Oak bogatyr taurida. Bogatyr of Taurida

Design and interior 31.08.2019
Design and interior

The giant oak "Bogatyr Taurida" grows in the Children's Park, the circumference of its trunk is within 6 meters, and the diameter of the crown is approximately 30 meters. According to various estimates, the age of the oak is from 600 to 750 years.

Until the end of the 20th century, the “Bogatyr of Taurida” grew up in the garden of the famous chemist De Serra, a close friend of A. S. Pushkin. Being here in 1820, the poet stopped at De Serra and, most likely, walked in the garden. It was then that his gaze had the opportunity to become this oak, whose age at that time was already almost half a thousand years. Who knows, although maybe the well-known words: “Lukomorye has a green oak ...” inspired the poet to write a new masterpiece under this tree. Here, in the park, according to the characters of the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, a glade with fairy-tale heroes was created.

In 1945, about 200 meters from the tree, in one of the buildings on modern Schmidt Street, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill stopped to rest on the way to the Yalta Conference.

On September 12, 2007, the Simferopol city council decided to attribute the oak to the natural reserve fund of territorial significance and is now protected by law.

AT this moment oak pleases the eye with its own grandeur and inviolability, and is a place where you can hide from hot weather during the day. sun rays, and in the evening - arrange a meeting with your loved one. Of course, you can relax in the shade under an oak tree only in summer, well, the maximum is still in September, and if you want to find shade in the rest of the year, then we recommend a vacation in Thailand in October or in winter period. It is always warm and green here.

The giant oak "Bogatyr Taurida" is located in the Children's Park, the circumference of its trunk is about 6 meters, and the diameter of the crown is 30 meters. According to various estimates, the age of the oak ranges from 600 to 750 years.

Until the end of the 20th century, the "Bogatyr Taurida" grew up in the garden of the famous chemist De Serra, a good friend of A. S. Pushkin. Being here in 1820, the poet visited De Serra and, for sure, walked in the garden. It was then that this oak could appear to his eyes, whose age at that time was already 400-500 years old. Who knows, but maybe the immortal words: “Lukomorye has a green oak ...” were born in the poet’s head just at this tree. Right there, in the park, according to the characters of the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich, a glade with fairy-tale heroes was created.

In 1945, 200 meters from the oak, in one of the houses on modern Schmidt Street, the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill stopped to rest on his way to the Yalta Conference.

On September 12, 2007, the Simferopol City Council classified the oak as a natural reserve fund of territorial significance and is protected by law.

Now the oak pleases the eye with its grandeur and inviolability, and serves as a place where during the day you can hide from the scorching sun, and in the evening you can arrange a meeting with your loved one.

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The giant oak "Bogatyr Taurida" is located in the Children's Park, the circumference of its trunk is about 6 meters, and the diameter of the crown is 30 meters. According to various estimates, the age of the oak ranges from 600 to 750 years. Until the end of the 20th century, the "Bogatyr Taurida" grew up in the garden of the famous chemist De Serra, a good friend of A. S. Pushkin. Being here in 1820, the poet visited De Serra and, for sure, walked in the garden. It was then that this oak could appear to his eyes, whose age at that time was already 400-500 years old. Who knows, but maybe the immortal words: “Lukomorye has a green oak ...” were born in the poet’s head just at this tree. Right there, in the park, according to the characters of the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich, a glade with fairy-tale heroes was created. In 1945, 200 meters from the oak, in one of the houses on modern Schmidt Street, the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill stopped to rest on his way to the Yalta Conference. On September 12, 2007, the Simferopol City Council classified the oak as a natural reserve fund of territorial significance and is protected by law. Now the oak pleases the eye with its grandeur and inviolability, and serves as a place where during the day you can hide from the scorching sun, and in the evening you can arrange a meeting with your loved one. Save Changes

In the city of Simferopol, in the children's park of the Kyiv region, a tree grows, according to various estimates, which is from 600 to 750 years old. The girth of its trunk is 6.2 meters, and the diameter of the crown is 30 meters.
This is a famous botanical natural monument of local importance. Oak-giant "Bogatyr Taurida". Taurida is the name of the Crimean peninsula after its annexation to Russia, however, the name Crimea was assigned to the peninsula.
In the 19th century, on the site of a children's park, there was an estate and a garden of professor-chemist De Serra, who was friends with A.S. Pushkin. There is an assumption that the poet, who was resting here in 1820, being under the impression of the monumentality of a gigantic tree, came up with a plot for the poem by Ruslan and Lyudmila “At the Lukomorye there is a green oak”.

Today, the "Bogatyr of Taurida" captivates visitors to the park with its grandeur and stature. Its powerful crown is able to shelter vacationers from the scorching sun on a hot summer day. It is known that lovers often make dates under the oak tree.

You can visit the Oak "Bogatyr Taurida" on many excursions in Simferopol. For convenience, you can go directly from the page of this attraction to viewing offers. An excursion to the Bogatyr of Taurida is carried out by both private guides and excursion companies. The price depends on the excursion program, transport and experience of the guide. Choose proven excursions in Simferopol, for this the site has ratings and reviews. "Excursion" will help you make an informed choice.



Most oaks are healthy, dense trees. Many species of this genus belong to the so-called evergreen, that is, equipped with leathery leaves remaining on the plant for several years. In others, the leaves fall off annually or, drying out, remain on the tree and are gradually destroyed. Most evergreen species have entire leaves, others are lobed. flowers monoecious: male and female on the same plant. The female flowers form small clusters or earrings, men's are collected hanging or standing, often with long earrings. The flower covers are simple, poorly developed, but at the base of the female flowers, many scaly leaves are formed, located on an annular roller, which is nothing more than an overgrown receptacle.
flower formula : ∗ P (6 − 8) A 6 − 10 G 0 (\displaystyle \ast P_((6-8))\;A_(6-10)\;G_(0)) and ∗ P 3 + 3 A 0 G (3 _) (\displaystyle \ast P_(3+3)\;A_(0)\;G_(((\underline (3))))) .

In the 1950s and 1980s, attempts were made acclimatization oak in Altai Territory. If the plantings of the 1950s were held with varying success, then the plantations of the 1980s were successful: oaks took root and bear fruit, acorns are carried by birds and chipmunks over considerable distances, where they also take root.


Oak drill and ornamental forests are mainly produced by the named Russian-European species. Of the other types of oak, the most important Cork oak (Quercus suber), growing in southern France , Spain , Algiers, on the Black Sea coast Caucasus. It is remarkable for its unusually thick layer traffic jams formed in its bark. This layer is several centimeters thick and is used for cooking. bottled traffic jams. The removal of this cork layer begins with 10- or 15-year-old trees. The first cork is not good, but after 8-12 years a new one grows, which goes into action. After the second shooting, the third layer is removed after a known period of time, and so on.

In music

A decoction of oak bark is used by masters of wood plasticity to obtain the effect of ebony: 89.

Oak bark is used as medicinal product [quote not provided 389 days ] . Tannins have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, “fixing” the intestines with diarrhea. An infusion or decoction is good as a gargle for infections of the mouth and throat, as well as inflammation of the gums. It “tans” the mucous membrane and thereby deprives the bacteria of a nutrient medium. Later, the hardened mucosa is replaced by new, healthy tissue.

In ornamental gardening

Oaks are often planted for landscaping cities; So, Swamp oak (Quercus palustris) - one of the most popular breeds in the east USA and in Europe, and evergreen virgin oak (Quercus virginiana ) in the southern United States. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, oak was often used as tapeworm in palace and manor parks. In this case, he was usually planted in a clearing in front of the master's house.

In the Crimea and the Caucasus, you can successfully grow cork oak (Quercus suber).


Cross cut of a cork oak trunk Quercus suber.

Although the calorific value of oak wood is higher than that of other tree species middle lane Russia, but complete combustion of oak firewood requires a large draft of air, oak coal does not hold heat well.

Folk omens

Oak in oral folk art

In the cosmic worldview of the Slavs world tree transformed into a folklore image of an oak growing on Buyan Island, in the middle ocean-sea. “On the Sea-Ocean, on Buyan Island, there is a green oak,” - this is how many Russians begin folk tales. According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the snake Zmiulan lives in the hollow of an ancient oak, embodying the element of fire. He can inspire love in a woman in order to marry her. As a wedding gift, the serpent brings jewelry, which he takes out through a hollow from underground storerooms. Men who wanted to inspire love for their chosen one turned to Zmiulan for help. In Russia, there was a belief that Nikola Duplinsky lives in the hollow of a huge oak tree. And if you pray earnestly to him, then he will fulfill any desire: 40-41.

Some peoples believed that hollow trees felled by a storm could restore youth and bring health to a person. Such a tree in G. Longfellow's poem "The Song of Hiawatha" is an oak:

On their way, in the wilds of the forest
The oak lay, perished in the storm,
Giant oak covered with moss
half rotten under the leaves,
Blackened and hollow.
Seeing him, Osezo
Suddenly let out a sad cry
And he jumped into the hollow, as into a hole.
Old, dirty, ugly,
He fell into it, and came out -
Strong, slender and tall, stately young man, handsome! :41


AT revolutionary era in France oak, in memory of the Gallic tradition, symbolized freedom, hope and continuity. Its copies were declared public monuments protected by law, at their foot the peasants burned the landowners' securities, under their shadow, important documents were signed and civil oaths were pronounced

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