Summary of classes for children of the senior group. The beauty of the native land

Career and finance 06.07.2019
Career and finance
Lesson summary "Nature native land» senior group

Vitkovskaya Ludmila Ivanovna


    To systematize and enrich children's knowledge about the nature of their native land, about the forest and its inhabitants.

    Develop children's speech activity, logical thinking.

    Cultivate love for nature and respect for it.

Lesson progress:

Guys, today guests came to us, let's say hello!

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet: Good morning!

Good morning sun and birds!

Good morning smiling faces!

Give your guests a smile.

Today we will talk about earthly beauty, about nature. What do you think nature is? The nature of the Kursk region is rich and varied, there are 59 species of animals, 270 species of birds, 700 ponds and reservoirs, 32 species of fish.

Video "Nature of the Kursk Territory"

Knock on the door

Guys, look, a balloon came to us with a letter ...

“Dear guys, I invite you to my forest. I am sending a magic wand with which you will enter the forest kingdom.

Old Man Lisovechek

And who among you knows who the Old Man Lisovechek is? Forester. This is a person who guards and preserves the forest, keeps order, helps animals and birds, feeds them in the winter cold. Well, do you want to visit him?

We all want to get into the forest,

We close our eyes together

Imagine, dream

As we walk in the forest.

Our eyes have reopened

We all ended up in the forest.

Melody "Sounds of the Forest"

Children, the forest is our wealth, how pleasant it is to walk in the forest and breathe fresh air. And who knows what grows in the forest?

Will help us in rain and heat,

Friend is green and good

Give us 10 hands

And thousands of hands.


And who knows what kind of trees grow in our forests? How are trees similar? If the leaves on the trees are deciduous trees if the needles are coniferous. The forest where spruces grow is called a spruce forest, where birch trees are called a birch grove. The forest is deciduous, coniferous and mixed. Every tree has fruit...

The game "Whose fruits?"

What time of year is it now? Winter. The trees are getting ready for the winter shed their clothes. And I collected the leaves, and now we will guess whose they are ...

The game "Whose leaves?"


We will become trees

Strong, big.

Legs are roots

Let's spread them out wider.

To keep the tree

Didn't let it fall

From the depths of the underground

They got water.

Our body is a strong trunk,

He wobbles a little

And with its top

Reaches into the sky.

Our hands are branches,

The crown is formed.

In the place they are not afraid,

If the wind blows.

Guys, here is the Old Man Lesovichok!

Hello guys, I'm glad that you came to my forest, but do you know what lives in the forest? Animals and birds. What animals do you know?

The game "Who lives where?"

The game "Name the cubs?"


The hare rushes that there is urine -

He wants to hide in the forest.

Now he runs, then spins,

The poor guy is afraid of everything.

Where to hide from that evil?

From the fox, from the marten,

From an owl and from an eagle.

Who else lives in the forest? Birds. Their sonorous voices greeted us at the beginning of the journey.

Story about birds.

The most famous bird of the Kursk region is the nightingale, it sings very beautifully. You and I know that there are a hundred birds migratory and wintering ... Why are they called that?

Children, what is the meaning of the forest for us? The forest gives us the warm air necessary for all life on earth. Grass turns green under the trees and mushrooms and berries grow, and this is food for birds and animals. There is nothing useless and superfluous in the forest. If the swamps dry up, cranes and herons will not fly in, because they feed on frogs, if there are no trees, shrubs and grasses, people will suffer. The forest is calledlungs of our planet . It produces the oxygen that we and all living things breathe. We conclude: we need to protect and protect our nature. How will we protect nature?

Take care of each bush guys

Where you will see a simple sprout,

An oak can grow in three girths,

Birch forest, or dense raspberry,

And how many nuts and berries!

Holy remember that the forest is our joy

Together with the forest and mothers, you grow.

Guys, it's time for us to go back, let's say goodbye to Lesovichok.

Let's close our eyes

Let's hold hands friends

And along the forest ladder,

Let's go to our home.

You know a lot about the forest and its inhabitants and will protect the nature of your native land.

Program tasks:

1. Introduce children to the national park "Orlovskoye Polesye", its purpose, show its main values ​​​​(a rich animal and vegetable world);

2. To form an idea of ​​the reserve as a place where rich nature is specially protected;

3. To consolidate children's knowledge about the culture of behavior in nature;

4. Cultivate a sense of pride in the natural attractions of the native land.

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about our native land;

Children examined the map and illustrations of the flora and fauna of the Oryol region;

D / and “Who lives in the Oryol woodland”

We talked about the profession of a forester.

Demo material:

Map of the Oryol region;

Illustrations of the animal and plant world;

Audio recording “Sounds of the Forest”, songs “Forever Beloved Native Land”;


Magic box.

Lesson progress

(The audio recording of the song “Native Land Forever Beloved” sounds, the children enter the group.)

Educator: Guys, today we have guests. Let's say hello.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello: "Good morning!"

Good morning suns and birds!

Good morning smiling faces!

- Now smile at each other and give your smiles to the guests. (Children smile.)

Motivation with a surprise moment: the appearance of a balloon with a letter.

(Knock on the door.)

Oh guys, we have another guest who was late.

This is the ball arrived! Yes, it's not easy! Let's see what he brought us?

This is a letter, shall we read it?

Educator (reads a letter): “Hello dear children!

The old man-forester writes to you. I had a misfortune: I was compiling a red book, and the animals got mixed up with animals from other countries. I can't manage alone. I really need your help. I am sending you a magic wand that will help you get into my forest. Thank you in advance. Old man-forester.

Guys, do any of you know who the forest man is? What is he doing in the forest?

Children: This is a person who guards and preserves the forest. She keeps order in the forest, looks after and helps animals and birds in trouble, feeds them in the winter cold and frost.

Educator: What to do in this situation?

Children: Go to the forest and help.

Then let's go.

Fizkultminutka (sounds of the forest)

Educator: Oh, guys, look who meets us? (Lesovichok.)

Lesovichok: Thank you guys for coming to my aid.

Lesovichok: Look at these photos and try to guess where we are going today?

(Children's answers: in the Oryol woodland.)

Right in national park"Oryol woodland"

What do you think it was created for?

Children: To save nature, where all plants and animals are under human supervision.

Oryol woodland - very beautiful place. There are pine forests birch groves, quiet lakes, forest streams. The nature of the Oryol woodland is attractive at any time of the year.

- I invite you to the national park - Oryol woodland. At the entrance to the Orlovskoye Polissya park there is a statue of a girl who, as it were, invites all people to enter the park and admire its beauty, and a gullible deer looks out from behind her, who hopes that the guests of the park will not offend anyone.

Do you know how to behave in the forest?

(Children's answer: do not break tree branches; do not leave garbage in the forest; do not kill insects; take care of wild birds and animals, etc.)

AT national park people planted rare plants, collected rare animals for people to remember, care for and admire.

And what animals and birds from the Oryol woodland do you know? (Bison, Bear, Ostrich- short story children according to the scheme.)

Guys, let's help the woodsman return the animals now?

Didactic game "Who lives in the Oryol woodland"

Goal: Clarify and generalize children's knowledge of animals, develop logical thinking. Cultivate love for animals. pictures depicting animals, children must choose those animals that live in Oryol Polissya and attach to the picture.

Well done, you all got it right. Now we can go further.

The children come up to the tree.

What is this tree? (Spruce.)

Near him is a box made of birch bark.

Educator: Guys, here is the box. This Old Man-Lesovichok prepared a surprise for us. Let's see what's inside.

The teacher opens the box. It contains cones with riddles pinned to them.

“Look, there are riddles in the box. Let's try to guess them.

1. In a white sundress, they stood in a clearing,

Tits flew, sat on pigtails. (Birch.)

2. No one scares, but everything trembles. (Aspen.)

3. In the meadows of the sister - a golden eye, white cilia. (Chamomile.)

4. Not heat, not fire, but if you take it in your hands, it will scorch. (Nettle.)

(Children guess riddles.)

- Well done, you solved all the riddles! You know well the trees and plants that grow in the Oryol woodland.

Educator: And now, guys, guess the riddle:

long ear,

fluff ball,

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots. (Hare.)

Let's sit down at the tables and make a bunny so that the woodman takes it to the Oryol woodland.

(Children make a bunny.)

Now let's put the bunnies in the basket.

Guys! Did we help?

(children's answers)

Educator: It's a pity, it's time for us to return to the group, let's say to the forest man: Thank you and goodbye.

Lumberjack: Goodbye!

Educator: We close our eyes and let's say the magic words: (birds sing)

We stomp our feet,

Let's clap our hands.

Let's turn around, turn around

Let's take hands together.

Let's close our eyes, say: "Bye!"

It's time for us all to return to kindergarten.

We close our eyes. (The birds stop singing.)

The teacher concludes:

Here we are back friends, did you like it?

Guys, where have we been today? Oryol woodland.)

Do you know any poem?

Poem (lit. reb)

Native land, Oryol woodland,

You are our pride and beauty!

Soared high into the sky

Slender mighty forests.

What do you remember the most, what will you tell your family at home?

Thank you all and goodbye.

Prepared by the teacher Yuzhanina L.I.

Nature of the native land
Abstract of the lesson in the senior group

Topic: "Nature of the native land"
To consolidate the knowledge of children about the flora of their native land.
Strive to evoke in children a sense of gratitude for the fact that the world is beautiful.
Learn to use the plant world wisely.
To show that many diseases can be cured with the help of nature.
Develop Creative skills children, imagination, speech, attention, memory.
Bring up careful attitude to native nature.

Material: Map of the area, illustrations of trees in different times years, postcards depicting medicinal herbs.

Preliminary work:
A conversation about medicinal herbs, reading stories about trees, memorizing poems, looking at wood products.

Lesson progress:

Wide is my native land
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like this.
Where a man breathes so freely.
- Today we will talk with you about our native land. Our region is rich in fields, meadows, lakes, rivers, and forests. Let's remember. What kind of trees do we have?

Ball game "Name the tree"
- For many people, the symbol of Russia is the white-trunked birch. A beautiful birch can be found in the forest, in the field, on our site, it adorns city parks. There are no such birches and birch groves anywhere in the world. It is pleasant to walk in a birch grove at any time of the year. The birch is a favorite tree of the people; not so many poems have been written about one tree.

White birch I love Russian birch
Under my window, either bright or sad,
Covered with snow, In a green sarafan
Like silver with handkerchiefs in pockets
And there is a birch with beautiful clasps,
In sleepy silence With green earrings.
And snowflakes are burning I love her, smart,
In golden fire Native, invisible
That clear, seething,
That sad, crying.

Didactic exercise:“Tell me, what kind of birch” (white-trunked, slender, curly, crystal, fabulous, weeping, elegant.)

- Why is birch called "Doctor"? (medicines are prepared from birch buds, a birch broom drives out ailments, the juice is healthy and tasty.)
Examination of wood products.

The game "Stand by the tree."
- And now we will go with you to the meadow, to see what herbs grow there. Why are these herbs called "Green Pharmacy"?

Considering herbs and telling children about the benefits of each herb.
Nettle is medicinal plant. It grows in the garden, in the garden, in the forest. Soup is cooked from nettle leaves, salad is made. Nettle stops the blood, cleanses it. Nettle leaves draw out pus. If the nettle is crushed and applied to the wound, it will heal quickly. Nettle contains many vitamins. Nettles are brewed, they wash their hair so that good hair. Shampoo is made from nettles and added to toothpaste.

From nettle leaves
Delicious salads.
Just need to add to them.
Onions, garlic, tomatoes.
And in nettle salad
Lots of vitamin C
The ones we serve
They change in the face.

Chamomile is a medicinal plant. It grows everywhere - in the garden, in the garden, on the field. It is brewed and drunk against a cold. If the eyes hurt “fester”, then chamomile is brewed and the eyes are washed. Wash your hair with a decoction of chamomile so that it is thick and does not fall out.

Scattered white daisies
In meadows, among tall grasses,
As if someone scattered papers,
Suns painted on them
Ringing bell invites
They gather in a field bouquet,
But daisies are tricky girls
They just smile back.

Dandelion is a medicinal plant, it grows everywhere, throughout Russia. They make a salad out of it, make jam. Dandelion infusion is drunk for stomach pain. Dandelion juice removes warts.

Mother stepmother is a medicinal plant. First, the stepmother grows flowers. The stems of flowers are covered with fluffs, they protect them from the cold at night, and from the sun during the day. Then leaves appear, the upper side of the leaves is smooth, shiny, and the underside is all fluffy, soft. If you put the leaf with the upper side to the cheek, the leaf is cold - this is the stepmother, and if the lower side of the leaf, then it is warm - this is the mother. Mother - stepmother is brewed and drunk for coughs and colds.

Looked out a flower
In the darkness of the forest
Little Scout
sent in the spring
Let more over the forest
Snow reigns
Let them lie under the snow
sleepy meadows,
Let on the sleeping river
The immovable ice
When the scout came
And spring will come.

Plantain is a medicinal plant. Where people walk, there the plantain grows. He is also called a fellow traveler, because he is always with people along the way. Plantain stops bleeding. If a bee stings, and attach a plantain leaf, then the pain will pass. They make a decoction, and drink it for coughing, and treatment of the stomach.

There are many colors
Beautiful. Cautious
But I like all
common plantain
To him, perhaps
And it's harder to grow
And yet he is with people
Is on the way!

Game "What does this sign mean?" (the behavior of children in the forest, what can and cannot be done in the forest.)
- Many plants are listed in the Red Book and we must take good care of them.

Ludmila Kustova

Target. Expand your understanding of nature of the native land, about climatic conditions, about plants and animals available on the territory of Mordovia.



Continue to develop children's knowledge about nature of the Mordovian region, flora and fauna of the republic. To consolidate the ability to emotionally and expressively read poems and proverbs.


Expand and enrich knowledge about features the nature of your region, adaptability of plants and animals to changes in nature, acquaintance with natural landscape and the red book of Mordovia.


To instill love and respect for the small motherland. Bring up a sense of pride and conscientious attitude towards the land and natural resources.

preliminary work: reading stories about native land reading sayings and proverbs. Examination of illustrations, albums, encyclopedias "My land". Excursion to the local history museum.

Topic: Nature of the native land.

caregiver- Russia ... Motherland ... This is the land where we were born, where we live, this is our home, this is all that surrounds us.

Russia… what a beautiful word!

And dew, and strength, and blue something ...

(S. Yesenin).

Educator - One person has a mother, he has one homeland. Strongly loves her people, composed a lot of proverbs and sayings about her.


Beloved motherland is like a dear mother.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

On the other side - what a nightingale without a song.

Motherland, know how to stand up for her.


In the midst of our big country there is a region where you live, where your native home, your motherland.

Guys, tell me what is the name of our small homeland



Educator - Children, pay attention to the map of Russia. Our small and beautiful republic is located in its eastern part.

What is the name of the capital of the Republic of Mordovia?

Children are the capital of our republic - Saransk.

caregiver- With what expressive words do poets speak about the Motherland

Child - All the beauty that I see.

To you, beloved Mordovia,

I sing a hymn, my love.

Educator - Nature Mordovia is very diverse. On the map of the republic you can see forests and fields, rivers and lakes, lowlands and hills.

Guys, who knows the wealth of our the edges?

Children - Mordovia is rich in peat, sand, clay, writing chalk.

Educator - Well done. Since ancient times, people have preferred to settle near rivers. They served as a source of food for him and connected individual communities with each other. Name the rivers of Mordovia you know.

Children - Moksha, Sura, Inerka, Alatyr.

Educator - Well done. I suggest you play the game « Undersea world reservoirs of Mordovia» (ecosystems of Mordovia). Children are offered illustrations of the ecosystem of reservoirs and the image of various animals.

Teacher - Guys and now I invite you to take a walk in the forest. But first I will check if you know the rules of behavior in the forest. If what I say is true, clap your hands, if I'm wrong, stomp your feet.

Do not break the branches, do not tear the leaves in vain. (clap).

Tear flowers, weave into wreaths (stomp)

Noise, scream, roar. Sing songs loudly. (stomp)

Frogs, caterpillars, snakes need to be driven out of the forest (stomp)

To learn forest secrets you need not to make noise (clap)

All animals and plants are needed in the forest (clap)

Take an ax with you to the forest, you can light a fire there (stomp)

Don't throw trash, clean up after yourself (clap)

Well done. You are true connoisseurs and friends nature.

caregiver"We've worked hard, now let's get some rest." Physical education minute:

Hands raised and shook - these are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent brushes shook off - the wind knocks down the dew

Hands raised and waved - these are birds flying

As they sit down, we will also show their arms bent back.

caregiver- And now we will continue our journey further across our republic. And I propose game: "Fill the forest with animals" (ecosystems of Mordovia)(Children should choose pictures depicting animals that live in the forests of Mordovia).

Educator - Well done, you got them all right. Now we can go further. And what plants and berries do you know of our the edges?

(The teacher makes riddles, children find the answer on the poster with plants and berries)

All riddles are correct. Well done! Here is the last mystery:

“Ran across the lawn.

Carefree light flock

Like teenage girls

White-barreled… (birches)»

Children's answer.

caregiver- Our white-trunked beauty is a birch, everyone likes it. This tree is a symbol of our Motherland.

Dynamic pause "Birch".

Children imitate the swaying of birch branches in the wind. The music of the forest is playing.

Educator - Say What is the name of the book, which contains endangered species of plants and animals of our republic? (Red Book of Mordovia).

Well done! How should plants and animals be treated so that they do not fall into the Red Book?

(children answer).

Outcome: Well done. Today we talked about nature our small Motherland - Mordovia. We have a very beautiful and rich republic.

Need to remember: nature defenseless in front of a person, it needs to be protected. When you become adults, you will make her even more beautiful, even richer.

Children speak in unison: “Our motto is to love and protect the nature of our region» .


1. "Civil upbringing in preschool educational institution» E. A. Pozdnyakova. Volgograd. 2008

2. "We live in Mordovia". Regional educational module of preschool education. Saransk 2015

3. Millennium - together with Russia. The era of a common Great Destiny. Poetry. Saransk 2011

4. « The nature of the Mordovian region» Publishing house center ISI Moscow State University. N. P. Ogareva 2008

5. Close to the heart edge. T. S. Bagrova. Saransk: printing house "Red October" 2002

6. "Mordovian proverbs, sayings". Sedova A.V.

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Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the environment

in the senior group

"Nature of the native land"

Prepared by: Gorbacheva G.V.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the flora of their native land.
Strive to evoke in children a sense of gratitude for the fact that the world is beautiful.
Learn to use the plant world wisely.
To show that many diseases can be cured with the help of nature.
Develop children's creative abilities, imagination, speech, attention, memory.
Cultivate respect for nature.

Material: A map of the region, illustrations of trees in different seasons, postcards depicting medicinal herbs.

Preliminary work:
A conversation about medicinal herbs, reading stories about trees, memorizing poems, looking at wood products.

Lesson progress:

Wide is my native land
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
I don't know any other country like this.
Where a man breathes so freely.
- Today we will talk with you about our native land. Our region is rich in fields, meadows, lakes, rivers, and forests. Let's remember. What kind of trees do we have?

Ball game "Name the tree"
- For many people, the symbol of Russia is the white-trunked birch. A beautiful birch can be found in the forest, in the field, on our site, it adorns city parks. There are no such birches and birch groves anywhere in the world. It is pleasant to walk in a birch grove at any time of the year. The birch is a favorite tree of the people; not so many poems have been written about one tree.

White birch

I love Russian birch
Under my window, either bright or sad,
Covered with snow, In a green sarafan
Like silver with handkerchiefs in pockets
And there is a birch with beautiful clasps,
In sleepy silence With green earrings.
And snowflakes are burning I love her, smart,
In golden fire Native, invisible
That clear, seething,
That sad, crying.

Didactic exercise: "Tell me which birch" (white-barreled, slender, curly, crystal, fabulous, weeping, smart.)

- Why is birch called "Doctor"? (drugs are prepared from birch buds, a birch broom drives out ailments, the juice is healthy and tasty.) Examination of wood products.

The game "Stand by the tree."

And now we will go with you to the meadow, to see what herbs grow there. Why are these herbs called "Green Pharmacy"?

Considering herbs and telling children about the benefits of each herb.
Nettle is a medicinal plant. It grows in the garden, in the garden, in the forest. Soup is cooked from nettle leaves, salad is made. Nettle stops the blood, cleanses it. Nettle leaves draw out pus. If the nettle is crushed and applied to the wound, it will heal quickly. Nettle contains many vitamins. Nettles are brewed, they wash their hair so that they have good hair. Shampoo is made from nettles and added to toothpaste.

From nettle leaves
Delicious salads.
Just need to add to them.
Onions, garlic, tomatoes.
And in nettle salad
Lots of vitamin C
The ones we serve
They change in the face.

Chamomile is a medicinal plant. It grows everywhere - in the garden, in the garden, on the field. It is brewed and drunk against a cold. If the eyes hurt “fester”, then chamomile is brewed and the eyes are washed. Wash your hair with a decoction of chamomile so that it is thick and does not fall out.

Scattered white daisies
In meadows, among tall grasses,
As if someone scattered papers,
Suns painted on them
Ringing bell invites
They gather in a field bouquet,
But daisies are tricky girls
They just smile back.

Dandelion - a medicinal plant, it grows everywhere, throughout Russia. They make a salad out of it, make jam. Dandelion infusion is drunk for stomach pain. Dandelion juice removes warts.

mother stepmother is a medicinal plant. First, the stepmother grows flowers. The stems of flowers are covered with fluffs, they protect them from the cold at night, and from the sun during the day. Then leaves appear, the upper side of the leaves is smooth, shiny, and the underside is all fluffy, soft. If you put the leaf with the upper side to the cheek, the leaf is cold - this is the stepmother, and if the lower side of the leaf, then it is warm - this is the mother. Mother - stepmother is brewed and drunk for coughs and colds.

Looked out a flower
In the darkness of the forest
Little Scout
sent in the spring
Let more over the forest
Snow reigns
Let them lie under the snow
sleepy meadows,
Let on the sleeping river
The immovable ice
When the scout came
And spring will come.

Plantain is a medicinal plant. Where people walk, there the plantain grows. He is also called a fellow traveler, because he is always with people along the way. Plantain stops bleeding. If a bee stings, and attach a plantain leaf, then the pain will pass. They make a decoction, and drink it for coughing, and treatment of the stomach.

There are many colors
Beautiful. Cautious
But I like all
common plantain
To him, perhaps
And it's harder to grow
And yet he is with people
Is on the way!

Game "What does this sign mean?" (the behavior of children in the forest, what can and cannot be done in the forest.)
- Many plants are listed in the Red Book and we must take good care of them.

We recommend reading
