Mud volcanoes of Taman. Tizdar Mud Volcano Bathing in the Volcano

Tourism and rest 27.06.2020
Tourism and rest

BAKU, June 6 - Sputnik, Zarina Orujaliyeva. in Azerbaijan with bathing season swimming season opens in mud volcanoes. According to Sputnik Azerbaijan, today the only permitted area where people can plunge directly into the mouth of a mud volcano is the Dashgil place in the Garadagh district of Baku.

Every summer, hundreds of people come here to smear themselves with mud coming straight from the bowels of the earth, hoping for its healing properties. And having wallowed in the mud, people go to swim in the sea, located quite close.

However, the question involuntarily arises - is it so safe to be in the crater of a volcano, even if it is dormant. To this question, Doctor of Science of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics National Academy Sciences of Azerbaijan Adil Aliyev gave an unequivocal answer.

According to him, the Dashgil volcanoes are completely safe, and the mud has healing properties. However, he did not specify which medicinal properties in question, noting that the volcano is dormant and has no erupting features.

But, having not received an exhaustive answer, the editors turned to another specialist. A representative of the institute, who wished to remain anonymous, explained that there are currently 365 mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan. Of these, 200 are on land. Most volcanoes are active. And only 43 volcanoes are directly under the protection of the Ministry of Ecology and natural resources AR. For security reasons, people are not allowed there. However, the Dashgil volcanoes are not protected by the ministry and therefore people come there, including tourists. The absence of a barbed fence does not mean that volcanoes are safe.

They can come alive at any moment. And still no one can give accurate seismic forecasts, the source says. Therefore, it is impossible to categorically insist that volcanoes will no longer erupt.

"Blindly climbing into a mud volcano and taking a bath there is a mistake. First of all, because no one has studied the composition of the mud. In addition, you can fall into the crater of the volcano, after which no one can find a person. Thirdly, this is inappropriate, because no one knows whether being in a volcano will be beneficial for human health," the expert said.

In addition, the source noted that no one can know the width of the cracks inside the volcanoes, where the mud erupts. Therefore, people risk their lives being inside them.

For this reason, in order not to expose human lives senseless risks, the source suggested transferring all volcanoes in Azerbaijan to the supervision of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Taman Peninsula - unique place. There are three dozen mud volcanoes, as well as many lakes and estuaries with healing silt mud. According to legend, it was in the region of the Taman Peninsula that the entrance to the mythical underground kingdom of the dead was located. Two thousand years ago, the Greeks had every reason to consider this place hellish: the Taman Peninsula was an archipelago, while powerful streams of mud regularly erupted from the bottom of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. In a week you can visit all the most unusual and picturesque volcanoes and mud lakes of Taman. It is not only educational, but also extremely beneficial for health.

About roads in Anapa and on the Taman Peninsula

The roads in Kuban are good. But volcanoes, as a rule, are located at some distance from the tracks, and you can only get to them by dirt roads. Not every car can withstand this adventure - a lot depends on the weather. But it remains possible to drive as close as possible, and walk the rest of the way, usually no more than 3-5 kilometers.

Who are useful and contraindicated "healing" mud

Volcanic and silty hydrogen sulfide muds from the bottom of lakes are extremely useful both for cosmetic and therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. They are recommended for inflammatory, skin diseases, problems with the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system.

Applications and mud baths are categorically not recommended for heart patients and hypertensive patients. Those suffering from serious chronic diseases should also consult a doctor.

The general rule is this: for the first time, a mud bath should be taken no more than 10 minutes, in subsequent times - no more than 15 minutes.

About swimming in mud volcanoes

The feeling of diving into the mouth of a volcano is extremely pleasant: the body becomes weightless. Swimming in the usual sense will not work, but it is also impossible to drown: the mud is too dense. Although sometimes it becomes scary that it is impossible to understand what is the depth of the crater: maybe if you dive properly, you will actually get into Tartarus ... The mud has antibacterial properties and is regularly updated, so swimming is safe from a hygiene point of view. The territory of most volcanoes is not landscaped. This has its advantages: visiting is free, while you can admire the pristine beauty in the absence of tourists. But there are also disadvantages: to take a mud bath, you need to stock up on canisters of water - otherwise there is nowhere to wash off the dirt.

Types of healing mud

Composition and appearance hill and silt mud is different. Volcanic mud has a gray-bluish color and almost no smell. Silt mud contains hydrogen sulfide, so it is easy to recognize by its smell. In addition, it has a rich black color and an oily texture, it is more difficult to wash it off the body. Both that and other dirt bring benefits. At the same time, it is silt mud that is used in the sanatoriums of Anapa and other resorts.

1 day. Volcanoes of the Crimean region

Approximately 90 kilometers from Anapa, near the village of Fadeevo (route R-252), there is one of the largest volcanoes in the Kuban crater area - Shugo. A small recreation area is equipped here: there is a cafe, toilets and showers. At the same time, you have to pay for the excursion and the opportunity to swim in the volcano.

30 kilometers (actually much closer, but you can’t drive straight) under the village of Gladkovskaya there is another volcano - Gladkovskiye Sopki. You can swim here absolutely free of charge if you bring canisters of water with you. Otherwise, you can just look at the monument: this is a rare volcano-geyser for Taman - mud from the hills passes through the aquifers.

If you have time and energy, you can visit Memorial Hill of Heroes or relax on the beach Novokrymskoe lake or wineries Lefkadia" and " Chateau le Grand East". On the territory of wineries there are also hotels where you can stay. Or you can go directly to Temryuk and rent a room at a local hotel.

Day 2 Volcano Hephaestus and sights of Temryuk

Temryuk is the capital of Taman. This is a small town, in the center of which it is pleasant to walk. The main square runs flat dancing fountain, there is a picturesque park nearby.

Definitely worth a visit Museum "Military Hill" is an exposition military equipment, which is located on the slopes of the extinct mud volcano Miska.

Temryuk is also home to Rotten Mountain volcano. A recreational zone was created around it, which was given a more noble name - Hephaestus volcano. This is the largest Taman volcano in terms of crater area, its diameter reaches 500 meters.

Day 3 Stanitsa Golubitskaya and the Poseidon complex

For those who want to see more, we offer a march to Anapa - it's about 90 kilometers. There are several mineral springs here, including pump room on Pionersky avenue with hydrogen sulfide water and pump room on the High Bank with Anapa and Semigorsk healing waters. True, you can take healing baths only in sanatoriums.

In the tour program to the famous Greek volcano Santorini, many boat trips include bathing in hot springs, so I decided to tell you what it really is.

We will swim in this opaque warm water of dark yellow or light brown. But you still have to swim here on your own.
So, in order.

A few minutes after the excursion to the volcano, they begin to warn you through a loudspeaker that, of course, it will now be possible to swim to the hot springs. But only if you are very good at swimming.
This is not a joke: you need to swim through the still cold water in April about 100 meters across the sea to warm water, and then back.
So, if you don’t know how to swim or are not confident in yourself, then it’s better not to take risks and not interfere with others’ rest: people didn’t pay money to save other people’s drowning people, because on excursions everyone is on their own or in their own company.
Although, who knows, maybe save a drowning man for someone and additional entertainment or the opportunity to show off in front of a girl.

After a warning from such a boat, this is a neighboring one, tourists from which they just climb, lower the ladder and you go down it or just jump into the water from the side. I jumped, as did several young people, so as not to wait in line and because I like to jump into the water, but I don’t know if this is allowed or not.

Your things remain on the ship, many worry about this, but in vain: this is a ship, so check your wallet and credit cards after swimming and that's it.

I took my mask and snorkel in vain, I can’t see anything underwater, of course, but I swim faster that way. But she put on her bathing slippers very correctly, because the bottom is rocky, when, having swum, you get up.

And I correctly grabbed a waterproof camera, here I am, sitting and some booth painted with graffiti on the shore. I asked the guys to take a picture of me as a keepsake.

Volcanic springs may be hot, but I didn’t find exactly where they are located: the water is warm along the entire coast, but nothing more.

The water is of such a strange color because it has a lot of iron, but they say it is healthy.

After swimming, you can change clothes in the toilet of the boat. It is better to do this, because the wind and you can catch a cold until you swim to the island of Terasia, where you can also swim, like me.
I myself always go on sea excursions in a swimsuit in the form of a T-shirt and a skirt, and in my backpack I carry another exactly the same one, and I also take a jacket, of course, which can be folded into a small bundle.

And then I saw on this excursion a languid beauty in jewelry and a vest with a fur trim, she did not swim, of course.

Many tourists complain: but we were not warned when we bought a tour that we also need to swim there, to these sources. Well, I'm warning you.
What's the fun in jumping from a ship and swimming through cold water into warm water and back again?

Yes, it's funny to swim in the mouth of the Santorini volcano with golden water, still warm after an explosion 4.5 thousand years ago, and that's all. At the same time, you can think: wow, this volcano destroyed the Minoan civilization, and now I am swimming in it, it’s like it happens in life. And you can just swim once again.
Few tourists swim from all over the boat, but in vain: I highly recommend it!

The south is not Kamchatka, there are no volcanoes here, and sometimes you want to see them with your own eyes. But since it’s impossible to look at real volcanoes with red-hot lava, it makes sense to at least get acquainted with mud volcanoes. mud volcanoes are located on the Taman Peninsula, which is located on the very edge of Russia, between the Black and Azov Seas. Their advantage is that you can not only look, but also climb inside the vent. It is safe, and many tourists claim that it is even useful.

What do you feel inside the volcano?

When, already ready, in a bathing suit, you approach the edge of the vent, you involuntarily stop and think. Is it worth it to go there? In appearance, the mud is very viscous, like a quagmire. What if you get sucked in and you can't get out? On cultivated volcanoes, this fear is not felt so clearly, because ladders lead inside the volcano, which you can hold on to, if not let go at all. But when you are going to swim in a wild volcano, where there are no handrails, doubts begin to torment you about whether you can get back.

So what's inside the volcano? Even on the hottest summer day cold to the touch. And the deeper, the colder. The most frightening fact is that there is no bottom in the volcano. No matter how much you try to grope it with your toes, yeah even dive in search of the bottom, it is not there. Scary? Still would! Do you want something even scarier? Sometimes there are volcanic eruptions! Not so often, but it happens, so the plot is quite possible: the eruption will begin just at the moment when you take a bath.

Although the volcano is bottomless, it is difficult to drown in it: the dirt is dense and pushes a person out by itself to the surface. Also, it is not as silky to the touch as a cosmetic mask from the store. The consistency of the mud is heterogeneous, some kind of twigs, or algae, or it’s scary to think what constantly come across under the arm.

In short, you need to swim in the volcano according to the principle: and want and prick. And disgusting, and, like, in this life you need to try everything. Happy swimming!

Photo from the official website

The most recognizable volcano. Oh, how many rumors go around him! The most important, of course, is that the volcano is not real, they say, it is the entrepreneurs who specially dug a hole in a convenient place on the sea coast, and under the cover of night they bring mud from real volcanoes here. The idea is interesting, but if it were really implemented, the Tizdar volcano would look completely different. If you swim in a wild, uncultivated volcano (in the same volcano on Cape Pekla), you will understand that Tizdar is no different.

Tizdar is an active volcano recognized by scientists today. They have explored the mud volcanoes of the Sea of ​​Azov more than once, but Tizdar is the most studied. According to scientists, it is fed with mud through the central shaft from the depths of the volcano, the mouth of which descends into the bowels of the Cimmerian rocks, which occur at a depth of 40 to 300 m.

Swimmers don't drown just because the specific gravity of the mud is high enough to hold them at the level of an adult's chest. Diving into the mud is not only good for the body, but also a very fun activity. You try to swim, but you feel like a frog in sour cream and flounder in one place. It's impossible to drown. It is not recommended to stay in the crater for more than 15 minutes.

45.356488 , 37.098083 This is the real Las Vegas of the Taman Peninsula! Volcano Tizdar is the most comfortable and convenient volcano for tourists on the Taman Peninsula. Volcano Tizdar: description. (Calculate route)

Volcano Shugo

This mud volcano is not located on the Taman Peninsula itself, but a little further away, next to the village of Varenikovskaya. This is not just a volcano, but a real mud park: slides and pools with black ooze.

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Volcano Shugo 45.070437 , 37.611244 The mud volcano Shugo is one of the largest volcanoes on the Taman Peninsula. Volcano components are gases (mainly methane) and mud masses. Volcano Shugo: description. (Calculate route)

Volcano Hephaestus

One of the largest active volcanoes on the Taman Peninsula, there are several "vents" in each of which you can swim. The mud is viscous and cold to the touch. They say that this is a good mask for the skin, but it is not recommended to stay in a volcano for a long time. There is also a reservoir where you can wash off the dirt, as well as showers and toilets.

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Rotten Mountain (Hephaestus Volcano)

Perhaps the largest volcano on the Taman Peninsula, which is also located on the outskirts of the city, and not somewhere in the field, like most other volcanoes. Hephaestus volcano on the Rotten Mountain in the city of Temryuk has been mastered for quite a long time.

Rotten Mountain (Hephaestus Volcano) 45.251697 , 37.435560 Perhaps the largest volcano on the Taman Peninsula, which is also located on the outskirts of the city, and not somewhere in the field, like most other volcanoes. Hephaestus volcano on the Rotten Mountain in the city of Temryuk has been mastered for quite a long time. Rotten mountain: description. (Calculate route)

Another name for the volcano is. It is located in the regional center, right on the outskirts of the city of Temryuk.

Or Akhtanizovskaya blevaka. Such a dissonant name was given to the volcano by the Cossacks, who lived on Taman in the neighborhood of volcanoes. There is a mud hill on the outskirts of the village of Akhtanizovskaya. You can almost drive up to the mouth of the volcano by car.

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45.220252 , 36.694127 Now Akhtanizovskaya Sopka does not show much activity and its main mouth has turned into a dry area. But on the slopes of the mountain, new salses are constantly formed, from which dirt flows. Akhtanizovskaya Sopka: description. (Calculate route)

Climbing to the top of the volcano

Akhtanizovskaya Blevaka is a wild volcano, so visiting and swimming in it is free. Well, swimming ... There is no such vent with mud as on the volcano Tizdar or Shugo. Akhtanizovskaya Sopka is a high hill, from the top of which dirt is slowly released. Some come here to collect dirt in bottles and cans. If you decide to get dirty on the spot, then keep in mind that there is nowhere to wash off the dirt - there are no reservoirs and showers.

The best wild volcano. It is in no way inferior to the ennobled Tizdar, Shugo and Hephaestus - here you can also plunge into the mud, and then wash it off in the Sea of ​​Azov. The only negative is that there is a lot of garbage around.

Cape Pekla - very beautiful place near the village of Kuchugury. You can even get to the volcano, which is located on the cape, by car, but there is no paved road here, it runs right through the field.

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45.430744 , 36.923676 The volcano at Cape Pekly is a lake with a diameter of up to 10 meters. Unlike cultivated volcanoes, such as Tizdar and Hephaestus, this wild. Volcano at Cape Pekla: description. (Calculate route)

Mount Shapurskaya

This volcano is not as active as those described above, on the top of Mount Shapurskaya there is only a small puddle of mud. The mountain is located on the outskirts of the village of Sennoy.

. Thus, according to 1998 data, 17 volcanoes continue to live and are active in one form or another.

Here is how an eyewitness describes the eruption of the most active volcano of its time, Mount Rotten, located on the outskirts of Temryuk: “It was at night, in October 1978. Before the eruption, sheep bleated, dogs barked. There was an underground rumble, and the surface of the earth trembled. Then the crater exploded, threw out blocks of earth, stones, and began to pour out mud. The bowl of the crater with an area of ​​​​more than a square kilometer and a depth of 5-6 meters was filled with a liquid mass within a few hours, which began to flow down the slopes of the mountain in tongues ... "

No less impressive was the eruption of the Karabetka volcano. in June 1985. : “... in the pre-sunset time on August 19, 1984, the population of the village of Taman was seriously alarmed by the behavior of a restless neighbor, the shepherds of sheep flocks were especially worried. At first, something rumbled inside Karabetka, so much so that cold sweat covered the skin, and everyone was seized with an incomprehensible anxiety. Underground sounds drew the attention of the observers to the colossus of the volcano, and everyone followed the development of events. In a matter of minutes, a flame shot up over the volcano and, at the same time, there was a roar of deafening force, very similar to the firing of a large-caliber artillery device. Columns of flame shot up and went out, and the volcano threw out huge stones for considerable distances. This went on for over an hour. Simultaneously with this there was an outpouring of a solution of clay breccia and small stones; release of gases. Such emissions, increasing in intensity, were repeated several times. Against the backdrop of the evening sky, flashes were especially noticeable. Chaos was not only on the volcano. The long stay of Karabetka in a "lethargic dream" set people up in a carefree way, and then the administration was alarmed. Yes, and many did not go to bed and tried not to use electricity. They called, of course, Temryuk and prepared for the evacuation. But closer to midnight it seemed that everything calmed down, the activity of the eruption diminished, but the eruption of the mud-stone stream continued for several more days, gradually fading ... "

But my husband, who had already visited some of the Taman volcanoes, convinced me that for the first visit it was better to choose the most comfortable mud volcano "Tizdar". There are also platforms and ladders, and it is convenient to get in and out by yourself, and it is easier to bathe the child.

Many people go to mud volcanoes to improve their health, because they have a number of healing properties. Diving into the mud of the Tizdar volcano helps with a number of diseases:

Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems;

Metabolic disorders;

Diseases of the peripheral blood vessels.

But there are also contraindications.

Heart disease, malignant and benign tumors, pregnancy early dates and others

We did not go for the purpose of treatment, but just for fun, it is always interesting to try something new. Yes, and the son, having seen enough cartoons where the characters wallow in the mud (not at all curative), also wanted to imitate them.

We got to the volcano by car using the navigator. We drove from Anapa about 1.5 hours. The road is good, asphalt everywhere.

It would be possible to go with one of the excursions that are offered in Anapa at every step, but I absolutely did not want to depend on other people. And when the next excursion group arrives, too many people simultaneously plunge into the bowl of the volcano.

The volcano is located on the territory of the tourist complex "Tizdar":

Entrance to the tourist complex "Tizdar"

Entrance (entrance) to the territory is paid, the cost is

700 rub. per person*

* Price 2017.

I didn’t have to pay for a four-year-old son (children under 5 are free, they don’t ask for a birth certificate). We were not given any receipts, tickets or other documents confirming payment, only an advertisement with a list of services included in this price.

The cost of entry and entry to the "island of health" includes:

  • stay in the territory;
  • use of the parking lot;
  • visiting the zoo corner "Ark" (ostriches, wolves, peacocks, various types of birds and ornamental animals);
  • gazebos for relaxation;
  • playground;
  • travel by train "Merry Rainbow" along the route Embankment - Living Corner;
  • use of lockers, showers, toilets;

Working mode:

May-September (seasonal) from 09.00 to 20.00, without breaks and days off

The car can be parked near the entrance. A little further there is another parking lot, but it is only for those staying at the hotel on the territory of the complex.

Directly opposite the parking lot, across the road is a volcano. It is fenced on all sides, you can go down to its crater filled with mud (blue clay) only by one staircase, another one is provided for climbing. The guard at the entrance strictly monitors that the stairs are not confused.

Things can be hung under the mushroom canopies at the entrance. It is better to leave everything valuable in a storage room, it is located a little further from the volcano. In the storage room, a plastic bracelet with a number is put on the hand, you can safely swim with it. Upon receipt of things, the bracelet is cut off.

Around the thicket of the volcano, a wooden platform was made with several ladders going down. There are rubber mats on the platform, but they are all smeared with mud, as are the railings around the crater. You have to go down carefully. In general, until you yourself get smeared in the mud, it's not difficult. Much harder to go out, slippery is not realistic. Nobody cares about cleanliness.

When descending to the volcano, the smell of hydrogen sulfide is clearly felt, it is moderate, but it will stay with you for a long time, it is simply absorbed into the skin.

It is convenient to go down the stairs directly into the mud, the steps go far down, that is, when they end, you will completely immerse yourself in dark gray mud. Mud is much denser than water, so it pushes the body more strongly, falling down into a bottomless bowl (they say its depth is 25 meters) will not work. The lack of bottom did not bother me at all.

It seemed to me that it was not difficult to maintain balance, turning over, but some other visitors (elderly, overweight) found it difficult. Swimming is a little more difficult, but there is nowhere special, you just need to move a little from the stairs so as not to interfere with other bathers. It is better not to make sudden movements, otherwise everyone around will be splashed.

The consistency of the mud resembles liquid sour cream, it is heterogeneous, small relatively hard lumps come across. Sometimes it seemed to me that my feet touched the algae, but these are also particles of dirt.

Temperature in different parts crater is different. At the edges of the mud is heated by the sun and very warm. In the center, where the volcano spews new portions of healing manure, it is colder.

It gurgles and bubbles not much, a very small column of dirt rises above the surface and diverges in circles. Mud masses rising from below, from the mouth of the volcano, are very cold.

The constant gurgling of the volcano demonstrates its naturalness, although it is possible that it can be faked. I have read more than once that the volcano has gone out, and the dirt is brought in from outside. But how true this is, we are unlikely to know.

According to official information:

Active activity of the volcano "Tizdar" has been going on since the Miocene epoch, i.e. at least 10 million years. The muds are renewable, the daily flow rate of fresh outpourings is 2.5 m3 per day.

According to scientists, it is fed with mud through the central shaft from the depths of the volcano, the mouth of which descends into the bowels of the Cimmerian rocks, which occur at a depth of 40 to 300 m.

I was inside for 15 minutes. At first it was interesting, the sensations were unusual, but quickly got bored. In addition, my husband and I took turns swimming in order to be able to take a photo. You can’t get inside with a phone or camera, there is a high probability of dropping it and 100% getting it dirty.

The child was brought to the crater by my husband when I was already bathing. The son, who most wanted to go to the volcano, categorically refused to swim in the mud. It was enough for him to go into her knee-deep. I think it's the bad smell. With difficulty, we persuaded the son to go to the father in his arms, and thus dipped the child to the waist, causing crying and demands to immediately return to the shore. The husband tried to turn around to face the stairs, but with a child in his arms, it was not easy to maintain balance. A fountain of spray, and our faces and hair are splattered with mud. In my opinion, it’s better not to get your hair dirty, then it will be difficult to wash it off, and it’s not very pleasant to be in the wind with a wet head, and the winds there are strong.

By the way, not only my son did not want to swim in the mud, other kids also cried, but older children were more interested.

We slipped on the platform and climbed up, we went to wash our hands. Near the exit there are several taps, adapted only for washing hands, it is offered to completely wash off the dirt from oneself in the sea. It is very close, you need to walk a little and go down the stairs to the beach.

My son and I never went to the sea, leaving to wait for my husband, who did not have time to swim. In those few minutes we were completely chilled in the wind. The body, completely covered with wet mud, was very cold. We ran to the sea.

But how warm it seemed sea ​​water. Just hot! It was one of the most enjoyable swims of the entire holiday. In sea waves, the mud easily leaves the body, but still remains in the folds of the swimsuit. Of course, it is better to take an old or dark swimsuit with you, as it will get dirty even more than the body. On me it was half light, nothing, after several washes it was completely washed off.

We were on a rather warm sunny day and still froze, I can’t imagine what will happen if you come to Tizdar in cooler weather.

Next, we climbed the stairs up to the showers to finish washing (there is also sea water and also warm, it heats up in the sun). Showers are divided into male and female, there are many booths, but they all have no doors.

There is a toilet next to the showers, outwardly it seems to be quite clean, you can wash your hands with soap, but the smell is worth it...

After washing and changing clothes, we went to the living corner "Ark".

It is a small zoo. All animals sit in small cages, open-air cages, you can’t touch anything. Immediately upon entering, you can feel the smell, but not of volcanic mud, but of animals. At the entrance, guests are greeted by a large figure of Shrek. Everyone takes pictures with her, but my son got scared.

The zoo begins with aviaries with large flightless birds - ostriches. The zoo has rhea and emu ostriches. Next to them are peacocks. We were not lucky, none of the peacocks showed a beautiful tail.

Then we moved on to the cages with the steppe wolves. I felt very sorry for them. Wolf cages are very small, communicating with each other, and both wolves constantly run around them in circles. To prevent visitors from getting too close to the predators, the cages are behind an additional fence.

Next to the wolves are a raccoon and a porcupine.

There are also poultry in the living corner: several types of chickens, ducks, turkeys. Pigeons struck with their size, a couple of times larger than ordinary ones living in the city.

There was also one monkey in the zoo, which for some reason was not allowed to be photographed, as were the parrots opposite.

We also saw a squirrel, a chinchilla and a ferret (but these animals are probably in any petting zoo in any city).

The free space between the enclosures is decorated with flowers and garden sculptures.

Not to say that I was very interested in visiting the Living Corner, but walking for a change is not bad, especially since you do not need to pay extra for it. But the zoo did not impress the child at all. But he doesn’t particularly like such places, only his son was interested in the Moscow Zoo.

In addition to the zoo for children, there are other entertainments:

  • playground, Pretty big. Slides, swings, rocking chairs, there is where to run and play for the child. But in general, nothing special, similar sites (only smaller) in my city in every second yard.
  • paid entertainment: Giant's House, Upside Down House and others, we didn't go
  • locomotive. Here's what my son enjoyed the most about this trip.

The locomotive consists of three wagons. It runs from the living corner to the promenade (descent to the sea) almost constantly (there are two small breaks) and at no extra charge. The ride is not long at all, you can walk on foot, but the train is much more interesting. We rode it twice.

At the final stops there are gazebos where you can relax in the shade.

For adults, there are also additional paid entertainments: fishing in a picturesque pond on the territory. The pond is fenced, there are announcements everywhere that visiting the pavilions is paid.


  • 500 rub. 1 hour. (the price includes 1 fishing rod, bait (corn), gazebo, barbecue).
  • 3000 rub. all day (the price includes 1 fishing rod, bait (corn), gazebo, barbecue).
  • coal + ignition - 300 rubles.

    skewers 5 pcs. - 200 rub.

* Each additional fishing rod is paid separately

* Caught fish up to 3 kg - free of charge, over 3 kg. paid for 250 rubles. per kg.

* The chefs of the restaurant can cook the caught fish, the cost is 200 rubles. per kg.

You can dine on the territory both in the restaurant and in the barbecue-cheburek and pancake. We chose pancake.

Our order consisted of three types of pancakes: with cheese, with chicken and cheese and with ham and cheese, as well as shawarma. From drinks we took a liter of mojito lemonade, you could choose kvass, beer or juice. Pancakes are baked right in front of you. The size is large. The price is acceptable (about 100 rubles for a pancake).

I have tried all three types. All were delicious, but my favorite was the chicken and cheese filling (which I originally chose for myself). The lemonade was also very good.

Numerous souvenir tents are located near catering establishments. The range is extensive, but quite common. I bought only a pack of volcanic mud in memory of Tizdar, the cost is 250 rubles. per kg.

Having eaten and rested, we decided to swim again in the waves of the Sea of ​​Azov, but already away from those who were washing off the dirt. We went down to the beach by another staircase.

On the beach accessible to all visitors, only wooden umbrellas-canopies are installed. Sunbeds are only on the next beach and are for hotel guests. but we were by car, so we brought beach mats with us and settled down beautifully on the sandy shore. I did not really like the entrance to the sea, the strip of shells is too wide. The water is quite cloudy, very shallow. But once they arrived, they bought themselves to their heart's content.

In general, I liked the trip to the mud volcano "Tizdar" and visiting the tourist complex. Now I know what kind of volcanoes I am, and maybe next time I will go to a less equipped one. Additional services, provided by the complex, did not let the child get bored, but still it was not without drawbacks.

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