Eastern horoscope on

Interesting 22.10.2017

The era of the Fire Rooster ends with the advent of 2018, which will be taken under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog. This cute animal is famous for its devotion and love for justice: the guilty will definitely be punished, and a respectable person will receive generous gifts in the form of prosperity and luck.

Eastern horoscope for 2018 shows that the Dog will be able to reconcile even long-standing warring parties, thus the long-awaited peace and harmony will be established in the world.

It is noteworthy that the patroness of 2018 is female, which means that intuition, tenderness, logic during this period will be fueled by cosmic energy and will become incredibly strong for some representatives.

All these feelings will help to find the desired happiness, which manifests itself in simple things: children, marriage, work. However, there is also a minus in the fact that the mistress of the year is a “woman” - all events will be characterized by inconstancy, fluctuation from bad to good.

Characteristics of the symbol of 2018

All descriptions of the Yellow Earth Dog come down to one thing - this sign is sympathetic, attentive, kind-hearted, it exudes comfort and warmth.

Family values ​​\u200b\u200bare incredibly important for the Dog, so next year you should devote more time to the family, share all the problems and sorrows, and solve difficult life problems together. Only such a tactic will help you not to lose heart, not to despair, but to walk cheerfully along the paths of fate.

People born under the sign of the Dog are leaders and instigators by nature. They easily make new acquaintances, are not shy and do not withdraw into themselves. If they have planned something for themselves, they will certainly achieve success in their chosen area, despite all the obstacles and stones that fall to their lot.

Of course, such a quality deserves approval, but on the other hand, these people sometimes have a hard time, because the chosen direction may be wrong and not always lead to a positive result. And the Dogs endure their mistakes very hard and are ready to correct them only at the end of the road, when there will be nothing to correct.

Another visible drawback of this sign is laziness and indifference. In some cases, such behavior can have a bad effect on relationships with loved ones, because other people's problems, at times, do not touch the soul of Dogs. To avoid quarrels in the family, one should suppress such a life position in oneself, be condescending to the missteps of another person, and be able to forgive.

As for laziness, there are days when even the most tempting offer does not seduce the representatives of this sign, and they, due to such weakness, may miss the most important gift prepared for them by fate.

What awaits representatives of the Eastern horoscope in 2018?

In order to understand how to manage your life and how to behave in certain situations, you should turn to the East, who is able to show the right path. In 2018, we are waiting for a lot of interesting and exciting events, but there will be plenty of challenges.


In the period under review, people born under this sign will be in the center of constant conflicts, moreover, they will not act as instigators. This is especially true for women, because they are still those brawlers.

At the beginning of the year, major financial problems are possible that can unsettle you. The stars warn against loans - do not give money, because there will be no return. Toward the end of autumn, some Rats will start an office romance, naively believing that it will develop into something more.


Representatives of this sign will literally rest against all their invisible “horns”, because the mistress of the year will force them to obey her laws. It will be hard for those Bulls who occupy high official positions - they are accustomed to unlimited power and prefer that they fulfill all their requirements without arguing. But the Dog will break the heavy temper of such people, thereby dealing a cruel blow to pride.


Tigers in 2018 will show themselves as real angels. They will moderate their ardor, ambition and will accommodatingly perform all the tasks prepared for them by the inventor Dog. Such laziness and indifference will not last long - with the advent of spring, the Tigers will show their true character as a predator.

Perhaps someone decides to open their own business or risk investing money. Surprisingly, such a risk will be justified, because at the end of the year it will be possible to collect the first fruits. AT autumn period deterioration in health is possible, therefore it is desirable to carry out preventive measures.


If last year the Rabbits worked hard, then in the coming year they can afford to relax and not chase the “carrot”. Representatives of this sign expect complete financial stability, mutual understanding with colleagues, respect from superiors. Yes, and the second half will bestow all-consuming love and warmth.

The only thing you should pay attention to in 2018 is health. It can be seriously shaken even after a common cold. The stars portend problems with the gastrointestinal tract and frequent visits to specialized doctors. Ladies should dress warmly in cold weather, otherwise there will be diseases associated with the genital organs.

The Dragon

A rich and varied year will be 2018 for those born under the sign of the Dragon. It cannot be said that all events will be painted in colorful tones. Especially a lot of unpleasant situations will happen in the family. Close person can “trip” the Dragon, thereby greatly upsetting him.

As for the financial side, it will not upset the representatives of this sign, but, on the contrary, will please. At work, an increase is possible, and owning a business will bring a good annual profit. At the end of the year, the Dragons will meet a person who will literally turn their lives around for the better.


People of this sign in the period under review need to keep their eyes open, because the mistress of the year decides to play with them. Every now and then she will throw various surprises to the Snakes, which are not always pleasant. On the one hand, the Dog will give financial well-being and career growth, on the other hand, it will take away peace and understanding from the family.

Probably, this category of people may have problems with the opposite sex, but by the end of the year the situation will change, and many Snakes will finally be able to find a family. Health, in principle, will not worry, but preventive measures still do not interfere.


In 2018, Horses will discover a lot of new talents in themselves that will become great helpers in later life. They will spend all of them in euphoria: from adventures, pleasant acquaintances, new projects and other intriguing events.

In the summer, Horses can start a major overhaul that will unite the whole family and show who is good for what. In autumn, it is advisable to go on a trip with the whole family and take a break from the passions that raged during the renovation.


At the beginning of the year, the Goat will not notice problems, her behavior will amaze with recklessness, because she will fall in love. Not necessarily in a new person, it can be a spouse, but feelings will surge in a new way.

At work, interesting projects and tasks are expected that can bring good profits. It is advisable not to spend the monetary reward received immediately, but to postpone it for some time, because financial difficulties will probably begin in the middle of the year. But even this situation will not allow enterprising Goats to start their own business at the end of the year.

A monkey

In order not to be on the verge of ruin, frisky and risky Monkeys must moderate their ardor and try not to follow their desires.

The dog loves family personalities, so the Monkey needs to spend more time with his family. Astrologers foresee a new dangerous love that will result in financial difficulties for the next few years. In the event that the representatives of this sign think deliberately, the money hole will be avoided.


Throughout 2018, the Rooster will spend at work, but this will not upset him, because he will receive fabulous profits for his work.

Of course, something will have to be sacrificed and the Roosters will decide to spend less time with their families. Fortunately, they are surrounded by understanding people who will always support and help. In the middle of the period under review, it is better to retire for a while and go to the sea.

According to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar, the influence of which is taken into account in most countries of the world, the owner of 2018 is the Earth (Yellow) Dog. Under the control of this wonderful "animal" is the period from February 16, 2018 to February 4, 2019. However, from the beginning of January, the Fire Rooster - the owner of 2017 - will gradually lose ground, giving way to a new symbol.
What will the Earth Dog bring us? What will the coming year be like and what should you pay attention to so that luck accompanies you over the next 12 months?

Main events of 2018
Traditionally, the Dog is considered a symbol of kindness, generosity and decency. Therefore, 2018 will put an end to many protracted conflicts and tense situations. The aggression and pugnacity of the Rooster will be replaced by mutual understanding, tolerance and sincere concern for others, for which the Dog is so famous.
In the year of the Earth Dog, you should show maximum patience, diligence and perseverance in achieving your goals. Thanks to these qualities, we will observe a gradual stabilization and even an increase in material well-being not only at the level of entire countries and peoples, but also at the level of our families, friends and loved ones.
The dog is a desperate fighter for justice, so in 2018 you can expect an increase in the number of campaigns for democratic ideals, speeches for civil rights, and also - yes, yes, do not laugh! - slogans against cruelty to animals.

Career and money in 2018
The Earth Dog is hardworking and economical, so his year will be successful in terms of finances. You can safely open bank accounts, start new projects and even try your hand at risky investments. True, it is best to do this with trusted people or old friends. After all, it is not without reason that the Dog is a symbol of strong friendship. The better you know your business partner, the more reliable your joint venture will be and the more fruitful the result.
In the year of the Dog, any real estate-related transactions will be successful, even if you need to apply for a loan for this. The main thing is your personal initiative and desire to improve your well-being. But trying to live "in debt" is not worth it: the Dog does not like those who do not mind profiting at someone else's expense.
The Earth Dog favors those who are experts in their field, helping to achieve excellent results in the professional field. Therefore, many careers will go uphill. Those who are looking for a job will have many wonderful chances to find something to their liking.

Love, family and friendship in 2018
A dog is a respectable and family animal, loves affection, comfort and warmth. She sacredly honors the family hearth and shows sincere concern for offspring. Therefore, 2018 will be very successful for those who are in search of their "half" or are going to get married.
If you are still single, try to "go out" as often as possible. Visit all kinds of cultural events, visit exhibitions, concerts, parties. You will not only diversify your leisure time, but also acquire a lot of reliable and interesting friends.
The dog is extremely rarely aggressive and tries to reach a compromise in any situation. If you unwittingly find yourself embroiled in a conflict, try to resolve the matter peacefully. And do not step over your moral principles. The dog is extremely sensitive to issues of conscience and honor, so any deception or intrigue will be revealed sooner or later, and the perpetrators will be punished.

And now about what awaits each of the representatives of the Eastern Zodiac in 2018.

Sign of the eastern horoscope Rat
Charming and respectable Rats will have to work hard in the first half of 2018. Troubles can arise on all fronts: both in love and in the financial field. Be careful and do not agree to participate in dubious adventures, otherwise you risk losing your money. By the middle of the year, health problems will come to the fore - do not start them, consult a doctor in time to avoid complications. The worst enemy of the Rat is overwork, rest more often and do not forget about maintaining a good physical form. In the second half of 2018, the situation will improve, the Rat expects financial stability and a series of victories on the love front.

Eastern horoscope sign Ox
The Dog will teach the insightful and hardworking Oxen a lesson in humility and diligence. The bull will have to work hard to prove his professional viability. Alas, you don’t have to count on a quick and easy result. Act clearly and confidently, because even the smallest mistake can harm the Bull's reputation. At the beginning of the year, you should not demonstrate your superiority - the fair Dog does not like it when someone tries to stand out from the background of others. The second half of 2018 will turn out to be more favorable, especially in financial matters. There will be an opportunity to make good money or enter into a profitable partnership.

Eastern horoscope sign Tiger
Emotional and reckless Tigers will have an unusually calm and peaceful period. AT winter months The tiger will be tempted to crawl under the covers, pretending to be a domestic kitten and for a while forgetting about all the problems and desires. However, the first spring days will make the Tiger remember past ambitions and go in search of happiness in the professional field and in love. If you are persistent and hardworking, then in a few months you will be able to enjoy the first fruits of your efforts - well-deserved recognition, financial prosperity and complete harmony in your personal life await you. And some Tigers at the beginning of summer will decide to marry or have offspring. In the second half of 2018, health problems are likely. The most vulnerable area - organs gastrointestinal tract. If you feel unwell, do not start the disease and do not self-medicate, otherwise a banal infection can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Sign of the eastern horoscope Rabbit (Cat)
Graceful and reasonable Rabbits (Cats) 2018 year of the Dog will bring a long-awaited respite. In career and family affairs, the Rabbit expects stability and prosperity. You will enjoy peace and understanding in the circle of close people. The only thing that can partially overshadow your existence is a series of small colds that can haunt you throughout 2018. Therefore, dress warmly and try not to overcool in the wet and cold season. In autumn, many Rabbits have a trip ahead - it can be a business trip or a long-awaited vacation. In the case of a vacation, choose a place where you could not only relax, but also restore health, and at the same time strengthen your immune system in anticipation of the next winter season.

Eastern horoscope sign Dragon
The noble and energetic Dragons will have a restless and eventful period. At the beginning of 2018, we will have to tighten our belts, but by spring the financial situation will return to normal. Many Dragons are waiting for a long-awaited promotion, which will be accompanied by a noticeable increase in material well-being. Do not try to spend everything at once, it is better to set aside free funds for some major purchase that you can afford in the second half of the year. But in the sphere of personal relationships, things will not go so smoothly. In the first and last third of 2018, conflicts are likely that will make the Dragon very worried. If you control yourself, you will be able to reach a compromise and save people dear to your heart. During the year there will be an increased risk of injury through sports or carelessness. Therefore, preference should be given to gentle training and calm, non-life-threatening types of recreation.

Sign of the eastern horoscope Snake
Wise and charming Serpents will face a difficult year. Periods of relative calm and prosperity will be replaced by conflicts and tense situations. You will safely cope with any obstacles, but you will have to worry more than once. Don't keep your wallet open: savvy savings will allow you to avoid many financial traps by providing a financial "airbag" in case of unexpected expenses. In matters of love, too, everything is ambiguous. You will either be in the grip of euphoria, or you will feel like the most lonely and unhappy person in the world. The truth, as always, will lie somewhere in the middle. Ups and downs await you, but in the end, by the end of 2018, the situation will improve, and some Snakes will even decide to confess their feelings or start a family. Be attentive to your health: nothing serious threatens you, but you should not turn a banal runny nose into a multi-week course of treatment because of your own carelessness.

Sign of the eastern horoscope Horse
Great opportunities will open up before the tireless and practical Horses, especially in the professional field. Be ready and don't miss your chance! Carefully consider all business offers that will come to you, because among them there will most likely be a great opportunity significantly improve their financial situation and climb the career ladder. Financial investments will also be profitable, especially if you follow the recommendations of those who have the necessary experience and deserve your trust. The second half of 2018 is successful for solving issues related to real estate - buying or selling a home, repairing an apartment or house - any task will be up to you. In autumn, you should relax and allow yourself a short respite from pressing matters. At the end of 2018, pay attention to your health - minor ailments or exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible.

Sign of the eastern horoscope Goat (Sheep)
At the beginning of 2018, hearty and businesslike Goats will have a bright and unforgettable romantic adventure. A dizzying romance will make you forget about everything in the world! For many Goats, this meeting will lead to the creation of a happy family. Well, those who have already found their "half" are waiting for another honeymoon, which you can contribute to by going on a joint trip. In work and finances, circumstances are also in favor of the Goat, especially in the first half of the year. You will receive interesting and profitable business offers that you will use with pleasure. By the summer, the financial situation will worsen somewhat, so try to be more economical and avoid large and unplanned expenses. Tangible support in Hard time will come from friends. However, the difficult period will end quickly, and in the fall you can breathe easy, feeling full financial security again. Despite a successful year in general, try not to take risks in vain - alas, in your case, the risk can be called an ignoble and ungrateful business. This applies not only to material well-being, but also to situations related to health.

Sign of the eastern horoscope Monkey
Diplomatic and impressionable Monkeys expect many victories and disappointments on the love front. Unfortunately, you will have to make sure more than once that the object of your adoration in fact does not at all correspond to the image of the ideal lover that you have created in your imagination. It is up to you to decide whether to maintain a relationship or start looking for a new, more suitable partner. The most difficult period in the sphere of personal relationships is the end of summer. At the same time, minor health problems caused by overwork and stressful situations are also likely. Don't exhaust yourself! Professionally and financially, the year promises to be successful. Whatever you undertake, success and recognition await you. By the end of 2018, many Monkeys will have the opportunity to significantly improve their financial situation.

Sign of the eastern horoscope Rooster
Self-confident and dreamy Roosters for most of 2018 will be engaged in creative and professional self-realization. Many of you are waiting for a real "take-off" on the career ladder. It is not surprising that there will be almost no time and energy for family and romantic affairs. However, the Rooster is hardly upset. Throughout 2018, you will feel a surge of independence and a thirst for adventure, so you are unlikely to want to spend a lot of time at hearth. Go on trips - it doesn't matter, to nearby cities or overseas countries - luck will accompany you away from home. You will get not only a lot of new interesting experiences, but also make promising acquaintances. Health does not inspire fear, any ailments will be caused, rather, by violations of the diet and gastronomic excesses, and not by serious reasons that can be a cause for concern.

Eastern horoscope sign Dog
For decisive and persistent Dogs, 2018 will be very successful. And this is not surprising, because this is your year, which means that you and the cards are in your hands! You are able to freely carry out all your plans, the main thing is to be confident in your abilities and do not pay attention to minor obstacles. Many Dogs will have a happy family or have a heady romance. Success awaits the Dog in the professional field, where you can fully demonstrate your perseverance and hard work. The zeal of the Dog will be rewarded, and you will receive not only recognition of your merits, but also tangible material rewards. This means that you can afford major purchases, a long-planned home renovation or the construction of a country house, or a long-awaited exotic trip. Just be careful about “exotic” issues: in the second half of 2018, there is a high probability of food poisoning and allergic reactions caused by eating low-quality or unusual food.

Sign of the eastern horoscope Pig (Boar)
Kind and trusting Pigs at the beginning of 2018 can count on great luck in financial matters. Feel free to invest the available funds - the profit received will exceed the wildest expectations. In the middle of the year, many people born in the year of this wonderful animal are waiting for an unforgettable romantic passion, which can be life-changing and lead them to the altar. In autumn and early winter, the travel season will open for the Pig - business trips and vacations, during which you can not only relax, but also learn a lot of interesting things, meet amazing people. Some even have a desire to move to another city or country. And some will want to try themselves in a completely new professional field. Do not hesitate, this is your year, so you can afford any adventures and experiments!
Author Elena Yudina "Horoscope for 2018 for each sign of the Zodiac"

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With the advent of 2018, all the reigns from the Fire Rooster will pass to the Yellow Earth Dog, which will not give offense to the offended and the needy, and will punish the hypocrites, liars and idlers according to their merits. So the period is expected to be quite interesting and eventful. Many will finally be able to feel the peace that they lacked so much in previous years. However, you should not relax much, as the Dog also presented many different and unexpected surprises. Therefore, everyone will be interested in what the eastern horoscope for 2018 has prepared for each symbol.

Eastern horoscope for the Rat

The beginning of the year for this sign will begin with conflict resolution. Female representatives born in the year of the Rat may feel especially vulnerable. But by the summer the situation will stabilize, and those who are in a difficult situation will be able to find a way out of it. In the first half of the year, you need to be more careful with money. It is better not to lend large amounts to anyone, as they may not be returned. And the stars also do not advise investing in a dubious business. It’s better for rats to just wait out a difficult period, and by the fall they will be able to feel stability, both financially and personally.

Eastern horoscope for the Ox

It will be difficult at the beginning of 2018 for those people who occupy leadership positions and are quick-tempered. A dog that cares for justice will wish to make its own adjustments to the measured life of those who do not want to make concessions and do not recognize any other judgment than their own. And it will be difficult for such Bulls. Various situations will arise, gradually leading to internal imbalance. But if the representatives of this symbol manage to pull themselves together and moderate their quick-tempered and proud temper, then by May it will be possible to regain their authority and begin to move on.

Eastern horoscope for the Tiger

For the Tiger, this new period can be the starting point for stopping a little and thinking about your life and future. People around will be surprised by the changes taking place with the Tiger, which will become quiet, calm and thoughtful. But this state will last only a few months, after which the representatives of this sign will begin to “wake up”, and their inaction will be replaced by quick and strong-willed decisions. Many will begin to prove their professionalism and gain authority among close and dear people. However, by the end of the year, due to emotional and physical stress, problems with general well-being may arise.

Eastern horoscope for the Rabbit

Horoscope for 2018 according to Eastern calendar will please many people related to this symbol. The rabbit will finally be able to take a break and take a break from the constant hustle and bustle and daily super-difficult tasks. They will often turn to him for advice, which will gradually contribute to the expansion of the circle of acquaintances and friends. Disagreements with the second half may arise in family life, but they will be associated with domestic problems, so they will soon be resolved. The only thing Rabbits need to worry about in the new year is their own health. This is especially true of the fairer sex, who should beware of hypothermia.

Eastern horoscope for the Dragon

The life of Dragons will be full of events and emotions. It will not do without difficulties that should be expected from close and dear people. Some of them can get into a very unpleasant and difficult situation, and the Dragon will have to understand it. Financial problems may arise in February, so during this period, the stars recommend refraining from large purchases and moderating your spending. However, soon, closer to April, the Dragons will be able to improve their financial situation. This will happen due to an increase in the career ladder or an unexpected bonus for success in work.

Eastern horoscope for the Snake

People born under the sign of the Snake need to be careful in the year of the Yellow Dog. Any adventure or spontaneous decision can lead to serious problems. Therefore, before you begin to act, you should carefully consider everything several times. In the spring, difficulties may arise with the authorities. The Snake will be required to immediately fulfill the set plans, which will not always be possible to translate into reality. Because of this, the leader may begin to doubt the professional suitability of the Snake. The stars advise you to strain a little and try to cope with all the tasks, because such a period will end soon.

Eastern horoscope for the Horse

For people belonging to the sign of the Horse, the horoscope for 2018 according to the eastern calendar has prepared many interesting acquaintances and bright events. Already in the spring it will be possible to receive a tempting business offer, which you should not refuse. This will help improve your financial situation and get good income in the future. Therefore, if the Horse has financial savings, you can try to invest in a new business. By autumn, thoughts will appear to update their own home and start a major overhaul. The main thing is to enlist the support of the second half, so that later on this basis there will be no conflicts.

Eastern horoscope for the Goat

New 2018 for many representatives of the sign of the Goat will acquire special significance. Lonely hearts can finally meet their true and long-awaited love. And those who have been in a relationship for a long time and cannot decide on a serious step in any way will make this important decision for themselves and enter the new status of a family person. Closer to summer, Goat may be offered to work on one interesting project. And if the Goat agrees, then the stars are in a hurry to warn that the work can drag on for a long time, devastating the person mentally and physically. And before embarking on a large-scale project, you need to understand for yourself whether the Goat is ready to go to the end.

Eastern horoscope for the Monkey

People related to this symbol have always been distinguished by unrestraint and waywardness. But in the year of the Dog, they will have to curb their temper and begin to learn to live by the rules. At work, many will often have to travel on business trips, which will significantly undermine health and weaken nervous system. In the middle of the year, the financial situation may be shaken. Because of this, the Monkey will get into large debts, which it will not be possible to repay immediately. But success will accompany creative individuals. They will often be visited by inspiration, which will result in new works, many of which will get away with good money.

Eastern horoscope for the Rooster

The year 2018 will begin for the Rooster with active working days. There will be a lot of work, but the material reward for its implementation will be appropriate. And when the projects and tasks are completed, the Rooster can arrange a well-deserved rest. And here the stars are advised to spend it near the water, where it will be possible to restore the spent strength and strengthen your health. During the year of the Rooster, new useful acquaintances are also waiting. In family life, no special changes are expected. The only thing is that minor difficulties may arise with children who want to leave parental care. And here you do not need to put pressure, but give them time to go through this period.

Eastern horoscope for the Dog

Those who are definitely lucky in the new year are people born under this symbol. They will feel more confident than ever. Whatever the Dog undertakes, everything will work out the first time. At work, rapid career advancement will begin. This is especially true for young professionals who are full of energy and enthusiasm. It is important that during their ascent they do not cross the path of one of their colleagues, otherwise then a general militia will begin. Many Dogs will think about changing housing and replenishing the family. Some even manage to start building a country house.

Eastern horoscope for the Pig

Everything that the Pig plans to implement in the new 2018 year will need to be thought over and weighed several times. One wrong step can completely disrupt the stability that the Pig has created for many years. In the middle of the year, a large monetary profit can be made. Her stars are advised to invest in real estate. But starting your own business during this period is not recommended. You have to be careful with new acquaintances. This applies to men who can run into a real scammer, and because of her, the risk of being left “without pants” increases.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be filled with positive and calm energy. The element of the Earth promotes peace of mind, intellectual fertility. The dog patronizes the family hearth, relations will be strengthened, mutual understanding will improve between partners.

In 2018, persistent, conscientious and honest individuals will achieve success. In the first months, it is necessary to complete everything that has been started and fulfill old promises. The horoscope for 2018 according to the year of birth informs most of the signs that one should not expect special achievements and outstanding successes, but the prerequisites will not force him to worry too much about the fate.

Your year is always especially successful for each sign, so for the Dog 2018 will be marked by financial well-being, happiness and good luck. Winter and spring months filled with passionate and romantic feelings. By the end of summer, there is a high probability of marriage and the news about the addition to the family.

In the fall, this sign will want to update its family nest. There is a risk of getting carried away and overspending the budget. To solve them, it is better not to contact the bank, friends and relatives will help to cope. In November-December, it will be time to focus on your career and set horizons for future aspirations.

In January-March, the Pig will receive a large number of business proposals. It is important to carefully filter them, excluding risky ones. With a competent approach to this issue, by April, well-being will improve significantly. Money must be put into action: open your own business or buy property for rent.

Summer will pass quite smoothly and will not bring changes. In the fall, the Pig will want to change jobs, and some will even decide on a cardinal change of gender. professional activity, get the second higher education. Family life will become more harmonious, old grievances will be forgotten.

The mistress of 2018 does not like Rats, for them the year will not be too easy. However, there is a chance to achieve the desired - to choose a competent tactic. At the beginning of the year, it is best not to take active action, accumulate strength, choose goals and wait for the right moment to implement them.

In the summer, luck will smile at the patient Rats, probably an offer of a lucrative contract, a promotion and the emergence of new partners. In personal life, this is a good moment to resolve accumulated contradictions or make new acquaintances with the aim of long-term relationships.

At the end of the year, you can relax again, but with a sense of satisfaction from your achievements. Active recreation in nature will be especially useful.

The bull sometimes received privileges undeservedly and relaxed during the year of the Rooster. Now the Dog comes to power with a heightened sense of justice and will shake up the usual way from the very first months. various difficulties and financial losses will be hard.

In April-May, you should take a time out and be distracted by something pleasant, restore sleep and nutrition. Having regained vigor of body and spirit, you can again pursue a career. However, carefully avoid any dubious projects and achievements at the expense of others.

Having strengthened the financial foundation, you can take up your personal life. Attention to the second half in the fall will change the weather in the house very positively. At the end of November, there is a good chance to unexpectedly receive a large sum of money.

In March 2018, the Tigers will overcome laziness and slight apathy. They will be influenced by biorhythms and spring will awaken the craving for change. Positive energy will bring financial success.

The summer time will inflame the feelings of the Tigers to a hot flame. They will finally decide to confess to the objects of a long and secret sigh. Or seriously fall in love at first sight. The feelings will be mutual. Autumn will magnificent wedding, and possibly the news of an addition to a young family.

By the end of the winter season, saturation and a busy rhythm of life can undermine the health of the Tiger. With signs of malaise, it is better to contact specialists in order to avoid complications. We'll have to slow down a bit and digress to analyze the prospects.

The eastern horoscope for 2018 promises well-being to the Rabbits in most life categories. With a career, everything was successfully established last year and is on track. In amorous affairs - an idyll, and those who have not found their soul mate are quite satisfied with freedom and rich communication with friends and girlfriends. The catch should be feared only from your own body.

There is a high probability of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Already meeting 2018, you should refrain from overeating and excess of strong alcohol. Prevention in the form of a healthy and regular diet (at least until spring) will help to avoid serious illnesses. Summer will pass quietly, and in autumn you need to carefully consider temperature regime: Avoid hypothermia and drafts. Vacation is best planned for October-November.

The year will begin without significant events or with an unpleasant surprise. Problems will be caused by the actions of one of the family members, but the Dragon will have to solve them. Since March, career and income will begin to grow, you should save free finances for large acquisitions. In the spring, the risk of injury is significant, be careful, especially during outdoor activities.

Until the summer of the Serpents, astrologers predict the well-being of the material component of life. Career growth and income increase by the end of March will allow you to improve your living conditions, upgrade your car or go on a long vacation abroad. But relations with loved ones until the middle of the year will be tense, try to understand what lies at their basis and correct the situation.

From July the situation will change dramatically. You will have to avoid unnecessary expenses and large purchases. Some conflict situations with superiors due to unfounded claims against the Snake. To get out of them without loss, show restraint and enlist the solidarity of colleagues. And at this key stage, relatives will provide support, and the personal sphere will only bring positive.

At the very beginning of 2018, Horses will be offered to move to a more prestigious position or decide to open their own business. If a own business has long been a fixed idea, the concept and business plan should be discussed with experienced and competent people. The dog does not like risky activities.

During the spring, workdays and emotional stress will greatly overload the Horse - a vacation will come in handy here. And in the fall you will have a big renovation. Moreover, the next of kin will be happy to help and will be able to cope with a family contract.

On the personal front, everything will be calm. At the end of a dog power period, be sure to analyze its main events and make basic plans for the next one.

Goats in the year of the Dog are destined to achieve new heights in business. Involving relatives or old friends in the business will benefit. Fresh ideas will significantly increase profits. Mutual understanding will reign in the family.

It is necessary to beware of hypothermia. If you have a cold, you should take a sick leave and follow the doctor's instructions so that the illness does not drag on.

In August, you can entrust all current issues to partners and go on vacation for a couple of weeks. After a rest a couple of months will also be loaded business area. At the end of the year, you can safely afford to update your wardrobe and purchase the latest household appliances. Enough money for generous gifts to loved ones.

Adventurous and restless natures - It is difficult for Monkeys to concentrate on one thing for a long time. They quickly tire of the routine both at home and at work. However, in the year of the Dog (a faithful and balanced couch potato) you will have to rein in yourself. Ignoring this advice and active search adventure threatens to culminate in the discovery of problems, financial and otherwise. Until the end of autumn, give up long trips, major undertakings.

In 2018, especially the first three quarters, it is better for the Monkey to spend more time with his family and closest friends. Engage in some kind of pacifying leisure, recovery. During the spring and summer, you can improve your skills, learn a foreign language.

Roosters from the first months of dog rule and until August-September will spend a lot of time, moral and energy resources in the professional field. Such efforts are not in vain - monetary rewards will pay for them with interest. Autumn sometimes will have a chance to catch up with pleasure in communication with relatives and friends.

Vacation will also be optimal for recuperation. Free Roosters in September-October are likely to have a stormy romance. Please yourself with cherished purchases, but do not rush to spend everything at once - the end of the year will not bring replenishment of the budget. You will understand that the work needs to be temporarily pushed into the background. The place of labor diligence can be filled with creativity or volunteering.

If you ask what year is 2018 according to the horoscope, it turns out that this is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This sign is distinguished by devotion and a desire for justice. Therefore, the higher moral qualities a person has, the more gifts he will receive from the mistress of the year. In addition, the Dog is able to reconcile the warring. Thanks to this, the long-awaited peace and harmony will finally reign in many families. It will come according to the Eastern calendar on February 16, 2018.

General information

Before making a forecast for each sign of the eastern zodiac, a characteristic of the year of the Dog itself must be given. Astrologers note that every year of the Yellow Dog is distinguished by calmness, stability, peace and harmony. The peacefulness of the Dog will affect the war zones, the activity in which will certainly decrease. This year we should expect stabilization of the political situation in the world. Many disputes and conflicts will resolve themselves. The economic situation in most countries will be stable.

Most of the achievements during this period will be associated with the desire of an individual to stand out from the crowd, to show his intelligence. This will force many to act outside the box. It is such personalities that great success awaits in the year of the Earth Dog. They will receive the patronage of the mistress of the year and her protection.

In the year of the Yellow Dog, you can significantly improve your life. There will be many opportunities and chances for this. All that is needed for financial success is to correctly distribute your income and not squander money right and left.

In 2018, a favorable period for long-distance travel begins. This is due to the fact that the Dog loves to learn new things, and will support the same enthusiasts. Traveling will allow you to expand your horizons, immerse yourself in other people's customs and traditions, and live a different life.

Family for Dogs is the most important thing in life. Therefore, in 2018, it is just the right time to create it. All circumstances will contribute to this. The family will become a reliable rear that will always support and help. You can plan weddings, real estate purchases and other large acquisitions.

The year is favorable for new beginnings. You just need to listen to yourself and choose the right path of development. Perhaps someone has long wanted to quit an unloved job. It's time to do it. Instead, it will be possible to do what you love, getting not only pleasure, but also good money. 2018 is favorable for getting a second education, changing your profession and improving your financial situation.

The only thing not to do in the year of the Earth Dog is to make plans. It is best to do this in advance, and in the new year to embody the plan. Moreover, there will be many opportunities for this.

Many do not know, in the year of the Dog, which years belong. The Years of the Dog are 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018.

Such outstanding personalities as Socrates, Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Michael Jackson, Stephen King, Guy de Maupassant, Akira Kurosawa, Victor Hugo, Ernest Hemingway, Alexander Dumas Père, Grigory Rasputin, Yuri Gagarin were born under the sign of the Dog. .

Forecast for 2018 for all signs of the eastern horoscope

Rats in 2018, you will need to take matters into your own hands, not be lazy and not feel sorry for yourself. Then the result will not keep you waiting. If the Rat shows determination, then this period will be very productive for her, and she will be able to achieve great success. In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, the Rat will find true friends who will support her in everything. Health problems are not expected. It will even improve compared to last year. In the first half of the year, you need to be careful in handling finances, it is advisable not to lend large sums of money to anyone and not to invest them in dubious enterprises. The Rat will be able to achieve financial stability by the fall.

Bull 2018 holds many surprises. He should moderate his pride and stubbornness, learn to yield. The middle of the year is the best time to take a vacation. This will help to avoid serious conflicts, as well as improve well-being and establish sleep and rest patterns. The restored strength will be needed to make a breakthrough in your career and improve your financial situation. A large cash flow is expected at the end of November. Some Bulls will find a creative streak in themselves, which will significantly affect their future, directing life in a favorable direction. By the end of the year, having strengthened the financial foundation, it will be possible to think about personal happiness. The family will help the Bulls feel needed, loved and irreplaceable.

Character tiger in the year of the Dog will change for the better. He will become more calm, thoughtful and good-natured. In the Tiger's career, success and promotion await, profits will increase. Some Tigers will decide to start their own business, which before that they only cherished in their thoughts. Their dedication and courage can only be envied. The authority of this sign of the eastern horoscope will grow greatly. The professional merits of the Tiger will be noticed and appreciated. Family life will proceed steadily. Some Tigers may have an addition to the family. At the end of the year, it is worth paying attention to your health in order to avoid a deterioration in well-being. In general, the year will be very calm and will pass without conflicts and unpleasant surprises.

For representatives of the year Rabbit (Cat) 2018 will be a very successful year. Cats will be contacted for advice and help. Due to this, their circle of contacts will expand significantly, and their authority will be strengthened. The desire for material well-being should be accompanied by noble impulses, only in this case it will be crowned with success. The dog appreciates honesty and generosity, so those representatives of the sign who show them will get everything they dream of. The eastern horoscope 2018 predicts career success and improvement in the financial situation for the Rabbit. Cats are waiting mutual love and harmonious relationships. For free representatives of the sign, the year may end with a wedding. It is necessary to take care of your health, avoid hypothermia, then there will be no problems with it.

Those born in the year dragon, waiting saturated and interesting life. The cycle of events will swirl them and will not let them get bored. Many Dragons will make new friends and even be able to build relationships with old enemies. Disagreements between spouses are possible, since no one wants to give in. Financial matters will be much better. Already in March, the level of income will begin to grow. But spending everything at once is not recommended, it is better to save money for a major purchase. Probable climb up the career ladder or success in business. Creative individuals belonging to the sign of the Dragon will be in the spotlight. They will be able to prove themselves in all their glory, and especially talented ones have a chance to become famous all over the world. Health problems can be avoided if you do it in time. Family life will become almost ideal in the second half of the year.

Those born in the year snakes, waiting for many surprises, both pleasant and not so. In general, the year is favorable for those Serpents who will act honestly and openly. Kindness and decency are the qualities that the Dog appreciates. She will certainly reward such Snakes. Some representatives of the sign will be able to realize their hidden talents, reveal yourself from the other side. strong family relationships, excellent health, no problems with finances and career growth - all this promises the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog to the Snakes. By the end of the year, single Snakes will be able to meet their soul mate and find family happiness. So that health is not disturbed, it is recommended to take preventive measures.

An interesting year will be for talented individuals who were born under the sign Horses. Exciting trips to places they dreamed of visiting await them. The horses will have numerous interesting acquaintances and a long-awaited meeting with their soul mate. The relationship that has begun is likely to develop into something serious. Many Horses will pursue their careers and succeed. In the summer, family representatives of the sign are recommended to start repairs, after which it will be possible to have a great rest on the sea coast. In general, the year is going to be very calm. You only have to worry about health. A timely visit to the doctor will prevent unwanted consequences.

According to the Eastern horoscope for those born in the year Sheep (Goats), everything will turn out very well. They don't even have to put in much effort. Those who have been planning to open their own business for a long time will be able to successfully realize their idea. In this case, everything will go like clockwork. Sheep will be carried away by their soul mate. Those who are married will fall in love with their spouse again, and free representatives of the sign will find their love. No difficulties are foreseen in the work. New successful projects are likely to bring significant profits. But do not immediately spend what you have earned, it is better to put money in the bank. Then in the second half of the year, the financial difficulties of the Goats will not be terrible.

monkeys you have to be careful in your business. it good period for learning and learning new things. Meetings and new acquaintances will fade into the background. Therefore, for sociable and cheerful Monkeys, the year may seem too measured and boring. Throughout the year, it is necessary to devote enough time to the family so that the household does not feel deprived of love and care. Creative individuals will be able to implement a project that will bring them fame, considerable income and recognition in the future. Many Monkeys will want to achieve a promotion, and present period will contribute to this.

For those who were born in the year Rooster The Earth Dog prepares trials. There is a high probability of an event that will turn the life of the Rooster upside down. And few people will like it, but in the end, everything will turn out well. Almost all representatives of the sign will have to devote a lot of time to work and caring for the family. The desire to get rich will lead to the fact that the Roosters will have to sacrifice personal time giving it to work. Sometimes they will feel like they are living in the workplace. But fortunately family life will not suffer from it. The half will show understanding and support the Roosters in their endeavors. In the summer, you still need to slow down and get some rest. It is best to go with the whole family to the sea coast. A couple of weeks of rest will allow you to gain strength in order to make a breakthrough in the second half of the year and still achieve the desired result.

What to expect for those who, according to the eastern horoscope, were born under the sign Dogs? Undoubtedly, this is their year. Dogs will be lucky in everything, especially in terms of a career. Career growth will also affect the financial situation, which will improve significantly. In the middle of the year, single Dogs will finally find happiness in their personal lives. Romantic relationships will develop rapidly and will be very promising. Many Dogs will decide to start a major renovation in their home or purchase their own home. All family members will be directly involved in all this. Throughout the year, in any endeavors, the Dogs will be lucky.

According to the forecast of the eastern horoscope for 2018, those who were born in the year Boar, everything will turn out well. They will finally be able to decide on their priorities, understand what is more important to them, and what can be postponed until later. Financial difficulties are not expected throughout the year. But the most profitable period is the beginning of spring. Perhaps the Boar will even be able to purchase real estate with the acquired funds. For those who are actively looking for their soul mate, summer will be a favorable period. New relationships will bring a lot of happiness and joy. There is a high probability that they will lead to a wedding. Married couples this year will live in complete harmony, quarrels and grievances will remain in the past. Happiness, love, tenderness, trust and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

Forecast for most signs Eastern horoscope positive. But even if the stars predicted trials and not very pleasant events for someone, there is no need to be upset. Everything can be fixed with a little effort.

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