How old is the redhead's wife from Ivanushki. The red-haired "Ivanushka" - Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov divorced his wife

Recipes 24.06.2019

Red-haired "Ivanushka" admits that he was never deprived of the attention of girls and did not suffer from loneliness, but his family life did not take shape immediately - the first civil wife of Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov Maria Lopatova she preferred him to another and after several years of relationship she married not him, but basketball player Andrei Kirilenko.

With his second wife Marina Bankova Andrei met in the company of mutual friends. He was fascinated by her from the first appearance, and immediately began to actively court. When they met, Marina was only seventeen, and she "threw" herself two years to seem older, but very quickly this lie surfaced.

In the photo - red "Ivanushka" with his wife

Soon they began to live together, and in 2003 the wife of Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov gave birth to his first son, Ivan. As the singer admits, Marina had to endure a lot from his fans, who besieged him day and night. What was worth only a box with their joint photographs, in which Marina's eyes were burned out, thrown to the door of their apartment!

In 2008, Andrei became a father for the second time - his wife gave birth to a son, Artem, and only after that did he make an official proposal to Marina to become his legal wife. They celebrated the wedding at the Harem restaurant, where close relatives and friends were invited.

In the photo - the wife of Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov

According to the artist, for more than eleven years, while they were together, he never had a desire to have an affair with someone on the side, but the press periodically bred them, and one of the most discussed was the rumor that Andrei's wife Grigorieva-Apollonova is cheating on him with hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. But the red-haired "Ivanushka" refutes all these speculations, and says that Alexander is his close friend and simply was always next to his wife to protect her from others.

While the children were small, Andrei forbade his wife to work, and she spent all eight years at home, but in last years she became a PR manager for tennis player Svetlana Kuznetsova. Marina had known Svetlana for a long time, besides, she herself is a master of sports in tennis, so she immediately agreed to Kuznetsova's offer to work with her.

It so happened that Andrei never lived alone - he constantly met girls. The singer always wanted someone to bring him tea in bed and feed him breakfast. One love followed another, and the artist's first public romance was a relationship with Maria Lopatova, who later became the wife of basketball player Andrei Kirilenko. But then "Ivanushka" met his one and only Marina - according to him, it was a blow to the solar plexus. “Maybe I had already walked up by that time, maybe she bewitched me, I don’t know, but I couldn’t get away from Masha ... - admits Grigoriev-Appolonov. - For 10 years I have not been looking for something, I have been looking out for Alyonushka. I knew that sooner or later I would meet this man.”

Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov and Marina Bankova, master of sports in tennis, met in a common company - when this girl appeared, everyone was simply dumbfounded, because at that moment she had just returned from vacation - tanned, slender, with blond hair. Coming out of his stupor, the only thing that Grigoriev-Appolonov could whisper was: “Do not touch anyone!” “I fell in love instantly. To the very ears. Somehow, by hook or by crook, he asked Mani for a phone number, - the artist recalls. - Masha still insists that she has never been a fan of "Ivanushki", therefore, as a gentleman, I was "on the drum" with her. But on the other hand, it flattered me, which means that she fell in love with me for human qualities, and not because I am a popular musician. The fact that Masha at the time of our acquaintance was a minor - she was only 17 - she hid from me. She said that she was 19. She lied so confidently. Spent it clean, the girl turned out to be capable. And only two years later, when I met her mother, I found out the truth. Laughed for a long time. I called her: "Manya, so what year were you born?" She immediately defends herself: “There is confusion. I have two passports!” I say: “Okay. Instead of 20 you are 18 again?! This is great news!”

12-year-old Ivan and 7-year-old Artemy play hockey, dance, sing and only please their parents!

Letters with threats

Marina, of course, found it difficult to survive the fantastic popularity of the group - she was simply attacked by Ivanushki fans, sent threatening letters. “Once she received a box, opened it - and there was a pile of our joint photographs cut out from newspapers and magazines, and Masha’s eyes were burned out on everyone,” Andrey shares his horror. “But I couldn’t always be by her side and protect her. And when he went on tour, and she remained at home alone, it began ... They constantly knocked on the door, called and threatened: “Come out! I will kill you!...” The police were constantly visiting our address. But we must give Masha her due - she held on courageously.

Marina really used to be very scared by this side of show business. When they just started living together, Andrei introduced her to all the "charms" of artistic life. At first, Marina accompanied him on all tours and realized that this was a very heavy bread. “Permanent flights, moving, fans who don’t let you take a step and guard under the door of a hotel room ... I had to call the police more than once when the girls allowed themselves something completely outrageous - tantrums, threats ... Fortunately, now such scenes occur much less frequently . Yes, and I learned how to behave properly with young ladies who call from Vladivostok at five in the morning to declare their love to my husband, ”admits Grigoryeva-Appolonova.

Thanks to this, Marina has become so hardened that now nothing will break her! And Andrei knows this: “Recently, I accidentally overheard her conversation with a friend. She was jealous of her boyfriend in a nightclub, sobbed into the phone that he was so-and-so. And Masha says to her: “If I had been tense like this because of every photo or hug with Appolnov, I would have hung myself or gone crazy a long time ago!” Andrei quotes his wife. - Indeed, if you look at hashtags with my name on Instagram, then it seems that I am constantly hugging or kissing someone. You just can't get offended by it. “We bring laughter and joy to people!” is my motto."

Marina at one time was professionally involved in sports, worked part-time in the cinema and took steps in the modeling business, but in the end she became a simple housewife

Sons are hockey players

Marina stopped touring with her husband after she found out about her pregnancy. The first son of the spouses Ivan was born in 2003, and the second - Artemy - in 2008. Moreover, the singer told Marina about his desire to become a dad two weeks after they began to live together. He just said, "Give me a baby." She replied, "Good." And nine months later, Ivan was born. Now both boys are professionally engaged in hockey. “So the sons themselves wanted. I, of course, was for the music. But Masha said: “No show business! In no case will I give children to artists. One crazy person in the family is enough for me.” And I didn't argue with her. I would like them to become professional athletes and play in the NHL!”

Andrei does not exclude that children at the age of 17 will go to work. Already, he is preparing the boys for the fact that in old age they will have to provide for their dad: "Study well to be smart and wealthy so that your dad does nothing in retirement." Andrei is sure that the best investment is children, so he invests everything in his children. “They are talented. And, by the way, this also manifests itself in a creative way - both dance and sing very well. And in hockey their coaches praise. Comprehensively developed personalities are growing! The eldest studies without triples. The youngest is only seven years old, and he already easily assembles a designer for children from 13 and trains at the strongest sports school in Moscow. Even I don't understand how he does it. So everything is cool! And I really hope that the sons will not let me down, ”says the lead singer of the group“ Ivanushki International».

Grigoriev-Appolonov does not stop praising his woman in this vein - he notes that Marina takes on the maximum load, does everything to preserve his mental balance. The wife does not load Andrey with children's training, going to school. And besides, the artist leads a nocturnal lifestyle, so accompanying children to school is simply unrealistic for him. “Concerts sometimes end at three or four in the morning. So Masha is my heroine. I am very grateful to her for this! She knows my life from the inside, because the first years she went on tour with me. At one fine moment, however, she said: "That's it, I can no longer ride with you." This is an unreal test - both mental and physical. Now, when our team goes on tour abroad, Masha can say: “I will fly with you too. I'll hang out together!"

Recently, in honor of the 20th anniversary of Ivanushki International, Andrey's family gathered on the transfer from Andrey Malakhov

Model housewife

Throughout her life, Marina worked very little: she was fond of cinema, starred in episodic roles, but Grigoriev-Appolonov never wanted all this to flow into something serious. “There is a saying: “If you want to lose your wife, give her to an artist.” Unfortunately, this is the truth of life. I am not a dictator, I gave Masha complete freedom of action, but you need to know when to stop. Masha takes care of the house and raises children, she is helped by a nanny, her mother and grandmother, she can always rely on them. Masha does whatever she likes recent times she became interested in equestrian sports, and when Artemka was born, I gave her a horse, although I had to refuse to buy new concert costumes. Our eldest son shares his mother's passion, he also rides with pleasure. In general, my wife lives in "chocolate". The main thing is not to relax, otherwise it will not recover later. Sometimes, for prevention, you can also hit the table with your fist and remind who is the boss in the house, ”the singer says not without humor.

“Ivanushka” notes that for all the time that she and Marina spent together, he didn’t just fall in love - he didn’t even feel the desire to get carried away by someone. For him, she personifies everything that is needed: Marina is beautiful, capable and very real. “The press is trying to deceive us all the time. But don't wait! Over the years that we have been together, our relationship with Masha, of course, has slightly transformed. The first year I finished the concert, and I already had 40 unanswered calls on my phone. We talked a hundred times a day. Now - once. But I love my wife no less. And Masha loves me, I know it. The way she kisses me, the way we meet and say goodbye... So it is. And hopefully it will. Because otherwise it's not interesting. Otherwise, there is simply no point in living ... "

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The wife of the soloist of "Ivanushki International" started a new romance

In the entire CIS space, perhaps, there is no person who would not know Ryzhy Ivanushka or Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov! Since the mid-90s, the girls literally went crazy with the Ivanushki International group and its members.

Still, because it was practically the first boy band that appeared in the post-Soviet space. At the same time, the composition of the group was chosen such that each of its soloists deserved special attention. And there is no need to talk about the charm of Red! Let's take a closer look at this character.

Andrei was born in sunny Sochi on July 26, 1970 in intelligent family. My father worked as a surgeon, served as chief physician of a children's hospital.

Mom was the administrator of the winter theater in Sochi. Andrew has elder sister Julia. She, like her father, trained as a doctor and worked in her specialty for several years. Later she became a costume designer for a group in which her brother performed.

In general, the brother and sister have always had a great relationship, they are best friends.

The family lived in an ordinary Sochi five-story building. Andrei studied at the music school in the piano class. In general, he was an active boy, loved to participate in school theatrical performances. His acting talent and charm manifested itself in childhood.

The boy had a hobby, which he was fond of with childish seriousness. He collected stamps, and he managed to collect such an extensive collection that he was awarded vouchers to Artek.

In the camp, he quickly gained popularity due to acting data and restless character, for which he received the nickname "director".

From sports activities I chose table tennis and achieved considerable success in it, namely, he became a candidate for master of sports.

The last composition of the group "Ivanushki International"

Continue learning at high school after the eighth grade, the young man did not want to. The question arose as to where to study further. Dad wanted his son to follow in his footsteps.

But Andrei was not able to observe various hospital horrors and refused. Music school teachers insisted on a career as a pianist and even offered to arrange a job at a music school without exams.

But the mobile young man no longer wanted to sit at the keys. Then Andrey decided to enter a pedagogical school and, after graduating from it, even worked for several months as an elementary school teacher.

The penultimate line-up of the Ivanushki International group

At the age of sixteen, he began working as a fashion model. And four years later he managed to become a stage director in the theater of fashion.

A year later, Andrei entered the correspondence course at GITIS. He studied at the pop department.

Musical future

Soon, thanks to the victory in one of the jumping competitions, he managed to become a member of the troupe of the Polish theater, in which he began to act as a dancer in the musical "Metro". During the tour, he met Igor Sorin.

Together they decided to create a group in Moscow. They took the third and in the 94th year they began rehearsals. A year later, the group thundered all over the country.

The first composition in the group "Ivanushki International"

The group was produced by Igor Matvienko, whom Andrey had known since 1989.

The group released many hits, shot beautiful video clips that the whole country adored. "Ivanushki" kept at the peak of popularity for a very long time, more than ten years. They stopped recording new songs only in 2007.

In addition to participating in groups, Andrey acted a little in films in episodic roles, and also hosted programs on MTV, STS and NTV.

life behind the scenes

When the Ivanushki group was at the peak of popularity, the fans literally did not give Andrei a pass, he could not even calmly leave the house. Now Red Ivanushka is quite happy in his personal life.

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov with his wife Marina

His wife's name is Marina, they met at one of the parties, they officially signed only after the birth of their second son, they used to live civil marriage. The couple's first son, Ivan, was born in 2003, and the second, Artemy, in 2008.

The singer himself was engaged in arranging an apartment for the family, developed the design. Despite his cheerful disposition, Andrei is very demanding and pragmatic in everyday life, he likes everything to be in its place.

He is also very hospitable and loves when friends come to visit. The house even has a guest book where friends can leave their wishes.

You will learn how the life of male models develops in articles on

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov was born on July 26, 1970 in the city of Sochi, Krasnodar region. The boy grew up as a very mobile and artistic child. Red hair color and cheerful character made him the center of any company. They loved him at school, because the guy is already in primary school proved to be a real artist: he participated in all school events and theatrical productions. And Andryusha's favorite hobby, mark, helped him get into the All-Russian children's health resort: he was awarded a ticket to Artek for best collection stamps. In Artek, the boy was nicknamed the "director" for his active participation in all events.

But not only stamps and stage performances were Grigoriev-Apollonov's favorite pastimes. He turned out to have an excellent voice and good hearing, so his parents sent his son to music school where he learned to play the piano. Andrei also played table tennis very well, reaching the title of candidate master of sports in this game.

After graduating from the ninth grade, Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov entered the Pedagogical School. For some time he worked as a teacher. At the same time, Sochi residents who are interested in fashion were able to see a tall and bright guy as a model. It is known that Andrey even tried his hand as a stage director at the Fashion Theatre.

However, in 1991, the young man realized that everything he could achieve in his native Sochi had already been achieved, and then he decided to go to conquer Moscow. From the first time he entered the famous Russian Institute Theatrical Art, choosing the variety department. The university had to finish in absentia.

In the second year, the creative biography of Grigoriev-Apollonov made a very sharp turn. The Warsaw Drama Theater announced a competition in the capital: artists were recruited for the new musical Metro. Andrei became interested in the project and also passed the casting. He was taken as a dancer. The musical has been in preparation for a year. In 1994, the theater began touring. First, through the cities of Poland, and then the United States. But if in Poland "Metro" was received perfectly, then for sophisticated America the musical did not become a sensation. The theater departed together with the artists ahead of schedule.

It was on tour that an event occurred that influenced the future career of Grigoriev-Apollonov. The guy met Igor Sorin, who sang in the musical "Metro". After returning to the capital, the dancer and singer met again. Andrei invited Igor to work together. He got the idea to start his own musical group. Sorin agreed. Soon they were joined by Kirill Andreev. Thus, the Ivanushki International group was born.

Already in 1995 "Ivanushki Int." the whole country knew. Igor Matvienko became the producer of the group. The following year, the group's first album was released, entitled "Of course he is." Then Grigoriev-Apollonov, together with the team, went on tour, which had an incredible success. "Ivanushki" collected stadiums. Glory fell on Andrei. The first years of popularity could not leave the house, because hundreds of fans rushed at him.

The songs "Clouds", "I Love", "Beyond the Horizon", "Golden Clouds", "Poplar Fluff", "Doll" became the hits performed by the "red-haired Ivanushka" together with Sorin and Andreev. Two more discs were also released: “Of course he is. Remix" and "Your Letters". There are clips for many songs.

A cinematic biography of Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov is not as rich as a musical one. Small roles went to "red-haired Ivanushka" in the popular series "Club", "Don't Be Born Beautiful", "My Fair Nanny", "Zaitsev+1" and "Happy Together". Episodes played in the tapes "Love-carrot 2", "Election Day", "1 Ambulance". Most often, Grigoriev-Apollonov appeared as a cameo actor.

As of April 2019, Andrey also often appears on the screen. He is invited to various popular shows as a participant or host. As the latter, he was seen in the programs "12 Evil Spectators" and "Polundra".

Awards and Recognition of Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov

As part of the Ivanushki International group


1997 - best group
1998 - best group


1998 - Performer of the Year


1996 - opening of the year
2001 - Pop Band of the Year

Golden Gramophone Award

1996 - "Somewhere"
1997 - "Doll", "Clouds"
1998 - Poplar Fluff
1999 - "Sky"
2000 - "Why do you girls like blonds"
2001 - "Boat"
2002 - Golden Clouds
2004 - "Ticket to the cinema"
2015 - "Poplar fluff" (20th anniversary of the award)

Song of the year

1996 - "Clouds" (Selection and Final)
1997 - "Ring" (Selection), "Doll" (Final)
1998 - "Poplar Fluff" (Final)
1999 - "Sky" (Selection), "Bullfinches" (Selection and Final)
2000 - "Revy" (Selection and Final)
2001 - “Wait for me” (Selection), “Boat” (Selection and Final), “A Drop of Light” (Final)
2002 - “I'll be waiting” (Selection), “Redhead” (Selection), “Golden Clouds” (Final), “Hopelessness dot ru” (Final)
2003 - " North Star» (Selection) «Ticket to the Cinema» (Final)
2016 - "Dance while dancing"

One hundred hit

2003 - Lilac Bouquet

Creativity of Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov


1996 - "Of course he is"
1997 - "Your Letters"
1999 - "I'll be screaming about this all night"
2000 - "Wait for me"
2002 - "Oleg Andrey Kirill"


1998 Old songs about the main thing - 3 good fellow
2006 First Quick episode
2004-2005 Don't be born beautiful cameo
2004-2006 My fair nanny cameo
2007 Election Day "Ivan and Ushki"
2006 Arthur and the Minimoys (France) Arthur et les minimoys Barakhlyush
2007 Dashing nineties
2006-2009 Cameo club
2008 Love-carrot 2 cameo
2009 Visiting $kazki (not completed)
2010 220 volts of love Apollo singer
2010 Zaitsev, burn! History of the showman cameo
2010 Irony of love star
2010 Happy together Ippolit
2013 Zaitsev + 1 cameo

Video clips of other artists

1992 "Don't play the fool America" ​​Lyube Sergey Bazhenov
2005 "I'm Not Guilty" Fyodor Bondarchuk Factory
2016 "When We Were Young" Hands Up! Hindrek Maasik

Family of Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov

Civil wife - Maria Andreevna Kirilenko-Lopatova (born September 26, 1973), daughter of world basketball champion Andrei Lopatov. Graduated from the Moscow Institute foreign languages and the Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Wife - Marina Andreevna Grigorieva-Apollonova (nee Bankova) (born March 24, 1985), master of sports in tennis, met in 2002. A housewife, but she acted in films in episodes, she is engaged in equestrian sports.
Son - Ivan Grigoriev-Apollonov (born December 23, 2003) plays hockey for Dynamo.
Son - Artemy Grigoriev-Apollonov (born March 25, 2008).

The soloist of the most popular trio "Ivanushki International" Kirill Turichenko celebrated his 34th birthday in Moscow karaoke. However, the main star of the evening was the sexy wife of Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonova Maria.

Spectacular blonde came to the party in a bright red dress with a breathtaking neckline. The figurative wife of the Red "Ivanushka" overshadowed the hero of the occasion with her beauty. Like a goddess, Maria, tanned in Bali, entered the establishment and dazzled the audience with a smile.

Numerous star guests and journalists were greeted by mimes and an accordionist who played French songs, as Kirill Turichenko chose this style for his celebration. "I love Paris very much, and I wanted to bring the light atmosphere of this city to my holiday," the singer explained.

The caricaturist drew funny portraits of celebrities with a pencil with lightning speed. Seeing Mary, he whistled admiringly and made her portrait, focusing on the décolleté area.

"Ivanushka" Andrei himself is in admiration for his wife, who bore him two sons, Ivan and Artemy. Grigoriev-Apollo approved her bold dress.

In addition to this beautiful couple More than a hundred friends congratulated Kirill Turichenko on his birthday. Photographers only had time to take pictures of movie and pop stars arriving in an endless stream.

The party of the youngest "Ivanushka", who came to replace Oleg Yakovlev, who left the team, was attended by: Svetlana Khodchenkova, producer Igor Matvienko, Kirill Andreev with his wife Lola, Alexander Strizhenov, Alexander Oleinikov, Anastasia Grebenkina with her husband, Sasha Savelyeva and Sasha Popova from the Factory group, Dmitry Khrustalev, Dmitry Bulykin and many others.

Not only "Ivanushki" shone on the stage that evening. Other artists also enjoyed karaoke: Shura, Misha Marvin, Dzhigan, the new boy band of Igor Matvienko's production center "Catch". And the audience bathed in applause actors Vitaly Gogunsky and Sabina Akhmedova, who impressed everyone with their vocal skills.

For the sake of the star guest of the holiday, Yulia Baranovskaya, the birthday man accomplished a real feat. He personally cut ten (!) Kilograms of vinaigrette, which the TV presenter rated for the highest score.

“In Bali, Yulia Baranovskaya came to congratulate me and brought homemade Olivier. It was very tasty, and I still don’t understand how she found boiled sausage on the island. And then I promised that in Moscow I would cut the vinaigrette for all the guests myself. And here, as you can see, I kept my promise - honestly, I cut vegetables all night. Help yourself, that's all for you, "said Kirill, holding a huge pot of salad in his hands.

The party ended with the removal of a huge cake in the hall, made in the form of the main attraction of Paris - the Eiffel Tower. Her happy Turichenko first of all took a bite.

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