Themes of research papers theme forest. Ecological project "Forest is our friend"

Health 03.09.2019

Project goals:

  • Creating conditions for the formation of the position of a friend in relation to the forest in preschool children by influencing the cognitive sphere of the child
  • To expand children's and adults' ideas about the forest, and form the position of a "friend" of nature.
  • Enrich the subject-developing environment.
  • Create a system of work on interaction with the parents of pupils and the population of the nearby microdistrict.
  • Improve interaction with social organizations.


On the present stage When people, due to the current socio-critical economic situation, are forced to look for ways to overcome their problems and, often, take a consumer position, the state of the environment deteriorates catastrophically. Most people consider the forest to be a source of livelihoods or a place of recreation. (Data from a survey of the parent community and own observations). And few people think about the future fate of the forest, its inhabitants, and the fact that in general there are many different inhabitants in the forest. This negative position of adults is projected onto the emerging personality of a preschool child; children show less and less curiosity towards living beings. And more and more often there is an indifferent, and sometimes cruel attitude towards them.

Therefore, there is a need for in-depth purposeful work with children, starting from preschool age, to develop interest in the biological community - the forest, and, as a result, to educate them in a careful and attentive attitude to nature, in general, and to the forest, as part of nature.

But this work will not be effective without affecting the parental position, and the position of adults, so you need to intensify the process of interaction with society, that is, "make friends" of children and adults with the forest.

Project participants: children 6 - 7 years old, teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents of pupils, population of the nearest microdistrict, society.

The project activity will be carried out in stage III.

Stage I - preparatory.

Terms: March - April 2009

Purpose: preparation of teachers and subject-developing environment for this project.

  • planning and designing activities to prepare teachers for project activities,
  • development of a cycle of classes, conversations, observations,
  • creation of a subject-developing environment,
  • creation of a pedagogical model of interaction "teacher - ecologist - teachers - narrow specialists - educators",
  • creation of a monitoring system.

Stage II - practical.

Purpose: creation and implementation of conditions for the formation of the position of a "friend" in children in relation to the forest by influencing the cognitive sphere of the child.

  • conducting a cycle of classes, conversations, observations and other events,
  • creation and implementation of a system of work on interaction with the parents of pupils and the population of the nearby microdistrict,
  • improvement of interaction with social organizations.

Stage III - final

Purpose: evaluation of the results of the project implementation based on monitoring studies

  • analysis of the work done.

Action plan for the implementation of the project "Forest is our friend".

What? How? When? Responsible and participants Expected Result
Working with teachers
Formation of theoretical readiness of teachers in environmental education - Study of scientific - methodical literature

Round table "Learn to protect the forest"


"In nature, everything is interconnected"

Development of abstracts of classes, conversations, observations

Development of integrated classes

Master Class. Work on the ecological trail

Stage I - March - August 2009

Stage I December 2009

Deputy Head of VMR,

Teachers - specialists, group educators

Educator - ecologist

- material development
Work with children
Diagnostics - carrying out diagnostic measures, analysis of the results Stage I September 2009 Educator - ecologist, group educators
Expanding children's ideas about the ecosystem "Forest" - A cycle of environmental studies

The cycle of conversations

- "Lessons of kindness"

- "Thinking Lessons" with

discussion and role play.

- "Minutes of knowledge" a cycle of observations of spruce - an object ecological trail

Target walks

"How many Christmas trees we didn't save"

"Yolochki and her sisters in the city"

"Returned Forest" (waste paper collection)

Plot - game action "On a visit to Baba Yaga" (garbage collection in the forest)

"Green Christmas tree - a living needle" (hanging up posters made by children in defense of fir trees, with the invitation of children of society)

- "Hello, our green friend"correspondence with the forest (mailbox)

Creation of the book "The Complaint Book of the Forest"

Musical and ecological holidays:

"Friend's Birthday, Grandpa Oak"

"Let's save the green planet" (with the invitation of the residents of our microdistrict)

Ecological and recreational trips "Train of kindness" (forest ecosystem at different times of the year)

Integrated lessons

"What am I - a Christmas tree green needle" (FINE + Ecology)

"Forest and our health"

(valeology + ecology)

"forest dwellers"

(ecology + FIZO)

Themed forest week:

Exhibition "Forest in human life"

Ecological holiday "Nature's plaintive book"

Museum "Wonders of the Forest"

Tales about the forest (word-creation of children)

Work on the microsite "Forest biocenosis"

Newspaper release

Stage II October - January 2009 according to the plan

Stage II October - January according to the plan 2009

Stage II 2nd and 3rd week of December 2009

Constantly throughout the project

September 2009

3rd week of December 2009

1 time per month


II stage February 2010

March 2010

II stage February 2010

Stage II continuously throughout the project

II stage by season

II stage April 2010

Educator - ecologist, group educators, fine arts teacher, physical education instructor, music director. - expanding children's ideas about the "forest" ecosystem.
Working with parents.
Preparation of parents for the project. - Carrying out diagnostic measures, analysis of diagnostic results. Stage I April 2009 The teacher is an ecologist. Group tutors.
Joint events. - Parent meeting"Ecology and our health"


"Forest - protector and healer"

"Infusions from herbs and fruits of trees"

KVN "Secrets of nature"

Labor landing "Tree of our family"

Traditional exhibition "Herringbone green needle" (making a Christmas tree from waste material and natural material)

Competition "No environmental alarm in the forest"

Release of booklets "Rules of conduct in the forest"

Stage II May 2009 - May 2010. The teacher is an ecologist.

Group tutors.

Subject-developing environment.
Replenishment of the subject-developing environment. - acquisition of didactic material

Production of manuals: educational games, visual and demonstration material

Development of the scheme of the micro-site "Forest biocenosis"

Landing of the micro-site "Forest Biocenosis"

Making a layout "Forest"

Stage I - March - May 2009

Stage II March - April 2010

Educator - ecologist

All project participants

Educational and visual material, microsection for experimental activities.
Work with society.
Organization of social partnership and social interaction. - Forestry of Vyatsko-Polyansky district

Conversation with children "Rules of conduct in the forest"

Conversation with parents "Forest and rest"

Assistance in the design of landscaping of the territory of the preschool educational institution

Municipal Unitary Enterprise ZHKO "Improvement" (allocation of tree seedlings and recommendations for their cultivation)

Assistance in organizing the interaction of preschool educational institutions with the population

Center for additional education

Promotions "Let's save birches"

Labor landing "Let's clean the park from garbage"

Exhibitions "Forest in children's art"

cognitive activities

Children's Library

Performances "Forest Teremok"

compilation fiction on a subscription

Exhibitions "Gifts of the Forest"

Musically - ecological holiday

"Red Book"

preschool city


II stage February 2010

Stage II March 2010

II stage April 2010

Stage II throughout the project

Stage II October 2009 - April 2010

Stage II October 2009 - April 2010

Forestry staff

Employees of MUP ZHKO

Teacher - ecologist

Library staff

teachers primary school

Educators - environmentalists


  1. N. A. Ryzhova " environmental education in kindergarten" Moscow 2001
  2. L. G. Gorkova "Scenarios for classes on environmental education of preschoolers"
  3. O. F. Gorbatenko "The system of environmental education in preschool educational institutions" Volgograd 2001
  4. T. A. Shorygina "Green Tales" Book Lover 2006
  5. "Conversations about the Russian forest" Sfera Moscow 2008
  6. "What animals are in the forest?" Moscow 2000
  7. "Mushrooms. What are they?" Moscow Gnome and D 2004
  8. "Trees. What are they?" Moscow 2001
  9. V. A. Shishkina, M. N. Dedulevich "Walks in nature" Moscow Enlightenment 2000
  10. S. N. Nikolaeva "Young ecologist" Moscow 2003

MBOU "Vyshinsky secondary school"
Research work
on the topic:
"The forest is our wealth!"
Completed by: Chigir Vika,
5th grade student
Head: Lazareva N.E.,
geography teacher

Table of contents
1.1. General view on the problem of forest protection .............................................. .35
1.2. The role and importance of the forest for all life on Earth ……………………… ..4
2. Research in my village…………………………………………………….59
2.1. The activities of the Vyshinsky territorial forestry in the protection of
2.2. Protected natural areas……………………………………….
2.3. The problem of fires…….………………………………....………………….5
3. Results and conclusions …………………………………………………79
4. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………….…9
5. Used sources ………………………………………………….910

Forests occupy most of the territory of the Zubovo Polyansky district.
My native village Vysha is surrounded by forest from all sides. And me, like anyone
caring person, concerned about the ecological state of the forest on
the territory of my settlement, because I care about the fate of my little one
Find out the role and importance of the forest for all life on Earth, show
vulnerability and defenselessness natural area forests; find out what measures
are accepted by local forestry workers to protect the forest, so that
to predict its fate in the future.
1) Study the scientific literature on the role and importance of forests.
2) Track the statistics of forest fires within the Vyshinsky
forestries and their scale.
3) Show the need for the participation of each resident of the village in the case
protection of forest areas.
Relevance of the work:
this work is educational and economic importance, because
the conclusions drawn allow us to think about the need to take measures to
forest protection in the village and its restoration.
Research methods:
Scientific (study of the necessary literature, analysis of articles);
Sociological (survey of specialists);
Cartographic research (study of the geographical position
forests of the Vyshinsky forestry on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia);
Drawing up a scheme "The value of the forest."

Study timeline:
The study was conducted from December 2015 to March 2016.
Research results
It was revealed that the forest is a wealth that nature has endowed our village with.
But even hundreds of thousands of hectares can become scarce and impoverished over time if
use it ineptly and irrationally.
1. Introduction
1.1. General view on the problem of forest protection
Forest protection is an urgent problem of our time, to which no one
must remain indifferent. After all, the future life of people in full measure
depends on whether we manage to protect the forest, as well as many species of plants and
animals from extinction.
How to protect the forest? Why should biodiversity be protected?
The forest, as you know, is the lungs of the planet Earth. No growing greens
plants humanity will be doomed to sudden death. people
simply not enough oxygen, so necessary for them to breathe. Also the forest
is the breadwinner and doctor for man. Here you can find edible
mushrooms, berries, nuts and a variety of herbs that have healing
In addition, the forest is legally inhabited by various species
wild animals, birds, fish. Forest walks are good for people's health,
being in the bosom of nature is a real pleasure for the eyes and for the soul.
In a word, forest resources are the national treasure of every
country, so you should pay Special attention their protection.
1.2. The role and importance of forests.

1. The forest allows you to improve the hydraulic regime of all large and small
reservoirs, whose basins are located on the territory of massifs. soil protection
from destruction is carried out both at the expense of species growing in
natural conditions, and thanks to special landings, which, with
have recently been increasingly used by people. Forests help preserve
mineral composition of the soil. Runoff water, passing through the layers of soil,
free from harmful solid impurities.
2. Forest is the main pantry of plant matter on the planet. Exactly
therefore, in the community there is a large species diversity of herbivores,
carnivorous and omnivorous animals that form food chains. Thanks to
these bonds in nature maintain a balance. Many forest dwellers
are pollinators of plants, participate in the dispersal of seeds, helping
representatives of the flora to reproduce and survive. Animals and birds have
commercial value in economic activity of people. Man mines
here is valuable fur, meat. Today, animal hunting is regulated by law, which
contributes to the restoration and conservation of some species.
3. Considering the role of the forest in nature and human life, one cannot avoid
attention to the human need for wood. She was always great, did not become
less today. Moreover, in modern economic activity, it
becomes global. Reduction projections
use of wood raw materials are not justified either in Russia or in
world market. The emerging trend may lead to
wood will become a scarce raw material, and this will affect production
many consumer goods necessary for a person.
4. The role of the forest in nature and human life is very important during the period
rapid urban growth. The therapeutic effect of green
plantings on the human body is proven by doctors. Exactly because of this reason
rest houses, sanatoriums, rehabilitation centers are most often located in

forest zone. People, walking through groves, parks, squares, get
great aesthetic pleasure, which leads to an improvement in the overall
2. Research in my village
2.1. The activities of the Vyshinsky territorial forestry in the case
forest protection
In our village, the GKU "Vyshinsky
territorial forestry. I did my research with
survey of specialists of this institution. I have been given everything
necessary statistical and cartographic data.
I found out that the Vyshinsky territorial forestry
located in the southwestern part of the Republic of Mordovia, on the territory
Zubovo Polyansky municipal district. Forestry in the west borders on
Ryazan region, in the south with the Penza region. northern border
passes adjacent to the Zubovo Polyansky territorial forestry.
Annex 1 shows the location of Vyshinsky
territorial forestry on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia.
Vyshinsky territorial forestry is organized by order
Rosleskhoz dated 06/27/2007 No. 295. The total area of ​​the Vyshinsky forestry
is 55791 hectares, it includes 3 district forestries. Structure
Vyshinsky territorial forestry, areas of district forestries,
are shown in table 1.
Structure of the Vyshinsky Territorial Forestry
Table 1

Total for forestry
forest land occupy 95.8% of the total area of ​​forest fund lands;
lands covered with forest vegetation - 93.7%, which indicates a high
the level of use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests on its area.
Non-forest lands occupy 4.2% of the total area of ​​forestry. Mainly
they are represented by swamps (1.6%), roads and clearings (1.0%).
GKU "Vyshinsky Territorial Forestry" is actively engaged in
carried out in order to restore
felled, dead, damaged forests. Reforestation should
ensure recovery forest plantations, conservation of biological
forest diversity, conservation useful features forests. reforestation
carried out on clearings, burnt areas, sparse areas, clearings, and other suitable for
reforestation lands.
Artificial reforestation is carried out by creating
forest crops: planting seedlings, seedlings, cuttings or sowing forest seeds
plants. And the school forestry is of great help in this. Members
school forestry engaged in the cultivation of seedlings, take part in
their landing, care; carry out environmental actions, labor landings.
2.2. Protected natural areas.

Studying the "Forestry Regulations of the Vyshinsky Territorial

Forestry”, I was surprised to learn that on the territory of the Forestry there are
Specially Protected Natural Territories (PAs) are natural monuments
which include:
 Black pine tree. The monument of nature was created to preserve
a single specimen of a rare woody North American species
black pine (age 80100 years). It is located within the boundaries of quarter 7 on
cordon Zeleniy Izvestkovsky district forestry.
 “Artificial larch forest planted in 1917”. The
a natural monument was created in order to preserve the oldest plantations
larches on the territory of the republic. The protected area is located in
the boundaries of quarter 18, unit 2 of the Izvestkovskoye district forestry and
occupies an area of ​​0.4 hectares.
 "Pine Grove" plot pine forest having a recreational
value, covers an area of ​​1.6 hectares. Located within the boundaries of block 59
section 26 of the Shiringush district forestry.
 Large peat bog. This monument of nature was created with the aim of
preservation of the lowland swamp ecosystem, rare in the Republic of Mordovia
type with the presence of taiga flora and fauna. Occupies territory
with an area of ​​82.0 hectares and is located within the boundaries of the quarter 106 sections 13, 32,
48, block 107 of division 117 of the Vyshinsky district forestry.
2.3. The problem of fires.

Forestry is heavily damaged by fires, which often
more forest areas are being destroyed than they are being restored.

The causes of forest fires are varied. Fires still

take place near settlements, and the main culprits are
local residents. Uncontrolled agricultural burning, the beginning of the collection
wild plants, deforestation - all this contributes to fire.
We must not forget the main economic reason - the low standard of living
people when mushrooms and berries are an important source of their income.
I was given information about forest fires x in territory
Vyshinsky forestry since 2010. In this fire year 2010, there were
15 fires were recorded and 3,500 hectares of forests were destroyed. In 2011, 2012, 2013
no fires have been reported in years. In 2014 - 1 fire was recorded,
0.5 ha of forest destroyed.
3. Results and conclusions
To sum up what has been said, it is necessary to mention a few
important factors:
1. The components that make up an ecosystem are closely interconnected.
2. Forests affect the Earth's climate.
Wood raw materials are actively used by man in the economic
4. Plantings have a healing effect on the human
As a result, I have drawn up a scheme "The value of the forest in nature and life
of people",

MOU "Vokhtomskaya main comprehensive school»

Reservoir" href="/text/category/vodoem/" rel="bookmark">reservoirs, earth and air from impoverishment, and the animal world from extinction, you need to know nature, deeply understand both the laws and the true value. It is not enough just to admire the pink sunset or landscape, one must be able to "see", i.e., to receive a charge of high feelings, nobility and spiritual generosity from communication with nature. And such communication will undoubtedly help the knowledge of nature.

But knowledge alone is also not enough to protect our natural environment from the destructive onslaught of ecologically illiterate people. Need action. Therefore, it is so important to master the ability from childhood, to temper one's will in order to become an active fighter for the protection of one of the main human values ​​- the natural environment.

Upbringing ecological culture- the most urgent task of the modern socio-cultural situation. Important component ecological culture of the student is the formation of conscious environmental behavior.

One of the first tasks is to help children realize that they are part of nature. The rational part of nature is obliged to save the planet. The basis of our work is a great love for nature, for every person, for all living things that surround us.

The project is intended for elementary school students with an environmental focus. The content is aimed at developing the ecological culture of students, a responsible attitude to nature.

The relevance of the project is due to the significance of the environmental problems under consideration, which life itself puts before us.

General selection principles content content is:


Unity of consciousness and activity


Personal orientation



Accessibility for primary school students.

Practical orientation.

The project includes and reveals the main content lines: the ecology of the nearest natural and social environment (your school, your house, apartment, surrounding animals, plants).

2. Fulfillment of a practical task ("experimenters")

3. Design of the task ("illustrators")

4. Formulation of conclusions ("analytics")

5. Application of results (“researchers”)

The third group implements the block " medicinal plants our area."



1. Summarize knowledge about medicinal plants in our area;

2. Find out the significance of medicinal plants for humans;

3.Educate careful attitude to nature;

4.Develop research skills;

It consisted of a number of tasks:

1. Questioning children.

2. Questioning of adults.

3. Carrying out research observations.

4. Work with a computer in the library.

Stage 3.

Practically active.

Each group performs tasks that are determined through joint discussion.

1. "Our smaller brothers."


Conducts search work on the selection of material about the animals of our region on the Internet, using educational and popular science literature, conducts a survey of the population of the village, interviews the population, photographs. Introduces children to children's books about animals and flora. They organize excursions into nature “Whose footprints are these”, “Birds have arrived”.


Prepare reports on the wintering of various animals. Prepared reports: "The life of animals in the spring"; "Birds Have Arrived" "Insects in Spring". Organize competitive programs, games, competitions:

Cognitive game "In the forest for riddles"

Games "Whose pen is this?", "Whose nose?"

Process and print material on the computer on the topic. Book exhibitions are organized: “How wild animals hibernate”, “Migratory birds”.

The group asked the guys about the changes in nature in the spring.

The journalists composed mini stories of natural history and ecological content.

"Artists - designers".

Draw pictures on the topic.

Making out the book "Surprises of the Forest Clearing"

Bird feeders were made at labor lessons. They hung them around the school and near their homes. The children did not forget to feed the birds. They were very interested in bird watching. The children told about their observations at the lessons of the "World around", and also the children from kindergarten.

We started making birdhouses for migratory birds. We plan to start a journal where we will record our observations of birds:

Which birds arrived first;

Which are the latest;

Where do they nest?

2. "The forest is our friend."

1. Section "Forest types".

This group is offered cut cards with the image of twigs and fruits of various trees.

"Experimenters" lay out the cards into 2 groups.

"Analysts" draw conclusions about the existence of conifers and deciduous forests.

“Illustrators” draw up cards “Into the forest for riddles. Vegetable world"

2. Section "Animal world".

Children are given the task to draw up cards "The animal world of our area"

"Testers" are preparing a story for this section.

3. Section "Birds of our area".

4. Section "Guess whose footprints are these?".

Search work in nature. Children watch animal tracks in the snow.

They determine whose traces they are, write them down in notebooks. Find

material about traces seen in nature.

5. Section "The value of the forest in human life."

Children receive a “crumbled” poem by S. Marshak “What do we plant when planting forests?” and a picture depicting a forest, as well as a set of subject pictures from the series “What does the forest give us?”.

"Experimenters" make up a poem from lines.

"Illustrators" look for pictures on the Internet.

"Testers" compose the text of the message "The value of the forest in human life."

3. "Medicinal plants of our area."

Target: study of medicinal plants in our area.

Tasks: generalize knowledge about medicinal plants in our area;

find out the importance of medicinal plants for humans;

cultivate respect for nature;

develop research skills;

Each of the children chose a plant they would like to observe.

Children are doing research.

1 task.

Questioning children.

Questionnaire questions:

1. What medicinal plants of our area do you know?

2. What benefits do they provide?

3. What should I do to prevent these plants from disappearing?

The survey involved 12 people. We concluded that children know the medicinal plants of our area, what benefits they bring and how to preserve them.

2. Made a presentation "Medicinal plants of our area."

Possible obstacles in the course of project implementation and possible ways to overcome them

Possible obstacle

Ways to overcome

Not everyone willingly participated in the project.

Difficulties in completing the task.

Minor computer skills.

Conversations, excursions, work in interest groups.

Consultations of children with project leaders.

Visits to the circle on informatics.


During design work students learned a lot. The work helped them understand that they are part of nature and should take good care of it. Then nature will appear before people kind, giving its wealth and the joy of communication.


This project found a significant emotional and cognitive response among students, and work on it contributed to the successful solution of a whole range of didactic and developmental tasks.

It was interesting to work on the project. For us, this work is very exciting. I worked in a group of graphic designers. She drew pictures, designed an exhibition of books dedicated to wintering animals.

Mykolaets Valeriya

At first, it was not entirely clear to me what to do. And then, when we outlined a work plan and started to do everything, it became just interesting.

Bystrov Lesha

Participating in the project, we were already typing on a computer and working with the Internet.

Petukhov Vitaly.

I enjoyed making feeders and birdwatching. I also printed the text of the book "Forest Clearing Surprises" about snakes that live in our area.

Smirnov Sasha.

After completing the project, the children shared their impressions with classmates and teachers. The guys presented their project at the “Seeker” conference on design and research activities of students.

Material and technical support of the event:

Internet, camera, computer.


Magazine " Primary School» № 6, 2003.

V. Bianchi "Forest Newspaper".

Green Pages.

Atlas-determinant "From earth to sky".

Search for information on the Internet.

Annex to the project "Forest is our wealth"

MOU Vokhtomskaya basic comprehensive school of the Parfenevsky district of the Kostroma region.

Scenario of an excursion to the forest for children 7-11 years old

Prepared and hosted:


year 2009


Formation of ecological culture.


To instill love for the native land;

- to form conscious ideas about the norms and rules of behavior in nature.

The course of the tour.


Today we will go on an extraordinary journey of mystery. And where - guess for yourself.


The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house

You will see miracles in it. (forest)


Parfenevsky district is located in the forest zone. Forests occupy 84% of the total area of ​​the district or 209425 hectares.

Did you know that more than 20 thousand items of products are obtained from the forest: food products, vitamins, building materials, raw materials for chemistry, livestock feed, healing air ...


I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.

I grow very straight - in height (Pine)


Every fifth tree in our forests is a pine. Together with oxygen, the tree enriches the air with volatile substances - phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on tuberculosis pathogens.

What other trees are conifers?


prickly, green,
Chopped down with an axe.
prickly, green,
Comes to our house (spruce)


A relative has a Christmas tree

non-thorny needles,

But unlike the tree,

Those needles are falling (larch)


And what are the needles of a pine tree and a Christmas tree called? (needles)

We are already in deciduous forest. And here is the first meeting.


One hectare of birch forest evaporates 47 thousand liters of water per day. This includes water purification, air humidification, and future rains. Birch is a medicinal tree. But do not forget that one large birch tree damaged by an ax can lose up to 200 liters of juice in the spring. Songs are sung about the birch.

What songs and poems about birch do you know?


I crawled out of crumbs - barrels,

Roots started up and grew.

I became tall and powerful.

I'm not afraid of thunder or clouds.

I feed pigs and squirrels

Nothing that the fruit of my chalk (oak)


Oaks are found in our area. They reach 20-30 meters in height, live for years.

What tree is this?


Takes from my flower

The bee is the most delicious honey.

And yet they offend me:

Thin skin is torn off (linden)


Linden brings great benefits to a person. This is lime honey. This tree lives 300-400 years.

Guess what tree this is?


green in spring,

Sunbathed in summer

put on in autumn

Red corals (rowan)


In winter, mountain ash feeds birds. Its fruits are also useful for humans. They have no less carotene than carrots, parsley, sea buckthorn.


As if snowball white.

It bloomed in spring.

A gentle scent exuded

And when the time has come

She became at once

Everything from the berry is black (cherry)


This forest beauty has been treating people since ancient times.

But the forest is not only trees, but also berries, flowers, mushrooms. We all love wild flowers. What do you know about them?


Golden and young

Became gray within a week.

And two days later

Bald head.

I'll hide in my pocket

Former ... (dandelion)


First out of the ground

On the thaw

He is not afraid of frost

Though small (snowdrop)


The blue bell hangs

He never rings (bell)


Bluebells, snowdrops, some types of tulips and peonies, and primroses are listed in the Red Book.

The forest generously shares its berry reserves with people.

What kind of berries does the forest put in our baskets?


In the heat of the stumps

Lots of thin stems.

Each thin stem

Holds a scarlet light.

Unfolding the stems

We collect lights (strawberries)


I am red, I am sour

I grew up in the swamp

Ripe under the snow

Well, who knows me (cranberry)


Sweet, fragrant,

She grew up in a shady forest.

I can grow in a garden

I will visit you in the summer.

I consist of small lobules,

Very juicy, tasty, scarlet (raspberries)


The sun scatters arrows

pines ignite,

What kind of berry is ripe

Is it blue?

On the bushes, under the leaves

Someone threw the beads -

All glades in blue dots

By green pines (blueberries)


The forest treats generously, but take only berries from it. A blueberry shrub can grow for 300 years, but if you break it, uproot it, then a new bush with fruits will appear only after 7-8 years. Solve the riddle.

drilled the earth,
Left the box
Himself came into the world
Covered with a hat (mushroom)

And who among us did not pick mushrooms in the forest?

From the history.

“Parfenevtsy made the collection and sale of mushrooms the main source of their livelihood. Over the course of decades, the settlement turned into the mushroom capital of Russia: countless thousands of tubs with milk mushrooms, mushrooms, dried mushrooms all kinds and virtues.

In the early 50s of the 19th century, Kornilov, a well-known publicist at that time, wrote in the Moskvityanin magazine: “Parfeniev is the center of the mushroom industry. The best mushrooms are delivered from Parfenyevo, which is famous for its porcini mushrooms, as Tsaritsyn - for watermelons and Kizlyar - for grapes "


I grow up in a red cap

Among aspen roots

You will see me a mile away

My name is ... (boletus)


Along forest paths

Lots of white legs

In colorful hats

Noticeable from afar.

Collect, do not hesitate

This is ... (russula)


Summer is the first sign:

Under the birch in the cold

brown mushroom

On a spotted root (boletus)


In the forest glade

Under the mighty pine

The old man stands

It has a white cap on it.

Who happens in the forest -

He will recognize him (boletus)


He looked timidly

From a moss tussock

A chain of ripe cranberries

Raised above the head (mokhovik)

Stood on strong leg,
Now lies in a basket. (Porcini)


And what mushrooms can not be collected? Why? What is the right way to pick mushrooms?

Is it possible to imagine a forest clearing without insects and birds?


He comes every year
Where the house is waiting.
Knows how to sing other people's songs
And yet it has its own voice (starling)


Coloring - grayish,
Habit - furtive,
hoarse screamer -
Famous person.
Who is she? .. (crow)


Little boy in a gray coat
Snooping around the yards, picking up the crumbs,
At night he wanders - he steals hemp.


Carpenter with a sharp chisel
Building a house with one window.


Woodpeckers are forest nurses. They do not spoil healthy trees, but hollow out the bark of those that are affected inside by bark beetles.


Jumping spring -
green back -
From grass to blade of grass
From branch to path (ant)


Flying over the lawn
Pat over a flower -
He will share honey (bee)


Bees pollinate more than 50 types of crops. One bee pollinates from 4 to 16 thousand flowers per day.


Who in the forest without axes builds a hut without corners (ant)


It is difficult to imagine a forest without large and small animals.


Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk (hedgehog)


Who from the tall dark pines
Did you throw a bump at the kids?
And into the bushes through the stump
Flashed like a flame? (squirrel)


Does not like seeds from cones,
And he catches poor gray mice.
Among the animals, she is a beauty!
Red cheat ... (fox)


What kind of forest animal
I stood up like a column under a pine tree
And stands among the grass -
Ears bigger than head? (hare)


This is where our journey ended. But we have not solved all the forest riddles yet. Books and new travels will help to learn something new about the forest. But do not forget that you need to protect nature. Take care of the forest. Its inhabitants, and you will preserve the beauty of the earth.

A student reads an excerpt from Olga Kolova's poem "Parfenyevo"

In the wind, the mountain ash proudly blooms,

The majestic pines rustle ...

Here are centuries, like the kingdom of Berendey,

The wilderness of forests kept our settlement.


Magazines "Primary School", " Forest riddles» Yury Dmitriev, Provincial House magazine.

Introduction ………………………………………………………………….3

1. Theoretical part…………………………………………………...4

1. 1. The value of forests………………………………………………………4

1.2. Causes of deforestation ……………………………….....4

1.3 Troubleshooting…………………………………………….…5

2. Practical part………………………………………………….. ..6


Literature ……………………………………………………………… .9


Of all the plant resources on Earth, the most importance in nature and human life have forests. They suffered the most from economic activity and became the object of protection earlier than others.

Forests, including those planted by people, occupy an area of ​​about 40 million km2, or about 1/3 of the land surface. The planet has 30% coniferous and 70% deciduous forests. Forests have an impact on all components of the biosphere, play a huge medium-forming role.

Forests are renewable Natural resources. Their rational use is based on the ecological laws of conservation, restoration and change of plant communities.

Scientists have calculated that on Earth every minute people cut down about 20 hectares of forest. Every minute so much forest disappears from the Earth! I was wondering how much in 10 minutes? What about an hour? And for a year? Will it not happen that there will be no forests left on Earth at all? I wanted to reveal some secrets of the forest, sometimes quite familiar, and sometimes absolutely mysterious, to find out what the forest is for a person. Is a person always fair in relation to the forest, is it not his fault that environmental problems the woods? How can we help solve these problems. All this became the goal of my work.

1. Theoretical part

1.1. The meaning of forests

Forests play an important role in the development of the economy, the improvement of the environment, and the well-being of the people. Wood is used to make plastics, fertilizers, explosives. Alcohol, sugar, synthetic rubber are obtained from sawdust. Wood is used for the manufacture of sleepers, containers, plywood; it is used in the pulp and paper and furniture industries.
Forest air is one of the most powerful means of healing human body. The forests of the planet are a powerful source of atmospheric oxygen (1 hectare of forest releases 5 tons of oxygen into the atmosphere per year. Forest air is saturated with phytoncides. Their number depends on the type of trees growing in the forest. One hectare of forest releases up to five kilograms of phytoncides into the atmosphere per day. The amount of phytoncides in the forest air depends on the weather.These substances destroy many pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

The forest zone is the world's largest hunting ground: squirrel and sable, marten and ermine, beaver and otter, black grouse, capercaillie, hazel grouse - which hunters do not bring from the forests.
1. 2. Causes of deforestation

Forests in the Russian Federation cover 771 million hectares of land. This area is shrinking sharply.The reasons for the reduction are different. First of all, these are fires. MainForest fires are human activities, lightning discharges, spontaneous combustion of peat chips and agricultural burns in hot weather or in the so-called fire season.

Depending on the nature of the fire and the composition of the forest, forest fires are divided into ground fires, in which only the forest litter, mosses and lichens burn out; riding, in which the entire forest burns, and soil (underground). In the Republic of Bashkortostan from the beginning current year damage from forest fires reached 26.7 million rubles. According to the Ministry of Forestry of Bashkiria, since the beginning of 2010, 403 forest fires have been registered in the republic, the area of ​​which is 8,232.8 hectares.

Deforestation is also one of the reasons for deforestation. The annual felling volume is more than 4.5 billion m 3 . Construction is the main reason for deforestation. Wood serves as a raw material for obtaining valuable chemical products and paper. It turns out that to receive 10,000 sq. meters of paper required 1 hectare of forest.

The next problem is forest pollution. The forests frequented by tourists are so thoroughly littered with tin cans, bottles, rags, paper, etc. The area of ​​forests killed by industrial emissions is increasing.

Poaching always deals crushing blows to the animal world of Russia, which contributes to the disappearance of many species of wild animals.

1.3. Solution of problems

To increase the fire resistance of forests, large-scale work is being carried out on the fire-fighting device of the forest fund, systems of fire breaks and barriers are being created, a network of roads and reservoirs, and forests are being cleared of clutter.

An important measure for rational use forests is the fight against timber loss. Often, branches and needles remain in the felling areas, which are a valuable material for the preparation of coniferous flour - vitamin feed for livestock.

The forest is very difficult to restore. But still, the forest is restored in cut down areas, sown in unforested areas. To protect nature from destruction, people create reserves. The total area of ​​specially protected natural areas Republic of Bashkortostan is 1045952.22 thousand hectares, or 7.3 percent of the area of ​​the republic. There are three reserves on the territory of the republic (“Bashkirsky”, “Shulgan-Tash”, “South-Uralsky”), national park"Bashkiria", three natural parks ("Asly-Kul", "Kandry-Kul", "Muradymovskoe Gorge"), 29 state nature reserves, including 15 zoological ones, 178 natural monuments, 7 districts of mountain and sanitary protection of medical and recreational areas and resorts, landscape natural park of local importance "Zilim".

Significantly save wood allows the use of waste paper. Since 60 kg of waste paper will save the life of one spruce and reduce deforestation. In addition, it is economically feasible to use waste paper as a raw material for producing new paper in view of the much lower cost of the final product in this case. Indeed, to obtain cellulose from wood, much more resources are required than when processing waste paper!

2. Practical part

1. After learning that one medium-sized tree produces as much oxygen as needed for three people, I wondered: are there enough trees planted on the school site to provide all students and teachers with oxygen?

The school has 564 students and 45 teachers. There are 609 people in total. Let's calculate how many trees are needed to provide 609 people with oxygen: 609: 3= 203 trees are needed.

There are 185 trees growing on our school plot. That is, 203 -185 = 18 trees need to be planted to provide all people with oxygen.

Conclusion: Not enough trees have been planted on the school grounds.

2. There are a lot of forest plantations in our village. They cover an area of ​​approximately 300 hectares. If 1 hectare of forest emits up to 5 kg of phytoncides per day, then how many phytoncides do our trees emit?

300 * 5 \u003d 1500 kg \u003d 1 ton. 500 kg of phytoncides are emitted by the trees of our village.

Theoretically, with such a number of antiseptics, a large city can be freed from microorganisms.

Conclusion: The air of our village is ecologically clean, thanks to the large number of forest plantations.

3. For the production of 10,000 m 2 of paper, 1 ha of forest is required. How many hectares of forests need to be cut down in order to publish the edition of the textbook "Mathematics Grade 4" by L.G. Peterson, from which we learn?

By measuring the dimensions of the textbook (20 cm * 26 cm), we find the area of ​​​​one page. 20 * 26 \u003d 520 (cm 2). The textbook consists of three parts. Each part of the textbook consists of 96 pages. That is only 3 * 96 = 288 (p) - in three parts.

288: 2 = 144 (sheets) - in three parts.

That is the area of ​​​​all sheets: 144 * 520 \u003d 74,880 (cm 2) The circulation is 725,000 books. The total area of ​​paper for the entire circulation: 74880 * 725,000 \u003d 54288000000 (cm 2) \u003d 5428800 (m 2) Find out how much wood was spent on this circulation:

5428800: 10,000 = 542 ha 88 ar

This is approximately 543 hectares. If the area of ​​the residential part of our village is about 1000 hectares, then 543 hectares is more than half of the area of ​​Karmaskaly.

Conclusion: For the publication of the textbook "Mathematics Grade 4" L.G. Peterson, it is necessary to cut down a forest with an area of ​​​​more than half the area of ​​​​our village.

After analyzing the conclusions made, I thought: how can we help preserve trees and forests? I learned from the Internet that 60 kg of waste paper will save the life of 1 spruce. How much waste paper do we throw away? After class, I weighed the paper trash of our class. 125 g of paper was thrown away in one day. If you count, for the academic year, one class throws out

125*200 = 25,000 g = 25 kg. There are 28 classes in our school: 25 * 28 = 700 kg of waste paper is thrown away by schoolchildren per year. 700: 60~12 firs could be saved.

Conclusion: The collection of waste paper will significantly save the number of forests. Let's collect and donate waste paper!


At all times, people have used the forest. Nowadays, forestry is a very important industry, which employs many people who produce a lot of useful things.

Even hundreds of years ago, a huge part of the earth's surface was covered with forests. For many years, people cut down trees mercilessly for fuel and building materials for housing. The area occupied by forests has drastically decreased, and in some places they have completely disappeared.

Many forests continue to die even now, because they are not properly controlled and cared for. Instead of preserving and protecting nature, man excessively uses its gifts in his economic activities.

Forests guard our health.

The forest has many environmental problems.!

Forests must exist in order for man himself to exist, for the sake of preserving the great wealth of the animal and plant kingdom for the coming generations of our Planet.

Do not make fires in the forest, clean up after yourself!

Plant at least one tree yourself!

Collect and donate waste paper!

Save nature, don't ruin yourself!

Look at her like people, loving!

After all, the future can be lost forever!

Love nature, love yourself!


1. I.N. Balbyshev "From the life of the forest, St. Petersburg: LENIZDAT, 1990", pp. 3-5, 152-161, 164-167

2. Yu.V. Novikov "Ecology, environment and man", M.: UNITI, 1998 p.240-260

3.www. ecosystema. en

ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT "Forest is our friend"

Project motto.

Brighter, brighter the sun shines from the sky for us.

Higher, higher the tree above the ground to grow.

Let the sprout trees grow with love.

Project passport

1. Topic: “Trees are ours faithful friends »

2. Type of project: design - research.

3. Nature of the project: creative - research.

4. By the nature of contacts: children, educator, parents.

5. By the number of participants: group

6. By duration: short-term (22.10.12 -26.10.12).

7. Subject of study: trees on our site.


Ecological education of preschool children - the formation of ecological consciousness, ecological culture, the ability to understand and love in preschool children the world and take good care of it. When children are introduced to nature, opportunities for aesthetic, patriotic, moral education. Communication with nature enriches the spiritual sphere of the child, contributes to the formation of positive moral qualities.

Objective of the project:

- Research activities to study the life of trees in relation to its ecosystem.

To form in preschoolers ideas about the life of trees, their relationship with environment, identifying the benefits and harms of the flora and fauna of the ecosystem during observations and conversations.



To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200btrees;

To form generalized methods of mental activity and means of building one's own cognitive activity.


Develop mental operations of comparison and generalization;

To develop a cognitive interest in all living things, a desire to gain new knowledge from books; curiosity, observation fantasy;

To gain experience in research activities for children, to form the ability to realize interests;

Develop the ability to predict future changes;

Develop motivation for a healthy lifestyle.


Cultivate an emotional attitude towards trees, communication with them on an equal footing;

To cultivate love for nature, the desire to protect it, protect it.

Expected results:

The development of a person who is not indifferent, with an emotional and valuable aesthetic attitude to the world, which combines the qualities of morality, aesthetic taste, communication skills, empathy, imaginative thinking, and creative abilities, continues.

Formed consciously - the correct attitude towards objects and natural phenomena, ecological thinking;

Develop mental capacity children who manifest themselves in the ability to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions;

The children had a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities;

There comes an understanding of the need for a careful and caring attitude to nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical value for a person.

Action plan:

1. Goal setting;

2. Search for a form of project implementation;

3. Development of the content of the entire educational process based on the subject of the project;

4.Organization of a developing, cognitive, subject environment;

5. Definition of directions of search practical activity;

6. Organization of joint creative search practical activities with parents and children;

7. Collective implementation of the project, its demonstration.

Project stages:

1. Preparatory:

Purpose: the formation of environmental literacy of the child.


1) The development of the child as a person (thinking, emotional, aesthetic, sensory development).

2) Protection and strengthening of children's health.

3) Education of love for the nature of the native land.

Research methods: observations during excursions, research on walks, drawing, applique, manual labor, play, conversation, writing stories and fairy tales, acquaintance with literary works and works of art.

2. Research:

Search for answers to the questions posed. Working with children: a conversation about trees.

Purpose: to interest the problem, to find out the ideas of children about these plants, their attitude towards them.


1. How are trees different from other plants?

2. What trees do you know?

3. Are trees alive or not? Why do you think so?

4. Are there many trees near our kindergarten? What are their names?

5. Who do you think plants trees? For what?

6. How many of you have seen trees in the forest? And who puts them there?

7. Where do you think trees live better - in the forest or in the city? Why?

8. Do people pay enough attention to trees? And you personally? Have trees ever helped you? And you to them? Give examples.

9. Let's imagine that the trees suddenly disappeared. What will happen all over the earth? In our city? Near kindergarten? At your house? Will anything change in our lives? Why do trees disappear?

3. Final:

Ecological entertainment "Birthday of the forest".

tree passport


Birch in Russia is one of the most common tree species. Birch is distinguished by its slender growth. . The height of the trees reaches 20 - 25 m or more, birch lives up to 100 - 120 years.

A plant with flowers - catkins, which appear before the formation of leaves. Blooms in April - May.

The root system of birches is powerful. Birch grows slowly only in the first years, then, on the contrary, it begins to grow rapidly,

The bark of birches is white, yellowish.

Birch leaves are serrated along the edge, with a wide wedge-shaped base, smooth, up to 7 cm long and 4 cm wide, turn yellow before falling off. Young leaves are sticky.

Kidneys covered with often sticky scales

Birch is suitable for many things: excellent wood, even to cut down a house, even to make furniture. Firewood is very hot, others are not like birch.

And a Russian sauna is inconceivable without a birch broom. And how many folk crafts use birch bark and wood.

Birch heals people from many diseases. In the spring, during sap flow, birch sap can be harvested: it has healing properties.

Medical activated carbon is obtained from its wood.

Medicine has been using birch buds, leaves and sap since ancient times.


Rowan It is a deciduous tree with a height of 4 to 8 m.

Grows in open and shaded places, on different soils, does not tolerate only heavily waterlogged. It responds well to fertilizers and competent tillage, easily tolerates unfavorable years. It grows throughout our country.

root system it is branched and is located in the upper layers of the soil, so it can be grown on soils with close standing groundwater, where many fruit crops cannot grow.

Tolerates frost down to minus 50°С. Blooms late.

Bark she has grey. Leaves are compound, up to 21 cm, consisting of 9 small leaves. White small flowers are collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence.

Fruit mountain ash - orange-red berries of a bitter taste.

Rowan - a valuable fruit, medicinal and ornamental plant.

Its fruits contain many biologically active substances: vitamin C, iron, a lot of glucose, fructose, iodine was found. It is also rich in phytoncides.

From fruits rowan you can cook juices, jams, compotes, jam. The pureed fruits of some varieties are used as a condiment.

medicinal value

Dried rowan fruits are used in the form of collections, liquid extracts from fresh berries.

Rowan fruits are also used for atherosclerosis, hypertension and nephrolithiasis, used as a diuretic and hemostatic agent, as well as for diabetes, liver and kidney diseases.
The fruits of mountain ash are especially valuable as a rich multivitamin remedy.

At any time of the year, mountain ash is an adornment of streets, gardens and parks.

Poems about trees

Sad birch..." A.A. Fet

sad birch
By my window
And the whim of frost
She is torn apart.

Like bunches of grapes
The ends of the branches hang, -
And joyful to look at
All mourning attire.

I love the daylight game
I notice on her
And I'm sorry if the birds
Shake off the beauty of the branches.

L. Kavaliaka

Behind the birch window
In festive attire
The breeze is swaying
Solar strands.
Leaves will fall
Will lay down with a veil

And cover the earth
Light blanket.
And spring will come -
Earrings hang again
branches adorn,
Like the dress brooches


I am thick, curly
Grow up to fame
Note me!
I am honey colored
Blooming in summer
Protect me!
And on a hot day
I'll hide in the shade from the sun, -
Water me!
The downpour pours at times, I will hide from the downpour, -
Don't break me!
good for both
We grow with you -
Love me!
You will go out into the wide world,
You will see the whole country,
Do not forget me!

P. Voronko

Pantry folk wisdom

Decorates their people

Every time on New Year's Eve.

Instead of leaves - needles.

Name the trees! (Christmas trees)


yellow and red clothes

Each leaf is like a palm.

It is the brightest in autumn.

Guessed? It... (maple)

*** ***

*** ***

The bush is drowning in terry flowers,

As if in purple clouds.

On a bright warm May day

Our eyes please... (lilac)

White bottom, green top -

In the summer grove is the most beautiful of all!

Stripes on trunks.

are good ... (birches)

Proverbs, sayings about trees

Proverbs, sayings about linden

v And nuts, it turns out, grow on linden.

Proverbs and sayings about oak:

v You can't cut down an oak without puffing out your lips.

v In the forest, an oak is a ruble, and in the capital - a knitting needle for a ruble.

v Oak fruits are only suitable for pigs.

v The oak is old, but the root is fresh.

v The oak is great, but from a small ax it falls.

v The storm will knock down the oak, but the reed will stand. Oak slowly gaining its growth.

v If the herd roars at once at the oak, the oak will fall.

Proverbs and sayings about pine

v Pine feeds, and linden shoes.

v Every pine makes noise only to its forest.

v For us, every oak is a sheepskin coat, every pine is a hut.

v From the apple tree - apples, and from the pine - cones.

mini museum

Passport of exhibits of the mini-museum

"Wonderful tree transformations"

Exhibit name: Matryoshka is a wooden doll.

short information

Matryoshka (from the diminutive name "Matryona") is a Russian wooden toy in the form of a painted doll, inside of which there are smaller dolls similar to it. The number of nested dolls is usually from three or more, has an ovoid ("egg-like") shape with a flat bottom and consists of two parts - upper and lower. By tradition, a woman is drawn in a red sundress and a yellow scarf. Nowadays, the themes for painting are diverse: these are fairy-tale characters, the theme of Russia in the form of a girl, as well as a family

One of the main centers for the manufacture and painting of matryoshkas is the city of Semyonov (after the name of the city, the matryoshka is called Semyonovskaya). Neighborhood with Khokhloma largely determines the originality of the painting of the Semenov matryoshka. Matryoshka dolls from the city of Semyonov have multi-color painting and an abundant sophisticated pattern with thick curved branches, flowers, berries, curls on a light background.

Nested dolls are made in various workshops. First, a suitable type of wood is selected linden, alder or birch. Trees are usually cut down in early spring, the bark is removed. . The logs are then stored and dried for several years in a well-ventilated area.

How to use in working with children: Matryoshka is used as a visual material for the development of children's decorative creativity, for modeling and gaming activity Making creative stories for children.

additional literature : I. Chernitskaya "Matryoshka" . riddles about matryoshka, reading proverbs: “A lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, no forest - plant”, “Forest is not friends with fire”, “The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest”.

Exhibit name: Miracle Spoons.

short information

Wooden spoons are a reflection of the originality of our Russian culture and its cultural traditions. Wooden spoons came to us from time immemorial, charming everyone with their originality and color.

The Spoon Capital of Russia and the recognized center of the world-famous Khokhloma painting is popularly called the city of Semyonov, which is located in the depths of the Kerzhen forests of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Here, the traditional craft of the ancestors, who made wonderful wood chips, is carefully preserved, multiplied and passed down from generation to generation.

Carving a real Russian wooden spoon is not easy, it requires talent from the craftsman. Used to make spoons linden, aspen , First, the carpenter needs to decide on the shape of the spoon: round or oval, flat, voluminous or faceted. Each shape of a wooden spoon corresponds to its purpose. It can be a spoon for pickles, a dessert spoon, a slotted spoon, a spoon for mustard, salt, etc.

The spoon is often decorated with exquisite carvings, sometimes so skillful that you have to examine its individual details through a magnifying glass.

How to use with children : visual material for the development of decorative creativity of preschoolers, used to develop musical abilities

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