Rogovoy Sergey Alekseevich. In Yekaterinburg, the IV International Conference on "Medicine by Thought Images" and the II International Russian-Chinese Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine were successfully held. What does Qigong study

diets 28.06.2019

On September 13-14, 2014 in Yekaterinburg, at the Ural Cultural Center, IV international Conference on "Medicine by Thought Images" and the II International Russian-Chinese Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The purpose of the conference participants was to exchange experience in the treatment of diseases and discuss in the field of alternative medicine, Medicine with mental images, Traditional Chinese medicine, qigong and get acquainted with the latest achievements in these areas.

The main goal of the conference is to present Medicine with mental images as one of the most effective health technologies and show the prospect of using its methods. Thought-image medicine is currently entering the new level development, and the conference is the starting point for further scientific substantiation of the method and generalization of the results of studies and statistical observations conducted by medical centers different countries.

Thought-image medicine is the newest universal system diagnostics and treatment, which was created by Professor Xu Mingtang based on the experience of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Western medicine, theory and methods of modern medical technology. The methods of Image Medicine are trusted and warmly welcomed in all countries of the world. Thought-image medicine was accredited by the All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine on June 4, 2013.

Over the past twenty years, Medicine has been rapidly developing in mental images in all countries, thereby making an invaluable contribution to healthcare throughout the world. The peculiarity of this Medicine is that it considers life as a unity of information, energy and matter, and that disease can also exist on these three levels, or on one of them. Thought-image medicine has its own unique methods of diagnosing and changing the image.

Within the framework of the conferences, there was an exchange of experience and the development of common approaches in the application and sustainable development of Image Medicine, Qigong and Chinese medicine. The conference was attended by representatives of China, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

The conference was organized thanks to the efforts of:
Sverdlovsk Regional Public Organization "Zhong Yuan Qigong", Sverdlovsk;
Beijing Medical Research Institute "Kundawell", Beijing;
International Association medical qigong, Beijing;
International Charitable Foundation "Mingtan", Ufa.

Information Partners:
ChYQ official website (
Official website of the Kundawell Institute ()
Zhong Yuan Qigong Ural (

Honorary guests and organizers of the conference addressed the participants with a welcoming speech:

Zivenko Valentina Nikolaevna - Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Public Organization "Zhong Yuan Qigong", Yekaterinburg, Russia.

Xu Mingtang - President of the American and Beijing Research Institute "Kundawell", President of the International Charitable Foundation "Mingtang", Grand Master of ChYuTs, Founder of Image Medicine, Beijing, China.

Gvozdevich Vladimir Dmitrievich - MD, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, Ural State Medical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia.

Mironova Valentina Mikhailovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Health Technologies and Physical Education of the East, Ural State University of Physical Culture, Member of the Academic Council of Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk, Russia.

Martynova Tamara Ivanovna - Ph.D., Director of the Joint Ukrainian-Chinese Society "Da-Yu" LTD, co-author of books and training CDs on "Zhong Yuan Qigong", Kyiv, Ukraine.

Khusnutdinov Ildar Fanilievich - President Charitable Foundation promoting the physical and spiritual development of a person "Zhong Yuan qigong", Ufa, Russia.

Smirnova Olga Markovna - Professor of Image Medicine, Image Therapist Level 3, Physical Therapist, teacher and researcher at the Kundawell Institute, Beijing, China.

Many interesting reports were made at the conference, which touched upon the development of medical Qigong, Image Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the successful application of their methods in practice for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Institute "Kundawell" was represented by a delegation of 9 people.

Experts with many years of experience in applying Image Medicine methods in their practice, who came from different countries, told the conference participants about the successful results of using these methods in restoring the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous and other systems.

Master classes were also organized on the main diagnostic methods used in Image Medicine for the treatment of chronic diseases, the practices of awakening, cleansing, healing the body, medical qigong and qigong therapy, methods of diagnosis and treatment in Image Medicine.

Professor Xu Mingtang made a presentation on Image Medicine, described the activities of the Kundawell Institute and briefly spoke about the scientific research related to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus that was carried out at the Institute.

He spoke about the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and the developments of the Kundawell Institute, the Living Fire and King of the Sea preparations, which improve blood quality and strengthen blood vessels and reduce the risk of developing these diseases.

Gvozdevich Vladimir Dmitrievich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of the Ural State Medical University, presented a report on the topic "The concept of creating the Ural Confucius Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine" in which he spoke about the cooperation of the Ural State Medical University, Beijing University of TCM and the Confucius Institute and the creation of the first in Russia Ural Confucius Institute of TCM.

Selivanov Evgeniy Nikolaevich folk doctor traditional medicine, a full member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences in Moscow, a researcher of productive longevity, spoke about the role of Thought-image Medicine in the study of the product "Productive Longevity" in conditions Far North, the Arctic Circle, the Arctic and Siberia on the experience of the author's "Academy of Productive Longevity" with the applied combined method of "Techniques of Good Health".
He noted that this method, as applied, from the ancient system, has already helped and is helping this moment dozens of his disciples and followers. These are people of different ages and professions - successful and competently building their wonderful lives.

Mironova Valentina Mikhailovna- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Health Technologies and Physical Culture of the East Ural State University of Physical Culture, Member of the Academic Council of Ural State University of Physical Culture, presented a report on the topic “The Place of the Department of Health Technologies and Physical Culture of the East as a Scientific and Educational Structure in the Field of Health Improvement modern society". In the report, she spoke about the educational and scientific activity departments

Kwan Olga Alexandrovna- Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Healing Technologies and Physical Culture of the East of the Ural State University of Physical Culture, instructor of the ChYuTs, image therapist, osteopath, Reiki master spoke about the experience of working with students at the Department of Theory and Methods of Healing Technologies and Physical Culture of the East.

Smirnova Olga Markovna- Professor of Image Medicine, Level 2 Image Therapist, Physical Therapist, teacher and researcher of the Kundawell Institute, who came from Beijing, summed up the results research work with specialized groups for patients with diabetes at the Kundawell Institute.

She noted that according to the observations of Kundawell specialists, after their treatment, all patients have noticeable improvements, but the degree of improvement is different. Studies have shown that it takes a long time for blood sugar to stabilize for the cells of the pancreas to recover. To stabilize the final results of treatment, it is necessary to monitor changes in indicators within six months.
It is also important that most of the participants during the program for the treatment of diabetes, comorbidities went away.

Image medicine in conjunction with the methods of Traditional Chinese medicine, physical activity and diet successfully eliminates the symptoms of diabetes, which enables people to live a full life, allows not only to reduce, but even stop taking sugar-lowering drugs and insulin, which eliminates negative influences and the effects of these drugs.

Vydrin Dmitry Alexandrovich, a traumatologist-orthopedist, level 5 image therapist, described a case of treatment of type 2 diabetes, of moderate severity in a patient, using the methods of Thought Image Medicine.
He noted that the patient's weakness and fatigue, dizziness, thirst decreased, skin itching and dry skin, numbness of the extremities decreased, sugar levels after the course of treatment decreased and blood pressure returned to normal.

Li Binlin
- Doctor of Acupuncture and TCM, Head of the Department of Individual Research at the Kundawell Institute, presented a report on the topic "Qigong Practice and Health". He noted that with the help of qigong, one can gain health without resorting to help. medicines and special equipment. Qigong is, first of all, the development of abilities, and practice is most important here. Therefore, qigong cannot be learned from books, practical exercises are required. It is necessary to study with a qigong teacher to avoid mistakes. Qigong helps to strengthen the functions of internal organs, balance and enhance the function of the endocrine system, improve metabolism and blood circulation, prolong life, regulate the spine, restore flexibility to the body, gradually eliminate chronic diseases, improve mental health and rid the body of toxins. A significant positive effect of qigong on students suffering from insomnia, diabetes, shoulder periarthritis, migraines and other diseases has been identified, these studies are of great clinical importance. Qigong is popular in many countries and has influenced many people all over the world.

Goncharenko Valery Nikolaevich ChYuT instructor, honored coach of Russia, head coach of the Russian youth team in fire and rescue sports, referee of the international category, retired colonel from Yekaterinburg spoke about the impact of Zhong Yuan qigong 1st stage classes on the life and health of people, and also spoke about how he used qigong to train the fire and rescue team.

Zhang Jianrui level 5 image therapist, head of the health center of the Kundawell Institute, presented a report on the topic “Preliminary analysis of the effectiveness of Image medicine in screening and early detection cancer". She talked about how Image medicine can detect cancer earlier than Western medicine equipment (CT scans and blood tests). Diagnosis by methods of Image medicine consists in "seeing the mental image". Cancer patients have a special "signal" that Image therapists can detect. Jian Jian Rui noted that it is necessary to treat the disease on the most early stage, remove the seed (signal) to prevent the appearance of a sprout and growth big tree at the last stage.

Kuznetsova Flyura Gaisarovna- Professor of Image Medicine, Level 2 Image Therapist, lecturer and researcher at the Kundawell Institute, read a report on the topic: “Medicine with Thought Images. Method of a new scientific approach and development prospects”.
She shared with the audience her experience of using Image Medicine in the treatment of diseases, spoke about the connection of Image Medicine with quantum physics and string theory, that at the quantum level, energy and physical component are one indivisible whole and are connected by a mental image. She described the model of the universe and the model of life. An image therapist during treatment can influence the patient's bioenergetic field and change the vibrations of his body, regulate the state of the body, energy, and consciousness.

Chirkunova Olga Konstantinovna– Image Therapist, CSY instructor, specialist in oriental methods rehabilitation, psychologist, instructor of physiotherapy exercises of the highest category spoke about the main diagnostic methods used in Image medicine.
Vapu Osman and Vapu Raushan level 4 image therapists, instructors from the ChYuC, from Almaty, presented two reports: "Diagnostics and Treatment with Image Medicine Methods" and "About Tao and Te". They talked about the fact that Qigong exercises have not one, but 3 semantic levels: physical, energy and informational. They also noted that Tao and Te are very important in practice.

Dymovskaya Tatyana Evgenievna
- image therapist, CJTC instructor, Reiki master, representing the "Blossoming Lotus" club, presented a report on the topic: "The practice of awakening, cleansing, healing the body."

Astanin Anatoly Alexandrovich
- image therapist, CJSC instructor, representing the "Three Health" club, in the report "Examples of individual and mass approaches to treatment" noted that there are no identical people on Earth, therefore each patient requires an individual approach. The advantage of Thought-image Medicine lies in the fact that with the help of mental-image diagnostics it is possible to identify individual characteristics each patient and choose an individual method of treatment. As an example of a mass approach, he described a method of working with light energy. This method has shown its effectiveness and is recommended as a method of group therapy and disease prevention.

Kosheleva Olga Viktorovna image therapist level 5, presented a report on the topic "Examples of successful treatment by methods of Image medicine for patients of different ages." Olga Viktorovna noted that the uniqueness of the methods of Thought-image Medicine lies in the fact that they help with intractable diseases and in cases where it is difficult to make a diagnosis. They have no age limits, they help patients with chronic, advanced diseases. Dont Have side effects and do not require surgical intervention. In the process of treatment, the mechanisms of self-healing of the body are switched on.

Lily (Li Li) head of the home health care department of the Kundawell Institute, took a virtual tour of the Kundawell Institute. She noted that the Institute in the near future will continue to be engaged in the revival of the ancient and the study of popular methods of treatment from different countries and nationalities, the search for talented people with the skills of prevention and treatment various diseases, knowledge in the field of herbal recipes, and will tirelessly conduct research and development, promote new medical technologies, establish the international cooperation in the field of integrative medicine.

Li Jun- Candidate of Medical Sciences, TCM doctor, Researcher for the study of moxibustion in 973 research projects of the state of China, Member of the Board of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong, Head of the Academic Department of the Kundawell Institute, read a report on the historical and modern research school "Bien Chue", and also noted that on June 4, 2013, following the results of the meeting of the expert commission Image medicine was accredited by the All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Udalova Lily Evgenievna
- image therapist level 5.
She gave examples from her clinical practice, spoke about successful treatment intervertebral hernia and infertility by Image Medicine methods.

Akimova Tatyana Nikolaevna
- an image therapist from Chisinau also shared her experience with the audience. Her practical experience of working with TMT methods for 15 years has shown that there is no limit to creative possibilities. Studying the disease, its manifestation, you can choose an individual approach to the patient. Understand the cause of the disease. Try to change the situation by using more appropriate methods as needed, while combining TMT methods with the use of medical preparations and physiotherapy.

Early diagnosis by TMT methods helps to cope with the disease faster. In some cases, it is enough just to “push” the problem, and then the patient copes with it on his own.

In her practice, treatment with TMT methods proved to be effective in diseases genitourinary system, digestive organs, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, circulatory system, blood and hematopoietic organs, respiratory organs and endocrine system.
Various tumors were resorbable and observed nice results tissue stimulation and regeneration.

Samsonov Vitaly Alexandrovich- Doctor of TCM, Image Therapist, Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian Association of Oriental Medicine, Special Representative of the Secretariat Shanghai Organization cooperation of the Business Council of the Academy of Traditional Medicine, presented a report on the topic “The specifics of the study of herbal remedies in TCM and Image medicine, their comparative analysis". He talked about the fact that the concepts of TCM, such as energy and the taste of herbs, are easily seen by Image therapists at the level of Thought Forms. He noted that we are faced with the difficult task of conveying the empirical experience, perception and seen image of the "grass" as a description of the effect of its medical action.

Letyagina Alexandra Nikolaevna
- image therapist, read a report on the topic "Some principles of worldview, affected in communication the image of the therapist and the patient."

Dvoretskaya Galina Petrovna - image therapist, instructor of the CSYC in her report "The influence of emotions on human health" noted that in the process of searching for the causes of diseases, we can detect mental images of a person's emotional problems with our inner vision and clear these mental images.

Naslidnyk Alina Yurievna
psychologist, image therapist from Kyiv read a report on the topic: "Effective methods of helping people suffering from psychosomatic diseases." She noted that a strong emotion, due to the impossibility of being expressed and conscious, is forced out into the unconscious and creates a symptom, thus reminding of itself. There is the so-called "Chicago Seven" of psychosomatic diseases: bronchial asthma, gastric and duodenal ulcers, essential hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodermatitis, ulcerative colitis and thyrotoxicosis. Alina Yuryevna noted that Medicine with Thought Images is effective method treatment of psychosomatic diseases.

Rekun Anna Alexandrovna Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Level 5 Image Therapist, ChYuC instructor presented a report on the topic “ Educational programs Institute "Kundawell". She spoke about the many short-term and long-term courses in Thought Image Medicine and Qigong held in Beijing at the Kundawell Institute, as well as about the exciting life of students within the walls of the Institute.

Izmailova Olga Vasilievna
a doctor, a specialist in bioresonance therapy, representing the Bioresonance Plus Medical Center, read a report on the topic: “Vegetative Resonance Testing and Bioresonance Therapy. Application of the concept of traditional Chinese medicine in the practice of a modern doctor.

Ryazanova Valentina Mikhailovna level 4 image therapist, shared her successful experience in the treatment of cervical myelopathy at the Kundawell Institute.

Esipov Sergey Alexandrovich and Titus Natalya Vyacheslavovna instructors and image therapists of the club "Kundawell Rostov", spoke about the features of the effective organization of the Center for Qigong and Image Therapy and about effective interaction between the Centers.

Bildukevich Irina Sergeevna CJTC instructor, image therapist from Minsk, read a report on the topic: “Experience from the practice of Image Medicine”. She told that for more than 20 years, thanks to Professor Xu Mingtang, thousands of people all over the world have been healed by the methods of Medicine with mental images. The method is accepted and used in many countries, it is successfully developed and helps to cure patients with a variety of diseases and shared her experience from clinical practice.

Kim Ilgiza Anvarovna
cand. social Sci., CJTC instructor, level 5 image therapist, read a report on the topic: “On the issue of the Russian-language name of medicine "I SIAN AND XUE"", in which she discussed various options for the name of Medicine with Thought Forms.

Kurova Elena Yurievna psychologist, instructor of the ChYuC, made a report on the topic: "Introduction of goal-setting into the practice of the ChYuC of the 1st and 2nd stages."

Muzeko Galina Vyacheslavovna a representative of the NPC "Zhong Yuan qigong - the synthesis of knowledge of East and West" from Simferopol, spoke about the trinity in Zhong Yuan qigong.

Yarosh Natalia Vladimirovna Level 4 Image Therapist, CJTC instructor, read a report on the topic: "The effectiveness of Image Medicine methods for diagnosing, restoring healthy interaction and functions of organs and systems of the human body."

Dolgopolov Nikolay Vladimirovich the representative of LLC "Vostochnaya pchela" made a report on the medical and health-improving method of Apireflexotherapy.

Within the framework of the Conference, awards were held in several categories:

In the nomination "Best report" were awarded:
1. Kuznetsova Flyura Gaisarovna
2. Vydrin Dmitry Alexandrovich
3. Smirnova Olga Markovna
4. Letyagina Alexandra Nikolaevna
5. Esipov Sergey Alexandrovich
6. Akimova Tatyana Nikolaevna
7. Naslidnyk Alina Yurievna
8. Ryazanova Valentina Mikhailovna
9. Bildyukevich Irina Sergeevna
Reward: free passage of the Image Medicine course in Yekaterinburg.

In the nomination "Best Image Therapist" were awarded:
10. Kuznetsova Flyura Gaisarovna
11. Smirnova Olga Markovna
12. Udalova Lily Evgenievna
13. Dymovskaya Tatyana Evgenievna
14. Vapu Osman
15. Vapu Raushan
16. Chirkunova Olga Konstantinovna
17. Akimova Tatyana Nikolaevna
18. Letyagina Alexandra Nikolaevna
Award: free participation in the advanced training course Image of Medicine at the Kundawell Institute.

In the nomination "Best organizer" were awarded:
Martynova Tamara Ivanovna and Zivenko Valentina Nikolaevna.
Reward: free participation in the Shaolin retreat in 1 or 2 groups of your choice and free participation in all Master's retreats.

On the evening of September 14 at 18.00 the work of the conference came to an end. In the final part, the organizers of the conference thanked the speakers for their interesting informative presentations. The guests of the conference noted the friendly atmosphere of the event and the warm welcome.
Summing up, the organizers concluded that more than 300 people from 6 countries of the world took part in the conference and 37 speakers spoke.

In conclusion, Professor Xu Mingtang thanked the representatives of the organizations that took part in the conference and presented them with memorable souvenirs. The Kundawell Institute expressed special gratitude to the organizers of the conference: Zivenko Valentina, Kosheleva Olga, Luzina Natalia, Akilova Irina, Senishina Oksana, Grishchenko Vitaly, Chernousova Nina and Nikulina Nina for the warm welcome in Yekaterinburg.
After this event, Professor Xu Mingtang declared the conference closed.

The participants of the conference were invited to a celebratory banquet. Everyone really enjoyed the gourmet dishes, festive atmosphere, live music and wonderful performances!

After the conference, representatives of the institute traveled around Yekaterinburg, visited cultural and historical places. They visited the Church-on-the-Blood, historical museum and in the historical square, learned a lot about the past of the city, about its origins. From the Vysotsky skyscraper we enjoyed a bird's-eye view of the city. They visited the village of "Koptelovo", visited a peasant hut - an architectural monument of the 17th century, an exposition and exhibition hall on the history of agriculture, saw an incendiary performance of a folklore group. The Institute warmly thanks the guide Beloguzova Olesya for the fascinating stories about the city and wonderful excursions.

After the conference, Master Xu Mingtang held a seminar on Image Medicine and classes for personal students in Yekaterinburg.

The next V International Conference on Image Medicine and the I International Russian-Slovak Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia on October 3-4, 2015. After that, there will be a seminar on Image Medicine and an intensive on the practice of ChYuC with Master Xu Mingtang. Additional information

News on this topic

Having a medical education and having worked in the operating room for more than 20 years, Olga Konstantinovna Chirkunova knows firsthand what human diseases are.

At first, Olga Konstantinovna was very skeptical about what she heard about qigong and came to the classes, as she later recalls, "in order to expose this Chinese." “How many operations have we performed in 20 years in the operating room, and did not see any “channels” inside, says Olga Konstantinovna, the name refers to the human energy channels. But after passing the first stage of Zhong Yuan Qigong, the former skepticism quickly disappeared. Feeling the effect of the exercises She soon changed her mind because of the qigong practices performed, which was back in 1997. Having believed in the qigong methods taught by master Xu Mingtang, two years later Olga Konstantinovna herself became an instructor Zhong Yuan Qigong.

"Already having a medical education, I went on to study further in order to more effectively convey the methods of qigong to people. In 2000, I underwent advanced training and passed the examinations for the advanced training program for medical staff "Therapeutic exercise" with excellent marks.

After that, in the same year, I went to study at the Faculty of Practical Psychology and Social Work "at the Interdisciplinary Educational and Research Center and two years later I received two specialties: "Practical Psychologist" and "Psychologist - Psychotherapist". A year later, I took courses professional retraining in " National Institute health" to obtain the right to work in the field of physical culture and recreation activities.

More and more I delved into the study of qigong methods, many times I went through the retreat and seminars of Master Xu Mingtang. I wanted to move further and further, to help people more than just teaching qigong."

How to help the patient more effectively? This is the question that Olga Konstantinovna asked herself many times. Despite the fact that modern medicine can help a person in many ways, it cannot solve many problems.

And here the Chinese Image Medicine came to the rescue, seminars on which Olga Konstantinovna took place at the Beijing Kundawell Institute more than once. Now Olga Konstantinovna is an image therapist of the 3rd level. She has extensive experience in the treatment of many diseases using Chinese Image Therapy.

"The methods of Chinese Image Medicine were known in China more than 2 thousand years ago. There was no medical equipment then, but these methods effectively helped people. And after 2,000 years, I have the opportunity to do the same as the ancient healers. I experience great joy when I can help a person with his health problems, when I can give him simple methods for self-healing, when I can help him get on the path of development", says Olga Chirkunova.

In 2017, Olga Chirkunova, having received the 3rd level image therapist, received the right to teach Chinese Image Medicine.


1993 - 1994 Belgorod, studying at the Belgorod Pedagogical College, department of physical culture.

1995 - 1999 Chelyabinsk, studying at the Ural Academy of Physical Culture at the Department of winter sports and martial arts. Specialty - teacher of physical culture, coach-methodologist.

2016 Samara, retrained at a private educational institution of additional vocational education"Academy of Business Education" under the program "Physical culture and sports. Instructor-methodologist”.

Work experience:

1997 - 2000, school No. 136, Chelyabinsk, teacher of additional education.

Since 2010, he has been an instructor at the White Crane club in the city of Chelyabinsk.

2012 - 2014 - Head and leading instructor of the club "White Crane" (Chelyabinsk).

2014 - 2015, "Center for the Restoration of Joints and Spine" (Syzran), exercise therapy instructor, Tai Chi Qigong instructor.

Since December 2015, she has been cooperating with the Samara Wushu Federation and the Harmony club as a traditional wushu trainer and an active instructor in the health systems of the East.

From March 2016 to the present - instructor in .

Professional achievements:

1986 - 1989 - first Wushu classes.

In 1998, for the first time, he got acquainted with the practice of qigong, taking part in a seminar led by Kwan Olga Alexandrovna (senior teacher of the Department of Health Technologies and Physical Culture Vostok "Ural GAPC since 1998), a personal student of master Xu Mingtang, who is the successor in the line of succession of the Zhong Yuan qigong school.

In 1999, he came to classes at the White Crane club, the founder and leader of which is Isakov Maken Isakovich, becoming a student, he began to study in a permanent group.

Together with the teacher, he took part in the following activities:

2009 - a trip to China, the city of Beijing of the Zhiqiang Wushu Academy of Master Feng Zhi Qiang 冯志强 (1926-2012), who is the founder of the Hun Yuan Chen-shih Taijiquan tradition 混元太极拳, a student of the legendary masters Chen Fa-ke (1887 -1957) and Hu Yao-zhen (1897-1973).

2012 - Moscow, the annual festival of the League of Traditional Wushu, headed by the head of the club "Tea Culture" Mikhail Leonidovich Baev - a student of master Liu Gaoming, Yang-shi Taijiquan tradition from Yang Chenfu, in the transmission of Tsuyishi.

Trained and mastered the following practices:
  • Jang Si-gun
  • Qigong Chan Mi Gong
  • Qigong Hun Yuan Gong 1, 2 steps
  • Yang Shi Tai Chi Quan, sequences: 24, 40, 108 forms
  • Hun Yuan Chen-shih Taijiquan: 24, 48
  • A set of exercises with Taiji-ban.

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