An amazing gift is clairvoyance. How to develop clairvoyance on your own? Effective methods and recommendations

Recipes 25.09.2019

Mankind has long suspected the existence of several worlds. But only a few manage to see them and even more so to communicate with those who live there. In our world, they become known as "magician", "genius", "clairvoyant". Of course, many of them received their gift from birth and put a lot of effort into its development. But if you have long dreamed of gaining superpowers and were looking for a way to develop clairvoyance, then know that your search is not in vain. After all, this ability is available to everyone.

There is a theory according to which our Universe is multi-layered, there are various dimensions in it. They are superimposed on each other and can exist in the same area of ​​space. The closest to us is the astral dimension, which we still sometimes call the Subtle World or the world of energies.

And since any matter exists on the basis of energy, this layer permeates our entire world, being its inseparable part. In this dimension, a person exists in the form of a subtle (astral) body. And this hypostasis takes place regardless of whether a person believes in it or not. And the manifestation of such a superpower as clairvoyance allows you to create strong connections between the physical and subtle bodies, open an information channel.

A person with the gift of clairvoyance is able to see not only his past, but also the future. And he knows how to get answers to many important questions and gain confidence in their actions.

After all, the one who is able to clearly see the goal, knows the right way to achieve it. A person can receive this information through his supersensory perception, for the development of which various exercises are used. Anyone can master this ability, and work to open the “third eye” will help to strengthen it.

"Third eye" or the ability to see the invisible

This ability is sometimes called astral vision. It is provided for in the structure of the soul of any person and, if desired, can be developed. Thanks to it, a person is able not only to see the Subtle World and communicate with those who inhabit it, but also to receive all the necessary information about himself, other people, the Universe, and so on.

However, before discovering this ability in yourself, it is important to ask yourself: what is it for? If the matter is simple curiosity or the desire to impress others with your abilities, then it is better not to do this.

You can perform exercises with the “third eye” only for the purpose of self-development and comprehending the secrets of the universes in order to improve your karma. Moreover, the development of this ability will help self-healing, knowledge and correction of one's own and others' karma, and so on. But all this can be achieved only in the case of a serious and responsible attitude to their capabilities. Otherwise, at best, disappointment may await you, and at worst, a psychiatric hospital.

A person should discover such a gift in himself only when he is ready for it. After all, the boundaries of his worldview, thinking and existence will simply disappear, revealing the truth to him. And not everyone is ready to accept and understand it.

Clairvoyant powers can take several forms. The most common are the following:

Opening the "third eye". These abilities are concentrated in the energy center (chakra) Ajna, which is located at a point between the eyebrows. They allow a person to see the features of the structure of the Subtle World, its energy and the creatures that live in it, to observe their actions. It also makes it possible to see the human aura in real time.

Inner vision.

This ability is more complex and represents the ability of a person to receive information in “pictures”, which, as if on TV, are transmitted to his “internal screen”. According to people who have this skill, it is as if they are watching a movie while in a special “altered” state.


This gift helps to hear the sounds, music that exist in the Subtle World, as well as answers to questions that are asked to the Patrons.
Opening of the information channel. A person with this ability has a special connection with the Higher powers, their patronage. He is sent ready-made answers to many questions that in the form of thoughts arise from nowhere in his head. This is often referred to as an insight that visits gifted people.

Other abilities.

There is also clairvoyance (the ability to distinguish energies by smell, when kindness smells pleasant, and anger is repulsive), clairvoyance (different energies acquire a different taste), and so on.

People have been interested in the reality of the existence of the gift of clairvoyance for a long time. Someone believes in what he is and wonders

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance?

But there are those who doubt it. However, if you think about it, almost everyone can give an example of the manifestation of these abilities in their own lives.

For example, when you suddenly wake up at night, as if from a jolt, lie there for a couple of seconds with a lack of understanding of what woke you up, and then a loud sound is heard. This situation happens when you receive a message about a future event through information channels and are already ready for it to happen.

Also proof of clairvoyance is the existence of prophetic dreams. Surely it happened to every person that the “pictures” seen in a dream soon appeared in real life. Of course, not every dream is prophetic, but the ability to independently predict the future in this state is flip side traveling through the Subtle World during sleep.

All existing accidents and coincidences in your life happen for a reason. All of them are the result of your desire to establish a connection with your subtle body and open, expand information channels.

Clairvoyance of great people

Many famous scientists and artists used the gift of clairvoyance and made their most high-profile discoveries. They did not hesitate to admit that the impetus for the emergence of a new idea was some internal clues that came out of nowhere. And all because psychic abilities allow you to look at the world more broadly and see the truth that is hidden for those who do not want to know it.

This gift can manifest itself only in a special state of mind, when it is possible to open information channels and thus obtain special knowledge.

For example, the famous scientist René Descartes was able to make most of his discoveries under the influence of such a state. What, by the way, he was not afraid to admit. The main clues he received from his dreams, and they made him famous.

Another physicist, Niels Bohr, also told an interesting story. Human, for a long time in search of understanding the structure of the atom, was finally able to see it in his dreams. The scientist described a vision in which he was on the Sun, around which the planets circled, and the subtlest connections were observed between them. So Bohr was able to understand and imagine the structure of the atom, which became one of the greatest discoveries of that time.

The gift of clairvoyance can appear suddenly, under the influence of stress or a dangerous situation. Developing these abilities can change your life and improve the lives of loved ones. You just need to develop your abilities, using special exercises. Think: if great people did this spontaneously, then is it really impossible for a person who sets a goal to achieve it?

Of course, your main obstacle will be the upbringing system and the patterns and rules imposed by society. But clairvoyance involves going beyond, and for this you need to prepare. The more you believe in yourself and your strengths, the easier the learning process will go.

But remember that you must be prepared for the consequences. After all, the possession of any gift is a responsibility that must be realized and which cannot be neglected. If you set out to discover your abilities, then be prepared for this. Otherwise, there may be consequences that adversely affect your health.

Remember that you need to move along this path gradually, step by step. A sharp jump - and you are no longer in control of the situation. Do not believe those who promise you a rapid development of clairvoyance. People who really practice such self-improvement know that it is not a quick result that matters, but confidence in each new step. First, begin to study the methods of developing the gift on your own. And only when you reach a level where you can not move on, you can resort to the help of a mentor.

Clairvoyant abilities are available to many saints, hermits living in seclusion, Indian yogis, Buddhist monks and other special people. What unites them? The desire to become better, to achieve a higher level of spiritual development and the ability to think outside the box. They all try to cleanse themselves of filth and learn to be in harmony with the world around them. And special exercises help them with this:

Regular meditation

It allows you to calm the mind of a person, clear thoughts from the "husk" and learn to concentrate on your inner vision. This is one of the most effective methods for developing clairvoyance, since it involves working with a variety of images that should appear on the "inner screen".

aura vision

To do this, you need to peer at some object for about 15 minutes, carefully studying its contours. The best effect will be if you do it at dusk. Over time, you will be able to see a small haze that will envelop the selected item. This will be the aura. Then you can move on to the study of parts of the human body, which will allow you to learn to distinguish the layers (colors) of the aura. When working with a person, learning will go much faster.

Working with the "inner screen"

You can observe images, landscapes and pictures if you learn to peer into inner part century. To do this, it is necessary to systematically try to see the images that arise there with your eyes closed. At first it may be dots, lines, but over time, clearer pictures will appear. The more often you can do the exercises to study the "inner screen", the faster you will be able to develop clairvoyance.

Crystal ball work

You are probably familiar with the traditional image of fortune-tellers and magicians who are able to read the past, present and future through a crystal ball. And these are not only fairy tales, but also real opportunity develop your gift. Any transparent surface can act as such a "ball". For example, a glass of water. It will serve as a lens in the so-called "astral tube". With its help you will be able to see the Subtle World, its inhabitants and everything that happens in it. It is enough to train systematically. To begin with, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, and then imagine how an information channel opens inside you. Look into the water column. Over time, you will be able to see events and people in it, piercing space and time.

Follow the exercises described regularly to get the desired effect. But in addition to practical skills, there is a list of necessary conditions that will make it easier for you to develop the gift of clairvoyance.

In order for your exercises that you intend to perform to develop your abilities to be more effective, you need to follow several requirements:

Understand purpose and motive

Before discovering a gift in yourself, you definitely need to know for what purpose you are doing this. Higher power they will ask you about it and it is better that your answers are precisely worded. Remember that both Light and Dark forces can bestow you. In the second case, you can receive your gift very quickly, but then you may be required to pay for it (your health or your loved ones, and even their lives). Please think about this before asking them.

Required amount of energy

To work in this direction, you must be prepared for a large expenditure of energy. Therefore, you need, firstly, to think over the source of its replenishment (running, meditation), and secondly, to limit its inappropriate consumption (stresses, emotional breakdowns).

Healthy lifestyle

To open the channel, you need to cleanse yourself of bad habits (alcohol, smoking) and start eating right. After all, in healthy body a healthy (strong) spirit also dwells!

Closing karmic debt

If in a past life you did a lot of deeds to the detriment of people, then until you redeem your debt, a ban on the discovery of these abilities has been imposed on you.

People already in ancient times were sure that there are other worlds. However, only a few can see and even more so communicate with those who live there. We used to call such people "magicians" or "psychics". Most of them were gifted with this "gift" at birth, and worked hard to develop and improve this gift. But, if you are not one of those lucky ones, and have been dreaming and looking for how to develop clairvoyance for a long time, know that this is quite possible. After all, clairvoyance is available to everyone.

What is clairvoyance

When we hear the word "clairvoyance", we mean mysterious, enigmatic. It carries a certain magic, and we immediately imagine that we find ourselves on the other side of reality.

Clairvoyance (clear vision) is the ability to see what is not subject to other people with normal vision, which cannot be perceived in the usual range of sensitivity.

There are people who, without any training, can see the future. They don't need any aids, they just see the picture as if the event is happening now. This can be called clairvoyance.

This is a unique opportunity to penetrate the minds of other people and interpret it like an open book. With the help of this gift, you can see all the processes that occur in the human body, find the disease, interpret the future, analyze the past and present. Also receive signals from the dead, properly manage your premonitions, etc.

Kinetic information - comes to us through the kinetic channel, auditory - through the auditory, but visual - through the visual. All information comes through the coordinated work of the organs of hearing, vision, receptors of smell, touch, etc. We can get new data simply by analyzing and calculating certain information.

However, we all have another organ with which we learn new things - this is the brain. Researchers claim that for extrasensory abilities and intuition is responsible right hemisphere. It is worth noting that those parts of the brain that do not work in adults actively work in children and animals. This was proved by laboratory studies, which show that certain departments “fall silent” after 7 years.

Initially, this channel of extrasensory perception is called intuition. The channel works great in children under seven years of age, after which it gradually fades away, and can only appear in special, emergency situations. But, if it is regularly developed, then it will be strengthened and eventually develop into the gift of clairvoyance.

The data that comes through this channel can be in the form:

  • images - eidetic clairvoyance;
  • vote;
  • sensations;
  • odors.

Experts call this ability "the gift of the gods." Scientifically, it is customary to call it astral vision or a method of obtaining information without the use of logic and other receptors. And many believe that it is innate. Concerning this question between scientists there are constant discussions. Some agree with this statement, others are sure that each person can develop clairvoyance independently.

Why Study Clairvoyance?

Before proceeding to the study of clairvoyant abilities, it is good to decide what it is for at all. After all, this is worth doing only if a person wants to:

  • help others;
  • develop and grow personally;
  • to know the secret, and apply it for the benefit of mankind.

If a person wants to have this ability in order to be exceptional, to consider himself superior and stronger than others, to interfere in someone's fate, thereby causing harm, then you should not even try to master this skill.

The universe will not allow such a rude use of its energy. And if the goals and intentions are disinterested, then go ahead!

Vyacheslav Bronnikov's technique

Clairvoyance for modern man has long ceased to be a mystery. Scientists around the world are trying to understand and unravel the mysteries of this ability, to give scientific explanation. It should be noted that our scientists Vyacheslav Bronnikov and Mark Komissarov managed to do a lot.

School of Vladimir Bronnikov

Scientists have already created special techniques that allow each person to comprehend clairvoyance. The main thing is to strictly observe them, and constantly practice. Only then will the results be noticeable.

Exercises for the development of clairvoyance

Many Buddhist monks, hermits, who have been in seclusion for many years, have gained clairvoyance. And if you start looking seriously, then you can find among the people around you those who clearly foresee a lot, but try not to advertise their capabilities. What can unite these people? I, the author, believe that this is a desire to be better, to comprehend the basics of spiritual development, to get away from worldly filth. For them it is better to be in complete harmony with nature. And helpers in this are special exercises.

Regular meditation

It gives you the opportunity to feel light and put your mind in order. Get rid of all worldly fuss, get rid of thoughts. This method is very effective for developing clairvoyant skills. After all, during meditation, a person is completely concentrated, and sees different images on the inner screen.

aura vision

This exercise requires maximum concentration on one subject. This will take 15-20 minutes. A person should look closely at the contours of the selected object, and over time he will see a light haze around. This is the aura. It is best to perform the exercise in twilight or twilight.

If a person sees an aura on objects, then you can go to parts of the body.

Working with the "inner screen"

Each person, when he closes his eyes, can see certain images, pictures, etc. This requires regular training. When the eyes are closed, one should try to see any images. At first, only dots will come out, then the picture will become clearer. The more exercises you do, the faster your clairvoyance develops.

Crystal ball work

Each of us has seen on TV or when visiting a psychic how they work with a crystal ball. And there is nothing fantastic here. You can really read the past, see the future, etc. from them.

In the development of psychic abilities, it is also useful to use such a ball. By the way, for the first time it can be replaced by any transparent surface. It will act as a lens. First you need to clear your mind of all extraneous thoughts, and then imagine how the channel opens inside. At the same time, look through the surface all the time.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that nothing is impossible. Each person can develop the skills of clairvoyance if he performs the necessary exercises. But, most importantly, have good intentions so that the power of the acquired skills does not turn against their owner.

Clairvoyance is a powerful gift that opens up new possibilities for a person. Having discovered such abilities in himself, a person with powerful willpower and self-control is able to turn it into a strong directed weapon against ill-wishers and not only his own. The correct handling of information, in the case of strong knowledge, should be accompanied by the ability to use this knowledge. In some cases, you need to keep track of what information you managed to read and whether it is worth expressing it to the client in a direct open form. The use of clairvoyance is new way to the knowledge of the secrets not only of the Universe, but also of oneself.

Every person has the power of clairvoyance, but not everyone manages to discover this knowledge for themselves and use it competently. To engage in clairvoyance means to get in touch with the world of human existence and the existence of the paranormal. In order to gain secret knowledge, it is necessary to understand how to develop clairvoyance.

What are the benefits of clairvoyance?

Many people are interested in the question, so what are the benefits of the gift of clairvoyance? Let's consider the main ones:

  • the possibility of energy assistance for loved ones and oneself;
  • the ability to predict the future and protect yourself from most unpleasant situations by making a decision even before they occur;
  • get an answer to a question of interest or concern;
  • feel the world to the fullest, protect yourself from lies and falsehood;
  • be able to find a missing person;
  • comprehending the secrets of the universe and improving oneself as a person;
  • communicate with higher powers;
  • openness of information: everything you want to know, you can easily get;
  • possibility of astral travel.

Any magical manifestation, in addition to all its advantages, hides a danger and has a number of disadvantages. Among the disadvantages of clairvoyance, it is worth noting:

  • Discover the possibility of knowing the secrets of other people. Sometimes these secrets are unpleasant, and you have to tell people about it.
  • Difficulties in owning a gift initial stage acquaintance with clairvoyance.
  • This gift is an unbearable burden, you can feel maniacs, murderers or rapists on an energy level. All these sensations will pass through you, and this is not very pleasant.
  • High energy consumption for predictions.
  • Due to the connection with the parallel world, you will have to communicate with otherworldly beings who, like people, are not always pleasant and friendly.

Each of the psychics feels a connection with a person or the other world in his own way, so the above-mentioned shortcomings do not apply to everyone. Teaching clairvoyance is a complex and time-consuming process. Teaching clairvoyance in a school of magicians or at home should be accompanied by the advice of an experienced teacher.

Teaching clairvoyance is itself a complex process. The power manifests itself gradually, and in order to develop intuition and control the subconscious, it is necessary to perform special exercises. The gift manifests itself gradually.

Mind Control: Meditation is the First Step to the Gift

Before you get the ability to clairvoyance, you need to discover new possibilities in yourself: learn to communicate with your subconscious and awaken it. It is in the human subconscious that detailed answers to all questions of interest to a person are contained. The subconscious has the ability to control a person's consciousness by giving signals to the brain. When these signals are pronounced, the person feels a sense of anxiety or euphoria, which turns into an intuitive awareness of the future.

Extrasensory perception will become available to you if you learn the first step of managing sensations: mastering the connection with the subconscious.

What to do to awaken the subconscious?

To learn how to work with your subconscious, use the recommendation.

  • Get comfortable and try to relax. Imagine the answer to question asked exists only as long as you don't know it yet. The answer is all around you. All you need is to catch him. Listen to yourself and let go of the logic. Be guided only by emotions.
  • It is important that you feel the emotional connection between your action and the state. Your main goal is to awaken the subconscious.
  • Ask your subconscious mind questions while you are relaxed. Scroll in your head different answers to questions, among which there are necessarily correct ones. You can become aware of it as a flash that will suddenly appear and give you new knowledge.

You can not only seek answers to questions by communicating with your subconscious, but also ask him for advice. Illumination will come to you as soon as the answer is close.

The best time to practice clairvoyance is the time between wakefulness and sleep, when you are already awake, but not yet ready to start your usual activities.

Features of the development of abilities with the help of Zenner cards

In order to conduct a self-diagnosis for clairvoyant abilities, use the Zenner cards. Thanks to this device, you can find out if you have psychic abilities and are you up to the task.

Zenner cards are 25 cards with five types of figures: circle, wave, cross, square and star. Using them to find out if you have psychic abilities is not only possible, but also simple.

Clairvoyance training according to this technique occurs by guessing what is shown in the picture. Using such a simple technique, they conduct training in extrasensory perception.

In this way it is easy to awaken the subconscious. Listen to your inner voice and over time, luck will turn to face you more and more often.

Sensation Techniques for Opening the Third Eye

An experienced clairvoyant has powerful extrasensory properties, which he receives thanks to the open information channel of the subconscious - the third eye. To open this ability, experts recommend meditation, but you need to be careful with this. The uninitiated and enlightened are at risk, therefore, when starting such an activity, first ask for advice from a mentor.

Meditation is the first step towards the discovery of secret knowledge

In order to meditate, you need to relax. Conducting a lesson on the technique of energy cleansing, you will be able to cleanse your body using cosmic energy from all the accumulated negativity and dirt.

Using this harmless technique, you should feel lightness, joy and peace. The type of meditation must be chosen depending on the direction of your work and the use of your own aura chakras. So, when working with the ajna chakra, it is better to borrow the experience of Indian yogis, who give valuable advice on working with all chakras. Not one of the meditation techniques and the colossal work done by the student to open the third eye bears its consequences. It is not safe, so in this case it is better to use the instructions of the teacher. If you decide to undertake a clairvoyant training course on your own, be careful.

If meditation is used incorrectly, to get rid of possible consequences, recite the Hat mantra. It will give peace and eliminate the consequences of incorrectly conducted meditation.

Predictive items for clairvoyance: mirror

Swedenborg's mirror is an indispensable item for a psychic. Everyone: both a beginner and an experienced psychic with the gift of clairvoyance, uses such an item to communicate with higher powers.

Making such a psychic item is easy at home. To do this, prepare:

  • mirror;
  • graphite powder;
  • olive oil.

Boil the mixture of powder and oil over low heat. After that, take a small mirror, and being careful, heat it up.

Apply a thin, even layer of the mixture of oil and graphite to the mirror. Leave the item like this for a few days until completely dry. After polymerizing with a mirror cloth, the mixture will turn black and you will get a black mirror for predictions.

It may not be possible to make such a mirror right away. Patience and dexterity are required, but by using it you will be able to do minimal psychic skills much faster.

The blackness will absorb the light and the images reflected in the mirror will take on a pronounced character: brightness and clarity. Starting a mirror session, use sandalwood or sandalwood oil to scent the air in the room.

Looking in the mirror, you will see a number of images, you should not dwell on something specific, look further, you will analyze after the session. During the procedure, retire so that no one from outsiders can prevent you from concentrating on what you see.

The session should take no more than 10 minutes. After that, rise and stretch as if you are throwing off a heavy burden. Relax at the end of the session and only when you feel like before, before the start of the ritual, consider that everything went well.

Try not to talk to anyone about what you see. Sessions should be carried out 1-2 times a week, and it is not specifically recommended to induce a trance state. Using this technique, you can learn clairvoyance.

Predictive items for clairvoyance: water

Another tool of the clairvoyant is water. If you do not know how to gain the gift of clairvoyance, use this simple item.

To develop abilities, you need to pour water into a vessel: a glass or a bowl and put it on a white towel. Look into the water and you will definitely find the answer to the question. You can light a candle to make the reflection clearer.

There are many ways to develop abilities in clairvoyants. Which one to choose is up to you. If you want to bring help to people, using clairvoyance with good intentions, and you feel the power, be sure to try to develop intuition and completely master your subconscious.

To all those who wish to develop clairvoyance, we offer three unique and simple ways. By practicing every day, you can find the treasured gift, but you need to be ready for it.

The development of clairvoyance through a state of rest

No wonder meditation helps open the third eye. As psychics explain, the fact is that during the state of bodily rest, internal energy flows begin to activate, which open access to hidden information. In fact, the first way is connected precisely with the activation of your inner forces. If you have never tried meditation, you can practice simple meditations for beginners, such as candlelight meditation. This will be your first on the path to clairvoyance.

You can start this exercise for the development of clairvoyance in a lightweight version. It is especially suitable for those who have never practiced anything like this before. Before going to bed, lying with your eyes closed in a position that is comfortable for you, pay attention to those colored lines and shapes that your consciousness draws. Try to understand and understand them. This will be your first step towards discovering your inner gift.

Gradually, this exercise will become more difficult. Try to do it while sitting in a comfortable position and a place convenient for you. Start with a minute or two and gradually increase to five or seven or more, but it is advisable to limit yourself to 10 minutes of this state. This method is somewhat dangerous, since an inexperienced person can enter a rather strong trance, from which it is sometimes difficult to get out.

How to learn to feel the human aura

Another way to develop clairvoyance is to increase the sensitivity of the hands. With the help of touch and perception of sensations through the palms, you can receive information about the biofields of people and read information from objects. But this will require daily practice, in which the following exercises will help you.

The first exercise is actually some starting point in the practice of reading the aura. Take a comfortable position and try to make sure that no one bothers you for 5-7 minutes. Reveal right palm and with the index finger of the left hand rest against its center. Try at this moment to concentrate on your feelings without thinking about anything. Then change hands. Of course, this is due to the points on the hands, which are also used to treat the body and influence it. You can familiarize yourself with them in more detail by practicing mudras.

The second exercise must be performed already having a certain sensitivity of the hands. Spread your arms shoulder-width apart (arms can be bent at the elbows) and gradually bring your palms together, as if you want to clap. Without folding your palms together, hold them at a small distance from each other, and then return your hands to their original positions. This is how you develop your sense of the aura.

An effective way to see the hidden

An easy but time consuming exercise. Each stage is ideally given 20 minutes, but for beginners to develop clairvoyant abilities, it is advisable to reduce the time. The exercise consists in the correct examination of the wall and concentration of attention, which later help to activate the third eye.

Move closer to the wall, about arm's length. The first step is to find a point that is just above the line of your eyes. Fix your attention on it and try not to blink. Then comes the second stage, which is the opposite of this. You sort of defocus your vision. Try to cover the entire wall with your eyes, without focusing on anything.

The last part of the exercise will already involve your internal forces. Behind the wall is some point that you have to imagine. Concentrate on it and try to "see" it. Of course, you need intuition. If you notice that it works poorly for you, then try to develop it with the help of effective exercises.

Remember that clairvoyance is sometimes dangerous: after all, you will not always see pleasant creatures and events. So develop your gift carefully. Good luck to you and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.10.2016 01:09

Every person needs to achieve inner harmony. it important condition to be successful and...

Feeling powerless in front of many natural phenomena, man has always wanted to look into tomorrow. The whole history of civilization is accompanied by attempts to predict the future and influence it - with the help of sacrifices, prayers or rituals. Another popular way is clairvoyance. Some argue that this is a gift from above, but there are facts that prove that such a skill can be learned.

Gift or skill?

Attempts to study the ability of some people to divination have been made repeatedly, but mankind has not yet received a final answer. Most often, clairvoyant abilities are innate or appear as a result of some kind of misfortune: it is believed, for example, that the famous seer Vanga gained the ability to see the future due to the fact that she became blind in early childhood.

It is unlikely that anyone would want to get a talent for divination in this way, but still, for many people, the question of how to develop clairvoyant abilities is not at all idle. Is it possible?

Risk your health?

Numerous works devoted to various esoteric practices claim that the attempt is not torture. Moreover, there are different ways to achieve the desired enlightenment.

    Drugs. Since ancient times, in many countries of the world - India, America, Africa - intoxicating substances have been used to expand consciousness. There is even an assumption that many of the Pythians described in ancient texts were engaged in nothing more than inhaling narcotic substances in order to gain the desired clairvoyance. How to develop abilities in this way is described in detail in the writings of the famous Castaneda: the peyote cactus is in this respect no worse than Indian hashish.

    Specific body movements, sometimes in combination with certain sounds. Eastern dervishes or shamans of the North performed certain dance steps to fall into a state of trance: the dervishes frantically circled in place, the shamans danced to the roar of drums, driving themselves into a frenzy. After that came a trance in which the future or the past was revealed to the servant of the gods.

    Rites. How to develop the gift of clairvoyance, a variety of fans of specific religions - such as, for example, African-Caribbean voodoo, know. Sorcerers perform ritual actions (many of which are rather unsightly) - and as a result, it is revealed to them whether this or that enterprise will succeed.

Let's say no to drugs!

It must be said that all of the above methods are quite risky. By using narcotic substances or depriving yourself of air, you can cause irreparable harm to your own physical or mental health. It is quite possible that then the question of how to develop the gift of clairvoyance will not interest the experimenter at all. As well as many, many other things.

One of the most famous authors who devoted himself to the study of supernatural human abilities is the theosophist Charles Leadbeater. “How Clairvoyance is Developed” is a well-known book that belongs to his pen, you can easily buy it or read it on the Web. The author categorically warns against the practices listed above. He claims to have met people who lost their sight or sanity while trying to gain clairvoyance through drugs or breathing exercises. How to develop your spirituality to gain "higher" vision is described in detail in the lecture.

Path to higher knowledge

The first stage is concentration. "A person's mind is scattered," says Leadbeater, "it easily jumps from subject to subject." According to the author, human brain"picks up" scraps of other people's thoughts - that is why, having caught ourselves in some strange reflection, we cannot understand why it came into our heads. Before asking how to develop the faculties of clairvoyance, the Theosophist advises to begin by gaining power over your mind.

The second stage is meditation. It is especially important to practice regularly and at the same time. Spiritual efforts, just like physical ones, are effective only with systematic repetition.

The third stage is contemplation. At this stage, it is proposed to see with inner vision a certain ideal image and try to merge with it.

If not clairvoyance, then at least health

The author does not guarantee indispensable success, but it is encouraging: even if a person cannot discover for himself how to develop intuition and clairvoyance, all the same, efforts will not be in vain. Everything that each of us undertakes to improve our abilities will make itself felt in the next incarnation. Thus, if you move in this direction, in a new life you can be born already with an innate gift.

Leadbeater, like many other authors, argues that before starting spiritual practices, you need to cleanse the body (stop smoking and drinking alcohol, do not overeat, turn to vegetarianism) and soul (leave selfishness, think more about the common good, etc. .), that is, to become a physically and morally healthy being. Such a task is far from being possible for everyone, however, as well as the gift to foresee the future. Leadbeater also writes that when a person achieves noticeable success in revealing his hidden abilities, he will definitely be noticed: there are always so-called teachers among people - those who have already discovered " upper world". They will help you take the decisive step at the right time, so there is nothing to worry about. The most important thing is to start.

Guide to action

For those who are determined to become a diviner, there are instructions that teach how to develop clairvoyance. Exercises designed to help in this endeavor tend to focus on:

    The ability to focus on something real and then "see" it with your inner vision.

    Visualization of what is required: for example, after meditating and singing a mantra, see the aura of a candle (candle exercise).

    The ability to imagine an object, having heard its name, to take an imaginary snapshot of it, and only then “examine” it, etc.

What can help

Often you can find information that there are stones that develop clairvoyance. Many sources call amethyst the best for this purpose. According to esotericists, this is a powerful tool that can open access to high spheres and generally has a number of amazing properties: it rejuvenates the body, saves from insomnia, poisons, strengthens the object of passion, amethyst is able to evoke a reciprocal feeling.

The power of this stone is such that only initiates of the highest order can afford to wear it set in gold. It is better for amateurs not to take risks and set the stone in silver - it "muffles" its power.

In addition to amethyst, there are other minerals that can help open a divinatory talent: copper azure, belomorite, sardonyx, moldavite and many others. Before you start using the acquired stone, you should cleanse it of unfavorable energy using saline solutions and running water in energetically clean containers and energetically clean places.

It should be noted that there are many schools and trends trying to explain and somehow justify clairvoyance. How to develop this gift - trying to open the chakras or looking at the images on the inside of their own eyelids, using stones, cards or other props for this - everyone who decides to follow this path must decide for himself.

Be carefull

If you are serious about discovering supernatural abilities in yourself, you need to try very hard not to be fooled. Today, many "specialists" for a lot of money will tell you how to develop intuition and clairvoyance in three days. This, apparently, should be alarming: if everything were so simple, life on the planet would long ago become an easy pleasure trip, in which there is no place for unpleasant surprises.

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