Collection of situational tasks on ecology. Pictures on the topic "Questions and tasks on the ecology of the city (urboecology)"

Family and relationships 06.06.2019

Read - think - draw conclusions and remember ...

Task 1. Air pollution refers to the accumulation of dust (particulate matter) in the air. It is formed during the combustion of solid fuels, during the processing of mineral substances, and in a number of other cases. The atmosphere over land is polluted 15-20 times more than over the ocean, over small town 30-35 times, and over a large metropolis 60-70 times more. Dust pollution of the atmosphere is harmful to health

person. Why?

Answer. Air pollution with dust leads to absorption from 10 to 50% sun rays. Vapors from the hearth settle on fine dust particles, while dust is the nucleus of condensation, and this is necessary for the water cycle in nature. But, we must not forget that in modern environmental conditions, dust contains a huge amount of chemical and highly toxic substances (for example, sulfur dioxide, carcinogens and dioxins), therefore, it is, first of all, a source of toxic precipitation.

Task 2. The number of malignant tumors in the indigenous population of some Arctic regions is significantly higher than average. Researchers attribute this fact to a sharp increase in the intake of radioactive substances into the body of people in the North along the food chain: lichen - deer - man. How do you understand it?

Answer. It should be noted the growth of the total radioactive contamination of the environment. Lichens, due to their slow growth and long lifespan, are able to accumulate radioactive substances from environment. Deer feed on lichens (moss moss), and the concentration of harmful substances accumulates in their bodies. If a person eats mainly reindeer meat, then radioactive substances accumulate in his body. Thus, there is an accumulation of harmful substances, which leads to serious diseases.

Task 3. Poisoning becomes widespread waterfowl in Europe and North America with lead shot. Ducks swallow pellets like gastroliths - pebbles that help grind food in the stomach. Just six medium-sized pellets can cause deadly poisoning of a mallard. Smaller portions adversely affect reproduction. What consequences for the population of ducks and for humans can such phenomena have?

Answer. Cases of lethal poisoning and disruption of duck reproduction can affect population size, i.e. there will be a reduction in numbers. For a person, the use of such ducks for food is fraught with lead poisoning, which enters his body. And, as you know, lead has a highly toxic effect on the human body.

Task 4. Existing projects of sulfur capture plants make it possible to turn large cities into sources for the production of sulfur-containing compounds, such as sulfuric acid. With the utilization of 90% of the sulfur dioxide currently emitted into the atmosphere, it is possible to obtain up to 170-180 tons of sulfuric acid per day during the heating season, based on a city with a population of 500,000. What natural principle is taken into account in such projects? What is the significance of the implementation of such projects for human health?

Answer. Nature does not know such a thing as waste: the waste products of some organisms are used by others. The same principle underlies non-waste technologies. Sulfur dioxide emitted into the atmosphere together with the air is inhaled by people, rendering harmful influences on health. Combining with water or water vapor, sulfur dioxide forms sulfuric acid. But in one case we get acid rain, which are detrimental to wildlife, and in the other - containers with sulfuric acid, which is so necessary in various production processes.

Task 5. Professor A.M. Maurin proposed a simple method for analyzing environmental changes in a city. In this case, cuts of trees in the city and beyond are used. What is the essence of the method?

Answer. If taken equal weather in the city and the control area, then the reason for the change in the growth of trees in different points cities can be mainly influenced by environmental pollution. The study should take into account the degree of trampling of the soil, its contamination with chlorides, the possibility of damage to the roots by underground utilities.

Task 6. When improving the territory of new buildings, one can often observe the following: stagnant puddles often form in such places, green spaces grow poorly, especially in the first years of their planting. What is the reason for these phenomena?

Answer. Garbage left on the construction site, although covered with a layer of soil, sharply reduces its water permeability. For this reason, and due to mechanical obstacles to the development of roots, green spaces grow

Task 7. City drains are always highly acidic. Contaminated surface runoff can infiltrate into groundwater. What consequences can this lead to if there are chalk deposits and limestones under the city?

Answer. When acids interact with limestone, voids are formed in the latter, into which they can pose a serious threat to buildings and structures, and hence to people's lives.

Task 8. In areas of increased moisture, about 20% of fertilizers and pesticides applied to the soil enters watercourses. What is the significance of such effluents for human health? Suggest ways to protect people's health in settlements that use water from these streams.

Answer. Fertilizers and pesticides entering water bodies are of negative importance, since, firstly, they are poisons for the human body, and secondly, mineral salts cause the development of vegetation (including blue-green algae) in water bodies, further worsening water quality. Ways to solve the problem: water intake should be upstream of the location of agricultural fields, the use of granular fertilizers, the development and implementation of rapidly decomposing pesticides, the use of biological methods of plant protection.

Task 9. Hundreds of hectares of agricultural land have saline soils (soils with excess salts). Salts make the soil alkaline. With a high alkalinity of the soil, plants do not grow well, the yield is sharply reduced. It turned out that the salts contained in the soil can be neutralized by various substances, for example:

a) a one percent solution of already used sulfuric acid, which is usually poured into a landfill, causing harm to nature;

b) defecator, which is a waste in sugar production;

c) iron sulphate - a by-product of metallurgical plants.

What principle of nature is taken into account by man in the fight against soil salinization? What is the significance of such an approach for nature?

Answer. Natural systems operate on the basis of the principle of non-waste, i.e. Waste from one organism is used by another. Wastes from various industries are used to combat soil salinization. This has the dual benefit of improving soils and reducing environmental pollution due to the action of ion antagonism.

Task 10. On the map of Russia, east of Kamchatka, two small dots are marked in the Pacific Ocean - these are the Commander Islands. The islands were discovered in 1741 by the expedition of the Russian navigator Vitus Bering. Commanders - two islands (Bering and Medny) with a unique animal world, an invaluable treasury of a variety of animals and birds. About 30 years ago, minks were brought to Bering Island and a fur farm was created. But several dexterous animals managed to escape from the cage into the wild. The consequences for the nature of the island were sad. Why?

Answer. Mink is an agile, bloodthirsty predator, from which there is no escape either on land or in water. The animals quickly multiplied, having enough food. They mercilessly destroyed bird nests, hunted adult ducks, caught small salmon… the nature of the island suffered a deep wound that did not heal for a long time.

Task 11. The use of pesticides to control weeds and pests of agriculture, on the one hand, gives an increase in yield, on the other hand, leads to the death of innocent animals. In addition, hundreds of pest species have adapted to pesticides and breed as if nothing had happened (mites, bedbugs, flies ...). Why the use of pesticides leads to the death of animals different types? Why can adaptability of insect pests to pesticides be formed?

Answer. Through the food chain, animals receive a large dose of chemicals and die. Among pests, there are individuals that are more resistant to pesticides than others. They survive and produce poison-resistant offspring. At the same time, the number of insect pests is restored very quickly, since poisons cause death. natural enemies

Task 12. Biologists have established such a paradoxical relationship: as soon as otters are exterminated on some reservoir, it immediately becomes more fish, but soon it becomes much less. If otters appear again in the pond, then again there are more fish. Why?

Answer. The otter catches sick and weakened fish. Task 13. It turns out that not all swamps are the same. There are raised bogs located on the watersheds, they feed only precipitation. In raised bogs with a peat thickness of about 5 meters, for every 100 hectares of area, there are approximately 4.5 million cubic meters of water, and clean water. Lowland swamps, located mainly in floodplains, are fed by rich groundwater. Express your opinion on the drainage of swamps.

Answer. When deciding on the possibility of draining swamps, it is necessary to first study their features. Raised bogs are a reserve pure water; in addition, they are poor in mineral salts, so the water in them is absolutely fresh. Therefore, the drainage of such swamps has negative consequences. Drainage of lowland marshes provides fertile soil for agriculture.

**Task 14. In winter, on rivers and lakes, fishermen make holes in the ice. Sometimes reed stalks are inserted into the hole. For what purpose is this being done?Answer. Thus, the water is enriched with atmospheric oxygen, which prevents fish from dying.

Task 15. With proper forest management, after deforestation, the clearing is completely cleared of brushwood and wood residues. Felled trunks, temporarily left in the forest for the summer, are supposed to be cleaned of bark. What is the significance of these rules for the forest?

Answer. The implementation of the described rules prevents the occurrence of foci of insect pests, which can later move to living trees.

Task 16. One person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred leaves a trail, a thousand leaves a desert.” Explain the meaning of the proverb.

Answer. The structure of the forest soil deteriorates, air and moisture pass poorly into it, and tree shoots die. Task 17. In some timber industry enterprises, tree felling is carried out as follows: every 10 or 12 years, 8-10% of the total mass of all trunks is cut down. They try to cut down in winter in deep snow. Why is this cutting method the most painless for the forest?

Answer. The gradual thinning of the forest creates Better conditions for the remaining trees. With deep snow cover, undergrowth and undergrowth plants are not damaged.

Literature. Savchenkov V.I., Kostyuchenkov V.N. Entertaining ecology. Smolensk-2000.

Man is inseparable from nature. He learns from nature. A person who understands nature will not do a bad deed. He is purer and nobler than the others. But to cultivate love for nature with the words: "Do not touch!", "Do not tear!", "Step back!" - it is impossible. We need a different approach. In my work I try to do everything necessary so that nature is an open book for children, and they skillfully use it.

I believe that obtaining environmental knowledge contributes to the expansion of horizons, the formation of an understanding of nature, its features, brings up inquisitive, inquisitive people who understand that a person is also a part of nature and that human health depends on nature. Therefore, I have been working on the introduction of environmental knowledge in every lesson for a long time.

I offer math problems environmental theme(when compiling tasks containing information of an ecological nature, all numerical data are taken from reference books, encyclopedic publications).

Simple problems with multi-digit numbers.

1. Chestnut purifies city air from exhaust gases. In Moscow, 10 thousand chestnuts grow, and in Kyiv, 5 times more. How many chestnuts grow in Kyiv?

2. A caterpillar can eat 30 leaves per day. How many leaves can be eaten by 10 caterpillars, 100 caterpillars in the same time?

3. An oak grove emits 830 kg of oxygen per year, and the same pine grove - 540 kg. How much more oxygen does an oak grove give off than a pine grove?

4. One elm per season (from May to September) assimilates from the air 120 g of sulfur dioxide, the most common and toxic pollutant of nature. Elm lives 400 years. How much sulfur dioxide does an elm destroy in its lifetime?

5. On average, up to 300,000 ants live in an anthill, and 600,000 termites live in a termite mound. How many times more termites live in their dwellings than ants?

6. Linden lives 500 years, and oak 2000 years. How many times less does a linden live than an oak? How many years less does a linden live than an oak?

7. Maple releases 2 kg 100 g of oxygen per year, and elm is 7 times more than maple. How much oxygen does an elm give off per year?

8. One hectare of forest emits 28 tons of oxygen annually, and 12 million hectares of forest are cut down every year. How many tons of oxygen does the Earth receive less per year?

9. Each inhabitant of the Earth spends a year the amount of paper that is obtained from three coniferous trees. How many coniferous trees per year does your family need?

Composite tasks.

1. 40 kg of honey was collected from one hive, and 12 kg more from the other. How much honey was collected from two beehives?

2. Juniper per day releases 30 kg of aromatic substances (phytoncides) that kill bacteria, and birch - 2 kg. How many times more phytoncides per day does juniper produce than birch?

3. An oak grove releases 2 kg of phytoncides per day. Pine grove - 3 kg more than oak, and juniper thickets 6 times more than pine grove. How many phytoncides does a juniper grove emit per day?

4. The height of the cedar is 45 m, and the birch is 20 m lower than the cedar, and the oak is 13 m higher than the birch. What is the height of the oak?

5. A small coniferous forest filters out 35 tons of dust per year, and the same deciduous forest - 70 tons. How many times less dust does a coniferous forest filter out per year than a deciduous one? What trees are best planted in the city?

6. The height of the juniper is 10 m, and the height of the pine is 40 m. How many times is the juniper lower than the pine?

7. It takes approximately 100 years for a 1 cm thick layer of soil to naturally regenerate. Due to the growth of ravines, 10 cm of soil was washed away from the field during the flood. How many years will it take to restore this layer?

8. The funnel swallow develops a speed of 45 km / h, and the killer whale - 28 km / h. How much faster is the funnel than killer whales?

9. 1 kg of rose hips contains 20 g of vitamin C. How much vitamin C is in 30 kg of rose hips?

10. A sheep gives 10 kg of wool per year. How many such sheep do you need to get 70 kg of wool? How much wool does a flock of 150 such sheep produce per year?

11. 15 kg of oil is squeezed out of 60 kg of cotton seeds. How many times more cotton is taken than oil is obtained?

12. A cedar cone with seeds ripens for 27 months. How many years and months is that?

13. The daily norm of vitamin C contains 4 g of fresh rose hips or 30 g of black currant. How many grams more do you need to eat blackcurrant than rose hips to get your daily vitamin C requirement?

14. Cumulus clouds formed at an altitude of 10 km, and cirrus clouds - 2 km higher. At what height do cirrus clouds form?

15. The mass of one small penguin is 2 kg, and a large one is 43 kg more. What is the mass of a large penguin?

Numerical data that I use when compiling tasks.

1.On the lifespan of individual tree species:

spruce - up to 500 years old oak - up to 2000 years old

pine - up to 350 years linden - up to 500 years

birch - up to 150 years cedar - up to 850 years

mountain ash - up to 80 years elm - up to 400 years

ash - up to 80 years aspen - up to 100 children

2. About the height of individual tree species:

birch - up to 20 m linden - up to 35 m

oak - up to 40 m pine - up to 45 m

elm - up to 40 m pine - up to 36 m

3.About ecological role the woods:

a) 1 ha deciduous forest releases 2 kg of phytoncides per day; 1 ha coniferous forest- 5kg; 1 hectare of juniper forest - 30 kg.

b) 1 ha of oak forest produces 830 kg of oxygen per year, birch - 725 kg, pine - 540 kg.

c) 1 ha of coniferous forest filters out 30-35 tons of dust per year, deciduous forest - 50-70 tons of dust.

4. On the ecological role of birds and insects:

1. A family of great tits serves 40 apple trees over the summer, eating insects that are dangerous for the garden.

2. A cuckoo eats on average up to 40 caterpillars, 5 Maybug larvae, up to 50 click beetle and black fly larvae, etc. per day.

3. An owl eats 7-8 mice per night. One owl family destroys up to 10 thousand field mice per year, thus saving up to 20 tons of grain that mice could destroy.

4. Seven-point ladybug Eats up to 4,000 aphids in its lifetime.

5. The pied flycatcher is a very small bird, but it eats 300 flies and mosquitoes a day.

6. Red ants of one medium-sized anthill exterminate up to 3500-4000 different insects in one day.

7. A swallow can fly 3000 km in 5 days. How many kilometers can it fly in a day. if the speed of its flight is always the same?

8. Swallow - the killer whale flies at a speed of 28 km / h, and the swift - 4 times faster. How fast does a swift fly?

Numerical data that can be used during the period of studying the numbering of multi-digit numbers.

Length of rivers (in km):

Ural - 2428 Lena - 4400

Volga - 3530 Dnepr - 2 200

Yenisei - 3487 Don - 1 870

Distance from the Earth to the Moon - 384,000 km

Equator length - 40,000 km

The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 149,500,000 km.

educating ecological culture we help children to realize. why it is necessary to act in nature in this way, and not in another way. For example, why is it impossible to make noise in the forest, pick flowers, stand at a bird's nest for a long time, etc. The kids love environmental challenges. They begin to understand how a person can help nature or, conversely, harm.

O.A. Lyakh, teacher primary school MBOU secondary school №8

Ecological game-erudition for schoolchildren. Synopsis "We need each other!"

Legchilina Elena Viktorovna, teacher of biology and chemistry, SOGBOU "Ekimovichi Boarding School for Students with Disabilities".

This event will be useful for biology teachers when conducting a subject week at school or in extracurricular activities.

Target: expand and deepen the ecological knowledge of schoolchildren about nature.

- develop Creative skills children and the ability to cooperate with each other;
- foster a humane attitude towards all living things.

Preliminary preparation.

The game is proposed to be held in the form of a competition of four teams, the composition of which is determined a few days before the event.
Teams, preparing for the game, come up with a name for themselves, draw up emblems in accordance with the chosen name, issue an “examination paper” - a newspaper-appeal in defense of the animal or plant they have chosen, where they represent it, talk about its significance and benefits. Also, in advance, children prepare for a poetry competition, selecting and learning poems on the topic of extracurricular activities.
The composition of the jury is selected, which will evaluate the work of teams, as well as the quality of homework.
The office where the event will be held is designed accordingly: reproductions of paintings with landscapes, photographs of animals and plants are hung out. You can prepare an exhibition of books or an exhibition of children's drawings. It is desirable to prepare musical accompaniment.
It is also necessary to set tables for the playing teams and jury members to sit at, prepare seats for guests and spectators.

Event progress.

Leading. Good afternoon, Dear friends. Look around how beautiful and wonderful world we are surrounded by forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky, sun, animals… This is our nature! Our life is inseparable from it.
Us at any time of the year
Wise nature teaches:
Birds learn to sing.
Spider - patience.
Bees in the field and in the garden
They teach us how to work.
And besides, in their work
All in fairness.
Reflection in water
Teaches us truth.
Snow teaches us purity.
The sun teaches kindness:
Every day in winter and summer
Gives us warmth and light.
And no one in return
Don't ask for anything!
Nature all year round
Need to be trained.
Us trees of all kinds,
All the big forest people
They teach strong friendship.

V. Orlov

And how well do we know about the animals living next to us, the plants that delight us with their beauty? Today we are playing our game in order to get to know the world around us even closer.
I would like to introduce you to the participating teams. ( Team View ).
And our competent jury will evaluate your answers. ( Jury presentation ).
So let's start the game.

Competition "Homework".
Leading. Dear guys, dear jury. Now we will find out how the teams fulfilled their " homework»: does everyone have a team name, motto and emblem; how their environmental newspaper is done, and
evaluate the creative task of the participants ( Teams show their presentation, the jury evaluates their work ).

Leading. Our esteemed participants coped with the first competition remarkably. Let's move on to the next competition.

Competition "Living in legends".
Leading. I read out the legend to each team in turn, and the participants must guess what plant you are talking about. The team that gave the correct answer gets a point, and if the team did not cope with the task, then the opposing teams have the opportunity to take this point.

1. Her homeland is Persia. There is a poetic legend. One day in April, the goddess of flowers and youth, Flora, accompanied by the Sun and the goddess of the rainbow, Iris, descended to Earth. Having mixed all the colors and colors of the rainbow, they began to shower forests and meadows with them. Having reached the northern corners of the Earth, the goddess found that all the colors had been used up, only purple remained. Then Flora splashed purple paint on the bushes and grew luxurious ... ( Lilac )
2. There lived a husband and wife and they had two children. Eldest daughter- unloved, and the name was unkind - Eight. She was angry, envious. But the younger son, kind and friendly, was affectionately called Romanushka by his parents. Vosmukh disliked Romanushka and planned to destroy her. I somehow led him into a rotten swamp and drowned him. A curly and friendly tree grew in that place and has been growing since then throughout the Russian land. AT folk calendar there is a day dedicated to this plant. This tree is considered a symbol of happiness and peace in the family. It is a constant companion of girlish sorrows, they met and parted under it, they asked him for advice. What is it called? ( Rowan )
3. Latin name This flower "galactus" comes from the Greek "gala" - milk and "actus" - a flower, i.e. milky white flower. An ancient legend says: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, there was heavy snow on the earth, and Eve was cold. Then, in order to warm her and somehow calm her down, several snowflakes turned into flowers. Therefore, this flower is a symbol of hope. What is this flower called? ( Snowdrop )
4. AT Ancient Greece this tree was dedicated to the god of the sun, science, arts - Apollo. The branch of this tree means power. A wreath of its branches was awarded for saving lives and military exploits. Many fairy tales, traditions, legends and superstitions are associated with this tree. The ancient Slavs believed that it existed even before the creation of the world. An old song says: “At a time when there was neither earth nor sky, only one blue sea - in the middle of this sea there were 2 trees, and 2 doves sat on them; the doves descended to the bottom of the sea, took out sand and stone, from which the earth, sky and heavenly bodies were created. Our ancestors considered this tree dedicated to the god of thunder and lightning - Perun, whose statue they carved from this tree, and it was called the "Perun Tree". What is it called? ( Oak )

Let's summarize.

Leading. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote:
Try to observe various signs:
Shepherd and farmer in infancy,
Looking up at the sky, at the western shadow,
They already know how to predict both the wind and the clear day,
And May rains, young fields of joy,
And early frosts, dangerous to grapes.

Competition "Weather Predictors".
Leading. Your task, dear participants, is to predict today weather for tomorrow.
The teams complete the task.

Questions for the first team:
If today:
1. Crimson dawns, ... ( windy weather tomorrow).
2. In the morning fog creeps over the water, ... ( the weather will be fine tomorrow).
3. Smoke in the winter over the huts "column" - ... ( to frost).
4. Dew on the grass in the morning - ... ( good weather without rain).
5. Frost on the trees -- ... ( to clear, frosty weather).

Questions for the second team:
If today:
1. In the evening, steam rises from the river, ... ( it will rain tomorrow).
2. There was frost at night, ... ( there will be no snow).
3. The stars twinkle strongly at night, and in the morning the clouds - ... ( expect a storm during the day).
4. The cat in the house is looking for a warm place -- ... ( to frost).
5. The dog rolls from side to side in the snow -- ... ( to the blizzard).

Questions for the third team:
If today:
1. The fish jumps out of the water -- ... ( to the rain).
2. In the evening, grasshoppers and leafhoppers chirp strongly - ... ( for good weather).
3. Maple "weeps" -- ... ( to the rain).
4. Fog in winter - ... ( to the thaw).
5. In winter, the moon is pale - ... ( to the blizzard).

If today:
1. There is no dew at night, and no fog is visible in the lowlands - ... ( to bad weather).
2. Cumulus clouds grow in height -- ... ( to the rain).
3. In winter, in the evening, when there is no wind, the sky is covered with a layer of low stratus clouds -- ... (to clear weather).
4. The sun "sets" in a cloud - ... ( to the rain).
5. Swallows and swifts fly high above the ground - ... ( to clear weather).

Leading. Dear jury, we ask you to sum up the results for the competition "Weather Predictors".

Leading. We continue our competitive program.
Here, in old times, the bear walked through the forests.
It was such a wilderness
What to admire the skies
A deer ran out to the edges.

And we will look for disappeared animals in this wilderness.

Contest "Find Me"
Now each team will receive four couplets. In each of them you need to find the "hidden" animal in one minute.
1. Where there are notes, there are birds! -
That's what foxes think. ( raccoons)
2. Everything seemed to be on fire
I had such a dream. ( Elk)
3. There is no urine to endure all this more!
Hey master! Birds free! ( Chizh)
4. Goat brother sends greetings:
"Sister, I'm waiting for you for lunch!" ( Zebra)
5. The bug is a bug in Africa too! -
A sperm whale once told me. ( Pony)
6. Tsap frog mosquito!
So the game is over! ( Heron)
7. I washed my face with dew one morning ....
Got clean! Blush on cheeks! ( Jay)
8. How pleased me
Dear brother in broad daylight! ( Cobra)
9. Wet so that there is no strength!
How much water did it rain? ( Mole)
10. Ladies sew with needles
Very, very spiky. ( Mouse)
11. Rolling down the mountain, boy
He hurt his finger. ( stingray)
12. I bought a skein of excellent thread.
Now I sit and sew shoes. ( Cat)
13. I ate stale butter yesterday -
That's what makes my head hurt! ( Elephant)
14. Astra bloomed successfully in the garden.
How happy I was then. ( Ostrich)
15. Come on, hold the bank!
Stop! Where are you going? Wait! ( Boar)
16. The mower whined for a very long time:
Rock broke my scythe! ( Marmot)

Let's summarize.

Leading. Let's move on to our next competition.

Competition "Through the mouth of a baby, or Familiar strangers."
Leading. It is necessary to guess which plant is referred to below. If you guess right away - you get four points, use hints - the number of points decreases accordingly by as much as the hints are spent.

Questions for the first team:
1. It is always green or blue.
2. Stringed musical instruments are made from it.
3. In winter, birds build nests on it and hatch chicks.
4. It is shade tolerant. In such a forest it is always dark, damp and full of lichens. ( Spruce)

Questions for the second team:
1. Its leaves are green above and velvety and ribbed below.
2. It “takes away” negative energy, so it is useful for sick people to stand under it.
3. It populates the fires faster than anyone else.
4. Beavers love it and prepare it for the winter. ( Aspen)

Questions for the third team:
1. Its flowers produce the best honey.
2. Spoons and bast shoes were made from it.
3. Blooms in summer and is very fragrant.
4. A decoction of flowers is indispensable for colds. ( Linden)

Questions for the fourth team:
1. It releases phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria.
2. From it the best firewood.
3. In April, juice is obtained from it.
4. This is the most beloved Russian tree. ( Birch)

So, the jury can take stock.

Leading. We are approaching the final part of our ecological game.

Competition-quiz "Ecological kaleidoscope".

Leading. The task of each team is to score the maximum number of points per minute by answering the questions correctly.

Questions for the first team:
1. Wild striped horse? ( Zebra)
2. Which bird has scales instead of feathers on its wings? ( At the penguins)
3. Tail wagging, toothy, but not barking? ( Pike)
4. What is the fruit of a pumpkin or cucumber called? ( Berry)
5. Name "domestic" insects. ( bees, silkworm etc.)
6. Is the whale a fish or an animal? ( marine mammal)
7. From which country did Peter I bring potatoes to Russia? ( From Holland)
8. What bird comes to us from the north? ( Bullfinch)
9. Does the tree grow in winter? ( Not)
10. What kind of fish appearance looks like a chess piece? ( Skate)
11. What is more terrible for birds in winter: cold or hunger? ( Hunger)
12. Most large mammal? (Blue whale)
13. Does a chick breathe in an egg? ( Yes)
14. Which animal has a wild image? ( At the porcupine)
15. In the meadows, in the fields - sisters - white cilia? ( Daisies)
16. Home of the tomato? ( America)
17. How many legs does a fly have? ( Six)
18. Black leopard? ( puma)
19. Which vegetable resembles a space dish? ( Squash)
20. What is the name of the thorny desert plant? ( Cactus)

Questions for the second team:
1. The largest land animal? ( Elephant)
2. How many legs does a spider have? ( Eight)
3. "Queen" of flowers? ( Rose)
4. What wood are matches made from? ( Aspen)
5. Which neck has more vertebrae: a pig or a giraffe? ( Equally)
6. What does a hedgehog eat in winter? ( nothing, sleeping)
7. Fossil elephant? ( Mammoth)
8. Predatory freshwater fish? ( Pike)
9. Eyes on the horns, and the house on the back? ( Snail)
10. Which animal sleeps upside down all winter? ( Bat)
11. Northern sled and hunting dog? ( Laika)
12. What is born in bread, but is not good for eating? ( cornflower)
13. "Short-tailed" cancer? ( Crab)
14. South American mammal, usually hanging upside down from branches? ( Sloth)
15. Balls hang on knots - turned blue from the heat? ( Plum)
16. Which flower's name comes from the word "star"? ( Aster)
17. Who is the first to plow the land? ( Worm)
18. Who was born with a beard? ( Goat.)
19. Who did the ugly duckling H.K. Andersen? ( Into the swan)
20. What herb can be recognized even by the blind? ( nettle)

Questions for the third team:
1. What bird is called a feathered cat? ( owl)
2. An elephant's trunk is his...? ( Nose)
3. The main food of hyenas? ( Carrion)
4. What is an onion leaf called? ( Feather)
5. Which conifer tree crumbles every year, changing its needles? ( Larch)
6. Trapping net spider? ( Web)
7. What grass do cats like? ( Valerian)
8. Which flower is wearing white fluff? ( Dandelion)
9. The smallest bird? ( hummingbird)
10. How is a hippopotamus different from a hippopotamus? ( Nothing, it's the same animal)
11. Is the hare oblique? ( Not)
12. Do lilacs bloom in spring or summer? ( spring)
13. Which bird lays the largest eggs? ( Ostrich)
14. What insects can eat a house without a trace? ( termites)
15. Green belt, lost in the grass? ( Lizard)
16. An animal that builds a house on the river? ( Beaver)
17. What animals get out of their skin? ( snakes)
18. Which legs of a giraffe are longer: front or back? ( front)
19. The tallest grass? ( Bamboo)
20. What bird is named after the dance? ( tap dancing)

Questions for the fourth team:
1. What is the name of a beaver's home? ( hut)
2. Motley cracker catching frogs? ( Duck)
3. Which bird cries like a cat? ( Oriole)
4. On which tree did Krylov's Crow sit down, about to have breakfast? ( Spruce)
5. What wreath has been used since ancient rome to reward the winners? ( laurel)
6. Not a blacksmith, but with tongs? ( Crayfish)
7. "Savvy" insect? ( Flea)
8. What kind edible mushrooms appear first? ( Morels, lines)
9. What mushroom grows on the birches? ( Chaga)
10. What birds arrange dances in the swamps? ( Cranes)
11. The biggest monkey? ( Gorilla)
12. Dried apricot? ( Dried apricots)
13. Who wears the forest? ( Deer)
14. What plant is called the "root of life"? ( Ginseng)
15. sun flower? ( Sunflower)
16. Which bird has a baggy nose, crochet neck? ( At the pelican)
17. What bird walks all year round in a tailcoat? ( Penguin)
18. Not a beast, not a bird, but a nose like a knitting needle? ( Mosquito)
19. Butterfly from the wardrobe? ( mole)
20. "Hairy worm"? ( Caterpillar)

Leading. I invite the jury to sum up the results of the competition and announce the winning team. ( Summing up, rewarding teams).

Leading. This is the end of our event. Today, each of you has learned something new about the complex and diverse life of nature, and having learned, I hope you will learn careful attitude to all living things that surround us, to those whose life directly depends on a person, and, therefore, on us.
We live in the same family
We sing in one circle
Walk in one line
Fly in one flight...
Let's save
Chamomile in the meadow, water lily in the river
And cranberries in the swamp.
Kohl is destined to breathe
We are the same air
Let's all of us
Let's unite forever.
Let's save our souls
Then we're on the ground
And let's save ourselves...

(N. Starshinov ).

Situational tasks in ecology

    Construction is planned on the bank of the river, the contractor has proposed a plan for locating a recreation center and a pig farm. How should these objects be placed in relation to the river and why?

Answer: The recreation center must be located upstream, and the pig farm downstream and as far as possible from the river so that the livestock runoff from the farm (liquid manure) does not pollute the reservoir.

    AT recent times the number of fires in forests has increased, the causes of their occurrence are different from drought and heat, to human factor. What measures should be taken to reduce their number.

Answer: It is necessary to clear the forest of dead wood, do not kindle fires, do not throw cigarette butts, plow the forest or forest belt from roads and steppe zone, because dry grass quickly catches fire and the fire from the steppe can easily spread to the forest.

    Recently, when conducting a community work day, it is customary to collect leaves in bags or bury them. Why is it recommended to bury leaves during the subbotnik?

    What kind scientific directions in ecology you know?

Answer: geographical ecology, population ecology, chemical ecology, industrial ecology, ecology of plants, animals, humans.

    What resources do green plants use to live?

Answer: The body of a green plant is created from the molecules of inorganic substances and ions. To build its body, a plant needs energy, which is drawn from solar radiation during photosynthesis.

    What can lead to irrigation without proper control in the first place?

Answer: to secondary soil salinization.

    What law does this formulation correspond to: from one trophic level of the biocenosis, no more than 10% of energy is transferred to organisms at a higher trophic level?

Answer: Lindemann's law.

    It is known that locusts cause significant damage to crops and pastures, although grass-eating locusts, as shown by scientists from the Novosibirsk State. University, play an important positive role in the mineral nutrition of plants during the growing season, acting as a "link" pasture and detritus food chains. Why?

Answer: locusts emit microorganisms along with excretions that convert nitrogen from the air and soil into a form that can be absorbed by plants.

    In the 20th century, capelin, pollock, hake and other smaller fish increased in the Barents Sea. What is it connected with?

Answer: in connection with the intensive fishing of cod, which is a predatory fish, carried out at this time.

    Snow collected by harvesting equipment from the roadway of city streets should be taken out to biological cleaning ponds, and then to fields for irrigation. What is it for?

Answer: snow collected from roads contains a large amount of chemicals (petroleum products, acids, salts, rubber, soot). The ingress of these substances into water bodies, fields, forests without natural or artificial treatment is dangerous. Irrigation fields are used for round-the-clock and year-round disinfection of wastewater intended for irrigation and fertilization of agricultural structures. In biological ponds, it is possible to clean both domestic and industrial wastewater, if they do not contain substances that have a direct toxic effect on organisms living in water, as well as raw (untreated) sewage after the preliminary removal of fat and suspended particles from them.

    Why in northern regions economic felling of forests should be carried out only in winter and the timber should be transported through deep snow?

Answer: since the soil cover is much less disturbed; the litter and the herbaceous layer of plants are not destroyed, potholes, ruts are not formed that change the hydro regime and contribute to soil erosion; undergrowth and undergrowth are destroyed much less.

    Until recently, there were projects to drain swamps to optimize natural landscapes, but at present these projects are closed, due to the obvious huge role of swamps in the biosphere to maintain the stability of the Earth's climate. What is it connected with?

Answer: Marshy areas are one of the main sources of methane gas, which is produced by bacteria in the anoxic lower layers of marshes. Methane is one of the so-called "greenhouse" gases, which trap part of the Earth's thermal radiation in space. If the methane content in the atmosphere drops sharply, the Earth's climate will become colder until a new ice age.

    Why is the birch called the "pioneer" of the forest, and the birch forest is temporary?

Answer: birch is the first to develop open spaces, clearings, burnt areas; her seedlings are not afraid of the bright sun and frost. Spruce trees settle under the crown of birch trees, which over time displace it, which lacks snow among the spruce trees.

    As in the middle of the nineteenth century. oil saved some species of whales from complete destruction?

Answer: Until 1857, when the first kerosene lamp appeared on the market and the first industrial oil development began, people used whale oil and spermaceti to light and lubricate various mechanisms (mainly steam engines).

    Within 20 years, a change in the species composition of birds, characteristic for the definition of ecosystems, has occurred on a specific territory. At first, some species of birds nested on the territory (grey warbler, chaffinch, oriole), then others (corncrake, lapwing, yellow wagtail). What is it connected with?

Answer: this is due to the digression of the primary ecosystem (anthropogenic impact on the primary ecosystem). For example, as a result of cutting down a small-leaved forest (anthropogenic impact), where some species of birds nested, a secondary succession is formed in a fairly short period of time, i.e. a new ecosystem on the site of an existing ecosystem destroyed by man. Excess light, sufficient moisture contributes to active development meadow species that form a new ecosystem.

    In the vast forests of the North, so-called concentrated cuttings are often carried out using heavy equipment, which lead to the replacement of forest ecosystems by marsh ones. Why?

Answer: when felling with the use of heavy equipment, there is a strong destruction and compaction of the soil cover. This, in turn, leads, as a rule, to chain reactions of natural processes, in particular, the existing water cycles are replaced by the accumulation of stagnant waters on the soil surface, followed by the replacement of forest ecosystems with swamp ones.

    Why in artificial ecosystems, especially in agrocenoses, the number of pests of agricultural crops mass outbreaks their reproduction many times exceeds theirs in natural communities?

Answer: this is due to the huge space occupied by a single crop (monoculture), which is an ideal condition for the rapid spread of insects and other crop pests over large areas.

    Creation of large livestock complexes (poultry farms and pig farms with more than 5,000 livestock) with unregulated effluents will affect chemical composition surface and ground waters. What is it connected with?

Answer: livestock runoff from farms (liquid manure), getting into rivers and lakes, leads to euthification of these reservoirs, as the content of nitrogen-containing compounds in the water increases. Nitrogen compounds dissolved in surface waters can also enter groundwater (perch water), making water from wells unsuitable for drinking.

    What are the consequences for natural community can lead to the destruction of predators and an increase in the number of herbivores?

Answer: Predators are natural orderlies that regulate the herbivore population by killing the weak and sick. If the number of predators decreases, then there will be no one to regulate the number of herbivores, the population will increase, the number of sick and weak herbivores will increase, which will lead to the spread of infection.

    Why do environmentalists treat chipboard (chipboard) used in everyday life with caution?

Answer: because they increase the concentration of formaldehyde in apartments.

    With a stable temperature increase of more than 2 ° C, global warming climate. What consequences can this lead to?

Answer: an increase in temperature will lead to the melting of glaciers in the zone of continuous permafrost, the area of ​​the world ocean will increase, which will lead to flooding of the continental margins. The land area will decrease significantly.

    How does the use in plants affect plants? autumn-winter period a lot of salt sprinkled on sidewalks to prevent human injury?

Answer: plants experience water starvation due to hypertonic dissolution of salts in the soil.

    Why are multi-storey buildings environmentally more dangerous than single-storey ones?

Answer: in multi-storey buildings, unstable air exchange, ventilation, uneven heating of floors.

    After the permission to hunt in the forest, the number of rodents increased sharply in the field nearby. What is it connected with?

Answer: since before the predators of the forest restrained the growth of rodents, being their natural regulator. Accordingly, after hunting was allowed, the number of predators decreased, so there is an increase in rodents.

    Why has the lamprey colonization of Lake Erie caused enormous harm to fisheries?

    What does the following wording mean - "from one trophic level of the biocenosis, no more than 10% of energy is transferred to organisms at a higher trophic level."

Answer: this formulation corresponds to the 10% rule (Lindemann's law).

    What is the name of the areas of the territory in which everything is preserved in the fullest possible natural state? natural ingredients and their combinations natural complexes and economic activity is not allowed?

Answer: they are called a reserve.

    What characterizes the bioecological features of the growth and influence of spruce on living conditions in the plant community?

Answer: the fact that the roots are located in the surface layer of the soil, and the needles remain on the branches for 8-10 years.

    In accordance with ecological laws, any species is capable of unlimited growth in numbers, occupying all habitable ecological niches (the so-called "pressure of life"). Then why do rare and endangered organisms exist?

Answer: at present, the main factor that serves as a limiter to the growth of the number of organisms, leading to the threat of their extinction, is human anthropogenic activity.

    Widespread in nature mutually beneficial relationship species - mutualism. An example is the relationship between the Siberian cedar pine and the birds nesting in the cedar forests - the nutcracker and the cuckoo. What is the benefit of such a relationship?

Answer: these birds, feeding on pine seeds, have instincts to store food. They hide small portions of "nuts" under a layer of moss and forest litter. A significant part of the bird stocks are not found, and the seeds germinate. The activity of these birds thus contributes to the self-renewal of stone pine forests, since the seeds cannot germinate on a thick layer of forest litter that blocks their access to the soil.

    It is known that the infusoria-shoe reproduces by division. It feeds on some bacteria that multiply well in solutions usually used for growing infusoria cultures (for example, in hay infusion). If some salts (harmless to ciliates) are added to this solution, then the reproduction of ciliates will stop. What is it connected with?

Answer: the reproduction of ciliates occurs due to the nutrition of bacteria, if you add salts (harmless to ciliates) to the solution where ciliates are grown and fed, then the reproduction of bacteria will stop, and the reproduction of ciliates too, because. there will be nothing to eat.

    You know that most of the physical factors of the external environment are of an electromagnetic nature. So, near fast-flowing water, the air refreshes and invigorates, for the same reason it seems to us clean and refreshing air after a thunderstorm. What is it connected with?

Answer: with the presence of negative ions in the air, which have a positive effect on health.

    Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. For all living organisms, sound is always one of the environmental influences. Why do doctors talk more and more about noise disease lately?

Answer: long-term noise (especially at present, due to technological progress) adversely affects the hearing organ, reducing sensitivity to sound. It leads to a breakdown in the activity of the heart, liver, to exhaustion and overstrain of nerve cells. Weakened cells nervous system can't coordinate well enough various systems organism.

    Why do natural multi-species associations of plants suffer from outbreaks of insect pests much less frequently than populations of monocultures in agrocenoses?

    What effect can agricultural practices have on pest control?

Answer: dense crops create their own microclimate: light and temperature drop sharply on the soil surface, humidity increases, which prevents the reproduction of the pest and creates conditions for the development of certain types of fungi and bacteria that can destroy pests in a few days.

    Hydroelectric power plants at first glance are environmentally friendly enterprises that do not harm nature. In our country, many of the largest hydroelectric power plants have been built on the great rivers. Now it became clear that this construction caused great damage to both nature and people. Why, justify the answer?

Answer: the construction of dams on large flat rivers for hydroelectric power plants leads to the flooding of vast areas for reservoirs, there is a resettlement of people and the loss of pasture lands. Secondly, the dam creates insurmountable obstacles on the migration routes of anadromous and semi-anadromous fish rising to spawn in the upper reaches of the rivers. Thirdly, the water in the reservoirs stagnates, its flow slows down, which affects the life of all living creatures living in the river. Fourthly, local water rise affects groundwater, leads to flooding, waterlogging, bank erosion and landslides.

    In Yu. Liebig found that the yield of plants can be limited to any of the main nutrients, if only this element is in short supply. Then he formulated this simple rule. Formulate it.

Answer: this is the law of the minimum - the successful functioning of populations or communities of living organisms depends on a set of conditions; a limiting or limiting factor is any state of the environment that approaches or goes beyond the resistance limit for organisms of the group of interest to us.

    Why are clams that are not large nutritional value for humans and other animals due to their low productivity, are of paramount importance as a factor that allows you to maintain the fertility of the zone where they live?

Answer: according to the type of food, mollusks are filter feeders. They suck and filter the water, extracting small organisms and detritus from there. As a result of the flow of water created by this filtration, a large amount of detrital particles rich in phosphorus and other elements are retained in the shallow water zone of the tide.

    AT last years scientists are increasingly concerned about the depletion of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, which is protective screen from ultraviolet radiation. What is the main cause of ozone depletion?

Answer: the main reason for the depletion of the ozone layer is the use of freons by people, which are widely used in production and everyday life as refrigerants, foaming agents, solvents, aerosols.


1 level on "3" -

2 level on "4" -

3 level on "5" - 1m2


1 level on "3" - Based on the rule of the ecological pyramid, determine how much plankton (algae and bacteria) is needed for one 300 kg dolphin to grow and live in the Black Sea.(the fourth dolphin in the chain)

2 level on "4" - If we assume that a wolf cub from the age of one month, having a mass of 1 kg, ate exclusively hares (average weight 2 kg), then calculate how many hares the wolf ate to reach a weight of 40 kg and how many plants (in kg) these hares ate .

3 level on "5" - Using the rule of the ecological pyramid, determine what area (in hectares) of the corresponding ecosystem can feed one individual of the last link in the food chain:plankton → small fish → pike (300 kg). Dry biomass of plankton from 1m2 sea ​​is 600g. Of the mass indicated in brackets, 60% is water.


1 level on "3" - What amount of plankton (in kg) is needed for an 8 kg pike to grow in a pond?

2 level on "4" - The weight of each of the two newborn bat cubs is 1 g. During the month of feeding the cubs with milk, the weight of each of them reaches 4.5 g. What mass of insects should the female consume during this time in order to feed her offspring. What is the mass of plants that is preserved due to the extermination of herbivorous insects by the female?

3 level on "5" - 1m2 ecosystem area gives 800 g of dry biomass per year. Build a food chain (4 trophic levels) and determine how many hectares are needed to feed a person weighing 70 kg (of which 63% is water).



1 level : chain: plankton - fish - pike.Answer: 800 kg

(8x10)x10 8x10 8

2nd level: chain: plant - insect - mouse

(7x10)x10 7x10 7

2 cubs x (4.5 - 1) \u003d 7 g.

Answer: a bat must consume 70g of insects, which will save 700g of plants .

3rd level:

Determine the percentage of organic matter in the human body:70 kg. 0.37 = 25.9 kg (26)
We determine the amount of biomass in the first link of the food chain:
plants → consumers → consumers →
26000 kg 2600 kg 260 kg 26 kg
We determine how many hectares of the ecosystem can feed a person throughout the year:1m2 - 0.8 kg
x - 26000 kgx \u003d 26000 / 0.8 \u003d32500 m 2 =3.25 ha
Answer. Need 3.25 ha.



1 level : chain: plankton - fish - fish - dolphin.Answer: 300000 kg = 30t

30000x10 3000x10 300x10 300

2nd level:

Wolf weight = 40 - 1 = 39 kg

chain: plant - hare - wolf

390x10 39x10 39

1 hare - 2kg, and 390 kg of hares - this is 195 pieces

Answer: the wolf ate 195 hares, which ate 3900 kg of plants.

3 level
Determine the dry body weight of the pike:
x = 10. 0.4 =4 kg
Using the rule of the ecological pyramid, we determine the mass of plankton:
Plankton→small fish→pike
400 kg 40 kg 4 kg
The area of ​​the reservoir that can feed 1 pike: x=400/0.6=666.6 m 2
Answer . Required = 0.07 ha of water

A task of increased complexity.

Calculate the possibility of the existence of a plesiosaur in Loch Ness,and not one, but the whole family, since reproduction is necessary to preserve the species.
Let's assume that the total mass of a family of plesiosaurs is 100 tons (5-7 individuals, 40% dry matter). The total area of ​​Loch Ness is (57,000 km2 ). Food chain: phytoplankton - fish - family of plesiosaurs.Let us calculate what area of ​​the lake water area is necessary to feed these animals, when it is known that the phytoplankton biomass is 500 g/m2 dry mass.


According to the rule of the ecological pyramid, a family of dinosaurs needs 10 times more biomass than their own weight (dry weight of reptiles - 40 tons), namely 400 tons of fish, and for fish, in turn, it is necessary

4000 tons of phytoplankton. Area occupied by the number of producers: 4,000,000,000 g (4 tons): 500 g/m 2 = 8,000,000 m (8000 km)


Area of ​​Loch Ness (57,000 km 2 ) is enough to feed a family of plesiosaurs with a total mass of 100 tons. So, theoretically, the existence of dinosaurs in this lake is possible.

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