Lesson about the nature of the native land. Synopsis of an open lesson in the senior group on the topic: “Journey to the nature of the native land

Interesting 07.07.2019

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 107"
Synopsis of an integrated lesson for children of senior preschool age
Theme: "Nature native land"
Educator: Berestova A.N.
Ryazan 2016
Purpose: To summarize the knowledge of children about the flora and fauna of their native land.
To form a conscious effective attitude to the nature of the native land, the desire to protect and protect it.
To develop interest in the study of the native land, the ability to draw conclusions.
To cultivate feelings of pride, love, responsibility for the native nature, respect for it.
Vocabulary work: homeland, nature, living and inanimate nature.
Materials and equipment: audio recording “Where the Motherland begins”, a set of pictures “Nature, not nature”, sheets with images of objects of nature and not nature, toys.

Lesson progress:
Guys, close your eyes and imagine:
The sun shines brightly,
Light breeze blowing
We breathe it clean
Fresh air.
We are good and happy.
We want to live in peace with nature,
And we will protect all living things with friends.
Now listen to the song.
(The song by M. Burness "Where the Motherland Begins" sounds)
(children's answers)
Questions to children: - What is sung in this song? - What do you think, what is the Motherland?
Educator: Every inhabitant of the Earth has his own Motherland - this is the place where he was born and lives. What is the name of our country? (children name the country, region, district, village).
Educator: And now I suggest you go on a trip to our Motherland, and remember everything you know about the nature of our region.
Educator: Everyone and everything on Earth has a place. You have heard the word "Nature" What is nature?
Guys: The sun, air, water, plants, animals, birds ...
Educator: And what can not be called nature?
Guys: What is made by human hands.
Educator: And now we will play the game "Nature is not nature." (I suggest that the guys come to the table and choose one picture at a time, say what it refers to.)
Picture set:
Dog, house, horse, tree, car, pen, pencil, beetle, sky, cloud, sun, table, chair, computer, tablet, phone, fox, wolf, berries, pear, cucumber, etc. guys, "nature" is what exists without the help of man. And "not nature" is what is made by human hands.
We are going into nature, which means we must be careful and attentive. (Children walk along the track "From track to track").
And now let's greet all living things: (physical education)
hello blue sky
Hello golden sun
Hello Mother Earth,
Hello my friends.
Educator: Let's go to the rug with you. The whole nature of the Earth can be divided into two huge world: the world of living and the world of inanimate nature. I propose to play the game "Living and inanimate nature." Live nature- raise your hands up and wave, and inanimate - freeze.
(teacher says words)
Educator: What is the difference between inanimate nature and living nature?
Guys: objects of inanimate nature do not eat, do not breathe, do not grow, do not multiply, do not die.
Educator: And now let's try to identify objects created by nature and objects created by man. Each of you has a picture, it depicts an object. Each picture has a box next to it. Near the objects “not nature” we paint over in red, and if “nature” - in green.
Plants of our region. The teacher makes riddles, the children find the answer on the poster with plants.
I am a fluffy ball
I whiten in a clean field -
And the wind blew
The stalk remains. (Dandelion).
On a green cordWhite bells
Even kids know
That is forest. .. (Lilies of the valley).
There is no more wonderful bush
He glorifies the day of spring,
Smelly and gentle color
Beauties ... (Lilac).
Run across the lawn
Carefree light flock
Like teenage girls
White-barreled. .. (Birches).
Everyone likes our white-trunked beauty - birch. This tree is a symbol of our Motherland.
Animals of our region.
Guys, now guess the riddles:
red cheat,
cunning and clever
got into the shed
chickens counted.
Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying quietly
Then she suddenly ran away.
Walks without a road in summer
Near the pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a lair,
Hides the nose from the cold.
Let me be a bird
I, friends, have a habit:
When the cold starts
Directly from the north here. (Bullfinch)
Guess which bird
dark small,
white from the belly,
The tail is spread into two tails. (Martin)
Didactic game with toys.
From the proposed animals, children must choose those that live in the Ryazan region.
Educator: Our journey into nature has come to an end. Let's lie down on the sunny lawn. (Children lie down on the carpet and close their eyes).
Relaxation: Imagine that you are lying on a sunny lawn. It has many flowers and butterflies. Choose the most beautiful one for yourself (Children sit at the tables).
Teacher: Well done guys! Indeed, the nature of our region is beautiful and diverse, and it must be protected.
Educator: Nature is plants, animals, mountains and rivers, air and earth, this is you and me.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson for children of senior preschool age

Target: Cultivate love for the native land, appreciate and preserve it.
- Educational objectives: to summarize children's knowledge about flora native land.
- Developmental tasks: to continue to develop the ability of children to expressively read poetry, to convey an emotional attitude to the content of the work.
- Educational tasks: To form a conscious attitude towards nature, a desire to preserve and protect it. To cultivate a sense of pride, love, responsibility for the native nature, respect for it.

Integration of educational areas:
Cognitive development: the formation of ideas about the objects of the surrounding world (about tulips, their places of germination).
Artistic and aesthetic development:
- Introduce children to awakening spring nature, develop aesthetic perception;
Participants are pupils middle group.
Preliminary work:
Watch a video about our city
Reading fiction:
- "Young friend" D. Kugultinov;
- “In the cradle of feather grasses” by G. Kukarek;
- "April drops" V.Sandzhiev;
- “Let's listen to the steppe with you” by V. Shugraev.
Examination of illustrations of paintings by artists:
- G. Rokchinsky: "Tulip Island".
- K. Oldaeva: "Master of the steppe."
Learning poems about the steppe.
A conversation about our area, about steppe flowers
Solving riddles about flowers.
Work with parents (pick up pictures on the topic "Steppe", draw pictures together with the children on the topic "Nature of the Don Territory"
Equipment: clouds, laptop, projector, steppe mockup, colored tulip origami paper, orange sticks - flower stem.


Organizing time.
Invented by someone simply and wisely
Say hello when you meet! Good morning!

Good morning sun and birds!
Good morning! Welcoming faces!
And everyone becomes kind, trusting!
Good morning lasts until evening!
AT: Guys, let's tell the guests good morning
Children. Good morning!

Play.-Guys, do you like to travel?
Children. Yes!
Bring up. What can you travel on?
Children. You can travel to…
Bring up. But on what today we will go traveling, you will find out by guessing my riddle
In the blue sky
Like along the river
White sheep swim.
Keep the path from afar
What are their names? ...(clouds)
- Have you ever traveled on clouds?
Children. Not!
-Then let's go on a journey on the clouds, admire nature native land, and precisely the beauty of the Don steppe. Because we live on the Don.
(children sit down on the rug, watch the video "Don Steppe")
Video "Steppe"
- Guys, where did we get to? (steppe)

Spring is coming, nature is waking up, the steppe is coming to life, everyone is happy with the warmth, the sun! Let's descend from the clouds, admire the beauty of the steppe, but first everyone will take an airy white cloud for themselves.
Oh, guys, your clouds are not ordinary with pictures, look carefully at your pictures showing signs of the steppe. Today we will talk about the steppe. So you are ready to speak your sentences.

The beauty of the Don steppes has always been sung by artists, musicians, and poets. And I invite you to read poems about our Don steppe.
The steppe is wide in the open
Lies across and along,
Like a sea of ​​fire
Heat blazes and scorches.

Steppe... Azure blue.
You are simple and complex.
And wherever you look,
Beauty... Beauty.

Steppe... expanse and expanse.
Mirages and space.
gray-haired feather grass
And a tulip carpet.
Slide "Flowering steppe"

See how many flowers are in the steppe in spring. And what, guys, do you know the very first spring, steppe flowers?
-I suggest you turn into tulips and dance a little. (Physical minute - to the music)

Guys, the tulips are very beautiful on the green grass. Although there are a lot of them, you should not pluck them. Let the flowers remain and delight us with their beauty.
Children. On foot!
Motor exercise "On the road! »
Raise your legs higher.
They stomp their feet along a straight path (they walk in a stomping step)
The legs will go quietly along the narrow path (they walk on toes)
Friend after friend ran.
AT Kindergarten we ran.
- Here we are, guys, back to kindergarten. Let's put all the flowers in a vase and let them delight us with their beauty and remind us of our journey through our Don region.
- And in conclusion, I want to say:
- Nature is our wonderful home!
- Let everyone be comfortable in it!
- Let the steppe, the river be clean!
- By blue sky clouds float!
- Take care of nature - this is our home!

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group for the formation of lexical and grammatical

Synopsis of the integrated GCD in preparatory group
"Nature of the native land"

Purpose: to create conditions for the generalization of knowledge about the nature of the Altai Territory
Tasks: - to consolidate the knowledge of children about the flora of their native land;
– to educate in children an interest in their country, a sense of love, pride in their country and native land.
- introduce the Red Book;
- to show that many diseases can be eliminated with the help of nature.
-develop Creative skills children, imagination, speech, attention, memory;
- educate respect for the native nature;
- generalize children's ideas about the seasons;
Region Integration: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development.
Preliminary work: reading thin. literature about the nature of the Altai Territory, watching videos, learning poetry, talking, observing in nature, excursions to the museum and nature, looking at pictures and illustrations about nature.

Lesson progress

Video clip
Let's get to work guys. It will be difficult for us, but interesting.
- All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other

And you good mood? (children's answers)
-Let's share a good mood with our guests.
Hands, hands, wake up, hello!
Angry fingers, hello!
And our little hands, hello!
And smiles, and smiles, hello!
Everyone smile at each other, hello!
Send a magical kiss to everyone, hello!
- Well, guys, I hope that your good mood was transferred to the guests, who, together with us, will plunge into the world of childhood.

- I received a video email. Let's see.
(frames from the film "Dasha the Pathfinder")
- Hello children. I live very far from you and have never been to your country.
What is the name of your country? And the city? What about the area you live in?
I like traveling very much. But your country is so huge that I am very afraid to travel. I have never gone that far. I read that your region is very rich in beautiful nature. You have rivers, lakes, forests. It's so interesting. I would love to get to know your country. I even got a map of your region, where interesting places. Can you help me get to know your country? I am sending you a map by email. And I will watch you online.
- Well, shall we introduce Dasha to our region?

- This is a map of our Small Motherland - the Altai Territory.
What colors is she in? (The map is colored dark green, light green, brown colors, there are blue stripes and spots.
What do you think these colors mean?
- Look, dark green on the map indicates a forest, light green - a meadow. Mountains are shown in brown. And what are these blue stripes and dots, who knows?
But, not everyone knows this. Therefore, I propose to work as cartographers today. Cartographers are people who make maps. There are maps that show the position of cities and settlements, place; there are maps depicting natural resources; but there are maps that display vegetable and animal world.
And we can display the flora and fauna of our region. Well, do you agree?
- Take each card with the image of plants and animals
Children take envelopes with mini-cards, with adhesive tape on the back.
- We will attach them where they live.
- And how does Dasha travel? (on foot). So, we must gain strength to go a long way. Now let's imagine that we are travelers, we took "backpacks" and went along the path
(to the cheerful music they go and sit on pillows for a halt)
Stops on the map: edge. forest, meadow, body of water
- To begin with, let's introduce Dasha to our region.
1 stop "The Edge"
"How big is my land,
How wide are the spaces!
Lakes, rivers and fields
Forests, and steppe, and mountains.
Spread out my edge
From north to south:
In one edge - forests, fields
In the other - lakes, rivers
- What is the poem about? What is in our region?
- Guys, how do countries, cities, regions, territories differ from each other?
Correctly. Any country, city, region, region has distinctive signs - symbols. What are these symbols? (Flag, coat of arms, anthem)
- And our Altai region has its own distinctive features. (flag, coat of arms)
- Let's continue our journey. (move to next stop)
2 stop "Birch"
Guys, we have a lot of forests in which there are a lot of animals, a lot of berries and mushrooms grow. Who knows and will name a tree that is considered sacred in Russia (Birch). . A beautiful birch can be found in the forest, in the field, on our site, it adorns city parks. There are no such birches and birch groves anywhere in the world. It is pleasant to walk in a birch grove at any time of the year. The birch is a favorite tree of the people; not so many poems have been written about one tree. In the old days, the birch was praised in songs and round dances. And in our Altai Territory, birch is very common.
Let's dance with you "There was a birch in the field"
- Why is birch called "Doctor"? (medicines are prepared from birch buds, a birch broom drives out ailments, the juice is healthy and tasty.)

- Look at the unusual leaves on the birch. (They contain riddles about the plants of our region, and find the answer in the pictures under the numbers.)

- And who knows what trees grow in our region?
Ball game "Name the tree"

– Dasha asked us to help her cope with one task. She examined the album with pictures and scattered them. Let's help match the leaves to the right tree.
Didactic game "Whose sheet?"
3 stop "Steppes"
- And now we will go with you to the next point on the map. We live in an area called the steppe. See how beautiful the endless steppe is.
The steppes of Altai spread out
Both in breadth and in length,
Look as if there is no end
Only the sun burns high.
I look at our open spaces,
I admire - what a land!
Covered in new clothes
The fields are buried in bread.
And there is no more beautiful place
Beloved, my blooming land,
You are the granary of our Motherland,
You are our gold, Altai.
What grows in the steppes? Why are these herbs called "Green Pharmacy"?

Considering herbs and telling children about the benefits of each herb.
Nettle is a medicinal plant. It grows in the garden, in the garden, in the forest. Soup is cooked from nettle leaves, salad is made. Nettle stops the blood, cleanses it. Nettle leaves draw out pus. If the nettle is crushed and applied to the wound, it will heal quickly. Nettle contains many vitamins. Nettles are brewed, they wash their hair so that good hair. Shampoo is made from nettles and added to toothpaste.
From nettle leaves
Delicious salads.
Just need to add to them.
Onions, garlic, tomatoes.
And in nettle salad
Lots of vitamin C
The ones we serve
They change in the face.
Chamomile is a medicinal plant. It grows everywhere - in the garden, in the garden, on the field. It is brewed and drunk against a cold. If the eyes hurt “fester”, then chamomile is brewed and the eyes are washed. Wash your hair with a decoction of chamomile so that it is thick and does not fall out.
Scattered white daisies
On the steppes, among tall grasses,
As if someone scattered papers,
Suns painted on them
Ringing bell invites
They gather in a fabulous bouquet,
But daisies are tricky girls
They just smile back.
Dandelion is a medicinal plant, it grows everywhere, throughout Russia. They make a salad out of it, make jam. Dandelion infusion is drunk for stomach pain. Dandelion juice removes warts.
Plantain is a medicinal plant. Where people walk, there the plantain grows. He is also called a fellow traveler, because he is always with people along the way. Plantain stops bleeding. If a bee stings, and attach a plantain leaf, then the pain will pass. They make a decoction, and drink it for coughing, and treatment of the stomach.
There are many colors
Beautiful. Cautious
But I like all
common plantain
To him, perhaps
And it's harder to grow
And yet he is with people
Is on the way!
- Guys, there are so few places on earth where such amazing plants. Therefore, people have created the Red Book, which lists rare and endangered species of plants and animals. Let's take care and protect them!
1. Tree, grass, flower and bird.
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet.
2. Don't spoil nature
Don't hurt nature.
Born human
That's how they should be!
4 stop "Forest"
- Let's move on. And next stop. . . Solve the riddle first
If there are many trees here,
And the bushes grow below
If there is no road at all
Only paths lead into the distance,
If the crowns of those trees
Close the distance of heaven
Clouds of whitish feathers -
So in front of you ... forest
- Here is the invitation:
I invite you guys to the forest
To the good forest, the mighty forest
It's full of wonders
If children are attentive,
Discover these wonderful secrets.
The forest is not just for our fun.
It contains trees, berries,
Birds, animals and various herbs.
- Where are we staying. What is this interesting world?
“That’s right, it’s the world of the forest. But what is a forest?
- That's right - a forest is a place in nature where many, many trees grow (coniferous and deciduous, is this the habitat of forest animals?
Let's imagine that we have become trees.
Cognitive warm-up "We will become trees."
We will become trees
Strong, big.
Legs are roots
Let's spread them out wider.
(They put their feet shoulder-width apart, hands on their waist.)
To keep the tree
(They put one fist on the other.)
Didn't let it fall
From the depths of the underground
They got water.
(Bend down, fold your palms in a cup.)
Our body is a strong trunk.
(They unbend, run their palms along the body from top to bottom.)
He wobbles a little
(Sway from side to side.)
And with its top
(They fold their palms into a hut.)
Leaning into the sky
(Raise joined hands above head.)
Our hands are branches
(Open palms, spread fingers to the sides.)
The crown is formed.
(Close fingers.)
Together they are not afraid
(Shake their head.)
If the winds blow.
(Swing with raised arms.)
Let's see who is hiding in the forest clearings. (on one side is a riddle, on the other is a guess - a picture)
1. Clubfoot giant
Summer is all round
Honey, finds berries.
Only winter is on the doorstep
You will find him in the lair. (bear)
2. He looks like a dog,
Whatever the tooth, so sharp knife. (wolf)
3. A predatory beauty wanders through the forest,
Zaitsev finds mice for dinner. (Fox)
4. Vereschunya, white-sided, and her name is (magpie)
5. All night flies, Mice gets (owl)
6. Who heals trees in the forest, Not sparing his head (woodpecker)
7. Gray in summer, white in winter, so that no one will eat it. (hare)
There are rules in the forest too. And who knows the rules of conduct
in the forest? I will show you the signs, and you explain what they mean.
Game "What does this sign mean?"
(the behavior of children in the forest, what can and cannot be done in the forest.)
5 stop "Rivers and lakes"
The Altai Territory is rich in rivers. Largest number rivers are concentrated in the mountainous regions of the region. The water in the rivers is clean and transparent. The region is rich in healing springs and spring water.
About 5 thousand rivers flow on the Altai land. The largest of them are the Ob, Katun, Biya, Aley, Chumysh, Charysh and others. The Ob is one of the largest rivers the globe. Its length is 5410 km. The most big river in the Altai Territory. The Ob flows through the entire Western Siberia. Its length within the region is about 500 kilometers.
More than 2 thousand lakes are scattered in the Altai Territory in groups and alone. Their size is the most varied. In their shape, they resemble a bowl with a flat bottom.
There is also a variety of vegetation on the reservoirs: water lily, duckweed, cattail. Near the reservoirs live: ducks, herons, gulls, otters.
“People often go to rest on reservoirs and leave garbage behind. Is it right?
Relay race "Collect garbage".
Garbage spills out of the bag onto the floor (papers, plastic bottles, candy wrappers, etc.). Children, on command, collect garbage in their basket. The team that fills their trash bin the fastest wins.

Children look at a map with attached pictures.
“Look how rich our land is. There are animals and birds, trees and herbaceous plants, and insects. And many more living creatures!
- All this variety of animals must be protected and protected!
We will take care of our native nature.
Yes, guys, you and I are lucky, because we live in such a great place like the Altai Territory!
Altai Territory is ... Our small Motherland!
V .: I really love the Altai Territory - my Small Motherland. And when I talk about the Altai Territory, the following lines appear in my heart:
I look into your space
I love you
Enchanted by you
Your beauty
Altai Territory - my favorite!
You are my only one!
So unique
Dear heart!

- It's time for us to go home. And for this we must cross the river.
Relay race “Swim across the lake”
There are many mountain rivers in Altai. And they are not easy to pass. This will succeed the most daring and dexterous. (on improvised stones, children cross the river)

“Our journey is over. I hope Dasha was satisfied with the story about our Motherland.
– What new and interesting things did you learn today?
1. Even Christmas trees we are at the beginning
They were indistinguishable from pine.
As the needles grow
So these are Christmas trees
And when they ate on a branch
We took a closer look
It turned out that she
Not like pine.
2. Irina Serebrov
Altai is starry sky over the steppe
Decorated with the surface of lakes;
Altai - clouds leaving a chain
On the slopes of the blue mountains;

Rushing rivers and the song of a waterfall,
The life-giving air of the forests,
Midday heat and night coolness,
Flowers like from rainbow dreams ...

Altai! There will be many songs
About your wondrous beauty!
You are so many and so wonderful
Like a fairy tale about a bright dream!
- I suggest you plunge into the beauty of our region and watch a movie.

- I suggest you prepare a postcard for Dasha. If today we talked about the beauty of the nature of your native land, what can you depict on your postcards?
With the help of pencils and crayons, children prepare postcards to the song of M. Evdokimov about Altai.

Nadezhda Valeeva
Summary of the lesson "Nature of the native land"

Nature of the native land.

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the flora and fauna and reservoirs of the Irkutsk region.

Tasks: generate interest in learning nature of the native land. Activate Dictionary (Irkutsk people, region, deciduous forest, coniferous forest, mixed forest.) Continue to learn to answer questions, draw conclusions.

Material: physical map Irkutsk region. Children's drawings "Trees are our friends". Tree mask caps and their images. Pictures depicting deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests.

Map of the Irkutsk region for the game "Inhabitants of the Forest". Pictures depicting animals living in different natural areas.

Course progress.

Educator. What is the name of the city where we live? (Irkutsk) What are the names of the inhabitants of our city? (Irkutsk people.) Maybe you know the names of the region, the main city of which is Irkutsk? (Irkutsk region) Well done! Today we remember everything we learned about the nature of our region. What does the word mean « nature» ? (What surrounds us, but is not created by human hands.) Right (Points to the map of the Irkutsk region.) This map of our the edges. What colors is she in? (Blue, green.) What color are rivers and lakes? (Blue) What rivers do you know?

The children answer. The teacher shows the reservoirs on the map, names those that the children did not remember.

Educator. What are reservoirs for? (They are home to a variety of animals, including those that humans feed on.) Our art exhibition features some of the animals that live in our waters.

Why else do we need reservoirs? (A person takes water from them to drink.) What would happen if all the water bodies dried up? (All living beings died.) What conclusion do we draw from this? (Man needs to protect rivers and lakes.)

Educator. What color, besides blue, is the map of our region painted in? (Green.)

What is indicated by this color? (The woods.) Right. Forests are the wealth and beauty of our the edges. For whom is the forest home? (The forest is a home for animals, birds, insects.)

There is a warm-up.

We went to the forest lawn,

Raising your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Who walked through the meadow

Didn't stumble, didn't fall, well done!

caregiver (Points out a toy squirrel.) A little squirrel came running towards us. Hear his story.

“Once I heard from a neighbor - squirrels word "forest".

Mom, what is the forest? I asked.

A forest is a lot of trees growing together, my mother answered.

Tell the squirrel what trees grow in the forests of our the edges.

Children in hats and masks of trees read poems and lay out images of trees on a flannelgraph.

First child.

I love Russian birch

Either light or sad.

In a white sarafan

With handkerchiefs in pockets

With beautiful clasps

With green earrings. (A. Prokofiev.)

(About birch.) what is the name of the forest in which only birches grow? (Birch.)

Second child.

You can always find her in the forest

Go for a walk and meet.

It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress.

Educator. What tree is the poem talking about? (About the Christmas tree.) What is the name of the forest where only spruces grow (Yelnik.)

Third child.

You will not confuse a pine tree with a Christmas tree,

Although there are cones and needles.

Like a column, each trunk,

On top of the crown, like a tent.

Educator. What is the name of Pine forest? (Bor.)

Fourth child.

Oak is not afraid of rain and wind at all.

Who said that an oak can catch a cold?

After all, until late autumn

Oak stands green!

So he's resilient

So it's hardened. (I. Tokmakova.)

Educator. Oak is the most powerful tree in our forests. This tree is considered a symbol of strength and health. And about people strong and healthy they say: mighty as an oak.

What trees found in our forests have not been named? (Maple, aspen, poplar, mountain ash, linden.)

Now listen to the poem. Only the most attentive will be able to answer the question that I will ask later.

Bushes and trees, leaves on the branches -

Deciduous forest is, remember, kids!

Oak in it, birches, lindens, mountain ash,

Hazel, wild rose, ash, aspens.

If needles are in place of foliage,

Then call this forest coniferous.

Nearby, spruces grow, and aspens,

That is called a mixed forest, friends,

Here are all the trees from A to Z. (A. Kochergina.)

What is the name of the forest where trees with leaves grow, such as lindens, aspens? (deciduous forest.) What is the name of the forest where trees grow with needles instead of leaves? (Coniferous forest.) If all the trees grow in the neighborhood, then this forest is called ... (Mixed.) In our region there are both deciduous and coniferous, and mixed forests. (Relevant pictures are displayed.)

So we helped the little squirrel to figure out what trees grow in the Irkutsk region.

At the beginning classes we talked that the forest is home to many animals. Let's remember what animals live in the forests of the Irkutsk region.

Look at the map of the area. Let us remember it with images of the inhabitants of our forests. Choose pictures that depict such animals.

The children are doing the task.

Educator. Remember the proverbs and sayings about the forest. (Forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests. A plant is an ornament to the land. Groves and forests are beauty for the whole world.) What do these proverbs and sayings say? (About the fact that the forest is beauty and wealth.) To save it, we must follow the rules of behavior in the forest.

Children (Alternately.)

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just, mind you, don't forget

That you can't make noise in the forest

And you can't sing loudly here.

Animals get scared

Run away from the forest edge.

Do not break oak branches.

Never forget:

Rubbish must be removed.

In vain, flowers should not be torn.

Do not shoot from the slingshot.

They come to the forest to rest.

Let the butterflies fly:

Well, who are they bothering?

There is no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

Educator. Here is our end occupation. I believe that you will take care nature of the native land.

Related publications:

The nature of the native land. I am from the city of Buturlinovka. AT different parts the globe nature is different. That's why native nature for everybody.

Summary of the lesson "Nature of the native land" Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten combined type No. 11 "Cornflower" of the city of Belorechensk municipal.

Conversation in the preparatory group "Nature of the native land" Conversation in the preparatory group "Nature of the native land" Purpose: To acquaint children with the nature of their native land. To give children knowledge about our forests.

"The nature of the native land." Competition of intellectuals "Clever and clever" Competition of intellectuals "Clever and clever". Topic: "Nature of the native land." Objectives: - to teach to formulate their thoughts, to generalize and systematize.

Elena Novozhilova
Summary of the lesson "Nature of the native land"

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

combined type kindergarten No. 11 "Cornflower" city ​​of Belorechensk, municipal formation Belorechensky district

« Nature of the native land»

(specially organized educational activities according to FTsKM educational area "Knowledge" with children of the preparatory school group using modern educational technologies:

information and communication;


reflective; physical culture and health; ensuring socio-psychological well-being)

Open viewing as part of the solution of the annual task and the implementation of GEF DO

Educator MADOU D / S 11 Elena



April 2015


Development of interest in native land, sightseeing natural world Kuban.


Introduce children to major rivers Krasnodar the edges;

To concretize the knowledge of children about the animal and plant world of Krasnodar the edges;

Strengthen the ability to convey your attitude to nature in speech and other activities;

To instill a sense of patriotism, love and pride in the small homeland.

SOD progress:

The teacher draws the attention of children to the geographical map of Krasnodar the edges.


Guys, do any of you know what this is? That's right, it's a map. Geographic maps can tell a lot about the area they depict. What do you think is shown in blue? Green? Yellow?

I invite you to travel. See what the map of Krasnodar can tell us the edges. What is this blue wavy lines? That's right, these are rivers (slides). What river flows in our city? That's right - White. Let's see what other rivers flow in Belorechensk (slides).

Our first stop will be the Belaya River.

Look! This is the bank of the Belaya River. Poet ... wrote about her:


Guys, let's see with you what fish live in the river (slides).


Guys, we got acquainted with the river that flows in Belorechensk, and now let's take a walk in the forests of our homeland. Forests are the main wealth of Russia. I want to ask question: "Why do people plant forests?" (Children make their guesses).

The educator summarizes: - People of different professions will answer us differently. Forests give man wood, fresh air, berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants. But in order to have enough forest wealth not only for us, but also for our great-grandchildren, in place of each felled tree, one, even two new ones must be planted.

Guys, how should you behave in the forest?

Children list rules of conduct. - Guys, what kind of trees grow in the Krasnodar Territory. (Slides)


The forest is home to animals, birds and insects. Guess riddles about animals and birds that live in our forests:

1. I walk in a fluffy coat, I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel)

2. Under the pines, under the trees lies a bag of needles. (Hedgehog)

3. Who is in a bright red beret,

In a black satin jacket?

He doesn't look at me

Everything knocks, knocks, knocks. (Woodpecker)

black bird sits

On a shaggy tree.

Kar! - says all the time.

The beak is worse than the needle. (Crow)


Many different birds live and winter in the forests of Krasnodar the edges. Some birds live all year round - sedentary, others only in summer - migratory, and still others - only in winter - wintering. Guys, let's figure out which birds live at what time. (slides)

Gymnastics for the eyes:

It's dark in the forest.

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

Only an owl-owl,

big head,

Sitting on a bitch

looks in all directions.

Right, left, up and down

Animals, birds, oh, hold on!

looked all around -

run for prey!


What good fellows you have named, and you know the birds. What else grows in our forests? That's right, lots of flowers. Here are cut pictures, having collected them, you will find out what flowers grow on the edges and clearings of the forest.


Guys, did you enjoy our trip? What did the map tell us?

At the end of the work, the teacher invites the children to admire the beauty nature Krasnodar Territory in different times of the year.

computer presentation "My Krasnodar region» .

And now let's draw our map with all its beauties.


Together with the children, I conclude that the nature of the native land is rich, beautiful and diverse and must be protected, nature in our area is really wonderful. The Krasnodar Territory is located in the area of ​​foothills and mountains and is washed by two seas. We are surrounded by chic seas, mountains, fragrant aromas of herbs and flowers and clean air. In the morning, the sun illuminates the whole neighborhood with its golden rays, and then diamond dew begins to shine on the sunny green grass, everything begins to grow and blossom. Also in our region there are beautiful waterfalls, mineral springs and green meadows. Native the edge is the most precious place for us. Here we were born and live, here are our friends.

Related publications:

Purpose: 1. Expand understanding of the village. Levoca, about its sights Tasks: 1. Formation careful attitude to nature and everything.

The nature of the native land. I am from the city of Buturlinovka. Nature is different in different parts of the world. Therefore, native nature for everyone.

Conversation in the preparatory group "Nature of the native land" Conversation in the preparatory group "Nature of the native land" Purpose: To acquaint children with the nature of their native land. To give children knowledge about our forests.

Complex lesson "Nature of the native land" for children of the preparatory group for school Local lore begins with local love. It is impossible to know what you do not love, just as it is impossible to love what you do not know. Purpose: Expand.

"The nature of the native land." Competition of intellectuals "Clever and clever" Competition of intellectuals "Clever and clever". Topic: "Nature of the native land." Objectives: - to teach to formulate their thoughts, to generalize and systematize.

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