How to sing well at home. A healthy body has good vocals. Get rid of excess mucus in your mouth in the morning.

Tourism and rest 22.08.2018
Tourism and rest

Today music accompanies us everywhere. We wake up and turn on the radio, go to work and listen to music on the player or phone, and then mentally hum the song we like all day long. And our concerts in the bathroom are something! But many of us can only dream of performing on stage.

It seems to you that for this it is necessary to have talent. And you have no voice, no hearing. We hasten to please you, there are no people without a voice and hearing. If you healthy man and you can speak, then you have a voice to sing. And if you hear surrounding sounds, then you have hearing. You just need to develop these abilities. And we will give you some tips on how to do it.

To become a master of a small school, you need to have a license obtained after three years of study at the university. Therefore, it is in his interest to have as many disciples as possible, through advertising, in the form of calligraphic posters, nailed to his door. Violence is part of the medieval school landscape. To calm down, the masters do not hesitate to use the tip or whip, trying to scare, using the mask of the absorbing ogre or buggy. When a school teacher is too weak, parents can sign a petition to replace him.

Teachers can stay for one or two years. They are then left to either return to university or open another school. Depending on the category, classes range from ten to one hundred students. The school is open to everyone social groups but she prefers little boys. Girls learn from their mother basic prayers, sewing and embroidery.

The most important thing in singing is work on yourself and hard training.

Yes, there really are people who have good singing abilities, but without the right voice setting, they may remain unnoticed by anyone. Conversely, those who do not have a particularly beautiful voice, thanks to persistent vocal training, succeed.

All school life is regulated by the agricultural and religious calendar. Students are entitled to holidays in July and August to help their parents during the harvest and one week during Pentecost, two at Christmas and Easter, for 150 days a year.

Two great holidays are dedicated to them: the day of St. Nicholas, the patron saint of schoolchildren, where they can walk the streets, play dice, and December 28, the day of innocent saints. On this "fool's day" the roles are abolished: the children of the choir appoint a bishop of fools who will even have the right to dance in the church.

By the way, there are a lot of such singers on our stage. If you had listened to any of them at the very beginning of their creative way- you would just be horrified by their singing.

So do not be discouraged, you are no worse than pop singers and you can also learn to sing beautifully, even at home.

Starting small

Of course, it will be very difficult for you to do this on your own, since the help of a teacher is very important in staging the voice. But if you do not plan to conquer the big stage, and want to learn how to sing exclusively for yourself, then homework will be enough for you. The main thing is perseverance and your diligence.

Most students just learn the basics: reading, writing, counting and singing. For this entire school program, the main instrument is the hand. It serves both to know its alphabet, to memorize prayers, to count, to sing and even to know the festivals of the calendar.

The program begins with the study of the alphabet, which is studied from 3 to 5 years, for a week, three or four letters a day, the last day is reserved for the complete presentation of the alphabet. This study refers to the Bible, the child learns letters as God creates the world.

Some alphabets are presented on one page, for each letter there is a Christian virtue on which the master can disguise. Pages can be doubled with written moral proverbs. After choosing the alphabet, the student learns the syllables, and then begins to read.

So, you've decided to sing, but don't know where to start. Some of our tips and lessons will help you with this.

We develop hearing

First of all, you need to work on your hearing. Yes, you need to hear well to sing well. It is very important for any singer to hit the notes. Even people with a very beautiful and strong voice, but who are out of tune and do not fall into the notes - immediately spoil the whole impression of the song. Therefore, it is very important for you to hear exactly how to sing, and where, what note to take. You may not have a beautiful voice yet, but if you perform the song correctly, this will already be progress.

The Reading School lasts about four months. The proverb “To know how to read is to know its psalm” reveals the main support for learning. In addition to the hymnal verses, children read the ancient fables of Phaedra and Aesop, bestellers in which every animal is an example, stories about kings and queens, and good treatises.

After reading, a letter arrives. Students can practice writing on metal or wooden shelves where the letters are already engraved. On wax-coated tablets, a metal stylus allows them to write and a round end to erase characters. The English encyclopedist Barthelemy writes that "there is no difference between a man who cannot be considered an animal."

So, in order to develop your hearing, you need to do the unison exercise every day. It consists in the simultaneous sounding of two sounds at the same height. Don't rush to sing along to your favorite performers.

First, you need to practice on one note, for example, the sound of a key or a guitar string, or generally choose any one-tone sound. And try to get in tune with this sound. Of course, you won’t succeed on the first try, so try again and again until you achieve a result. And how to understand that you sound in unison?

School of calculation lasts a short time, 2 to 4 months. To learn how to count, students use their fingers in accordance with a digital computing system that counts up to a million. The teacher uses various objects for calculus lessons: marbles, rings, tokens and bones to play with or stones. Multiplication tables already exist: the numbers are displayed on the abscissa and on the y-axis: when the columns intersect, the result is read. Students can also learn to count on the abacus, a wooden table with a table engraved with units, tens, hundreds, chipped.

It's very simple - if the sound you make and the sound you imitate start to sound louder, although you sing at a normal volume, then you are in unison. This phenomenon occurs when resonance occurs, i.e. two sounds of the same tone are superimposed on each other. If you feel it, then you have succeeded.

It's a medieval calculator! Singing is part of education. It's just as important as reading. In the city, the children of the choir learn to sing in mockery, organized in psalters and masters under the guidance of a cantor. The craftsmanship of Notre Dame was one of the most famous at the time.

From the Treasury Book of Brunetto Latini, British Library, London. Scenes representing the "mechanical" arts, humanities and sciences. The central column features the liberal arts defined in late antiquity by Martianus Capella, then by Cassiodorus and Boethius: grammar, dialectic and rhetoric, the art of words and language, corresponding to the second degree of knowledge: arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy.

Now you can move on to the sound of a different key. And so, until you learn to sing sounds of different pitches. If you are already good at this, then you can go directly to the performance of songs. It is better to choose simple songs from your favorite artist that will be easier for you to tune in to. And now try to get in unison with him.

The "mechanical" arts are called up in the right column: the art of the blacksmith, carpenters, weavers; Money changers and peasants are tied to these artisans, as well as the disturbing and sulphurous activities of alchemy and rejection. On the left, more noble activities: painting, then composing, making musical instruments, Roman law, "laws", physics - that is, in medieval vocabulary, medicine, then regulation, that is, canon law, church law, and finally logic.

From the age of 12, you can start an apprenticeship with a master or his parents. But some professions are learned earlier: 10 years as a potter, 8 years as a farmer. The lesson lasts an average of 3 to 6 years after the signing of the contract in front of a notary between the parents and the teacher. The child is fed, kept, cared for, but not run away. Conditions are difficult: nine to thirteen hours of work per week, which are not paid in the first year! In the manuscripts, the presence of scenes showing a young Jesus helping his carpenter father, Joseph, introduced future students to the professional universe.

Learning to hear

Another very important rule for those who want to sing, it is to learn to hear themselves. Since you are doing vocals on your own without a teacher, you have no one to point out your mistakes. Therefore, it is very important to hear what and how you sing. To do this, you need to get into the habit and record your singing on a voice recorder every time.

Training in the profession of a nobleman begins at the age of 7. Children start with pages at the age of 8 or 9 years. They were then raised by royal children. Little nobles also receive physical education, which is primarily due to the skill of riding. When they are small, they have a stick horse, and then when they are tall, their caregivers make them ride with them. This discipline is indispensable for the practice of hunting, tournaments and, of course, during battles. It also allows them to become familiar with the animals that will accompany them when they are adults.

And then it is necessary to analyze it, but not from the position of a performer, but as a real music critic, in order to know in which places you went wrong and where you missed a note. And yet, at the beginning, it may seem to you that it is not your voice on the recording. This is due to the fact that we hear our voice inside ourselves differently than those around us who listen to us. Over time, you will get used to it.

The armor is worn for 7 years, supplemented with weapons first made of wood and then of metal. Children do many other things exercise such as wrestling, running, jumping, javelin throwing or throwing, archery, and hunting. Theological course at the Sorbonne.

Colleges and universities are grouped in the "Latin" area, so called because it is forbidden, even for children, to speak another language. In the Middle Ages, colleges were different from today. These are pious foundations inspired by monastic models and designed to promote the education of poor children who wish to study at the university. Therefore, they are close to places of study or even connected with universities. Students are accommodated, fed, receive a stipend and receive academic support. The library is even available.

It is very important to breathe correctly when singing. This is almost the most basic rule. After all, if you inhale and exhale incorrectly, then by the end of the song you will simply start to suffocate and will not be able to hit the notes of the desired height.

So, how should you breathe while singing?

In order to correctly make sounds while singing and not suffocate, you need to “breathe” with your stomach, and not with a full chest, i.e. the diaphragm and lower ribs must be involved in breathing. Inhalation should be quick and short, and exhalation slow and smooth. You need to breathe through your nose.

This place was intended for students wishing to study theology. It housed very a big library. Subsequently, the college or "House of the Sorbonne" was named the Faculty of Theology, then the "University of Paris". Subsequently, teachers are grouped into departments, each headed by a dean of medicine, canon law, or theology. They control their own set and how they work. Students enter the university at the age of 10, but most of them return before the age of 16.

In three years, they will receive a license that will allow them to teach. Paris becomes an intellectual capital in the field of theology: only canon law is taught, civil law was banned in order not to compete with it. Despite its important role, the University does not yet have its own premises. Courses are held in modest institutions or churches.

It is very important to learn to control your breathing. You should have enough inhalation and exhalation to sing one phrase to the end without interrupting it with an additional breath. The correctness of how you breathe can be easily checked - just put your hand on your stomach and you will immediately understand what you are breathing.

Special exercises

There are exercises to help prepare you for proper breathing and singing.

Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Show this exhibition to your friends. If you are one of those who sing in the shower, or if you have unwanted singing one day on stage, this book is for you. It is full of useful information regarding all aspects of singing, from posture to voice, through vocal hygiene and breathing. Experience is absolutely not needed!

Even if you don't know what singing is, this discovery of your singing voice will be a wonderful moment for you. It is impossible to get the voice of a singer overnight: it takes time. If you want to improve your vocal technique, you need to practice the exercises. You might think that these exercises won't help you sing your favorite song better? But there is no other way to teach your body how to properly train sounds.

The first exercise is called "pump". You need to stand up - feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended along the body. Then you need to lean forward. The arms should be straight and pointing down. You need to do this smoothly. Be sure to remember to breathe. For a short quick breath with your nose, you need to bend over, and for a smooth slow exhalation - straighten up. This exercise must be performed 8 times 12 sets, i.e. bent over 8 times, rested, and again repeated the approach.

Once you master the technique, you will be able to sing better! Another common mistake is to pretend it's not with a book that you can promote by singing. If you don't always have someone close to you to listen to you when you're exercising, you can always find suggestions in this book to better listen to your own voice and learn to criticize yourself so you can progress whenever you are working on your song.

This book is intended to be a reference guide, not a manual. You will find many examples of exercises that will allow you to progress, you are free to search for the parts you are interested in. By the way, who knows what you might find in the parts of the book that you wanted to jump into!

The second exercise is called "hugs". Its essence lies in the fact that you need to wrap your arms around yourself, as if hugging. In this case, the arms cannot be crossed and they must be kept at shoulder height. When hugging, you need to take a quick breath, and when spreading your arms - a smooth exhalation. It is better not to change the order of hands - then you will achieve best results: Prepare your lungs, diaphragm, vocal cords and throat for singing.

You will hear a sequence that you play for you on the piano, and then an example given by the singer, then the same sequence is repeated several times so that you sing at the same time. Singing melodies are always nice, but if you've never done singing before, you probably won't understand the benefits of this job right from the start, Or maybe you'll find the vocalizations difficult. Keep it up to practice these exercises and you will quickly realize that they allow you to advance in your way of singing.

Sometimes exercise must have a physical appearance. Sometimes, by feeling movement through your body, you get an idea. Whatever method is right for you, you will find it in this book. But it's not a Milanese nightingale that wants to: even the most beautiful natural voices need technical support and sound advice to develop and continue.

Well, of course, do not forget about the correct articulation and diction. In singing, it is very important to be able to open your mouth correctly. After all, the quality of the sounds you make depends on it. You also need to be able to clearly pronounce all the letters and not swallow the endings of words. To do this, you can practice on tongue twisters.

In any business, practice is needed to consolidate knowledge, and singing is no exception. Therefore, in order to get the result and learn to sing, you must work on yourself every day. Of course, at home, it will take much longer than with the help of an experienced teacher. The main thing is not to give up and then you will succeed.

But if your goal is to perform on the big stage, then in this case you just need expert advice. And best suited for this role is a solfeggio teacher. This is a whole technique aimed at putting your voice correctly. This teacher will be able to give you a course of exercises that will help you learn to sing beautifully.

Age also has great importance. It is much harder for an adult to learn how to sing correctly than for a child. The reason for this is very simple - children grasp everything faster, and besides, it is easier for them to train their vocal cords, because they are just beginning to form. Therefore, if you want your child to become a singer, he should be given to music school already at 5-7 years old. And then your child will be able to please you with their success.

Songs and music make our life beautiful. Do not deny yourself this pleasure. Sing for the joy of yourself and others!

When wondering how to learn to sing at home, you should immediately prepare for the fact that this business requires perseverance and perseverance. However, if there is a desire, this is not a problem, but to comprehend vocal science is easier than it seems at first glance. Special exercises will help develop hearing, develop proper breathing and put the voice. Life-Reactor will tell you where to start and how to learn to sing, even if there is no voice and hearing, at home.

Learning to breathe correctly

To learn how to learn how to sing correctly at home, you must first learn. It would seem, what is "correct"? Breathing is breathing, we all know how to do this from birth, without thinking about the process. But if you sing and breathe the way we usually do, you can quickly break the cords without getting a beautiful vocal.

The secret is in diaphragmatic breathing. The best way to understand the difference is to practice: take a deep breath and pay attention to what is happening with your body. Normal breathing involves the chest, and with diaphragmatic breathing it remains motionless - the abdominal part of the body works. Diaphragmatic breathing allows you to:

  1. Inhale quickly and exhale long
  2. Distribute the air as you exhale so that you can easily sing lyrics

Some visual information: when we breathe, as usual, the proportion of inhaled and exhaled air is one to one. You can’t sing a long phrase like that, and noisy breaths interrupt the harmony of the vocals. And having mastered diaphragmatic breathing, you will inhale and exhale air in the proportion of one to twenty, respectively.

Tip: very important for training. Try to follow it all the time, even outside of class - the back should be straight, the abdominal muscles should be in good shape, and the chest and shoulders should be relaxed.

At the moment go to the new kind breathing is unlikely. But, like any skill, this skill trains and develops. special exercises. We have collected 10 most effective methods offered in many vocal schools. They are simple and you can easily perform them at home. Please note that due to the active work of the abdomen, it is not recommended to exercise immediately after eating. Wait at least an hour, and preferably at least two.

First exercise

Lie on your back on a flat hard surface. Place one hand on your stomach to control the work of the muscles. Inhale slowly and quietly, making sure that the air fills the stomach, not the chest. When you reach the peak of inhalation, hold your breath for one to two seconds, and then begin to exhale slowly, passing air between your teeth with a hissing “s” sound. Do the exercise five times in a row.

Second exercise

To perform, you will need a candle and a candlestick, which will allow you to calmly hold it in your hands, without being distracted by dripping wax. Light the candle and stand up straight with your shoulders and chest relaxed (but not hunched over!). Slowly inhale with your belly to the limit, then exhale through your teeth, as in the previous exercise. While exhaling, bring the candle to your lips and make sure that the light does not sway from the exhaled air. At first the task will be difficult, but after a few repetitions you will start to succeed. This exercise also needs to be done five times.

Tip: do not forget to monitor the position of the diaphragm. The abdomen inflates during inhalation, but does not retract during exhalation.

Third exercise

Do not remove the candle: it is needed again. Stand exactly the same as last time. Now the breath should be stronger and faster than in the previous exercises. Hold your breath for a second, and then quickly and strongly, with a breath, push the air out of your lungs. The exhalation should blow out the candle, but do not try to blow on it on purpose - the flame should go out precisely because of the sharp exhalation.

Fourth exercise

We stand straight again, shoulders and rib cage relaxed. Open your mouth and imagine that something hot is on your tongue. Take quick breaths in and out through your diaphragm, imagining that you are trying to cool this hot object with your breath.

Fifth exercise

Keep standing. Open your mouth, stick your tongue out to your chin, and take quick, short breaths in and out like a tired dog. Continue for two to three minutes (at first it will be quite difficult - you can start with half a minute, gradually increasing the duration).

Sixth exercise

For this task, again, you will need to use a little imagination. Remember how on cold days you warm your cold hands with your breath? You need to do the same, only without hands - let them hang freely along the body or lie on your stomach to control diaphragmatic breathing. Inhale through your nose and slowly, evenly exhale the warm air into the space in front of you. Repeat five times.

Tip: During this exercise, people often begin to lean forward. Watch your posture - must remain straight.

Seventh exercise

It's time to portray something like an evil snake with arms. Sounds funny, but it really is. Try not to think about how you look from the outside.

Stand up straight with your arms along your body. Inhale slowly through your nose while raising your arms up until they meet above your head. Hold your breath for one to two seconds, then begin to exhale with a hiss, lowering your hands. Repeat five times.

Eighth exercise

Breathe in through your nose. Then bend over, exhaling through your teeth with a hissing "s" in the process. Straightening up, inhale again - and so ten times in a row.

Tip: If you feel dizzy, don't panic. It's just an oversaturation of oxygen. Pause for a few minutes, then continue. Over time, you will get used to active breathing and such things will pass.

Ninth exercise

Tired? Left a little. Stand up straight, rest your palms on your waist. While inhaling, turn the body (only the body) to the right side, while exhaling, return to the normal position, then do the same to the left. You need to do eight approaches in each direction.

Tenth exercise

Do you love poetry the way a future vocalist should love it? Now let's check. Print out the text of the famous poem "The House That Jack Built" (of course, in Russian) and try to read it, spending one exhalation to pronounce each line. Prepare several copies of the printout if you tear them up in anger after the first few attempts. Soon you will succeed!

To learn how to sing at home on your own from scratch, you need to stock up on perseverance from the very beginning. But it's worth it - after a few weeks of practice, you can quickly switch to diaphragmatic breathing, and your lungs will become much more trained.

Developing an ear for music

The main obstacle for many people on the way to vocal mastery is the lack of hearing. But wait: if you can hear sounds - any sounds! - You definitely have a hearing. Musical ear is not something innate - it is a skill. It, too, can be developed by learning how to learn to sing at home. First of all, the usual

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