How to cook a delicious fish soup from fish heads - a recipe with photos. Ear from river fish

Recipes 06.06.2018

Probably everyone knows that home-made fish soup made from fresh fish is extremely tasty. This dish began to be prepared a very long time ago, and over hundreds of years a huge number of various recipes have been invented. It is believed that the most delicious fish soup is obtained from ruff, pike perch or perch.

Ear home

The recipe for this soup is quite simple, so even a novice hostess can handle the preparation of this dish.

For cooking you will need the following products:
• tails and heads of fish;
• 2 pcs. potatoes;
• 1 carrot;
• 1 head of onion;
• 2 pcs. bay leaves;
• fresh herbs
• spices for fish soup.

Homemade ear, the recipe of which is quite simple, is prepared quite quickly and easily. Peel the vegetables from the skin and rinse. Put the whole onion and carrot in a saucepan, and cut the potato into large pieces. Pour water into a container and put on fire.

After the water boils, put the washed fish, salt and spices (pepper and lavrushka) into the pan. Cook for 20 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and take out the boiled carrots and onions. These vegetables can be cut into small pieces and put back into the ear or removed from the finished dish. The ear is ready, you can serve it to the table sprinkled with greens.

The most delicious homemade soup

This soup recipe at home is very popular, and if everything is done correctly, then you will get just a wonderful dish that everyone will like.

You will need the following ingredients to make the soup:
• tails and heads from fish;
• 2 pcs. potatoes;
• 2 garlic cloves;
• 1 celery root;
• 1 carrot;
• 1 onion;
• salt;
• spices for fish soup;

How to cook homemade ear:
Pour a couple of liters of water into the container and put on fire. Add black peppercorns, allspice, coriander, cloves and a couple of bay leaves to the pan. Cooking fish soup at home begins with cleaning vegetables. Cut the carrots into thick pieces or simply divide the root crop into two parts.

If the celery root is small, then it can be used as a whole or cut off a piece of the desired size from a large rhizome. On the bow, make shallow cuts crosswise. Place onions, carrots and celery in a saucepan with spices.

After boiling the water, wait 14 minutes and remove the bay leaf and celery root from the pan. Dip the potatoes cut into large pieces and garlic cloves into the pan (slightly crush them). Remove the boiled onion from the ear. After the potatoes have boiled for 10 minutes, lower the fish into the container. Cook the dish for another 20 minutes over medium heat.

Homemade ear from carp

This recipe for homemade fish soup involves the use of crucian carp. Although this is an ordinary river fish, it has a very rich taste.

• 1 kilogram of carp;
• 2 onion heads;
• 2 garlic cloves;
• 95 grams of millet;
• 3 pcs. potatoes;
• 1 carrot and parsley root;
• 20 grams of fat;
• 5 peas of black and allspice;
• 2 teaspoons of salt;
• 2 bay leaves;

How to cook ear at home:
Remove the scales, entrails and gills from the fish, and rinse the crucians well by rinsing them in running water. Put the prepared fish in a saucepan, pour water and put on fire. After boiling, remove the carp from the pan. Peel and wash onions and potatoes. Cut the vegetables into cubes, remove the skin from the carrots and, together with the parsley root, chop with a grater.

Wash the millet and pour boiling water for 2 minutes. Peel the garlic cloves and finely chop. Chopped garlic can be rubbed with lard. In a pre-prepared broth of carp, lower the chopped vegetables and roots. When the ear boils, pour the cereal into the pan and cook over low heat for about 28 minutes. When 10 minutes remain before the end of cooking, add fish, spices, herbs, salt and mashed garlic to the pan. After that, you just have to bring the ear to readiness.

Homemade ear with smoke

Everyone knows that the fish soup cooked in nature, which has a light smoky flavor, is very tasty.

For this recipe for fragrant fish soup at home, you will need the following ingredients:
• 750 grams of any fish;
• potatoes, carrots and onions - 1 each;
• 2 teaspoons of salt;
• 2 tbsp. l. rice or millet groats;
• 0.5 l. water;
• torch (birch is best).

Cooking soup at home:
Rinse the grits and pour in cooled boiling water, put the washed fish pieces in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the fish for at least 16 minutes. Pull the fish out of the broth and pour the grits into the saucepan, let the ear boil. In the meantime, cut the cooled fish, remove all the bones. Cut the fish meat into pieces, put in a saucepan a few minutes before the end of cooking.

Peel and cut into cubes the onion, carrot and potato. Pour vegetables into a container with fish soup after a ten-minute boil of the broth. Bring the ear to full readiness, this will take 15 minutes. At the end, do not forget to pour fish meat into the saucepan.

Ear at home, the recipe of which is given above, you can give a pleasant smoky flavor. To do this, set fire to the torch and after a minute dip it into the finished ear. At the very end, add salt to the pan and mix. Serve the ear to the table along with greens.

Ear in a slow cooker

It turns out that fish soup can be cooked not only on a fire or at home in a saucepan, but there are also recipes for this dish for a slow cooker.

• 500 grams of fish;
• onion and carrot - 1 each;
• 5 pieces. potatoes;
• allspice peas;
• bay leaf;
• fresh herbs.

How to cook fish soup at home:
First, prepare the fish, remove the scales, entrails and gills. If the fish big size, then it must be divided into pieces of medium size. After that, prepare the vegetables: peel, wash. Use vegetables whole or divide them into several large pieces, cut carrots into circles.

Add prepared fish and vegetables to the capacity of the multicooker and fill them with such an amount of water that its level is at the maximum mark. Add spices and salt to the ear. Set the multicooker to the "Extinguishing" mode. The ear will be cooked for at least one and a half hours.

In order for your dish to turn out to be of excellent taste, you need to follow a few simple rules:
• the container in which you are going to cook the fish soup must have an enamel coating or be made of clay;
• after boiling, the fire must be reduced to a minimum. Boiling should be weak;
• during cooking, do not close the container with the fish soup lid.

Every gourmet knows the taste and aroma of real fish soup - perhaps the most famous and delicious dish for all fishermen in the world. Someone will say that a real ear can be cooked only in nature, in a boiling pot and with birch chocks shooting in the fire. But it is far from always possible to arrange such a unforgettable vacation, and therefore it is worth figuring out how to properly cook fish soup at home, so that it turns out just as tasty and rich.

Classically, fish soup is boiled from those types of fish that will give a fragrant broth, which is distinguished by stickiness and a kind of “sweetness”. Ordinary perch, pike perch and, especially, small brushes are most suitable for this. The specific mucus of the ruffs gives the ear exactly that unique taste that distinguishes this national Russian dish from the usual fish soup. An ear with such a fat will be called "white". Ear from carp, carp or crucian carp has a different taste and is called "black". To prepare a fatty “red” fish soup, which all Siberians love to feast on, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of red fish: stellate sturgeon, sterlet, sturgeon or salmon.

But one type of fish is not enough for a real fish soup. Usually this dish is cooked from two, three, and sometimes four types of fish. At the same time, a smaller fish is used to prepare the broth, which gives the dish the required flavor, after which it is removed from the container with the broth, and pieces of large fish, for example, pike, carp, burbot or chub, are immersed in it. Here it is worth remembering that bream, roach, bleak, gudgeon, as well as any herring fish are not suitable for fish soup. On the contrary, some sea fish can also be used for fish soup, for example, halibut, sea bass or cod. It is also important to understand what fresh fish for fish soup, the more aromatic the dish will turn out. A frozen product must be thawed immediately before being placed in a pan.

Another difference between fish soup and ordinary fish soup is that they do not put a lot of vegetables in the soup. It is better to diversify it with a small amount of sweet potatoes, as well as carrots and always onions. Let's take a look at the preparation itself.

In order to cook a real ear at home, you must strictly follow the cooking regimen. First of all, the broth is prepared, that is, four potatoes cut into cubes must be lowered into a pot of boiling water. But the onion should not be completely peeled, you just need to rinse and cut the roots, and then lower the whole onion along with the husk. Carrots can be finely chopped, or simply put a whole washed and peeled carrot to add flavor. After 5 minutes, the gutted small fish should be lowered into the pan, better folded into gauze. It should be boiled for 10 to 15 minutes, after which it is removed from the pan and pieces of large, cleaned fish are added, Bay leaf, salt and black peppercorns. Then the dish is cooked for another 15 minutes.

During this period, it is worth trying the taste of the ear and determining which components it lacks. If the dish turns out to be too salty, dropping a bag of rice into your ear can quickly get rid of the salt that the rice cereal absorbs. A few minutes before the end of cooking, you need to add a little vodka to the ear. This will strengthen taste qualities real fish soup and at the same time will beat off the muddy smell of fish, if any. A slight lag of fish meat from the bones and the transparency of the broth will make it clear that the dish is ready. It can be served on the table pouring on plates and sprinkled with green dill. Knowing how to cook fish soup at home, you can always arrange a holiday for the whole family. Enjoy your meal!

The information on our website is informative and educational in nature. However, this information is by no means a self-medication guide. Be sure to consult your doctor.

The aroma and incredible taste of fish soup cooked in nature in the company of friends can not be compared with anything. But you can please yourself with a delicious fish dish at home, when another outing into the forest is not expected in the near future. We offer you several alternative options for cooking fish soup in a saucepan instead of a pot that you will definitely like.

Secrets of delicious fish soup

There are many recipes for fish soup, but they all come down to following certain rules:

  • Use only filtered or spring water.
  • You need at least two varieties of fish, but ideally there should be four.
  • Use fresh fish.
  • The main ingredient is fish. The number of other components should be less.
  • Do not overcook the dish. River fish cooks for 15 minutes, ocean fish - up to half an hour.

Finnish trout ear

Product List:

  • Trout - 700 g.
  • Milk or low-fat cream - 200 ml.
  • Potato - 5 tubers.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Spices.
  • Greens.


  • Peel the trout and divide into large portions.
  • Peel the vegetables and chop.
  • Prepare a saucepan and place vegetables and fish in it.
  • Pour food with cold water, add spices and salt. The water level should be 4 cm above the vegetables.
  • Set the heat to medium and boil the soup for 15 minutes.
  • Add milk/cream and bring to a boil.
  • Remove the ear from the fire and let it brew for 10 minutes.
  • When serving, decorate the soup with herbs.

Ear from pike perch in Russian

Product List:

  • Pike perch - 1 pc. weighing 500-600 g.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Potato - 300 g.
  • Carrots and tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley root - 2 pcs.
  • Greens.
  • Seasonings.


  • Clean the fish from scales and gut, divide into portions.
  • Prepare the broth from the head and fins.
  • After boiling, send the roots, carrots and seasonings to the pan.
  • After 20 minutes, strain the fish broth, and put it on fire again.
  • Add potatoes, and after 10 minutes - fish and chopped tomato.
  • A minute before cooking, add oil to the pan, and greens to the plate.

Ear with smoke at home

Product List:

  • Any fish - 700 g.
  • Potatoes and carrots - 1 pc.
  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • A small birch torch.
  • Spices.
  • Rice - 30 g.


  • Put the fish in a saucepan, add water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat, actively removing the foam.
  • Pull out the fish and remove the bones.
  • Meanwhile, add the washed rice to the fish broth.
  • When rice is almost ready, add vegetables and spices.
  • After 15 minutes, send the fish meat to the broth.
  • At the end, light the torch and lower it into the boiling ear for 2 seconds.
  • Serve with herbs and a slice of lemon.

Ukha can be prepared from any kind of fish, and there are many recipes for cooking not only on the stove, but also in a slow cooker or microwave. Do not be afraid to experiment, because homemade fish soup is also delicious.

ha is one of the most common first courses in the world. And no wonder! After all, if you cook the fish soup correctly, it will delight you with its unique rich taste. Although the process of preparing this popular fish soup is quite simple, there are still enough subtleties. Everyone has long known that the most delicious fish soup is obtained in a good company in nature. And it is cooked on a fire in a pot. But how to cook fish soup at home to please your loved ones?

Ear at home

Ukha at home turns out no worse than cooked in nature, if you take into account a few rules. To cook an ear at home, you will need good water and fish. To prepare a rich broth, take the fish bones, ridges, heads and tails that will remain with you after cutting the fish. It is not necessary to remove the scales, as they give the ear a special taste. When your fragrant and rich broth is ready, all you have to do is put some vegetables into it, let the soup boil, season it - and a delicious fish soup is ready!

In the world there are a great many recipes for fish soup. But regardless of the recipe, it is very important to follow the following rules in cooking fish soup:

  1. Take only clean filtered water for cooking fish soup, because the taste of water greatly affects the final taste of the soup.
  2. Experts recommend cooking fish soup from at least two varieties of fish. The classic fish soup is prepared using four types of fish. This is due to the fact that different varieties saturate the ear with different flavors. For example, perch and ruff give the broth a rich taste, and if you add burbot, the soup will turn out tender and sweet.
  3. The main rule is to use only fresh fish, although frozen seafood is also allowed if they do not need to be defrosted first.
  4. The main ingredient in fish soup is fish, so other vegetables should be kept to a minimum – only potatoes and onions. From spices - tarragon, bay leaf, parsley, dill, green onion and any kind of pepper.
  5. In order to cook a good strong broth, use ruff, ide, whitefish, perch, pike perch or any other favorite fish. Pour it with cold water, bring to a boil, constantly removing the foam, and then cook over low heat without a lid for 10-15 minutes. Then your broth will be tasty and transparent. After the broth is ready, you can throw away the fish and add fresh protein to it. chicken egg to delay the turbidity that has arisen during the cooking process. The broth is then strained. Pieces of cleaned and gutted large fish are added to it, which will already remain in the soup.
  6. The cooking time for fish soup varies depending on the type of fish used. If you cook fish soup from river fish, then the cooking time is 15-20 minutes, and if from sea fish, then 10-15 minutes will be enough. The fish soup readiness indicator is the separation of fish meat from the bone. If it lags behind easily, the soup is ready. Remember that you can not digest the ear, otherwise the fish will lose its taste and become tough.

homemade soup recipe

Each family has its own recipe for homemade fish soup. And every housewife knows how to cook homemade fish soup in such a way as to please her loved ones. We, in turn, offer you two excellent recipes - the classic Finnish trout fish soup and the traditional Russian zander fish soup.

Ear in Finnish

To prepare trout soup, we need:

  • trout - 0.5 kg
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg
  • onion - 3 pcs. medium size
  • cream or milk - 200 ml
  • spices - salt, black peppercorns and ground, chopped herbs

Cooking method:

  • We clean and wash the trout, then cut it into large pieces.
  • Peel and cut potatoes and onions.
  • Place vegetables and fish in a bowl.
  • Fill them with cold water so that it covers the contents by 3 - 4 cm. Add black pepper and salt.
  • Cook over medium heat until tender - about 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add cream to the soup, mix and bring it to a boil.
  • Remove from heat and let the ear stand for 10 minutes.
  • Before serving, decorate the ear with chopped herbs.

Russian ear from zander

To cook fish soup at home according to the classic Russian recipe, we recommend using pike perch because of its delicate, pleasant taste. For the soup we need:

  • fish (perch) - 0.5 kg
  • potatoes - 5 pieces
  • onions - 2 pieces of medium size
  • carrots - 1 piece
  • tomato - 1 piece
  • parsley root - 2 pieces
  • greens, spices - bay leaf, salt, black peppercorns and ground
  • butter - 50 g

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the fish from scales, gut it and cut it into large portions.
  2. We cook the broth from the remaining heads, ridges, bones and fins.
  3. When the broth boils, add the parsley root, chopped onions and carrots to it, and also put the bay leaf.
  4. We filter the broth and add chopped potatoes, onions and a second parsley root to it. Cook for 10 - 15 minutes.
  5. Then we put the pike perch fillet, chopped tomato and spices in the pan.
  6. Add butter at the end of cooking.
  7. We serve the ear, decorating with chopped herbs.

As you can see, cooking an ear at home is as easy as shelling pears.

Ear on the fire

Probably everyone will agree that the fish soup on the fire is a very special dish! It is filled with a kind of hunting spirit, which makes the ear even tastier. Cooking an ear on a fire is not so difficult. Here are some tips to help you in this matter. First, all the fish caught should be carefully sorted. To prepare the broth, the smallest fish will fit, but it needs to be gutted and washed very well. Cleaning is optional. Second, go for the big fish. It needs to be cleaned, gutted and cut into small pieces. Thirdly, prepare the broth from small fish. Wrap the fish mass in gauze and put in a pot in boiling water. This will keep your broth clear. After the broth is ready - this is about 30 minutes on low heat, discard the gauze with the fish. Then we add most of the chopped large fish to the resulting fish broth, and cook it for about an hour. After that, we take out the cooked pieces of fish and eat them. We don't need them in our soup.

The next step is to add the remaining fish, chopped potatoes, onions, carrots, herbs to the broth and cook until cooked, about 40 - 50 minutes. If the ear thickens, then simply dilute it with water. There are a couple more secrets of real anglers! Fishermen always, before removing the pot from the fire, pour a glass of vodka into the soup and lower a burning firebrand into it. The alcohol softens the fish bones, and the coals give the ear the aroma of a fire and draw out all unpleasant odors. We wish you bon appetit!

From time immemorial, ear was considered a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, the history of its origin has conflicting facts and opinions, but they all come down to one common opinion: before, any decoction or soup was called ear, and not necessarily fish.

That is why in ancient Russian cuisine you can find such strange modern world Names: pea ear, chicken ear or swan ear. Only starting from the 15th century, such a dish increasingly began to be prepared principally from fish, however, it did not have a rapid popularity.

Now the ear has become a unique dish, according to the technology of its preparation, it differs from other soups or stews, and although it can be classified as a first course, it should not be considered a fish soup.

Today the ear is delicious and unbelievable healthy dish, which has its own, special, cooking technology, which allows you to get a transparent fragrant and knitting broth, which contains juicy fish that has retained its texture and pleasant taste. How to cook delicious homemade fish soup?

It turns out that there is nothing complicated in this, because the recipe for the dish is quite simple, the main thing is to take into account some of the main points and rules for its preparation. There are several types of such a dish, each of which differs in content and technological process.

It is believed that the classic fish soup should look like a transparent, fragrant and fairly concentrated decoction of several varieties of fish. Why not from the same variety? Because each of them will add its own specific flavors to your finished dish, for example, perch gives richness in taste, and burbot gives tenderness.

True, experts here periodically differ in opinion, there are those who believe that it is still more correct to use one type of fish, the only thing that all experienced chefs adhere to is that for a good fish soup, the fish must be fresh, and even better, live.

AT classic recipe can be used river and sea ​​fish, perfect: perch, pike perch, carp, ruff, pike, carp and many others.

There are other varieties, for example, red fish soup, which is prepared exclusively from varieties of red fish, such as salmon or salmon, and if saffron is added during cooking, it is also called amber. You can also use freshly frozen seafood, however, they must be put into the water immediately, without defrosting.

How to cook an ear?

In addition to fish, it is permissible to add only onions, carrots and potatoes to the ear, such a dish does not require a large amount of other vegetables, in some recipes even carrots are excluded, and the onion is cooked as a whole.

The abundance of vegetables is replaced by a variety of spices and spices, which, interacting with fish stock, give the ear a special and unique taste. As spices can be used: bay leaf, fragrant and bitter, parsley, dill, green onions, tarragon.

To remove the specific taste of fish, which can especially appear in marine species, it can be sprinkled with lemon juice. Sometimes one type of fish can be used for such a dish, and another one will be added to an already prepared ear.

For example, a rich and fragrant broth can be boiled on the head, tail and spine of a large fish or on whole carcasses of gutted small fish, then they are removed from the broth, and pieces of another large fish are added in their place.

Thus, it is possible to cook the so-called triple fish soup, for the broth of which one variety of fish is used, and for the fillet in ready dish- others (often several varieties at once).

In order for the finished broth to turn out light and transparent, initially the fish must be poured with cool and, preferably, purified water, it is brought to a boil, and then it must be cooked over medium or low heat.

The ear should not gurgle and splash out! To preserve the juiciness and aroma of the fish, it is necessary to bring it to a boil over high heat, removing the resulting foam.

Of course, it is believed that the most real and delicious fish soup is prepared not at home at all, but somewhere in nature, on a fire, in a real camping cauldron. The most ardent lovers of such hiking conditions recommend using only freshly caught fish, immediately gutted and peeled.

It is also recommended not to use a lid and use only spring water, so your dish will be enriched with all the “tastes and smells” of nature and will turn out to be even more appetizing and unique. The ear should not be disturbed, especially if you do not plan to replace the fish for the broth with a new fillet, it is enough to shake the pot occasionally so that the contents do not burn.

The fact is that the fish boils quickly enough and, if you constantly stir it with a spoon, you can get not the most pleasant, on appearance, gruel, and not a clear broth with pieces of fish and vegetables.

It is also important to remember to limit the cooking time of the dish, it varies depending on the type of fish used: for example, freshwater fish cooks longer, from 7 to 20 minutes, but the sea is faster, it usually takes 10-12 minutes. True, first of all, one should still take into account the size of the fish itself or its pieces, the larger they are, the longer it will take to cook them, respectively.

Salmon fish soup recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • backbone, head, tail, fins and salmon fillet;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • fresh tomato - 1 pc. (large);
  • parsley, celery root, dill;
  • salt, allspice, bay leaf.

Initially, the fish must be gutted and divided into parts indicated in the list of necessary products. All parts are thoroughly washed, be sure to remove the gills from the head, otherwise they may taste bitter in the broth.

Pour the head, spine, fins and tail with cold water in a saucepan (the best option for cooking dishes is one that does not oxidize, for example, enameled or clay), put on strong gas and bring to a boil, remove the foam.

When the broth boils, reduce the gas to a medium position and add peeled carrots and onions to it, vegetables can be left whole or cut into small slices. Then we throw in the peeled whole celery root, allspice peas and continue to boil over low heat for about half an hour.

After the time has elapsed, remove the broth, filter through cheesecloth, add the fillet to it and continue to cook for about 10 minutes. Then add peeled and sliced ​​potatoes, cook for another 15 minutes, add finely chopped onion and chopped tomato.

In conclusion, we send to the ear all the spices you need, in your opinion, their volumes should be determined solely by your taste. After the ear with all the spices has boiled, turn it off and let it brew under the lid for another 20 minutes.

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