3 countries where there are reserves. The main natural reserves of Russia

Tourism and rest 07.08.2019
Tourism and rest

The reserves of our country are unique with untouched nature. Back in 1917, on January 11, the Barguzinsky Reserve was created. According to a special decree, everything that was in it was strictly protected from poachers. It is forbidden to cut trees, collect useful plants, berries. Thanks to closed zones, endangered animal species have been preserved. Such as beavers, saiga and moose are now specially grown for fishing.

In nature reserves you can see the pristine land with mountain ranges, clean rivers, beautiful lakes. it unique places, visiting which you will want to return there more than once. In each reserve, several species of animals and plants are protected.

So, the top 5 best reserves in Russia

1. Barguzinsky Reserve

The Barguzinsky Reserve is located on the territory of Buryatia, adjoining Lake Baikal from the northeast side. Its area is 374,300 hectares, which includes the Baikal water area. It got its name from the Barguzin River. The beautiful landscape, mountain ranges and unforgettable landscape of the valleys creates a sense of tranquility.

It was created to restore the number of sable. In those years, there were only 20 to 40 individuals. The task assigned to him was completed already in the 30s. Today, there are two individuals per 1 km 2. In the late 80s, he was awarded the title of biospheric reserve.

There are no more than 40 species of mammals and 260 species of birds on the territory. Such a small number is due to the poverty of the fauna due to the long winter, high humidity air, strong and frosty winds.

2. Baikal Reserve

People come to this area to admire the coniferous forests. The Baikal Nature Reserve was established in 1969. Its location around the planet's largest freshwater reservoir with endemic plants attracts tourists. Only in this area you can see 40 species of vegetation that does not grow anywhere else. Many plants are on the verge of extinction. They were included in the Red Book. Rare species of animals in forests and rivers contributed to the creation of fame for this region.

3. Altai Reserve

In another way, it is also called the "Golden Mountains of Altai", which surround it from three sides. In the south it borders on Lake Teletskoye. The environmental friendliness of this area is evidenced by the fact that there are no roads, but this is precisely what attracts tourists. The entire territory is covered with forest, narrow paths laid by people will help you get to the lakes, which are 1190 in the territory of the reserve.

Sunset on Kucherlinskoye lake, Altai

Tourists come here to climb one of the peaks of the Altai mountains - Belukha. Many of those who wish reach the first halt, it is more difficult to go further, and you must have special equipment. The nature of the mountains reveals its amazing beauty, if you are lucky, you will meet the snow leopard.

4. Ubsunur basin

A unique place where you can see various landscape zones nearby. The mountain taiga massif is replaced by dense forest tundra or glacier. Flowering meadows and steppe turns into sand dunes in places. The Ubsunur hollow as a nature reserve was established in 1993. It was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

5. Great Arctic Reserve

The largest in terms of territory on the European continent is the Great Arctic Reserve. It covers an area of ​​more than 4 million hectares and 1 million - the area of ​​the sea with islands. It was created to support the population of migratory birds.

It is located in the zone of two seas - the Kara and the Laptev Sea. The polar night changes during the day, the permafrost attracts with its beauty.

not rich animal world represented by twelve species of mammals: lemmings, reindeer, wolves, arctic foxes, ermine, musk ox, hare, polar bear, wolverine. Marine only 6. They were able to adapt to the harsh climate. The seas do not abound with ichthyofauna, the main representatives are salmon and whitefish.

On the territory of the country there are more than one hundred nature reserves and sanctuaries, whose activities are aimed at preserving animal populations, developing tourism and recreation. Hiking is widespread in such places with specially adapted trails, small houses where you can spend the night. But there are also wild zones where the animal and plant world is left to itself.

By the end of the 19th century, people began to understand that if they did not protect the environment, but only exploited it mercilessly, then enough a short time will have time to destroy many species of animal and flora. Some of that hard work has already been done. In addition, our beautiful and diverse planet may forever lose its unique natural formations. For this reason, reserves appeared and National parks peace. Each state that has national parks strives to preserve their natural splendor and diversity. At the same time, in different countries the forms of national parks may vary, but they are all dedicated to the general idea of ​​preserving nature for future generations who could be proud of their country. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, there are now 6,555 national parks in the world.

1. Greenland National Park

The largest in the world national park(972,000 sq. km) is also the northernmost. Its area exceeds the area of ​​163 countries of the world! It was founded in 1974. Other than the national park staff, there are no other residents here. About 10 thousand musk oxen also live here, which is 40% of all these animals left in the world. Other inhabitants of the park are reindeer, polar bears, walruses, arctic hare and stoats. Sparse vegetation is represented here by mosses and lichens, and only in some places you can see dwarf willows and birches.

2. Kruger (South Africa)

In the national park. Kruger represents typical South African wildlife. This is not only a nature reserve very popular among foreign travelers, but also a profitable business that brings considerable income. This oldest national park in South Africa, listed as a UNESCO heritage, was founded back in 1898 in the northeast of the country. Its area is 19,000 sq. km, and from end to end the distance is 340 km. It consists of three parts located in the valleys of the Olifants and Sabi rivers. A curious kind of "unarmed" African safari is practiced in this reserve. In a huge national park, most of the animals are grouped in its central part. Among them: elephants, hippos, crocodiles, giraffes, white rhinos, leopards, 17 species of antelopes and over 400 species of birds.

The territory of Russia is huge, so it is not surprising that dozens of waterfalls are scattered on it, in its most diverse corners. Some of them are so...

3. Serengeti (Tanzania)

The Serengeti National Park is one of the largest (15,000 sq. km) and most famous on the planet, it has an almost complete ecosystem. This oldest reserve in Africa appeared in 1929. Almost 500 species of birds and 3 million of the most large mammals. Every year there are spectacular migrations of millions of herds of wildebeest, hundreds of thousands of zebras and gazelles, these living rivers cover a distance of more than 3000 km. The migration of zebras and wildebeests is explained by the fact that a drought begins in the north of the park, burning grass, and in search of food, herbivorous ungulates rush to the cooler and more humid south. On the contrary, when the rainy season begins, the herds return to the north and west.
The Serengeti is also proud of its largest lion population in Africa. Among its inhabitants, mention should be made of elephants, hyenas, gazelles, rhinos and hippos. In the Maasai language, the name of the park means "endless plains" - and in fact, the vast savannah mainly extends here.

4. Yellowstone National Park (USA)

Located in the northwestern United States, Yellowstone National Park is very famous in the world, especially in last years. It includes the territories of several states at once: Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. The national park was founded here in 1872, because there are a huge number of geysers and thermal springs. Large alpine lake Yellowstone is located in the crater of America's largest supervolcano. A very long time ago this volcano erupted, so the surrounding areas are covered with ancient lava.
Two-thirds of all geysers in the world are concentrated in Yellowstone - almost 3000, among them the largest in the world - "Steamboat". Very famous for its regular eruptions is the geyser "Old Faithful", which ejects boiling water to a height of 40 meters at intervals of 45-125 minutes. Only five geyser fields are known in the world, located in Yellowstone, Kamchatka, Chile, Iceland and New Zealand. Yellowstone is densely stuffed with a variety of thermal springs, of which there are about 10,000 (that is, half of those available in the world), there are mud volcanoes and sources of hydrogen sulfide.
Hundreds of species of mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and about 2,000 species of vegetation live in the national park.

As for such wonders of nature as waterfalls, Europe has not been very successful with them, because the most grandiose in terms of power are on other continents ...

5. Snowdonia (UK)

This national park is located in North Wales. This is one of the first reserves in England and Wales, it was created 60 years ago. It was named after the highest peak in Wales - Mount Snowdon, which has a height of 1085 m. The territory of the Snowdonia National Park lies not only on public, but also on private lands. 26,000 people live within it, and the number of tourists visiting it per year reaches 6 million. For them, 2381 km of open hiking trails have been laid in the park, there are also 264 km of trails for horseback and hiking travelers and 74 km of other routes. So, those who wish can climb to the top of Snowdon by funicular or along a picturesque hiking trail, which has a length of 13 km. There are also old railway lines in the park.

6. Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)

The term "Plitvice Lakes" was first mentioned in documents from 1777. In 1949, this place became a national park, and 30 years later UNESCO added it to its heritage list. On its territory there are 16 large karst lakes, 20 caves and 140 waterfalls. This place is unique in that new waterfalls appear here every year and in general the landscape is constantly changing. The water in the lakes here has an amazingly beautiful azure color, so the photographs here are unusually spectacular. Along the hiking trails 18 kilometers long along the banks of the lakes, wooden decks are arranged, from which it is convenient to observe the surrounding beauty and take pictures of it.
There are several hiking trails, a journey through which can take both a couple of hours and 8 hours. There is a boat plying the lakes, and you can look at the mountains from an electric train with special cars adapted for better view. But in local lakes it is forbidden to swim, bring dogs here, and have picnics with fires. The Plitvice Lakes are also famous for their unique coniferous and beech forests that have been growing here for many centuries and are able to recover.

Volcanoes have always evoked a lot of emotions in a person - from panic horror and fear to admiration and admiration for the incredible power of nature. Wool...

7. Fiordland (New Zealand)

This is the name of the largest national park in New Zealand, which occupies south island much of its southwestern highlands. Here are the deepest lakes of the country and rather high and picturesque mountains, reaching 2746 m. ​​And now Fiordland remains a remote area. There are many beauties here: swift rivers with waterfalls, picturesque fjords, rich and unique flora and fauna. The local dense forests are home to beautiful birds such as cockatoo parrots. In the local waters of the Pacific Ocean, you can meet penguins or a bottlenose dolphin.
The famous British writer Rudyard Kipling glorified the local bay of Milford Sound, calling it "the eighth wonder of the world." Throughout its 18-kilometer length, the bay is framed by high mountain peaks. This place is one of the wettest on the planet - it rains here every two days out of three.

8. Kavango-Zambezi Transboundary Reserve

This reserve is unique in many ways. Spread over a vast territory of 444,000 sq. km, it captures the territories of five countries at once: Botswana, Angola, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Zambia. There are no borders on the territory of the reserve itself, so animals can move freely throughout its territory. This largest African reserve includes a number of parks of individual states, for example, the Okavango Delta and Chobe.
In addition to the rich wildlife, the territory of this reserve is home to world-famous attractions, such as the luxurious Victoria Falls. A transboundary reserve appeared recently - in 2011. The most important task of the five states that organized it was to provide opportunities for free migration for animals. But it has also become a very important and profitable tourist attraction, because literally every day a new tourist group appears in one place or another in the endless reserve. First of all, travelers are attracted here by African elephants, which are home to almost half of all savannah elephants living in Africa. Over 600 species of flora, including unique ones, also grow on the lands of the reserve, and 300 species of birds can be seen in the sky above the luxurious landscapes.

The North American relief can be conditionally divided into several types: in the central and northern parts you can admire the delightful plains, ...

9. Papahanaumokuakea Marine Reserve (USA)

This reserve is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in the Hawaiian archipelago, including a group of its small islands and atolls. It has an area of ​​approximately 360,000 sq. km, making it the world's largest protected marine reserve. The Papahanaumokuakea Nature Reserve was founded recently - in 2006. There are exotic animals and plants on its islands, but not only these living objects living on land are valuable, but also luxurious coral reefs hidden under a layer of water, forming a unique system.
This name of the reserve did not appear immediately, but only a year after its formation - this is how they decided to mark the married couple of the patrons of nature - the local gods Wakea and Papahanaumoku. For the indigenous people of Hawaii, these places have been sacred since ancient times, according to their beliefs, the souls of their dead relatives went here.
Archaeologists have explored these islands and found that some of them were inhabited by humans in prehistoric times. For example, on the islands of Nihoa and Makumanamana, the remains of ancient settlements have been preserved, in which people who were engaged in agriculture lived. Within Papahanumokuakea was a tenth of the tropical shallow coral reefs belonging to the United States.

10. Limpopo Transfrontier Park

This park also occupies the territories of several African countries - South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Its area on this moment is about 37,000 sq. km, 10 different zones. To date, the final boundary of the reserve has not yet been established, especially since its expansion is to be almost three times. This transboundary park appeared only in 2000, and a year later the first animals appeared in it. Now elephants, giraffes, cheetahs, spotted hyenas and other African animals already live there.

Published: 04.11.2017 Category: Author's essay

Reserve - a fragment of the territory (or water area) of a country, which is the subject of its conservation measures. The area "ordered" by the authorities cannot be a place for the construction of residential or industrial buildings, as well as other infrastructure facilities, except for research, excursion and, in rare cases, agricultural. The state reserves of Russia (GZ) are huge in size and scattered throughout all its regions, being the subject of national pride.

The largest reserves in Russia

In our country, there are GCs with an area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers. In fact, many of them could fit at least 5 large metropolitan areas! Almost all the largest nature reserves in Russia are geographically fragments of Siberia. They consist of hard-to-pass territories. It is very cold here.

Great Arctic Reserve

It has a size of 41,692.22 square kilometers. Established in 1993. Within its limits are continental cordons (the channel of the Lower Taimyr, the Middendorf Bay, the Chelyuskin Peninsula). There are isolated areas: Dixon-Sibiryakovsky, Karsky, Pyasinsky (islands), the Nordsheld archipelago. The local landscape is stone moraines, covered with ice and snow on top. This is the coldest protected zone in the country. Local vegetation - mosses, small flowers and mushrooms. Relic fauna - lemmings, wolverines, arctic foxes, ermines and other furs. Large representatives of the mammal world are white and brown bears.

Commander Reserve

It is equal to 36,486.79 square kilometers and occupies the islands of the same name (the largest of them are Bering, Ariy Kamen, Toporkov and Medny). Created in 1993. The main attraction is the extensive nesting sites of rare marine fauna, including the Commander Arctic fox and Canada goose. Of the plants, the sea mullet and several varieties of slippers are listed in the Red Book. From the water bowls - Saranoye Lake (Bering Island). On the same spot is the only settlement of the Commanders - the village of Nikolskoye, next to it - a polar airfield.

Wrangel Island

The area of ​​the eastern piece of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (separated from the mainland) is 22,256.5 hectares. It was declared a protected land in 1976. Its main feature is the low mountains of the Arctic tundra (they occupy 2/3 of its entire territory). Among this rugged terrain, there are 2 varieties of rare flowers, as well as areas of white goose and comb eider, which do not give offspring anywhere else in the world. The same land is called the most prolific nature reserve in Russia - there is a high growth of polar bears. After all, in fact, this is the main "maternity hospital" of voracious giants.

Putoransky Reserve

"Putorana land" covers 18,872.51 square kilometers with its borders. It appeared in the register of federal state protection laws as early as 1988 - on the Putorana Plateau (west of the Central Siberian Plateau, in the vicinity of Khantai Lake). Landscape - mountain-lake-taiga, relict vegetation - "classic" trees of the taiga and arctic forest-tundra. Putorana is the habitat of the largest population of wild reindeer. There is also a bighorn sheep (also listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation).

Taimyr Reserve

Far North Krasnoyarsk Territory, namely the Taimyr Peninsula, has a protected land of 17,819.28 square kilometers. She received her status in 1979. It consists of 4 clusters. Reservoirs - the Taimyr River and Lake Taimyr. Reproducible flora - 222 species of mosses and 265 types of lichens, local fauna - musk ox.

Ust-Lensky Nature Reserve

The GZ at the mouth of the Lena boasts an area of ​​14,330 square kilometers. This biospheric "sanctuary" received its boundaries in 1985. The conversation is about most of the Bulunsky region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which contains the entire Lena delta. The climate here is marine polar, the landscape is exclusively water and tundra. Of the inhabitants of the Red Book, only three plants are found, anseriform and gull sandpipers, a small swan and a pink gull. The village closest to the cordons is the village. Tiksi.

Kronotsky Reserve

The largest nature reserves in Russia are also located on Far East. For example, Kronotsky ("year of birth" - 1934) occupies the tip of the Kamchatka Territory. Its space is 11,476.19 square kilometers. And these are three sites on the peninsula - Kronotsky, Koryaksky and South Kamchatsky. Large water areas are lakes Kurilskoye, Kambalnoye and Kronotskoye, as well as the rivers Levaya Shchepina, Stanichnaya, Kronotskaya, Tyushevka, Anna, Kambalnaya. Of the protected plants, Elman's birch and elfin (cedar and alder) are found. Populations of brown bear and wild reindeer acclimatize here.

The most famous reserves in Russia

The status of "The largest reserves in Russia" does not yet mean that they are the most famous. Other protected areas fall into this category - those that amaze with their beauty or uniqueness, as well as transport accessibility or convenience.

Barguzinsky Reserve

In the first place is the north-eastern coast of Lake Baikal, which has been protected since 1916 - the "pearl of Buryatia" with a size of 374,322 hectares. It is not worth reminding that the guest will find here the cleanest and deepest fresh water in the world, as well as dozens of species of conifers and deciduous forests. One has only to pay attention to our favorite local tracts - the neighborhood of the villages of Davsha and Ust-Barguzin. From here, "tent campers" raft along the picturesque rivers.

Ussuri Nature Reserve

It occupies the second position in the list of "The most famous reserves of Russia" Only the deaf have not heard about the tiger of the same name these days. Personally, President Putin controls the protection of this variety of cats. Maybe, Ussurian tiger will appear even on one of the Russian banknotes! The place of residence of the toothy handsome man is the territory of the Ussuriysk urban district and the Shkotovsky district of Primorsky Krai, protected since 1934. And this reserve has an unforgettably beautiful nature - the southern spurs of the Przhevalsky mountains covered with various forests, the Komarovka River, the tributaries of the Artemovka - all this impresses tourists from the center.

Altai Reserve

The oldest reserve in Russia

One of the repositories of endemic flora and fauna has the title of " oldest reserve Russia". This is the Barguzinsky reserve (included in the register of the most visited). The fact is that on December 29, 1916, the Provisional Government of Russia decided to protect its nature from the encroachments of poachers and miners. Despite the difficult domestic political situation and the troubles on the eve of the New Year, the then leadership found the time and energy to pass the relevant law. It is worth saying that restrictive measures regarding the extermination of some animals also took place in the tsarist era. In 1912, a decree "On restrictive measures in hunting sable" was issued.

The youngest reserve in Russia

With the chronologically first protected recreation in Russia, everything is clear, but what kind of SP, on the contrary, is the youngest reserve in Russia? Its name is the Kologrivsky forest, and its location is the northeast of the Kostroma region. The decision on its status was made by the government relatively recently - in 2006. Almost 58,940 hectares of thickets of taiga (dark coniferous) forests lie near the village of Kologriv - along the Vetluga and Unzha rivers. The purpose of this zone is to preserve the specified plant mass.

The most popular nature reserve in Russia

The most popular nature reserve in Russia is determined by only one parameter - attendance statistics in recent years (regardless of its beauty or amenities). It turned out to be the Kivach nature reserve. The waterfall and the coniferous forest surrounding it in the Republic of Karelia (almost 11,000 hectares in the vicinity of the village of the same name on the Suna River) attract thousands of people. By the way, the channel of the Suna is full of other picturesque tracts. The number of excursions to this location "went off scale" beyond the usual "norms". And it should be noted that the entire Karelian region has become a "tourist Mecca" over the past 4 years.

The wettest reserve in Russia

There is such a thing as "the wettest reserve in Russia" - this is the Caucasian Reserve, or rather, its borderland with the Sochi National Park located to the south. It is here that the place with the highest indicator of humidity and a record amount of precipitation in our country is located. Even without taking into account evaporation and runoff, the gorges surrounding the Achishkho mountain range (which are precisely the dividing lines of the state reserve and the national park) receive almost 3,300 millimeters per year! There is a threat of floods and even avalanches. It's hard to breathe in the heat here. The nearest landmarks are Khmelevsky lakes (Krasnaya Polyana). On Achishkho itself, the hotel "Mountain Olympia" is arranged. Elderly people often lost consciousness here. This state of affairs is explained by a too sharp change in climatic zones (above is the alpine climate zone, and below is the zone of humid subtropics).

The most fertile nature reserve in Russia

Belogorye is the most fertile nature reserve in Russia. Why is that? The local plains (2,131 hectares from the historical regions of the Yamskaya Steppe, Otrasyevy Yars, Bald Mountains and Walls of Izgorye) have an arable layer over 60 centimeters thick. The depth of the fertile stratum directly depends on the depth of the cultural (archaeological) layer. And it is extremely high here - dozens of nationalities lived in this area - numerous Neolithic agrarian tribes, the people of the Srubna culture, Scythians, Alans, Northern Slavs, the population of Turkic states, Mongol-Tatars, Russians. Recreation has been protected since 1999 - nowadays it consists of sections of Borisovsky, Novooskolsky and Gubkinsky districts of the Belgorod region (one of the 5 "main granaries").

The highest nature reserve in Russia

Kabardino-Balkarsky is the highest nature reserve in Russia. No wonder its full name already contains the word "alpine". Its most heavenly "floors" are the peaks of Dykhtau (5204) and Koshtanau (5152). “So Elbrus is still higher!” you say. Yes. But Elbrus is part of the Prielbrusye Natural Park, which is not a protected area (which is clearly visible thanks to hundreds of hotels, shopping centers and sports facilities). The Kabardino-Balkarian Nature Reserve is spread over an area of ​​82,642 hectares. In his tracts lives such rare beast like a jackal, a Caucasian snowcock (it has not been seen here for a long time) and a local variety of a funny animal - a forest raccoon.

The northernmost nature reserve in Russia

The reader will be interested to know that the Great Arctic is the northernmost reserve in Russia. It lies on the borders of the Arctic Circle. Although the Russian Federation also has “more arctic” peninsulas and islands, they do not represent recreational value.

The southernmost reserve in Russia

Dagestansky is the southernmost nature reserve in Russia. In 1987, it was decided to turn into a protected area several heterogeneous biosphere complexes on the border of the Tarumovsky and Buynaksky regions of the republic (the total size of this "variegated" reserve is 19,061 hectares). This is a wintering place for rare migratory birds, including flamingos (they love the local tiny lakes). The Sarykum tract (the largest sand dune in Eurasia near Makhachkala) was also attached here. In addition to the desert, there are multi-colored semi-deserts and bald hills (Kizlyar Bay).

The most western nature reserve in Russia

Deepest into Europe "enters" the Kaliningrad region of Russia. However, it only has natural parks, not reserves. But in second place, as you know, the Pskov region. And on his land there is a GZ. It turns out that Polistovsky is the westernmost nature reserve in Russia. Administratively, it is part of the Bezhanitsky and Loknyansky districts of the region. This refers to the interfluve of the rivers Polist, Khlavitsa and Tsevla, as well as Lake Polisto, which appears in ancient Russian birch bark. The landscape is flooded, marshy. From the trees there are hazel, oak, maple, linden, rare species of pine. The grass is heather. The purpose of this "repository" is to protect the relict lakes of Europe.

The easternmost nature reserve in Russia Wrangel Island. Further lies the dead part of Chukotka. On the same meridian (only to the south) - already the islands of the USA!

The smallest nature reserve in Russia

After the annexation of the Republic of Crimea to Russia, this place replaced Galichya Gora with the "positions" of the smallest reserve in the country. Talk about that very ledge of the Crimean land, where part of the village of Nikita is located, namely, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden and the coast that separates it from the sea. Its area is only 240 hectares, the longest path (taking into account the rugged terrain) is 800 meters. The reserve was created in 1973 by the authorities of the Ukrainian SSR. Its purpose is to preserve a piece of landscape with the ruins of Ruskafil-Kale.

The most unusual nature reserve in Russia

Which of our reserves has received the title of "The most unusual reserve in Russia"? Most tourists, local historians and scientists agreed that this is the Ubsunurovskaya hollow. We are talking about the Russian part of the Russian-Mongolian transboundary object - the lowlands between the Altai mountains and Lake Ubsu-Nur (the reservoir itself already belongs to the MPR). The protected area of ​​the tract is 898,064 hectares. However, in this area of ​​the Republic of Tuva you observe all the landscapes temperate zone Lands: steppe, forest-steppe, wooded foothills, rocky mountains (covered with shrubs), water meadows and semi-desert.

Reserves of Russia. Full list

So, you now know that our vast country has impressive undeveloped lands, which are called state nature reserves Russia. They save recreational potential Eurasia in particular and the entire planet in general. This is a heavily guarded treasure trove. untouched nature divided into 110 sections. About each of them on our resource there will be a separate review. Well, below we list all Russian CAs registered at the moment.

No. p.p. Name Location Area, sq. km.
1 Krasnoyarsk region 41 692,2
2 Kamchatka Krai 36 486,8
3 Chukotka 22 256,5
4 Putoransky Reserve Krasnoyarsk region 18 872,5
5 Krasnoyarsk region 17 819,3
6 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 14 330,0
7 Kamchatka Krai 11 476,2
8 Krasnoyarsk region 9 720,2
9 Tyva Republic 9 251,4
10 Magadan Region 8 838,2
11 Altai Republic 8 812,4
12 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 8 781,7
13 Khabarovsk region 8 599,6
14 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 8 471,0
15 Komi Republic 7 213,2
16 Irkutsk region 6 599,2
17 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra 6 486,6
18 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 6 313,1
19 Irkutsk region 5 858,4
20 Kemerovo region 4 129,0
21 Primorsky Krai 4 014,3
22 Krasnoyarsk region 3 903,7
23 The Republic of Buryatia 3 743,2
24 Khabarovsk region 3 584,0
25 Kamchatka Krai 3 271,6
26 Nenets Autonomous District 3 134,0
27 Tyva Republic 3 003,9
28 Krasnoyarsk region 2 965,6
29 Republic of Adygea,
Karachay-Cherkess Republic,
Krasnodar region
2 800,0
30 Murmansk region 2 784,4
31 The Republic of Khakassia 2 675,7
32 Khabarovsk region 2 673,8
33 Republic of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk region 2 528,0
34 Perm region 2 412,0
35 The Republic of Buryatia 2 380,9
36 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra 2 255,6
37 Amur region 2 111,7
38 Zabaykalsky Krai 2 109,9
39 The Republic of Buryatia 1 657,2
40 Altai Republic 1 500,8
41 black lands Republic of Kalmykia 1 219,0
42 Lazovsky Reserve Primorsky Krai 1 209,9
43 Darwin Reserve Vologodskaya Oblast,
Yaroslavl region
1 126,3
44 Bologna Reserve Khabarovsk region 1 036,0
45 Zeya Reserve Amur region 994,3
46 Khingan Reserve Amur region 970,7
47 Bastak Jewish Autonomous Region 917,7
48 Teberdinsky Reserve Karachay-Cherkess Republic 850,6
49 Kabardino-Balkar Alpine Reserve Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 826,4
50 Denezhkin Stone Sverdlovsk region 781,9
51 Kandalaksha Reserve Republic of Karelia,
Murmansk region
52 Astrakhan region 679,2
53 Kuril Reserve Sakhalin region 653,7
54 Komsomolsky Reserve Khabarovsk region 644,1
55 Far Eastern Marine Reserve Primorsky Krai 643,2
56 Kologrivsky forest Kostroma region 589,4
57 Poronaysky Reserve Sakhalin region 566,9
58 Oksky Reserve Ryazan Oblast 557,3
59 Pinezhsky Reserve Arhangelsk region 518,9
60 Bashkir Reserve Republic of Bashkortostan 496,1
61 Kostomuksha Reserve Republic of Karelia 475,7
62 pillars Krasnoyarsk region 471,5
63 Kerzhensky Reserve Nizhny Novgorod Region 467,9
64 Daursky Reserve Zabaykalsky Krai 457,9
65 Bolshekhekhtsirsky Reserve Khabarovsk region 454,7
66 Crimean Reserve Republic of Crimea 441,8
67 Nizhnesvirsky Reserve Leningrad region 416,2
68 Tigirek Reserve Altai region 406,9
69 Ussuri Nature Reserve Primorsky Krai 404,3
70 Khankai Reserve Primorsky Krai 392,9
71 Polistovsky Reserve Pskov region 379,8
72 Basegi Perm region 379,4
73 Rdeisky Reserve Novgorod region 369,2
74 Visimsky Reserve Sverdlovsk region 335,0
75 Mordovian Reserve The Republic of Mordovia 321,5
76 Voronezh region,
Lipetsk region
77 Chelyabinsk region 303,8
78 North Ossetian Reserve Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 295,4
79 Central Forest Reserve Tver region 244,5
80 Nurgush Kirov region 234,5
81 Zhiguli Nature Reserve Samara Region 231,6
82 Shulgan-Tash Republic of Bashkortostan 225,3
83 Orenburg Reserve Orenburg region 216,5
84 Big Kokshaga Mari El Republic 214,1
85 Dagestan Reserve The Republic of Dagestan 190,6
86 Kaluga notches Kaluga region 185,3
87 Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky Nature Reserve Astrakhan region 184,8
88 Kedrovaya Pad Primorsky Krai 179,0
89 Pasvik Murmansk region 166,4
90 East Ural Reserve Chelyabinsk region 166,2
91 Khopersky Reserve Voronezh region 161,8
92 Yalta mountain forest reserve Republic of Crimea 145,2
93 bryansk forest Bryansk region 121,9
94 Kivach Republic of Karelia 108,8
95 Voroninsky Reserve Tambov Region 103,2
96 Volzhsko-Kama Reserve Republic of Tatarstan 100,9
97 Utrish Krasnodar region 100,1
98 Rostov Reserve Rostov region 95,3
99 Prisursky Reserve Chuvash Republic 91,5
100 Volga forest-steppe Penza region, Ulyanovsk region 83,7
101 Shaitan-Tau Orenburg region 67,3
102 Erzi The Republic of Ingushetia 59,7
103 Central Black Earth Reserve Kursk region 52,9
104 Galichya Mountain Lipetsk region 49,6
105 Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve Moscow region 49,5
106 Karadag Reserve Republic of Crimea 28,6
107 Belogorye Belgorod region 21,3
108 Opuk Nature Reserve Republic of Crimea 15,9
109 Kazantip Reserve Republic of Crimea 4,5
110 Cape Martyan Republic of Crimea 2,4

Russia is famous for the size of its vast territory. But few people realize that on the territory of this great country, there are many beautiful places. We bring to your attention the 12 best reserves in Russia.

These are truly breathtaking places that everyone should know about! Who would have thought that there is such beauty at hand!

1. Baikal Reserve

Around the deepest lake on our planet, Lake Baikal - one of the largest sources of fresh water in the world - is one of the best nature reserves in Russia. The main part of the protected area is located on the southern coast of the lake in the central part of the Khamar-Daban ridge. Coniferous and deciduous forests grow around, which are home to more than 300 species of animals and 80 species of plants, about 25 of which are listed in the Red Book. Black grayling, lenok, burbot and taimen are found in the rivers of the Baikal Reserve. You can even catch them (without abusing, of course), which is what tourists and the local population do. If you have never tried fresh grayling, then I assure you, you should correct this omission.

Those who have been to the Baikal Reserve at least once talk about its amazing effect on the state of mind. If you walk along tourist routes (and the reserve is open to visitors, you can safely walk here with a backpack for whole weeks), then spirituality and tranquility penetrate your soul, and you return to the usual city bustle as a completely different person. If you don’t like outdoor activities, then you can simply stay in one of the tourist campsites on the lake shore: the prices there are very democratic, and locals and the owners of "tourist villages" are friendly and welcoming.

2. Barguzinsky Reserve

The oldest and best nature reserve in Russia. It was organized in 1916 to save the sable from destruction. The reserve is located on the northeastern coast of Lake Baikal, occupying the western slopes of the Barguzinsky Range (Severobaikalsky district of the Republic of Buryatia). The territory of the Barguzinsky Reserve covers more than 374 thousand hectares. Of these, 15 thousand belong to the waters of the famous Lake Baikal. The reserve is located on the surface of the Barguzinsky Range and has on its territory many rivers, lakes, bays, capes. The most famous lakes on the territory of the Barguzinsky Reserve are Losinoye and Karasevoye lakes. However most attention and admiration is drawn to Lake Baikal, part of which is the territory of the reserve.

Animals in the reserve are predominantly forest, but there are also many species that live in mountainous and coastal areas. A huge population of sables, squirrels, chipmunks, wood mice, weasels, hares, wolverines lives on the territory of the reserve.

In 1986, the Barguzinsky Reserve was given the status of a biosphere reserve, and in 1996 it was included in natural object"Lake Baikal" is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

3. Kuznetsk Alatau

The best reserve in Russia Kuznetsk Alatau is located in the south of Central Siberia. This is an amazing place with a unique ecosystem. surrounded high mountains In the valley there is a virgin coniferous forest, where thick-set cedars grow, crystal-clear mountain rivers with ice water, and glaciers and underground groundwater feed huge deep lakes.
The reserve is extremely popular with local tourists: both in winter and in summer, you can meet whole groups of people with heavy backpacks on their backs. The routes in this tourist area are not difficult, there are convenient well-trodden paths and shelters - houses where you can stay if you do not like to spend the night in a tent. As a rule, the distance between them takes one day's march or less.

True, everything is easy only until you cross the Karatashsky pass and get to the very interesting place reserve - Golden Valley. Part of the valley is well studied, but there are much more wild places where no one goes except for roe deer and bears. True, getting lost is unrealistic: having a map, along the rivers you can go to human habitation, the aforementioned shelters. Being in the valley, you need to look at the beautiful Lake Haratas. It is fed by huge waterfalls descending from high mountains, and real trout are found in the waters.

4. Altai Reserve

The territory of the Altai Reserve is included in the list of the World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO named "Golden Mountains of Altai", and this is one of the largest Russian reserves. It is surrounded on almost all sides by high mountains, and from the south it is adjoined by the huge Teletskoye Lake. It is noteworthy that there is not a single road in the entire territory of the natural zone. However, this fact makes it even more attractive for tourists.

The main part of the territory of the reserve is occupied by wild forest, where you can meet only rare trails laid by foresters. There are also 1190 lakes here - all with cold, purest water.

Nearby is the highest peak Altai mountains and Siberia - Belukha, where you can't climb without special equipment and good training. In general, the average height of the mountains is about 2,000 m above sea level, which is not so high: anyone can climb the pass. Wandering in the mountains is the most interesting thing: you can see landscapes of extraordinary beauty, and if you're lucky, you can see an extremely rare and noble animal listed in the Red Book of Russia - the snow leopard.

5. Pillars

Another best nature reserve in Russia "Stolby" is a truly unique phenomenon. It includes part of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. The main attraction of the area are amazing syenite remnants - the so-called "pillars". Some rocks are open to tourists, and some are located in the very depths of the reserve, and access to them is limited in order to preserve the integrity of the unique natural phenomenon and a special ecosystem peculiar only to these places.

These rocks were the cause of the so-called "stolbism". People often come here and climb the rocks in an informal setting, sometimes even without insurance. In general, from the point of view of mountaineering, poles are not the most difficult objects, so in most cases an ordinary rope is used as insurance. The goal is to climb to the very top of one or another pillar.

As in most Russian reserves, most of the territory of the "Pillars" is occupied by forests, here - fir. By the way, part of the reserve almost closely adjoins Krasnoyarsk, and there is an excellent ski resort here.

6. Kronotsky Nature Reserve

Kronotsky Nature Reserve is one of the oldest protected natural areas in Russia. It is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula and is adjacent to Pacific Ocean. It is here that the famous active volcano Kronotskaya Sopka, many waterfalls, the Valley of Geysers and thermal lakes are located.

About the Valley of Geysers is a special conversation. Let's start with the fact that it is included in the official list of the Seven Wonders of Russia. This is the only place on the continent of Eurasia where there are geyser fields, and this area is many times larger than the famous geyser fields of Iceland. The ecosystem of the reserve is extremely fragile and vulnerable to external influences. It is strictly forbidden to burn fires on the territory of the reserve. Despite the difficult conditions, the Valley of Geysers is a popular tourist destination. In 2007, they tried to limit access to it almost at the legislative level, but Vladimir Putin said: "This decision should be based solely on the opinion of experts." So the entrance to the valley is still free.

In general, the view of the smoking plains opening from the mountains is a breathtaking sight that, having seen once, you will never forget. In addition, the largest population of brown bears in Russia lives here: according to the latest data, there are about 700 individuals of this species. But since there is no mining on the peninsula, and, consequently, a person practically does not interfere in the natural natural edge, then extinction is not yet threatened by bears.

7. Caucasian Reserve

The Caucasus Reserve is also one of the best reserves in Russia. It is mostly mountainous area. It is located on the northern and southern slopes of the Western Caucasus and is also included in the list of UNESCO World Natural Heritage Sites. The Caucasian Reserve is a site untouched by man, which allows rare bison and aurochs to live and breed comfortably.

By the way, not far from it is the famous city of Sochi, and the rivers originating in the mountains Caucasian Reserve, supply Sochi resorts with water, and numerous forests provide fresh air.
The territory of the reserve includes the Caucasus Mountains. It is here that the five-thousander mountains Elbrus and Kazbek are located, from the slopes of which the snow never melts. By the way, Elbrus is the highest point in Europe, and climbers from all over the world go to conquer it. By the way, even for an experienced climber, Elbrus is not the easiest route.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the fabulously beautiful lake Kezenoyam. Its waters are bright blue in sunny weather, and this is the deepest and most big lake North Caucasus. The lake is inhabited by a species of fish that is not found anywhere else in the world - the Eizenam trout. Currently, a hotel complex is being built on the shore of the lake.

8. Great Arctic Reserve

There are vast arctic deserts and arctic tundra. Most of the year in this area, immediately adjacent to the Arctic Circle, there is snow, which melts only in summer for a short time. Bolshoy Arktichesky is the largest nature reserve in Eurasia and a home for polar bears.

Unlike other reserves, there are also industrial sites here: for example, oil is extracted in some places. Coastline The reserve is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

9. Sayano-Shushensky Reserve

In one of the best nature reserves in Russia, there are the largest cedar forests in terms of area (about 1000 km²). The main relief is mountains and mountain valleys, with some peaks reaching a height of almost 3,000 km above sea level. About 100 species of rare or endangered animals live in this reserve. For example, it is here that the largest population of snow leopards in the world lives. True, according to some reports, the situation with snow leopards is critical: according to the deputy director for scientific work Sayano-Shushensky biosphere reserve Sergei Istomov, there are no more than ten wild leopards left here, and not at all dozens, as stated in official documents.

Unfortunately, in 1975 a reservoir was opened in these places. The Yenisei River was blocked, and as a result, extensive land flooding occurred. Then everything that lived on a narrow coastal strip disappeared. Fortunately, after about five years the situation returned to normal, but some species of animals could not adapt to the new conditions and left these places.

Of course, where there are mountains, there are tourists. True, hiking and mountaineering are predominantly developed here, and there are practically no hotel complexes.

10. Vasyugan swamps

AT Western Siberia, between the Irtysh and Ob rivers, there are some of the largest swamps in the world. It is one of the main sources of fresh water for the region. Tourists rarely visit these places: few people risk wandering through the vast expanses flooded with water, although in most places the swamps are not deep. Of course, rare species of birds and animals live in these wild places.

However, those who wish can walk through the swamps for many days in a row: in the middle of endless water fields there are completely dry islands overgrown with forests. But for kindling a fire, you get a huge fine: such human intervention causes considerable damage to the ecosystem of these places.

Unfortunately, the preservation of the reserve is under threat, since swamps are not only fresh water and a rich wildlife, as well as reserves of peat, oil and natural gas. So far, no industrial developments have been carried out in this area, but the development of minerals may begin in the coming years. From this point of view, the nearby Baikonur Cosmodrome is no less harmful, since substances from launch vehicles fall into the water.

11. Olekminskiy reserve

Wonderful place Olekminsky reserve is located in the Republic of Sakha. It was founded in 1984 and is the only natural reserve in Yakutia.

Most of the territory of one of the best nature reserves in Russia is occupied by forests. These are mainly deciduous and birch forests, pine and spruce forests are less common. Birch forests consist of grass birch and lingonberry-forb. A feature of birch forests in the Olekminsky Reserve is their distribution in small areas in floodplains. In addition to forests in river valleys, you can find small groups of shrub birches, which are called dwarf birches. In the valleys of the Olekma River, groves of Chosenia and fragrant poplar also grow.

The Olekminsky Reserve is inhabited by both taiga birds - hawk owl, hazel grouse, upland owl, bearded owl, black and three-toed woodpeckers, as well as East Siberian birds - capercaillie, Siberian flycatcher, rubythroat nightingale, rock duck, Siberian thrush and many others. Recently, on the territory of the Olekminsky Reserve, southern species of birds have also been seen - black swift, lapwing, chaffinch and quail, which previously could not be found in Yakutia. The jay, black crane, black stork and peregrine falcon of the reserve are listed in the Red Book. Starling, dipper, jay, kingfisher, crested honey buzzard, whooper swan, gray crane are listed in the Red Book of Yakutia.

Almost the entire territory of the reserve is inhabited by Brown bear. A high number of wolves has also been noted, which has increased markedly over the past 10 years.

The most protected species of mammals living in the Olekminsky Reserve are musk deer, otter, fox, reindeer, wolverine, brown bear, lynx and sable.

12. Far Eastern Marine Reserve

The purpose of creating this reserve was to preserve rare species of marine and coastal animals and plants. It is forbidden for a person to enter some territories, but what remains for tourists is quite enough. True, fishing and hunting are completely prohibited here, so you will have to be content solely with admiring the beauties of nature. And there is something to admire. The visitor will see the untouched clear sea with narrow grassy beaches, low deciduous forests.

In warm sea ​​waters even tropical sharks and sea snakes live. In general, the animal world, both under water and on the surface, is extremely diverse, but most of the animals, unfortunately, are also endangered.

In the northern region of the reserve there is a hotel where you can relax on the seashore with amenities, albeit without frills.

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