Download ppt "Invertebrates" Animal diversity

Auto 09.08.2019

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WILD HOUSEHOLD ANIMALS Live in forests, reservoirs, meadows, fields. They take care of their offspring. They get their own food. They build their own houses. They live with a person, a person takes care of him. A man builds a house, feeds him. Man breeds new breeds, takes care of offspring. Pets are good for people.

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ANIMALS INVERTEBRATE VERTEBRATE fish reptiles mammals birds amphibious spiders crayfish echinoderms worms insects A feature of these animals is the complete absence of an internal skeleton, or there is only an external skeleton, presented in the form of a shell A feature of these animals is the presence of a real bone or cartilaginous skeleton, the basis of which is the vertebral column

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INVERTEBRATES: WORMS EARTHWORMS The family of earthworms consists of almost 170 species, and belongs to the type of annelids. All earthworms similar in lifestyle. They live in wet places digging tunnels underground, in cold and drought they go deep into the ground. After heavy rains due to lack of air, earthworms are forced to rise to the surface. They feed on decaying plant remains and soil microorganisms. There are especially many earthworms in the soil of gardens, orchards and other soils, where their number can reach 400 pieces per 1 m of land. Size from 8 to 30 cm.

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Mollusks have mastered almost all habitats: sea and freshwater bodies of water, land .. Among the mollusks are octopuses, squids, water and land snails and many others. INVERTEBRATES: molluscs

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Cephalopods octopus, cuttlefish and squid There are 600 species of animals belonging to the class of cephalopods. These are mollusks with a clearly distinct head and a crown of eight or ten tentacles surrounding the mouth. All cephalopods are predators. The main food is fish, crabs, and small mollusks. INVERTEBRATES: molluscs

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Cephalopods octopuses, cuttlefish and squid Cephalopods have not one, but three hearts: one head and two gills. And their blood is unusual - blue! Dark blue when saturated with oxygen, and pale with carbon dioxide. INVERTEBRATES: mollusks A cephalopod moves by sucking in water (it also supplies it with oxygen) and forcibly pushing it out through a funnel. The active work of the natural jet engine allows them to reach speeds of more than 30 km per hour. The meat of squid, octopus is a human food product. Their fishing is especially developed in Japan, China and Korea.

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INVERTEBRATES: SHELLS SQUID - ten-legged mollusks Escaping from the enemy, the squid releases an inky “smoke screen”. Together with the squid's remarkable color-changing ability, it distracts the enemy long enough for the squid to get away.

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Cuttlefish - decapod molluscs INVERTEBRATES: mollusks A cephalopod mollusk moves by sucking in water (it also supplies it with oxygen) and pushing it out with force through a funnel. The active work of the natural jet engine allows the squid to reach speeds of more than 30 km per hour.

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Cuttlefish - decapod mollusks INVERTEBRATES: SHELLS There are about a hundred species of cuttlefish. The smallest are no more than 1 cm 8 mm, and the largest, the giant Australian cuttlefish, can grow to almost human size.

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Octopuses do not live long. Most species live only up to 2 years. Octopuses stop feeding after mating, and go without food for several months. Octopuses do not have any bones or protective bodies. The only hard part of the body is the parrot-like beak. The whole body is unusually soft, flexible and elastic. It allows the octopus to penetrate the narrowest cracks and holes in the rocks. The only limitation is the beak. One of the most interesting features octopus is its ability to change the color of the body, allowing you to instantly copy the colors of surrounding objects. OCTOPUS - octopus molluscs INVERTEBRATES: SHELLS

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INVERTEBRATES: mollusks gastropod mollusks or snails The shells of gastropod mollusks are twisted into a spiral and are distinguished by a great variety of shapes.

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INVERTEBRATES: mollusks bivalve molluscs bivalves - exclusively water group, live both in saline and in fresh waters. Man uses some types of bivalves for food (mussels and oysters), as a source of material for jewelry (mother-of-pearl and pearls), as souvenirs or even money. The body of these mollusks is covered with a hard bivalve shell. It opens with an elastic ligament that connects the flaps on the dorsal side. The valves are closed with the help of two closing muscles running across the body at the anterior and posterior ends. About 20,000 species of mollusks belong to the class of bivalves.

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INVERTEBRATES: ARthropods The body of arthropods is segmented and divided into head, thorax and abdomen. Completely or partially covered with chitin. Grow only during molting. The limbs are jointed; perform the functions of movement, breathing, protection, capture, etc. The head and chest of some merge into the cephalothorax. crustaceans, spiders, insects

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INVERTEBRATES: arthropod crustaceans Predominantly aquatic inhabitants of fresh and sea ​​waters. Some groups have adapted to terrestrial life: land crabs and hermit crabs, wood lice. crabs, crayfish, hermit crabs, lobsters, shrimps, wood lice

The presentation will help to conduct the lesson "Invertebrates", to continue the formation of ideas about the essential features of the animal kingdom, in terms of invertebrates. Slide 3. Scheme "Multicellular animals". Students are invited to remember the division of multicellular organisms into vertebrates and invertebrates. When you click on the mouse, the scheme is gradually shown Slide 4. Intestinal. After demonstrating an example of a representative of the coelenterates. Children are invited to guess who it is (allowed to use the textbook). After that, you need to click the mouse to display the description of the group of Coelenterates. With further clicks, their general characteristics appear. Slides 5 - 8. The functionality of the slide is similar to the functionality described for slide 4. Slide 9. Based on the knowledge gained from slides 4-8, it is proposed to compare groups of species and their numbers. Clicking the mouse will show the correct answers for each option, starting from the top. Slide 10. Based on the images of representatives of the studied groups, students are asked to determine which group they belong to. Slide 11. Summing up the topic. Slide 12. Survey of students. Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

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"Presentation on biology "Invertebrates""


Biology teacher

MBOU Novosibirsk region

Novosibirsk region - Razdolnenskaya secondary school No. 19

Evstegneeva Alevtina Vasilievna

Lesson Objectives

To form ideas about invertebrates

Create conditions for the development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities

To study the essential features of representatives of invertebrates




10 thousand species

Live in water

Hydras live in

fresh water

Jellyfish and corals - in the seas

Jellyfish move actively in the water,

and corals are mostly immobile

Over 500 thousand species

Elongated, elongated body

They live in water, soil, and

The most famous representative is the earthworm

Over 100 thousand species

Most have a sink

The animal in it hides from enemies

They live both on land and in water

The largest are squid and octopus


Over 1.5 million species

The body is covered with a strong shell

The limbs are made up of

individual segments

The most famous groups:

Crustaceans, arachnids and insects


6 thousand species

moving slowly

They live only in water

Mostly live on the bottom

Can change the rigidity of their covers


Choose number of species

Arthropods - more than ______ species

Mollusks - more than ___________ species

Intestinal - __________ species

Worms - more than ____________ species

Echinoderms - _________ species

Define a group of invertebrates





Lesson results

All invertebrates are characterized by the absence of an axial skeleton - the spine.

Invertebrates live in water, soil, air, in organisms of animals and plants.

Invertebrates include, for example, corals, jellyfish, molluscs, worms, spiders, crayfish, insects, sea urchins

Lesson results

  • What new did you learn in the lesson?
  • What did you like the most?
  • Why are arthropods called that?
  • What groups are invertebrates?


  • Kirilenkova V.N. Biology: An Introduction to Biology. Grade 5 Methodological guide - M .: Bustard, 2014. - 184s
  • Pleshakov A. A. Biology. Introduction to biology. 5 cells - 2nd ed. - M .: Bustard, 2015 - 158s
  • Picture of jellyfish:
  • Jellyfish Image:
  • Image earthworm: http ://
  • Image of earthworms: http ://
  • Nautilus image:
  • Shellfish image: http ://
  • Dragonfly Image: http://
  • Spider Image: http ://
  • Image starfish: https :// 282884079538%29.jpg
  • Image sea ​​urchin: http ://
  • Image background #1: http://
  • Octopus picture:
  • Image of a scorpion:
  • Sea anemone image:
  • Picture of a leech:
  • Sea urchin picture:
  • Image background #2:

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