Zones of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The climate of eastern Siberia

the beauty 15.08.2019
the beauty

In the very heart of Russia, in the very center of cold Siberia, lies Krasnoyarsk region- beautiful region, rich amazing nature, plants, animals. It is not for nothing that Krasnoyarsk residents who have left to live in other regions recall the beauties of their native places with nostalgia. What is so special about the nature of the Krasnoyarsk Territory?

General information

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the largest Russian regions, stretching from north to south for three thousand kilometers - along the Yenisei River, from the Kara Sea itself to the border with Khakassia and Tuva. Thanks to this, the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the only one in our country where absolutely all natural zones are present - from the Arctic deserts in the north to the steppes in the south. Most of this region is occupied by taiga, and the northern territories are dominated by permafrost.

The diversity of the nature of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is truly amazing: there are also forests with the most valuable tree species, and severe rocky massifs, and the purest lakes. That is why tourism is so widespread among the inhabitants of the region. native land- its beauty is impossible to enjoy.

Territory climate

Since the Krasnoyarsk Territory, due to its size, contains three climatic zones(arctic, subarctic and temperate), then the climate in the region is sharply continental. Big influence the mountains have on it, as well as the Arctic Circle and the distance from the sea. In the north, in Norilsk, Dudinka, Igarka, winter lasts almost all year round: really warm days, when the temperature outside is more than fifteen degrees above zero, in this area, in total, there will be no more than a month in a year. The above cities are considered the Far North.

Note that long summer not in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in its central part. However, here it is quite hot, and the air temperature is subject to sudden changes. It is most comfortable in the south of the region - it is just as hot there in summer, and winter is much easier to endure, because here it is not so severe and with less rainfall than in the rest of the territory. The southern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are famous for a large number of salt lakes. That is why there are many different sanatoriums, resorts and recreation centers.


The Krasnoyarsk Territory is as if divided in two by the beautiful Yenisei, and this is reflected in the relief of the region. Low-lying valleys stretch along the left bank, and the Central Siberian Plateau along the right bank. The southern part of the region is represented by a high mountain system - the Sayans, which have gained fame among tourists and rock climbers for their untouched picturesque nature and rare animals that live here. In the same place, in the south, there are Ergaki - mountains, popular because of the large number of lakes, waterfalls, sheer beautiful cliffs and valleys.

In the north of the region, near the Taimyr Peninsula, there are many coves and bays. On the other side of the peninsula are mountains with lakes.

Reserves of the region

Rocks, lakes, rivers - all this is presented in abundance in the nature of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The region is rich in various reserves and parks. The most famous is the Stolby nature reserve, located in the capital of the region.

In addition to the Pillars, there is the Sayano-Shushensky Reserve in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. As the name implies, it is located on the territory of the Shushensky district, and was created in order to be able to preserve the sable population. The Taimyrsky Reserve, one of the most visited in Russia, is located on the Taimyr Peninsula. The most common animals in it are arctic fox, wolf and white hare. Many scientists regularly flock to the territory of the reserve, as mammoth excavations are carried out there.

The Tunguska Reserve was created at the site of the fall of the meteorite of the same name in order to study the consequences of the catastrophe that occurred (it happened more than a century ago, in 1908). The mystery of this phenomenon, despite many attempts, has not been disclosed so far. The wolverine lives in the Central Siberian Reserve. They also conduct unique studies of the ancient and now small northern people - the Kets.

In addition to those named, the Great Arctic Reserve, the Putoransky Reserve, national park"Shushensky Bor" and many others.

Reserve "Stolby"

The name of the reserve appeared due to its rocks - high syenite fragments, shaped like pillars, of which there are more than a hundred throughout the complex (which is thirty-four kilometers). The reserve was opened in 1925 on the initiative of the then townspeople - in order to preserve unique nature Krasnoyarsk Territory, located near these rocks. To this day, Stolby is very popular with residents. Each rock on the territory of the reserve has its own name - Grandfather, Feathers, Sparrows.

The reserve is conditionally divided into zones. One is tourist. It is available for everyone to visit. The second zone is nature protection. Rare animals live there, many of which are listed in the Red Book, and various trees and shrubs grow there, which are also on the verge of extinction. Access there is closed. But even those nature and animals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which can be seen in the permitted zone, will not leave anyone indifferent.


The fauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is extremely rich and diverse. Over ninety species of various mammals live throughout the region. In each natural zone, they have their own: in the mountains these are argali, in the Far North - deer and white bears, in the steppe - ground squirrels and hares (by the way, a great many gophers run in Krasnoyarsk, on the "green zone" of the city - Tatyshev Island), in taiga - fox, squirrel, bear.

More than four hundred species of birds inhabit the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There are geese, woodpeckers, cranes, storks, even flamingos. As for reptiles and amphibians, there are six species of the former in the region, and four of the latter. But fish - more than fifty species. Among them is the sturgeon, glorified by fellow countryman of Krasnoyarsk Viktor Petrovich Astafiev.


The Ministry of Nature of the Krasnoyarsk Territory takes care of preserving not only the fauna of the region, but also the unique flora. Most of the territory (1500 thousand km 2) is occupied by taiga. There are coniferous, deciduous, mixed forests. Among the vegetation, cedars, larches, spruces, and pines predominate.

Mosses and lichens are common in the north - there are several dozen of them different types as well as shrubs. To the south you can find polar poppies and a variety of cereal crops.

Red Book

The nature of the Krasnoyarsk Territory suffers greatly from unfavorable ecology, as a result of which many representatives of the animals present here are dying out. Therefore, now more than one hundred and forty of their species are listed in the Red Book. Among them are the snow leopard, Siberian roe deer, red wolf, ibex, fin whale and others.

A lot of plants of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are also in the Red Book. All of them are strictly protected in a special zone of the Stolby nature reserve.


It is the Krasnoyarsk Territory that is considered the richest in Russia for various natural resources. For example, the region is the leader in terms of coal reserves. In addition, there is a lot of zinc, quartz, graphite, nickel, cobalt, lead and other rocks in the region. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is also a constant supplier of oil and gas. As many as twenty-five deposits have been discovered in the region. This is one of the main raw material regions of Russia.

Ecology of the region

Nature and ecology of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, unfortunately, do not go hand in hand. If the nature of the region can be admired, then there is nothing to brag about the ecology. According to experts, the region is actively polluted. The data indicate that half of the inhabitants of the region are forced to live in an unfavorable ecological environment. Norilsk, Nazarovo and the capital of the region, Krasnoyarsk, are considered the most environmentally unfavorable cities. It's all tied to the biggest businesses in the data settlements which pollute the air.

It should be noted that bad ecology affects not only people. Animals and plants suffer from polluted waters and waterlogged soils. Because of all this, the region is one of the three most polluted in the country. Although measures are being taken to protect the nature of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, they are clearly not enough to solve the accumulated problems.

“Natural zones of Russia grade 4” - I did not understand my homework, I was not ready for the answer in the lesson. I worked a lot, usefully and well at the lesson. Summarizing. Study. natural areas Russia. The world, art, 4th grade. Highlight natural areas. Geographical position, flora and fauna. Test Quiz 3. Practical work.

"Natural zone Desert" - Lizard - round head. Theme of work: "Natural zones of Russia". Inappropriate irrigation. Kolosnyak. The roots of plants are unusually long (up to 20 meters), otherwise how can you get moisture. Juzgun. But as a result of active human settlement, the number has declined sharply. Gerbil. Desert and man. Task for groups:

"Natural zones of Russia grade 8" - A large extent of zones from west to east. Test questions. They are located in the northernmost part of our country. They are found in the high latitudes of the Arctic. Give examples of the interaction of any two components. Tundra and forest tundra. Examination homework. Which of the components of nature determine appearance zones?

"Natural zone steppe" - Jerboa. Locust. Volosnets or grate sandy. Chernotelka. Chernozem. Crossword. Saiga. Mordovnik Russian. Mouse. Beetle - dung beetle. filly. Field lark. Beauty crane. Steppe birds. Astragalus. Tipchak or Welsh fescue. Onion. Marmot. Scavengers of the steppe. Card - "help" No. 2. Tulip Schrenk.

"Natural areas in Russia" - Polar night. The steppe is like the sea! Livni. Fauna and flora of the steppes. Seal. Lilies of the valley. Polar bear. Forest zone. Plants freeze, leaving only the undersized ones hidden under the snow. The seasons are well differentiated. The harsh climate of the tundra. Long Cold winter and short cold summers. Natural zones of Russia.

"Natural zone of deserts" - Upland jerboa. Sagebrush. Reserves. Gerbil. Juzgun. Camelthorn plant. There are many reptiles in the desert. In the desert there are eared hedgehog and a small corsac fox. Kolosnyak. Plan for the study of the natural zone. Mole rat. Geographical position. Deserts are located in the south-west of the country, on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

25 oil and gas fields have been explored in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The big advantage of the region is that these natural resources, as a rule, lie side by side and can be developed simultaneously.

Geographical position of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is located mainly within Eastern Siberia, in the Yenisei River basin. Along the left bank of the Yenisei there is a low valley, and along the right bank there is the Central Siberian plateau, the height of which reaches 500-700 m above sea level. In the north, the region is washed by the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. The length of the territory from the north to the mountainous regions Southern Siberia almost 3000 km. In the east, the region borders on the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Irkutsk region, in the south - on the Republic of Tuva and the Republic of Khakassia, in the west - on the Republic of Altai, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions, as well as on the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. The geographic center of Russia is located on the territory of the region in the vicinity of Lake Vivi (Evenkia).

Geographically (but not administratively) the region includes the Evenki and Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrugs.

The territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

2339.7 thousand sq. km (including Evenk Autonomous District and Taimyr Autonomous District).

The number and composition of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

2942.0 thousand people live in the region (as of 01.01.2004), incl. urban population - 2233.8 thousand people, rural - 708 thousand people. The average population density of the region is 4 times lower than in the Russian Federation and is 1.3 people. per 1 sq. km.

Cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, Yeniseisk, Kansk, Lesosibirsk, Minusinsk, Norilsk, Igarka, Dudinka. The Krasnoyarsk Territory includes 42 districts, 15 cities and 4 ZATOs (closed administrative territorial entities)

The climate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

The climate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is sharply continental, characterized by strong fluctuations in air temperatures throughout the year, especially severe in the north. Due to the large length of the region in the meridional direction, the climate is very heterogeneous. For central and southern regions region, where the majority of the population lives, is characterized by continental climate with long winters and short hot summers.

average temperature January from -30 to -36 ° C in the north and the Central Siberian Plateau and from -18 to -22 ° C in the regions of Yeniseisk, Krasnoyarsk and in the south. Summer in the central regions is moderately warm, in the south - warm. The average temperature in July is from +13 °C to the north (on the coasts of the seas less than +10 °С) to +16-18 °C in the center and up to +20 °C in the south. The duration of the frost-free period is from 73-76 days (Khatanga, Tura) to 103-120 days (Yeniseysk, Krasnoyarsk). Precipitation is predominantly summer. Their number ranges from 200-300 mm per year in the north to 400-600 mm on the Central Siberian Plateau and 800-1200 mm on the northern slopes of the mountains of Southern Siberia; in the intermountain basins of the southern part - 250-300 mm. In most of the region, especially to the north of the Lower Tunguska, permafrost is widely developed.

There are 3 climatic zones on the territory of the region: arctic, subarctic and temperate. Within each of them there are noticeable changes. climatic features not only from north to south, but also from west to east. Therefore, western and eastern climatic regions, the border of which runs along the valley of the Yenisei River. The duration of the period with a temperature of more than 10 C in the north of the region is less than 40 days, in the south 110-120 days.

The central part of the region, predominantly flat, with insular forest-steppes and fertile soils, is characterized by relatively short hot summers, long cold winters, and rapid temperature changes. In the south of the region - warm summer and moderately severe winters with little snow. Dry fresh air, abundance sunny days in summer, the healing waters of springs and numerous lakes create favorable conditions for the construction of resorts, sanatoriums and recreation centers.

The average temperature in January is -36 degrees C in the north and -18 degrees C in the south, in July, respectively, +10 degrees C and +20 degrees C. On average, 316 mm of precipitation falls annually, most of it in summer, in the foothills of the Sayan Mountains 600-1000 mm. Snow cover is established in early November and disappears by the end of March. In the mountains of the Eastern and Western Sayan, snow persists all year round in some years. Here the snow lies at an altitude of 2400-2600 m, in the Putorana Mountains - at an altitude of 1000-1300 m.

Climatic zones of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The climate of the region is sharply continental, although three climatic zones are distinguished on the territory of the region: arctic, subarctic and temperate. Each of them has its own climatic features. Therefore, it is customary to single out the western and eastern climatic regions, the border of which runs along the Yenisei River valley.

In the northern part of the territory - in Taimyr, strong fluctuations in air temperatures during the year are typical, strong winds. The duration of the period with a positive temperature above 10 degrees Celsius here is less than 40 days.

Evenkia has very cold winters and warm short summers, but most of the year there is windless weather.

The main part of the population lives in the central regions of the region, mostly flat and forest-steppe territories. Here there is a long winter period, short hot summers and fast changing seasons. The period with positive temperatures over 10 degrees Celsius lasts 100-120 days, but there are temperature fluctuations from minus 60 degrees Celsius to plus 45 degrees Celsius.

The southern part of the region, predominantly flat territory with fertile soils - the Minusinsk Basin - is characterized by warm summers and moderately severe winters with little snow, the average temperature of which is minus 10 degrees Celsius.

The average January temperature in the Krasnoyarsk Territory was recorded at minus 36 degrees Celsius in the northern territories and minus 18 degrees in the south. The average July temperature in the region is recorded at plus 12 degrees Celsius in the north and plus 23 degrees in the south.

On average, more than 300-320 millimeters of precipitation falls on the territory of the region per year. Snow cover is established in early November and disappears by the end of March. In the mountains of the Western Sayan, precipitation is 600-1000 millimeters. In the mountains, snow in some years remains all year round at an altitude of 2400 - 2800 meters, and in the mountains of the Putorana plateau at an altitude of 1000-1300 meters.

In the Minusinsk Basin of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, dry steppe air, an abundance of summer sunny days (surpassing the Crimean Peninsula in number), numerous healing waters of springs and lakes are noted - all this creates favorable conditions for the construction of resorts, sanatoriums, houses and recreation centers in the region.

Natural areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The region crosses several natural zones: arctic, tundra, taiga (most), forest-steppe and steppe. On the Taimyr Peninsula, in the zones of the Arctic deserts and the tundra, swampy peat soils predominate. Moss-lichen, especially moss, tundra is used as a pasture for deer. To the south of Taimyr stretches a narrow strip of forest-tundra, where, along with the shrub tundra, there are islands of larch forests on weakly podzolic soils and spruce forests on peat-gley soils.

The taiga zone occupies most of the West Siberian Plain and the Central Siberian Plateau, and in the south of the region it merges in places with the mountain taiga forests of the Western and Eastern Sayan. According to the nature of the vegetation, it is divided into northern, middle and southern subzones, in each of which a western, moderately humid province and an eastern, drier one, are distinguished. The northern subzone is dominated by swampy sparse forests of Dahurian larch with an admixture of spruce and birch (northern taiga) on permafrost-gley-podzolic soils. South of the Arctic Circle, shrub and grass-shrub larch forests (middle taiga) dominate on podzolic and permafrost-taiga soils. To the south of Podkamennaya Tunguska (southern taiga), in the western part of the region (mainly along the left bank of the Yenisei, as well as within the Yenisei Ridge), dark coniferous forests (spruce, fir, Siberian cedar pine, Siberian larch) predominate, and on the greater eastern part - larch - pine and pine forests Angara region on soddy-podzolic permafrost soils. Between the taiga zone and the island forest-steppes lying to the south, there is a strip of mixed and small-leaved forests (southern subtaiga), combining the landscapes of taiga and forest-steppe. Island forest-steppes (Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kansk), passing to the south into the steppes of the Minusinsk basin, are characterized by flat and hilly-ridged relief, fertile gray forest, chernozem and chestnut soils. In the Western and Eastern Sayan is clearly expressed altitudinal zonality: mountain forest-steppe on the outskirts of the Minusinsk depression, park larch forests and mountain taiga (fir, spruce, larch, at the upper limit of the forests - cedar pine) are replaced by meadow and mountain-tundra vegetation on the tops of the highest ridges.

Natural resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:


The vegetation of the region is rich and diverse and is distinguished by clear meridional and altitudinal zoning. 45% of the territory of the region is covered with forests, which include the northern, central taiga, southern deciduous forests. The south of the region is occupied by a zone of steppes and forest-steppes.

More than 450 species of plants grow on the territory of the region, including industrially valuable species. More than 50% of the region's forests are larch, about 17% - spruce and fir, 12% - pine and more than 9% - cedar. 88% of forests are made up of conifers, including 30% of all cedar forests in the country. The area of ​​the forest fund is 168.1 million hectares (69% of the territory of the region), the stock of industrial wood is 14.4 billion cubic meters (18% of the total Russian).

The fauna of the region is diverse and unique (342 species of birds and 89 species of mammals, among the latter the most significant is the population reindeer, numbering 600 thousand heads). In the Arctic desert live polar bear, seal, walrus, seal, in the tundra - white hare, reindeer, arctic fox, lemming, snowy owl, tundra swan, partridge, fox, red-breasted goose; in the Yenisei taiga - Brown bear, musk deer, sable, weasel, wolverine, lynx, otter; in the southern taiga there are deer, roe deer, badger, mole, sparrowhawk, eagle owl, gray-haired and white-backed woodpecker, chaffinch. The Sayan mountain taiga is famous for its sable lands. In the highlands of the Sayan, there are such rare mammals as the red wolf, Snow Leopard, mountain goat, mountain sheep, and from birds - Altai snowcock, mountain snipe, Siberian and mountain finches, red-throated thrush, etc. In the northern regions of the region there are about 60 species of fish. Whitefish, omul, vendace, smelt, and nelma are of commercial importance.

Water resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

The Krasnoyarsk Territory belongs to the prosperous water resources regions of Russia. On the territory of the region there is a natural transport system, consisting of a well-developed river network. It is, first of all, the largest in Russia river system Yenisei and its tributaries (Angara, Abakan, Podkamennaya Tunguska, Lower Tunguska), as well as the Pyasina, Taimyr, Khatanga rivers flowing into the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. In the southwest - the rivers Chulym and Kesh-Ket. One of the largest rivers world - Yenisei. The total length of the river is 4092 km. It originates in Sayan mountains in the geographical center of Asia. The main source of nutrition for the Yenisei is the melted snow waters of the plains and mountainous regions, so the waters of the Yenisei have a slight turbidity. The sources of the Yenisei are the Biy-Khem (Big Yenisei) and Kaa-Khem (Small Yenisei) rivers.

The total number of lakes in the region is 323 thousand, or more than 11% of their number in the country. In the southern part of the region there is a complex of lakes with mineral waters and healing mud. One of the most famous is Lake Tagarskoe. More than 80,000 people receive treatment at existing resorts every year. In the Balakhtinsky region of the region there is the famous Kozhanovskoye deposit of carbonic waters, which belongs to the type of waters of such famous resorts like Darasun and Kislovodsk. Near the source is a large resort "Krasnoyarsk Zagorye".

From the north, the Krasnoyarsk Territory is washed by the waters of two seas of the Arctic Ocean - the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. A continuous ice cover is kept in the seas for 9 months a year. Despite this, the Northern Sea Route is used for escorting caravans of ships almost all year round, thanks to the icebreaking fleet.

Minerals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the richest natural resources territories of Russia. The natural reserves of the region are the basis of the investment attractiveness of the region and the basis for its subsequent development. More than 6 thousand deposits of various types of minerals have been discovered in the region. According to their economic purpose, minerals are divided into the following groups: fuel (energy), metallurgical and chemical. The region contains 70% of Russia's coal reserves, and the main Russian reserves of platinum, copper-nickel ores, and Icelandic spar are also concentrated. In terms of gold mining, the region occupies one of the first places in the country. The region has the second largest gold deposit in Russia - Olimpiada. On the territory of the region are large deposits lead, apatite and nephelite, molybdenum, copper, titanium-magnesium ores, magnetites, antimony, talc, graphite, etc.

25 oil and gas fields have been explored in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The big advantage of the region is that these natural resources, as a rule, lie side by side and can be developed simultaneously.

Portal of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Krasnoyarsk region- subject Russian Federation, is part of the Siberian Federal District.

Date of formation - 1934.

Square– 2,366,797 sq. km.
Length: north to south - about 3000 km, from west to east 1250 km (in the northern part) and 650 km (along the Trans-Siberian Railway). The Krasnoyarsk Territory is the second largest region in Russia.

Population- 2,876,497 people (2018 data)
Population density - 1.22 people. per 1 sq. km.
The share of the urban population is 75.7%, rural - 24.3%.

Administrative center- Krasnoyarsk city.

Geographical position
The Krasnoyarsk Territory occupies the central geographical position in Russia and extends from the Arctic Ocean to the southern slopes of the Altai-Sayan mountain system. On the territory of the region there is the northernmost point of Russia, which is also the northernmost point of the Eurasian continent - this is Cape Chelyuskin. The geographical center of Russia is also in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - it is located in the vicinity of Lake Vivi.

Until 2005, the Krasnoyarsk Territory included two autonomous okrugs: in the north - Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets), in the northwest - Evenki. In 2005 they were transformed into municipal districts and left as part of the region.

Borders: In the east - with the Irkutsk region, in the south - with the Republic of Tyva, in the west - with the Republic of Khakassia, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous districts of the Tyumen region.

Within the region - Taimyr and East End Gydan Peninsula. It includes many islands of the Arctic Ocean: the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago, the islands of Nordenskiöld, Vilkitsky, Solitude, Oleniy, Sibiryakov, Dixon, etc.

The relief of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Stretching from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to the mountains of Southern Siberia for almost 3 thousand kilometers, and from west to east - for 1250 km, the Krasnoyarsk Territory is distinguished by an exceptional variety of natural landscapes, including relief.

The coast of the Taimyr Peninsula, located on far north edge, indented by numerous bays and gulfs of the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. The central part of the peninsula is occupied by the low mountains of Byrranga, the average height of which is 400-600 m. They abruptly break off in the south to the heavily swamped, with a large number of lakes of the North Siberian lowland (called the Yenisei-Khatanga depression within the region).

Over a large area of ​​the northern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Yenisei River laid a valley at the junction of two tectonic structures. From the right bank to the valley of the Yenisei, the Central Siberian Plateau and the Yenisei Ridge descend in ledges. The Central Siberian plateau is composed of sandstones, limestones, shales, coal, which in many places are covered by magmatic outpourings - traps. In the northwestern part of the plateau, the Putorana Plateau rises, the heights of which in some places exceed 1600 m, and the highest point is Mount Kamen, 1701 m.

On the left bank of the Yenisei is the West Siberian Lowland, its relief is mainly a hilly plain, there are many lakes, swamps and rivers. In the north, the West Siberian lowland merges with the vast, heavily swampy Yenisei-Khatanga lowland, which occupies southern part Taimyr Peninsula.

The south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is occupied by mountains and intermontane depressions of the Altai-Sayan mountainous country. Here rise the ridges of the Eastern and Western Sayan and Kuznetsk Alatau. At the foot of the ridges lies the coal-rich Minusinsk Basin with its favorable climate and plowed steppes.

East Sayan starts a little west of the city Krasnoyarsk and runs in the southeast to the mountains of Transbaikalia. This extensive mountainous area consists of many mountain ranges, depressions and high plateaus. There are several flat-topped ridges up to 900 m high, which are called "white mountains" - Manskoye, Kanskoye, Pezinsky and others. The name "belogorye" came from the Russian pioneers, who called it so in the 17th century. mountains covered with snow in summer. In the mountains of the Eastern Sayan there are many karst caves - the joy of speleologists. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is the leader in the number of caves: about 150 caves have already been recorded here, among them is the longest cave in Russia - Bolshaya Oreshnaya, with a length of over 50 km.

The Western Sayan stretches on the southern border of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for more than 650 km. It consists of many ridges - Ergaki, Sayansky, Kurtushibinsky, Tazarama, Dzhebashsky, Aradansky, etc.) and ancient alignment surfaces. The Kuznetsk Alatau stretches in the southwest, separating the Minusinsk depression from the Kuznetsk depression.

Water resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

One of the largest rivers in the world, the Yenisei, flows from the south to the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There are also many lakes in the region: 323 thousand lakes with a size of more than 300 meters and a surface area of ​​more than ten hectares. In addition, a large number of lakes appear every few years - during intensive snowmelt. About 86% of the region's lakes are located beyond the Arctic Circle. One of the largest lakes is Taimyr. Its mirror area is 4560 km². Other large lakes: Big Khantai, Pyasino, Keta, Lama. There are about 16 thousand lakes in the central part of the region. There are more than four thousand lakes in the south of the region. The waters of some lakes are used for medicinal purposes. These are lakes: Ladeynoye, Uchum, Tagarskoye, Ingol, Kyzykul, etc.

The climate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The climate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is sharply continental, characterized by strong fluctuations in air temperatures throughout the year. Due to the large length of the region in the meridional direction, the climate is very heterogeneous.

There are 3 climatic zones on the territory of the region: arctic, subarctic and temperate. Within each of them, changes in climatic features are noticeable not only from north to south, but also from west to east. Therefore, western and eastern climatic regions are distinguished, the border of which runs along the valley of the Yenisei River. The duration of the period with a temperature of more than 10 C in the north of the region is less than 40 days, in the south 110-120 days.

The central part of the region, predominantly flat, with insular forest-steppes and fertile soils, is characterized by relatively short hot summers, long cold winters, and rapid temperature changes. In the south of the region there are warm summers and moderately severe winters with little snow. Dry clean air, an abundance of sunny days in summer, healing waters of springs and numerous lakes create favorable conditions for the construction of resorts, sanatoriums and recreation centers.

The average temperature in January is -36 degrees C in the north and -18 degrees C in the south, in July, respectively, +10 degrees C and +20 degrees C. On average, 316 mm of precipitation falls annually, most of it in summer, in the foothills of the Sayan Mountains 600-1000 mm. Snow cover is established in early November and disappears by the end of March. In the mountains of the Eastern and Western Sayan, snow persists all year round in some years. Here the snow lies at an altitude of 2400 - 2600 m, in the Putorana mountains - and at an altitude of 1000-1300 m.

natural areas. Flora of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the patterns of latitudinal-zonal division are clearly traced. northern part The Krasnoyarsk Territory is occupied by arctic deserts with an average annual temperature of 11-14 degrees C and sparse vegetation. Tundra zones occupy 500-60 m. Average annual temperature 12 degrees.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is located in several natural zones, these are: arctic, tundra, taiga (most), forest-steppe and steppe. On the Taimyr Peninsula, in the zones of the Arctic deserts and the tundra, swampy peat soils predominate. Moss-lichen, especially moss, tundra is used as a pasture for deer. To the south of Taimyr stretches a narrow strip of forest-tundra, where, along with the shrub tundra, there are islands of larch forests on weakly podzolic soils and spruce forests on peat-gley soils. The tundra zone extends from north to south for 500-600 km.

To the south of the tundra are forest-tundra zones represented by larch woodlands.

To the south, the taiga begins, which stretches from north to south for 1200-1300 km. The taiga zone occupies most of the West Siberian Plain and the Central Siberian Plateau, and in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in some places it merges with the mountain taiga forests of the Western and Eastern Sayan. According to the nature of the vegetation, the taiga zone is divided into northern, middle and southern subzones, each of which distinguishes between a western, moderately humid province and an eastern, drier one.

The northern subzone (northern taiga) is dominated by swampy sparse forests of Daurian larch with spruce and birch admixture on permafrost-gley-podzolic soils.

The middle subzone (middle taiga) - south of the Arctic Circle, is dominated by shrub and grass-shrub larch forests on podzolic and permafrost-taiga soils.

The southern subzone (southern taiga) begins south of Podkamennaya Tunguska. In the western part (mainly along the left bank of the Yenisei, as well as within the Yenisei Ridge), dark coniferous forests predominate: spruce, fir, Siberian cedar pine, Siberian larch; and in the greater east - larch-pine and pine forests of the Angara region on soddy-podzolic frozen soils.

Between the taiga zone and the island forest-steppes lying to the south, there is a strip of mixed and small-leaved forests (southern subtaiga), combining the landscapes of taiga and forest-steppe. Island forest-steppes (Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kansk), passing to the south into the steppes of the Minusinsk basin, are characterized by flat and hilly-ridged relief, fertile gray forest, chernozem and chestnut soils.

In the Western and Eastern Sayan, altitudinal zonation is clearly expressed: mountain forest-steppe along the outskirts of the Minusinsk depression, park larch forests and mountain taiga (fir, spruce, larch, at the upper limit of the forests - cedar pine) are replaced by meadow and mountain-tundra vegetation on the tops of the highest ridges .

Fauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The fauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is rich and diverse in accordance with natural and climatic conditions. There is a constant penetration of eastern and western species and subspecies of animals into the territory of the region.

Of commercial importance are: sable, squirrel, arctic fox, fox, ermine, as well as wild reindeer. The population of wild reindeer is estimated at 600,000 heads. In total, 342 species of birds and 89 species of mammals live in the region.

About thirty species of commercial fish are found in the rivers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: sturgeon, sterlet, taimen, grayling, whitefish, and others. About sixty species of fish live in the northern regions of the region.

More than three hundred and seventy species of birds live on the territory of the region, of which several dozen species of representatives of the orders of Galliformes, Anseriformes, Charadriiformes and some other orders are of commercial importance.

Minerals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

More than 95% of Russian reserves of nickel and platinoids, more than 20% of gold, significant reserves of cobalt, nepheline ores, magnesites, Icelandic spar, fine quartz sands, refractory clays, graphite, 63 types of industrial metals and other minerals are concentrated in the region. Also, about 70% of Russian coal reserves are located here. 25 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the region. In addition, there is one of the world's largest Gorevskoye lead deposits. There is manganese, etc.

The climate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Characteristic climatic conditions Krasnoyarsk Territory

The climate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is sharply continental, especially severe in the north. Winter is long. The average temperature in January is from -30 to -36°С in the north and the Central Siberian Plateau and from -17 to -23°С in the regions of Yeniseisk, Krasnoyarsk and in the south. Summer in the central regions is moderately warm, in the south - warm. The average July temperature is +13°С in the north (less than +10°С on sea coasts) to +16-18°С in the center and up to +20°С in the south. The duration of the frost-free period is from 73-76 days (Khatanta, Tura) to 103-120 days (Yeniseysk, Krasnoyarsk). Precipitation is predominantly summer. Their number ranges from 200-300 mm per year in the north to 400-600 mm on the Central Siberian Plateau and 800-1200 mm on the northern slopes of the mountains of Southern Siberia; in the intermountain basins of the southern part - 250-300 mm. In most of the region, especially to the north of the Lower Tunguska, permafrost is widely developed.

The region crosses several natural zones: arctic, tundra, taiga (most), forest-steppe and steppe. On the Taimyr Peninsula, in the zones of the Arctic deserts and the tundra, swampy peat soils predominate. Mokhovo - lichen, especially moss, tundra is used as a pasture for deer. To the south of Taimyr stretches a narrow strip of forest-tundra, where, along with the shrub tundra, there are islands of larch forests on weakly podzolic soils and spruce forests on peat-gley soils.

The taiga zone occupies most of the West Siberian Plain and the Central Siberian Plateau, and in the south of the region it merges in places with the mountain taiga forests of the Western and Eastern Sayan. According to the nature of the vegetation, it is divided into northern, middle and southern subzones, in each of which a western, moderately humid province and an eastern, drier one, are distinguished. The northern subzone is dominated by swampy sparse forests of Dahurian larch with an admixture of spruce and birch (northern taiga) on permafrost-gley-podzolic soils. South of the Arctic Circle, shrub and grass-shrub deciduous forests (middle taiga) dominate on podzolic and permafrost-taiga soils. To the south of Podkamennaya Tunguska (southern taiga), in the western part of the region (mainly along the left bank of the Yenisei), dark coniferous forests (spruce, fir, Siberian cedar pine, Siberian larch) predominate, and in the large eastern part - larch-pine and pine forests of the Angara region. soddy-podzolic permafrost soils. Between the taiga zone and the insular forest-steppes lying below, there is a strip of mixed and small-leaved forests, combining the landscapes of taiga and forest-steppe. The main forest-steppes (Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kansk), passing to the south into the steppes of the Minusinsk basin, are characterized by flat and hilly-ridged relief, fertile gray forest, chernozem and chestnut soils. Altitude zonality is clearly expressed in the Western and Eastern Sayan: mountain forest-steppe along the outskirts of the Minusinsk depression, park larch forests and mountain taiga (fir, spruce, larch, cedar pine) are replaced by meadow and mountain-tundra vegetation on the tops of the highest ridges.

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