.
He has been involved in a number of drunken racing scandals...
Yes, I did for a couple of weeks. At this age (Sasha is now 32), his father was the same dashing hussar, he could go on a drinking binge, start an affair, break the air, so the genes take their toll. Not yet evening. Vladislav Listyev, on the other hand, managed to become the most famous television man, the favorite of the state. Alcohol and journalism are compatible. And that's what we're talking about in our film.
- Is the film about Listyev dedicated to the 20th anniversary of his death?
- Initially, they planned to broadcast on March 1, but I found out that the wonderful director Konstantin Smilga is filming for Channel One new version of his tape about Vlad, and decided to time our work with Krivtsova for another anniversary: ​​in the spring of next year - Listyev's 60th birthday, and the story about his family is more suitable in format for a birthday than for an anniversary of death.

Some authors who are engaged in the biography of public figures necessarily focus the attention of readers on the fact that Albina Nazimova was born and grew up in a poor family. The child was born on June 9, 1963 in Moscow. In those days, poverty was long gone. Everyone lived, albeit not richly, but evenly. No one overate on delicacies, but not fluff from hunger. Bread and potatoes with vegetable oil were available to citizens with a minimum income. Another circumstance that should be noted is that Albina grew up without a father.

Long-term practice shows that a biography is compiled at a certain stage of social growth in order to emphasize the dignity of the individual and obscure the shortcomings. When the girl graduated from school, she was advised to get the profession of a restorer. Why not a teacher or an engineer? Because the work of these same restorers is paid much more generously than teaching at school or organizing labor in production. You can get an appropriate education in an art school.

Apparently, Albina at the start of her independent life was taken care of by a very informed person who knew how antique dealers, designers and restorers live. Perhaps it was the grandmother. FROM early age The girl showed a penchant for drawing. given by nature talent cannot be ignored or buried in the ground. The decision was simple and rational - to enter an art school. While still a schoolgirl, Nazimova kept an eye on her peers and older young people. She definitely needed to get married.

Dreams Come True

As a student, Albina married a classmate. Love did not help - the couple broke up. Meanwhile, Nazimova was making a successful career in interior design. As predicted, the profession brought a decent income and allowed them to lead an independent lifestyle. But nature demanded that a man be nearby. And he appeared quite by accident, like in a science fiction movie. The popular TV presenter Vlad Listyev, from the first meeting, as they say, fell for the burning brunette.

Husband and wife lived under the same roof for several happy years. In 1995, the TV presenter was villainously murdered. Albina took the loss of a loved one hard. It took some time to "come to your senses". Three years later, Nazimova registered a marriage with a new spouse. It turned out to be Andrei Razbash, a colleague of the late Listyev. Some time later, the couple had a son. It would seem that personal life improved. And here Albina decides to destroy the family.

After some time, Razbash died of a heart attack. Albina lived, raised and raised her son. Soon the woman met a worthy man. It turned out to be Alexander Rusinov. He is into racing and business. According to the latest data, the family lives on the territory of the Spanish kingdom.

Every great man had his own muse. It was she who gave inspiration, did not allow to go downhill, given the many difficulties that are encountered on the way creative people. Albina, the wife of Vlad Listyev, is considered by many to be the true savior of the TV presenter.

As friends of the couple said, the woman helped her husband get rid of alcoholism. It was during the period of marriage with Albina Nazimova that the man ceased to be an ordinary journalist, taking the position CEO channel. His career skyrocketed.

As the woman herself admitted, the relationship could not be called happy, given the numerous betrayals of the screen star and material difficulties.

The marriage of Listyev and Nazimova lasted a little more than three years until the leader's death. Among the children of Vlad Listyev are only sons and a daughter from the first two marriages.

In alliance with Albina, no children appeared. How was the life of a woman after the murder of her husband?

New marriages of the wife of Vlad Listyev

The next spouse of Nazimova was Listyev's friend Andrey Razbash. Sources give conflicting information regarding the duration of their relationship. As the heroes themselves claimed, they began dating after the death of Vladislav. The marriage union lasted eight years.

They say that the reason for the breakup was the betrayal of a man who was not used to being limited to one woman. Many believed that Albina would tolerate her husband's behavior, but she took their common son Vanya and filed for divorce.

Over the past few years, a woman has been in happy marriage with driver and owner restaurant business Alexander Rusinov. The couple lives in Spain. was married a son is born Novel. It is worth noting that Albina's husband is a wealthy person, as a result of which she and the children do not have to feel the need for money.

What did Listyev's wife have to face after his death?

It is impossible not to mention that the mother of Vlad Listyev speaks extremely negatively about her daughter-in-law. Many friends of the TV presenter believed that the woman was to blame for his death. Among the unfavorable rumors are Nazimova's overly harsh nature, her entrepreneurial acumen and lack of desire to appear better than she really is.

It is possible that due to such an attitude, as well as fears that her own and the lives of her children would be in danger, the woman and her new spouse left for another country for permanent residence.

As Nazimova herself believes, it is unlikely that the murder of Vlad, which was beneficial to a certain circle of people, will ever be solved.

What else is known about our heroine?

Albina was born into a poor family, but she decided that she would definitely succeed in life. Before my eyes was the example of a mother who worked as a cleaner at a school. There was no father. The girl had to achieve everything on her own. She has always had self-confidence and independence that attracted men.

It should be noted that in the life of Nazimova there was a student hasty marriage. Disappointed in a spouse who has not matured to family life and responsibility, Albina focused on self-development, caring for her own appearance. It is not surprising that already at the age of 25, a woman was able to meet Vlad Listyev.

It should be noted that Nazimova is known not only for marriages with famous men. First of all, she is a talented designer, artist and restorer. The woman has many clients who consider her a professional in her field, creating works of art. In addition, Albina has innate empathy, which is why she is called a psychologist who can find mutual language with every person.

08/02/2006, Yarmolnik told jokes at the coffin of Razbash

Who will get $75,000,000 Razbash?

Semyon Lakshin, Ruslan Voronoy(a photo)

[...] To see the famous producer on his last journey, in addition to relatives and friends, the entire television fraternity gathered. Speeches were made over the body of the deceased, strictly following the unspoken rule: "It's either good or nothing about the dead." Everyone praised him and former relatives, and former friends ... Bright, smart, talented, powerful, kind ... An angel in the flesh just lived among us, but we did not appreciate him. And what was he really, Andrei Razbash? He loved women, money, children. He loved to shock people. Once, at a meeting of the board of directors of the television company ViD in 1992, he took a pistol out of his pocket and told those present that now was a cruel time. Breakout time….


Andrei Razbash, by his own admission, is a happy father. He left five heirs. The eldest is 28-year-old Ilya. Now he is the vice-president of one of the banks. Ksenia's daughter is 21 years old, she is a photographer-designer, published in many magazines. 19-year-old Alexander is a second-year student at an economic university. 12-year-old Andrei is a seventh grade student. Junior Ivan recently turned one year old. All five in equal shares can claim the inheritance, which is estimated by experts (including real estate) at $75 million.


The first official wife of Razbash was his classmate at MAI Tatyana. She gave birth to Ilya, Xenia and Alexander. The second, civil, wife was Tatyana, who died a few years ago from cancer, who worked on television.

She gave birth to producer Andrei. Second official wife until recently, there was the widow of Vlad Listyev - Albina, who gave birth to Ivan. Divorcing Albina, Last year Andrew lived civil marriage with TV director Ksenia Mishonova.


In 2005, Razbash was sued by the candidate of psychological sciences Ramil Garifullin. He claimed that the producer stole from him the idea, form and embodiment of the program "We'll decide everything with Dr. Kurpatov." Razbash did not appear at any court session, however, “Doctor Kurpatov” disappeared from the air of the Domashny channel. The program has resumed on Channel One.


According to people associated with television, almost all the scandals that have shaken the ViD television company for the past ten years are connected with the name of Razbash. In the early 90s, it was Razbash who fired half of the journalists who created the name of the company. Then he actively participated in the division of commercial firms, which overgrown domestic television. The loudest episode is connected with the fact that Andrei Leonidovich, together with the Solntsevo group and Boris Berezovsky, was one of the suspects in the criminal case investigating the murder of Listyev. According to the former mother-in-law of Vlad Listyev, Alexandra Vasilievna Lyalina, “Albina knew in advance that Vlad would be killed.

She specially invited her friend that evening to visit, so as not to be alone when she was informed about her murdered husband, and to have an alibi ... It was rumored that she had an affair with Andrei Razbash while Vlad was still alive.

According to Vladimir Mukusev, Listyev's fortune at the time of his death was $16 million. Since Vlad’s mother was “accidentally” hit by a car before the division of the inheritance, and ViD’s shares were taken from Listyev’s son by force, Albina got almost all the capital of the famous TV journalist.

Albina - scary man, it’s better not to mess with her, - Alexandra Vasilievna bitterly exclaims.

After the wedding of Andrey and Albina, their family became the largest owner of ViDa shares. Now they say that Albina forgave Razbash of betrayal, but did not forgive the divorce. Moreover, the young passion of the producer - Ksenia Mishonova could give birth to Andrei another heir. As you know, younger children are loved more, and it is quite natural that Razbash could bequeath his entire fortune, estimated by experts at $ 75 million, to him.

Now, even if Ksenia is pregnant by Andrei, it will not be easy for lawyers to prove the rights of an illegitimate offspring. After all, Razbash and Mishonova did not officially register their marriage. Did not have time. How did not have time to sign with a young nurse, his new sweetheart, and Vlad Listyev. By the way, if the death of Vlad was of a pronounced criminal nature, quite suitable for the early 90s, then the death of Andrei Leonidovich looks quite natural. However, "coronary heart disease" is just a preliminary diagnosis by forensic experts. AT law enforcement agencies there is another version.

Currently, many drugs have appeared on the "black market" that were previously used only by special services, - explained the investigator of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, who asked not to advertise his name ahead of time. - It is enough to dip the needle in this potion and lightly prick the victim. A person's heart stops, and a complete illusion of a banal heart attack is created. I do not claim that Ksenia Mishonova, who was with Razbash at the time of her death, did this.

No. There are drugs, the action of which occurs in an hour, two or even a day. There are drugs that are poisoned through food or drink. One drop and - a heart attack ... All this has yet to be sorted out. I would advise now to better protect the direct heirs of the producer, his children. With us, even for much less money, misfortunes happen ...

THOSE WHO knew Albina Nazimova well were not surprised why Vlad Listyev, a super-popular man, married her. Outwardly - fragile, with a frivolous girlish voice, inside - Strong woman who knows exactly what she wants to achieve from this life. She is used to making her own decisions and taking responsibility for her actions. After her second marriage, they began to call her Albina Nazimova-Listyeva, the double surname emphasized that she was interesting as a person, and not as the wife of a famous person.

A restorer by profession, now Albina works as a decorator, someone who turns a "semi-finished" room into an object of art. A decorator in Russia is also a bit of a psychoanalyst, and a teacher of aesthetics, explaining to rich and very rich people that money is not the end goal, but just a means.

YOUR profession you defined as "the art of deception."

Usually the decorator is called when the room is uncomfortable. Imagine: there is you, there are bare walls and a strong feeling that you cannot live here. But people come, bring some things, "dress" the walls, and the feeling of a stone bag disappears. But in fact, in fact, he did not become less stone.

The decorator is not chosen by his titles and past clients. You open the album, look at the interiors designed by him and understand that you would live here, but not here. At this moment there is a reconciliation of intelligence. You are testing a person according to your coordinate system.

We have a heavy legacy of a communal apartment behind us. What kind of taste for interiors can we talk about?

How to say, in communal apartments there were such fabulous pieces of preserved decor - even before the revolution, and in small-sized apartments people had to strain their brains so much in order to combine opportunities with needs. This partly developed.

Wealthy people stopped mediocrely throwing money, demanding that they remake their apartment under "like in Spain", then "like in Italy"?

Business teaches. Any person, buying something, feels something. He may make mistakes in style, but he will learn to understand quality. Remember the picture "Wall Street", where Michael Douglas, the "shark" of stock games, instructs a young guy? "Look, we're dressed the same, but your jacket costs $300 and mine costs $3,000." When I first watched this film, I could not catch the difference: both there and there - a blue jacket with a white stripe. And a few years later, already having some life experience, I was able to understand the difference between a cheap and an expensive thing.

Why do I say that money teaches? This means that a person has a good reaction if he managed to successfully conduct business in a country where everything changes every five minutes. This means that he is able to acquire new knowledge. The problem of our customer is that when hiring a person and paying money, he does not trust him. And he tries to co-author with him, not knowing the basics.

When you get into the apartment, what can you "read" from the interior about its owners?

Enough. One Frenchman who lived in Russia for a long time in the last century says at the beginning of his book: "Taste is a moral concept." The desire to prove to others that you have an advantage over them, using all means for this, including the interior, is already a quality of character, which also demonstrates the level of taste.

Could you not work now?

Yes, like any married woman whose husband goes to work and earns to support the family. But every day I measure in efficiency - what I did or did not do today. It is not related to the amount of money earned or the fulfillment of orders. Reading a book is also work.

Is a strong woman good or bad?

Strong - what is it?

Who knows that this is her goal in life, and she will pass to her, no matter what it costs her.

Perhaps this does not come from inner strength, but from the fact that the goal is specific? My mother dreamed of flying to the moon all her life. And I still do not understand what it is - space flights. If I am now offered to fly there, I will think about whether I want it or not. But as long as it is abstract and inaccessible, I cannot have a desire. It is for this reason that I became a restorer, and not someone else. What things are, I understand what people are, I don't really understand.

As a real woman, do you accept the man who is nearby, the way he is, or are you trying to remake him? They say that it was thanks to you that Vlad Listyev became what he became.

I can hardly imagine even a mother who would accept her child absolutely and unconditionally. And in relation to Vlad, this conversation is simply incorrect. Vlad was absolutely unique in his human and professional qualities. He would never in his life do what others wanted him to do.

Your husbands - both Vlad Listyev and Andrey Razbash - were and are famous people. Life famous person has its costs - recognition wherever he goes, women who dream of falling to the body ...

A person, regardless of whether he is famous or not, is always treated exactly as he allows himself to be treated. The reason is inside. They say: ah, a celebrity becomes like a victim of his popularity. Why would he be a victim of circumstance? This is wrong. If he allows himself to hang on, they will hang on him ...

It all depends on the person. And from his attitude to life. There are people who tolerate something, and there are those who do not. Maybe I'm not very patient.

Should we be patient at all?

Everyone decides this when choosing a family. The problem is not in the popularity or unpopularity of people, but in their correspondence to each other over a certain period of time. We develop internally, externally, make a career, suffer, worry. As soon as those living together begin to receive these experiences, positive or negative, one by one, everything collapses ... Why do you need to relax with the whole family, why do problems need to be solved together? In this case, people remain in the same coordinate system. Otherwise, someone becomes a follower, someone leads. Sometimes this does not destroy the union, and sometimes it breaks.

A man and a woman, from my point of view, live together as long as intimacy brings them joy. I have always tried to make sure that I feel good next to the person with whom I live. And if those with whom I lived tolerated me, it means that for some reason they did the same.

What if the joy ends?

Gotta get divorced. It makes no sense to sew together what has already been torn once. If the fabric has spread, it is no longer possible to make a whole thing out of it - the same thing will turn out, but with a crack. I speak as a restorer.

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