The concept of national relations. Cooperation is a complex of mutually beneficial relations Ways of interethnic rapprochement

Technique and Internet 11.07.2019
Technique and Internet

Interethnic cooperation and conflicts
repeat and summarize the studied material; develop the ability to search and
systematization of information on the topic; be able to compare, analyze, draw conclusions,
solve cognitive and problem tasks;
be able to explain the studied provisions on self-selected concrete
examples; Ability to build relationships and work collaboratively
promote a sense of tolerance,
nationalism, racism, anti-Semitism.
manifestation aversion
Equipment: textbooks, dictionary
During the classes:
1. Organizational part of the lesson
2. Introduction to the topic
Epigraph of the lesson: “When the power of the state and the nation is declared greater
value than a person, then in principle the war has already been declared, everything for it is already
prepared spiritually and materially, and it can arise at any moment” (N.A.
B. What
states can lead to conflicts, both within the state and between them).
the meaning of Berdyaev's statement? (Wrong, erroneous policy
Today at the lesson we concrete examples let's try to sort out the problems
interethnic relations, find out the causes of interethnic conflicts and ways of their
Q. Why is it important for us to study this topic? (3000 nations make up
modern humanity, they live in about 200 states, therefore,
there are many multinational states, including our country, in
which is home to more than 100 ethnic groups, 30 nations. What is the relationship between
nations determine both the development of the country and the situation in the world).
Q. What is interethnic relations? (relations between ethnic groups, covering all
spheres of public life)
C. Name 2 levels of relationships and reveal their essence. (1 level interaction
peoples in different areas public life: politics, culture, production, science,
art; Level 2 interpersonal relations of people of different nationalities in
different forms of communication - in labor, family, educational, informal
types of relationships)
Q. What trends in the development of interethnic relations do you know? (integration and

Conclusion: interethnic relations can be friendly, mutually respectful,
or, conversely, conflict, hostility.
3. Repetition and generalization of the studied material
The theme of our lesson is "Interethnic cooperation and conflicts." We will be with you
work in groups. Each group gets a task. After independent work With
textbook, additional materials, groups present completed tasks.
Task 1: make up a cluster "Trends in the development of interethnic relations"
Conclusion: interethnic relations find their expression in human actions,
which can either unite peoples or lead to conflicts.
Q. How do you understand the essence of the term "cooperation"?
Q. How does it manifest itself?
Q. What integration trends emerged during the 20th century?
Q. Is the creation and activity of the EU a positive or a negative phenomenon?
Q. How does Russia's participation in the integration process manifest itself? How do you feel about
creation of the CIS?
Interethnic cooperation implies not only integration, but also
differentiation, which takes not only peaceful forms, but is also expressed in the form
Group 2 drawing up a "Fishbone" scheme on the topic "Interethnic conflicts"
Q. How does a social conflict differ from an interethnic one?
B. What are the main causes of interethnic conflicts.
Q. How do you feel about the problem of separatism?
Q. What is xenophobia?
Conclusion: Ignoring problems in national relations can lead to serious
The question arises: is it possible to exclude the emergence of conflicts with ethnic
3 group drawing up a table
Problem Solving Sheet
1.What is the main problem in the prevention of interethnic conflicts?
2. What are the ways to resolve ethnic conflicts?
3. Which of the chosen paths is the best? Why?

Conclusion: It is impossible to single out any one way of resolving conflicts in
national soil. All of them are interconnected. The main thing is that when solving national
problems, a humanistic approach was used:
recognition and respect for the diversity of cultures, rejection of violence between peoples;
development and continued functioning of democracy, ensuring the realization of rights and
individual freedoms, ethnic communities;
the state's focus on the formation of an interethnic culture among citizens
Q. Is it possible to imagine the modern world without ethnic conflicts?
Q. Imagine that you are in government and are in charge of national relations.
What priority steps would you suggest taking?
In dealing with other peoples, each person should follow the following
nature has created people different, but equal in dignity and rights;
there are no nations good and bad, there are bad or good people, or rather bad or good
national origin is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage, it is simply
game of chance, fate.
4. Physical education minute
5. Checking the learned material.
It is carried out on the basis of solutions to tasks of parts B6, C5 and C8.
B. Define the concept of "interethnic relations" and make two
sentences containing information about interethnic relations.
C. Make a complex plan on the topic "Nations and interethnic relations"
C. Insert the words suggested in the list in place of the gaps.
The emergence of such a social community as _________ (A) is associated with the development
capitalist relations. Modern scientists believe that the key feature
this community is the community of spiritual culture, important element which
is the national _______(B). The main direction in the development of international
relationships are _______(B) and differentiation. Interethnic cooperation
can be carried out in various areas: economic, political, ______ (G),
The reasons for interethnic ________ (D) may be: household
prejudices, territorial disputes, ________(E) on racial and religious grounds.
One of the principles of regulation of interethnic conflicts is respect
cultural ________ (F) and interests of all national groups, condemnation of violence in
solving national problems.
1.integration 6.humanization

International cooperation. Interethnic relations have always been distinguished by their contradictory nature - the inclination towards cooperation and periodic explosions of conflict. The modern division of labor also has national connotations. (Thus, some peoples succeed better in trade affairs, others in the production of high-tech products.) It would seem that there is nothing reprehensible in this, but in certain situations it provokes ethnic conflicts. For example, in economic crisis-ridden Indonesia, residents of Jakarta set fire to and looted the shops of the Chinese, who monopolized the trading environment in that country. At the same time, there is a process of interpenetration and mutual enrichment of cultures of different peoples. However, constructive interethnic cooperation is hampered by differences between nations, ignorance and misunderstanding of foreign cultures and traditions, and ethnocentric attitudes. It is the understanding of the culture and traditions of another national group that is the source of constructive civilized interethnic cooperation. Researchers of the problem of interethnic contacts have developed a code of ethics that promotes communication between different cultures. 1. Treat a foreign culture with the same respect that you treat your own. 2. Don't judge the values, beliefs, and customs of other cultures based on your own values. Each culture has its own value system, and the same values ​​are of varying degrees of importance (see Table 5.2). It is necessary not only to know this, but to take it into account when communicating with people of other nationalities. 3. Never proceed from the superiority of your religion over someone else's. 4. Communicating with representatives of another religion, try to understand and respect it. 5. Strive to understand the cooking and eating habits of other peoples, influenced by their specific needs and resources. 6. Respect other cultures' ways of dressing. 7. Do not show aversion to unfamiliar smells if they can be perceived as pleasant by people of other cultures. 8. Remember that every culture, no matter how small, has something to offer the world, but there are no cultures that would have a monopoly on all aspects. 9. Always remember that no scientific evidence supports the superiority of one ethnic group over another. Values ​​Primary Secondary Tertiary Non-Essential Personality 3 H W M Motherhood h,v M,3 - - Hierarchy 3, B, M, A H - - Masculinity H, M, B, 3, A - - - Power B, A m, h 3 - World V h 3, A m Money 3, A, Ch m V - Modesty V Ch, A, M - 3 Punctuality 3 Ch m, V A Rescue 3 M - V, Ch, M Karma V - - M, 3.4, A Superiority 3 h - V, A, M Aggressiveness 3.4 m A, B - Collective responsibility B, A, M h - 3 Respect for the elders V, A, M h - 3 Respect for the youth 3 M, A, N, V ​​- - Hospitality V, A H - 3 Inherited property B - M, A, C, C - Preservation of the environment C C, A 3 m Skin color C, 3.4 M - A Sanctity of arable land C A - 4, M, 3 Equality of women 3 c, h A m Human dignity 3.4 V, A, M - - Efficiency 3 P V, M - Patriotism P, M, A, V 3 - - Table 5.2 Continuation of Table. 5.2 Values ​​Primary Secondary Tertiary Minor Religion 3, C, M, A, B - - - Authoritarianism C, M, A s, h - - Education 3.4 C, A, M - - Immediacy 3 C, C, M, A - - Source: See: Sitaram, K., Cogdell, G. Decree. op. S. 116. In the table. 5.2 are marked: 3 - Western cultures; B - oriental cultures; H - black cultures of America; A - African cultures; M - Muslim cultures. International conflicts. Social, including national, contradictions are an ineradicable feature of our being. Ethnic conflicts are also inevitable. The subjects of interethnic conflicts are: ethnic groups, national communities (including indigenous peoples and national minorities), international formations, nation states, various national organizations. National movements are really involved in the conflict - organized groups united by the national idea and mobilizing their supporters to fight for defending their interests. The nationalism of the participants in these movements is often caused by the infringement of the rights of their peoples, which makes it understandable. In this case, an interethnic conflict can restore justice. The conflict becomes destructive in cases when national movements develop into nationalist ones, which aim to assert the superiority of one nation over another. The limit of this superiority is the desire to satisfy one's own national interests at the expense of other nations. The extreme form of nationalism is fascism, in which the interests of "inferior" races are sacrificed to the interests of one superior race. The practice and results of the actions of the Nazis are notorious. Almost all corners of the world are covered by ethnic conflicts - Africa, Europe (for example, Northern Ireland, Spain, Serbia, Cyprus), North America(Canada), Asia (China, Indonesia, India), etc. There are many hotbeds of interethnic conflicts in the territory former USSR and present-day Russia(Karabakh, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Chechnya, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Ingushetia, North Ossetia- Alania, etc.). The causes of interethnic conflicts are due to the socio-economic problems of the development of nations. The process of regulation and resolution of a specific interethnic conflict is, as a rule, complex, lengthy, intense, multi-stage and unique. Interethnic conflicts on domestic grounds “do not have clear stages of development and resolution; they are of a spontaneous nature, and their process can be regulated by general activities for the international education of the population and the democratization of society”1. An important direction in the prevention of destructive interethnic conflicts is the prevention of nationalist sentiments by giving national claims and aspirations traits that are acceptable to the surrounding nations. Keywords and concepts of interethnic cooperation. Code of Ethics. International conflicts. Subjects of interethnic conflicts. Regulation of interethnic conflicts. Control questions and tasks 1. What hinders constructive interethnic cooperation in the modern world? 2. What role does the code of ethics play in the organization of interethnic cooperation? 3. What are the types of ethnic conflicts? 4. Compare national and nationalist movements. 5. Prove that understanding of foreign culture and respect for cultural differences is the basis of interethnic cooperation. 9.

National relations are relations between peoples (ethnic groups), which cover all aspects of public life.

The concept of national relations

National relations find their expression in public actions, which largely depend on the individual motivation and behavior of the subjects of society.

National relations can be friendly and mutually respectful, or vice versa - hostile and conflict.

The concept of ethnic communities

Ethnic communities are associations of people based on a common historical past, which provokes identity in their worldview, in cultural and spiritual traditions.

The main feature of ethnic communities is their common historical region of residence.

To date, there are several thousand ethnic communities in the world, the modern geography of their settlement is the most diverse.

Interethnic conflicts and interethnic cooperation

Interethnic conflicts are a kind of social conflicts that occur between members of different ethnic communities. In many scientific works, varieties of political, civil confrontation are indicated as the basis of interethnic conflicts.

Ethnic conflicts often exist in two forms: in the form of political competition and in the form of armed confrontations. Often the formation of the image of the enemy in the person of another nation occurs on a historical basis.

Interethnic cooperation is the interaction between representatives of different ethnic groups, which is reflected in economic, political and cultural public relations. The main principle of interethnic cooperation is mutual assistance, as well as respect for representatives of other peoples.

Culture of interethnic relations

culture interethnic relations represents the level of relations between people and ethnic groups of different nationalities, which is based on moral principles, legal norms, as well as norms of mutual trust and respect.

A low level of culture of interethnic relations provokes the emergence of interethnic conflicts, a high level contributes to the development of interethnic cooperation.

National politics

National policy is component parts activities of any state that regulates interethnic relations of citizens in various types public interaction.

The essence of national policy directly depends on the general vectors public policy. At the heart of the national policy of legal democratic states is the principle of respect for people belonging to any ethnic communities.

At all times, people have worked to create mechanisms for cooperation and unleashing conflicts. These methods are used in many areas of human life and society to achieve the goals of a particular person or group of people. Often, it is the joint activities of organizations, states, enterprises that bring an effective result in a particular area.

What is cooperation?

Cooperation is an activity of several parties, thanks to which all participants receive some benefit. Known today various forms economic, political, military, environmental interaction. Nowadays, issues of cooperation related to financial support, use of natural resources, military-political associations, security environment, space exploration, business development, communication networks.

About the essence of cooperation

In fact, cooperation is a process in which the interacting parties, without the use of violence, seek ways to satisfy common interests. The circumstances in which one of the parties can achieve its goals only if the other party to the agreement can achieve the same can be called mutually beneficial cooperation. In other words, the goals of the partners must be linked.

The essence of cooperation is to achieve the common goals of partners, expecting specific benefits from the implementation of agreements, mutual benefit. These three points are fundamental to any joint venture agreement.

About international cooperation

There is an inaccurate understanding of the expression " the international cooperation". Sometimes this term means the absence of conflict or getting rid of its extreme forms.

Cooperation is an indicator of the interdependence of states and organizations. The development of international relations has built political, economic, environmental, cultural and religious systems of interaction. For example, in recent times unresolved issues related to the global problems of mankind are exacerbated. In this area, it is extremely objective to expand international activities contributing to the solution of world problems.

The elements of the development of business relations include diplomatic means, coordination of efforts to ensure security, plans to resolve military conflicts.

Why international relations are intensively developing?

There are a number of reasons for improving the formation mutually beneficial relationship. Here is some of them:

  • Uneven economic development in some countries. Each state forms its own structure of agriculture, development certain types industry, infrastructure, education. If a certain state is known for producing a particular product with high quality, then this specialization will stimulate the development of foreign trade.
  • Inequality in financial, raw materials and human resources. About 25 million people migrate to another country every year to find work. Some countries in Asia and Africa have huge labor resources, while in America and Europe there are not enough workers. The extraction of minerals and the availability of other types of raw materials contribute to the development of mutually beneficial ties between countries that enter into a cooperation agreement. For example, some states lend and invest in various organizations in other countries.
  • Inequality in the field of scientific and technological progress. If countries exchange scientists, conduct joint research, develop new technologies and enter into contracts in this area, this will also benefit both parties.
  • Specificity political relations. This factor greatly affects the volume of trade turnover. A friendly foreign policy increases foreign trade turnover, while a belligerent one contributes to breaking economic ties.

The cooperation agreement includes active actions partner states for mutual coordination in the field of economics and politics that do not harm or negative consequences one or the other party to the agreement.


Search and development international relations contribute to the opening of access for one or another partner state to the world economy, increase the economic potential, and provide the resource needs of the nation. So, what is meant by cooperation today?

Cooperation is a complex of relations developing on the basis of mutual exchange. In the conditions of modern reality, international relations look like a process of establishing a dialogue, comparing interests, reaching consensus, mechanisms of adaptation in cases of mismatch of values ​​and in conflict situations between regions, countries and organizations.


Interethnic relations

Interethnic relations are called relations between different states, as well as between different nations one state.

Consider two trends in interethnic relations modern world. First - integration– close mutually beneficial interethnic contacts, cooperation in politics, economy, culture. In modern global world rapidly growing productive forces are crowded within the framework of one nation or one state. There is a process of broad cooperation between countries. A striking example of the economic integration of nations and states is European Union, uniting about 30 states of Europe. An example of political integration is a number of international organizations led by the UN. And an example of cultural integration is the celebration of Christmas, Halloween, etc. The integration of states contributes to the erasure of national borders and the unity of mankind. important principle building interethnic relations is tolerance, mutual respect of nations.

The second trend of interethnic relations is differentiation, this is the reverse integration process, when nations strive for independence, separation and confrontation. characteristic feature differentiation is, for example, the strengthening of protectionist measures in international trade, nationalist and extremist views. The desire of nations to differentiate has led to the emergence of such socially dangerous phenomena as:

    nationalism and its extreme form of chauvinism, expressed in hatred of other nations;

    segregation- forced separation of one nation from another on any basis, for example, racial discrimination;

    genocidephysical destruction nations - a particularly serious crime against humanity;

    separatism, which consists in the desire of the nation to separate from the state and create its own independent state entity;

    ethnic cleansing - the policy of forcible expulsion of persons of a different ethnic group from the territory of the country.

The third trend of interethnic relations is globalization(more).

Thus, there are two main forms of interethnic relations: peaceful cooperation (stable relations) and ethnic conflict (unstable relations). We are talking about peaceful cooperation when nations interact and benefit each other. The main forms of peaceful cooperation are ethnic mixing through interethnic marriages and ethnic absorption - natural or forced assimilation, in which one nation completely loses its language, culture and national identity. Ethnic conflict arises as a result of a clash of interests different nations and often escalates into armed struggle.

Causes of ethnic conflicts and ways to resolve them

Causes of ethnic conflicts can be:

    territorial claims;

    struggle for political power or political independence;

    inequality in the possession of material resources and benefits;

    infringement of the rights, values, interests of the ethnic group;

    ethnocentrism - the excellent views of the ethnic group towards their own culture and the rejection of another culture;

    deterioration of the ecological situation on the territory of one ethnic group due to the actions of another and others.

Ethnic conflicts lead to grave consequences, people die, cultural values ​​are destroyed. The settlement of ethnic conflicts, on the one hand, depends on the activities of international organizations (primarily the UN) and commissions, which must take into account the interests of each of the conflicting parties. On the other hand, it depends on the internal attitudes of the person himself. It is very important that each person does not allow violence, adheres to humanistic views in resolving ethnic issues and maintains tolerant interethnic relations.

Maintaining stable interethnic relations is the main goal of the national policy of any state. Its main areas are:

    ensuring the equality of all nations living in the state, for example, the laws of the Russian Federation guarantee the right of every citizen to determine their nationality;

    creating conditions for the preservation of ethnic culture, for example, teaching the native language in schools;

    organization of events that bring nations together and expand cultural ties, for example, holding international song and dance festivals;

    preventive measures aimed at promoting an intolerant attitude towards nationalism and chauvinism.

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