Project: “The world of land turtles. Home Land Turtle Research Project Turtle Project

Auto 03.09.2019

Olesya Pavlikova

View project: group.

Typology project: informative, research, creative.

Relevance project:

Watching and caring for an animal teaches responsibility, develops creativity and observation, sensitivity, kindness and care in us.

Target project:

1. Find out who they are turtles.

2. Explore the species turtles.

3. Study the living conditions turtles in nature.

Learn how to care for red-eared turtle.

4. Monitoring turtle, examine their behavior.

5. Learn interesting facts about turtles.

Tasks project:

1. Study information about turtles.

2. Study what types turtles exist on earth.

3. Learn how to care for aquatic red-eared turtle. Make a memo "How to maintain water turtle at home» .

4. Familiarize yourself with interesting facts about turtles.

5. Enrich the children's vocabulary with new words - reptile, reptile, terrarium.

6. Aliz information.

7. Develop creative thinking, abilities, memory, fine motor skills of hands, the ability to convey different images turtles in the products of activity by different techniques.

Kinds turtles and their habitat

Total turtles 230 species. On our planet live marine, freshwater and land turtles. Based on this classification, it is possible to determine the habitats of many species turtles.

Marine turtles inhabit the warm waters of the seas and oceans. The only exceptions are cold sea ​​waters, where individual representatives of this species swim, and then very rarely.

freshwater turtles live in water bodies fresh water. You can meet them in the swamps and lakes of the equatorial and rainforest South America and Africa, as well as in seasonal reservoirs. In addition to the listed reservoirs, freshwater turtles and in river estuaries, in the rivers and swamps of the temperate zones of Europe and Asia.

Land turtles live in Southern Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia and the islands adjacent to these continents.

Terrestrial habitats turtles: savannas, steppes, deserts. Some species are even found in tropical forests. They all have a hard shell, scaly skin, and a keratinized nose. shell turtles consists of two shields: dorsal, covered with horny scutes, and abdominal. They are interconnected. in shell turtles there are holes for the legs, tail and head, so when the animal sees that it is in danger, it hides in its house. Some turtles the shell is covered with soft leather on top and is very durable. If any predator tries to gnaw it, then it will not succeed. shell turtles repeatedly can save her life, so this animal can be applied expression: "My home is my castle". They differ in body structure, size and color. Freshwater and land turtles much smaller than their marine relatives. Most of the world's terrestrial and freshwater turtles. Maritime turtles are much smaller.

reproduction turtles

Females lay their eggs in a hole, which they dig with their own hind legs and which is then immediately filled and compacted. The number of eggs can be the most different: from a few to hundreds. Many turtles have several clutches during the season. The turtles are trying lay eggs near bodies of water, so that turtles it was easier to quickly get to the water and not catch the eye of voracious predators. However, females will not dig a hole very close to the water either - it is likely that the eggs will be washed away during the flood, and small turtles will never come to light. Most often turtle eggs are like white balls for playing in table tennis and have a very dense shell. laying eggs, turtle mother calms down and forgets about her offspring. Although some types turtles eg brown turtle, continue to protect their cubs until they hatch.

Practical part research

Children look at themselves turtle and note its structure, body shape, color, size ( Top part shell at turtles rounded smooth shape, greenish color with black stripes. In young individuals, the color of the shell is brighter, but becomes darker with age. Moreover, the distinctive red spots on the neck are also darker. To determine the size of the animal, you need to measure the shell from beginning to end. The curvature of the shell does not need to be taken into account. Therefore, it is more convenient to determine the size of the animal not with a measuring tape, but with a ruler.) turtles carapace(upper shell) rounded and smooth, 6 cm in diameter, dark green in color with black and yellow lines. The color and size of the shell indicates that my pet is about 1 year old. The lower part of the shell (plastron) also smooth, yellowish in color with dark spots. Neck and limbs turtles covered with colorful stripes - yellow and green. The paws are equipped with swimming membranes. Behind the eyes of the head turtles decorated with oblong red spots, for which it is called "red-eared".

Who is this male or female?

To give turtle name You need to determine whether it is male or female. To do this, you need to carefully examine it and, after analyzing a number of signs, try to determine the sex of the red-eared turtles.

Claw length.

Male red-eared turtles have longer claws on their front paws than females. This is necessary for the male in order to more firmly hold onto the female's shell at the time of fertilization. Females have somewhat shorter claws, while they are more blunt.

Thus, having considered our red-eared turtle, we can conclude that a female lives in our aqua terrarium, since all of the above signs indicate this.

Keep a domestic red-eared turtle need in an aquaterrarium (since she needs both water and land, with a volume of at least 100 liters. When choosing it, you need to be guided by the size turtles, so for example, for a small (3-10 cm) an aquaterrarium with a volume of 30-50 liters is suitable, for an average (10-16 cm)– 50-80 l, for large (16-25 cm)- 80-150 liters.

A quarter of the area of ​​​​the aquaterrarium should be occupied by land, on which turtle should be able to crawl up an inclined ladder. The water temperature in the aquaterrarium should be between 25 and 30 °C, to control it, you must use a thermometer or thermal sticker. Change the water in the home of the red-eared turtles recommended about 1-2 times a week, because turtle defecates in water. At the same time, it should be clean, warm (not lower than 20 degrees) and settled. If you purchase a special filter for water purification, then you only need to change the water once a month.

You should not deviate from the water change schedule, as contaminated water is a source of pathogenic bacteria and fungus, which can subsequently lead to illness in the body itself. turtles.

Must also be installed above land ultraviolet lamp and a lamp for heating, it is necessary that it works 10-12 hours a day. The temperature above the island in the aquarium should be 30-35°C, but not more, because the animal may get burned. To control the temperature on the surface of the island, you should purchase a special thermometer. The lack of heating and ultraviolet rays can lead to the development of various diseases in turtles. For example, improper development of the shell due to a lack of calcium, rickets and much more.

As for the soil, for water turtles it is not required, but if you want to make the aquaterrarium look less dull, you can place a small layer of it. And it is worth remembering that fine gravel cannot be used, since turtle it can be swallowed and die. The soil should be large (larger than the head turtles, smooth and durable. You can sketch large shells, they will not only decorate « turtlesharium» , but will also saturate the water with calcium. Plants and any living neighbors are likely to be eaten.

Pet food has the same great importance, like proper care. To red-eared turtle developed normally, food should be balanced. During active growth, feed the red-eared turtle mainly animal food (low-fat fish (hake, cod, perch, crucian, blue whiting, etc.), seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid, etc., insects (bloodworms, grasshoppers, earthworms, dried gammarus, snails, flies, etc.) lean meat). As they grow older, nutrition includes more plant foods (lettuce or cabbage, dandelion, spinach, seaweed, vegetables and fruits, etc.). Feed the red-eared turtle during the first two years you need daily. From the third year, the number of meals is reduced to 2 or 3 per week. The amount of food you need to work out yourself, depending on how much he eats turtle.

sense organs turtles.

Red-eared vision turtles are well developed. The structure of the eye turtles similar to the structure of a bird's eye. All diurnal reptiles have color vision. red-eared turtles are no exception.. They are able to distinguish colors both above water and in water. They have an extraordinary ability - they notice movement at a distance of up to 40 meters. Color plays an important role in examination environment, choice of feed or partner. So, even with a slight visual impairment turtles may refuse to eat. If you put a mirror in the aquarium, the red-eared, looking at her reflection, may think that this is a rival and show aggression.

As for touch and smell, these sense organs are also developed in the red-eared turtles superb. The shell is sensitive to touch, as through it has nerve endings. If I lightly touch the shell "Cheri" even while she is sleeping, she will immediately feel it. Turtles can refuse tasteless food, choosing what is tastier. The sense of smell plays an important role in the knowledge of the external world.

But the hearing of the red-eared turtles are not very good. She has no auricle or ear canal. They are replaced by an elastic plate - the eardrum, located on the head. And although many believe turtles deaf, in fact, they hear pretty well, but only low-frequency sounds and vibration.

Of the sounds, she can make a hiss, snort, or short sounds like a squeak. Turtles don't breathe underwater, they rise to the surface for oxygen!

Dinara Nurulina


research problem....5

1.1. How long have they existed turtles on the ground....

1.1.1. The first mentions of turtles in folk art ….

1.1.2. Origin story turtles....

1.2. Basic concepts research …6

Chapter II Practical part research....7

2.1. What type is mine? turtle and where it lives ....

2.2. Who is this male or female? …

2.3. Age determination turtles….

2.4. What does he eat turtle?.

2.5. Do you need a land turtle water? ….

2.6. At what temperature to keep turtle? ….

2.7. sense organs turtles....

2.8. What are the habits turtles....

2.9. What diseases can hurt turtle? ….


Literature…. 13

Appendix (Presentation “Observation of the red-eared”, memo-booklet “Rules to be followed in the care and maintenance of red-eared turtles»)

Slide number 1. -Hello. I am Nurullin Usman. I'm 7 years old. I was born and live in the village of Yurma. My family is dad, mom, me and sisters Rosalia and Rufiya. I like to draw, make crafts from various materials. I love to read, watch different programs about animals. I also enjoy taking care of mine. turtle. My work is called "Observation of life turtles at home» . Slide number 2.

Turtle makes everyone laugh

Because it's not in a hurry.

But where to rush to those who

Always in your house?

(Boris Zakhoder)


Slide 3. Red-eared turtle appeared at my house as a gift from my sister on New Year. We put it in an aquaterrarium.

I immediately fell in love turtle and named him Stepashka.

I got very carried away and I had questions:

1. How long have they been on earth turtles and where do they get the shell from?

2. What genus is mine turtle and where it lives?

3. Who is this male or female? How to call it?

4. How old turtle?

5. What does he eat turtle?

6. At what temperature to contain turtle?

Does she need fresh air?

7. Sense organs turtles.

8. What habits do turtles?

9. What diseases can hurt turtle?

Passion for the amazing beauty of wildlife comes to people in different ways. But everyone experiences it for the first time in childhood.

Surprise gives rise to curiosity, makes you look for answers to many questions and riddles that nature poses at every step.

BUT Live nature in this studied specimen - red-eared turtle. Communication with her gives joy and surprise during the observation period.

Slide 4. Goals: to study living conditions turtles in nature, research their behavior at home, compare and draw a conclusion about the correctness of keeping the animal at home.

An object research: red-eared behavior turtles in room conditions.

Subject research: red-eared turtle.

Hypothesis research: lifespan turtles at home depends on the care and standards of keeping the animal, close to natural.

Slide 5. Tasks: 1. Studying the literature on red-eared turtles.

2. Monitoring turtle during feeding and wakefulness.

3. Generalization of observations for turtle.

4. Design the most best option caring for red-eared turtle at home

Slide 6. The following methods were used to solve the tasks and test the hypothesis research: study of literary sources, observation, experiment, comparative analysis, generalization.

Chapter I. Theoretical Analysis research problem

1.1. How long have they been on earth turtles?

1.1.1. The first mentions of turtles in folk art.

In ancient myths turtle played a very important role.

Despite the desire to eat everything, from ancient times, the Chinese and other peoples treated turtles with great respect. Many fairy tales have been created about this symbol of longevity, wisdom. The Chinese built a huge stone turtle on the territory of the Ming Dynasty tombs - they believe that touching the symbol of longevity brings good luck

The most famous tale about my pet is the story of a hare and turtle. So, in one old tale, a cunning hare is told, which muddied the water in the royal pool, and no one could catch the wretch. Only wise turtle it turned out to be able to cope with the elusive hare - she smeared her back with tar, where she stuck her scythe.

In another famous fable in question about turtle, who challenged the hare to a running competition, offended by her slowness. Bye turtle slowly, but she was faithfully moving towards her goal, the hare was distracted, either by a juicy carrot in the garden, or by chatting with friends. Eventually turtle came first, reminding us all that the more haste in business, the worse the result and the lower the speed of work.

And the wise Tortila "Golden Key" we also know about the kind Aunt Motya in "Luntik"!

1.1.2. Origin story turtles

Modern turtles- descendants of the extinct cotylosaurs, the most ancient reptiles.

According to other sources, ancient turtle, was a small predatory animal with teeth and an abdominal shell.

Turtle survived the ancient amphibians, survived the dinosaurs. turtle noticed probably like everyone around her changed: nature, climate, its neighbors on the planet. But at the same time she managed to remain almost the same as she had been since ancient times. And all thanks to the shell - an amazing invention of nature.

Slide 7. 1.2. Basic concepts research

I read in the encyclopedia that turtles- the oldest animals, appeared on earth about 200 million years ago.

Translated from Latin "red-eared"- painted, decorated.

Body shelled turtles He protects her from various dangers. The upper part of the shell is called - carapace (it is green, decorated with a pattern in the form of rings, and the lower, abdominal - plastron (yellow color with dark pattern).

Most of turtles, except for marine ones, it can retract its head, tail and legs under the shell. Such protection, almost without much change, allowed them to survive from ancient times; turtles have not changed for millions of years.

Chapter II. Practical part research

Slide 8. 2.1. What type is mine? turtle and where it lives?

red-eared turtle the most popular reptile for home keeping.

My painted turtle, near the ears are short red stripes. She has a beautiful shell with unusual pattern. This "painting" continues on the head and limbs. The head is olive with a hook-shaped upper jaw. The tip of the long tail is pointed. Since the reptile spends most of the time in the water, its forelimbs are slightly flattened, and there are swimming membranes on the hind limbs. It has noticeable hard claws.

Currently "red-ears" live not only in the USA, but also in Southern and Central Europe, South Africa, Southeast Asia.

Slide 9. 2.2. Who is this male or female?

To give turtle the name must be determined whether it is a male or a female.

To do this, it was necessary to carefully consider it and compare it with others. turtles.

For research, we took another turtle from our friends.

After inspection, I determined. What is mine the turtle is noticeably smaller, the length of the shell is 3.5 cm, on back side hips 1 horny tubercle. The plastron is somewhat concave, the tail is long and thickened towards the base. All of these features are male. And the other turtles available: flat plastron, they are about the same size, 4 horny tubercles on the back of the thigh, not very a long tail. All these signs tell us that this is a female.

Thus, I determined that my turtle male and named him Stepashka.

Slide 10. 2.3. Age determination turtles.

On shields turtles growing concentric annual rings. Like the cut of a tree trunk. These rings can be used to determine the age with relative accuracy. turtles. 2 - 3 rings - correspond to one year of life turtles.

In order to determine the age of Stepashka, you need to count the rings on her shields. Now he has 1 ring.

For a year of life turtles She has 2 rings growing on her shields.

Conclusion: now mine the turtle is not even a year old.

Slides 11-12. 2.4. What does he eat turtle?

In the encyclopedia for children "Avanta +", I read that the main food in nature is various aquatic mollusks, small fish, algae.

My turtle loves dandelion leaves, cabbage leaves, carrots,

grated on a grater, pieces of apples. Food purchased at the pet store

my stepashka eats in winter time when there is no fresh grass. We buy the same kind of food that my Stepashka is used to. This food contains natural ingredients

vegetable and animal

origin, appropriate nutrition turtles in natural environment a habitat. Feed turtle you need every day - 1 time, preferably at the same time.

Slide 13. 2.5. At what temperature to keep turtle?

keep mine turtle, as representatives of the freshwater family, of course, in an aquarium with a volume of approximately 2 liters. Slide 14. In the center of the aquarium there is an artificial slide, on which turtle drying up. water for

we prepare the aquarium in advance, it must be clean, warm (not lower than 20 degrees) and settled. We change the water in the dwelling 1-2 times a week. An incandescent lamp was placed above the aquarium. For red-eared turtles are very important

and natural sunlight available in the summer.

Slide 15. 2.6. sense organs turtles.

If you approach my Stepashka from behind so that she does not see, and start talking to her, calling him by name, then he does not turn his head and does not react in any way. This proves that he can hardly hear. Apparently, sounds do not play a leading role in life. turtles.

Although these animals are called red-eared, they do not have what we call ears.

But Stepashka sees very well. When someone approaches the aquarium, she immediately swims away or hides her head in her shell. If you give food turtle easily searches and begins to eat.

Turtles have well-developed color vision, since when looking for food they are the first turn focus on its color and only then on the smell and taste. They are first turn interested in red food. They also like green.

Conclusion: U turtles well-developed sense of smell and sense of direction, the so-called "compass sense", in addition turtles see colors, with red and green "favorites" Stepashka colors.

2.7. What are my habits? turtles.

My the turtle has its own habits. She loves to have her neck and chin stroked. Likes to swim and swim in the water. She does not like being picked up, especially by strangers - Stepashka hides her head in a shell.

When she wants to eat, she often swims up to the front wall of the aquarium and stretches her head, as if asking for food.

sometimes mine turtle opens its mouth wide. This behavior expresses displeasure.

2.8. What diseases can hurt turtle?

Turtles exposed various diseases like all living things on earth. If with the turtle is in trouble, then it must be urgently shown to a specialist. But if not, then you can try to help turtle himself.

Major diseases turtles it:

1. Eye diseases.

Symptoms: inflammation of the eyes, swollen eyelids, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Treatment: bathe turtle every day in a warm solution of furacilin and create additional heat for her.

2. Colds.

reason: low temperature content.

Symptoms: discharge from the nasal passages, vesicles.

Treatment: Raise the temperature of the contents, use an infrared lamp.

3. Damage to the shell.

Cause: the fall turtles from above.

Treatment: apply antibiotic ointment.

There are many more diseases, but these are the most common.

Of course, it is better to prevent the disease, so if you follow the rules of keeping and tirelessly carry out the prevention of the premises and the animal, diversify the diet turtles she will always be healthy.

While my health problems the turtle did not appear.

Slide 16. Conclusion.

From their research I concluded that red-eared the turtle is unpretentious. It is easy to care for her, but you need to follow the rules of care and maintenance.

I learned responsibility and realized that if you bought a pet, you need to take good care of him. Try to create all the conditions for the pet as possible lived longer in at home and not sick.

I believe that I managed to tame turtle to yourself. Communication with turtle gives joy and surprise not only to me, but also to my friends.

Slide 17. Love your pet, he will definitely answer you.


Remember: "We are responsible for those we have tamed".

A. de Saint-Exupery.

The result of the work.

1. Studied the behavior of aquatic turtles.

2. I designed interesting observations and conclusions in the form of a photo album and a memo booklet, which I placed next to the aquaterrarium.

3. Spoke a story about life and behavior turtles in front of your classmates.

4. With my mother, they created comfortable conditions for my life turtles(aquaterrarium, food, temperature regime, water purity, etc.)


1. A. E. Chegodaev. 99 tips. red-eared turtle. Care and maintenance. - M.: LLC "AQUARIUM PRINT", 2004. - 112 p., ill.

2. R Prashaga. red-eared turtles: Maintenance and care (translated from German by S. Kazantseva, 3. A. G. Krasichkova. Red-eared turtles, publishing house: Veche, 2009

Scientific and practical conference

"Young Environment Researchers"

MOU secondary school №3 Ak-Dovurak

Red-eared turtle in indoor conditions

Direction: "Zoology and Ecology of Vertebrate Animals"

6th grade student

MOU secondary school №3 Ak-Dovurak

Scientific adviser:

Vdovina Nadezhda Kuzminichna, head of the "Young Ecologist" circle on the basis of the Living Corner of the secondary school No. 3 in Ak-Dovurak

Ak-Dovurak, 2008


Passion for the harmony of living nature, its unexpected revelations and amazing beauty comes to people in different ways. But everyone experiences it for the first time in childhood. A person who is deprived of the wonderful gift of being surprised loses a lot.

Surprise gives rise to curiosity, makes you look for answers to many questions and riddles that nature poses at every step.

And the wildlife in this studied specimen is the red-eared turtle. Communication with her gives joy and surprise during the observation period.

Life and behavior of the red-eared turtle in indoor conditions

Observation object

Behavior of the red-eared turtle in indoor conditions

Objectives: To determine the dependence of the behavior of the red-eared turtle on nutrition.


1. The study of literature on red-eared turtles.

2. Observation of the turtle during feeding and wakefulness.

3. Summary of Turtle Observations.

Hypothesis: The behavior of the turtle depends on the food offered to the animal.

Habitat for red-eared turtles

The red-eared turtle belongs to the family freshwater turtles(Emydidae). “The ability of these turtles to live in slow-flowing waters, survive relatively low temperatures and feed on any garbage allowed them to settle far beyond their natural range in the southeastern United States. Turtles can be found south of North America, Southern and Central Europe, South Africa, Southeast Asia” (2). Red-eared turtles often crowd out native species of turtles. Young turtles are born with a shell length of about 3 cm. During the first 1.5 years, they are able to grow up to 7.5 cm. Then growth slows down, and the turtle grows an average of 1-1.25 cm per year. Adult females are larger than males and have more powerful jaws. Mating in nature is from late February to May. In captivity, turtles mate throughout the year. Usually there are 6-10 eggs in a clutch. Several clutches during the year. Sexual maturity is reached by 6-8 years in the wild, in captivity males by 4 years, females by 5-6 years

Most often, we have red-eared turtles in our house. Like any turtles, they live for a long time: at least 30 years in good conditions. But an unprepared and irresponsible owner can shorten the life of a turtle to 2-3 years.

Appearance and size of the red-eared turtle.

The shell of aquatic turtles differs significantly from the domed shell of land turtles. It is streamlined and flattened, its shape is oval. The head, neck and limbs are painted with former and light green stripes. Females are noticeably larger than males. The maximum length reaches 28.9 cm.

Concentric annual rings grow on the scutes of the turtle, as on a cut of a tree trunk, and from them it is possible to establish its age with relative accuracy (2-3 rings correspond to one year.

Turtles do not have real teeth, but there are horny plates along the edges of the jaws, ending in a “beak” (4). They are not inferior to the teeth of mammals. Some turtles tend to bite hard

Red-eared turtles are merman turtles and should only be kept in spacious aquaterrariums. So, for one turtle you need an aquarium of 100-150 liters. “Although red-eared turtles spend most of their time in the water, they need dry land where they can rest and walk” (5). Some owners of turtles are limited to sticking a plastic island to the wall of the aquarium. But this is not the way out. It is difficult for a turtle to climb it; a gradually rising slope will be much more convenient for it. The sloping bank should be rough enough so that the turtle's claws easily cling to it. The stores sell special islands for turtles, they meet all the necessary requirements (Inclined slope, rough surface, large area of ​​\u200b\u200b"land"). The land surface should be large enough - at least a quarter of the total area of ​​​​the aquarium. It will be easy for you to feed the turtle on the island where it will go out to bask.

The water in an aquarium with a turtle should be completely changed once a month. It is advisable to pre-defend water.

Turtles need warmth. Therefore, we install a lamp over the island. Since the lamp will be a source of heat for us. Experts recommend buying an ordinary incandescent lamp - its heat dissipation is simply wonderful. Moreover, the light of an incandescent lamp is so similar to sunlight. If the lamp constantly warms the island, there is no need to heat the water, the turtle will always be able to get out and warm on the island. “The island should be at a level of 30 cm from the edge of the aquarium, if it is too close to the edge, the most nimble turtles will surely try to escape” (6).

Turtle feeding

A turtle that has settled into captivity ceases to “close up” in its shell. They, according to experts, are “beggars” - they don’t remember their owner, but they know the feeding time well and are not late for dinner.

Feeding turtles is not difficult - the main thing is that the supply of a variety of feeds includes the main components. And although water turtles are carnivorous, they are not averse to diversifying their “menu” with vegetarian “dishes”, especially “for old age”. In general, red-eared turtles are unpretentious: in the absence of algae, they willingly eat cabbage, carrot tops, and raw meat. aquatic turtles It is desirable to feed and shrimps. Once a week, the turtles are given a finely chopped heart of cattle, and once a small fish. Depending on the season, dandelion leaves, lettuce, spinach, banana slices and other fruits. In addition, everything that can be collected in the field and on the river is given: caterpillars, fly larvae, earthworms, land and freshwater snails, all kinds of insects, as well as freshwater fish. The diet of young turtles requires special attention.

Red-eared turtles are happy to eat bloodworms, minced meat and granulated feed. However, to eliminate calcium deficiency, turtles need boiled fish (give the fish along with small bones, do not be afraid, they will not choke). Try not to give them fatty fish such as capelin, sprat, mackerel. Meat should not be the main food. Turtles "brought up" on meat inevitably suffer from rickets. The diet of young red-eared turtles should be dominated by animal foods, and with age, plant-based foods should be preferred. Before reaching two years of age turtles are fed every day, and those that are older can be fed 2-3 times a week.

How to feed? Place food near the water's edge first. When the turtle is used to it, start feeding it on the island by placing the food in a saucer of water. If your aquarium has algae planted, the turtles will eat it. So that they do not lack plant food, give them lettuce, young cabbage and various pond algae. Do not forget that turtles can eat small ones. aquarium fish so feed them on time.

If the turtle's claws have grown too long, trim them with manicure tweezers. You don't need to cut your beak, because your turtle is a predator and it needs a sharp edge of its beak to tear food.

experimental part

No. p p





Bread, pieces of meat, fish

Flies, pieces of meat

Eats little:







Pond slider unpretentious. It is easy to care for her, but you need to follow the rules of care and maintenance. The red-eared turtle is able to survive in artificially created conditions.

The behavior of a turtle depends on its diet and the food offered. It is necessary to diversify the turtle's diet according to the recommended diet.


1. "Great Soviet Encyclopedia" - M., 1978

2. "Red-eared turtles" - leave the content. M., 2004.

3. "Yapoznayumir" - Snakes, crocodiles, turtles. - M., 2000.


5. Vasiliev D.B. Terrarium of the Moscow Zoo. - M., 1995

6. Turtles, lizards, snakes - keeping, feeding, treatment at home. - M., 1999

Kotlyarova Anastasia

Project Manager:

Yutukova Galina Vasilievna


GBOU Medium comprehensive school"OC" p. Old Shentala

The research project on the world around (elementary school) on the topic: "My Timmy the Turtles and Timma" enabled a grade 3 student to expand their knowledge of their favorite exotic pets - turtles. The behavior of turtles in water and on land is being studied.

The student dreamed of having a small sea turtle at home. Now that her dream has come true, the schoolgirl wants to learn more about these amazing exotic animals.

In the theoretical part research work on the world around "My turtles Timmy and Timma" the author gets acquainted with some species of these animals, learns the type of his own domestic turtles, explores the rules for caring for turtles and their homes.

In the practical part school project "My Turtles Timmy and Timma" 3rd grade student elementary school observes the nutrition of his pets, considers the peculiarities of their behavior in water and on land.

Section 1. The main part of the project.
1.1. A little about turtles
1.2. amazing world turtles.
1.3. Byss turtles.
Section 2. Practical part of the project.
2.1. About my favorite turtles.
2.2. Food.
2.3. Terrarium and what should be in it.
2.4. Features of behavior.


I love all animals very much. Especially at home, because you can take care of them, give them affection and care, play with them. They are so funny and cute!

Relevance. Always wanted to have a pet. I have been watching turtles for a long time. I dreamed of having a small water turtle. And on my birthday, September 20, they gave me them. They were a boy and a girl. I gave them names. The boy was named Timmy, and the girl Timma. It is very interesting for me to watch them - how often they go out to breathe, when and how they sleep, eat.

Problem. But I do not know how to properly care for them so that they live with us for a long time. How often and what to feed them without causing harm to health.

Target my job is to learn more about these amazing exotic animals.

I have put the following tasks :

  • meet relatives of my turtles;
  • find out what species my turtles belong to;
  • read how to care for turtles and their homes;
  • observe the nutrition of my turtles;
  • consider the features of behavior in water and on land.

Object of study - my water turtles Timmy and Timma.

My mother turned on educational films about turtles for me. AT school library I read an encyclopedia about them. Plus, I watch my turtles every day.

I also remembered that the word turtle"Arose from the single-root word" scull". This is due to the presence of a shell, a modified skeleton.

They say that by the number of scutes on the shell, you can find out the approximate age of turtles.

MOU secondary school with in-depth study

individual items No. 12


Volgograd region


"Turtle Evolution"

Completed by students

4th grade

under the direction of

class leader

Nikolaeva I.V.



1. Substantiation of significance.

Targets and goals.

2. Stages of project implementation.

3. Reflection.

5. Literature.


1. Justification of significance.

Nature is a powerful source from which a child draws many knowledge and impressions. World wildlife colorful and varied. This is a world in which countless amazing creatures live, so unlike you and me. Interest in the surrounding objects of inanimate and especially living nature appears very early. It is very important to preserve and develop it. The desire of students to supplement the information from the textbook, to try to reveal one of the secrets of the living world is realized in this project.

Turtles are one of the most ancient reptiles on Earth. These mysterious animals with a strong shell have attracted the attention of people for many centuries. There were legends and fairy tales about turtles, in many cultures they were considered and are still considered a symbol of peace and longevity. What did turtles look like in the time of the dinosaurs? How have they changed over millions of years? What types of turtles are there? How are they different from each other? How do they breathe underwater? These questions can be answered in our work.


Formation of students' cognitive interest in research activities;

skills of self-collection of material;

development of the ability to observe, analyze observations,

formulate conclusions;

to teach how to design and protect children's projects;

fostering a sense of teamwork.


Through research work, learn about the ancestors of the turtle;

create an educational film-presentation for use in the lessons of the world around and thematic class hours.

2. Stages of project implementation


The content of the work at this stage

Student activities

Teacher activity


Determination of the goals and objectives of the project

On the basis of existing knowledge, they tried to imagine and draw the ancestor of the turtle and explain its appearance. The problem arose - whether our ideas coincide with reality. We decided to check it by conducting a study. We set tasks and determined the goals of the project.

Acquaintance with the meaning of the project approach and motivation of students, assistance in setting goals and a method for implementing the project.

Work planning

Identification of sources of information.

With the help of the discussion, methods for obtaining information were determined:

Think for yourself.


Information transfers.

Communication with specialists.



Distribution of work to collect information.

Students are familiar with research methods. The teacher helped to determine the best methods and forms of their implementation.

Research work

Collection of information.

1. Visiting the station of young naturalists (the whole class).

2. Conversation with school biologists.

3. Hike to the library (school and city)

4. Obtaining information on the Internet and with the help of the media (watching programs)

5. Observation of turtles in a living corner (how they breathe, habits and behavior)

Organization of excursions and conversations, assistance in formulating questions.


Information analysis. Formulation of conclusions.

Discussion of the collected information, analysis, selection of facts for presentation.

Assistance in the selection of material and preparation of presentations.


Demonstration of a presentation film with oral accompaniment


Evaluation of results and process

Discussion of work, self-assessment. Suggestions for showing the project in other classes.

Proposals for the implementation of the project (display in 2 classes when studying the topic "Animals of the Desert"

3. Reflection.

During the course of the project, students

mastered the skills of self-collection of material;

developed the ability to generalize, analyze the material;

learned to work with a computer;

got acquainted with the rules for creating and protecting projects;

created a presentation film and offered it for use in the lessons of the world around us in grades 2-4 on the topics “Classes of animals”, “ Animal world reservoirs”, “Nature Protection”, etc., and as an additional material during class hours.

4. Further development of the project.

The project took part in the "School student project competition" and won in the nomination "The brightest project";

The presentation film was demonstrated in the 2nd and 2nd grades at the lessons of the world around, as additional material, on the topic "Desert Zone",

in 3-b and 3-in classes during class hour: "Want to know everything".

5. Literature used:

Sergeenko Y. Turtles

Children's encyclopedia

Encyclopedia of Animals.Rosmen

Cherepanov G.O. Turtle Shell: Morphogenesis and Evolution.


We are talking about the turtle

We'll tell you the right way.

And how it all began

We'll tell you too.

About how in the classroom

Animals were studied.

And what about the turtle

We were able to find out.

The question has plagued us for a long time.

Well, what a miracle

Which has its own house

carries on the back.

Really wanted to know

Where did she come from

We are all about the turtle

Let's tell the whole country.

Set tasks,

Defined the goals

We thought a little

How to complete everything on time.

And in class

for a long time

pictures painted

Run to the library

For someone to help.

To the youth station

We went with the whole class,

And only about turtles

There was always a question.

We sat on the Internet

We went to biologists

In short, turtles

We got serious.

Bought turtles

They were watched

And all materials

We were able to discuss.

And the movie is educational.

Together we created

And everything that happened

We want to show you.

The idea of ​​our film,

Which together we took off,

Not only adults will understand

But even a student

Do you love animals

And don't hurt them

And take care people

You are your turtles

We recommend reading
