Wadduwa excursions. Wadduwa, Sri Lanka

Tourism and rest 31.08.2019
Tourism and rest

Wadduwa is a resort town located on the west coast of Sri Lanka, about 33 kilometers south of Colombo. Wadduwa is approximately 35 sq. km. total area running through the center of Galle Road and 8 kilometers of good beach. The town is also known for its palm plantations and the production of toddy (palm wine) and vinegar. Also in the city they are engaged in the production of products from coconut fiber - brooms, rugs, mats, etc. And the Wadduwa area is interesting for tourists for its historical sights - ancient Buddhist temples, in particular.

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Monthly weather in Wadduwa:

Month Temperature Cloudiness Rainy days /
Water temperature
in the sea
Number of solar
hours per day
Happy At night
January 32.0°C 24.3°C 23.7% 7 days (89.5 mm.) 27.9°C 11h. 45m.

There is probably no place that looks completely ordinary. Here, every corner resembles a paradise and promises great vacation. And, perhaps, Wadduwa has the best landscapes. After all, it is the photographs of these places that adorn most of the posters about a beach holiday right under the coconut palms on the shores of the beautiful ocean. What is the best way to plan a trip to Wadduwa, what to see and do? Find out everything about the rest in Wadduwa, Sri Lanka in 2019 from this article - and pay attention to this resort.

Brief historical background

There was a time when Wadduwa was known to everyone as a city of excellent doctors. In this regard, the very name of the city appeared - “veda doova”. When Sri Lanka became a popular tourist destination, this city became a resort, and now you can also improve your health here - already in spa centers and Ayurvedic treatment facilities.

Brief geographic reference and climate

Wadduwa is located in the southwest of the country, bordering the Indian Ocean. This resort town is very popular among tourists: it is quite well located, located at a distance of about 30 kilometers from the capital of the island, so the road from the airport does not take much time.

In Wadduwa, as well as on the whole island, it is always warm. And so you can relax here almost all year round. The exception, of course, is the monsoon period, which begins in May and ends only in October. But starting from November, when the season of special humidity ends, you can safely come here and enjoy it. great place. The air temperature in the resort is approximately 25-30 degrees Celsius. And most importantly, the water temperature in the ocean is always around 26 degrees, which allows you to swim even when there are severe frosts in Russia.

Wadduwa on the map

Safety in Wadduwa

In addition to cultural and religious attractions, the city attracts many tourists due to the nature of the local population. These are very friendly people who sincerely smile, they are very friendly with everyone. Looking at them, you forget that somewhere in the world there are many terrible events. Life in this place flows in its own way. People are happy with everything, they are happy with what they have.

However, it is worth remembering general rules security. Going on excursions from Wadduwa, you should have a copy of documents with you, do not carry all the valuables and financial resources with you, but keep them in the hotel safe. You also need to remember about safety at sea if you are going to a resort not at the most high season, then the ocean will be less calm at this time, which means that you should be attentive to swimming and water sports.

Visa to Wadduwa for Russians

A visa for traveling to the state of Sri Lanka can be issued in two ways. First, apply online for a special entry permit: enter all your data on the official website, pay a fee (about $ 35), and get a visa in just a matter of hours. For $40, you can apply for a visa upon arrival in the country, at the airport.

Communications in Wadduwa

In Wadduwa, as in a fairly shallow locality, with communication is not too good. Wi-Fi does not work well in all hotel establishments, it can only “catch” at the front desk, and even then, intermittently. Therefore, if the vacation lasts a long time and you need Internet and communication, you should buy a SIM card from a local operator - but not at the resort itself, but also in the capital, upon arrival, as it will be connected to you immediately at the airport. Company card cellular communication Dialog costs about $10 and is praised for its high quality internet, variety of travel packages that include a certain amount and international calls. A minute of a call to Russia will cost about 15 rubles.

Wadduwa Vacation Planning: Transportation and Accommodation

How to get there and how to get around?

If you are planning a trip on your own, you should first purchase air tickets to the capital and the largest transport hub of the country. At the height of the season, a ticket from to Sri Lanka will cost about 20,000 rubles per person one way. Buses run from Colombo to the resort and can be reached in about 40 minutes. You can also take a taxi or order a transfer.

As for Wadduwa itself, from here you can go both to nearby resorts, for example, and to interesting places. The resort has a railway stop, buses, taxis, traditional tuk-tuks run.

Where to stay and where is the best place to live?

Wadduwa has a sufficient number of hotel establishments. Most a budget option can cost about 1000 rubles per day per person, it will simple conditions however, you will save a lot.

Prices for accommodation in a two-star hotel in 2019 start at about 2000 rubles per day per person. In a three-star hotel you can stay for 2500 rubles per day per traveler. There are luxury hotels 4 and 5 stars. Tourists interested in Ayurveda can stay at Siddhalepa Ayurveda. This hotel has a class of 4 stars. The Blue Water is a five-star establishment where tourists are waiting for all the amenities modern life, swimming pool and spa, as well as several restaurants, you can stay here for about 6000 rubles per day (single suite).

The resort also has guest houses, villas and apartments. A villa can be found both for 3,000 rubles per day, and ten times more expensive - it all depends on the requirements and capabilities of the tourist.

Holidays in Wadduwa: beaches, as well as where to go, go and what to do

Beach holidays in Wadduwa

The beaches in Wadduwa are quite clean, the water is calm in the high season, striking in its color. The beach strip is surrounded by a green zone, and therefore, it is easy and pleasant to breathe here. Most of the beaches are wide, so there is enough space for all vacationers. The infrastructure is quite developed, there are inexpensive restaurants and cafes near the beaches.

Attractions and interesting places in Wadduwa and around

There are a large number of Buddhist temples in and around Wadduwa. There are about 40 of them in total. If you visit at least a few, you can understand the local culture yourself and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of calm and serenity that prevails among the locals.

All these temples have for them great importance, but the largest is given to Priidarshanaramaya. It will appeal not only to those who want to find spiritual harmony, but also to connoisseurs of rich decoration and impressive architecture. The temple is located on the outskirts of the resort.

One curious place is located nearby - another resort called Kalutara. The main attraction of the city is the temple of Gangatilaka Vihara. It was built only in the 20th century, but it is interesting due to its design - it is a hollow Buddhist stupa, where you can enter. Also in Kalutara, tourists who already have little to surprise can see a rather interesting mansion - Richmond Castle, the style of which combines elements of Indian and British architecture, and inside there is a museum.

In addition, vacationers can go to the city of fishermen called Hambantota. It is from here that all excursions around the island to places such as national park Udawalawe, Yalla, Bundalla. And there you can also see a unique spectacle - fishing on poles, a traditional occupation of the local population.

Pilgrims are attracted to Sri Lanka by Kataragama, the largest religious center. It is considered sacred by Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus. In the northern part, there is an important temple for Buddhists, the dagoba Kiri Vihara. On the same side there is a holy place for Muslims Masjid-ul-Khizr. And in Kataragama there is a Hindu temple Katirkamam.

Since Colombo is very close, you can go there for a day, it is quite possible to do it yourself. Stunning temples, an interesting national museum are also waiting for tourists in Colombo. Those who travel with families with children should definitely visit the zoo.

Some tourists may be interested in a place in the forests of Sri Lanka, where there used to be a campsite of the Vedda tribe, who for a long time led a primitive life. Thanks to them, the resort got its name. This place is located just 60 km from Wadduwa, you can get there both with a tour and by car. Veddas to this day largely live in harmony with nature, follow ancient traditions. I must say that, according to travelers, they are very friendly and willingly (albeit for a fee) can show the features of their lifestyle.

Entertainment in and around Wadduwa

In Wadduwa, not only beach, but also outdoor activities are good. Those who want to explore the underwater depths of the island can use the services of the diving center and go diving or snorkeling. And you can go water skiing, windsurfing or sailing. With good hotels, as a rule, there are sports grounds - you can play golf or tennis.

Also, from the entertainment in the surroundings, you can go on a boat trip along a natural canal that runs right through Lake Bolgoda. This lake is popular tourist place, on it you can ride on water transport, look at fishing or do it yourself, admire a large number of birds.

In order for the trip to bring complete satisfaction and be remembered for a long time, in addition to a beach holiday and entertainment, it is worth devoting time to choosing souvenirs. So, you must definitely go to the town in the neighborhood called Kalutara. Shopping in Sri Lanka is not about brands and shopping centers and colorful local markets. What is worth bringing with you as a keepsake and as a gift from this place? So, it could be things like:

  • wickerwork - mats, lampshades, baskets;
  • spices and nuts, as well as, of course, tea;
  • means of Ayurvedic medicine and cosmetology;
  • figurines of deities and animals;
  • Jewelry.

You can not only buy edible souvenirs, but also see how they are grown: for example, you should definitely visit cinnamon and rubber plantations, as well as coconut groves. You can also go to the turtle farm, where you can see cute little turtles.
The atmosphere of the Wadduwa shopping arcade - in the video:

Of course, you also need to eat something. The resort has a sufficient number of catering establishments - you can not be content with the hotel's cuisine, but go to a colorful institution. On the coast of Sri Lanka, like on any other coast, you should definitely enjoy seafood dishes. Here you can try something that seems more familiar (shrimps or squid), and such exotic things as shark soup. worth enjoying and fruit juices and local sweets. If you like Indian cuisine, you can taste Indian dishes in Sri Lanka.

A trip to Sri Lanka will be unforgettable if you go to Kataragama for the summer Hindu festival. Having visited it, you can completely plunge into the incredible atmosphere of the holiday of the soul. And for the enjoyment of the body, you can use the services of the Ayurvedic centers of the city to try something new.

Wadduwa is suitable for those who appreciate peace and comfort. This is not a large city where you can find all kinds of attractions, however, each Buddhist temple is interesting in its own way, and for active tourists no one canceled excursions or independent trips. But at the resort itself, it’s worth at least a few days just relaxing on the beaches, enjoying the waters of the ocean and its views. Those who have already visited Wadduwa note the special, calm atmosphere of this resort - plunge into it and you in 2019.

If you decide to go to Sri Lanka mainly for a beach holiday, then we recommend that you definitely pay attention to the Wadduwa resort. The strip of golden sandy beaches of Wadduwa is perfect for those who want to spend all day long by the ocean. In fact, the coastline in Wadduwa is one of the most beautiful in Sri Lanka. Few beaches can boast such a long sandy curve and clear ocean, as well as thousands of palm trees that always provide pleasant shade and, of course, picturesque scenery. However, Wadduwa in Sri Lanka is not only suitable for sunbathing. The waters around Wadduwa are ideal for water sports like windsurfing, and the beach itself is a good place to play beach volleyball.
Since Wadduwa is still a fishing village, you can easily take a boat trip or go fishing with a local fisherman.

Wadduwa on the map of Sri Lanka

The resort of Wadduwa is becoming more and more popular among tourists, especially among those who wish to relax on good beach. It is located on the west coast of Sri Lanka. Wadduwa Resort is approximately 65 km from Bandaranaike Airport and approximately 38 km from Colombo city centre. In fact, the main resort strip in the southwest of Sri Lanka begins from this resort.


The territory of almost all of Sri Lanka is dominated by a typical tropical climate, which is characterized by temperatures of 28-32 degrees during the day and 23-27 degrees at night and air humidity above 70%. The weather in Wadduwa is not much different from the weather typical for the west of Sri Lanka. Although temperatures remain high throughout the year, rainfall is constantly changing. This is due to the fact that the west coast of Sri Lanka is under the influence of the southwest monsoon, which brings heavy rainfall and strong winds during the period from May to November. If you decide to go to Wadduwa at this time of the year, you should be prepared for the fact that rainy weather can be even for several days in a row, although in reality this rarely happens. Of all the months of the rainy season, June and July are considered the driest.
In contrast to the southwest monsoon season, the high season offers very sunny and dry weather. Of course, even during the period from December to April, heavy rainfall is possible, but still the likelihood of being stuck under a roof for several days in this case much lower than in the period from May to November.
It's believed that perfect months for holidays in Wadduwa are January and February, when there is little rainfall, and the sun shines almost without ceasing.

Shopping in Wadduwa

Of course, in terms of shopping, the small resort village of Wadduwa is noticeably inferior to such cities as Colombo and Galle, but you can still buy a lot of interesting things here. Wadduwa has a great selection of shops, many of which sell traditional Sri Lankan crafts such as dazzling masks and colorful wood carvings. Other souvenirs are of course also available. spices and gems you can buy in Wadduwa, if not on every corner, then in many places.
If you are interested in some quality and unique products, as well as fashionable clothes, then you should go shopping in Colombo. Fortunately, Wadduwa is located near the capital of Sri Lanka.

Wadduwa beach

People mostly visit Wadduwa because of its relaxed atmosphere and beautiful uncrowded beach. The pace of life here is slow, especially compared to Colombo. After dark, one gets the feeling that the entire resort has died out. Night life largely concentrated in hotels, where there are restaurants and bars, and traditional shows are also sometimes held. In principle, only in the hotel you can enjoy drinks in the evening.
As for the beach itself, it is covered with fine golden sand. Although it is far from the best beach in Southeast Asia, it is considered one of the most beautiful and most suitable for a beach holiday in Sri Lanka.

Holidays in Wadduwa

The gem of the west of Sri Lanka is often considered Wadduwa, a laid-back paradise that is conveniently located between Colombo and the resort of Bentota. Tucked between lush coconut plantations and the deserted beach of Wadduwa, the resort is a great place for those looking for a quiet tropical paradise not far from the bustling capital of Sri Lanka.
For those interested in traditional Sri Lankan Ayurvedic treatments, Wadduwa offers several Ayurvedic resorts and standalone spas.
Wadduwa is a holiday destination where you can get safe swimming conditions and the opportunity to do different types water sports. In addition, this resort is an excellent base for exciting excursions.

Wadduwa Sri Lanka is a small resort village with a total area of ​​​​about 35 km², located in the western part of the island. From the south, Wadduwa borders on the well-known resort of Kalutara - they are separated by the Kalu Ganga River, and from the north is Panadura - here the Bolgoda River and South Bolgoda Lake act as the border.

The name of this small village is associated with one of the local legends. Many Sinhalese living in this area practiced medicine - they called them "veda mahaththayaa". As a result, the village was named "veda doova", that is, "land of doctors".

palm wine

Wadduwa is famous for its extensive palm plantations. It produces toddy palm wine and vinegar, and also makes numerous products from coconut fiber: panicles, rugs, mats.

The weather is warm all year round and the air is humid.

Wadduwa infrastructure

Serene Pavilions Hotel

There are very few hotels in the village of Wadduwa - only 9, but, nevertheless, there is a choice. Wealthy vacationers usually settle in large 5-star complexes with spas - Blue Water and Serene Pavilions. Ayurveda lovers will love the 4-star Siddhalepa Ayurveda Hotel.

The most affordable and most popular option for housing in this village is the 4-star Villa Ocean View Hotel, there are several cheaper villas and guest houses. Most of the hotels are located very close to the beach - with a leisurely step you can walk to it in just 2 minutes.

Villa Ocean View

Several hotels in Wadduwa are trying to organize animation: live music, discos in the evenings, darts competitions, snake shows, volleyball, water aerobics. But those who have seen really cool animation, all this is unlikely to impress.

Wadduwa street

On Galle Road, the main street of Wadduwa, there are several massage "shacks" (it's hard to call them differently). However, the massage there is done quite well and is much cheaper than in hotels. One of these massage rooms is located in a two-story building opposite the Villa Ocean View Hotel - although it is not a hotel environment, it is cozy and clean. On the same street of Wadduwa there are small souvenir shops where you can buy cheap and good tea - at the tea factory the same will cost 2 times more.

There are no large supermarkets in Wadduwa, and food in shops sometimes turns out to be unfit for consumption. There are fruit shops on Galle Road, although the assortment is not the widest: bananas, watermelons, coconuts ...

It is better to buy fruits at the fruit market, which is located 15-20 minutes drive from Wadduwa, and you definitely need to bargain.

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Wadduwa beach

The beach here is very beautiful. But it is not at all snow-white, as it is sometimes said about it, but is painted in yellow, red and black colors - it is sand and clay. The length of the beach strip is 8 km, and palm trees with emerald green leaves grow along its entire length.

But the way this beach looks depends to a large extent on the weather in Wadduwa. In the dry season, coastal ocean waters are warm, completely clean and transparent. In the rainy season, they are also warm, but they cannot be called transparent and clean. At this time, the ocean off the coast of Sri Lanka is restless, the waves are up to 1 meter high and therefore swimming is unrealistic.

That is why there is practically no one on the beaches of Wadduwa at this time of the year - everyone is sunbathing, sitting on sunbeds near the hotel. At this time, you can take amazing photos on the deserted wide shore, there will be no one extra in the frame.

What can a tourist do in Wadduwa?

Travelers go to Wadduwa not only for a beach holiday. Although this village is quite small and there are no special entertainments on its territory, you can always find them in the larger cities of Sri Lanka. There is a stop in the center of Wadduwa where all buses passing along Galle Road stop - the trip to the nearest settlements will be quick and cheap, although you can use the services of a more expensive tuk-tuk.

In Wadduwa, as in almost all resorts in Sri Lanka, foreigners are impressed by nature. This island is a place for passive cognitive recreation: the vast expanses of the ocean, fine weather, excursions.

Rest on Lake Bolgoda

One of the popular "lure" in this resort is Lake Bolgoda. Rather, wetlands with an area of ​​400 km², which consist of the Northern and South Lake connected with each other and the ocean by channels. Bolgoda is located in Panadura - it's very close.

For tourists, a safari is organized in the water area. The local landscapes look especially charming in the mornings and evenings - even after looking at Wadduwa's photo, you can understand this. There is a small island in the central part of the distant North Lake, where all the conditions for a picnic or a private party are created - there is a beach, tables under umbrellas are set up. In shallow water, many ride catamarans, ride “buns” (ocean waves are scary for this), more athletic travelers prefer to row boats.

These areas are also suitable for fishing. Here you can catch white barramundi sea bass, mangrove snapper, spinoper (“silver knife”), tarpons, tilapia, gourami, Malabar zebrafish (malabar).

Rafting on the Kalu Ganga river

The Kalu Ganga River flows south of Wadduwa and passes through the town of Kalutara. The width of this river practically along its entire course does not exceed 250 m. In most cases, tourists spend 2-3 hours rafting, although for experienced rowers a 2-day rafting is possible with category 4 and 5 rapids and a waterfall 7 meters high. It is good to do rafting both in clear and cloudy weather, the main thing is that there should be no rain.


Richmond Castle

If you want to feel a mysterious, calm, harmonious atmosphere, Buddhist temples, of which there are up to 40 pieces, will help with this. The most significant of them is the temple of Priidarshanaramaye. Nearby is the village of Kalutara, which was built around the temple of Gangatilaka Vihara. Nearby, another attraction is the Richmond Castle, whose architecture originally combines the motives of the architecture of India and Britain.

It is worth visiting the village of fishermen Hambantota, from where they organize excursions to National parks the islands of Udawalawe, Yalla, Bundalla.

Entrance to Katirkamam

The city of Katagarma, which is revered as sacred by representatives of completely different religions (Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism), is visited by numerous pilgrims from both

The weather in Wadduwa in Sri Lanka is always warm: regardless of the season, the thermometer does not drop below +25 ° C. And although in mountainous areas you can observe temperature drops during the day, on the shores of the ocean it is always warm and the sun shines.

The water temperature in Wadduwa, like everywhere else southwest coast Sri Lanka, at any time of the year is in the region of +26 ° C.

From month to month, there is not much difference, the only significant factor is the rainy seasons, when there are showers with thunderstorms, and the humidity reaches 100%.

Wadduwa Sri Lanka is best to visit from October to April. At this time, it rarely rains, the ocean is calm.

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Wadduwa Beach is located in the resort of the same name on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka, not far from its capital, Colombo. It's wide and long sand beach, characteristic features which are calm, relaxed atmosphere, picturesque and sparsely populated.

The name of the town of Wadduwa comes from the words “veda doova”, which means “land of doctors”, since according to legend, many Sinhalese who lived here earlier were engaged in medicine - they were a kind of shaman doctors. Currently, there are only a few such doctors, but they have been replaced by modern spas and Ayurvedic centers.

Most of the hotels and hotels in Wadduwa are located very close to the beach - a few minutes walk from it. However, almost none of them have sun loungers on the beach, which is common for Sri Lankan resorts.

Among the housing offers in Wadduwa, there are both 5-star hotels with their spa complexes and Ayurvedic salons, for example, and cheaper villas and guest houses.

Some hotels in Wadduwa have animation programs that include discos, various shows, small competitions and other sports activities.

Characteristics and infrastructure of the beach

Wadduwa beach is covered with fine golden sand. The bottom is also sandy, entry into the water is gentle and comfortable. Waves on the beach are often, but, as a rule, not very large - up to 1 meter, so you can swim, but observing safety precautions. The beach is not very suitable for swimming with children.

Wadduwa's beach strip is about 8 km long, up to 60 meters wide in some places.

The beach is surrounded by palm trees and other tropical vegetation. On undeveloped sections of the beach, accumulations of debris and sticks are possible, which are brought here by the ocean.

The considerable width of Wadduwa Beach and the rather long distance between the hotels contribute to a calm and secluded atmosphere on the beach. In addition, since the beach is located on the west coast, it offers excellent views of the sunset over the ocean.

Within walking distance from the beach on Galle Road, the main street of the city, there are shops and shops selling souvenirs, including traditional masks for Sri Lanka, spices, tea, fruits, jewelry self made, as well as several establishments offering massage services. Most of the restaurants, cafes and bars where you can taste dishes are concentrated there. national cuisine which are prepared mainly from fresh seafood.

Things to do

In addition to passive recreation on Wadduwa beach, you can note such interesting leisure options as:

  • water sports - diving, snorkeling, windsurfing,
  • boat trip or joint fishing with locals,
  • visiting cinnamon and rubber plantations, as well as coconut groves,
  • safari on lake Bolgoda,
  • rafting on the Kalu Ganga river,
  • sightseeing of Buddhist temples and other historical sights.

Weather in Wadduwa and seasonality of rest

The climate in Wadduwa is tropical, characterized by high temperature(about +28…+32 °C during the day and +23…+27 °C at night) and air humidity all year round. The water temperature is also always kept at a high level - about +26 °C.

The best time to relax on Wadduwa beach is from December to April - the high season, when the most stable weather is observed: sunny days with minimal rainfall.

From May to November, the southwest monsoon comes to the coast where Wadduwa Beach is located, which brings heavy rainfall and strong winds, which in turn causes unrest in the ocean. But if you wish, you can also relax during this period, since it rains mainly at night, and if it happens during the day, then, as a rule, they are short-term - about 20-25 minutes. Of the advantages of relaxing in the low season are more affordable prices for housing and tourist services. The driest months of the rainy season are June and July.

Wadduwa Beach in Sri Lanka - panorama of the beach on Google Maps

How to get to Wadduwa beach in Sri Lanka

Wadduwa is one of the closest resorts to Colombo, located about 35 kilometers south of it. A major highway passes through it - Galle Road (A2) and the railway, so there are many ways to get here.

By bus

Wadduwa Bus Stop is about 10 minutes walk from Wadduwa Beach. Since the bus network is very well developed on the island, a large number of buses from different cities stop here. Travel time from Colombo will take about 40-50 minutes.

By train

Trains from Colombo to Galle and Matara and, accordingly, in the opposite direction, stop at the Wadduwa railway station. Detailed train schedules and ticket prices can be found on the Sri Lanka Railways website or at the station.

By tuk tuk and taxi

In order to conveniently get to Wadduwa Beach from a remote area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city or from a neighboring resort, the best option will use the services of a tuk-tuk, a popular local transport. If the distance is rather long, and you need to get there faster, then it is better to use a regular taxi: in Sri Lanka you can catch it on the street, or place an order by phone or online.

Video about Wadduwa beach in Sri Lanka

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