A powerful cyclone hit India. What is a cyclone? The action and characteristics of the atmospheric cyclone Cyclone Okhi in India, victims, tourists, forecasts: Storm Okhi reached the tourist areas of India

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As a result of the cyclone Okhi that hit India, 25 people died.

This is reported by The Times of India.

The main impact of the elements fell on the state of Kerala. So, in the capital of the region, Thiruvananthapuram, 96 fishermen went missing, while naval forces and the Coast Guard managed to save 690 people, most of whom are engaged in fishing.

In addition, "Okhi" completely destroyed 74 houses in the region, another 1122 were partially damaged.

Prior to this, the cyclone dominated Sri Lanka. There were 50,000 local residents without a roof over their heads.

Cyclone Okhi in India, victims, tourists, forecasts: Storm "Okhi" reached the tourist areas of India

The revelry of the elements also affected the resort areas, reaching the coast of Goa. Tourists currently there are not recommended to leave their hotels. According to a special correspondent of the TourDom.ru portal from India, in Goa, coastal restaurants were mainly affected by the cyclone. On Monday, the waves were larger than usual, sand washed out on many beaches, which will have to be imported again. The restaurant owners estimate damage between 40,000 and 100,000 rupees and expect material support from the state government.

According to eyewitnesses, the height of the waves on Kerim Beach has reached 2–3 m for the past two days. Some cafes located on the coast were destroyed and washed away, the remaining establishments had to close their doors to visitors. The territories of some hotels located on the first line were flooded. According to the latest weather forecasts, in the near future the wind in this area will increase, rain is possible. Swimming in the sea and even walking along the coast in such weather is prohibited - local lifeguards warn all tourists to leave the danger zone.

On the this moment The Russian Foreign Ministry is investigating the fate of our compatriots who are now vacationing in Goa. There was no official information about the Russians injured during the storm in India at the time of publication of the news. We add that earlier the hurricane raged in Sri Lanka and southern Thailand.

Cyclone Okhi in India, victims, tourists, forecasts: Russian Foreign Ministry warned of a storm in Sri Lanka

Storm warning in Sri Lanka Indian states Kerala, Tamil Nadu, on the islands of Lakshadweep in connection with the passage of the tropical cyclone Okhi in the Arabian Sea, 21 people died, 19 are considered missing, ”the message says.

According to local media, Cyclone Okhi brought showers and strong winds to Sri Lanka and India. Houses were damaged, some schools were closed due to bad weather. Landslides are expected in some regions. The military has been brought in to help rescue people.

On November 29, a tropical cyclone hit Indonesia. The storm and destruction resulted in the death of 19 people.

As a result natural disaster, which occurred on the island of Java, four people died from a flood, another 15 from a landslide. According to Indonesian meteorologists, powerful gusts of wind and heavy rains were observed almost throughout the island.

Cyclone Okha in India, victims, tourists, forecasts: What is a cyclone?

A cyclone is a low pressure area surrounded by a system of circular winds. Simply put, it is a grandiose flat atmospheric vortex. Moreover, the air in it moves in a spiral around the epicenter, gradually approaching it. The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be low pressure in the central part. Therefore, warm moist air masses rush upward, rotating around the center of the cyclone (the eye).

This causes clouds to accumulate. high density. Strong winds rage in this zone, the speed of which can reach 270 km / h. In the Northern Hemisphere, the rotation of air is counterclockwise with some turbulence towards the center. In anticyclones, on the contrary, the air swirls clockwise. A tropical cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere works much the same way. However, the directions are reversed.

Cyclones can reach different sizes. Their diameter can be very large - up to several thousand kilometers. For example, a large cyclone is able to cover the entire European continent. As a rule, these atmospheric phenomena are formed in certain geographical points. For example, the southern cyclone comes to Europe from the Balkans; regions of the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas.

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AT recent times the weather is increasingly scaring the population of the planet with rampant elements. If the rain is tropical, if the wind is hurricane. As observers note, every year the activity tropical cyclones only increases. It is associated with the universal global warming 20th and 21st century.

Some people think typhoons, storms and hurricanes natural elements, and others the punishment of the Lord. Powerful tornado lifted cars into the air and brought them down on buildings, carried people away and snatched children from the hands of their mothers. Tornado left behind massive destruction.

We have compiled a list of the most famous tropical cyclones of the 20th and 21st century. It is in our time that these little-studied natural disasters have created a colossal amount of extreme dangerous situations , left behindthe greatest number of victims and destruction.

Black Christmas in Europe

Catholic Christmas 1999 European countries(France, Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain) met under pressure Hurricane Lothar . The wind speed was extreme and reached about 215 km / h. It is the most powerful Hurricane ever recorded in Europe. Lothar's cunning was manifested in the fact that meteorologists were unable to predict it, since all the computational models did not work here. The element coincided with mass trips to new year holidays. Icy roads and strong winds have caused numerous car accidents. In two days Hurricane claimed the lives of more than 70 people. Most of the dead were victims of traffic accidents caused by bad weather conditions and the fall of thousands of trees. The natural disaster led to the suspension of railway transport and the cancellation of flights. Only in the Black Forest (Germany) 40 thousand hectares of forest were destroyed. whole slopes with valuable breeds coniferous trees were literally beveled in a matter of minutes. Lothar damaged priceless architectural monuments - the roof of the Notre Dame Cathedral, the stained glass windows of the Saint-Chapelle church and so on. Damage from the elements amounted to about 27 billion marks.

Funnel of death

April 3, 1974 148 tornado swept through 13 US states in 24 hours. The energy released by them was equal to a hydrogen bomb. This is the worst day in US history. 300 people died, more than 5,000 were injured. The destructive power and number of tornadoes were unprecedented. According to statistics, these natural phenomena happen once every 500 years. During the day, weather stations warned of a catastrophe. Thanks to this, even more victims were avoided. But many were taken by surprise, hitting the epicenter of the enraged elements. Unfortunately, the rescuers could not help them. Some cities twice in an hour were at the mercy of the destructive elements. Strength 6 tornado awarded the highest marks.

Death with a female name

Hurricane Katrina the most destructive in US history. It began to form on August 23, 2005 in the Bahamas. It was rated Level 5 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. The wind speed reached 280 km/h. Due to the location below sea level, many cities of the southeast coast were flooded. In New Orleans, for example, this happened with 80% of the territory, many buildings collapsed. The mayor of the city announced an emergency mandatory evacuation, but not all residents were able to do so. Tens of thousands of citizens were below the poverty line and had no Money on the road and hotels. As a haven, the authorities allocated to the residents the indoor stadium "Superdom", which accommodated about 10 thousand people and became a kind of Noah's Ark for the townspeople. The city was overwhelmed by a wave of looting, murder and rape. The officially confirmed death toll was 1,600. Economic damage from the elements - $ 125 billion.

Storm Isaac strikes

At the end of August 2012, the Atlantic Tropical Storm Isaac , repeating the trajectory of the infamous hurricane Katrina approached the coast of the United States and intensified into a hurricane of the first degree. Wind speed at the epicenter cyclone reached 120 km / h. The hurricane passed through Florida, Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi. Protective structures and dams could not cope with the amount of precipitation that had fallen. Due to heavy winds and floods, about 600,000 consumers were left without electricity. New Orleans has a curfew. Several airports in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama had to close. In Haiti, "Isaac" destroyed 335 houses. About 15,000 residents were evacuated. The number of victims was 24 people. At least five died in Dominican Republic. Losses from "Isaac" were estimated at $ 1 billion.

Beat all records

Record number of victims tropical cyclone counts Cyclone Bhola 1970, which passed through the densely populated Ganges Delta and killed from 300 thousand to 500 thousand people, and the potential number of direct and indirect victims from this cyclone could reach a million. This huge number of victims was the result of cyclone storm surge.

Typhoon Nina killed about 230,000 people in China in 1975 as a result of a flood that washed away 62 dams, including the Banqiao dam.

Galveston hurricane 1900 with 6-12 thousand victims was a record in the United States.

most intense tropical cyclone throughout the history of observations Typhoon Type 1979 in the Pacific Northwest, which reached a minimum atmospheric pressure at 870 hPa (653 mm Hg) and maximum permanent winds of 165 knots (85 m/s).

Hurricane Camille was the only tropical cyclone in the entire history of observations that made landfall with winds of such force, that is constant winds at 165 knots (85 m/s) and gusts at 183 knots (94 m/s).

Hurricane With the longest life was hurricane john 1994, lasted 31 days. However, until the advent of satellite data in the 1960s, the lifetimes of most tropical cyclones remained underestimated. John also has the longest path of all at 13,280 km. tropical cyclones for which this parameter is known.

Among the disasters of nature tropical cyclones occupy a special place. Due to its little known and difficulties in predicting tornadoes, hurricane, typhoon, tornado and storm capable of causing enormous damage to humanity. In the 20th and 21st century, their power of destruction has increased even more. dangerous air element as if hinting to us about the coming global catastrophe of the planet Earth.

A cyclone is a general name for atmospheric eddies with a reduced pressure in the center, rotating counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. This swirling motion is caused by a combination of two forces: (1) the contrast between the low pressure at the center or axis of atmospheric pressure and the increased pressure around it, and (2) the Cariolis force, which, simply put, is the drive of any moving body on or on the Earth's surface. deflected to the side due to the rotation of the Earth. In the Northern Hemisphere, the deviation is to the right of the direction of motion, and in the Southern Hemisphere, to the left. The combination of these two forces forms the so-called "cyclonic pattern".

So, a vortex model is created. Then the features of low pressure systems contribute to the strengthening of the destructive forces of the center of the cyclones. The air moving above the earth's surface is influenced by the terrain and the objects encountered on its way. For example, directly on the earth's surface and near it, there is a friction force that causes air flows to swirl inward towards an area of ​​low pressure. This, in turn, creates cyclonic forms. They are compensated by air currents rising up from the center of the low pressure area. These updrafts cool at altitude, which increases the humidity of the air. Thus, in any region of low pressure, clouds arise and high humidity, which are feature not only cyclones, but hurricanes in general.

As they intensify, the cyclones spread, sometimes reaching 800 kilometers or more across, although such sizes are relatively rare.

Cyclones are usually divided into two main categories: mid-latitude and tropical (typhoons).

Mid-latitude cyclones can form both over land and over water. They are sometimes associated with waves or disturbances along the polar fronts and usually move with the prevailing winds from west to east.

Tropical cyclones occur over warm tropical oceans, typically move westward with the trade winds when they form, and then curve poleward after formation.

A tropical cyclone that has reached unusual strength is called a hurricane if it is born in the Atlantic Ocean and the seas adjacent to it; typhoon - if pacific ocean(or its seas); cyclone - if in the Indian Ocean region.

The strongest cyclones - timeline

October 7th -
May 28 - Burma
December -
October 16 - Bay of Bengal
May — India, Kolkata
October 31 - Pakistan
november -
April 12 - Pakistan, Jessore
October 5th - India
June 13 - Pakistan, Hyderabad;
December 23 - India, about. Ceylon
October 31 -
Pakistan, Chittagong;
May 11 - Pakistan, Ganges Delta
August 27 - USA, Carolina coast
October 12 -

A hurricane is a tropical type of cyclone. It is distinguished by its relatively small size, but rather destructive power. The name "hurricane" itself comes from the English "hurricane", which is used to name strong cyclones.

As a rule, they originate near North or South America. His neighbors and close relatives come from the region of Asia, and Far East, and usually weaker ones. They are called "typhoons".

It is worth noting that not every cyclone can be called a hurricane. Some pass with atmospheric phenomena characteristic of the area and fade further. The cyclone itself is atmospheric vortex of impressive size, which twists clockwise in the southern hemisphere, and counterclockwise in the northern. They are especially clearly visible from space. But atmospheric phenomenon, when viewed from above, has a spiral shape with a hole in the middle, this is the so-called "eye of the storm". There is a zone in the center of the cyclone reduced pressure. Cyclones owe their origin to the rotation of the planet, while simultaneously moving it in orbit, so this phenomenon is considered common.

The size of cyclones can be several thousand kilometers, while the eye varies from 2-3 kilometers to several tens. As a rule, the size of hurricanes is much smaller, but the speed of air movement in the spiral is much faster and reaches several hundred kilometers per hour. Maximum 300 kilometers per hour.

In the area that is called the "eye of the storm" (or eye of the typhoon), usually calm weather with more high temperature. Warm air descends and enters the first turns of the spiral, where the colder mass is. As a result, an area with high pressure differences is formed. It, in turn, contributes to the unwinding air masses hurricane as a whole. Therefore, the center of the spiral, near the "eye", has increased power, highest speed and usually thunderclouds causing torrential downpours.

Tropical hurricanes originate over the warm waters of the oceans somewhere around the equator. As a result of the rotation of the planet, they move west and shift north. This is the reason for the large number of hurricanes off the eastern coast. North America as well as Mexico. These territories are more than others in recent years suffering from the effects of strong hurricanes.

Hurricane strength is measured on the Saffir-Simpson scale, which has five categories. Today, only a few hurricanes of the fifth, highest category, are known.

Now every year there are about a dozen cyclones and several dozen cyclones on the entire planet. And here are the most powerful of them.

Most strong hurricane in the world

The great hurricane of 1780, or another name - San Calixto. This is a tropical cyclone of great power that raged in the autumn of 1780 near the Caribbean archipelago. It became the deadliest of all known hurricanes. According to the documents of that time, at least 22,000 dead are known. And since in the eighteenth century the statistics were very conditional, compared to today, we can safely say that the number of victims was much higher.

The great hurricane touched the islands of the Caribbean, from Newfoundland to Barbados, passed through Haiti and destroyed up to 95 percent of all buildings. And that's not counting the thousands of lives lost. The tidal wave that the hurricane caused, like a powerful tsunami, passed through some of the islands, sometimes reaching 7-8 meters in height. She destroyed everything in her path. The hurricane was accompanied by strong unrest at sea, so many ships were sunk both in port bays and at some distance from the coast. Including part of the French and English fleets that took part in civil war USA. Approximately a hundred vessels in the water area ran aground.

Eyewitnesses said that the rain, under the influence strong wind, tore off the bark from the trunks of trees, and this before knocking them down. According to scientists, the wind speed then was at least 350 kilometers per hour.


The hurricane, which was named Mitch, passed through the Atlantic basin with incredible power and strength. It originated in October 1998 in the southern Caribbean. Meteorologists assigned him the fifth category, the highest. This is because of the wind speed, the gusts of which reached 320 kilometers per hour. The hurricane affected the territories of Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador.

Hurricane Mitch. Effects

He completely devastated them and claimed the lives of 20 thousand people. Most of the people died from mudflows, strong winds and tidal waves that towered up to 6 meters in height. More than a million people were left homeless, and hundreds needed drinking water and medical preparations. As a result, this led to an increase in infectious diseases.


The name Katrina is known to absolutely every American. Because it is the strongest and most destructive hurricane ever to hit the coast of America. Hurricane Katrina was born in August 2005 in the Bahamas. It quickly gained strength and began to develop towards the east coast of the United States. As soon as the bad weather reached the American coast, the hurricane received the fifth category in terms of strength.

But for acceptance necessary measures it was already too late. The authorities could not cope with the consequences of the disaster. So President George W. Bush's approval rating dropped to 38 percent at the time. Only according to official data, more than one and a half thousand people became victims of the hurricane. About half a million more were left homeless. Moreover, approximately 80 percent of New Orleans is flooded.

Typhoon in Pakistan

On the night of November 13, 1970, a powerful typhoon hit the coastal regions of East Pakistan. hurricane wind formed a huge wave up to 8 meters high. It swept through a number of islands and coastal areas. This typhoon has become perhaps the largest disaster in the history of mankind. According to various estimates, the death toll ranged from 500 thousand to a million people.

I think that many, looking at the photo, will say that this is nonsense, and not snowfall. In general, the way it is. This is quite a normal winter day for many regions of Russia, and even quite a normal day for many northern states.
Just remember that New York and its people are not accustomed to such vagaries of nature. City, whatever one may say - southern. Neither urban infrastructure nor way of life is compatible with such snowfalls. Therefore, everyone sits at home and patiently waits until the end.
Blogger samsebeskazal writes: It's been snowing all day in New York today. Central Park has already received 63.7 cm of snow, making this the third-highest snowfall in the history of the city. But the snow has not ended yet, so by morning the leader may change. The snow did not fall suddenly. Over the past few days, literally from every iron there has been a warning about the impending revelry of the elements, as well as calls to prepare for it properly, to postpone all matters related to moving around the city and, if possible, stay at home. The authorities were preparing plans for cleaning the streets, and residents began to actively stock up on everything they needed in case of a possible snow captivity. Manhattan people, accustomed to restaurant food, swept everything that could be swept off store shelves, and the media were happy to talk about long queues and empty shelves. But here, in fact, there is nothing to be surprised. Many Manhattan residents simply don’t cook at home, and when the possibility loomed before them that their favorite restaurant would suddenly not be able to deliver dinner, or even not open at all, they had to run to the store and buy some products. Residents of the suburbs, accustomed to stocking up for the future, reacted to the snowfall much more calmly. In our New Jersey supermarket, only ice cream and ready-made broths for soups were sold out. Everything else was in abundance.

In the morning it seemed that nothing serious would happen and the authorities, as always, were just playing it safe. By lunchtime, it became clear that the reinsured was not in vain. Snowfall has gone from being fun to being a serious problem. Some areas of New York were completely covered with snow, as a result of which traffic was blocked. Some areas also flooded. Three people died while clearing snow, and the state governor personally pulled out a motorist stuck on a highway.

Based on the fact that the strength of the snowfall does not weaken and the city is gradually turning into one big snowdrift, the authorities decided to stop the work of city buses, suburban trains and branches of the elevated metro (and this is a significant part of the system), close bridges and tunnels, as well as prohibit any movement of vehicles around the city until 7 am Sunday. An exception was made only for cleaning equipment and emergency vehicles. Violators of the ban face arrest. As a result, New York became empty and began to look very unusual. Cars disappeared from the streets and the townspeople instead of sidewalks began to walk right in the center of the roadway. There were people on skis and snowboards. immensely happy from the sudden snowfall, the children began to ride from the improvised slides that appeared here and there. City museums and zoos have closed. All Broadway shows, a hockey game and a Bruce Springsteen concert were cancelled. Without the usual hustle and bustle of a big city, people relaxed and began to enjoy the small joys of life: walking around a snow-covered city, cooking, reading a book, talking with friends and watching Netflix together.

Now 2,379 units of cleaning equipment and about 3,700 people are involved in cleaning the streets, who work in two shifts. Now it remains only to wait for the morning, and then a shovel in hand and remove the snow. The authorities are responsible for the streets. Sidewalks are the responsibility of the building owner. So all residents of the private sector will start tomorrow morning with pleasant exercise outdoors. I'm not an exception.

Unfortunately, I ended up locked in my home in New Jersey and couldn't get to New York to take a picture. But photographer Vladimir Badikov was able to do this, who traveled around the city from early morning and filmed everything that happened. Below is his photo essay.

2. 6 am in Times Square.

2. A little drunk but very funny dude who, according to him, does this every year.

3. There is still little snow.

4. Everything is just beginning.

5. The first taxis.

6. The cleaners still think they got carried away.

7. Harvesting equipment took to the streets. In New York, ordinary garbage trucks are used for snow removal, on which a blade is hung. The downside is that during snowfalls they stop taking out the garbage that lies in bags near the houses. Over time, huge piles accumulate.

8. New Yorkers, as usual, who are into what much. Someone in a down jacket and boots, and someone in a light coat and boots with fish fur. At any time of the year you can meet people in shorts.

9. Cars are slowly covered with snow, but street cleaning has been canceled (not from snow, but another) and you can not think about the problems associated with re-parking.

10. Someone is trying to clean the sidewalk, but it is of little use. In an hour everything sweeps up again.

11. House-iron in the snow.

12. Animals have problems too.

13. Park in the snow. Surprisingly, people walk in the parks.

14. That's who is not on the streets, so it's motorcyclists.

15. There are cyclists, though.

16. What would it mean?

18. Streets of Chinatown Manhattan.

19. Package man.

20. It’s almost impossible to drive on a conventional non-wheel drive car. And still on summer tires.

21. Traders are trying to save products.

22. The Chinese work no matter what.

23. So are restaurant delivery guys who ride electric bikes.

24. You can walk on sidewalks with great difficulty.

25. Umbrellas are very popular.

26. Until they break.

27. Lower Manhattan.

28. The highways are empty. The photo was taken before the traffic ban, but there are no cars anymore.


30. Cleaning of adjacent territories.


32. That's how they ride on such snow?


34. Courier and delivery man. Many people go to work because of higher tips.


36. Street.




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