Draw a picture on the theme of the new year with a pencil. How to draw a new year with a pencil step by step

Helpful Hints 29.06.2020
Helpful Hints

Drawings for the New Year are usually done with great pleasure by all the children - this helps them pass the time in anticipation of the holiday. Very often drawings are prepared for the New Year in kindergarten,

but even in the walls of the house you can draw a lot of beautiful pictures, using a variety of techniques for this.

Sponge drawing "snowman"

It is convenient to make prints using a template that is easy to make from a dish or cosmetic sponge. We cut out a simple shape - for example, a circle - and the stamp is ready.

When we make it with such a stamp, their surface is more natural, uneven.

On top of the dried paint, glue the nose and eyes.

Glue a scarf-ribbon and a hat.

Draw snow with fingers or a brush.

Snowman is ready!

Herringbone pattern with cardboard roll

Can be used as a stamp - with its help you get a curly Christmas tree.

By applying glue to the Christmas tree, you can decorate it with Christmas balls-beads

or draw balloons and a garland with paint.

Gouache drawing "herringbone"

You can draw a Christmas tree with gouache.

We cover a sheet of paper with blue paint. We are waiting for the paint to dry.

Draw a sketch of a Christmas tree with a pencil. We draw the largest details of the picture - the trunk and branches.

Highlight the branches with light green paint.

We cover the entire drawing with large strokes.

Using a thin brush and a dark shade of green paint, draw the bottom of the fir branches. The drawing is applied with small strokes.

top of the tree and upper part branches are covered with green strokes. This shade of green should be slightly lighter than the shade that was used to paint the bottom of the branches.

We color the entire Christmas tree with strokes.

We take a cotton swab and dip it in yellow paint.

With poke we draw a New Year's garland on the Christmas tree.

With cotton swabs we draw multi-colored New Year's balls.

Using a hard brush, cover the picture with splashes of white paint. The effect is very interesting, but it should be done very carefully so as not to stain the entire table. With the same hard brush, draw snowdrifts.

Gouache drawing "Christmas tree" is ready!

Watercolor and pencil drawing "Herringbone"

Drawings for the New Year can be made in different techniques and different materials. A very effective herringbone pattern can be made by combining pencil and watercolor drawings.

We need to draw a sheet of paper. We draw a vertical line with a pencil in the center of the sheet and divide it into four parts. So we designate the base, top and two central parts of the picture.

We draw three segments of the Christmas tree with a pencil.

We draw a star, balls and gifts.

Wet a sheet of paper with water and add light blue watercolor stains. We remove excess moisture and paint with a napkin and wait until the drawing dries.

We color the Christmas tree with green pencils.

We color the balls with a red pencil. To add volume to the balls, we leave their central part unpainted.

Rub the balls with your finger. The light highlights on the balls become a bit muted and look more natural.

We color with pencils a star and gifts.

We circle the star, gifts and parts of the balls with golden paint. Our wonderful drawing "Christmas tree" is ready!

Drawing Santa Claus with a pencil and paints

Bright and spectacular is the drawing "Santa Claus", made with a pencil and paints. Start drawing with the head of Santa Claus.

Gradually, step by step, draw Santa Claus a robe, arms, legs, a bag with gifts and a festive staff.

Paint a glowing star on the staff with yellow watercolor.

Paint the background with dark blue watercolor. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle it with salt. After drying, the salt can be shaken off. You get an interesting grainy background.

Now paint the star with bright yellow paint.

We paint a sheepskin coat and a hat of Santa Claus with red paint.

We draw the face, mittens and a bag. We are waiting for the paint to dry.

With the help of a thin black marker, draw small details of the picture.

Drawings for the New Year - ideas from the Internet

Look at the video - how to draw Santa Claus with a pencil:

Drawing Santa Claus - ready!

On the eve of the New Year, parents and educators are thinking about how to make the upcoming holiday interesting for children. One of these ways is beautiful pictures and illustrations, including those created by the hands of children, on a festive theme.

Christmas drawings and illustrations

New Year's Eve - waiting time little miracle. This is a great opportunity to help your child develop their winter traditions, imagination and creativity. We offer a selection of pictures that are useful for practicing with a child both drawing and studying the elements of the upcoming holiday on the eve of the New Year.

For younger preschool age (3–4 years)

At this age, babies are extremely inquisitive. They like to learn new information, learn to work with different materials for creativity, including pencils and paper. Illustrations in the classroom should be bright and colorful, while containing fairly simple objects in form and purpose. The same applies to stories that the baby can draw. By the age of three, a preschooler begins to distinguish silhouettes of familiar objects in his scribbles.

Gallery: a selection of pictures for children 3-4 years old

At this age, it is important for the baby to feel the brightness of New Year's colors, to get acquainted with the symbols of the holiday. Taking a sheet of paper, gouache and a palm, the baby can be creative in drawing winter trees. Together with the baby, you can make a simple New Year's application from colored paper. Because the baby likes to try different materials ask him to draw winter tree with the help of a black sheet and a tube of toothpaste A child can also practice drawing winter animals with toothpaste, a sponge and a stencil If you have gouache, invite your child to draw snow on the branches of trees by dipping his index finger in paint. Another interesting experience for the baby is to draw snow caps on the trees by dipping a plastic bag in gouache Using this illustration, ask the kid what animals he knows. Christmas decorations: what characters do they recognize in toys? Tell the baby about the symbol of the coming year, ask what fairy tales about pigs they know Invite the kids to take pencils themselves and try to draw a pig Ask the kids if they recognize the cartoon characters and what holiday they are happy about
Tell the child that the New Year will come when the hands on the clock converge on the number 12 Ask the child if he knows these characters, who they are to each other Another original technique for drawing New Year's motifs with the baby: squeeze the right amount of PVA glue onto a colored sheet Tell your child that it’s customary to dress up for the New Year’s holiday and choose a costume for the event together. the image of Santa Claus for drawing or developing ideas about folklore characters

For middle preschool age (4-5 years old)

By the age of 4, the baby has a conscious desire to portray something specific. However, the attention of a preschooler at this age is still unstable, so the plots should be simple and interesting. The Christmas theme fits here perfectly. And in the classroom with the baby, you can use illustrations to tell more about the traditions of celebrating the New Year and New Year's characters.

Gallery: a selection of pictures for children 4–5 years old

A child can draw a fascinating winter story using paint splashes from a toothbrush through stencils different shapes Hand drawing can be made more difficult by completing each fingerprint to the image of a New Year's character Show the baby a photo of the New Year's clock and ask what holiday they are talking about Ask the child what the conversation is about in the picture, who these characters are and what the girl is waiting for Offer the children a mini-story , as a result of which they will need to draw a portrait of Santa Claus (for example, give him a gift) Ask the children what they usually put under Christmas tree, and offer to draw it With handprints, you can draw a whole Christmas tree on an A3 sheet: moreover, both one kid and several can participate. Invite the kid to draw Christmas decorations Armed with crayons and felt-tip pens, a preschooler can also draw simple Christmas tree decorations Invite the kid to draw the hero himself favorite cartoon in a New Year's image In winter landscapes, you can find inspiration for New Year's drawings together with a child Family New Year traditions are also an excellent plot for children's creativity Showing children New Year's illustrations, you can ask them what songs and fairy tales they know about this holiday When a preschooler can do it himself navigate the numbers on the clock, invite him to draw a clock with a New Year's story Invite the child to remember cartoons, one of whose heroes would be a symbol of the upcoming New Year - a piglet The child will be pleased if the New Year's card or drawing he made becomes Christmas tree decoration

For senior preschool age (5–6 years)

By the time a child enters the senior group of a kindergarten, as a rule, a child already has basic drawing skills and a developed imagination, which he seeks to realize in creativity. Plots for children's drawings at this age can be more complex and varied. Feel free to rely on the preschooler's existing knowledge of New Year's fairy tales and traditions.

Gallery: a selection of pictures for children 5–6 years old

A child can draw a Christmas tree with pencils from simple geometric shapes FROM step by step instructions drawing a beautiful snowman becomes easier than ever. Invite your child to draw their favorite cartoon characters in a New Year's image to cut them out and decorate the window together. Winter motifs on a sheet of colored paper will look especially beautiful. an inexhaustible plot for children's New Year's drawings When drawing Christmas toys for inspiration, you can show your baby vintage Christmas tree decorations Using a simple scheme, a preschooler can draw a symbol of the coming year from geometric shapes By the age of 5, a preschooler accumulates knowledge about a variety of winter activities, invite him to depict Suggest a preschooler to draw how the celebration of the New Year goes in kindergarten, and come up with an interesting costume for yourself. Drawing with palms is fun at any age, but the older the preschooler, the more difficult and interesting his drawing can be An interesting plot for drawing nka - a gift that a preschooler would like to receive New year's night it seems to the child a time of miracles, and this is also an excellent plot for children's drawings. If there are pets in the family, invite the child to draw them in a New Year's image. he can also express his desire in a drawing. If the child likes to draw, invite him to do work for the New Year's drawing competition. Based on the illustrations, you can tell the children about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries Fairytale Snow Maiden is an important part of New Year's folklore

When studying holiday traditions with a child, pictures will be a good help and help, but do not forget to give free rein to the child’s own imagination and his desire for creativity and learning new things.

Preparing for the New Year is a pleasant fuss, a foretaste of magic, creativity, winter fairy tale. During this period, it will be very interesting to do drawing, because drawings made with your own hands will decorate the holiday no worse than toys bought in a store. The first step is to decide what to draw for the New Year. And then feel free to get creative.

Christmas tree
A Christmas tree hung with toys, garlands and "rain" is one of the most important symbols winter holidays. Coniferous trees can be seen in every home - this tradition came to us from the countries of Western Europe and was officially approved by the decree of Peter I in 1700. If you decide to draw a New Year's beauty, an article that describes in detail what a Christmas tree should be can help you

The most important guests of the New Year's celebration are, of course, Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden. True, they are known only in our latitudes - in Europe and the USA, Santa Claus comes to children for winter holidays with his helpers - elves. But if you still want to draw characters such as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, then these lessons will come in handy.

Although the fashion for toys and other decorations for the winter holidays varies from year to year, there is something that has become a tradition. So, more and more often on Christmas and New Year holidays in houses you can see a Christmas wreath, a New Year's sock. And, of course, you can’t do without such holiday elements as a Christmas toy or a garland.

The first thing that all children do when they wake up on the morning of January 1 is to run to unwrap presents. Usually they are placed under the Christmas tree, but sometimes they are placed in special Christmas socks hung over the fireplace. Both a gift and a New Year's fireplace will help to draw detailed instructions with illustrations.

Winter is snowstorms, frozen rivers and lakes, patterns on windows and, of course, snow sparkling in the sun. Playing snowballs, sledding, and of course, a snowman are indispensable entertainment for kids in the cold months. And you can also catch a real snowflake on a mitten and admire it, because each of us knows how beautiful and elegant the most ordinary snowflake can be.

Winter is not only cold and cold wind, but also beautiful snow-covered landscapes covered with hoarfrost of trees, frozen rivers, icicles and viburnum twigs hanging from the roofs. And if you want to take some of this beauty with you, then it would be a great idea to learn how to draw a winter landscape. And, in particular, paint a winter landscape in watercolor.

According to Eastern calendar 2019 is the year of the pig. So the images of these human friends are already full of vengeance in stores as souvenirs, posters and calendars. However, it is not at all necessary to buy ready-made paraphernalia - it will be much more interesting to make drawings that depict pigs and wild boars.

What drawing for the New Year to prepare for a competition at school or in kindergarten? This question is asked by many students and parents in the month of December. It would seem that there are no restrictions in the plots and you can choose absolutely anyone, but not all guys are able to effectively depict a bright and attractive New Year's composition with their own hands using pencils, felt-tip pens and paints. It is for those who are not an artist by nature that we have put together a collection of lessons that suggest how to make a beautiful, original and catchy holiday picture on paper. Having studied step by step instructions, you can easily draw Santa Claus, the symbol of 2017 - the Fire Rooster and other thematic images, and the video clip will tell you how you can create color portraits of traditional New Year and fairy-tale characters in the cells.

Step-by-step drawing for the New Year 2017 with a pencil for beginners

Novice artists should not immediately take on complex works that require careful study and high detail. It is better to try your hand at simple tasks and, so to speak, fill your hand. And the lesson below will help in this, telling you how to draw an interesting New Year's drawing with a pencil in stages.

Necessary materials for a phased New Year's drawing

  • simple HB pencil
  • simple pencil 2B
  • sheet of A4 paper
  • eraser
  • compass

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a pencil drawing for the New Year 2017 in stages

Drawing in stages for the New Year 2017 - Do-it-yourself Rooster to school

How to draw a bright, colorful Rooster, a symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017, to school with your own hands, this step-by-step lesson will tell. To create a work you will need a simple pencil, paper and a set of pastels. But if you do not like to draw with crayons, you can replace them with felt-tip pens, watercolors, acrylics or gouache.

Necessary materials for a phased New Year's drawing to school

  • sheet of A4 paper
  • simple HB pencil
  • colored oil pastel
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a Rooster to school with your own hands

Do-it-yourself drawing for the New Year 2017 with a pencil - Santa Claus to elementary school

the day before new year holidays in elementary school, contests and reviews of children's drawings are often held, in which children demonstrate their small artistic masterpieces. The plots for such works can be winter landscapes, fairy-tale characters and traditional New Year's paraphernalia, but the most relevant, of course, will be the image of Santa Claus. Moreover, following the instructions of this lesson, even a kid who is very far from painting can easily and quickly draw a mobile bearded man with a bag of gifts.

Necessary materials for the New Year's drawing of Santa Claus to school

  • sheet of A4 paper
  • simple HB pencil
  • eraser
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw Santa Claus to elementary school with your own hands

Children's drawing for the New Year 2017 in the kindergarten - Rooster in stages with paints

In kindergarten, drawing a Rooster, symbolizing the upcoming 2017, will not be difficult if you use the recommendations of this simple lesson. The guys from the preparatory and senior groups easily cope with such work on their own. Younger children will need a little help from the teacher, but only at the last stage, when it will be necessary to make a clear and accurate outline.

Necessary materials for a children's New Year's drawing of a Rooster

  • sheet of A4 paper
  • simple HB pencil
  • eraser
  • paint set
  • brush
  • blue marker

Step-by-step instructions for a step-by-step drawing of a Rooster with paints

  1. On paper, create a primary sketch of the torso. Approximately in the middle of the sheet, closer to the left edge, draw a semi-oval line from top to bottom, sharpen it a little to the bottom, and then lead it up and make triangular bases for the tail. To add to them more magnificent tail section divided into feathers.
  2. Draw a wing in the center of the body and draw three contours for feathers on it.
  3. From below, under the body, draw “panties” and legs, consisting of fingers and a back spur.
  4. Draw a neck from two tiers and a head. From above, draw the counter of the crest, and in front - the silhouette of the beak and beard.
  5. Paint over the body of the bird with a light orange color, the wing with yellow, pink and green, the feathers on the neck with blue and beige, and the head with yellow. Cover the beak, comb and beard with red paint, draw an eye on the head with black.
  6. Shade the legs with a black tint, and the “panties” with light gray.
  7. Decorate the tail as brightly as possible. Cover the base adjacent to the body in green, and the edges of the tail are blue, red, yellow and pink.
  8. Leave the drawing to dry very well. When this happens, trace the outline with a thick blue felt-tip pen.

Drawing competition for the New Year at school and kindergarten - a selection of works

At the end of December, schools and kindergartens always hold a drawing competition for the New Year. Such events give children the opportunity to show their imagination and demonstrate their artistic talents to friends, teachers and guests. Plots for their works, young painters choose on their own or consult with teachers, moms and dads. Images of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree with toys, a snowman and various fairy-tale characters made with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens are always considered relevant. Colored winter landscapes and compositions, where the family celebrates the holiday, sitting at the New Year's table, enjoy great success.

No less popular are the pictures in which there is a symbolic creature that patronizes, according to Eastern horoscopes, the coming year. The upcoming 2017 will be held under the sign of the Fire Rooster, which means that bright, colorful images of a magical bird, made by students with their own hands, will be quite appropriate in the competition of children's drawings.

If the child does not have the natural talent of a painter, do not despair. Step-by-step lessons will come to your aid, with a detailed explanation of all the subtleties of creating a beautiful and harmonious image on paper.

For those who do not want to waste a lot of time fussing with pencils and paints, a video will help that teaches you how to quickly and effortlessly create an original New Year's image in the cells.

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