Named the most cowardly signs of the zodiac. The most dangerous and reckless beast! Who is the most cowardly

Career and finance 24.08.2019
Career and finance

Cowardly people are usually afraid of conflict and will do everything possible to avoid it, or they manipulate others because they lack the courage to take responsibility for something. They tend to panic emergency and they don't like to make big decisions. What zodiac signs do you think fall into this category of people?

1. Taurus

4. Scales

In fact, Libra is far from the most cowardly people. A bad impression about them is due to the fact that they favor the pretense and dramatization of some events. If Libra makes mistakes, they will begin to sob and tear their hair out to cause and divert attention from their mistakes. Libras know they just need to take responsibility for their own actions. But they really don't want it. That is why they constantly remove themselves from any situation.

5. Pisces

Pisces are overly sensitive, which can lead to somewhat cowardly reactions and actions. When something goes wrong, Pisces prefers to shift the responsibility to others. There are times when Pisces are too scared to fight and stand their ground. Therefore, they lie at the bottom and pretend that they are not there. Cowardly people like Pisces are great masters at avoiding what they don't want to do and are afraid to do.

Among all the predators, of which there are a huge number in the African savannah, there is one that even lions are afraid of! A pack of hyenas cannot cope with him, and poisonous snakes he usually has breakfast! At the same time, the size of this beast is no larger than an ordinary dog ​​...

The honey badger is a small and very brave animal that can confuse even a small pride of lions. Adult lions know very well that you should not mess with these small monsters. The honey badger has a very sharp teeth and claws, and his body is so dodgy that he can literally wriggle out of the mouth of a larger predator.

The honey badger itself is able to attack even a huge buffalo, which even a flock of lions cannot always afford. The honey badger's methods of hunting big game are, frankly, not the most humane. He crawls under the beast and grabs him by the genitals ... True, the honey badger rarely kills large animals. It mainly feeds on snakes, rodents, small antelopes, eggs (not only buffalo). If the honey badger meets carrion, then he will eat it with pleasure.

Here is a two-minute snippet from the NatGeo Wild broadcast, which clearly proves how formidable the beast is:

Here is such a small, but incredibly dangerous, strong, courageous, dodgy and even in a sense reckless beast.

By the way, there is an opinion that cheetah kittens are disguised as honey badgers. On the back of the kittens there is a gray withers, which really resembles the back of a honey badger.

Probably, in some cases this really stops large predators.

We invite you to find out the ten most cunning and dodgy animals, which, under certain circumstances, can give odds even to the person himself.

1. Cuckoo. Throwing their own eggs into other people's nests, the cuckoo came up with an ingenious solution for the survival of offspring. At the same time, the cuckoo chooses such neighboring nests where its own eggs would fit both in size and color. After the birth of the cuckoo behaves quite adequately, as well as stepbrothers and sisters. And foster parents are forced to feed a foundling, even if it is ten times larger than other chicks.

2. Orangutan. Everyone knows that these animals have high rates of intelligence. They are able to create tools, use them, make complex step-by-step decisions. main problem for zookeepers, it represents the ability of orangutans to open even the most cunning locks. But there's a benefit to be had: now all the locks and locks in zoos are pre-tested on savvy primates.

3. Virginian opossum. The main trick of the opossum is the ability to pretend to be dead. He turns it so reliably that predators try to bypass the carcass. The thing is that in a stressful situation, a small animal falls, remains motionless and begins to stink like real carrion. Such food is unlikely to interest any predator.

4. Temple langurs. These Hanuman langurs tend to live all over India near temples. Here they are sacred animals. They owe their name to the god Hanuman - brave, strong and cunning. Although the monkeys are peaceful, they are always trying to drag something away, while they get away with everything, because they are sacred!

5. Fireflies. Typically, fireflies use their "luminous" ability to attract a mate. It is this ability that some predators have adopted: they reproduce such a flicker in order to attract a potential victim to their dinner.

6. Vulture turtle. Among the turtles there are also predators, for example, like the vulture turtle. For hunting, this animal uses its pink tongue, which looks like a worm. The turtle just opens its mouth, wiggles its tongue, and waits for some stupid fish to take the bait.

7. Caterpillar. To survive in the conditions environment, nature has awarded the caterpillars with some abilities. Caterpillars often try to hide, take the form of surrounding objects, pretend to be a leaf, a twig, a stick, and even bird droppings. Others try to intimidate potential hunters with bright colors or spikes. There are even those who use the poison of the plants they eat.

8. Chameleons. This animal is famous for its amazing ability to change color. But the change of color serves not only as protection against enemies, the skin of chameleons is a kind of communication method. Chameleons thus express anger, fear, attract the opposite sex and scare away competitors.

9. Rat. They have many interesting properties. They are very smart, rats can crawl even into the most inaccessible places, their run can reach a speed of 10 km / h, they gnaw everything that comes in their way, thereby causing enormous damage. So in America, these rodents damaged wires for 19 million dollars. At the same time, their population is very large - only in New York there are more than 70 million of them.

10. Foxes. Practically in all folk tales and sayings, the fox is presented as a red-haired cunning. An example of the ingenuity of these animals can be the work of South American foxes. Their favorite food is the eggs of large birds, in particular rhea. The fox waits for the right moment until the nest is left unattended, then sneaks up and drags away the prey. So the egg is quite large and it is impossible to take it into the mouth, red cheat pushes it with its nose to the nearest stone, where the egg is broken and the contents are drunk.

Everyone loves animals - cats, dogs, hamsters and other cute animals, but you are unlikely to want to have one of the creatures of nature presented in this collection as a pet. Not all creatures living on our planet look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but even the strangest and nastiest of them have the right to life, because evolution continues for millions of years, and each of these animals takes its own place under the sun (or in the depths of the ocean) .

The Society for the Protection of Ugly Animals recently announced a competition for the most ridiculous and strange animal, which will become its mascot. Here you will find 12 "applicants" for this honorary position.

1. Drop fish

The Latin name for this sea creature is Psychrolutes marcidus (it is also called the “psychrolutes goby”). Drop fish lives off the coast of Australia and Tasmania, usually at a depth of 600 to 1200 meters - a jelly-like body allows it to withstand enormous water pressure. Due to the increasing cases of illegal fishing, this is not very attractive. sea ​​creature is in danger of extinction.

2. Proboscis Monkey

Nosach (lat. Nasalis larvatus) lives on the island of Borneo, and in addition to a huge ridiculous nose, he is known for his extremely shrill and nasty voice. Only males can boast of a large nose, for which this physiological feature, as well as loud cries, is a way to attract females during the mating period.

3. Two-clawed turtle (porcine turtle, lat. Carettochelys insculpta)

These inhabitants of the fresh waters of Australia and New Guinea are the only representatives of the soft-bodied turtle family that belong to living fossil animals. A long nose, similar to a pig's snout, allows turtles to breathe while underwater.

4. Single-humped jumping slug

At first glance, the slug that lives on the American continent and reaches six centimeters in length is unremarkable, but nature has endowed it with a unique ability: when the slug senses danger, it can jump very high to avoid the threat.

5. Titicaca whistler

This soft-bodied frog, which lives in Lake Titicaca, is the largest amphibian on Earth that never comes ashore. These animals grow up to 15 cm in length, and the structure of the skin surface allows the whistler to absorb oxygen directly from the water, so that the frog appears on the surface only occasionally.

6. Axolotl

Under unusual name hides a creature belonging to the species amphibious class amphibians. In fact, the axolotl is a neotenic larva, that is, these animals reach sexual maturity at the larval stage of development, without turning into an adult. In addition, axolotls are known for their ability to regenerate lost body parts.

By the way, translated from the Aztec language, axolotl means "water toy." These unique animals live in the waters of Mexico City, and currently their numbers are rapidly declining due to environmental degradation.

7. Bats

These winged mammals are considered one of the most disgusting-looking creatures of nature, which is why 18 species immediately claim the title of the mascot of the Society for the Protection of Ugly Animals. The photo shows one of the brightest representatives of the order of bats - a large horseshoe.

8 Toad Lizard

Strange creatures, more like ugly toads than lizards, are common in the territory from the southwestern United States and northern Mexico to Guatemala and Central America.

Nature endowed some of the species of toad-like (or, as they are also called, horned) lizards with an interesting defense mechanism: when threatened, a reptile can squirt a small portion of its own blood into a predator from its eyes, which has a sharp unpleasant odor.

9. Kakapo (owl parrot)

As a rule, with the word "parrot" many people imagine cute bright birds that can reproduce human speech. However, not all parrots can pronounce words, and, for example, kakapo, or owl parrots (lat. Strigops habroptilus), which inhabit the forests of New Zealand, do not even fly and do not have a particularly outstanding appearance.

10 Common River Eel

The unsightly appearance of a resident of European fresh waters cannot mislead poachers - the meat of river eels tastes great, therefore, in recent times the predator is mercilessly exterminated - in 2008, the European eel was included in the Red Book as a species on the verge of extinction.

11. Pubic louse

For more than three million years, these insects have been living side by side with people, or rather, in human hair. Few things in itself can be more disgusting than finding such a “guest” in your hair, so humanity is taking all measures to protect itself from such a “neighborhood”. As a result, the number of lice around the world has declined sharply, and scientists have sounded the alarm - one of ancient species may disappear from the face (and hair) of the Earth.

12. African dung beetle

Sacred to the ancient Egyptians, the animal, known as the scarab, spends its entire life literally in shit, or rather in elephant and bull dung. AT last years the population of African dung beetles has been greatly reduced, since as a result of improved sanitary conditions in cities, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to find a suitable pile of dung, the quality of which is very demanding for scarabs.

Beetles roll manure into balls and are able to cover quite considerable distances with such “luggage”, and manure is used not only as food, but also as an air conditioner - the evaporation of wet manure allows the scarab to cool effectively, climbing onto its ball.

By the way, earlier scientists discovered that in their movements, dung beetles are able to navigate the Milky Way, the Sun and the Moon, so as not to go astray.

Another example of how we make mistakes when pronouncing this or that seemingly indisputable expression. "Brave as a lion"," fought like a lion" etc. etc. Very often a brave person is compared to a lion. And in vain - after all, in reality, the "king of beasts" is not distinguished by either nobility or courage, rather the opposite. And therefore, the expression "brave as a lion"- is a camouflaged accusation of cowardice.

Quite often you can hear this expression, because no one doubts the courage of a lion. This can be called a compliment, confirming the courage of a person. There are many examples of this in the literature. And the image of the "king of beasts" in the form of a tattoo is a fairly common phenomenon. However, uttering the expression "brave as a lion", one can say that a person is really accused of cowardice!

The lion is one of the most cowardly animals of the cat family.

But people who know firsthand about the life of lions will never compare a brave person with this animal, because the lion is one of the most cowardly felines in the world! It should be noted that representatives of the feline family among their fellow predators do not generally differ in courage. These are ambush hunters, they are characterized by prudence and caution. And the lion (Panthera leo), despite its impressive size and enormous strength, even among its relatives, is generally the standard of cowardice.

Why would a lion fight at all? The lion himself rarely hunts, the females are engaged in hunting. The only thing a lion does is regularly take away food from his wives, moreover, obtained with great difficulty. Basically, the “king of beasts” is busy sleeping and breeding, and occasionally bypasses its territory. And having noticed a stranger on it, so as not to lose his harem, and this is tantamount to starvation, the lion has to sort things out with the stranger.

Zoologists, who have repeatedly observed conflicts between lions, report that when clarifying the relationship between males, it very rarely comes to a fight there. Usually, everything is accompanied by demonstrative behavior - making false attacks, the lions simply growl at each other, and are not at all in a hurry to use their teeth and fangs. As a rule, rivals generally disperse without a single scratch. As you can see, even in a critical situation a lion he is in no hurry to join the fight - and this once again proves that he is not at all a brave man.

But if any really dangerous situation occurs on the territory of the pride (for example, a fire), then the male generally runs away the very first! According to zoologists, the lion does not even make any attempts to help his children and wives. With truly royal grace, the “king of beasts” takes flight when some dangerous and large animal approaches the pride’s resting place - for example, a rhinoceros, a hippopotamus or an elephant. He does not even try to repulse the aggressor, if only to let the lionesses and cubs leave. Here is the truth. Although examples of the courage of lions also abound.

And men remember, if you are ever compared to a lion, thereby indicating your courage, consider whether this sounds like sarcasm ...

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