Is it possible to predict which direction it will take. Research work “Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs? Physics Tests

Tourism and rest 22.08.2019

Research project

Can you predict the direction of the wind from folk omens


learn about natural phenomenon"wind", about the causes of its occurrence, the impact on human life and the world.

Find out if it is possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs.

To get acquainted with the concept of "Wind", to establish the causes of its occurrence;
Get acquainted with some types of winds, devices that allow you to measure wind speed and determine its direction;
Find out the role of the wind and the possibility of using it by man;
study and analyze the literature on the topic.
Conduct observations and experiments. Based on the results of my observations, find out in which direction the wind blew in our area in March, April and summer months.

Object of study: wind.

Subject of study: Direction of the wind

Hypothesis: Is it true that a warm wind in March promises the same warm but rainy summer. Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind for the whole summer in the direction of the wind on Palm Sunday - April 24, 2016.

Chapter 1

1. Guess the riddle:

Though armless, but it happens

The pines are uprooted,

So sometimes he gets angry.

Just that he was everywhere -

A moment - and it is nowhere. (wind)

Guessed? It's…the wind.

At the lesson of the surrounding world, our teacher told us about natural phenomena. It turned out that nature is filled with many different phenomena, interesting, beautiful and even frightening. We want to dedicate our work to such a phenomenon as the wind.

It is impossible to see the wind, but it is impossible not to notice how it sways the crowns of trees, drives clouds into the distance, circles snowflakes.

There are songs and poems about the wind. Many turn to the wind for help literary heroes. There are many folk signs associated with the wind.

We liked these:

● A warm wind in March promises an equally warm but rainy summer.

● The wind that blows on Palm Sunday will prevail throughout the summer.

I became interested:what is "wind"? Where does it come from and why does it blow? What is the importance of the wind to humans? Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind from folk signs?

These are the questions we will find answers to in our work.

Experience #1

What is the wind?

To understand what the wind is, we took the turntables and went outside: I noticed that the turntables did not move at first. And as soon as the wind blew, they began to spin, quietly at first, and then stronger and stronger.

Conclusion: Wind is the movement of air.

Experience No. 2

We can check this conclusion in other experiments by trying to create a wind with our own hands:

With the help of a fan:

I took the fan and waved it at me. I felt cool, breeze. I made the air move.

With a balloon:

I blew up a balloon, but didn't tie it. The air began to come out again, and I again felt the breeze.

But the air can be both warm and cold.

To test this, we conducted the following experiment.

Experience number 3 cold and warm air.

When I sat down on the floor, I felt cold. And when I climbed onto the second floor of the bed, I felt warm.

Conclusion: The wind is first formed from two layers of air, and only then it starts to blow..

It turns out that cold and warm air move differently. We also verified this experimentally.

Experience No. 4 movement of cold and warm air.

I opened the balcony door and lowered the lighted candle on the threshold. The flame of the candle began to deviate towards the door. Then I moved the candle up - the flame of the candle began to deviate towards the room.

Conclusion: Warm air rises, it is light. A heavy cold air rushes down to the warm place.

Air moves continuously, it constantly rises and falls, and also moves horizontally.

It is the horizontal movements of air that we we call it wind.

Each wind has its own name.

The name of the wind gets on the side of the horizon, from where it blows.

    the north wind blows from the north

    the south wind blows from the south

    the west wind blows from the west

    the east wind blows from the east

    southwest wind blowing from the southwest

    northwest wind blows from the northwest

    southeast wind blows from the southeast

    northeast wind blows from the northeast

Determine from which side the wind is blowing and with what force we can use a special device - a weather vane.

Slow air movement it's a breeze. I watched a light breeze when I was relaxing with my parents at sea.

Strong wind is the rapid movement of air. Such winds are called hurricanes or typhoons. And under thunderclouds tornadoes or tornadoes may occur. Such winds can cause enormous damage: they destroy houses, overturn cars, knock down power line masts. Sometimes it does not do without human victims.

How does the wind help a person

But the power of the wind has long been used by man.

In travels and discoveries (navigation, balloons);

As a source of clean energy;

Wind is an important factor in climate formation, formation and movement of clouds, erosion of the planet's surface; an assistant in the transfer of plant seeds and the fertilization of plants by pollen.

Conclusion: So the wind can be not only an enemy, but also a friend of a person.

Is it possible to determine the direction of the wind by folk signs?

What are omens

The very word "sign" was formed from the words - note, notice. The first signs began to appear in ancient times, at a time when people first began to closely observe the world around them, the behavior of animals, weather changes, and the like. Even such trifles as the color and shape of the clouds gave people something to think about.

A sign is a phenomenon, an event that is popularly considered a harbinger of something.

According to the duration of action, signs are long-term and short-term.

You can determine the weather not only by local signs: clouds, precipitation, the moon, stars. But also for living beings: animals and plants.

We were interested in the signs associated with the wind. Since in Chelyabinsk, according to the city weather station, 76% of the days of the year are windy. The average wind speed is 2-5 m/s. strong winds with a speed of 15 m/s and more are observed annually, more often in the month of May, on average, 14-16 days with a strong wind are noted a year.

Chapter 2

To find out whether it is possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs, we organized a weather observation.

We liked these signs associated with the wind:

● "A warm breeze in March promises an equally warm but rainy summer"

● "The wind that blows on Palm Sunday will prevail throughout the summer"

To test your hypothesis: “Is it true that a warm wind in March promises the same warm but rainy summer”

I kept a weather diary, where I noted the direction of the wind throughout March 2016, as well as precipitation and air temperature in the summer months.

To find out if the wind was warm in March, and these are southerly winds, I made a wind rose for a given period of time.

In March dominated warm winds south direction.

The air temperature throughout the summer months was quite high: it did not fall below 18 degrees, and the highest - the air temperature was in August - 34 degrees.

For the entire summer period there were 34 days of rainy and cloudy weather.

Thus, a popular sign: "A warm wind in March promises the same warm, but also rainy summer." partially confirmed.

To test my hypothesis: “Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind for the whole summer in the direction of the wind on Palm Sunday?” I also kept an observation diary in which I noted the direction of the wind in the summer and noted the direction of the wind on Palm Sunday.

I got these results:

If you believe the sign, then the prevailing wind in the summer months should also be northwesterly.

Having built a wind rose for the summer months of June, July and August, I got the following results:

In my experience

in June, the north and northwest wind prevailed

in July, the north and northwest wind prevailed

in August prevailed - south and southwest wind

Thus, the popular sign "The wind that blows on Palm Sunday will prevail throughout the summer" was partially confirmed.

CONCLUSION: Summarizing the data obtained, I came to the conclusion that in most cases it is not always possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs.

During its research work I learned a lot about such a natural phenomenon as the wind. I learned about the causes of its occurrence, about the impact on human life and the world around. And found out that it is not always possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs.

Thank you for your attention!

Can we predict the direction of a breakout?

Following the traditional tactics of buying at the bottom and selling at the top of the configuration, we will, by definition, not be successful when the final break occurs. Since the loss cannot be capped by placing a stop loss just at the boundaries of the configuration (where it is inevitably activated on a false breakout), in our search for alternatives, we found only one option: to take positions in the expected direction of the breakout. How do we know which direction the breakthrough will take? Look for signs of a fundamental imbalance between buyers and sellers. Often they can be detected using the following indicators˸

1. General trend. The most important signal is the previous trend. He submits strong signs future movement, as up to now most of the consolidation zones have proven to be periodic fights between traders in an ongoing trend. Only statistics says that the breakout is in line with the trend.

2. Configuration. We know that most configurations give a signal about the development of a trend. Quite often it has good indicative properties.

3. Volume. Remember that "volume follows the trend". If we know the trading volume on the ups and downs within the configuration, then we can determine the direction of the breakout.

4. Gaps. If price gaps occur during a fall, for example, within one day, this is a sign of weakness in buyers, just as price gaps on an increase naturally

312 Psychology of finance

a sign of seller weakness. Gaps, or simply sudden shifts in direction, typically reflect a breakout in the direction of the gap.

5. Test breaks. There are two types of trial breakouts: premature and false. A false breakout is so called because it is immediately followed by a (true) breakout in the opposite direction. "Immediately" means "within a few days or even hours." If this does not occur after a failed test break, then the move is premature; the final break usually occurs in the same direction as the premature move.

6. Generality. As mentioned, signals from related markets often tell us a lot about what a particular market (such as a given stock) will do.

If we set the direction of the breakout, this will make trading in price congestion zones a fairly safe pastime.

Timing Tactics 313

How Split Personality Affects Individual Approaches to Trading

Can we predict the direction of a breakout? - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Can we predict the direction of the breakout?" 2015, 2017-2018.

Option 3.

Test 36.

I. What method of heat transfer allows you to warm yourself by a fire?

1. Thermal conductivity. 2. Convection. 3. radiation.

II. At the same temperature, metal objects feel colder to the touch than others. This is due to the fact that metals have ... thermal conductivity.

1. good; 2. bad.

What substances have...

III. good thermal conductivity? 1. Water. 3. Iron.

IV. poor thermal conductivity? 2. Brass. 4. Wool.

v. Is it possible to predict which direction the wind will have on the seashore on a hot summer day?

1. It is forbidden. 2. From sea to land. 3. From land to sea.

4. During the day from sea to land, and at night from land to sea.

VI. How is heat transfer possible between bodies separated by airless space?

1. Thermal conductivity. 2. Convection. 3. radiation.

VII. Does the temperature of a body change if it emits more energy by radiation than it absorbs it?

1. The body is warming up. 2. The body is cooling down.

3. Body temperature does not change.

VIII. Water is heated in a vessel with

spirit lamps. In which direction will it B C move?

1. ABSD.

2. ADSV. A D

Test 37.

I. What is the amount of heat?

1. This is the amount of internal energy required to heat a 1 kg substance by 1°C.

2. Part of the internal energy that a body gains or loses during heat transfer.

3. The amount of internal energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by 1°C.

II. In what units is the amount of heat measured?

1. J; 2. j/s; 3. J/(kg ºС); 4. Tue

Option 4.

Test 36.

I. What method of heat transfer heats the lower layers of the atmosphere?

1. Thermal conductivity. 2. Convection. 3. radiation.

II. To prevent the handle of the iron from heating up, it is made of plastic. Plastic has ... thermal conductivity.

1. good; 2. bad;

What substances have...

III. good thermal conductivity? 1. Steel. 3. Copper.

IV. poor thermal conductivity? 2. Cork. 4. Air.

v. In what bodies can heat transfer occur by convection?

1. In water. 2. In sand. 3. In the air

VI. Three pieces of cloth of different colors were laid on the snow: white, black and

green. When the Sun warmed up, after some time the snow melted under them (see fig.). What is the number in this picture for white, black and green fabric?

1. 1 - white; 2 - black; 3 - green. 3

2. 1 - black; 2 - white; 3 - green. 1

3. 1 - green; 2 - black; 3 - white. 2

4. 1 - white; 2 - green; 3 - black.

VII. In which teapot will water cool faster: pure white or smoked?

1. Equally. 2. In smoked. 3. In pure white.

VIII. In what direction does air move in the atmosphere on a hot summer day by the sea?

1. From sea to land. 2. From land to sea.

Test 37.

I. What is internal energy?

1. This is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a 1 kg substance by 1°C.

2. The amount of heat that a body gains or loses in heat transfer.

3. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by 1°C.

4. This is the potential and kinetic energy of the molecules that make up the body.

II. In what units is it measured specific heat?

1. J; 2. j/s; 3. J/(kg ºС); 4. Tue

III. How should one understand that the specific heat capacity of copper is 380 J / (kg ºС).

This means that for heating ... energy.

1. copper weighing 380 kg per 1 ºС requires 1 J

2. copper weighing 1 kg at 380 ºС requires 1 J

3. copper weighing 1 kg per 1 ºС requires 380 J

4. copper weighing 1 kg at 380 ºС requires 380 J

IV. Water, alcohol, kerosene and vegetable oil at the same temperature are poured into hot aluminum vessels heated to the same temperature. Which of the liquids will have the highest temperature if the masses of the liquids and the masses of the vessels are equal?

1. Water. 2. Alcohol. 3. Kerosene. 4. Vegetable oil.

v. Lead, brass, iron and tin cylinders of equal diameter and identical in mass are heated in hot water to the same temperature and then placed on a paraffin tile (see Fig.). As the cylinders cooled, some of the paraffin beneath them melted. Determine from the figure what number the brass cylinder is indicated by.

Research project

“Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind from folk signs?”


learn about the natural phenomenon "wind", about the causes of its occurrence, the impact on human life and the world around.

Find out if it's possiblepredict the direction of the wind according to folk signs.

To get acquainted with the concept of "Wind", to establish the causes of its occurrence;
Get acquainted with some types of winds, devices that allow you to measure wind speed and determine its direction;
Find out the role of the wind and the possibility of using it by man;
study and analyze the literature on the topic.
Conduct observations and experiments.Based on the results of my observations, find out in which direction the wind blew in our area in March, April and in the summer months.

Object of study: wind.

Subject of study : Direction of the wind

Hypothesis: Is it true that a warm wind in March promises the same warm but rainy summer. Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind for the whole summer in the direction of the wind on Verbnoye – April 24, 2016.

Chapter 1

1. Guess the riddle :

Though, without wings, but flies,

Though armless, but it happens

The pines are uprooted,

So sometimes he gets angry.

Just that he was everywhere -

A moment - and it is nowhere. (wind)

Guessed? It's… the wind.

At the lesson of the surrounding world, our teacher told us about natural phenomena. It turned out that nature is filled with many different phenomena, interesting, beautiful and even frightening. We want to dedicate our work to such a phenomenon as the wind.

Windit is impossible to see, but it is impossible not to notice how it sways the crowns of trees, drives clouds into the distance, circles snowflakes.

There are songs and poems about the wind. Many literary heroes turn to the wind for help. There are many folk signs associated with the wind.

We liked these:

warm wind in .

The wind that blows inpalm .

I became interested: what is "wind"? Where does it come from and why does it blow? What is the importance of the wind to humans? Is it possible to predict the direction of the wind from folk signs?

These are the questions we will find answers to in our work.

Experience #1

What is the wind?

To understand what the wind is, we took the turntables and went outside: I noticed that the turntables did not move at first. And as soon as the wind blew, they began to spin, quietly at first, and then stronger and stronger.

Conclusion: Wind is the movement of air.

Experience No. 2

We can check this conclusion in other experiments by trying to create a wind with our own hands:

With the help of a fan:

I took the fan and waved it at me. I felt cool, breeze. I made the air move.

With a balloon:

I blew up a balloon, but didn't tie it. The air began to come out again, and I again felt the breeze.

But the air can be both warm and cold.

To test this, we conducted the following experiment.

Experience number 3 cold and warm air.

When I sat down on the floor, I felt cold. And when I climbed onto the second floor of the bed, I felt warm.

Conclusion: The wind is first formed from two layers of air, and only then it starts to blow. .

It turns out that cold and warm air move differently. We also verified this experimentally.

Experience No. 4 movement of cold and warm air .

I opened the balcony door and lowered the lighted candle on the threshold. The flame of the candle began to deviate towards the door. Then I moved the candle up - the flame of the candle began to deviate towards the room.

Conclusion: Warm air rises, it is light. And heavy cold air rushes down to the place of warm air.

Air moves continuously, it constantly rises and falls, and also moves horizontally.

It is the horizontal movements of air that we we call it wind.

Each wind has its own name.

The name of the wind gets on the side of the horizon, from where it blows.

    the north wind blows from the north

    the south wind blows from the south

    the west wind blows from the west

    the east wind blows from the east

    southwest wind blowing from the southwest

    northwest wind blows from the northwest

    southeast wind blows from the southeast

    northeast wind blows from the northeast

Determine from which side the wind is blowing and with what force we can use a special device - a weather vane.

Slow air movement it's a breeze. I watched a light breeze when I was relaxing with my parents at sea.

Strong wind is the rapid movement of air. Such winds are called hurricanes or typhoons. And under thunderclouds, tornadoes or tornadoes can occur. Such winds can cause enormous damage: they destroy houses, overturn cars, knock down power line masts. Sometimes it does not do without human victims.

How does the wind help a person

But the power of the wind has long been used by man.

In travels and discoveries (navigation, balloons);

As a source of clean energy;

Wind is an important factor in climate formation, formation and movement of clouds, erosion of the planet's surface; an assistant in the transfer of plant seeds and the fertilization of plants by pollen.

Conclusion: So the wind can be not only an enemy, but also a friend of a person.

Is it possible to determine the direction of the wind by folk signs?

What are omens

The very word "sign" was formed from the words - note, notice. The first signs began to appear in ancient times, at a time when people first began to closely observe the world around them, the behavior of animals, weather changes, and the like. Even such trifles as the color and shape of the clouds gave people something to think about.

A sign is a phenomenon, an event that is popularly considered a harbinger of something.

According to the duration of action, signs are long-term and short-term.

You can determine the weather not only by local signs: clouds, precipitation, the moon, stars. But also for living beings: animals and plants.

We were interested in the signs associated with the wind. Since in Chelyabinsk, according to the city weather station, 76% of the days of the year are windy. The average wind speed is 2-5 m/s. Strong winds with a speed of 15 m/s and more are observed annually, more often in the month of May, on average, 14-16 days with strong winds are observed per year.

Chapter 2

To find out whether it is possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs, we organized a weather observation.

We liked these signs associated with the wind:

"Warm wind in promises the same warm, but also rainy »

"The wind that blows inpalm, will prevail throughout »

To test your hypothesis:Is it true that a warm wind in March promises the same warm but rainy summer?

I kept a weather diary, where I noted the direction of the wind throughout March 2016, as well as precipitation and air temperature in the summer months.

To find out if the wind was warm in March, and these are southerly winds, I made a wind rose for a given period of time.

In March, warm southerly winds prevailed.

The air temperature throughout the summer months was quite high: it did not fall below 18 degrees, and the highest - the air temperature was in August - 34 degrees. Sunday » I also kept a diary of observations in which I noted the direction of the wind in the summer and noted the direction of the wind on Palm Sunday.

I got these results:

Palm Sunday was - April 24, 2016 on this day the northwest wind prevailed.

If you believe the sign, then the prevailing wind in the summer months should also be northwesterly.

Having built a wind rose for the summer months of June, July and August, I got the following results:

In my experience

in June, the north and northwest wind prevailed

in July, the north and northwest wind prevailed

in August prevailed - south and southwest wind

So the folk tale"The wind that blows in Palmnoe , will prevail duringTotal” was partially confirmed.

CONCLUSION: Summarizing the obtained data, I came to the conclusion that in most casesit is not always possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs.

In the course of my research work, I learned a lot about such a natural phenomenon as the wind. I learned about the causes of its occurrence, about the impact on human life and the world around. And found out thatit is not always possible to predict the direction of the wind according to folk signs .

Thank you for your attention!

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Physics Tests

Option 1.

1. There are two bars. Their masses are equal, but V1 > V2.

2. There are two balls. Their volumes are equal, but m1< m2.

A. The density of the first body is greater than the density of the second.

B. The density of the second body is greater than the density of the first.

What letter stands for:

3. Length - A. h

4 . Width - B.l

5. Height - D.S

6. Area - E.V

7. :

A. The Moon, moving in orbit around the Earth, performs mechanical work.

B. A weight hanging from a cord does mechanical work.

C. A passenger on a bus is doing mechanical work.

D. A fly flying around a room does mechanical work.

E. The tape recorder, rewinding the cassette, performs mechanical work.

8 .

A. Efficiency shows the share of useful work from the total perfect.

B. Efficiency = 40%. This means that 40% of all work is useful.

C. Efficiency = 40%. This means that 60% of all work is useless.

D. Useful work is always less than total work.

E. Useful work is always less than useless work.

9. The car is speeding down the highway. As the car moves, it has...

10. Due to the fact that the stone is attracted to the Earth, it has ...

11 .A heated body has...

A. kinetic energy. B. potential energy. D. internal energy.

12. Find all true statements

A. Speed ​​is calculated by dividing the travel time by the distance travelled.

B. The speed is the greater, the more time the body spends per unit of path.

C. Speed ​​is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time travelled.

D. The speed is greater, the greater the distance traveled by the body per unit time.

13. What method of heat transfer is based on water heating?

A. Thermal conductivity, B. radiation, C. convection,

14. Which house is warmer: wooden or brick, if the thickness of the walls is the same?

A. wooden, B. both conduct heat equally, C. brick

15. Which substances have good thermal conductivity?

1 Water, 2 Brass, 5 Iron, 4 Wool.

A - 2.5 B - 1.2.5 C - 2.5.4.

16. Is it possible to predict which direction the wind will have near the sea at night?

17. Will the temperature of a body change if it absorbs more radiation energy than it emits?

A. the body cools down B. the body temperature does not change C. the body heats up

18. Is heat transfer possible in a vacuum?

A. yes B. no

19. In what state of matter is heat transferred primarily by conduction?

A. in solids B. in liquids C. in gases

20. Dirty snow melts in sunny weather ... than clean

A. faster B. equally C. slower

Option 2.

1. There are two bars. Their masses are equal, but V1< V2.

A. The density of the first body is greater than the density of the second.

B. The density of the second body is greater than the density of the first.

2. There are two balls. Their volumes are equal, but m1 > m2.

A. The density of the first body is greater than the density of the second.

B. The density of the second body is greater than the density of the first.

What letter stands for:

3. Volume - A.V

4. Mass - B.S

5. Time - C.m

6. Speed ​​- D.t

7. Find all true statements

A. A girl playing the violin does mechanical work.

B. The wind driving clouds across the sky does mechanical work.

C. Water pressing on the vessel wall does mechanical work.

D. The computer, solving the problem, performs mechanical work.

E. The Earth, moving in orbit around the Sun, performs mechanical work.

8. Find all true statements

A. Efficiency = 30%. Hence, useless work is more useful work.

B. Efficiency = 60%. This means that the useful work is more than half of the total work.

C. Efficiency = 60%. This means that useful work is less than useless work.

D. Efficiency = 30%. Hence, the useless work is less than half of the full work.

E. Efficiency = 50%. This means that useful work is equal to half of useless work.

9. The greater the speed of the body, the more ...

10. The more the body is compressed or stretched, the more ...

11. The hotter the body is, the more...

A. internal energy. B. potential energy. C. kinetic energy.

12. Find all correct statements:

A. Distance traveled is calculated by dividing speed by time.

B. Distance traveled is calculated by multiplying speed and time.

C. The distance traveled is greater, the greater the speed.

D. The distance traveled is greater, the longer the time of movement.

13. Liquid / in a kettle, boiler, etc. / is always heated ...

A. side B. top C. bottom

14. In winter, metal is colder than wood to the touch. Why?

A. since the thermal conductivity of wood is greater than the thermal conductivity of metal, and wood absorbs heat from the hand faster;

B. since the thermal conductivity of metal is greater than the thermal conductivity of wood and heat passes to metal faster from the hand than to wood

15. What method of heat transfer allows you to warm yourself by a fire?

A. radiation, B. convection, C. heat conduction

16. Why does the saw get hot during operation?

A. by conduction, B. by heat transfer, C. by doing work

17. Animals with wool are more protected from the cold.

A. air B. wool

18. Why are gas storage tanks painted silver at oil depots?

A. to reduce the evaporation of gasoline, B. to reduce the absorption of sunlight

19. Is it possible to predict what direction the wind will have near the sea on a hot day?

A. You can, from land to sea; B. possible, from sea to land; C. can't.

20. Which plate: black or white will heat up faster on a hot summer day?

A. black B. white C. simultaneously

Physics Tests

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