Ethnocultural public organizations. The role of public associations in strengthening interethnic and interfaith peace and harmony in the Russian Federation

Family and relationships 20.07.2019
Family and relationships

The ethnocultural center - the center of the traditional culture of the peoples of Russia should form its positive image, attracting to its side public opinion . The formation of a positive image can be facilitated by the establishment of prizes and prizes for organizations and citizens supporting the institution, as well as the establishment of partnerships and relationships with various social, political and other organizations. Today, a cultural and leisure institution remains a mass and accessible means of introducing people to culture, developing their spiritual potential, a center for organizing holidays, and preserving their own folk culture. The priority direction in the activities of the center should be the development of interethnic relations, cultural exchange not only in Russia, but also abroad at the international level. The participation of folk art groups of centers in republican, interregional, all-Russian, international festivals, holidays allows not only to demonstrate the richness, uniqueness and diversity of the culture of the peoples of Russia, but also contributes to the development of cultural exchange, the preservation of friendly relations, interethnic cooperation, the formation and strengthening of a positive image of cultural activities the whole society. In this regard, ethno-cultural institutions can use a different arsenal of professional forms of cultural work, for example, create a National Costume Gallery with a permanent lecture hall, where samples of the national clothes of the peoples of Russia will be collected; hold photo exhibitions of folk costumes; organize a workshop for tailoring the Dagestan national costume, headdresses, shoes, making jewelry, etc., where costumes will be sewn not only for the folklore creative teams of the region, but also for the villagers, which will attract children and youth to the study of original crafts, traditions of decorative and applied arts, will serve to preserve the folk costume, the cultural development of the village; organize circles, schools of artistic skills under the guidance of experienced craftsmen to train young people in order to preserve and popularize traditional folk arts and crafts in places where certain types of traditional folk crafts exist; to create workshops for the manufacture of musical instruments, teaching this art to children and youth will serve to preserve the continuity of generations with an exposition of folk musical instruments, where you can conduct master classes with the participation of master makers, famous musicians who own the secrets of instrumental skill and playing them, and many others .; the creation of a cultural project "Books - cultural memory", which will help preserve the history and traditions of the village, the memory of the people, the personalities who glorified their village, left a mark on Russian culture, arouse interest and desire to study the multinational culture of the peoples of Russia. This activity will serve patriotic education, the formation of high moral criteria and aesthetic tastes, the establishment of universal moral values, the unification of generations, will contribute to the involvement of the younger generation in collecting material about the history of the village, its past and present, bearers of folk traditions, masters of arts and crafts, which are the property of the national culture, as well as works of oral folk art (legends, sayings, parables, legends, etc.). Holding holidays of friendship, folk costume, national instrument, crafts and folk crafts "Rural Compound", "Songs and Dances of My People" and other traditional holidays, festivals with the participation of people from the village and many others, may also have a tourist attraction, become objects of acquaintance with ethnic culture, natural attractions of the village, district. The implementation of such artistic creative projects will contribute to the preservation of the traditional artistic heritage of peoples, the development of ethnotourism. Cultural tourism, in turn, will become a powerful lever in the financial support of artistic heritage, an incentive for the development of folk crafts and crafts, and will give a new impetus to the preservation of folklore groups, because performances of folklore groups, demonstration of a unique ethnic culture are among the points of attraction for tourists.

Ethnocultural centers - cultural and leisure institutions are designed to carry out: information support, coordination creative activity, enrichment of intermunicipal and interethnic cultural dialogue, by holding events within the framework of cultural exchange (festivals, tours of creative teams in villages, neighboring regions, cities, exhibitions, etc.), systematic study of sociocultural problems, issues of demand for cultural and leisure services by the population, the state of activity of cultural and leisure institutions of the village, district. Cultural workers need to improve the quality of the activities of cultural and leisure institutions, as centers of interethnic cultural cooperation between the peoples of Russia, to attract and develop the cultural potential of the population, creating a positive image of their village, people.

An example of such an ethno-cultural center is the Volgograd regional public organization Cossack ethno-cultural complex "Heritage".

The purpose of this ethnocultural center is to:

  • - Preservation and revival of traditional national culture;
  • - Association of Cossack youth;
  • - Cultural and educational activities. Organization of recreation;
  • - Education and development of aesthetic, moral and spiritual qualities, by familiarizing with the Cossack culture;
  • - Enlightenment in the field of history, Orthodoxy, the national language "Gutor", culture and traditions of the Cossacks:
  • - Creation of conditions for the physical and volitional development of the individual.


  • A) educational center:
    • - Orthodoxy;
    • - Story;
    • - Ethnography;
    • - Ethnolinguistics;
    • - Folklore;
  • B) military sports center:
    • - Parachute training;
    • - Tourist school;
    • - Fundamentals of sambo, hand-to-hand combat
    • - military-tactical training.
  • C) folklore and ethnographic studio:
    • - Reconstruction of Cossack rituals;
    • - The study of the singing traditions of the Cossacks;
    • - Household choreography;
    • - Folklore theatre;
    • - Folklore ensemble.
  • D) center for design and applied arts:
    • - Production of thematic souvenirs, household items;
    • - Making jewelry;
    • - Ragdoll.
  • E) the center of traditional Cossack clothing:
    • - The history of the Cossack costume;
    • - Tailoring of the national clothes of the Cossacks, as well as its transformation into modern conditions (showing models, tailoring. Realization).

In addition to Russian national organizations, numerous and most active public associations in the region are: German, Tatar, Armenian, Chechen, Jewish, Dagestan, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Korean, etc.

The cultural autonomy of the Germans was established in 1997. Its creation was the result of a ten-year development of the movement of Russian Germans in the Volgograd region. Having united in a national-cultural autonomy, the Russian Germans, with the support of the regional and municipal administrations, began to focus on the development of national culture and language, and especially in areas densely populated by Germans. A German national cultural center was opened in the city of Kamyshin, classes and electives with in-depth study of the German language, and national art groups were created in schools. Celebrations of German culture have become traditional. A good base for this was the State Historical and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve "Old Sarepta" in the Krasnoarmeisky district of Volgograd, which is the embodiment of the living history of the German colonists of the Volga region. There is a center of German culture, a Sunday school for adults, and other programs.

The regional national-cultural autonomy of the Tatars of Volgograd and the Volgograd region was formed in 1999. This organization is actively working to develop the cultural traditions of the Tatar people, to organize national holidays - Sabantuy, Eid al-Adha, Ramadan.

The regional national-cultural autonomy of citizens of Ukrainian nationality in the Volgograd region was established in 2002. The organization was created to unite the efforts of Ukrainians in order to preserve and develop Ukrainian culture, language, protect the rights and interests of its members, establish real equality between Ukrainians and the indigenous population, and strengthen friendship between nations.

The Volgograd regional public organization "Kazakhstan" was established in 2000 and represents the interests of over 50 thousand Kazakhs of the region, living compactly in the Pallasovsky, Staropoltavsky, Nikolaevsky, Leninsky and Bykovsky districts. The purpose of the organization: protection of civil, economic and cultural rights and freedoms of people of Kazakh nationality living in the region. The organization develops the cultural traditions of Kazakhs who have applied for help in solving social problems, supports Kazakh students, and conducts cultural work among them. The organization is in contact with the representative office of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astrakhan. In 2011, a non-profit organization was created and is already actively operating Charitable Foundation"Heritage of Kazakhstan"

Volgograd Regional Public Organization "Armenian Community" was founded in 1997. The main goals of the organization are the protection of civil, economic, social and cultural rights of citizens, as well as the preservation and study of the cultural and historical heritage of Armenians. With the assistance of the Armenian organizations of the region, the Church of St. George was built in Volgograd. Active social and charitable activities are carried out. Created in 2007 regional office all-Russian organization"Union of Armenians of Russia". The work of these organizations makes a significant contribution to maintaining the traditions and customs of the Armenian people in the Volgograd region, maintaining international peace and harmony, strengthening cultural and economic ties between the Volgograd region and the Republic of Armenia.

Volgograd city public charitable organization "Jewish Community Center" was established in 1999 to preserve and disseminate the traditions, ethno-cultural and religious heritage of the Jewish people, to meet the public need for charity and mercy. The Jewish Community Center is the founder educational institutions- Secondary school "Or Avner" and kindergarten "Gan Geula". The Center holds a large cultural work. The organization promotes its work in the newspaper "Shofar Povolzhya".

Volgograd regional public organization "Dagestan" was registered in 1999. The main goal of the organization is the implementation and protection of civil, economic, social and cultural freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation - representatives of the peoples of Dagestan living in the territory of the Volgograd region. The Dagestan community pays special attention to religious holidays. On the initiative of this organization, volleyball and mini-football competitions are held, in which teams of different ages from representatives of different nationalities participate. Holding a big concert in the Central Concert Hall of Volgograd in January has become a traditional mass cultural event. dedicated to the Day formation of the Republic of Dagestan.

Koreans began to unite in our region in 2001, when the National Cultural Autonomy of Koreans in Volgograd was created, its main task is to revive the language, cultural traditions and customs among Korean youth. Most Koreans are engaged in the cultivation of vegetables and melons, as well as the production and sale of Korean salads. At the initiative of the organization, the Independence Day of Korea was held for several years, when a regional festival of Korean culture was held in Volgograd with the invitation of professional artists. Now the Volgograd regional public organization "Center for Mutual Assistance of Koreans" and the Volgograd regional public organization "Association of Volgograd Koreans" operate in Volgograd.

Officially registered national associations carry out a wide range of activities in the territory of the Volgograd region, which have a number of main directions.

Firstly, this is an organizational direction: the unification of representatives of a particular ethnic group within one community, the allocation of a leadership apparatus that coordinates the activities of community members and establishes interaction with authorities and other national organizations. Largely due to this cooperation in the region, it is possible to maintain a favorable, peaceful environment in the sphere of interethnic relations and national security.

Secondly, the social direction: assistance to representatives of their ethnic group in difficult life situations, economic support, accelerating the adaptation of migrants temporarily staying or residing in the territory of the Volgograd region, charitable assistance.

Thirdly, this is a human rights area: providing legal support, assistance in the preparation and collection of documents, assistance in obtaining citizenship.

Fourthly, educational and cultural, focused on the preservation and maintenance of traditions, identity, language of a given ethnic community. In many ways, this activity is aimed not only at preserving their own traditions, but also at intercultural exchange, the development of tolerance in society.

Undoubtedly, all the listed activities of national public organizations are constructive in nature and contribute to the stabilization of the situation in the region, the development of tolerance, the preservation of cultural wealth and diversity of the Volgograd region

The results of these events objectively contribute to the formation of a positive image of the respective national communities in the public opinion of the population of the region. Each of the organizations brings together a fairly large number of residents of the Volgograd region of various nationalities. National public organizations of the Volgograd region are a significant factor that has a significant impact on the socio-political situation in the region. It should be noted that in addition to the direct organizers, citizens of various nationalities, representing the asset of the relevant public associations, took part in the above-mentioned events. This trend in the activities of the NGO indicates their interest in strengthening interethnic peace and harmony, raising the level of interethnic tolerance, developing mutual understanding between residents of the Volgograd region of different nationalities.

And so we conclude: the traditional culture of ethnic groups, due to its most important characteristics, has enduring universal significance. In the activities of ethnocultural centers, it consolidates the most significant material and spiritual achievements of the peoples, acts as the custodian of their spiritual and moral experience, their historical memory.

In ethnic culture, traditional values ​​contain thoughts, knowledge, understanding of life in unity with people's experience, attitude, and goal aspirations. hallmark ethnic culture as a mechanism that carries out the process of accumulation and reproduction of universal values ​​is that it is based not on the force of law, but on public opinion, mass habits, and generally accepted taste.


Dissertation abstract on the topic "Public ethno-cultural associations as a social institution"

As a manuscript

BORTNIKOVA Tatyana Gennadievna


13.00.05 - theory, methodology and organization of social and cultural activities

dissertations for the degree of doctor of pedagogical sciences

Tambov 2004

The work was carried out at the Department of Social and Cultural Activities of the Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin.

Scientific consultant: Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor

Grigorieva Elena Ivanovna,

Official opponents: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Kargin Anatoly Stepanovich,

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Surtaev Vasily Yakovlevich,

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Yaroshenko Nikolai Nikolaevich,

Lead organization: Krasnodar State

university of arts and culture

The defense will take place on April 12, 2004, at 11 o'clock at a meeting of the dissertation council D 210.010.02 for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts at the address: 141406, Moscow Region, Khimki-6, st. Library, 7.

The dissertation can be found in the scientific library of the university.

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor

B.C. Sadovskaya


The relevance of the study of ethnic problems is due to the real needs of our time.

Significant migrations of the 20th century had a tremendous impact on the cultural appearance of many countries, and this is especially true of industrialized countries with a high standard of living. That is why those states that allow migration flows receive not only cheap labor, acquaintance with new cultures, but also significant ethno-cultural problems. This paradox of the combination of the above-mentioned trends in the ethno-cultural situation of today can be found both in Europe and on other continents.

At the same time, public authorities in many countries of the world are not yet able to solve these problems properly. This leads to all sorts of conflicts. Of course, some of these conflicts are economic or political in nature, but often conflict situations arise from misunderstanding between people belonging to different cultures and religions. Therefore, as long as the phenomenon of ethnicity persists, ethnocultural studies do not lose their relevance.

Over the past 30 years of the 20th century, a different vision of the problems of intercultural interaction has been formed in the modern world. It was based on overcoming negative colonial, racist, nationalist stereotypes reproduced by the education system and mass media. This was due to the fact that mankind realized the importance of culture as an important factor in the regulation of both internal life and relations between countries.

During these years, many Western scientific and educational centers developed the scientific foundations of intercultural communication and introduced special courses, published textbooks on intercultural communication, conducted numerous studies on the practical problems of intercultural communication, methods of teaching its skills, developed recommendations on specific issues of adaptation to foreign cultural phenomena.

Russia is a multi-ethnic state. In addition to Russians (83%), Russia is inhabited by more than 170 peoples, the number of which ranges from several thousand people to a million or more. That is why the formation of civil society in Russia is interconnected with the growing interest in the problems of ethnicity. The activation of ethnic self-consciousness led to the emergence of

ii and organizations. And although there is an opinion that it is not necessary to pay special attention to ethnicity issues, since it in itself provokes conflicts, history shows the need to move away from the policy of silence. The most important social processes of reforming various spheres of life in our society also have an ethnic connotation to a certain extent and largely determine social behavior. All this necessitated the study and interpretation of manifestations of ethnic activity in modern society.

Currently, the relevance of ethnic studies is constantly increasing. Ethno-oriented associations have firmly entered the socio-cultural sphere of our time, but this phenomenon of our life has not yet been sufficiently studied. And although they have always existed, but it is in recent decades that they have gained the greatest popularity and significance. The work of such associations is aimed at various aspects social and cultural activity of a person, and, therefore, is associated with the problems studied by ethnopedagogy, ethnosociology, ethnology, ethnopolitology, ethnoeconomics, conflictology and ethnopsychology.

In international and Russian legal documents, the principle of equality of cultures implies the elimination of any legal restrictions and spiritual suppression of the ability of any ethnic group to adhere to their culture and preserve their identity.

Indeed, the formation of common features of behavior, motives, actions, psychological traits is accompanied by long-term cohabitation within the same social organism (country) of groups of people who originally belonged to different cultures. Similar integrative processes were going on in the former Soviet Union, in the same direction - in the development of some Central European standard of modern culture - are going (especially in last years) changes in Europe. You can, of course, talk about the process of globalization of culture. But does this mean complete averaging, dissolution in this flow of changes in ethno-cultural characteristics, national identity of cultures. This question cannot be answered in the affirmative.

It is inappropriate and wrong to oppose two trends that exist in the modern world: the desire for integration, unification, the creation of metacultural communities and differentiation, the preservation of cultures in their nationally special forms. After all, contrary to all predictions, the 20th century did not face the extinction

diversity and originality of cultures, but their self-affirmation, accompanied by an intense desire for revival and transformation in accordance with the new trends of the times, but with the preservation of the specifics of their ethnic group. Thus, it would be more correct to talk about the interaction of various local and functional cultures, about a cultural polylogue that supports a huge variety of not only communication styles and types of mentality and behavior, but also value orientations.

The development of studies of ethnic aspects of the socio-cultural activities of the Russian population has not only cultural, but also socio-political significance for the prevention of social and ethnic conflicts. The humanistic meaning is also important in this aspect, in connection with the realization of the equality of rights and opportunities for people of different ethnic cultures. Ethnoculturological studies devoted to the study of cultural systems (configurations) are formed according to ethno-territorial, ethno-political, ethno-social and ethno-confessional characteristics. The diversity of the study of the "spirit of peoples" and the unrelenting interest in it of scientists from various countries of the world indicate the vitality and uncontrived nature of this problem. And, finally, the main point is the social role of such associations as educational subjects operating within the framework of socio-cultural activities.

Interethnic and ethnocultural processes are a rather complex phenomenon due to inconsistency and ambiguity. That is why it is necessary to study various types of ethnocultural contacts and interethnic communications. they are intended to explain the mechanism of development and functioning of modern ethnic processes, the forms of transmission and preservation of one's ethno-cultural experience, and ways of accepting the socio-cultural image of other ethnic groups.

As already noted, big number Ethno-oriented associations appeared in the socio-cultural sphere over the past 10-12 years. As practice shows, regardless of religious or secular orientation, these organizations pay the main attention to the culture of their ethnic group. Many aspects of their activities are related to the study of the ethnic language, the history of the ethnic group and its migrations, the revival of cultural traditions and folk artistic creativity. Of particular importance is the status of the religion inherent in this ethnic group. It should also be noted that the activities of organizations of this kind are very active even in cases where ethnic

the group lives outside its original territory among another ethnic group. All this once again proves that ethnic culture is one of the most important aspects of their life. Thus, public associations of ethnic groups (both having the status of an organization and informal ones) carry out their work on the basis of the pedagogical tasks set. The problem is to determine the socio-cultural priorities of such associations and their significance as institutions of socialization in the SKD system of multicultural regions. Created by initiatives from below, they are often not included in the cultural policy of the regions, in addition, their activities have so far been fragmentarily studied. Their work as institutions of additional education is also not covered, while circles of folk art are an integral part of their practice. That is why it is important, in our opinion, to consider the structural and functional spectrum of their pedagogical activities in the socio-cultural sphere.

In addition, in order to harmonize the communicative field of cultures, mutual understanding and awareness of the originality, the cultural priorities of different ethnic groups, is necessary. This process can be successful only if mutual adaptation and understanding of the cultural priorities of different ethnic groups, especially if we are talking about multi-ethnic regions, one of which is, for example, the Tambov region.

All the factors listed here make researches concerning ethnocultural processes (and the functioning of ethnocultural organizations is one of their local manifestations) relevant and require comprehensive consideration and study.

The phenomenon of ethnicity has become the subject of research in many social sciences in recent years. It can be considered in sociological, cultural, ethnographic and philosophical aspects. Therefore, in reality, in the process of analytical work, it was necessary to touch on various aspects of the phenomenon under study in the interests of maintaining the integrity of the subject of research.

Based on the definition of culture most commonly used in modern science as a world of artificial objects and orders created by people (material - things, structures, transformed environment; ideal - knowledge, judgments, concepts, images, meanings, symbols, names; social - various types of collective associations of people for joint life, technological - a variety of ways to carry out life, interaction, communication, etc.) and inherited people

lovek not biologically (with genes), but only by memorization and imitation (in the process of upbringing, education and practical, social interaction with other people), then the study of culture acts as knowledge of the types, forms and results of purposeful human life. But targets alone are not enough for its implementation, since there is a need to coordinate these actions and intentions effective ways achieving goals, training the next generations, etc.

To solve all these problems, general criteria for assessing the effectiveness and acceptability of pedagogical activity in mastering the system of meanings and values ​​of various objects, objects, methods and products of human activity, as well as the system of symbols / with the help of which information exchange takes place between people and generations.

Exploring the activities of ethno-cultural organizations, we limit our “cognitive territory” not only to a complex of value-semantic, normative-regulatory and sign-communicative means and mechanisms that ensure the collective nature of the forms of life of people in an ethnic group. We consider it from a functional perspective as an educational institution of social and cultural norms of human practice. This refers to the morality and morality of everyday behavior, imperatives and prohibitions, permissions and restrictions on certain behavioral acts, worldview and other principles, ways of carrying out various activities and interaction between people. A special role belongs to the system of value attitudes and orientations inherent in a particular community and without which an ordered socio-cultural life in the community is practically impossible. This reveals the cultural aspect of the life of an ethnic group.

Therefore, we consider the system of symbols not from the point of view of the categorization of symbolic expressions and translations, but from the point of view of ethnic social value regulation and education of the individual within the framework of this system. The essence of such upbringing is manifested in the fact that a person chooses a way to achieve the pursued goal not only on the basis of its practical effectiveness, etc., but also on the basis of the price and consequences of using this method acceptable by the ethnic code.

The state of scientific development of the problem. An analysis of the scientific literature and dissertation research has shown that so far, public ethnocultural associations have not been considered from the standpoint of an institutional approach, and their pedagogical functions as a social institution have not been studied, although some of the aspects of the activities of these entities have been covered in the works of various authors.

Thus, the problems of ethno-artistic consciousness were analyzed in the works of V.G. Babakova, N.S. Kuleshova, B.C. Semenova, O.L. Petrenko, V.Yu. Khotints.

The sociology of the culture of the national-territorial community is studied in the dissertations of YL. Samara, K.A. Timoshenko, Yu.A. Ur-galkin.

Theoretical and methodological significance are the works on the philosophy of the modern educational process V.P. Bes-palko, B.S. Gershunsky, V.M. Mironova, D.B. Revtsova, N.F. Talyzina. The conceptual foundations of ethno-art education, textbooks, programs on folk art culture were created by such authors as T.I. Baklanova, G.P. Blinov, V.F. Ziva,

A.S. Kargin, M.Yu. Novitskaya, L.V. Orlova, E.I. Petrova, L.A. Rapatskaya, E.Yu. Streltsov.

The sources of scientific information on the problem under study were works in the field of ethnopedagogy. Theoretical and methodological aspects are reflected in the works of G.N. Volkova, R.M. Grigorieva, O.I. Davydova, G.V. Lunina, V.A. Nikolaeva, E.B. Plotnikova,

B.A. Pyatina, I.K. Svishcheva, E.L. Christ.

Socio-cultural activities have made a great contribution to

theory and practice of pedagogical science, researching and developing new directions and technologies. Great importance for the study had works on socio-cultural activities: N.K. Baklanova, A.D. Zharkova, A.L. Karamysheva, T.G. Kiseleva, Yu.D. Krasilnikova, E.L. Kudrina, B.C. Sadovskaya, Yu.A. Streltsova, V.M. Chizhikova, N.N. Yaroshenko; culturologists: A.I. Arnoldova, L.G. Ionina, E.A. Orlova, A.Ya. Flier and others, who revealed the essence and specificity of activities in the field of leisure, substantiated the principles of organizing socio-cultural activities, revealed the recreational and developmental potential of the socio-cultural sphere and the conditions for its implementation.

Researchers of the socio-cultural sphere also paid attention to such an important aspect of leisure as the functioning of various kinds of associations. The types, structure and educational

the potential of club amateur associations for various categories of the population (P.M. Barsky, E.I. Grigorieva, V.C. Goncharova, I.G. Dotsenko, E.I. Petrova, V.E. Triodin), the possibility of harmonizing the personality and interpersonal relationships in amateur associations (A. I. Averyanov, B. A. Titov). Particular attention was paid to the implementation of the educational opportunities of youth (formal and informal) associations (D.V. Kirsh, V.V. Kovrov, L.I. Kozlovskaya, Yu.M: Lagusev, A.L. Lepuonius, A.P. Markov , A. A. Sukalo, V. Ya. Surtaev).

Studies of ethno-cultural associations concerned mainly the optimization of the process of education by means of folk art. A significant contribution to solving the problem of the cultural revival of the small peoples of Russia in the framework of ethnocultural education and upbringing was made thanks to the works of A.A. Golovneva, A.N. Dubkova, V.V. Kobko.

The problems of public organizations of ethnic groups are considered in a number of works related to socio-cultural activities: L.G. Domracheva (regulation of interethnic relations by means of leisure activities), L.G. Irildiyeva (national-cultural associations of ethnic minorities), D.M. Iskhakov (informal associations of Tatarstan) and others.

Pedagogical problems associated with ethnicity are touched upon in the studies of domestic pedagogical anthropologists (V.G. Bocharova, T.V. Vdovenko, E.I. Kholostova, T.F. Yarkina).

We find the solution of certain aspects of the problem under study in the works of domestic and foreign ethnologists who considered the phenomenon of the diaspora and its sociocultural characteristics (S.A. Arutyunov, T.S. Illarionova, S.V. Lurie, V.A. Tishkov, Sh .T. Toshchenko, T.I. Chaptykova and others).

In recent years, the problems of ethnic language and culture, as well as ethnic identity (mainly of the former Soviet republics), have been studied, which are disclosed in the works of domestic authors on ethnosociology: A.R. Aklaeva, E.G. Alexandrenkova, M.N. Guboglo, M.L. Drobizheva, V.I. Kozlova, E.M. Kolpakova, A.L. Susokolova and others.

This issue is also covered in the works of US scientists in cultural anthropology, who studied:

problems of the relationship between culture, ethnicity and ethnic identity (Abrams D., Anderson B., Banks M., Barth F., Bennet, W.L., Bentley G.C. Gans H., Hogg M.A., Isajiw W.W., Lieberson S., Me Kay J.,

Nagel J., Sigelman L., Stein H.F., Hill R.F., Weinreich P., Winthrop R.H, Yanarella E. J. et al.), .

public associations of ethnic minorities (Babchuk, N., & Johnson, Barnes ST., Florin, P., Lundberg I., Svanberg I., Pail M. D., Williams, J.A., Wandersman, A.),

factors hindering the participation of blacks in public organizations (Anderson, B., Clemente, F., Ellison, C. G. & London, B., Hirsch, C, Miner S., Olsen, M. E., Orum, A. M, Rexroad, P. A., Tolnay S.),

issues of cross-cultural research (Bond M., Gans, H.J., Hofstede G., Hui C.H., Triandis H.C.

acculturation and adaptation of emigrant groups (Berry J.W., Bentley G.C., Davie M., De Vos G., Peleman, K.),

problems of the influence of language on ethnic cohesion (Laitin, D.D., Tomlison, P.),

differences between cultural and ethnic identification (Dalai F.), interdependence of institutional completeness, style of activity of ethnic communities and state policy towards ethnic minorities (Breton, R., Kallen, H., Rosenberg, M.M., Srole, L., Warner, W.L. )

and social work, analyzing:.

public organizations and their involvement in the social and cultural life of society (Anheier, N.K., Salamon, M.L., Schmitter, B.E., Schoeneberg, U., etc.),

the role of ethno-oriented public organizations that help solve the problems faced by newly arrived immigrants (Bennet, W.L., Hamel, R., Fugita, S.S., O "Brien, D.J.),

the role of universities in the life of ethnic communities in the USA (Bensimon, E.M., Rhoads, RA, Solorzano, S., Tierney, W.G.),

features of the activities of such organizations in working with young people to promote a healthy lifestyle (Delgado, M.),

the influence of ethnic and gender factors on the activities of American university students (Odenweller, T., Tucker, C.M.).

A special study on the stated topic has not yet been carried out, and an institutional approach to the study of the problems of ethnic groups, diasporas, ethnic groups and ethno-cultural associations (formal and informal, religious and secular) has not been applied. In domestic socio-cultural activities, developments on the problems of interaction between the individual, public organizations and society in the context of the life of ethnic minorities have not yet been considered. Insufficient development of problems is manifested

The study of ethics in the field of leisure and the need to define the prospects for the cultural development of multi-ethnic regions determined the choice of this research topic.

The study was conducted through a consistent description of various aspects of the phenomenon under study, a sociological survey of members of public associations of ethnic groups (formal and informal, spiritual and secular) and further system analysis of the data obtained, as well as a local experiment in order to test the concept proposed by the author and the pedagogical model of the life of ethno-oriented associations in the SKD system.

The object of this study is public associations of ethnic groups, and the subject of scientific analysis is the purposeful pedagogical process of institutionalization of ethnicity by means of socio-cultural activities at all levels of its manifestation.

The aim of the study is to develop a theoretical and methodological substantiation and approbation of the pedagogical concept of the organization and activities of public ethno-cultural associations as modern social institutions.

The objectives of the study were:

1. to substantiate the theoretical and methodological principles and forms of manifestation of ethnicity in present stage means of an institutional approach to determine the directions and significance of their activities in the socio-cultural sphere;

2. to develop, by defining a common goal-setting, a pedagogical system for the organization and activities of a public ethno-cultural association based on the definition of socio-cultural forms of institutionalization of the modern ethnic consciousness of groups and diasporas;

3. to characterize the pedagogical orientation of ethno-cultural associations, reflected in the specifics of private goal-setting (SKD technologies) of the ethno-oriented pedagogical process in the work of ethnic organizations and communities of secular and confessional directions in Russia at the present stage;

4. identify the main socio-cultural areas of social work in foreign public associations of ethnic groups and conduct a comparative analysis with Russian ones;

5. to prove, by conducting a two-stage experiment (stating and developing), that the socio-cultural activity

nostality is an area of ​​social practice where the process of institutionalization of the ethnic is possible.

When studying these problems, special attention is paid to the complex of several functionally specialized constructs that determine the value aspect of belonging to an ethnic group. This is due to the fact that in addition to the world of objects, processes and phenomena, as well as the world of represented objects and phenomena (not observed empirically), there is a system of their symbolic or coding signs denoting these objects in a conditional form: lexical symbols, graphic symbols, real symbols (stylistic features of things and structures), religious symbols and symbolic actions (in a sense, this is all folk art). This system of the "symbolic world" is also in the field of view of this study.

The study is based on the following hypotheses:

1) Studies of the problems of ethnicity do not sufficiently reflect the role of socio-cultural activities as a field of social practice and an institution of pedagogical influence in order to build a polycultural society. At the same time, we believe that considering these formations from the standpoint of institutionalization, that is, the formation and functioning of stable patterns of social interaction, opens up the possibility of determining their role functions in the socio-cultural sphere as areas of social practice and a field of pedagogical activity. We suggested that the application of an institutional approach to the problem of ethnicity in the field of socio-cultural activity can help us not only in studying the very phenomenon of a public ethno-cultural association as a civil social initiative, but also in considering the relationship of an association with an ethnic group, socio-cultural sphere and society as a whole. .

2) There are certain components of cultural life, which are forms of modern ethnic consciousness, which serve as connecting links for a new quasi-cultural community of each of the ethnic groups. They exist at the level of ordinary culture and are fixed in somewhat changed (compared to their manifestations among the main part of the ethnic group) forms, but they play the role of markers that allow the group to maintain its integrity. They, according to our hypothesis, are such historically established forms of organization and regulation of public life as:

about the Institute of Ordinary Culture,

about the institute of religion, about the institute of the holiday,

about symbols as components of ethnic myth-making. 3) The unifying principle of their socio-cultural field of activity has, in addition to social ones (satisfaction of the needs and interests of individuals, regulation social relations, the sustainability of public life, the integration of people's actions and interests, the implementation of social control) and socio-cultural orientations (with all its derivatives of intercultural interaction: cultural-positive, propaganda, recreational and health-improving, consolidating) and educational functions:

reproduction of group members (in terms of their ethnic identification and adherence to "ethnic tradition");

socialization, more precisely, entry into society through education in the "ethnic tradition";

preserving the "ethnic tradition" and creating new cultural patterns;

observance of the moral climate of the group in the spirit of ethnic priorities and psychological support for members of the group.

Thus, we see that the ethno-cultural organization has all the signs of an institution, which indicate that its functional activity there is also a guarantee of the existence of the group itself. Therefore, we can distinguish two more functions - structuring the ethnic community and the interaction of the organization with other institutions of society.

The methodological basis of the study is the institutional approach to the study of the problem, as well as the principles of system analysis, with the help of which the logical basis of the work was built; The study took place at the intersection with cultural studies, sociology, ethnology, linguistic disciplines (cognitive linguistics, intercultural communication), psychology. It was carried out using both pedagogical methods and technologies of these sciences to identify and analyze the functioning of ethno-cultural and ethno-confessional organizations and informal ethnic communities as socio-cultural institutions.

So, when considering the problems of a general philosophical plan, the works of Russian philosophers N.A. Berdyaeva, Yu.M. Lotman, B.C. Solovyova, P.A. Florensky, as well as the works of foreign thinkers I. Kant, E. Munier and others.

The problem of pedagogical influence on the personality was considered in line with the research of domestic pedagogical anthropologists V.G. Bocharova, T.V. Vdovenko, E.I. Kholostova, T.F. Yarkina.

A certain influence on the formation of the pedagogical concept of the author was exerted by works on the philosophy of the modern educational process V.P. Bespalko, B.S. Gershunsky, V.M. Mironova, D.B. Revtsova, N.F. Talyzina.

Conceptual foundations of ethno-artistic education T.I. Baklanova, G.P. Blinova, M.I. Dolzhenkova, M.S. Zhirov,

A.S. Kargina, M.Yu. Novitskaya, L.V. Orlova served as the basis for the study of the activities of associations in the field of preservation and development of traditional artistic culture.

The sources of scientific information on the problem under study were the works in the field of ethnopedagogy by G.N. Volkova, I.F. Goncharova, V.A. Nikolaev, V.A. Slastenin.

When considering the types, structure and educational potential of club amateur associations of various categories of the population, the works of P.M. Barsky, E.I. Grigorieva,

B.C. Goncharova, I.G. Dotsenko, E.I. Petrova, V.E. Triodina.

The identification of the didactic foundations for the implementation of the educational opportunities of youth (formal and informal) associations is based on the research of L.I. Kozlovskaya, V.V. Kovrova, Yu.M. Laguseva, A.A. Sukalo, V.Ya. Surtaeva.

The fundamental provisions for a comprehensive consideration of this problem were studies related to communication in the field of leisure: I.E. Klyukanova, A. Pisa, G.G. Pocheptsova, Yu.A. Streltsova, I.A. Sternin.

Of great importance for the study were works on socio-cultural activities: N.K. Baklanova, A.D. Zharkova, A.L. Karamysheva, T.G. Kiseleva, Yu.D. Krasilnikova, E.L. Kudrina, B.C. Sadovskaya, Yu.A. Streltsova, V.M. Chizhikova, N.N. Yaroshenko; cultural studies: A.I. Arnoldova, L.G. Ionina, E.A. Orlova, A.Ya. Flier and others, who revealed the essence and specificity of activities in the field of leisure, substantiated the principles of organizing socio-cultural activities, revealed the recreational and developmental potential of the socio-cultural sphere and the conditions for its implementation.

The study was also based on works related to the problems of folk art: T.I. Baklanova, M.I. Dolzhenkova, M.S. Zhirova, M.E. Erzhanova, A.S. Kargina, E.Yu. Streltsova, in which special attention is paid to the problems of the national

artistic creativity and the historical conditionality of its development in a specific socio-cultural situation, new approaches to solving the problems of continuous ethno-cultural education are considered, taking into account local traditions.

The solution to the problem of the cultural revival of the small peoples of Russia within the framework of ethnocultural education and upbringing is disclosed in the works of A.A. Golovneva, A.N. Dubkova, V.V. Kobko.

The basis for the historical analysis of the culture of the region was the work of E.F. Zyablovsky, V.O. Klyuchevsky, A.K. Kulakova, Yu.M. Les-mana, A.N. Nortsov, E. Taylor, P.N. Chermensky.

Applied research of domestic and foreign authors dedicated to the functioning of public organizations of ethnic groups (L.G. Domracheva, L.G. Irildiyeva, D.M. Iskhakova, Barth, F., Babchuk, N., Breton, R., Clemente, F., Delgado, M. , Hirsch, C, Miner, S., Rexroad, P. A., Tolnay, S., Thompson, R. V., Williams, J. A.), were also studied by the author to understand the development trends of this type of socio-cultural activity of citizens.

Fundamental in matters of ethnology are the works of E.G. Alexandrenkova, S.A. Arutyunova, Yu.V. Bromley, L.N. Gumilev, I.Yu. Zarinova, T.S. Illarionova, E.M. Kolpakova, V.I. Kozlova, P.I. Kushner, SV. Lurie, S.E. Rybakova, P. Sadokhin, V.A. Tishkov, as well as Banks, M, Barth, F., Breton, R., Isajiw, W.W., Me Kay, J., Nagel J.

In the study of the psychological reasons for the growth of ethnic identity and the influence of this factor on the functioning and specifics of the activities of ethno-oriented organizations, as well as on the awareness of the "ethnic myth", we turned to the works of psychologists: G.M. Andreeva, A.K. Baiburin, V. Wundt, J.S. Kohn, K. Levi-Strauss, T.G. Stefanenko, Bond M., Gans, H.J., Hobsbawm, E., Hofstede, G., Hui, C.H., Triandis, H.C., Winthrop, R.H.

The classical works of M.M. Bakhtin, L.S. Vygotsky, P.A. Florensky, the works of modern authors A. Vezhbitskaya, G.D. Gacheva, I.E. Klyukanova, E.S. Kubryakova, G.G. Pocheptsova, I.A. Sternin, S. G. Ter-Minasova, Hofstede, G., Porter, R. E., Samovar, LA, Storti, C., Tannen, D., and others.

Research methods


Analysis of literary sources on the problems of socio-cultural activities, philosophy, ethnology, cultural studies, intercultural communication, ethnosociology, ethnopsychology, ethnic

nopedagogy, ethno-artistic upbringing and education, cognitive linguistics;

Comparative and retrospective analysis of archival (early 20th century, Russia) and modern (late 20th - early 21st century, Russia, European countries, USA, Canada) materials, documentation of public organizations of ethnic groups;

Analysis of the results of socio-cultural, ethnological and sociological studies of the activities of public ethno-cultural organizations of our time.



Expert survey of leaders of ethno-cultural organizations and informal communities, compatriots and ethno-confessional communities;

Questioning of members of ethno-cultural organizations, informal communities, compatriots and ethno-confessional communities;

Interviewing members of various divisions of ethno-cultural and ethno-confessional formations.

The research bases were:

Public organizations of Kurds (Tambov regional public organization "Aitnav", Tambov regional branch of the federal national autonomy of the Kurds of the Russian Federation);

Tambov Regional Public Organization "Public Charitable Jewish Center "Our House"";

Tambov regional separate Cossack society;

Non-institutional public organizations of Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Russian Germans, Tatars, all student communities (Chinese, Arab and African students) and communities of small ethnic groups (Celts, Poles, Belarusians and Ukrainians - only that part of them that considers itself not assimilated with Russians);

Confessional communities: Catholic, Lutheran, local religious organization of modern (progressive) Judaism, local religious organization Tambov Jewish Community, religious organization Society of Muslims.

Organization of the study

Stage 1 (1995-1998) - collection and analysis of information about the history, status and trends in the functioning of ethnocultural associations in Russia, abroad, as well as the role of such associations in the formation

development of civil society, education of tolerance, cross-cultural literacy and regulation of interethnic and ethnic conflicts. At this stage, an analysis of dissertations and other publications on the problem was carried out. Archival materials and publications in the periodical press were also studied, reflecting the trends and work of formal and informal ethno-cultural associations and the ethno-cultural activities of ethno-confessional communities in Russia and abroad, the role of ethno-cultural associations in the field of socio-cultural activities and in the life of modern society was studied.

This phase of the study was completed by the development of the initial conceptual framework for the study and the selection of research methods.

Stage II (1997-2002) - continuation of the collection of empirical material for different regions of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tambov), conducting a sociological study using a set of complementary methods, processing and generalizing the empirical data obtained, comparative analysis obtained data with the results of other sociological studies on ethno-cultural organizations and informal communities. We have conducted a sociological study. From September 1997 to December 2002, 828 interviews were conducted with representatives of several ethnic groups that belong to one or more ethno-oriented associations (secular or confessional) and 948 questionnaires were received. These ethnic groups were: Azerbaijanis, Arabs, Armenians, Belarusians, Jews, Cossacks, Celts, Chinese, Kurds, Mordovians, Poles, Russian Germans, Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians. Foreign students (120 questionnaires) represented the countries of the Arab East, Africa and China. Further study of the functioning and conduct of a local experiment (310 students participated) in order to test the author's concept, as well as the operation of the pedagogical model for optimizing the socio-cultural sphere. Final clarification of the conceptual foundations of the study.

Stage III (2002-2003) - carrying out the final stage of the experiment. Processing, analysis and systematization of the results of the experiment. Generalization of the results of the study, description of the obtained data and conclusions, summarizing the approach to ethnic formations as social institutions.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that this quality of the phenomenon of ethnicity is considered for the first time. This paper presents a holistic pedagogical concept of the organization and activities

the effectiveness of public ethno-cultural associations as modern socio-cultural institutions through:

Determining the role functions of ethno-cultural and ethno-confessional organizations and communities in the socio-cultural sphere at the present stage by conducting a comprehensive study of the historiographic and socio-cultural situation in Russia and abroad;

Identification of existing forms of modern ethnic consciousness in order to determine the educational means of influence used in the process of life of these associations;

Introduction into scientific circulation of the concept of "semantic cultural marker" to delimit the socio-cultural fields of ethnic communities as institutional formations through grouping them as cultural phenomena;

Systematization of types of ethno-oriented associations, their institutional functions and pedagogical technologies to determine their position in the SKD system;

Disclosure of the essence of the educational functions of socio-cultural activities as a process of institutionalization of the ethnic for the theoretical substantiation of the institutional concept of the cultural policy of multicultural regions;

Identification of the value range that is formed in the process of educational activities of associations: predictability, certainty and social structure (which is a function at the group level, and a value at the group level and at the level of society);

Evidence that the functioning of these institutions expands the pedagogical potential of the socio-cultural sphere at various levels of activity (personal, interpersonal relations within the group and in its leisure institutions and at the level of civil society as a whole).

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the development of a new concept that illuminates the problem of ethnicity from the standpoint of an institutional approach and thereby reveals the essence of an ethnos and its social formations (from a community: a diaspora or an ethnic group to formalized and informal associations) as socio-cultural institutions. The concept reveals the institutionalization of the ethnic as a process that carries the following functions: socio-cultural orientation (with all its derivatives: intercultural interaction: cultural-cognitive, propaganda, recreational and health-improving, consolidating) and education, including the following main functions:

reproduction of group members (in terms of their ethnic identification and adherence to the "ethnic tradition");

ethnicization, more precisely, entry into society through an ethnic group, including the formation of the mentality and the "ethnic picture of the world";

preserving the "ethnic tradition" and creating new cultural patterns and values;

observance of the moral climate of the ethnos or ethnic group in the spirit of the ethnic priorities of education and psychological support.

The practical significance of the study. The created concept expands the field of activity of the socio-cultural sphere, since the specific tasks of ethno-cultural education and coordination of the pedagogical efforts of various institutions can be solved in accordance with their functional areas. The results of the study are introduced into the educational process of the Tambov State University named after. G.R. Derzhavin; activities of ethno-cultural associations of Jews, Cossacks, the faculty of training foreign students of the TSTU. They can also be used to define and develop strategies for the cultural policy of the region, to identify its priority areas, in the activities of culture and education authorities, methodological services related to the problems of ethnic culture and artistic creativity, coordinating migration centers, in the content of lecture courses on subjects: socio-cultural activities, intercultural communication, cultural studies, sociology, ethnology, regional studies and sociolinguistics.

The reliability of the results of the study is confirmed by the actually functioning pedagogical model of the organization and activities of public ethno-cultural associations as modern social institutions. The experimental study was of a twofold nature - the conclusions according to the data of the sociological survey correlated with the conclusions of the formative experiment. As a result, after a comparative analysis of the data obtained and their implementation, technologies were developed to optimize the operation of this model. The total number of participants in experimental work was 1010 people. In terms of composition, the contingent included members of ethno-cultural and ethno-confessional associations (formal and informal), foreign students, teachers, of which 36% were men and 64% were women. The number of participants in the experiment was determined by the requirements of the reliability of statistical procedures.

Approbation of the results of the study was carried out at all stages of the scientific work in several directions:

1. By introducing the results of the study into the educational process of the Tambov State University (within the courses "Public Organizations of Ethnic Groups of the Tambov Territory", "Public Ethnocultural Organizations as a Component of a Multicultural Society", "Intercultural Communication").

2. Through presentations and reports at scientific and scientific-practical conferences of various levels: "Culture and education at the turn of the millennium" (Tambov, 2000), "Philology and culture" (Tambov, 1997), "Social technologies in the field of culture and leisure” (Tambov, 2001), “Public Relation - the science of education, profession” (St. Petersburg, 2002), “Actual problems of developing technologies for socio-cultural activities” (Tambov, 2002), “Modernization of the education system in the field of culture and art "(Tambov, 2002), "Compositional semantics" (Tambov, 2002), "VIII Derzhavin readings" (2003), "Semiotics and imageology of business cultures" (Tambov, 2003), "Socialization of children, adolescents and youth with developmental problems in the system of additional education" (Tambov, 2003), "Ethnopsychological and socio-cultural processes in modern society" (Balashov, 2003), "Cognitive modeling in linguistics" (Varna, 2003), "The state and development paths of Russian regions in the 21st century » (Tambov, 2 003).

3. In the scientific and practical work of the Department of Social and Cultural Activities of the Tambov State University and the Research Center for Regional Problems of Social and Cultural Activities at TSU. In a series of meetings of the department on the problems of introducing innovative technologies for additional education and upbringing, maintaining and developing the ethnic cultures of the region. Through the activities of the research center in conjunction with public ethno-cultural associations of the city and university teachers who supervise foreign students.

5. In the scientific, practical and educational practice of the Department of International Business Communication, Tambov State University. G.R. Derzhavin.

The main provisions for defense:

1. The relevance and socio-cultural significance of the problem of developing the regional component of the ethno-cultural activities of public associations (formal and informal) is due to the contradictions between:

Trends in the globalization of the modern world, on the one hand, and the revival of interest in ethnic culture, on the other;

Statements by official cultural management bodies about the course towards the preservation and maintenance of ethnic cultures in multicultural regions and the uncontrollability of the work of public associations;

The growth of ethnicity and interest in the value orientations of their people and the loss of "life in the ethnic tradition";

The emergence of public associations of ethnic communities around the world and insufficient awareness of the ideas of multiculturalism.

2. The activity of ethno-cultural public associations is a pedagogical process aimed at:

Upbringing of the younger generation according to the priorities of ethnic values;

Preservation of the ethnic language and related folklore;

Acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage of the past;

Mastering the festive-ritual and family-domestic culture;

Teaching the principles and methods of ethnic upbringing and education;

Introduction to the religious culture traditional for the ethnic group;

Consolidation of local cultural traditions that are peculiar only to a group of a given region and combine the features of the ethnic culture of the group and the titular ethnic group.

3. Identification of "semantic cultural markers", which have found their expression in the concepts of "ethnic language", "ethnic religion", "ethnic tradition", "ethnos history", as parameters of ethnic culture, preserved among ethnic groups of polycultural regions, makes it possible to identify and structure ethnic group as a whole.

It is they who form the ethno-worldview (language picture of the world) and ethno-traditional (history of the ethnic group and its migrations, the history of folk art culture, ethnic tradition) areas of activity of the associations in question and contribute to the development of the spiritual culture of the people. In turn, ethnic association also acts as a marker of ethnic identification.

and ethnic delimitation, as a symbol of integrative ethnicity in its value-worldview and ethno-traditional plan, forming by its activity on the development of the ethnic language and "ethnic tradition", the way of thinking and the whole holistic worldview of the individual.

4. Experimental confirmation of the hypothesis that the ethnic culture of groups living in a different ethnic environment, subjected to a certain kind of assimilation, although it has undergone certain changes and moved away from the culture of the ethnos, still exists and is being recreated thanks to the activities of ethnocultural associations. The factors that serve as connecting links of the new quasi-cultural community of each of the ethnic groups exist at the level of everyday culture. They are fixed in somewhat modified (compared to their manifestations among the main part of the ethnic group) forms, and allow the group to maintain its integrity. So, the constants that protect it from destruction are:

Institute of Ordinary Culture,

Institute of Religion,

Festival Institute.

The institution of everyday culture has the following functions: normative and regulatory, forming (mentality, culture of everyday life), reproduction (through the support and strengthening of ethnic identification), marking (auto and heterostereotypes - “ours”, “strangers”), preserving traditions (traditional food, decorations , utensils with artistic decoration, etc.).

The Institute of Religious Culture performs the following functions:

reproduction of adherents of a confession or ethnic ideology (moreover, it is through secular work with youth); socialization; preaching and maintaining a moral climate, in accordance with their religious dogmas. It is these functions of the institute of religion that consolidate the ethnic group.

The institution of festive culture includes the following functions: sacral-ritual (for religious holidays), ideological-ritual (for secular holidays), compensatory (a means to escape from the monotonous everyday life), therapeutic (finding peace of mind, emotional and sensory “relaxation”). The urban environment has significantly changed the very content of calendar rituals: traditional holidays, once associated with the agricultural cycle, today perform mainly ethno-psychological ("emotional relaxation") and communicative functions.

value orientations,

Group attitudes,

5. The institutional completeness of the activities of ethno-oriented organizations, communities and communities is interconnected with the breadth of the spectrum of technologies used, and hence the factors influencing the individual. Working through the system various forms leisure communication and technologies of socio-cultural activities, they preserve not only culture, but also ethnic self-consciousness, and the group itself as an integrity. As subjects of socio-cultural activities, they have the following parameters:

High social status;

The possibility (even with the loss of many ethnic features) to bring the ethnic myth into the sphere of consciousness;

Cultural space designed for leisure and interpersonal communication "within" the ethnic group;

Cultural protection activities (through the preservation of ethnic traditions);

Belonging to a specific socio-cultural group;

Place of communication (where it is possible to preserve ethnic traditions and relieve stress);

o psychological support for community members.

The unifying beginning of their socio-cultural field of activity is the educational functions:

1. reproduction of group members (through the support and strengthening of ethnic identification, education and adherence to the "ethnic tradition" and the faith of ancestors);

2. socialization, more precisely, entry into society through an ethnic group;

3. revival and preservation of the "ethnic tradition" with auxiliary functions:

a) regulatory, (shaping the culture of life)

b) preservation of traditional types of folk culture (traditional food, jewelry, utensils with artistic decoration, etc.);

c) sacral-ritual (for religious holidays) or ideological-logo-ritual (for secular holidays);

4. marking (auto- and hetero-stereotypes - “ours”, “strangers”) and creating new cultural patterns;

5. observance of the moral climate of the group and psychological support of the members of the group in the spirit of ethnic priorities through auxiliary functions:

a) preaching and maintaining a moral climate (according to ethnic norms or religious dogmas);

b) compensatory (means to escape from the monotonous everyday life);

c) therapeutic (finding peace of mind, emotional and sensory "relaxation" and "emotional discharge").

6. Scientific substantiation of the institutionalization of ethnic culture within the framework of public associations, whose activities are manifested at three levels of the socio-cultural life of society.

At the second level (ethnic group), these associations act as a way and condition for structuring the ethnic group itself into a socio-cultural institution that performs the functions necessary for its life:

reproduction of community members through the preservation and development of ethnic traditions;


ideological function, formed by the ethnic picture of the world;

communicative-cognitive function;

maintaining a moral and ethical climate.

These functions show that ethnocultural associations are institutions whose activities are aimed at informing their group of institutional completeness, which is expressed in the structure of the group into a single whole. Endogenous and exo-

genetic factors that change the institution of an ethnic group also change its "institutional completeness", which either increases or decreases.

At the third level, ethno-cultural associations act as a subsystem of civil society, which has a certain amount of anomic (that is, departs from the normative order of ethnic culture), but forms a certain value range that does not assimilate, but integrates the ethnic group and consolidates it with society as an independent social cultural education. Moreover, as a socio-cultural institution in the field of leisure, it uses the technologies of socio-cultural activities and is included in its main programs.

As a result of the educational activities of ethno-cultural associations, a value range is formed that characterizes them as socio-cultural integrity - this is predictability, certainty and social structurability, which is a function at the group level, and a value at the group level and at the level of society.

Thesis structure

The purpose and objectives of the study determined the structure of the dissertation, which consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices.


The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic; the degree of development of the problem is considered; the purpose, subject and object are determined; theoretical, methodological, methodological and practical tasks of the dissertation research are characterized; its methodological bases and methods, sources and empirical base of the research are formulated; scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance are revealed; highlights the provisions submitted for defense, and ways to test the results.

The first chapter "Ethnicity as a Phenomenon of the Socio-Cultural Sphere" discusses contemporary issues ethnicity and the forms of its existence in the socio-cultural sphere and in society as a whole.

The first paragraph of the first chapter "Institutional Approach as a Condition for Solving Interdisciplinary Problems" justifies the need to study the stated problem from the standpoint of an interdisciplinary approach. There are the following reasons for this position. Ethnocultural associations act not only as

subjects of the socio-cultural sphere. They should also be studied as independent cultural phenomena, because ethnic groups as a basis are not a culturally homogeneous element of society. Therefore, to begin with, it was necessary to determine what is the share of the preservation of ethnic culture in the culture of the group, and what features are markers of ethnic differentiation (and whether there are any at all). Therefore, to answer the questions posed, we used the findings and research methods not only of socio-cultural activities, but also of other branches of knowledge, such as cultural studies, ethnology, ethnosociology, ethnopsychology, intercultural communication and cognitive linguistics. The second position is that ethnocultural associations, being, on the one hand, one of the components of the socio-cultural sphere with all the functions of such formations inherent in them (which unites them with other institutions of socio-cultural activity), on the other hand, contain in their activities features that differentiate them from other leisure associations. Main characteristic This differentiation is ethnic culture as a marker and as an educational principle that consolidates the group. And therefore this problem and is considered by us from the standpoint of the institutional approach. It is the institutional approach, through the definition of the functional essence of the activities of these associations, that makes it possible to identify the educational aspect of their work and its social essence, as well as their significance in the context of civil society.

The second paragraph of the first chapter "Ethnicity as a socio-cultural phenomenon and a scientific problem" reveals the problems of ethnicity that exist both in the modern society of many countries and in the socio-cultural sphere. The author substantiates the need to study the problem of ethnicity, in connection with the ever-growing diasporization of the modern world. It also reveals the etymological differences between the concepts of "diaspora", "ethnic minority", "ethnic group", which is necessary, because the culture of these phenomena, according to the author, cannot be considered identical with the ethnic culture of the main part of the ethnos. The author proves that ethnicity is an institution that operates in the socio-cultural space of society, and its formations play the role of subsystems (institutional and non-institutional) organized according to the ethnic principle.

The third paragraph of the first chapter "Intercultural Communication as a Socio-Cultural Problem" highlights the processes that affect the socio-cultural sphere as part of the modern world, which is subject to the influences of globalization and is simultaneously being torn apart by the processes of separatism. In the paradox of this situation, leading to psychological instability, the author sees the main reason for the rise of ethno-cultural movements of our time. Based on the position that has been established in science that ethnic groups are not once and for all formed and frozen communities, but both the result and the process of development of interacting cultures, the author comes to the conclusion that it is important to overcome the communicative errors of intercultural communication. This correlates with the fact that intercultural communication is associated with the expression and mutual understanding of subjective realities and is characterized by the penetration of ethnic values ​​into the world, the awareness of a kind of worldview credo that sets the goal and meaning of the ethnic group's life. Consequently, the appeal to the cultural semantics of various ethnic cultures does not remove us from understanding the general socio-cultural context, but allows us, focusing on the awareness of its features, to come to successful intercultural communication.

The fourth paragraph of the first chapter "Ethno-cultural identity as a condition for the integrity of the individual" is devoted to the study of the problems of the integrity of the individual. The result of the analysis was the author's conclusion that ethnic identity is a necessary condition under which a person's path to integrity and harmony with the world is possible. The eternal, and at the same time, changing content of ethnic culture, with its ideals and value orientations, has its own historical content. Socio-moral categories exist in historical traditions, mores and customs various peoples in certain forms unique to them. At present, the assertion can be considered proven that ethnic attitudes do not act as an isolated fragment of mentality, but affect the personality as a whole. Ethnos is an integral part of the life of any individual, ethnic attitudes form not only our ethnic picture of the world, but also influence the entire course of our life. Therefore, when considering the integrity of the individual, along with the factors listed above, the principle of an ethnocultural approach is also necessary.

groups) has completely moved to the field of cultural and leisure activities. And although neither behavioral stereotypes, nor the language, nor the whole culture as a whole are the same for the group as for the main part of the ethnos, this quasi-culture, often closely intertwined with the culture of the ethnos, among which this ethnic group lives, serves as the basis for the education of the group unity. The study of documents, observation, conversations with leaders and representatives of such associations led to the conclusion that they solve the following pedagogical tasks:

1) the formation of awareness of one's belonging to a special socio-cultural group;

2) education of the younger generation according to the priorities of ethnic values;

3) preservation of the ethnic language and folklore associated with it;

4) familiarization with the cultural and historical heritage of the past;

5) development of festive ritual and family culture;

6) teaching the principles and methods of ethnic upbringing and education;

7) familiarization with the religious culture traditional for the ethnic group;

8) consolidation of local cultural traditions that are peculiar only to a group of a given region and combine the features of the ethnic culture of the group and the titular ethnic group.

In the second chapter "The Culture of the Diaspora and the Manifestation of Its Ethnic Constants in the Socio-Cultural Sphere of Modernity", the author sets as his task the determination of the factors that distinguish the ethnic culture of the group from the culture of the titular ethnic group in order to determine the functional field of action of ethno-oriented associations.

In the first paragraph of the second chapter "Forms of Ethnic Existence" the dissertation substantiates the importance of breeding such concepts as "diaspora", "ethnic minority" and "ethnic group". Such differentiation is important because these terms carry different cultural characteristics with the same ethnonym, which sometimes confuses the definition of ethno-cultural accents of different

1 The main feature that distinguishes ethno-cultural organizations of small groups is the emergence and consolidation of local cultural traditions that are characteristic of the culture of a group of only a given region with the introduction of cultural features not only of the surrounding ethnic group, but also cultural regional traditions. Consequently, in such cases we are already talking about the transfer of the ethnic quasi-culture of the group.

social formations with different cultural prerogatives and different social tasks.

As a result, the dissertator comes to the conclusion that modern forms of existence are manifested not only at the level of interstate (national) and ethnic (ethnos) interactions, but also socio-cultural at the level of ethnic groups and associations. These structures, as a component of the socio-cultural sphere, act as a form of ethnic existence and as an educational institution. Moreover, by their functioning they have an impact both on society and on the above forms of ethnicity.

The second paragraph of the second chapter "Characteristics of the activities of public ethnocultural associations from the standpoint of the institutional approach" tells about the conclusions of the author as a result of the analysis of a sociological survey conducted in organizations, communities, informal communities of residents of the Tambov region (948 questionnaires) and fraternities of foreign students (120 questionnaires) studying in Tambov universities. As a result of the survey, it was found that the socio-pedagogical potential of ethnic art, literature and ethnography in the modern ethnocultural education of young members of ethnic groups in the Tambov region is not fully realized. The reason lies in the lack of necessary mechanisms and

educational structures that contribute to the preservation and development of folk artistic traditions. Analysis of positive and negative social factors in the development of ethno-confessional communities is a prerequisite for identifying or developing promising areas for their optimization. Therefore, the solution of many problems of the preservation and development of ethnic cultures is possible by changing the conceptual approach to the development of ethnocultural associations as institutions of modern society, their intercultural communication links and improving the methodology software and development of the socio-cultural sphere.

Socio-cultural work carried out among foreign students (by teachers and community activists) is mainly aimed at adapting students to the culture of the host country and organizing leisure activities. The work of the community is highly appreciated by the respondents, however, we came to the conclusion that in order to optimize it, it is necessary to introduce new technology based on the theory and practice of intercultural communication, which is impossible without mastering the ideas of cross-cultural literacy and multiculturalism.

In the third paragraph of the second chapter "Formation of the ethnic "picture of the world" and its modifications" the modification processes of ethnic pictures of the world are studied. The dissertation analyzes the factors that influence the loss of an ethnic language by the majority of small ethnic groups on their worldview and ethno-differentiating parameters. The result of this analysis, based on sociological data, is the conclusion that the ethnic language, having ceased to be a means of communication, has become an ethno-distinctive symbol of the ethnic group and, as a marker, consolidates the individual with the group and with the main part of the ethnos.

Having mastered the language of the titular ethnic group, the ethnic groups simultaneously mastered new world. But this assimilation is not identical to the process of complete dissolution in another culture. The ethnic picture of the world, transformed but not disappeared, remained in the minds of groups and retained a sense of ethnicity. And the concept of "ethnic language", having become a symbol of the acquisition of ethnic self-consciousness, consolidated many ethnic groups into institutional formations, the purpose of which was the study of ethnic language and culture. However, these institutions, acting in the form of public leisure institutions, began to manifest themselves as ethno-pedagogical centers with the tasks of not only familiarization and education, but also the revival of life in the "ethnic tradition". In other words, they assumed the function of ethnicization (as

part of socialization) of an ethnic group, which is built primarily on the reconstruction of the ethnic picture of the world.

In the fourth paragraph of the second chapter "Forms of Institutionalization of Modern Ethnic Consciousness", the author comes to a conclusion confirming the hypothesis that there are components of cultural life that are factors that serve as connecting links of a new quasi-cultural community of each of the ethnic groups. These factors manifest themselves at the level of everyday culture and are fixed in somewhat modified (compared to their manifestations among the main part of the ethnic group) forms, but they play the role of markers that allow the group to maintain its integrity. The author puts forward the position, according to which the modern ethnic culture of minorities has been preserved in the form of such institutions as

Institute of Ordinary Culture,

Institute of Religion,

festival institute,

closely related to issues of personal culture.

1. According to a survey of representatives of ethnic groups of the Tambov region (regardless of whether they are members of institutional formations or not), as well as an analysis of works related to the problems of ethnocultural organizations, it was found that traditional culture has been practically lost, but what preserved, is located precisely in the sphere of everyday culture. For example, the preservation of cooking recipes in the everyday life of families of modern ethnic groups (in percent):

Ethnic groups Stored- None

Armenians 100 0

Azerbaijanis 100 0

Jews ■ ■ 74.1 24.3

Cossacks 86.5 12

Kurds, 100 0

Russian Germans 64 . 23

Poles..... 71 23.7

or the preservation of samples of traditional household utensils in the everyday life of families of modern ethnic groups (in percent):

Ethnic groups Used. Stored Missing

Armenians 37 69 "30.8

Azerbaijanis 47 85.4 14.1

Jews 0.2 23.1 -84

Cossacks 0.9 51.1 50.1

Kurds 67 71.1 0

Russian Germans 0.3 . 12.1 98.4

POLES 0.3 13.2 904

or maintaining the traditions of folk art in the everyday life of families of modern ethnic groups (in percent):

Types of folk art Azerbaijanis Armenians Jews Cossacks Kurds Russian Germans Poles

Vocal performance 7 8 8 12 18 12 10

Instrumental performance 23 16 45 8 28 6 7

Choreographic art 31 I 3 4 26 3 2

Folk art embroidery 15 16 2 17 16 18 8

Processing of wood, leather or bone 8 8 - 3 7 - -

Family traditions have not survived 53 49 67 51 44 49 67

There is an interest in the partially lost but still functioning aspects of ethnic culture, in preserving and passing it on to the younger generation. This was evidenced by emotional additions to the answer options. Respondents regretted the loss of many types of folk art and noted the activities of ethno-cultural organizations for the revival of folk culture as useful and interesting. This was especially true of the revival of national traditions, holidays and rituals.

Thus, the institution of everyday culture has its own range of functions:

Normative-regulatory (organization and design of everyday life, relations with friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances, predetermined by the value system that is the basis of the worldview, that is, everything in which the deep features of the ethnic mentality are manifested),

Formative (mentality, culture of life - aspects of traditional ethnic culture as everyday customs, preparation of national dishes, use individual elements household items - preserved quite well), .

Reproduction (through the support and strengthening of ethnic tradition and identification),

Marking (auto- and hetero-stereotypes - “ours”, “strangers”), preserving traditions (traditional food, jewelry, utensils with artistic decoration, etc.).

2. The lost religious holiday culture is for some the subject of development", which in itself is, of course, a positive thing.

The majority of all respondents (58.2 percent of the total) celebrate both ethnic and many Russian religious holidays. The latter fact clearly testifies to the eclectic nature of the collective behavior of the region's ethnic groups - it simultaneously coexists with Soviet, post-Soviet, Russian, and traditional stereotypes of "holiday behavior".

With rather vague religious attitudes, Tambov residents are struck, at first glance, by the unexpectedly high rating of religion, which, among other socio-cultural institutions, is for them a form and way of consolidating an ethnic group (this position was noted by about 68.7 percent of all communities).

Ethno-confessional (and sometimes partly ethno-cultural) organizations take on the ecclesiastical form of religion. But the activities of these communities extend their attention to the worldly needs of the parishioners: the problems of organizing religious holidays, education, organizing leisure activities, and charity. Hidden secularization is a phenomenon observed in many countries, among many ethnic groups and ethnic groups. However, these organizations perform the following functions:

reproduction of adherents of a confession or ethnic ideology (moreover, through secular work);


preaching and maintaining a moral climate, in accordance with their religious dogmas: It is these functions of the institution of religion that consolidate the ethnic group.

3. Holiday as an integral part human life, embodied two principles - religious and ethnic. Even the calendars of folk signs were guided by Christian holidays, and


tye received characteristic nicknames, as if bringing together the people and the church calendar.

Therefore, it is religious holidays that most clearly reflect the general trend of the attitude of the ethnic community not only towards religion as such, but also towards ethnic tradition as a way of life.

The urban environment has significantly changed the very content of calendar rituals: traditional holidays, once associated with the agricultural cycle, today perform mainly ethno-psychological ("emotional relaxation") and communicative functions.

Changing the very institution of the holiday is a natural process. If we turn to endogenous factors of influence, here we first of all encounter a shift in interest in certain holidays, depending on the following factors:

value orientations. So, it would seem that the strange mixture of interest in ethnic and other ethnic holidays is explained not so much by the marginalization of group consciousness, but by the acquisition by the group of new values ​​(a variable component of culture);

The attitude of the group, which is rooted in the change in the ethnic picture of the world (due to the loss of the ethnic language as a system-forming component of the perception and understanding of the world of religiosity);

The lack of institutional completeness of the organizations of the ethnic group, which could contribute to the preservation of the festive culture in all forms of its manifestation - from spiritual to material.

To exogenous influences on the change in functions, we include the influence of urbanization and changes in the institution of the family and its role in organizing and holding holidays.

The dissertation student comes to the conclusion that by creating the institution of ethnocultural organization as the core of the group, which forms group and personal consciousness through the process of activity in the socio-cultural sphere, the structuring of the ethnic group into a single whole takes place. Moreover, only ethno-cultural organizations can act as ethno-forming, because in organizations associated with other areas of activity (for example, with the economy or politics), a dual goal can interfere with the pedagogical influences of the ethnicization of its members. Whereas ethno-cultural and partly ethno-confessional organizations preserve and develop the main factor of ethnic education - ethnic culture.

Ethno-cultural associations carry out their educational functions, based on the cultural constants we have identified, which are still preserved in the life of ethnic groups. And although the respondents expressed regret about the partial loss of many elements of ethnic culture, it is gratifying that they all emphasized the importance of ethno-cultural and ethno-confessional organizations for educating young people and satisfying the spiritual needs of all members of the community.

The third chapter "Institutionalization of the Ethnic: the Socio-Cultural Aspect" is devoted to the problems of public ethno-cultural organizations.

In the first paragraph of the third chapter "Public ethno-cultural associations in the socio-cultural sphere: typology, structure and main directions of activity" their typology is carried out, the structure and main directions and technologies of work are highlighted, as well as their functions as institutions of the socio-cultural sphere. For modern Russia, and the Tambov region in particular, is characterized by the presence of organizations associated with the preservation of ethnic cultural traditions. Moreover, there was no direct relationship between the period of residence of an ethnic group in the territory of the region and the manifestation of their activity in the formation and participation in the activities of an ethno-cultural or ethno-confessional organization. All organizations and communities operating in the region are constructive-innovative or constructive-compensatory. However, no matter how different their ethno-cultural characteristics and specificity of leisure activities, there is a feature that unites all these organizations - this is the promotion and development of "ethnic tradition" through the technologies of socio-cultural activities. In addition, ethno-cultural (formal and informal) associations enter society as institutional formations designed to regulate various spheres of human life, carrying out their work through the prism of ethnicity. Interacting with other public institutions (families, religions, ideologies, etc.), they cannot close their functioning only on enlightenment, culture, recreation or charity. The main, albeit latent, function of their activity is pedagogical activity. All their work is organized around one core - pedagogical influence on the process of ethnicization of the individual. However, the pedagogical technologies of this work are diverse and interrelated.

In the second paragraph of the third chapter “Socio-cultural technologies of ethno-oriented organizations and features of their functioning in Russia”, a study is conducted (on the example of associations of multicultural regions) of ethno-cultural associations as components of the entire system of socio-cultural activities in Russia and their functions. The dissertation author provides a comparative analysis of the specifics of the activities of ethno-cultural organizations and communities in Russia and their general development trends. The author comes to the conclusion that it is ethnocultural associations that are the institution that implements pedagogical measures of influence, both in structuring groups and in adapting them with the titular population.


SKD technologies Jews Cossacks ■ Kurds;

cultural protection Study of the history of the people and their migrations, study of the history of the group and its contribution to the culture of the region (creation of a music school of the 19th and.), organization of tours. groups in Israel Collection of historical material about the Cossacks. region on, edition of the encyclopedia about tamb. Cossacks. The study of the history of the people and their migrations

cultural activities Children's dance ensemble, choir group, youth club Folklore group Folklore groups (children, teenagers)

recreational organization of recreation and entertainment, joint celebrations, health days, women's club, youth club. Organization of recreation for teenagers, holding sports and recreational activities Organization of recreation for all age groups, holding folk holidays and festivals

educational The study of language, history, cultural customs and traditions. Acquaintance with domestic and. world, law-.. Consultations of doctors. The study of folk traditions, customs and rituals, folk songs, military glory of the Cossacks. General education schools and lyceums / General education schools and institutions of additional education

social and human rights Psychotherapist. " activities of the women's club, the organization of consulting rooms

Ethnic groups with confessional communities.

SKD Technologies Catholics Lutherans Jews-(program) Chabad Luba-vich

cultural protection study. religious dogmas The study of the native language, the history of the ethnic group, cultural traditions The study. religious dogma Study. religious dogmas

cultural development Development of cultural values ​​Development of cultural values ​​Development of cultural values ​​Development of cultural values

recreational feast-in Conducting religious. feast-in Conducting religious. feast-in Conducting religious. holidays

Educational Bible Study, Sunday. school Learning the gospel, mother tongue, Sunday. school Torah study, Sunday. school Torah study, Sunday. school

social and human rights - - - -

Ethnic groups with informal communities

SKD technologies Azerb. - Armenians Ros. Nemi Tatars

cultural protection - - -

cultural - - - -

recreational Recreation and entertainment, joint holidays Recreation and entertainment, joint holidays Recreation and entertainment, joint holidays Recreation and entertainment, joint holidays

Educational Sunday School ceased to exist Schools, native language courses Sunday School

social and human rights Outside of SKD technologies Outside of SKD technologies Outside of SKD technologies Outside of SKD technologies

Associations of foreign students

SKD technologies Arabs Chinese Representatives of African countries

cultural protection - -- -

cultural-creative Preparation for the evenings of the student club of the faculty of foreign students (folklore) Preparation for the evenings of the student club of the faculty of foreign students (folklore) Preparation for the evenings of the student club of the faculty of foreign students (folklore)

recreational Recreation, entertainment, holidays (ethnic and Russian) Recreation, entertainment, holidays (ethnic and Russian) Recreation, entertainment, holidays (ethnic and Russian)

educational - - -

social and human rights Conversations, cultural and early events

All this allows the dissertation student to move on to understanding the multi-level characteristics of the activities of ethno-cultural associations in the institutionalization of the ethnic.

After analyzing the obtained data, we came to the following conclusions:

Public ethno-oriented organizations have a high social status;

Respondents see in their functioning a form of leisure activity that allows them to feel like a part of their ethnic group, thereby (even with the loss of many ethnic features) to bring the ethnic myth into the sphere of consciousness;

Ethno-oriented organizations act as a cultural space designed for leisure and interpersonal communication "within" an ethnic group;

At the same time, the observance of ethnic rituals, as a material form of the existence of culture, allows the respondents to preserve the culture of the group and the group itself from disintegration;

Members of communities, ethnic organizations and communities are aware of themselves not just as representatives of a certain ethnic group, but feel that they belong to a specific social group that preserves ethnic culture;

These communities are for the respondents a place of communication, during which it is possible not only to preserve the rituals of ethnic culture, but also to relieve stress;

Ethno-oriented organizations act as a cultural space designed for leisure and interpersonal communication "within" an ethnic group.

This allows members of associations to feel like representatives of a special socio-cultural community and receive psychological support.

Thus, the entire functional field of activity of the associations and organizations under consideration is determined at all levels - personal, organizational (ethno-group) - the socio-cultural sphere and society as a whole. This explains why some ethnic groups continue to preserve the ethnic tradition, form stable organizational structures, while others, although not

undergo complete assimilation, but are rather passive in organizational activities, move away from life in ethnic tradition, and, therefore, are not institutional communities.

The third paragraph of the third chapter "Trends in the functioning and development of ethnocultural organizations in Europe and America" ​​is devoted to the social work of Western teachers among ethnic groups of immigrants, ethnic minorities who have long lived among the population of a particular multicultural nation, and students who come from immigrant communities. The dissertation concludes that pedagogical activity social workers and student volunteers is a link for the formation of a cross-cultural personality, capable, adapting to the "new" culture of the host ethnic group, to preserve their native culture and thereby enrich the culture of their new homeland.

A comparative analysis of the activities of ethno-oriented associations of ethnic groups in Russia and abroad showed that one of the distinguishing trends in their activities in recent years should be considered a course towards holism, which for this area of ​​the socio-cultural sphere is the creation of a multicultural space by educating cross-cultural literacy and tolerance.

Public organizations of ethnic groups in Russia Public organizations of ethnic groups abroad

Solving legal, economic, social and cultural problems Solving legal, economic, social and cultural problems for newly arrived immigrants

training in the ethnic culture of the host country of immigrants (both children and adults) was not revealed

preservation and maintenance of the way of life in the cultural tradition of the ethnic group for permanent residents in a foreign cultural environment preservation and maintenance of the lifestyle in the cultural tradition of the ethnic group for permanent residents in a foreign cultural environment

functioning of all forms of activity of ethno-confessional communities functioning of all forms of activity of ethno-confessional communities

no removal of psychological problems caused by ethnic or racial discrimination was revealed

Implementation of charitable goals Implementation of charitable goals

development of technologies and organization of youth leisure development of technologies and organization of youth leisure

promotion of a healthy lifestyle promotion of a healthy lifestyle, prevention and treatment of various kinds of addictions

a variety of forms of leisure activities (in the family, at the place of residence, by professional affiliation, by religion, by age principle, by interests, etc.) has not been identified,

not identified diverse university programs designed to help in obtaining both secondary and higher education

work with immigrants and ethnic minorities on education through participation in the work of public organizations of an active life position and their involvement in the political and socio-cultural life of society was not revealed.

organization of courses on teaching the ethnic language, the history of the ethnic group and its migrations, elements of ethnic culture not identified

organization of legal assistance for those leaving for their historical homeland not identified

organization of Sunday schools at churches, charitable organizations, clubs The work of Sunday schools is mainly aimed at integration into the host society

sports organizations are not professional. sional orientation was not revealed

Nevertheless, despite the difference in educational directions, the activities of Russian and foreign organizations tend to converge, which is reflected in the recognition of the relevance of the ideas of multiculturalism, and for the implementation of successful intercultural communication, in the promotion of the ideas of cross-cultural literacy.

The fourth paragraph of the third chapter "Experimental system of work of teachers-coordinators of intercultural communication in the context of the author's pedagogical concept of the organization and activities of public ethno-cultural associations as modern social institutions" describes the formative stage of the experiment, during which, on the example of the activities of the communities of Tambov foreign students, a local test of the author's concept took place . The experiment was conducted on the basis of Tambov universities for 7 years. The experiment involved 310 students (two experimental groups, structured in community groups, and one control group - students who did not form community groups), as well as Russian students and 5 teachers. The purpose of the experiment was to prove the hypothesis that with the increase in the breadth of the impact of socio-cultural technologies, the institutional completeness also increases, and, consequently, the public

union functions. The experiment solved a twofold problem: facilitating the adaptation of students to Russian culture and the preservation of ethnic traditions as a way to preserve the group as a whole. After filling out the questionnaires, we, together with the Faculty of Training of Foreign Citizens of the TSTU, carried out activities that included cultural and creative, cultural protection, educational, recreational, social and human rights technologies of socio-cultural activities. After the experiment, it was found through a secondary survey that in the experimental groups the adaptation period proceeded much faster and easier, the Russian language was mastered better, and the community became for students not only a center of recreation, communication with their homeland, but also their group was transformed from a certain number of compatriots into an integral socio-cultural community.

The fifth paragraph of the third chapter "Institutionalization of the Ethnic as a Process of Formation of Values" reveals the functioning of ethno-cultural organizations at three levels.

At the first level (socio-cultural sphere), ethno-cultural associations act as public leisure institutions that perform a civic function and the function of inter-ethnic (intercultural) interaction, with its cultural, educational, propaganda, recreational, health-improving and consolidating aspects.

They are part of the structural complex of the socio-cultural sphere, covering all its areas, and use most of its technologies.

At the second level (ethnic group), these associations act as a way and condition for structuring the ethnic group itself into a socio-cultural institution that performs the functions necessary for its life. These include: the function of reproduction of community members through the preservation and development of ethnic tradition, the function of socialization, the function of worldview, the function of communicative-cognitive, the function of maintaining the moral and ethical climate.

The results of the analysis led to the conclusion that ethno-cultural associations function as institutions, and their activity is aimed at informing their group of institutional completeness, expressed in the structuring of the group into a single whole, although it is more of an ideal "mental image" than a really achievable phenomenon, because both an ethnic group and its culture are discrete systems subject to certain changes over time.

At the third level, ethnocultural associations act as a subsystem of civil society, which has a certain amount of anemic (that is, departing from the normative order of ethnic culture), but forming a certain value range that does not assimilate, but integrates the ethnic group and consolidates it with society as an independent social cultural education. Moreover, as a socio-cultural institution in the field of leisure, it is included in different areas of cultural and leisure activities (recreational, artistic, sports, amateur associations, etc.) according to its functional components. As a result of the analysis, the author singles out a range of values ​​that is formed in the course of their institutional activities - this is predictability, certainty and social structurability. Moreover, the latter can act as a function at the group level and as a value (at the group level and at the level of society).

A social structured group generates the most important thing for an ethnic group - new cultural signs that mark the group as a socio-cultural community that is different from the titular population. Here we are not talking about the formation of a new sign culture, but rather about the rooting in the minds of the members of the community of concepts-markers: "ethnic language", "ethnic tradition", "ethnos history", "ethnos religion". On the one hand, these concepts are reflections of the social and cultural life of the group (because even if the members of an ethnocultural organization do not live according to these concepts, they follow the path of their essential development), and therefore they seem relevant to the members of the entire group.

In this sense, these markers, as cultural signs that contain linguistically specific concepts, simultaneously “reflect” or “shape” the way of thinking of the group as a carrier of a language, religion, and tradition.

Thus, in fulfilling its own task, a public association participates in the tasks of the functioning of civil society. Its members, belonging to that inner circle called "ethnic group", automatically belong to the outer circle as well. They (in their activities) cannot remain either within their community or on the border of these two spheres (ethnic group and society), despite the fact that their socio-cultural form of interaction on both sides will be different in accordance with with various tasks solved by them in the course of their life activity. In the space of civil society, a structured ethnic

The cultural group is in solidarity with him, although under all circumstances (concrete forms and realities of political, economic and socio-cultural life) with which it deals, it “subordinates” itself to the common cause of civil society. But their symbiosis lies not in the fact that ethnic organizations serve as conductors of "obedience" to society, but in a joint responsibility in which different nations taken for common tasks and subject to the same rules. Such mutual responsibility is possible only if the whole society perceives and masters the values ​​that are formed in the course of life and ethno-cultural interaction of ethnic associations.

In conclusion, the main results of the study are summarized, the degree of implementation of the tasks set is assessed, the measure of confirmation of the initial hypotheses, and prospects for further scientific activity within the chosen direction are outlined.

The main provisions of the dissertation are reflected in the following publications:

Monographs, textbooks, programs

1. Public ethno-cultural associations as a social institution: Monograph. Tambov: Publishing House of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavina, 2003. -224 p.

2. Public organizations of ethnic groups of the Tambov region: Monograph. - Tambov, 2002. - 94 p.

3. Public ethno-cultural associations in the socio-cultural sphere of modern society: Monograph. - Tambov, 2003.-180 p.

4. On the problem of personality integrity in the works of domestic and foreign researchers: Monograph. Tambov: Publishing House of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavina, 2001. - 94 p. (co-author)

5. Public ethnocultural organizations as a component of a multicultural society: Proc. allowance. Tambov: Publishing House of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavin, 2003.-90 p.

6. The population of Great Britain. Ethnic and confessional aspects: Proc. allowance. Tambov: Publishing House of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavin, 2003.-46 p.

7. Public organizations of ethnic groups of the Tambov region: Program of a special course for students of the specialty "Social and cultural activities". - Tambov, 2002. - 15 p.

8. Intercultural communication: Program of the course for students of the specialty "Theory and practice of intercultural communication". - Tambov, 2003 - 17 p.

9. Public organizations of ethnic groups abroad: Program for a special course for students of the specialty "Social and cultural activities". - Tambov, 2003. - 12 p.

10. Cultural Anthropology: "Curriculum for students of the specialty "Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication". - Tambov, 2003 - 12 p.

11. Comparative Cultural Studies: Program of a special course for students of the specialties "Socio-cultural activity" and "Theory and practice of intercultural communication". - Tambov, 2003. - 20 p.

Articles, abstracts

12. Languages ​​of ethnic groups of the Tambov region // Bulletin of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, 2003. - Issue. 2.-S. 41-47.

13. Public organizations of social minorities in the USA // Bulletin of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, 2003. - Issue. 4. - S. 81 -90.

14. Specific Aspects of Ethnic Communities in the USA // Transactions of the Tambov State Technical University. - Tambov: TSTU, 2003 - Vol. 9.-#1-P. 126-129.

15. Tambov Ethno-cultural Organizations: Specific Features, Organizational Style and Development // Transactions of the Tambov State Technical University. - Tambov: TSTU, 2003 - Vol. 9.- No. 4 - P. 765-773.

16. Features of forms of institutionalization of public ethno-cultural associations // Scientific Bulletin. - Tambov: Publishing house 11 at them. G.R. Derzhavina, 2004. - S. 278-296.

17. Business communication - a polylogue at the crossroads of mentalities, emotions and cultures // Cognitive modeling in linguistics. Sat. reports international conference September 1-7, 2003 - Varna, 2003.-p. 62-71.

18. Ethno-cultural public associations in the socio-cultural space of the region // Actual problems of development of technologies for socio-cultural activities - Tambov: Tamb Publishing House. state un-ta, 2002. - S. 8-11.

19. Is the image of a product a means of the language of culture or communication? // Public Relation - the science of education, a profession. All-Russian materials. scientific and practical. conferences. - St. Petersburg, 2002. - S. 49-50.

20. Innovative structures of social and cultural activities // Actual problems of development of technologies of social and cultural activities (materials of the interregional scientific and practical conference May 20-22, 2002). - Tambov: Publishing House of TSU, 2002. - S. 100-101.

21. On the issue of the process of intercultural communication // Proceedings of TSTU: Collection of scientific articles of young scientists and students. Tambov: Tambov Publishing House. state tech. un-ta, 2003. - Issue. 14. - S. 134-138.

22. National spiritual values ​​as a socio-cultural phenomenon // Bulletin of the Tambov University. - Ser. Humanitarian sciences. Tambov, 2002. - S. 9-13.

23. The concept of language as a factor of ethnic identity // Compositional Semantics: Proceedings of the Third International School-Seminar on Cognitive Linguistics, 18-20 September. 2002 - At 2 o'clock. Part 1. Tambov: Publishing House of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavina, 2002. - S. 75-77.

24. National-cultural communities and the reasons for their appearance // Sat. Social technologies in the sphere of leisure. An experience. Problems. Innovations: Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical. conferences (November 2001). - Tambov: Tambov Publishing House. un-ta, 2001. - S. 37-39.

25. About the Cossacks of the Tambov Territory // Bulletin of the Tambov University. - Ser. Humanitarian sciences. Tambov, 2003, Issue. 1(29). - pp. 55-59 (co-author).

26. On the ethno-confessional aspects of the regional socio-cultural situation // Bulletin of the Tambov University. - Ser. Humanitarian sciences. Tambov, 2001. Issue. 2 (22). - pp. 39-45 (co-author).

27. Organizations of ethnic groups // Modernization of the education system in the field of culture and art: Materials of the Intern. scientific-practical. conf. (December 2002). - Tambov: Publishing House of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavina, 2002. - S. 34-37 (co-author).

28. Work with children and youth in public organizations of ethnic groups in the Tambov region // Socialization of children, adolescents and youth with developmental problems in the system of additional education: Mat-ly mezhregion, scientific-practical. conf. (October 2003) / Nauch. ed. E.I. Grigoriev. Tambov: TSTU Publishing House, 2003, pp. 74-76.

29. The semantic aspect of the polylogue of ethnic cultures // VIII Derzhavin Readings. Culturology, art history, social and cultural activities: Mat-ly nauch. conf. teachers and graduate students. Feb. 2003. - Tambov: Publishing House of TSU named after. G.R. Derzhavina, 2003. - S. 86-87.

30. Semantics of the polylogue of cultures // VIII scientific conference: Plenary reports. and short abstracts. Tambov: Tambov Publishing House. state tech. un-ta, 2003.-Ch. 1.-S. 213-214.

31. Sociocultural field of the ethnic diaspora // Sat. Culture and Education at the Turn of the Millennium: Proceedings of the Intern. scientific and practical. Conferences (December 2000). - Tambov: Publishing House of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavin, 2000.-p. 23-25.

32. Sociocultural aspect of the activities of public organizations: ethnic groups of Tambov // Ethnopsychological and sociocultural processes in modern society: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference 18020 Sept. 2003 / Responsible ed. V.V. Gritsenko. - Balashov: Publishing house "Nikolaev", 2003. - S. 57-59.

33. Forms of organization of work with children and youth in public organizations of ethnic groups // Modernization of the education system in the field of culture and art: Materials of the international. scientific-practical. conf. (December 2002). - Tambov: Publishing House of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavina, 2002. - S. 38-40.

34. Ethnic stereotype as a latent function; culture (or why the concept of "stereotype" does not work // Semiotics and imageology of business cultures: Materials of the international scientific conference September 16-17, 2003. - Tambov: Publishing House of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin, 2003 - pp. 174-176.

35. The mechanism of the process of interaction of image markers // State and ways of development of the economy of Russian regions in the 21st century: Mat-ly Vseros. scientific-practical. conference May 26-27, 2003 / Ed. for the issue of V.V. Smagina. - Tambov: Publishing House of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavin, 2003. -Ch. 2. -440 s. - S. 218-223.

36. Ethnocultural differences in the context of communication // VIII Derzhavin Readings. Economy. Jurisprudence. Story. Social work. Sociology: Materials of scientific. conf. teachers and graduate students. Feb. 2003 / Editorial board: T.N. Tolstykh and others. Tambov: Publishing House of TSU im. G.R. Derzhavina, 2003. - S. 7-8.

Signed for publication on March 4, 2004. Format 60x84/16. Volume - 2.68 p.l. Circulation - 100 copies. Order No. 1044. Free of charge. 392008, Tambov, st. Soviet, 181a. Publishing house of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin.

UDC 329.734

The issue of the participation of ethnic public associations in the national security system of the country is one of the most urgent today. The current situation in the Russian Federation and in the world has determined the most urgent task - the search for more effective approaches to ensuring the national security of the state. According to the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020, extremist activities of national, ethnic organizations aimed at violating the unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, destabilizing the internal political and social situation in the country are an internal threat. However, not a single legal act contains a clear explanation why ethnic public associations are a threat to Russia's national security. It should be noted that the participation of interethnic NGOs can contribute to the resolution of conflicts, problems and contradictions in the field of national relations.

As V. N. Korolev rightly notes: “The aggravation of the threat to the national security of Russia from international terrorism and extremism requires state authorities to find new ways to counteract them, which in modern conditions involves establishing close cooperation with citizens and public associations. The active participation of interethnic public associations can change the current situation for the better.

The non-state system for ensuring national security is an integral component of the overall system for ensuring national security. National-cultural autonomies are considered to be one of the forms of manifestation of social activity, designed to ensure interaction between citizens and authorities. The activities of these associations are regulated by the Federal Law No. 74 “On National-Cultural Autonomy”. According to this legal act, national-cultural autonomy is understood as a form of national-cultural self-determination, which is a public association of citizens of the Russian Federation who identify themselves with certain ethnic communities, on the basis of their voluntary self-organization in order to independently resolve issues of preserving identity, developing the language, education, national culture. These organizations are an actual form of expression of the collective will of a part of a multinational state. They can be fully considered as full-fledged elements of the emerging civil society in Russia, but their role in ensuring national security, unfortunately, is not indicated. Thus, the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020, the Concept of Public Security of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 74 “On National-Cultural Autonomy” do not contain clauses implying the participation of these autonomies in ensuring the national security of Russia. Thus, it is necessary to work out the mechanisms that regulate the activities of ethnic public associations in the field of ensuring the national security of the country.

To determine the role of national public associations in the national security system of Russia, it is necessary to analyze the activities of these organizations.

The functioning of national public associations on the territory of the Russian Federation includes many directions. The following can be singled out that affect the socio-cultural aspects of national security: holding round tables, charitable activities, printing periodicals, holding concerts, various "days of culture", participation of representatives of national public organizations in public councils executive bodies power and much more. However, the main task of these areas of activity of national associations is reduced to the removal of interethnic tension through the inclusion of group ethnic interests in social processes. V. V. Arkov rightfully believes that one of the priority areas in their work is the need to form a positive image of the Other in the consciousness of their ethnic group, tolerant and respectful perception of representatives of a different culture, civilization.

The role of public national-cultural associations as an institution of civil society is primarily determined by the need to solve the national-cultural problems of ethnic communities. One should agree with the point of view of V. N. Gulyakhin that the solution of interethnic problems is a priority in the political life of the country. In this regard, the role of the institution of public national-cultural associations in ensuring the national security of the country has acquired particular relevance. National-cultural associations are an agent of socialization for internally displaced persons, refugees, migrants. In addition, they initiate the development of new directions of the national policy of the Russian Federation.

The productivity of national NPOs is determined, first of all, by the extent to which they can express the interests of a particular ethnic group, bring them to the attention of state authorities and law enforcement agencies, etc. It is really functioning national-cultural public associations that are able to help maintain interethnic harmony and formation of interethnic tolerance.

National public organizations are increasingly coming up with the most important social initiatives, together with authorities and business representatives, are involved in solving urgent social problems. A. Z. Suleimanov notes that at the same time they take on the role of objective critics of the shortcomings of the state system, the role of a link between the state and society.

An analysis of the activities of regional national public associations will make it possible to identify their contribution to the prevention of potential internal threats to national security, as well as to determine the negative aspects of the functioning of a number of such organizations.

Interethnic relations are topical issues of socio-cultural policy for cities with a multi-ethnic composition of the population, since the ethno-social factor is very significant for ensuring national security. Such cities include Volgograd, where representatives of different ethnic communities lived together for centuries. In this regard, there is a growing public need for the implementation of a well-thought-out, balanced policy in the field of managing the ethno-cultural diversity of the population of the hero city of Volgograd. The implementation of the national-ethnic policy of Volgograd is impossible without the participation of national public organizations.

One of the most representative national-cultural autonomies of the Volgograd region is the “Azerbaijani national-cultural autonomy of the city of Volgograd”. Autonomy in its activities is based on the following principles:

Variety of forms of internal organization;

Self-organization and self-government;

Free expression of the will of citizens when referring themselves to the Azerbaijani ethnic community;

Combinations of public initiatives with state support;

Respect for the language, culture, traditions and customs of other ethnic communities;


Formation of civil consciousness, harmony and peace in the multinational Russian society.

This organization provides social assistance, assistance in finding employment, financial support not only to their countrymen, but also to residents of the city of Volgograd. In addition, the "Azerbaijani national-cultural autonomy of the city of Volgograd" participates in the public life of the region: they help orphanages, provide humanitarian support to the sister city of Sevastopol, lay down new parks, alleys, recreation areas, plant trees throughout the region.

The most active influence on the socio-political situation and interethnic relations in the Volgograd region is the public organization "House of Friendship". It is an initiative group, which includes Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews, Azerbaijanis, Udins, Ossetians, Koreans, Dagestanis, and others. The "House of Friendship" has proved to be a consolidating link in the region's multi-ethnic environment, which contributes to the development and harmonization of interethnic relations in line with the formation of civic identity - finding supranational values ​​common to the entire Russian society. Unique opportunities for influencing the socio-political processes of the region are seen in the presence of its own radio and the magazine "House of Friendship". Among other forms of activity, one can single out the organization of charity concerts, holding conferences and other events aimed at uniting representatives of various ethnic groups. The presence of a large number of partners in the implementation joint projects testifies to the powerful potential of the organization in the process of strengthening friendship between the peoples of the entire Southern Federal District. Among the organizations cooperating in one way or another with the "House of Friendship" are federal and regional authorities, international organizations, cultural and educational organizations, national public associations of Volgograd and the region, business partners, as well as the media. The activities of the organization are constantly expanding. It provides assistance to orphanages, veterans of war and labor, low-income families, organizes KVN, sports competitions among national associations of the region. International teams of the "House of Friendship" often perform in other republics and regions of Russia.

It should be noted that even despite the fact that Volgograd is in the tail among the cities of Russia in terms of the quality of life of the population, the activities of the NGO "House of Friendship" have a beneficial effect on the national-ethnic policy of the Volgograd region and contribute to strengthening national security. The absence of serious inter-ethnic conflicts is a vivid example of this.

The next subject of the Russian Federation, where a significant number of representatives of different ethnic communities live, is the Republic of Tatarstan.

According to the statistics of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, in percentage terms, the interethnic situation in the Republic of Tatarstan is as follows:

Tatars - 53.2%;

Russians - 39.7%;

Chuvash - 3.1%;

Udmurts - 0.6%;

Mari, Mordovians, Ukrainians - 0.5%;

Bashkirs - 0.3%;

Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Tajiks, Uzbeks - 0.2%;

Belarusians, Jews, Germans - 0.1%;

Kazakhs - 0.05%;

Georgians - 0.04%;

Kyrgyz - 0.03%;

Representatives of other nationalities - 0.3%;

Persons who did not indicate nationality - 0.15%.

Undoubtedly, the Republic of Tatarstan has a multinational and multiethnic composition, so there is a need for a policy in the field of interethnic and interethnic regulation.

V. V. Semenov notes that the ethno-cultural interests of the Tatar people are represented by the two most influential national public organizations - world congress Tatars and the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of the Tatars. . These public-national associations conduct not only mass cultural and organizational work in a number of regions, but are also official representatives of the Tatar population of the R-Russian Federation. For example, the Federal National Cultural Autonomy of the Tatars interacts with representatives of the legislative and executive authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan, with representatives of federal and regional departments, as well as with the largest Tatar public formations. The activities of these public associations are aimed at expanding the network of institutions of national culture, science, educational institutions, MASS MEDIA. Thus, such associations have a significant impact on the socio-political, economic, spiritual life of a certain part of society. All this undoubtedly has a positive impact on the ethno-cultural development of the Tatars, as well as the national security of the country.

The national-ethnic policy of the Republic of Tatarstan is built on the constructive interaction between state and ethnic NGOs, which, of course, is a very good example of building elements of civil society. Thus, over the past two decades, a lot of work has been done to stabilize ethnic relations in the region. A striking example of the work done is the creation of a powerful material base - the "House of Friendship of the Peoples of Tatarstan" in Kazan. The purpose of the functioning of the Institution is to provide state support to ethnic NGOs that are part of the Association of National Cultural Societies of Tatarstan. This contributed to the solution of ethnic problems not only of the Tatar and Russian peoples, but also of other peoples living in the Republic of Tatarstan. Naturally, the experience of this subject of the Russian Federation in the sphere of regulation of ethnic relations is important and feasible for the regions of the country.

Having studied the experience of the functioning of ethnic public organizations in a number of regions of the Russian Federation, it should be noted that the main activity of these organizations in the field of national security is the organization and holding of events that contribute to the strengthening of interethnic peace and harmony. The activities of the national associations discussed above are aimed primarily at integrating the represented ethnic groups into the all-Russian socio-cultural space, as well as establishing mutual understanding with the local environment where this or that NPO operates. In addition, the most favorable conditions are provided for the comprehensive spiritual and cultural development of certain national groups, contacts are being established with representatives of ethnic groups in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, newspapers and magazines are published in Russian and languages ​​of other peoples. In the course of their activities, national-cultural public associations interact with representatives of their ethnic group, with other national associations, with government institutions, with business representatives, which often contributes to the prevention of interethnic conflicts and strengthening the national security of the country.

However, not all national public associations contribute to strengthening national security. Ethnic diasporas often conflict with representatives of other nationalities. For example, in the Central Federal District, the Azzeros FNKP, which unites more than 5 million Muslims, is in conflict with representatives of the Armenian diaspora. E. A. Kitaigorodtsev cites the facts of distribution by representatives of the Azerbaijani diaspora of the documentary film "Armenian fascism", inciting anti-Armenian sentiments. Reasons for the data ethnic conflicts can be attributed to the miscalculations of the work of the authorities.

In addition, N. V. Grushko and P. V. Kozlovsky note that in recent times in a number of regions of the Russian Federation there have been cases of initiation of criminal cases against representatives of public organizations.

For example, the Moscow Regional Court saw signs of extremism in the activities of the Interregional Public Association "Spiritual and Ancestral Power of Russia". According to the court, they manifested themselves in the following features: the presence of an aggressive reaction, the use of various types of violent actions, the ideological security of activities, publicity, illegality, corporatism.

Of course, such activities of ethnic NGOs undermine national security. It should be emphasized that the problem of extremism in public associations, national-cultural autonomies and religious organizations is complex. First of all, due to the fact that the appearance of extremist sentiments and actions is generated by different reasons: they are caused by a complex of various phenomena of a sociocultural and economic nature. It is well known that, under certain conditions, even a separate social group can play a significant role in carrying out serious anti-state changes. M.K. Archakov believes that the use of criteria for diagnosing various extremist-minded public organizations will make it possible to more clearly identify manifestations of extremism in their activities and will greatly facilitate the task of timely response of all subjects of anti-extremist activity to a potential threat to Russia's national security.

Determining the role of ethnic NGOs in the national security system of the Russian Federation as a whole, it is worth noting that they are one of the most active institutions of civil society. Thus, V. N. Gulyakhin notes that the projects of interethnic interaction they have been carrying out in recent years make it possible to effectively maintain a stable situation in the sphere of interethnic relations in most regions of the Russian Federation.

State authorities and national-cultural autonomies should have a common goal - the strengthening of statehood, which implies the need for fruitful joint work. The activities of ethnic public associations in the country's national security system will be positive if these organizations participate in the implementation of programs at the federal, regional and municipal levels, as well as in solving significant problems in the field of interethnic relations, in the prevention and resolution of interethnic conflicts. For example, participation in interstate and interregional cooperation, as well as in the negotiation process, are effective measures to prevent and resolve tensions in interethnic relations. The activities of national-cultural associations should cover as many representatives of various nationalities living in the city as possible. They need to identify formal and informal leaders in order to know with whom to contact if it is necessary to resolve an ethnic conflict. It is through the leaders of national public associations that one can seek and find ways to resolve potential conflict situations. In turn, government officials need to stimulate cultural associations of citizens in order to prevent threats to national security. For example, you can initiate the holding of international festivals and holidays.

Thus, the state authorities, uniting the diasporas, regulate their relations with other public organizations and associations, thereby contributing to civil peace and harmony. Determining the role of ethnic public associations in the national security system of the Russian Federation as a whole, it should be noted that they have great potential to achieve democratization, as well as to prevent social conflicts and harmonize interethnic relations. Their activity in resolving the problems of a certain part of the population contributes, for example, to the successful adaptation of migrants and the formation of a comfortable ethnic background in the region. The use of the positive experience of national-cultural NGOs will make it possible to more successfully implement the national and migration policy of each subject of the Russian Federation, thereby contributing to the strengthening of Russia's national security.

The forum "Club of Interethnic Initiatives" has ended in Moscow. The project summed up the two-year activity of the Federal Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy in training NGO leaders in social design. 40 best participants from Russian regions gathered in the capital. Maria Vakhrusheva, a graduate of the School of Interethnic Journalism, found out what problems concern representatives of NGOs today and how to solve them.

If your project was stolen

FENK's projects are known for their quality, whether they are forums, exhibitions or film screenings. So this time, the organizers have compiled a very rich and varied program: lectures, discussions, off-site classes, master classes. On the very first evening of the Club's work, an unusual forum-theater "Neighbors" was presented.

Non-professional actors play in the forum. The text of the scene is written by them, - the artistic director explained the specifics of the performance Julia Sheveleva. - The trick is that we discuss with the viewer the actions of the hero in a given situation. But even this is not the most important thing. My favorite part of the forum is when the viewer can take the place of the actor and play any fragment the way he likes.

In this way, the creators of the play show the audience what problems they may encounter in real life, and prepare in advance for the right decisions.

The forum theater operates on the basis of the Tolerance Center of the Jewish Museum, where the forum participants also visited. Director of the Center shared her experience in designing at the off-site class Anna Makarchuk.

When you come up with a project, it is important to foresee what society needs, - Anna said. - Just remember: you should not feel sorry for your labors. Unfortunately, people tend to compete: for leadership, money, ideas. Move away from that and move on to cooperation. And if your project was stolen, then this is your archa success!

Strategy and Komsomol

The central event of the forum was a round table in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the implementation of the State National Policy Strategy in the regions. Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Interethnic Relations Joseph Diskin noted that the state is not the main player in the field of interethnic relations. The expert assigns the leading role to civil society.

“The ball is on the side of NGOs, because they created a strategy for us,” agrees the general director of the Federal Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy Evgenia Mikhaleva. “However, before the state, we should not look like beggars.

Need to build partnerships not only with the authorities, but also with other NGOs. Our main task is to be active players. We need to create more new creative projects and not be afraid that someone else can take advantage of them.

- Over the four years of the Strategy’s work, we managed to get away from understanding national politics as “dance and fire events,” said the Deputy Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Zorin. -Today, more serious projects have been launched, such as the Great Ethnographic Dictation. His results are better than we expected in terms of the number of participants. But looking at the statistics of correct answers, we come to the conclusion that we are illiterate in the field of the ethno-cultural diversity of our country. . How to fix it? Only by enlightening ourselves and those around us.

Preserving the identity of our nation, we must be interested in the cultures of our neighbors, - added Mehriban Sadigova, president of FNCA of Azerbaijanis of Russia. - I remember a good example of unity - the Komsomol. It doesn't matter what nationality you were. The main thing was to go only forward and with a song!

The participants of the round table were also interested in the issues of financing projects aimed at learning national languages ​​and retraining personnel. Heated debate was also caused by the discussion of the role of the media in the implementation of the Strategy.

Based on the materials of the competition of the Guild of Interethnic Journalism "SMIrotvorets", where I was one of the jury members, it is clear how sensitively journalists react to interethnic topics. More materials appeared on the gypsy theme, about the North Caucasus. This is understandable, because the media is the litmus test of society, concluded Evgenia Mikhaleva.

However, if a positive trend in the development of an interethnic theme is noticeable in the print media, then it is too early to draw such a conclusion about television.

Watch TV: during the most popular time, at 8-9 pm, there is nothing on our topic. And even if there is, then only programs that incite national hostility, - she was indignant Mehriban Sadigova. - Why not show, for example, something about the small peoples of the North. After all, every day we talk about strengthening the nation. Is it really impossible to infect TV with our pride?

The topic of information policy in ethnic and cultural NGOs was continued in a separate speech by the President of the Guild of Interethnic Journalism Margarita Lange:

There is no feeling that NGOs are doing something in the media and society. The doors of organizations must be opened so that information about them reaches the population.

She noted that, in general, the structure of media consumption is changing today. Video content is more in demand than large texts.

Who knows the video blog "Khach's Diary"? Margarita Lyange asks the participants.

Only two people in the audience raised their hands.

By the way, he has hundreds of thousands of subscribers. And he - a non-professional journalist - sometimes turns out to be much more influential than other official media. This is an example of the fact that anyone, including NGOs, can play in this field, if it sets itself such a goal and constantly throws creative material into the net, the expert concluded.

Cinema without provocations

One of the evenings, a special screening of the film "The Box" took place for the participants. The producer came to present the picture Elena Glikman and one of the main actors Kirill Degtyar.

According to the producer, the film raises the theme of "Russians and non-Russians":

- I, a Jew by nationality, played a Caucasian. The guy who played the main Russian football player is a Muslim, - Cyril said. - Other Caucasians are played by Ossetians, Azerbaijanis and Armenians. The fact that the last two cheer each other up, slap on the shoulder, unfortunately, is only possible in the cinema.

Indeed, we did not bring the conflict, although we had the option of killing one of the players. But we thought that enough provocations in life, - Elena sighs. - And they created only a model of relations. I would like all conflicts to be resolved according to this model.

The script for the film began to be written in 2010 after the murder of football fan Yegor Sviridov and the events on Manezhnaya Square. This year, the film hit the big screens. Despite the fact that the film caused a heated discussion and approval of the members of the Club of Interethnic Initiatives, it did not pay off at the box office.

In general, this is the problem of Russian cinema. Only 4-5 films of a domestic producer pay off in cinemas. We all have debts to the film fund. But we show "The Box" at many festivals, including foreign ones. And we are well received everywhere, - Elena smiles.

Opinions of forum participants:

Delegate of the organization "Kazakhs of Omsk" Diana Aubakirova:

The organization of the project was excellent! This is worth learning, especially in the regions.

Anna Ignatova, representative of the Yaroslavl Public Organization for the Revival of Russian Culture and Traditions "Petropavlovskaya Sloboda":

It was helpful and rewarding! I touched Jewish culture with pleasure, it was interesting to see how Shabbat is celebrated. One of the days of the forum fell just on this holiday. When you get acquainted with other traditions, you begin to look at life from a new angle. And after this forum, my point of view just changed. I liked both the round table at the OPRF and the trip to the Jewish Museum. And I will definitely try to implement the forum-theater at home.

Maria Vakhrusheva


Multinationality of Russia. Most regions of Russia are multi-ethnic communities (for example, 120 nationalities live in Moscow, 113 nationalities live in the Republic of Buryatia, 119 nationalities live in the North Caucasus, etc.). In this regard, regionalism is a natural, organic principle of the territorial organization of ethno-cultural processes. Manifested in customs, types of mentality, cultural characteristics (for example, the "Siberian character", the culture of Siberia), it is determined by a common identity, culture, history, geography. The cultural development of the regions presupposes the revival and development of the national cultures of all the ethnic groups inhabiting the region, and sets serious tasks in the field of the development of languages ​​and national education.

The relevance of ethnocultural centers. (Further, the ethnic cultural center - EKC). The system of (ethnic orientation) socio-cultural institutions is demanded for life by dynamically changing socio-economic and political conditions. The crisis state of society causes crises of national relations, especially manifested chauvinistic and national extremist sentiments, inhumane actions towards national minorities, migrants in society. They can be weakened and prevented by socio-cultural institutions of ethno-cultural orientation, which are an expanded system that includes national representations, national-cultural autonomies, centers, associations, fraternities, unions, etc. Regulatory documents that mark the mission of ethnic culture in the development of the cultural diversity of Russia, which is the subject of intercultural interaction and communication, providing peoples with the right to preserve and develop their national identity, and organic entry into the world community, as well as the role of specialists in ethnocultural activities in these processes:

  • - National Doctrine of Education (2000),
  • - "The concept of modernization of Russian education until 2010",
  • - Federal target program "Culture of Russia for 2006-2010",
  • - Materials of the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation (2006),
  • - The concept of development of education in the field of culture and art for 2008-2015 (2008),
  • - The concept of development of universities of culture and arts of the Russian Federation (for the period up to 2010) (2007) and others.

Normative documents and programs of the UN and UNESCO:

  • - "The concept of sustainable development",
  • - "Recommendations for the preservation of folklore",
  • - "Masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of the peoples of the world", etc. Documents that ensure the participation of socio-cultural institutions in the formation of future specialists:
  • - Federal Law No. 156-FZ of November 27, 2002 "On Employers' Associations" (as amended on December 1, 2007);
  • - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 21, 2005 No. 36 “Rules for the development, approval and implementation of the SES software, providing for the participation of employers in their development”;
  • - Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 30.12. 2004 No. 152 on the establishment of a council for state educational standards for vocational education with the introduction of representatives of employers' associations into it;
  • - Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 12, 2004 No. AC-827 / 03 “On the mechanism for amending the existing State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education, taking into account the requirements of employers”;
  • - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2008 No. 1015 “On approval of the rules for the participation of employers in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of vocational education”, etc.

Socio-cultural institutions of ethnic orientation are organized associations of people. Institutes of the socio-cultural sphere are a numerous network of institutions that provide cultural activities, the processes of creation, dissemination and development of cultural values, as well as the inclusion of people in a certain subculture that is adequate for them. These include institutions dealing with the preservation and development of ethnic culture, creating conditions for the population to meet ethnic needs and interests.

ECC as a socio-cultural institution of ethno-cultural orientation - represent associations of people that perform socially significant functions of preserving and developing the traditional culture of an ethnic group, ensuring the joint achievement of goals based on the fulfillment by members of the ethnic group of their social roles set by ethno-cultural values, norms and patterns of behavior in a multi-ethnic community.

Ethno-cultural association - a voluntary, self-governing association of citizens - representatives of an ethnic community living in a different ethnic environment and exercising the right to national and cultural self-determination, which is created in order to preserve national and cultural identity, develop national self-consciousness, language, education, customs and rituals.

Ethno-cultural associations, being the regulators of the national cultural policy in the regions, act as a special institution of civil society, capable of attracting ethnic diasporas to participate in solving the problems of society, and a modern cultural institution that organizes educational, cultural, educational, leisure and other activities of the multi-ethnic population.

Types of ethnic associations.

According to the implementation, priority areas and forms of work, ethnocultural associations can be classified as:

  • 1) powerful ethno-national cultural centers created in the largest economic regions a national minority that has its own state formation outside the region of residence (for example, Tatars, Bashkirs, Buryats, etc.);
  • 2) fraternities, national associations of people deprived of their class: Cossacks, representatives of ethnic identity with their own cultural tradition (for example, Old Believers);
  • 3) ethno-cultural centers for the revival and preservation of the cultural traditions of small peoples; centers "Revival of the small Motherland"; cultural centers of the spiritual direction, etc.

1) ethno-connotated institutions: social communities (ethnos, ethnic groups, ethnic diasporas, etc.); specialized institutions (ethnocultural associations, national cultural centers, Houses of Nationalities, Houses of Friendship of Peoples, houses and centers of folklore, houses of crafts, children's centers of folk culture, etc.). Their essence is in the integrative potential, in uniting efforts to educate the ethnic self-awareness of the individual, his tolerant attitude towards the multi-ethnic community, in organizing joint, coordinated and coordinated.

Regional and municipal models of ethnocultural revival.

One of these models is national-cultural autonomy - a form of extraterritorial public self-determination of ethnic communities, acting in order to independently resolve issues of preserving identity, developing language, education, and national culture. Currently, there are 14 federal and more than 300 regional and local national-cultural autonomies in Russia. The largest number of national-cultural autonomies were created by Germans (68 in 24 subjects of the Russian Federation), Tatars (63), Jews (29), Armenians (18), Ukrainians and other ethnic groups. Their activities are coordinated by the Advisory Council for National-Cultural Autonomies under the Government of the Russian Federation (2002). Basic forms of activity. These include: the creation of public theatres, cultural centers, museums, libraries, clubs, studios, archives, etc.; organization of creative unions and groups of professional and amateur art, circles; holding mass events in the field of national culture (festivals, competitions, reviews, exhibitions, etc.). Ethnocultural activity is a complex set of various activities (cognitive, artistic and creative, pedagogical, design, technological, expert, etc.) aimed at: preserving and developing folk art culture; organization of cultural and leisure activities of an ethnic association; development of national consciousness and national identity of members of the diaspora population of the region; for ethno-pedagogical activities, which ensure the involvement of the younger generation in ethnic culture. The concept of "professional ethnocultural activity" is reduced to the content of the specialist's activity, to the totality of the functions performed by him in the ethnocultural center (organizational and managerial, artistic and creative, projective, pedagogical, etc.). The professional activity of a specialist is a complex, hierarchically built, multifunctional, multi-level and dynamically developing structure with great opportunities for wide switching from one function and level to another. professional activity. The optimal and most useful activity of ethno-cultural associations is manifested in the solution of various socio-cultural problems related to issues of cultural self-determination and the development of one's ethnic group; - implementation of goals aimed at establishing interethnic, intercultural contact, fostering ethnic tolerance.

The main functions of the ECC are to form ethnic self-consciousness, ethnic identification, ethnic stereotypes of the representatives of the diaspora by means of ethnic history and culture, language, emotional closeness with the ethnic community;

Ethnic socialization through a system of successive ties in a team of different ages;

  • - creating a favorable ethno-social environment for the ethnic group in a multi-ethnic environment, through active participation in the cultural life of the region;
  • - ethno-consolidating functions of members of an ethnic group, creating conditions for maintaining a cultural distance between peoples in order to prevent cultural and everyday assimilation;
  • - atmospheres for relieving tension in interethnic relations, their harmonization and prevention of interethnic conflicts; support and protection of the individual in a crisis society.

The socio-cultural potential of ethno-cultural associations is enormous and goes beyond the purely ethnic aspect. The associations actualize the civic activity of members of the diaspora in the form of environmental, cultural, religious movements, participation in the implementation of targeted regional programs for the revival and development of ethnic groups, etc.

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