Ten most dangerous animals. Australian box jellyfish or sea wasp - Chironex fleckeri

Health 25.07.2019

The fauna of our planet is diverse. Moreover, there are a lot of its representatives who bring real fear to a person. We may be afraid of sharks, tigers, crocodiles because of their menacing appearance and enormous size. But there are a number of creatures that are really very dangerous for humans, but do not have large sizes and do not differ in special strength. All the same, the most dangerous creature on the planet is man. It is he who annually kills millions of animals for his senseless purposes. But there are still those animals that cause fear in humans.


A live bear is somewhat different from the "cute" Teddy bear from the cartoon. In fact, this is a huge, evil organism that can easily eat a person whole. Usually they do not attack first, but jealously defend their territory.

Their habitat rarely intersects with the human one, so the number of deaths from such a meeting is not large (up to 20 per year).
The most dangerous representative of the species is the grizzly bear. Standing up to protect their babies, females attack anyone who violates the boundaries of their possessions.


It's incredible dangerous predators, but real danger they threaten only those whom they are accustomed to eat. Therefore, a person does not always have to be afraid of sharks. It is necessary to try very hard that the animal perceived the person for food. That is why only 100 shark attacks per person are recorded annually in the world. Every 5th of them is fatal.


Such jelly-like organisms are outwardly very harmless. Especially those that children often play on the beaches of the Black Sea. In fact, jellyfish are practically the most ancient inhabitants of the planet who were able to survive in dangerous world only thanks to unique protection mechanisms.

Some representatives of the species at the tips of the tentacles have a potent poison that can cause suffocation, convulsions and respiratory arrest, palpitations. The tentacles of these creatures continue to sting even for some time after death. The most dangerous representative is the Sea Wasp. Its poison can be enough to kill about 60 people in a couple of minutes. Every year, about 100 people die from the tentacles of jellyfish every year.


At first glance, the animals seem harmless and clumsy. But such an image does not prevent them from referring to dangerous beasts. Hippos behave very unpredictably, even aggressively. In some cases, they are even capable of attacking if a person passes by at a decent distance.

The mouth of the hippopotamus opens 180 degrees, so it can easily bite a boat or even a person. Hundreds of people become victims of the beast every year. Their average land speed is 30-35 km/h. Only a physically prepared person can escape from such a beast.


Outwardly calm animal, which is very scary "in anger". Attacks usually when trying to defend. But it happens that the elephant attacks first in a fit of unreasonable aggression. Every year, 300-500 people die from elephants, as they often attack zoo workers.

There are even killer elephants that specifically, purposefully hunt people. In history famous case when an elephant periodically attacked an Indian village for 5 years, destroying everything and everyone in its path. He managed to kill 30 people.


This is a patient hunter who lies motionless in the water for days, waiting for gaping prey. Most often, African villages become victims of a predator, which, due to a lack of water, endure dangerous neighbors in the face of crocodiles. Up to 600 people usually die in the jaws of an animal per year. The most aggressive among them are the Nile and combed.

overgrown cats

Lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars are quite dangerous animals that often attack people. Every year human population reduced by 800 individuals. The presence of speed and innate hunting instincts leaves no chance for their victims when meeting one on one. The only salvation for a person is at least some kind of weapon.


The animal is small in comparison with other participants in the rating. This desert dweller is actually extremely dangerous for humans. Like many other animals, scorpions are the first to attack or attack only in self-defense. The trouble is that they are often able to crawl into the most unexpected places.

It can be: household items, dishes, shoes, clothes. Therefore, for safety reasons, before putting on shoes or dressing, it is better to look inside. Usually it is these things that scorpions regard as their new home. A single sting of a deadly sting can cause in a matter of seconds fatal outcome. Every year about 2 thousand people die from scorpions.


Today there are about 450 species in the world. poisonous snakes, most of which are deadly to humans. Their flexible body allows snakes to make the most lightning-fast jerks, inflicting deadly bites on anything that poses a significant threat.

The human circulatory system only worsens the process. The fact is that the poison almost instantly spreads throughout the body. Snake bites kill over 120,000 people a year.


It is this small insect that by a huge margin bypasses the monstrous crocodiles and hippos. Therefore, this animal is in the lead in the ranking. The statistics are really impressive: about 3 million deaths occur annually due to ailments carried by mosquitoes and mosquitoes. Mostly we are talking about malaria, various types of fever.

But, unlike other dangerous animals, whose habitat is strictly defined, mosquitoes are found everywhere, in all latitudes (except for the territory of the poles). This exacerbates the epidemiology of such serious ailments. Every year, several million people worldwide suffer from fevers and malaria. AT severe cases even the death of such patients is possible.

Such animals are dangerous enough for humans, therefore, if possible, it is better to avoid them so as not to lash out at the danger.

Even a pet can be dangerous to people. What can we say about wild animals that can scare, cripple or even kill a person? And not necessarily the animal must be strong and bloodthirsty. Sometimes a small fly bites a person into a hospital bed.

Ferocious representatives of the fauna in wild nature a lot, but we will present you the Top 10 most dangerous animals.

The yellow scorpion is considered the most poisonous and dangerous. Its habitats are deserts and dunes from northern Africa to the Middle East. This animal is called a deadly hunter - after its bite, a person dies in a few seconds. The only consolation is that scorpions themselves attack very rarely, only in case of extreme danger. So watch your step while hiking in hot countries, and before you put on your shoes in the morning, see if there is an evil visitor there.

malarial mosquito

Malaria mosquito - anopheles, a carrier of not only malaria, but also more than 150 viruses various diseases. Most of these diseases affect the inhabitants of Africa, Southeast Asia, South America where these bloodsuckers settle. In Russia, such mosquitoes live in low-lying areas of the European zone and Western Siberia, so when going to nature, stock up on ointments and sprays, and when leaving on an exotic trip - antimalarial drugs.

There are more than 2500 thousand species of snakes on earth, 10% of them are poisonous. The most toxic poison tiger snake, which is found in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea. If you are lucky enough to visit a Tasmanian farm on vacation, be careful: do not pick up an unusually colored dry stick lying on the path. Instead of a foreign souvenir, you can run into a Tasmanian “tiger” bite.

electric eel

There are not so many fish that can harm humans in nature. The most dangerous representative of this class is the electric eel, which lives in the waters of the Amazon and Orinoco. The fish is aggressive, attacks without warning. It is better not to go to a close acquaintance with him, you can get an electric shock of up to 650 volts.

box jellyfish

The sea wasp or box jellyfish is a poisonous marine animal. Found in coastal waters Northern Australia and the Indo-Pacific. An attack on people occurs in the event of an accidental meeting, for example, diving. Sensing danger, the jellyfish releases poison and infects a person with it, therefore, for safety reasons on the coast tourist area set up barrier nets to keep restless bathers out.

combed crocodile

Salted crocodile tolerates well salt water, therefore, inhabits the waters of Northern Australia, India, Malaysia, the Solomon Islands. Males reach 6 meters in length and weigh about 600 kg. These amphibians have the most powerful bite in the animal kingdom, it is not difficult for them to dine with a huge buffalo or a couple of monkeys. A very cunning predator that attacks people at a shallow depth of a reservoir or right on the shore, where human vigilance is minimized. In the wild, it is better not to meet such a cannibal.

polar bear

This cute-looking bear is a fierce predator. Habitat - Arctic. A powerful beast is able to quickly cope with prey, and in case of a lack of food, attack a person. And, although such incidents are not typical, it is better to admire such a toptygin in a zoo, behind a good fence.

African lion

The lion is the largest cat that lives in the savannas. There are few cases of attacks on people, but according to statistics, about 70 people are on the menu of the maned king every year. If you have become a safari participant, be careful, lions, as a rule, rush suddenly.

These herbivorous fatties have no less ruined human lives than other savanna predators. And it cannot be said that hippos do not like people, they just defend their place under the sun. After all, first of all, unlucky fishermen who decided to muddy the water in the place where the resting animal froze fall under the paw of hippos.

African elephant

Elephants eat plant foods and do not attack humans in order to eat them. But these huge beasts are famous for their frequent mood swings, and in a fit of anger they can cripple everyone who is nearby. Elephants are especially dangerous during the mating season. Despite the threat posed by them, hunting is organized in Africa. True, they catch old individuals that do not pose a big threat to safari participants.

So you have the information. Use it on vacation in overseas lands so that only pleasant memories remain from the time spent.

Reading time: 8 min.

The current world has a very extensive fauna that is able not only to run away from the threat, but also to resist it. There are representatives who do not seem dangerous at all, but can kill in one moment. In this top we will look at various types of dangerous animals.

Spotted dart frog

These small frogs live in the forests of the tropics of Costa Rica and Brazil. Their bright color warns others that you should not meddle in it. Yellow, blue and green shades predominate.

The poison of this seemingly harmless animal can kill two elephants or 20 people. There have even been confirmed cases of human death at the touch of a frog.
An interesting fact: in captivity, the spotted poison dart frog stops producing poison. This is due to the fact that the diet does not contain certain insects that are necessary for the production of toxic substances.

banana spider

Outwardly, this spider does not cause any concern, but it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most sinister killer. This nickname was well-deserved - a huge number of people died from the poison of this small spider. It is also worth fearing, because it does not have a specific habitat - it can be found anywhere.

Box jellyfish or sea wasp

Habitat - warm waters. It can be Asian or Australian waters. The pale blue jellyfish weighs only a couple of kilograms and has 15 three-meter tentacles. The jellyfish entangles the victim with its tentacles and it simply dissolves with poison.

A person trapped by tentacles can still get ashore, but this will be the most painful act, because the pain will be incredible.

The poison hits the target in just three minutes, then irreversible brain damage occurs, and shock can occur. nervous system. This is followed by cardiac arrest. Since 1884, there have been 63 fatal cases of human contact with a sea wasp.

ring octopus

The octopus is small - no bigger than a tennis ball - but size can be deceiving and this cute creature can easily kill you. During the attack, the octopus completely changes color and becomes dark. It has glowing spots. In this case, a person simply loses his sight and dies of suffocation. Surprisingly, no antidote has been found so far. This miracle lives in Japanese waters and the only way to escape from it is not to collide with it.

Inland taipan and Egyptian cobra

Inland taipan

An interesting fact - taipan very shy disposition and tries in every possible way to avoid interaction with other animals. However, this type of taipan is the most dangerous - as little as 30 mg / kg of body can be a lethal dose. When bitten, a snake injects 44 mg, but maybe more - up to 110. In size, it is very, very significant and can reach 2 meters in length. It lives in Australia, mainly in sparsely populated areas. Its poison is called "taipaxin" - this is the most powerful poison that is now known to science, and it acts by causing suffocation and paralysis of the brain, as well as muscles. Surprisingly, there are no confirmed deaths to date.

Egyptian cobra

This species is golden brown in color and lives in the forests of Africa. Her glands are capable of producing a poison of incredible power, which can kill a person in just a few hours. It is noteworthy that even an elephant can die from the bite of an Egyptian cobra in 3 hours. Poison causes paralysis respiratory tract, and the victim dies of asphyxia.


An amazingly massive and formidable beast that terrifies its victims by its own appearance. To date, the world knows eight species of bears that live in Asia, the Americas and Europe. Their most dangerous representatives are brown and polar bears. Most of them are considered omnivores, but there is an exception - this is a polar bear. He is considered exclusively a meat-eater and eats only animals. He is not afraid of people, but he does not particularly want to contact. It is noteworthy that when meeting with a bear, it does not make any sense to run away - it can develop an enormous speed (about 60 km / h). They rarely attack people, but by and large this is due to the fact that people do not often visit their habitat ...

African elephant

The elephant itself is a herbivore and has no enemies as such, but every year about 500 people become its victims, whom it pierces with tusks and tramples underfoot. In defense of elephants, it is worth saying that aggression is manifested only in cases of provocations from people. The elephant has excellent hearing and a strong sense of smell, and greatest danger presents at the time of mating games. This is due to an increase in testosterone levels by 60 times. Because of this, seeing another male or person, the animal may attack.

a lion

An amazing representative of the cat family. It combines perfect beauty, grace and incredible strength and speed. This predator needs a team to hunt, but it is not a problem for lions to drive a prey of any size. It can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h and is able to jump over a fence while holding a cow in its fangs. Incredible strength ... In Kenya, a case of repeated attacks on people by an aggressive lion was recorded - he killed 135 people.


Piranha. This species has gained some popularity due to artistic lighting in various books and films. No wonder, because the mouths of these inconspicuous-looking fish are filled with deadly teeth that are ready to bite into the victim at any second. They mainly attack other fish, less often marine animals, but not often people at all. Beware though, as their razor-sharp teeth can rip out whole chunks of flesh.

Scorpio Leyurus

This little black scorpion can kill you in minutes. It lives mainly in Africa, but is also found in the Middle East. Unlike the rest of his brothers, he is very dangerous and stinging the victim does not leave her the slightest chance of survival. The poison spreads throughout the body, causing wild pain, then paralysis and death occur.


The world of fauna is not always friendly. There are species of animals that pose a mortal danger to humans. Scientists, by compiling statistics on human deaths from animal bites, decided to present a list of the most dangerous. In our ranking, we have collected ten of the most unfriendly representatives of the world of fauna.

10. Spotted dart frog

Sometimes the most dangerous animal in the world can be no more than five centimeters in size. This type of frog lives in the forests of Costa Rica and Brazil. Two types of color have been recorded poison frogs: blue and yellow. A small amount of spotted poison dart frog venom can kill more than 15 people, or two adult elephants! There were cases when people died only from touching a frog. And such a beautiful frog, at first glance. Interestingly, frogs cease to be poisonous when they are taken into captivity. This can happen due to the fact that there are no insects in their diet that replenish the reserves of a toxic substance. Thus, after some time, even such a dangerous frog can become an ideal pet.

9. Mosquitoes

Almost all people dislike spiders. A strange body, curved paws and disproportionate, most often, black eyes are not the prettiest looking insect. If for most people spiders are those who simply weave webs and eat smaller insects. However, this is by no means the case. Among spiders there are predators. One of these predatory insects is the Black Widow. One gram of this spider's substance is enough to kill ten healthy people. Black Widow venom is much more dangerous than rattlesnake venom. This spider has a black, round body with red spots - a sign that the spider is already sexually mature, which means that its poison contains more toxic substances than other animals. The black widow lives in the steppes and deserts Central Asia. In the cold period of time, spiders hide in warm basements or rooms. Therefore, the maximum opportunity to meet a person occurs precisely in the cold season. In order to save yourself from the consequences of a Black Widow bite, you need to cauterize the bite site. An adult person dies as a result of a bite of this insect within seven days, a child within five.

7. Sea wasp

The sea wasp is a small jellyfish with many long tentacles. The jellyfish lives off the northern coast of Australia. The insidiousness of this dangerous animal is that it is almost invisible in the water. The sea wasp does not attack on its own, it waits for the inhabitants living at the bottom to swim closer to it. She just doesn’t attack a person, but any careless movement can lead to a deadly jellyfish bite. Usually, animals bite once. The sea wasp attacks its prey several times, resulting in excessive intoxication of the body with poison. The Australian jellyfish is the most dangerous aquatic representative. After the shark attack, people managed to stay alive. As a result of the sting of the Sea Wasp, not a single case has been recorded when a person remained alive. To date, medicine has not yet developed an antidote for the sting of the Australian jellyfish.

6. Egyptian cobra

The image of the snake has always had a negative and dangerous meaning. However, like the representatives of the reptile class themselves, they are far from the most best friends person. The bite of an Egyptian snake can kill a person in just a couple of hours. As a result, paralysis sets in and the victim dies of suffocation. It has been recorded that a sexually mature elephant dies from an Egyptian snake bite within 3 hours. A dangerous reptile lives in South Africa. This snake can attack a person suddenly, even if he is at a distance from her. Most often, victims fail to escape, as the Egyptian snake is capable of spewing poison over a distance of more than two meters. Despite the snake's danger, people often use them for street shows. For example, supposedly "snake charmers" catch them, remove their teeth and use them as a circus animal. The statistics of deaths from the bite of the Egyptian cobra is growing rapidly.

5. Piranhas

One of the most dangerous fish are piranhas. Fifth place in our ranking of the most dangerous animals belongs to these ferocious and ruthless fish. Many people know the case when predatory fish claimed the lives of 300 people. People tried to escape from the sinking ship, but another danger awaited them. The peculiarity of piranhas is that these aquatic predators always keep big flocks, which reduces the chances of the victim to escape. Piranhas have many razor-sharp teeth. Bloodthirsty fish are able to smell the victim, being at a great distance. They have a highly developed sense of smell.

4. African elephant

In fourth place in our Top 10 most dangerous animals is the African elephant. Every year, this animal claims the lives of at least 500 people. There were cases when elephants inflicted injuries incompatible with life to a person with their sharp tusks, and there were also cases when the elephant literally trampled the victim. During the mating season, elephants should be especially wary. After all, testosterone levels increase more than 50 times. Zoologists say that the aggressive behavior of elephants provoked a cruel attitude towards these animals of people. However, the elephant does not have to spend a lot of energy on the offender. It is enough just to lie down to rest without noticing him.

3. Scorpio Leyurus

The opinion that a scorpion's sting causes temporary pain does not apply to the Leyurus scorpion. Its bite delivers unbearable pain to the victim, then paralyzes it, causing fevers and death. This type of scorpion is widely distributed in North Africa and the Middle East. The number of victims from scorpion stings exceeds the number of victims from snake attacks.

2. Bear

Usually, people associate bears with a soft, plush toy that is not averse to dancing in a circus on roller skates. But do not forget that the bear is a strong and very ferocious beast. He has no enemies, no obstacles in his way. His victims rarely manage to escape, because even if you try to run, everything is useless. The bear, despite its impressive weight, is capable of speeds up to 65 km per hour! A bear rarely attacks people, but if a person falls into its paws, the chances of salvation are minimal. It is estimated that on average a bear kills about 10 people every year.

1. Leo

Leading our top ten most dangerous animals in the world is the king of animals - the lion. It will not be difficult for the most dangerous representative of the cat family to cope with a large victim. Very rarely, when the lion failed to catch up with his goal. After all, its speed can reach 50 km per hour. Lions don't prey on people. But recently a lion was caught in Kenya that killed almost 300 people. Also, hundreds of people were killed in Tsavo who were building railway in African territory. Sometimes, lions mass kill entire prides. For example, predators living near Lake Tanganyika killed 1500-2000 people. No wonder why lions are among the most dangerous animals in the world.

It was the Top 10 most dangerous animals. When traveling, be vigilant, perhaps one of the participants in our rating is hiding somewhere nearby.

The fauna of our planet is so diverse that a huge number of insects, reptiles, and mammals coexist in it, which are able to withstand an external threat using fangs, spikes and teeth. But there are representatives of the fauna that are small in size, whose appearance does not cause fear, but they have found a different way of defense or attack - these are tentacles, teeth, claws or a poisonous sting.

The most formidable weapon is the poison of some individuals, which poses a mortal danger to humans. One type of poison causes excruciating pain, another causes cardiac arrest, and the third causes paralysis of the nervous or respiratory system. But the result in most cases - death! All representatives of the animal world can hardly be called dangerous in the full sense of the word: their behavior is driven by hunger and self-preservation instincts. As a rule, animals dangerous to human life and health do not attack just like that - they simply protect their territory and their offspring from encroachment.

Let's get acquainted with the ten ferocious animals of the planet, which are not recommended to be disturbed by a person, since the threat of attack is high.

1. Frog - spotted poison dart frog

These cute little frogs inhabit the forest expanses of the tropics of Costa Rica and Brazil. An unusual bright color strikes with an abundance of shades of colors: yellow, green, blue and orange. The poison of this frog is capable of killing 2 huge elephant or 20 people!! Cases of death of a person only from touching this sweet creature have been recorded. Interestingly, in captivity, spotted poison dart frogs stop producing poison, due to the fact that the food does not contain the special types of insects that are required for this process.

2. The most dangerous arachnids - banana spider

Outwardly, it is not so scary, but it takes pride of place in the Guinness Book of Records as the most sinister killer. This title was received, quite deserved - most of the people died from the poison of the greenish spider. It is dangerous because it does not have a specific habitat - it can live anywhere, so it is better to know the spider killer by sight!

3. Australian box jellyfish or sea wasp - Chironex fleckeri

Sometimes this representative of the cnidarians is awarded the palm in the list of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. Box jellyfish live in warm Asian and Australian waters and have many species, but it is the sea wasp that is considered the most dangerous. This pale blue beauty weighs about 2 kilograms, has 15 three-meter tentacles and resembles a basketball in size. Everything that gets caught and tangled up in long tentacles cubic jellyfish, is affected by poison, which simply dissolves the prey. A person who has fallen into her arms can still get out to land, but the pain he experiences will be just hellish. Rescuers say that the pain, if the affected limb is cut off, will not be as severe as the sting of a sea wasp, leaving deep scars for life. Three minutes after the poisonous sting of the jellyfish, the functions of the brain are disturbed, a shock of the nervous system occurs and the heart stops. In the period from 1884 to the present day, 63 deaths have been recorded as a result of a human encounter with a sea wasp.

4 Ring Octopus

This tiny octopus, which is no bigger than a tennis ball, is an incredibly dangerous creature. “Where is his poison?” You ask. If you anger this baby, then his skin becomes dark in color, and the spots on it begin to glow brightly. When he attacks, the person completely loses his sight and dies of suffocation. The most dangerous thing about the poison of this cute baby is that today the antidote has not yet been found! The insidious octopus lives in Japanese and Australian waters, and there is only one salvation for a person - to follow certain precautions.

5 Most Dangerous Snakes - Inland Taipan and Egyptian Cobra

An interesting fact is that this snake has a shy disposition and tries to avoid proximity to other animals. But this type of taipan is the most poisonous and dangerous- the lethal dose of poison is 30 mg / kg of body, and with the next bite it gives 44 mg, and in total it can inject 110. The snake reaches 2 meters in length, it lives in the central part of Australia, where there is little population. Its poison is called taipaxin - it is recognized as the strongest toxin that science knows, and its action is asphyxia and paralysis of the brain and muscles. Despite this, no fatal cases have been recorded from the bite of a taipan, and herpetologists say that this modest, quiet snake could live peacefully in a human terrarium if it were not for the poisonous inside.

Egyptian cobra- A graceful beauty of golden brown color, living in African forests, represents the greatest danger. Her glands secrete an incredibly powerful poison that can kill a person in a couple of hours. A huge elephant dies from the bite of an Egyptian cobra in just 3 hours! The poison causes paralysis of the respiratory system - the victim dies from painful suffocation.

6. Bear

The animal impresses with its size, formidable fangs and powerful clawed paws. Today, eight species of bears are known to the world, and their habitats are Asia, South and North America, Europe. You are familiar with the most terrible representatives with impressive body sizes and ferocious habits - these are brown and polar bears. Most bears are considered omnivores, but there is an exception - the polar bear. This carnivore, eating only animals, is not afraid of humans and has no enemies. The formidable bear is ready to eat everything that has flesh and blood - and his brothers are no exception! When meeting with a bear, it is useless to run - it is able to reach a speed of about 60 km / h. But they do not attack humans so often, since you rarely meet people in their habitats. But cute panda bears prefer only food of plant origin.

7 African Elephant

Although the elephant is a herbivore and has no enemies, this animal kills about 500 people every year, ruthlessly piercing them with tusks and trampling them with massive feet. This is the largest animal on Earth, capable of causing a lot of harm to humans in its 70 years of life. You will be surprised when you learn that elephants' aggression is a consequence of the cruel attitude of people. The elephant has excellent hearing and sense of smell, and is most dangerous during the mating season, as testosterone levels increase 60 times! A strong and powerful animal can be obedient, but during the rutting period, barely seeing another male or person, it can set off in pursuit and attack.

8. The lion is the most dangerous member of the cat family.

We all admire the power and beauty of the King of Beasts, which combines the perfect balance of strength and speed. This predator is the only one that needs a team to hunt, but it is not a problem to drive a prey that is large in size! He rushes at a speed of 50 km / h, despite the impressive weight of 150-250 kg and is able to jump over the fence, holding a cow in his powerful fangs! An aggressive lion lived in Kenya and killed 135 people.

9. The most dangerous fish

  • Fugue- The delicious meat of this fish is considered a delicacy among the Asian peoples, although this spherical individual is incredibly poisonous. If the cook does not prepare the fugu correctly, the person will die painfully - first there will be complete paralysis, and then the respiratory organs will fail. And if the cook, when cutting the fugu, does not correctly remove all the poisonous parts - voila! Dinner will be the last in your life.
  • stone fish- Sinister appearance the water inhabitant is truly dangerous, although she never attacks a person for no reason. It uses poison only for protection, and when it enters the body, the person experiences incredible pain, and then paralysis and tissue death occurs.
  • Piranha- Everyone is familiar with these miniature, seemingly inconspicuous fish, at the sight of which there is absolutely no fear. But in the mouth of these dangerous underwater creatures there are several rows of small and sharp, like a razor, teeth, ready to cling to the victim and tear off pieces of flesh from it. They attack fish, marine animals, and rarely people. But all of you have seen horror films when a helpless victim was thrown into a pool of hungry piranhas, and after a while only bones remained from her.

10. Scorpio Leyurus

Not all scorpions are potentially dangerous, but the bite of this black beauty will lead to death. Leyurus is small in size, lives in Africa and the Middle East, and when it bites, the victim will experience severe pain, paralysis and death.

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