Presentation on the topic Naurzum Reserve. Presentation "Naurzum State Nature Reserve - one of the oldest reserves in Kazakhstan

diets 09.08.2019

Altyn Kubekova
Presentation “Naurzum State nature reserve- one of the oldest reserves Kazakhstan"

Kabzhanova B.

Kindergarten No. 4, educator

G. Kostanay

My family and I decided to visit a unique Naurzum Reserve.

The purpose of this tour is patriotic education and instilling love for your Motherland and land. Accompanied by a local guide, a trip to the territory was organized reserve, where the main attractions and unique places were demonstrated Naurzum Reserve. During the trip was shown museum, where we got acquainted with the whole variety of living organisms reserve. Employees reserve told what work they do to preserve and promote the unique nature, was video film shown.

pine forests reserve can be considered relic, since they have been preserved in a little changed form from the Tertiary or the beginning of the Quaternary period. We saw pine trees that are over two hundred years old. They cannot be grasped by hand.

Birch-aspen pegs attract attention from afar, no matter from which side you approach Bitagash. And let the birches Naurzuma are less slender than in Russia, yet they are beautiful, even those that grow near salt lakes. This is a special species - Kyrgyz birch - endemic to the Northern Kazakhstan. It grows in a relatively small area and is found nowhere else in the world.

Fauna reserve extremely diverse, and it has not yet been fully explored. There are more than 700 species of invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians - only three species each, mammals - 29, and birds - more than 200 species.

Meaning Naurzum lakes as a reserve of the most valuable species of waterfowl is difficult to overestimate. There are 30 species of ducks, 4 - grebes, 38 - waders, etc. In total - 93 species. Among them are such rare ones as the red-toothed goose, swans - mute and whooper, great egret, curly pelican, etc.

visit Naurzum Reserve left an indelible impression and will remain in our memory for a long time as an example careful attitude and conservation nature of the native land. And how many more such wonderful places that you can admire, we have in Kazakhstan!

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In the north of Kazakhstan, between the cities of Astana and Kokshetau, there is an amazing area, a real oasis - Borovoe. Geographically, this corner is called the Kokshetau Upland, and local guidebooks call it "Kazakhstan's Switzerland". “When Allah created the world,” the old legend says, “some peoples got rich forests, rich fields and wide rivers, others beautiful mountains and blue lakes. The Kazakh received only the steppes. It seemed insulting to the Kazakh, and he asked the Creator to give him a particle of the splendor of nature. And so Allah scraped from the bottom of his kozhun (bag) and scattered in the middle of the boundless feather grass steppe the remains of picturesque mountains, rocks and lakes with crystal-clear bluish water, scattered with a generous hand emerald meadows covered with flowers, springs with icy water and merrily murmuring streams. He covered the mountains with a motley carpet of various trees and shrubs, populated forests with animals and birds, lakes with fish, meadows

- insects and butterflies, which you will not meet in the steppe for a hundred miles around. This is how Borovoe appeared.

Shine on the green cloth forest lakes: Shchuchye, Borovoe, Big and Small Chebachy, Kotyrkol. Small lakes are also visible from the ridge of Kokshetau: Svetloye, Karasye, Gornoye, Lebedinoye. The hallmark of Borovoye is the Blue Bay on the lake of the same name. The rock Zhumbaktas (Stone-Mystery) rises directly from the water of the bay, resembling a sphinx, against the backdrop of wooded slopes, the rock Ok-Zhetpes (The arrow will not fly) rises with a peak similar to an elephant. Each name has its own legend associated with it. The Sphinx, for example, is interesting in that if you look at it from different points, then you can see the face of a girl with developing hair, then a woman, and finally an old woman.


Pavlodar region is famous for its wonderful Bayanaul National Natural Park, one of the most picturesque parts of the country. It is located one hundred kilometers from Ekibastuz, a city with a developed industry. There are four types of vegetation in this National Park: forest, forest-steppe, steppe and meadow.

In the North-Western suburbs of the city of Pavlodar, on the right bank of the Irtysh, there is one of the most unique places in the world - a natural monument called Goose Flight. Paleontologists have found bones of giraffes, rhinoceroses, hyena-like animals and hipparirions (small tridactyl horses) that lived 7 to 10 million years ago. The total number of fossils is very significant. Apparently, they belong to thousands of species.

Naurzum Reserve

The Naurzum Reserve is located on the territory of the Naurzum and Semiozersky districts of the Kostanay region, 190 km south of Kostanay, in the Turgai hollow, which includes the Tersek, Sypsyn and Naurzum tracts. The main part of the last tract is occupied by the unique Naurzum forest.

The pine forests of the reserve can be considered relic, as they have been preserved in a little changed form from the Tertiary or the beginning of the Quaternary period. And although the birches of Naurzum are less slender than in Russia, they are still beautiful, even those that grow near salt lakes. This is a special species - Kyrgyz birch - endemic to Northern Kazakhstan. It grows in a relatively small area and is not found anywhere else in the world. The emblem of the Naurzum Reserve is a mute swan. But the imperial eagle could just as well have been chosen as a symbol - there are about 30 pairs of them.

The most graceful animals of the reserve, the decoration of the Naurzum forest, are roe deer.

Baikonur Cosmodrome

The main attraction of the Kyzylorda region, which attracts many tourists from all over the world, is the Baikonur space center. Its area is 6,717 sq. km. Here you can watch the rocket launch and visit the Museum of Cosmonautics, as well as the houses where Yuri Gagarin and Sergei Korolev lived.


Aksu-Dzhabagly is the oldest nature reserve in Kazakhstan, as well as the first in Central Asia to receive the status biosphere reserve UNESCO, located in the spurs of the Western Tien Shan at an altitude of 1000 to 4280 meters above sea level. The main altitudinal belts are presented here: semi-deserts are replaced by dry herbaceous steppes, Luxurious areas of upland meadows give way to dense thickets of creeping juniper forests. A motley mosaic of multicolored alpine flowers adorns the foothills of harsh peaks with dazzling snows and bluish tongues of glaciers. Aksu-Dzhabagly is the richest treasury of rare, endangered and endemic species of animals and plants. Argali and mountain goats, deer and roe deer, lynx and Snow leopards, wolves and foxes, bears and porcupines, stone martens and ermines. The world of birds is rich. Bearded vultures and vultures, griffon vultures and golden eagles soar high in the sky. Kecliks nest on the stone slopes, snowcocks can be found near the eternal snows. In a shady canopy deciduous forests the plumage of a paradise flycatcher seems to be a living flame. The sonorous sounds of the flute resemble the singing of a blue bird. Multi-colored swallowtail butterflies, rare species of sailboats, pigeons, and jaundices flicker over sunny glades.

The flora of the reserve is diverse. Greig's tulips blaze with scarlet flames on the slopes. In pinkish inflorescences, the airy flowers of the Kokand morina are collected.

In a hard-to-reach pit at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level, there is another attraction of the reserve - a kind of "art gallery" consisting of many drawings carved on dark shiny stones. They depict wild and domestic animals, scenes of hunting and everyday life of ancient people. In shale deposits in the paleontological sites of Aksu-Dzhabagly, fossilized imprints of the most ancient inhabitants of the planet - plants, fish, insects and pangolins - have been preserved.


On the western spurs of the Dzungarian Alatau ridge is located National Park Altyn-Emel, the largest nature reserve in Kazakhstan. An area of ​​460,000 hectares is dedicated to conservation rare species animals and plants. Here you can enjoy the unique view of the colorful mountains of Aktau, the sandy mountains of Katutau. On the territory of the Park there are several historical monuments - the Scythian (Sak) burial mounds of Bes-Shatyr, dating back to the 1st millennium BC. and Tamgaly-Tas with ancient rock carvings, the earliest of which date back to the 16th-14th centuries. BC e. Here, on the right bank of the Ili River, there is the famous Singing Dune. Going on a safari you will meet a lot of animals: Siberian mountain goats - teke, desert gazelles - goitered gazelles, kulans, mountain sheep - argali, wolves, foxes, birds such as golden eagle, bearded vulture, mountain partridge - keklik and many others, most of which are listed in World and Kazakhstan Red Books

Mounds of Bes-Shatyr

The necropolis of Bes-Shatyr (Five tents) was a place of worship for the ancient Saks who lived on the territory of present-day Kazakhstan in the first millennium BC. e. Here, on the territory of 2 sq. km. there are 18 royal burial mounds about 9 meters in diameter and about 2.5 meters in height. Under the burial mounds, crypts were built from logs of the Tien Shan spruce. This unique monument of early nomads is located in Semirechye, in the upper reaches of the Ili River. To the west of the royal burial mounds, a chain of 45 stone slabs with images of animals carved on them extends from north to south. Scientists believe that this place was a ritual part of the necropolis.

Petroglyphs of Tamgaly-Tas

170 km from Almaty, in the tract Tamgaly-Tas (Stones marked with a generic sign), a unique sanctuary with rock paintings was found, which is a real ancient art gallery. It reflects several historical periods. More than 4,000 drawings belonging to the Bronze Age, early nomads and the Turkic period have been discovered. On low shale outcrops on both sides of the gorge, on even vertical planes, images of cult sun-headed deities, argali, goats, maral deer, domestic animals: camels, horses, bulls, dogs are applied with metal chasing; scenes of hunting, rituals, sacrifices, figures of women, archers, scenes of falconry and much more. Near the gorge there are burial grounds of the Bronze Age and early nomads, as well as their settlements. The Tamgaly petroglyph gallery is a treasure of world importance and is under the protection of the UNESCO Foundation.

Singing Dune

Another miracle of nature is located on the right bank of the Ili River. The Singing Dune is famous for the fact that in dry weather the sands emit a sound similar to the melody of an organ. Friction caused by the movement of air and dry grains of sand electrifies them, causing vibration. Favorable resonance conditions create sound waves, which, reflected from the dense soil, cause the dune to tremble. This sound can be heard for several kilometers. It is curious that the dune does not roam the plains, despite the fluctuation of the sand and strong winds and has remained in place for thousands of years. Its southwestern slope is smooth, while the northeast slope has several ridges with gentle slopes.

Kazakhstan is a beautiful and multifaceted country that captivates with many amazing places. In the north of our country, at the bottom of the Turgai hollow, there is the Naurzum Reserve, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Naurzum State Nature Reserve is one of the oldest reserves in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

What is so unique about these steppe and meadow lands?

The untouched nature of the Naurzum State Nature Reserve is a national treasure. Tourism and recreation in a unique corner of picturesque nature enable visitors to enjoy communicating with nature, broaden their horizons, get acquainted with the characteristics of the local flora and fauna, and learn to harmoniously interact with the environment.

The main pride of the park- These are relic pine forests of Naurzum pine forest, preserved almost unchanged since the Cenozoic era.

In fact, the nature of this area differs from the surrounding steppes in a much greater variety. For example, the southernmost pine forest in Kazakhstan is located on the territory of the reserve. The main area, of course, is occupied by steppe landscapes, but vegetation and animal world are of great variety. The lakes of the Naurzum Reserve are a nesting place for many species of waterfowl. Here you can see flamingos, cranes and herons. Of the mammals in the reserve, there are various steppe rodents - voles, hamsters, ground squirrels, mice. There are also steppe predators - weasel, ermine, ferret, fox, wolf.

You can get to the reserve from the capital of Astana, from which it is separated by about 130 kilometers to the south. Due to the relatively short distance from the city, the Naurzum Reserve is often used as a student base for field research.

The Naurzum State Natural Reserve was opened by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR No. 826 dated June 30, 1931. In 1951, the reserve was closed, but again restored in 1966. The purpose of the functioning of the reserve is to preserve in its natural state typical, rare and unique natural complexes, flora and fauna steppe zone Northern Kazakhstan, their monitoring and study.

The territory of the Naurzum Reserve consists of three sections located at a distance of 9 to 14 km from each other:

Naurzum includes systems of fresh and salt lakes with surrounding flood grass meadows and halophyte communities, as well as the unique Naurzum forest, which is located on coarse and ridge-hilly eolian sands, the Akkansai steppe river, different types steppes (forb-sandy-feather grass, shrub-forb-red feather grass, fescue-feather grass, complex), slopes of the eastern side of the hollow with peg birch and aspen forests and plateau areas.

Sypsyn represents small-leaved prickly forests, dry meadows, forb-sand-feather grass, forb-sand-feather-grass-red feather-grass steppes, small marshy lakes and halophyte communities in the floodplain of the Naurzum-Karasu River.

Tersek includes the pine forest of the same name, slope variants of zonal fescue-feather grass steppes, shrub-forb-red feather grass, fescue-feather grass steppes and halophyte communities and their complexes in the Dana-Bike river valley.

The total area is 191,381 ha, consisting of three sites - Naurzum (139,714 ha), Tersek (12,947 ha) and Sypsyn (38,720 ha), united and surrounded by a protected zone with a total area of ​​116,726.5 ha. The reserve is located on the territory of the Naurzum and Auliekol districts of the Kostanay region, 190 km south of Kostanay.


As part of the plans for the first five-year plan, it was necessary to organize a large steppe reserve in the Asian part of the USSR. Professor I.I. Sprygin, a specialist in vegetation cover, proposed the area of ​​Naurzum. In 1929, a scientific expedition confirmed the correctness of the choice of territory, and in 1930 a group of scientists led by Professor F.F. Schillinger identified areas for organizing the Naurzum Reserve on them.

On June 30, 1931, according to the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR No. 826, the borders of Naruzumsky were officially approved, according to which the reserve initially included vast areas of virgin steppes, lake systems, aspen-birch and pine forests on an area of ​​250 thousand hectares. In 1936, the eastern sections were withdrawn from the reserve instead of the vast western section on a plateau with fescue-feather grass steppes and a small forest area Belkaragai.

Within these boundaries, the area of ​​the reserve increased to 320 thousand hectares, it consisted of two large sections and existed in this form until the reorganization of the reserve system in 1951.

In 1951, the Naurzum Reserve was liquidated, and the Naurzum Forestry was organized on its basis. In 1959, at the suggestion of scientific organizations, a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR “On the restoration of the Naurzum State Reserve” was adopted, but it was restored only in 1966 in the form of four plots of 85,000 hectares, which included forests and the Naurzum system of lakes.

In 1976, 2000 hectares of feather grass steppes with a marmot colony were added to the Tersek protected area. In 1999-2004, a new stage expansion and arrangement of the boundaries of the reserve. According to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 26, 2004 No. 79, its territory increased by 103,687 hectares.

In 2008, the Naurzum and Korgalzhyn reserves as part of the object "Saryarka - Steppes and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan" were included in the list world heritage UNESCO.


The area of ​​Naurzum is characterized by a flat table-step relief, consisting of several geomorphological levels from the surface of the plateau with elevations of 250-320 m to wide flat plains (30-50 km) to the Turgai hollow, with maximum elevations of 120-125 m above sea level. The denudation-accumulative sandy loamy plains of the plateau were subjected to intense erosion processes in the Holocene, and the ejected material formed massifs of dune-hummocky eolian sands in the central part of the Turgai hollow, separating the system of lakes Sary-Moin, Zharkol and the Aksuat system. The lake beds are worked out in the Upper Pleistocene polygenetic deposits that fill a through hollow.


Geostructurally, the North Turgai province corresponds to the Turgai epihercynian trough. The elevations of the Paleozoic top range from 100 to 120-150 m and more, and the thickness of the sedimentary cover on average does not exceed a few hundred meters, gradually increasing from the western and eastern sides of the trough to its axial zone. The sedimentary stratum sharply increases in the buried grabens of the basement, similar, for example, to Naurzum, where Meso-Cenozoic sections reach a thickness of 500-700 m or more. The platform cover of the Turgai trough is composed of continental and marine sediments from the Triassic to the Neogene and Pleistocene inclusive. A particularly important marker horizon, which is fixed throughout the entire territory of the trough, is the sediments of the last marine transgression of the Paleogene - the saline horizons of the Chegan Formation (Upper Eocene - Lower Oligocene). Above them, exclusively continental layers occur, represented by sandy-clayey sediments of the Oligocene and Miocene, which participate in the formation of the table-step relief of the plateau. Quaternary deposits in the interfluves are thin, rarely exceeding 5 - 7 m. Only in the Turgai hollow their thickness increases to several tens of meters.

The soil

The territory of the reserve belongs to the Kazakhstan dry-steppe province of dark chestnut and chestnut soils. However, it is characterized by a significant diversity of soil cover, which is expressed in the difference in soil texture, degree of moisture and salinity. On the flat watersheds surrounding the Turgai hollow, dark chestnut loamy and heavy loamy soils were formed with a wide distribution of solonetzic soils in combination with solonchak solonetzes.

In most of the modern territory of the reserve, belonging to the geomorphological level of denudation-accumulative sandy loamy plains, dark chestnut sandy and sandy loamy soils are represented. Soddy-pine forest soils are developed under forest vegetation in Naurzum pine forest. In the Turgai hollow around the lakes of the Sarymoin and Aksuat systems, meadow-chestnut and meadow soils in combination with solonchaks predominate.


The climate is sharply continental, characterized by high amplitudes of winter and summer temperatures. The average January temperature is minus 17-18°C, the absolute minimum is minus 45.7°C, average temperature July 24.2 °C, absolute maximum 41.6 °C. Medium annual temperature air is 2.4 °C, the average annual frost-free period in the Naurzum region is 131 days (the minimum duration is 103 days, the maximum is 154 days).

The winter months are characterized by low cloudiness, cooling of the surface air layer and severe frosts. Precipitation winter period extremely scarce. A stable snow cover is established at the end of November and is destroyed at the end of March.

Complete thawing of the soil usually occurs in the last decade of April. AT warm time year, the anticyclonic regime weakens. The duration of sunshine in the steppes of Asia is 2000-2400 hours per year. The region is characterized by sharp fluctuations in the amount of precipitation by season and year. The average annual precipitation is 233 mm, of which 30-40% falls on summer months. Average annual relative humidity air 70%, but 38-90 days, and sometimes more than 100 days, it decreases to 30% or less.


The Naurzum Nature Reserve is located on the latitudinal watershed between the basins of the Tobol in the north and the Turgai in the south. The river network is represented here only by temporary streams that have a seasonal (spring) flow and, mainly, a latitudinal direction - from the slopes of the plateau to the Turgai hollow.

The largest rivers east direction: Dana-Bike and Naurzum-Karasu, 58 and 85 km long, have pronounced basins and valleys worked out in the upper reaches. During the spring flood, the channels of these rivers are filled with water, which, reaching the lakes, overflows widely in the pre-estuary part, forming shallow estuaries. In the lower reaches in their channels, permanent reaches up to 1 km long and up to 20-25 m wide are preserved.

Another river-watercourse Ulken-karaelga flows from the southwest. In the middle and lower reaches, all of them are characterized by a slight slope and a relatively small incision of channels, and near the lake basins they completely flatten out in extensive depressions.

The steeper slopes of the eastern plateau are much better drained. Every 10-12 km they are cut through by short 10-15 km sais of the rivers Moin, Akkansai, Kurkuutal and others. In the upper reaches and at the exit to the hollow, they are incised channels with a chain of barrels or small reaches. The pre-estuary areas, near the lake basins, are very weakly incised, sometimes marked only by a strip of shrubs or completely flattened out, and during the flood the water spills in a wide front over the lowered sections of the steppe, the so-called bidayaks.

In the Turgai hollow, a large number of lakes are scattered, having the character of flat saucer-shaped basins with depths rarely exceeding 2.5–3 m. The largest lakes of the reserve - the system of fresh lakes Aksuat and fresh and salt lakes of the Sarymoin system - in the years of filling reach a mirror area of ​​220 square meters. km and 126 sq. km, respectively. Like most endorheic lakes in arid and subarid regions, they have perennial watering cycles that follow climatic cycles of moisture. Periods of high and medium filling are replaced by a decrease in the water level, sometimes until the water bodies completely dry out, and after a while a new filling. Such a natural mechanism stops and reverses the processes of salinization of lake basins, silting or overgrowing with rigid surface vegetation.

The main sources of water supply for the territory are precipitation and ground water.


Vegetable world The reserve includes 687 species of higher plants, which is exceptionally large for the steppe zone. The pine forests of the Naurzum pine forest are relict, as they have been preserved in a little changed form from the Tertiary or the beginning of the Quaternary period. Among them are 5 endemic species common in the Aral-Caspian and Upper Tobolsk floristic regions (Kyrgyz birch, Nina's astragalus, Kustanai astragalus, Kazakh thyme, long-fruited toadflax), as well as 5 types of relict ones: thin-legged hard-leaved, feathery feather grass, whose shiny, water lily white, Schober's saltpeter.

In the flora, the presence of elements of both the northern boreal and southern flora is observed. Of the ancient elements of the marsh-forest flora, the following were found: marsh telipteris, stinging nettle, common hop, bittersweet nightshade; boreal species rare for Northern Kazakhstan: winter horsetail, two-stamen sedge, slender cotton grass, swamp belozor, bird cherry. A number of Pliocene species include ash-gray willow, five-starred willow, cinquefoil, meadowsweet, loosestrife, common skullcap, European zebra. Two species are characteristic of the southern tugai forests: the gooseberry and the clematis orientalis.

On the southern border of the range are: matteuktsiya ostrich, common juniper, stone currant, alpine aster, Altai aster. Wild relatives of cultivated plants include 44 species, including 6 species rare for this region: meadow timothy, Altai hawthorn, green strawberry, lupine clover, perennial flax, pale-colored flax, and gooseberry. The Red Book of Kazakhstan includes 5 species: Kyrgyz birch, round-leaved sundew, Mugodzhar headwort, Schrenk's tulip, hard-leaved thin-legged. In total, 125 species or 18% of the flora require special protection.


The fauna of the reserve is very diverse and has not been fully studied to date. The richest avifauna. The avifauna includes 282 species, including 158 nesting ones. In the zonal steppes, the most typical are field and white-winged larks, black larks, field pipits, common wheatears, little bustards, steppe harriers, gyrfalcons, demoiselle cranes, and steppe eagles.

For moist areas near lake basins, sors and in depressions with meadow vegetation and thickets of steppe shrubs, the yellow wagtail, black-headed coin, warbler, shrike shrike, quail, gray partridge, meadow harrier, curlew are typical. Black grouse, great spotted woodpecker, oriole, wood pigeon, common dove, great tit, white tit, common redstart, forest pipit, black swift and others live in forest areas.

The detachment of predators (28 species) is very widely represented, 18 of them nest: eagles - golden eagle, imperial eagle and steppe eagle; harrier - steppe, meadow and swamp; falcons - Saker Falcon, Hobby Falcon, Merlin, Common and Steppe Kestrels and Falcons; white-tailed eagle, common buzzard, long-legged buzzard, black kite, sparrow hawk and goshawk.

Naurzum lakes since ancient times served as a transit point on the way of the movement of many species of birds that wintered in Iran, India, Central Asia, along the Turgai migratory route further north, to nesting sites. During the years of filling, Naurzum lakes are a mass nesting area for waterfowl and wetland birds. Depending on the state of watering, the number varies within very large limits. Optimal conditions for nesting are created in the second or third year after watering - with the formation of extensive floods and shallow waters, the development of coastal vegetation.

The most numerous are the coot, red-headed pochard, gray duck, pintail, mallard, teal-cod, shoveler. Mass nesting species are grebes, mainly large and gray-cheeked, in a smaller number - black-necked. Among the gulls are numerous lacustrine, silver, gray and small. The common nesting terns are: river, white-winged, black, as well as waders: curlew, great godwit, avocet, stilt, lapwing, herbalist, handbill, steppe tirkushka, occasionally there are oystercatcher magpie, small plover. Gray herons, great egrets, great bitterns, and spinning tops nest among the ankles. Since 1974, during the years of high watering, great cormorants nest. In 1981-1996, there was a massive invasion of southern species, the great egret began to nest, since 1981 - curly, and since 1984 - pink pelicans. Rare birds are represented by 44 species: 36 are included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan, 23 - in the International.

Of the 44 species of mammals registered in the reserve, 42 species live permanently (one - the saiga came during the summer migrations until 1994, the pine marten was recorded twice). Of the valuable hunting and commercial species, elk, roe deer, wild boar and marmot are common; the group of predators includes the wolf, fox, corsac, lynx, steppe polecat, ermine, weasel; badgers are numerous in forests and near lakes.

In the steppes, the dominant group is rodents: the steppe marmot, sandstone ground squirrel, large ground squirrel, small ground squirrel, hamster, steppe mouse, voles, hamsters, as well as: eared hedgehog, jerboas, European hare, predators - steppe polecat, corsac, common fox, wolf.

Elk, Siberian roe deer, lynx, common squirrel, common hedgehog, hare hare, badger, ermine, weasel are widespread, pine marten and raccoon dog are noted. On the shores of fresh lakes, small rodents are numerous: wood mouse, narrow-skulled vole, root vole, there are baby mice, shrews; in years of high watering, water voles and muskrats are common on the lakes.

Of the desert species in the very south, in the region of the Sula and Kulagol lakes, the Aral fat-tailed jerboa was noted. In terms of the number of species, mammals represent 24.7% of the entire theriofauna of Kazakhstan.

Reptiles and amphibians are represented by 6 species: 3 species of reptiles (steppe viper, lizard and multicolored foot-and-mouth disease) and 3 species of amphibians ( moor frog, spadefoot and green toad).

The fish fauna includes 10 species. The most common and numerous are gold and silver carp, well adapted to cyclical fluctuations in the watering of lakes, in some lakes there is a lake minnow. Tench, perch, pike, and roach also live in the rivers. In years of high watering, these species also enter lakes. For the last 20 years, carp, dace and peled have been introduced in many reservoirs of the region, including those created on watercourses, which were noted in the lakes of the reserve after large floods.

Naurzum Reserve- one of the few where regular research is carried out. For many years it was a field base for scientists and students of Moscow State University, where classic works in the field of ornithology and ecology were performed. In the future, it is possible to organize a biosphere territory with the inclusion of Naurzum as a protected core.

RGU "Naurzum State Natural Reserve" - ​​specially protected natural area, with located environmental objects of special ecological and scientific value, which is the national treasure of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The reserve is intended for the conservation and study in the natural state and development of natural processes, typical and unique ecological systems, biological diversity and the genetic fund of flora and fauna (Chapter 7, Article 39 of the Law "On Protected Areas").

The reserve has the status of an environmental institution of republican significance. By international classification The IUCN belongs to the highest category of protected areas - 1a. In the future, joining the network of international biosphere reserves.

In 2007, the Naurzum system of lakes of the reserve was certified by the secretariat of the Bonn Convention into the international network for the protection of one of the rarest species of the white crane, the Siberian Crane, and included in the list of key ornithological territories.

The Naurzum Reserve is the only one in Kazakhstan where ecosystems are so original, unique and have no analogues in other parts of the steppe zone of Eurasia.

In 2009, the Naurzum Reserve was included in the Ramsar List (Wetlands of International Importance).

Source S

Presentation on the topic "Virtual walk around Kazakhstan" in geography in powerpoint format. The presentation for schoolchildren contains a description of 39 sights of Kazakhstan.

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In the north of Kazakhstan, between the cities of Astana and Kokshetau, there is an amazing area, a real oasis - Borovoe. Geographically, this corner is called the Kokshetau Upland, and local guidebooks call it "Kazakhstan's Switzerland". “When Allah created the world,” the old legend says, “some peoples got rich forests, rich fields and wide rivers, others beautiful mountains and blue lakes. The Kazakh received only the steppes. It seemed insulting to the Kazakh, and he asked the Creator to give him a particle of the splendor of nature. And then Allah scraped from the bottom of his kozhun (bag) and scattered in the middle of the boundless feather grass steppe the remains of picturesque mountains, rocks and lakes with crystal-clear bluish water, scattered with a generous hand emerald meadows covered with flowers, springs with icy water and merrily murmuring streams. He covered the mountains with a motley carpet of various trees and shrubs, populated forests with animals and birds, lakes with fish, meadows with insects and butterflies, which you will not find in the steppe for a hundred miles around. This is how Borovoe appeared. Shine on the green cloth forest lakes: Shchuchye, Borovoe, Big and Small Chebachy, Kotyrkol. Small lakes are also visible from the ridge of Kokshetau: Svetloye, Karasye, Gornoye, Lebedinoye. The hallmark of Borovoye is the Blue Bay on the lake of the same name. The rock Zhumbaktas (Stone-Mystery) rises directly from the water of the bay, resembling a sphinx, against the backdrop of wooded slopes, the rock Ok-Zhetpes (The arrow will not fly) rises with a peak similar to an elephant. Each name has its own legend associated with it. The Sphinx, for example, is interesting because if you look at it from different angles, you can see the face of a girl with flowing hair, then a woman, and finally an old woman.


  • Pavlodar region is famous for its wonderful Bayanaul National Natural Park, one of the most picturesque parts of the country. It is located one hundred kilometers from Ekibastuz, a city with a developed industry. There are four types of vegetation in this National Park: forest, forest-steppe, steppe and meadow.
  • In the North-Western suburbs of the city of Pavlodar, on the right bank of the Irtysh, there is one of the most unique places in the world - a natural monument called Goose Flight. Paleontologists have found bones of giraffes, rhinoceroses, hyena-like animals and hipparirions (small tridactyl horses) that lived 7 to 10 million years ago. The total number of fossils is very significant. Apparently, they belong to thousands of species.

Naurzum Reserve

  • The Naurzum Reserve is located on the territory of the Naurzum and Semiozersky districts of the Kostanay region, 190 km south of Kostanay, in the Turgai hollow, which includes the Tersek, Sypsyn and Naurzum tracts. The main part of the last tract is occupied by the unique Naurzum forest.
  • The pine forests of the reserve can be considered relic, as they have been preserved in a little changed form from the Tertiary or the beginning of the Quaternary period. And although the birches of Naurzum are less slender than in Russia, they are still beautiful, even those that grow near salt lakes. This is a special species - Kyrgyz birch - endemic to Northern Kazakhstan. It grows in a relatively small area and is not found anywhere else in the world. The emblem of the Naurzum Reserve is a mute swan. But the imperial eagle could just as well have been chosen as a symbol - there are about 30 pairs of them.
  • The most graceful animals of the reserve, the decoration of the Naurzum forest, are roe deer.

Baikonur Cosmodrome

The main attraction of the Kyzyl-Orda region, which attracts many tourists from all over the world, is the Baikonur space center. Its area is 6,717 sq. km. Here you can watch the rocket launch and visit the Museum of Cosmonautics, as well as the houses where Yuri Gagarin and Sergei Korolev lived.


Aksu-Dzhabagly is the oldest reserve in Kazakhstan, as well as the first in Central Asia to receive the status of a UNESCO biosphere reserve, located in the spurs of the Western Tien Shan at an altitude of 1000 to 4280 meters above sea level. The main altitudinal belts are presented here: semi-deserts are replaced by dry herbaceous steppes, Luxurious areas of upland meadows give way to dense thickets of creeping juniper forests. A motley mosaic of multicolored alpine flowers adorns the foothills of harsh peaks with dazzling snows and bluish tongues of glaciers. Aksu-Dzhabagly is the richest treasury of rare, endangered and endemic species of animals and plants. Argali and mountain goats, deer and roe deer, lynxes and snow leopards, wolves and foxes, bears and porcupines, stone martens and ermines are found here. The world of birds is rich. Bearded vultures and vultures, griffon vultures and golden eagles soar high in the sky. Kecliks nest on the stone slopes, snowcocks can be found near the eternal snows. In the shady canopy of deciduous forests, the plumage of a paradise flycatcher seems to be a living light. The sonorous sounds of the flute resemble the singing of a blue bird. Multi-colored swallowtail butterflies, rare species of sailboats, pigeons, and jaundices flicker over sunny glades. The flora of the reserve is diverse. Greig's tulips blaze with scarlet flames on the slopes. In pinkish inflorescences, the airy flowers of the Kokand morina are collected. In a hard-to-reach pit at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level, there is another attraction of the reserve - a kind of "art gallery" consisting of many drawings carved on dark shiny stones. They depict wild and domestic animals, scenes of hunting and everyday life of ancient people. In shale deposits in the paleontological sites of Aksu-Dzhabagly, fossilized imprints of the most ancient inhabitants of the planet - plants, fish, insects and pangolins - have been preserved.


On the western spurs of the Dzungarian Alatau ridge is the Altyn-Emel National Park, the largest nature reserve in Kazakhstan. The area of ​​460,000 hectares is intended for the conservation of rare species of animals and plants. Here you can enjoy the unique view of the colorful mountains of Aktau, the sandy mountains of Katutau. On the territory of the Park there are several historical monuments - the Scythian (Sak) burial mounds of Bes-Shatyr, dating back to the 1st millennium BC. and Tamgaly-Tas with ancient rock carvings, the earliest of which date back to the 16th-14th centuries. BC e. Here, on the right bank of the Ili River, there is the famous Singing Dune. Going on a safari you will meet a lot of animals: Siberian mountain goats - teke, desert gazelles - goitered gazelles, kulans, mountain sheep - argali, wolves, foxes, birds such as golden eagle, bearded vulture, mountain partridge - keklik and many others, most of which are listed in World and Kazakhstan Red Books

Mounds of Bes-Shatyr

The necropolis of Bes-Shatyr (Five tents) was a place of worship for the ancient Saks who lived on the territory of present-day Kazakhstan in the first millennium BC. e. Here, on the territory of 2 sq. km. there are 18 royal burial mounds about 9 meters in diameter and about 2.5 meters in height. Under the burial mounds, crypts were built from logs of the Tien Shan spruce. This unique monument of early nomads is located in Semirechye, in the upper reaches of the Ili River. To the west of the royal burial mounds, a chain of 45 stone slabs with images of animals carved on them extends from north to south. Scientists believe that this place was a ritual part of the necropolis.

Petroglyphs of Tamgaly-Tas

170 km from Almaty, in the tract Tamgaly-Tas (Stones marked with a generic sign), a unique sanctuary with rock paintings was found, which is a real ancient art gallery. It reflects several historical periods. More than 4,000 drawings belonging to the Bronze Age, early nomads and the Turkic period have been discovered. On low shale outcrops on both sides of the gorge, on even vertical planes, images of cult sun-headed deities, argali, goats, maral deer, domestic animals: camels, horses, bulls, dogs are applied with metal chasing; scenes of hunting, rituals, sacrifices, figures of women, archers, scenes of falconry and much more. Near the gorge there are burial grounds of the Bronze Age and early nomads, as well as their settlements. The Tamgaly petroglyph gallery is a treasure of world importance and is under the protection of the UNESCO Foundation.

Singing Dune

Another miracle of nature is located on the right bank of the Ili River. The Singing Dune is famous for the fact that in dry weather the sands emit a sound similar to the melody of an organ. Friction caused by the movement of air and dry grains of sand electrifies them, causing vibration. Favorable resonance conditions create sound waves, which, reflected from the dense soil, cause the dune to tremble. This sound can be heard for several kilometers. It is curious that the dune does not roam the plains, despite the fluctuation of the sand and strong winds, but remains in place for several millennia. Its southwestern slope is smooth, while the northeast slope has several ridges with gentle slopes.

Aktau mountains

The Aktau Mountains (White Mountains) is a museum of the distant past of the Earth. 15 million years ago there was a giant lake-sea, now there are layers sedimentary rocks bizarre shapes and colors: red, yellow, blue and white. Huge conical mountains resemble the Egyptian pyramids. From time to time, fossils of dinosaurs and ancient mammals are found here.

Turgen Gorge

90 km from Almaty there is a beautiful corner of nature - the Turgen Gorge. Rich in hot springs, waterfalls, coniferous and mixed forests, alpine and subalpine meadows, lakes and springs, medicinal plants and berries, it goes 44 km deep to the huge Assy plateau. The Turgen Gorge is famous for its waterfalls - there are about seven of them. The Bear Waterfall attracts with its 30-meter height among overhanging rocks and green fir trees. And the Bozgul waterfall is known for its powerful stream of water, which has cut a whole tunnel in the rock. The rocks in the tract keep the imprints of plants from the preglacial period. The gorge is famous for relic Chin-Turgen moss spruce forests, creeping along the ground, forming a continuous spruce carpet. The most popular place in the gorge is the Botan-jaeger station. Here, at the confluence of three rivers, the Turgen Gorge reaches its greatest depth - 920 m. There is an observatory on the plateau. Along the Asa River there are ancient burial mounds and rock paintings. There are many ancient Saka and Usun graves in the gorge. There is also a trout farm in the Turgen Gorge, where you can fish and cook royal trout for dinner yourself.

Issyk kurgan

The Issyk burial ground is considered one of the largest archaeological sites of the Scythian-Saka period. The monument is dated to the 4th century. BC. The young man buried there belongs to the Saki-Tigrakhaud rulers, possibly to the ruling dynasty of the Great Kushans. The "Golden Warrior" was dressed in chain mail, richly decorated with gold plaques, a belt with weapons made of pure gold; on the head - an arrow-shaped headdress. The costume consists of 4,000 golden ornaments-symbols, made in the famous "animal style" characteristic of Saka artisans. Copies of the "Golden Man" are exhibited in the museums of the years. Almaty and Astana.

Lake Issyk

Just 60 km from Almaty, near the small town of Issyk, at an altitude of 1,800 m above sea level, one of the most picturesque lakes of the Trans-Ili Alatau lurks. In 1963, a powerful mudflow broke out of the glacial zone in the upper reaches of the Issyk River. Giant waves destroyed the natural dam, and as a result, the lake was washed out in a few hours. Currently, it has been partially restored, but the beautiful landscape of the mountains surrounding it still pleases the eye of tourists.

Canyon Charyn

Charyn Canyon, which is compared in beauty with the Grand Canyon in Colorado, is located 200 km east of Almaty. The unique forms of erosion and weathering of the relief will take you to a fabulous, unreal world of whimsical sandstone sculptures: "Valley of Castles", "Gorge of Witches" and others. The height of steep slopes, columns and arches reaches 150-300 meters. The canyon stretches for 154 km from the northeast to the southwest, along the Charyn River, which is perfect for rafting. The rarest representative of vegetation has been preserved here. the globe- Sogdian ash, survived the era of glaciation

Ili River

Or the most major river in Semirechye. Its length is 1439 km. The river originates in China, on the territory of the Almaty region it forms an artificial reservoir Kapchagai, and flows into Lake Balkhash. Kapchagay is called the sea: in warm weather it is a favorite place for the townspeople to relax. Its maximum width is 22 km, depth is 45 m. Sanatoriums, boarding houses, beaches are located along the coast, and a water park has been built in the city of Kapchagay itself. The waters of Kapchagay are rich in various fish. Just a few kilometers from it, on the banks of the Ili River, there is a place that takes us back to ancient times. On the right bank, from a huge stone, images of Buddha and bodhisattvas have been looking into the sky for many centuries. On the black mysterious rocks, many petroglyphs, images of deities, late Buddhist inscriptions, the meaning and meaning of which have yet to be unraveled, have been preserved - in total about 1000 various rock paintings, which historians attribute to the late Middle Ages

Big Almaty Lake

This mountain lake is located in the gorge of the Bolshaya Almatinka River, at an altitude of 2511 m above sea level, 28.5 km south of Almaty. It is in a hollow, like a sparkling mirror, surrounded on all sides mountain peaks. Three main peaks rise above the lake: Sovetov Peak (4,317 m), Ozerny Peak (4,110 m) and Tourist Peak (3,954 m) - they can be seen from the northern end of the dam. To the west of the tourist is the crest of the peak of Big Almaty (a pyramid with a height of 3,681 m), which is clearly visible from the city center. The lake, fed by glacial water, is a bowl 1.6 km long, almost 1 km wide and 40 m deep. Depending on the season, the color of the lake changes from pale green to turquoise blue. In the valley above the lake, there is a village with spectacular domes of the Tien Shan Astronomical Observatory (2 km from the lake, at an altitude of 2,700 m). And even higher (at an altitude of 3,300 m), near the Zhasylkezen pass, is Komostation, where you can spend the night admiring the stars.

Kolsay lakes

They are called the pearl of the Northern Tien Shan. Three alpine lakes with steep, pine-covered slopes are located in the spurs of the Kungei-Alatau ridge. Each lake has its own charm. In the crystal clear blue water, there is a king fish - rainbow trout. The first lake stretches 1 km long at an altitude of 1,818 m, a road has been laid to it, there are comfortable guest houses, camping sites. Middle Kolsai Lake (2252 m) is the largest and most beautiful, it is located 5 km from the first lake. Upper Kolsai is 4 km further and 600 m higher. After another 6 km, on the Kyrgyz border, the traveler is waiting for the Sary-Bulak pass (3,278 m) with magnificent views of the blue lake Issyk-Kul.

Lake Kaindy

Kaindy (“Birch” from Kazakh) is a lake located among the magnificent coniferous forest at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. The lake, about 400 m long, reaches a depth of almost 30 m. Amazing views of the Kaindy, Saty gorges, the Chilik river valley open from the crest of the rock. Dry trunks of flooded fir trees rise above the water surface like the masts of a sunken squadron.

Khan Tengri

The real Mecca of mountaineering has become the Central Tien Shan with the famous peaks of Khan Tengri (7,010 m) and Pobeda Peak (7,439), which belongs to neighboring Kyrgyzstan. Peak Khan-Tengri (Lord of Spirits), the highest point of Kazakhstan, is considered one of the most beautiful peaks of the Central Tien Shan. The marble peak in the form of a pointed pyramid is visible from almost everywhere. The mountain has been shrouded in legends since ancient times. It is also called Tengritau (Mountain of God) or Kantau (Bloody Mountain), for the red tint that the peak acquires at sunset. This is the northernmost seven-thousander in the world. Khan-Tengri Peak is difficult to access, therefore it is extremely interesting for both climbers and adventure tourism lovers. Kazakhstan owns the northern part of the mountain. Climbing the "Northern Face of Khan Tengri" is the cherished dream of many climbers.

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Business card

Area: 565 thousand km² Borders: north, west, east - Russia, south - Central region, southwest - Western region, southeast - Vostochny region Population: 3593 thousand people; Average density: 6.3 people per 1 km² Dominant ethnic group: Slavs, Kazakhs (25%) Administrative division: cities and towns - 62

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By physical map determine with whom Northern Kazakhstan borders. List the pros and cons of EGP.

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Natural resources

  • slide 6

    Land and agro-climatic resources:

    agricultural lands make up 90% of the land fund of the district 61% (26 million ha) pastures 37% (24 million ha) arable land

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    Water resources:

    The area is provided with enough Large rivers - Ishim, Tobol Reservoirs: Sergeevskoe (S=117 km²), Verkhnetobolskoe (S=87.4 km²). 13,000 lakes. Large ones: Kushmurun, Sarykopa (Kostanay region), Tengiz and Korgalzhyn (Akmola region), Selety, Burabay, Shchuchye. Underground water pipelines: Ishimsky, Bulaevsky, Presnovsky.

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    Shchuchinsko-Borovaya resort area

    On August 15, 2000, the Borovskoye forestry was declared the Burabay State Natural National Park with an area of ​​120 hectares. Many local plants and animals are listed in the Red Book. More than 30 lakes. They are divided into two groups. At the foot of the mountains and in the forests, on a granite bed, large and deep lakes darken with fresh water: Borovoye, Bolshoye Chebache, Small Chebache, Shchuchye, Kotyrkolskoe. Steppe lakes are drainless, highly saline and look like round saucers scattered across the steppe. There are several more nameless streams and swamps on the territory of the Burabay tract. The swamps are mostly low-lying type. They are swampy areas of pine-birch forest.

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    Kurgaldzhinsky Reserve

    occupies the fresh lake Kurgaldzhin, part of the salt lake Tengiz with adjacent coastal areas located in the lower reaches of the Nura and Kulakutnes rivers. The area of ​​the reserve is 193.5 thousand hectares. The reserve was founded in 1968 in order to preserve a section of the zone of Kazakhstan and the rarest nesting birds - pink flamingos. The reserve also covers a narrow strip of fescue-feather grass steppe adjacent to Lake Kurgaldzhin, and its coast with dense reed beds. There are numerous nesting sites for waterfowl, especially geese and ducks, and many swans. Occasionally there is an ordinary bustard, a beauty bustard and little bustards - previously typical inhabitants of the virgin lands of the steppes of Kazakhstan. A rare egret nests. On Lake Tengiz there is the northernmost nesting place in the world for the rarest birds of pink flamingos.

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    Naurzum Reserve

    is located on the territory of the Naurzum and Semiozersky districts of the Kostanay region, 190 km south of Kostanay, in the Turgay hollow, which includes the Tersek, Sypsyn and Naurzum tracts. The main part of the last tract is occupied by the unique Naurzum forest. The pine forests of the reserve can be considered relic, as they have been preserved in a little changed form from the Tertiary or the beginning of the Quaternary period. And although the birches of Naurzum are less slender than in Russia, they are still beautiful, even those that grow near salt lakes. This is a special species - Kyrgyz birch - endemic to Northern Kazakhstan. It grows in a relatively small area and is not found anywhere else in the world. The emblem of the Naurzum Reserve is a mute swan. But with the same success, the imperial eagle could have been chosen as a symbol - there are about 30 pairs of them. The most graceful animals of the reserve, the decoration of the Naurzum forest, are roe deer.

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